LRFD specifications for structural supports for highway signs luminaires and traffic signals First Edition American Association Of State Highway And Transportation Officials. all chapter instant download
LRFD specifications for structural supports for highway signs luminaires and traffic signals First Edition American Association Of State Highway And Transportation Officials. all chapter instant download
LRFD specifications for structural supports for highway signs luminaires and traffic signals First Edition American Association Of State Highway And Transportation Officials. all chapter instant download
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LRFD specifications for structural supports for highway
signs luminaires and traffic signals First Edition
American Association Of State Highway And
Transportation Officials. Digital Instant Download
Author(s): American Association of State Highway and Transportation
ISBN(s): 9781680158250, 1680158252
Edition: First edition
File Details: PDF, 21.22 MB
Year: 2015
Language: english
LRFD Specifications for Structural
Supports for Highway Signs,
Luminaires, and Traffic Signals
© 2015 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. All rights reserved. Duplication is a
violation of applicable law.
An abbreviated table of contents follows this preface. Detailed tables of contents precede each Section and each
• Division I on design,
• Division II on fabrication, construction, and
• Division III on inspection, and asset management.
Where possible, these specifications incorporate other AASHTO documents, specifically, the AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Specifications, AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation, and
AASHTO Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing.
The design specifications are founded upon the Sixth Edition of Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for
Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals which incorporate a wealth of research, engineering practice, and long
history of satisfactory performance for the vast majority of structures. Based upon NCHRP Report 796 (2014), LRFD
calibration, and current research for both loads and resistances are incorporated. Resistances include several specifications
associated with improved detailing for fatigue performance. Additionally, new sections on Fabrication, Construction,
Inspection, and Asset Management are based upon best practices. These areas are evolving as agencies gain more
experience with inspection and management of their ancillary structure inventories.
The design specifications provided in Division I are based on the LRFD methodology and are intended to address the
usual structural supports. Requirements more stringent than those in the Specifications may be appropriate for atypical
structural supports. The commentary is intended to provide background on some of the considerations contained in the
Specifications; however, it does not provide a complete historical background or detailed discussions of the associated
research studies. The Specifications and accompanying commentary do not replace sound engineering knowledge and
judgment in design, fabrication, construction, inspection, or asset management.
SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................................1-i
1 1
1.1—SCOPE........................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2—DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 1-4
1.3—APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 1-4
1.4—TYPES OF STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS ................................................................................................................... 1-5
1.4.1—Sign ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1-5
1.4.2—Luminaire................................................................................................................................................................ 1-5
1.4.3—Traffic Signal .......................................................................................................................................................... 1-8
1.4.4—Combination Structures .......................................................................................................................................... 1-8
1.5—DESIGN PHILOSOPHY ............................................................................................................................................ 1-10
1.5.1—General.................................................................................................................................................................. 1-10
1.5.2—Limit States ........................................................................................................................................................... 1-10—General ....................................................................................................................................................... 1-10—Service Limit State .................................................................................................................................... 1-10—Fatigue Limit State .................................................................................................................................... 1-10—Strength Limit State ................................................................................................................................... 1-11—Extreme Limit State ................................................................................................................................... 1-11
1.6—REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................................ 1-11
1.1—SCOPE C1.1
The provisions of these load and resistance factor design These Specifications are the result of National
specifications for structural supports for highway signs, Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project
luminaires, and traffic signals, hereinafter referred to as the 10-80 and the corresponding NCHRP Report 796. These
Specifications, are applicable to the structural design of Specifications are intended to replace the sixth edition,
supports for highway signs, luminaires, and traffic signals Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway
(LRFD Structural Supports). The types of supports addressed Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals (2013).
in these Specifications are discussed in Article 1.4. The
At the discretion of the Owner, proprietary solutions
Specifications are intended to serve as a standard and guide
may be considered. These solutions may address both new
for design, fabrication, construction, inspection, and asset
structures and the repair or rehabilitation of existing
structures. Testing of proprietary solutions shall model actual
conditions as closely as possible, and the test methods and
results shall be published.
Where appropriate, the language and intent of the
Specifications is kept the same as in the AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Design Specifications and the AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Construction Specifications. The following definitions are
The term “shall” denotes a requirement for compliance
with these Specifications.
The term “should” indicates a strong preference for a
given criterion.
The term “may” indicates a criterion that is usable, but
other local and suitably documented, verified, and approved
criterion may also be used in a manner consistent with the
LRFD approach to structural design.
These Specifications are not intended to supplant proper
training or the exercise of judgment by the Designer. They
include only the minimum requirements necessary to provide
for public safety. The Owner or the Designer may require the
design, quality of materials, fabrication, construction, and
asset management to be higher than the minimum
The design provisions of these Specifications employ
the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)
methodology. The factors have been developed from the
theory of reliability based on current statistical knowledge of
loads and structural performance, including materials
Seismic design is not included in these Specifications, In most cases, wind combined with other load effects
and such procedures should be prescribed by the Owner. controls the structural design.
The commentary references other documents that The commentary discusses some provisions of the
provide suggestions for meeting the requirements and intent Specifications with emphasis given to the explanation of new
of these Specifications. However, those documents and the or revised provisions that may be unfamiliar to the reader.
commentary are not intended to be a part of these The commentary is not intended to provide a complete
Specifications. historical background concerning the development of this or
previous Specifications, nor is it intended to provide a
detailed summary of the studies and research data reviewed
AA—Aluminum Association.
Arm—A cantilevered member, either horizontal or sloped, which is typically attached to a pole.
Bridge Support—Also known as span-type support; a horizontal or sloped member or truss supported by at least two vertical
Collapse—A major change in the geometry of the structure rendering it unfit for use.
Component—Either a discrete element of the structure or a combination of elements requiring individual design consideration.
Engineer—Person responsible for the design of the structure or review of design-related field submittals such as erection
plans, or both.
Extreme Event Limit States—Limit states relating to events such as wind, earthquakes, and vehicle collision, with return
periods in excess of the design life of the structure.
Factored Load—Nominal loads multiplied by the appropriate load factors specified for the load combination under
Force Effect—A deformation, stress, or stress resultant (i.e., axial force, shear force, torsional, or flexural moment) caused by
applied loads or imposed deformations.
High-Level Lighting—Also known as high-mast lighting; lighting provided at heights greater than 55 ft, typically using four to
twelve luminaires.
High-Level Luminaire Support—Truss-type or pole-type tower that provides lighting at heights greater than about 55 ft,
typically using four to twelve luminaires.
High-Mast Lighting Tower (HMLT)—Another description for a pole-type high-level luminaire support.
Limit State—A condition beyond which the structure or component ceases to satisfy the provisions for which it was designed.
Load Factor—A statistically-based multiplier applied to force effects accounting primarily for the variability of loads, the lack
of accuracy in analysis, and the probability of simultaneous occurrence of different loads. Related to the statistics of the
resistance through the calibration process.
Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)—A reliability-based design methodology in which force effects caused by
factored loads are not permitted to exceed the factored resistance of the components.
Luminaire—A complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or lamps together with the parts designed to provide the light, to
position and protect the lamps, and to connect the lamps to an electric power supply.
Mast Arm—A member used to hold a sign, signal head, or luminaire in an approximately horizontal position.
Mean Recurrence Interval (MRI)—The expected time period for the return of a wind speed that exceeds the basic wind speed.
The annual probability of exceeding the basic wind in any one-year period is the reciprocal of this value.
Multiple-Load-Path Structure—A structure capable of supporting the specified loads following loss of a main load-carrying
component or connection.
Nominal Resistance—Resistance of a component or connection to force effects, as indicated by the dimensions specified in
the contract documents and by permissible stresses, deformations, or specified strength of materials.
Overhead Sign—A sign mounted over a roadway or near, and elevated with respect to, a travel way.
Owner—The person or agency having jurisdiction for the design, construction, and maintenance of the structural support.
Pole—A vertical support that is often tall, relatively slender, and generally rounded or multisided.
Pole Top—A descriptive term indicating that an attachment is mounted at the top of a structural support, usually pertaining to
one luminaire or traffic signal mounted at the top of a pole.
Rehabilitation—A process in which the resistance of the structure is either restored or increased.
Resistance Factor—A statistically-based multiplier applied to nominal resistance primarily accounting for variability of
material properties, structural dimensions and workmanship, and uncertainty in the prediction of resistance. Related to the
statistics of the loads through the calibration process.
Roadside Sign—A sign mounted beside the roadway on a single or multiple supports.
Service Limit States—Limit states relating to stress, deformation, and concrete cracking under regular operating conditions.
Sign—A device conveying a specific message by means of words or symbols, erected for the purpose of regulating, warning,
or guiding traffic.
Span Wire—A steel cable or strand extended between two poles, commonly used as a horizontal support for signs and traffic
Strength Limit States—Limit states relating to strength and stability during the design life.
Structural Support—A system of members(s) used to resist load effects associated with self weight, attached signs,
luminaires, traffic signals, and any other applicable loads (notably wind)
Traffic Signal—An electrically operated control device by which traffic is regulated, warned, or directed to take specific
The following specification documents may be Other specifications may be appropriate, such as Owner-
referenced for additional information on design, materials, specific specifications, which may preclude or include these
fabrication, construction, and asset management: Specifications.
• AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, The references listed in the Specifications may not be
the most current available. The more current literature might
• AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, be the same or different (applicable or not applicable) to
• AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, these Specifications. Caution is advised.
1.4.1—Sign C1.4.1
Structural supports for signs include both overhead and Typical overhead and roadside sign supports are shown
roadside structures intended to support highway traffic signs. in Figure C1.4.1-1. Overhead sign structures are generally of
the bridge or cantilever type. It is also common to support
signs on existing grade separation structures that span the
traffic lanes.
1.4.2—Luminaire C1.4.2
Structural supports for luminaires include typical poles The illumination of roadways requires the use of poles,
with luminaire arms, typical poles with luminaires mounted generally tubular pole shafts that support one to two
at pole top, and high-level luminaire supports (both truss and luminaires and range in height from about 30 ft to 55 ft.
pole type). High-level luminaire supports normally range in heights
from 55 ft to 150 ft or higher and usually support four to
twelve luminaires illuminating large areas. Typical luminaire
supports and high-level supports are shown in Figure
1.5.1—General C1.5.1
Structures shall be designed for specified limit states to The limit states specified herein are intended to provide
achieve the objectives of constructability, safety, and for a buildable, serviceable structure capable of safely
serviceability, with due regard to issues of inspectability, carrying design loads for a specified time.
economy, and aesthetics.
The resistance of components and connections is
Regardless of the type of analysis used, Eq. determined in many cases on the basis of inelastic behavior,
shall be satisfied for all specified force effects and although the force effects are determined by using elastic
combinations thereof. analysis. This inconsistency is common to most current
structural engineering specifications and is permitted because
the lower bound theorem insures safety. The lower bound
theorem has two fundamental requirements: equilibrium is
satisfied in the analysis and ductility is provided. (e.g., see
Barker and Puckett, 2012)
1.5.2—Limit States—General C1.5.2.1
Each component and connection shall satisfy Eq. Eq. is the basis of LRFD methodology. for each limit state unless otherwise specified. All Assigning resistance factor ϕ = 1.0 to all service and fatigue
limit states shall be considered of equal importance. limit states is a default, and may be overridden by provisions
in other Sections.
Resistance factors for strength and extreme limit states
γ Q ≤ϕ R
i i n = Rr (
are defined in the materials sections. The load factors are
defined in Section 3 Loads. The resistances are prescribed in
where: separate sections as specified in Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 13.
AASHTO. 2009. AASHTO Transportation Glossary, Fourth Edition. American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
AASHTO. 2013. Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals, Sixth
Edition. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Washington, DC.
AASHTO. 2002. AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17th Edition. American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
AASHTO. 2014. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Seventh Edition. American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
AASHTO. 2010. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, Third Edition. American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
AASHTO. 2014. Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing, 34th Edition.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
American Concrete Institute. 2011. ACI Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary. Farmington,
American Institute for Steel Construction. 2010. Steel Construction Manual. Chicago, IL.
ASCE/SEI 07–10. 2010. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Structures. American Society of Civil Engineers,
Reston, VA.
ASTM. 2012. Book of ASTM Standards. American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA.
Aluminum Association. 2010. Aluminum Design Manual. Aluminum Association, Arlington, VA.
AWS. 2010. Structural Welding Code—Steel, D1.1/D1.1M, American Welding Society, Miami, FL.
AWS. 2008. Structural Welding Code—Aluminum, D1.2/D1.2M, American Welding Society, Miami, FL.
Puckett, J., Garlich, M., Barker, M., Nowak, A., Menzemer, C., 2014. Development and Calibration of AASHTO-LRFD
Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals, NCHRP Report 796.
Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC.
AWC. 2012. National Design Specification® (NDS®) for Wood Construction, American Wood Council, Leesburg, VA.
2.1—SCOPE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.6.1—Signs ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2-8
2.6.2—Luminaires.............................................................................................................................................................. 2-8
2.1—SCOPE C2.1
Minimum requirements are provided or referenced for This Section provides the Designer with information and
aesthetics, clearances, constructibility, inspectability, and references to determine the configuration, overall dimensions,
maintainability of structural supports. Guidelines for and location of structural supports for highway signs,
determining vertical and horizontal clearances, use of luminaires, and traffic signals. The information in this Section
breakaway supports, use of guardrails, illumination of the is broad in scope. No attempt has been made to establish rigid
roadway, sizes of signs, illumination and reflectorization of criteria in such areas as vertical heights of traffic signal and
signs, and maintenance are provided in the following luminaire supports and levels of illumination. This Section
references: provides references and considerations for the different aspects
of design that should be considered in the preliminary stages
• AASHTO A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways of a project. In addition to the requirements provided within
and Streets, this Section, many Owners have specific requirements.
• Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD),
• AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware
• NCHRP 350 Recommended Procedures for the Safety
Performance Evaluation of Highway Features,
• AASHTO Roadside Design Guide,
• AASHTO Maintenance Manual for Roadways and
Bridges, and
• AASHTO Roadway Lighting Design Guide.
Barrier—Longitudinal traffic barrier, usually rigid, used to shield roadside obstacles or non-traversable terrain features. It may
occasionally be used to protect pedestrians from vehicle traffic.
Breakaway—Design feature that allows a sign, luminaire, or pole top-mounted traffic signal support to yield, fracture, or separate
near ground level on vehicle impact.
Clear Zone—An unobstructed, relatively flat area beyond the edge of the traveled way for the recovery of errant vehicles. The
traveled way does not include shoulder or auxiliary lanes.
Curb—A vertical or sloping surface, generally along and defining the edge of a roadway or roadway shoulder.
Gore—Center area immediately past the point where two roadways divide at an acute angle, usually where a ramp leaves a
Mounting Height—Minimum vertical distance to the bottom of a sign or traffic signal relative to the pavement surface.
Pedestal Pole—Relatively short pole supporting a traffic signal head attached directly to the pole.
Roadside—Area between the shoulder edge and the right-of-way limits, or the area between roadways of a divided highway.
Roadway—Highway or street.
Support Facility—Transportation systems that support the roadway, e.g., parking lots, rest areas, etc.
The structural support should complement its The appearance of ordinary structural supports should
surroundings, be graceful yet functional in form, and present consider aesthetics and function. Combination poles, which
an appearance of adequate strength. The support should have a serve multiple functions for lighting, traffic control, and
pleasing appearance that is consistent with the aesthetic effect electrical power, should be considered to reduce the number of
of the highway’s other physical features. Supports should have individual poles along the highway.
clean, simple lines, which will present minimum hazard to “The use of [a] bridge as a support for message or
motorists, cyclists, or pedestrians. directional signing or lighting should be avoided wherever
Structural supports should be designed and located so as possible” (AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
not to distract the user’s attention or obstruct the view of the (AASHTO 2014)). Tradeoffs may exist between bridge
highway, the view of other signs, or important roadway aesthetics and sign economy and functionality.
features. The effect that signing or lighting installations have
on the surrounding environment should be considered.
The Designer should select the light source, luminaire The AASHTO Roadway Lighting Design Guide
distribution, mounting height, and luminaire overhang based (AASHTO 2005) provides information on the warranting
on factors including the geometry and character of the conditions for use of lighting, level and uniformity of
roadway, the environment, proposed maintenance, economics, luminance, quality of light, location of poles, use of breakaway
aesthetics, and overall lighting objectives. devices, high-mast poles, and maintenance. Additional
information may be found in the FHWA Lighting Handbook
(2012). Decisions on lighting may also be guided by crash
statistics and use of the Highway Safety Manual (HSM)
(AASHTO 2010).
Some communities limit the amount of surrounding
illumination, and shielding may be required. The same average
illumination can usually be obtained by more than one
installation arrangement.
The function for various roadway users, including
pedestrians and cyclists, may have differing requirements that
should be considered.
The height of the luminaire support should be determined Design attributes that should be considered in determining
by the Designer to meet a particular need within the situational the height of a luminaire support include:
• Glare characteristics,
• Desired level of illumination and distribution of light,
• Photometric characteristics of a selected lamp and
• Available space for placing the supports,
• Inspection capability,
• Maintenance capability (maximum attainable servicing
• Compliance with local ordinances and statutes, and
• Consideration of local customs and aesthetics.
Height restrictions may be imposed by various
government agencies, such as the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) with respect to breakaway devices
and the Federal Aviation Administration for airspace
The Designer should consider the quality of light and the Highway illumination is provided to improve driver
level of illumination. nighttime visibility and to promote safer and more efficient use
of special roadway facilities located at ramps, intersections,
and potentially hazardous areas. Other roadway users,
including pedestrians and cyclists, may have different safety
requirements that should be considered.
The amount of illumination that should be provided over a
roadway depends on visibility, visual comfort, light
distribution, and geometry. Disability and discomfort glare,
pavement glare, road location, and obstructions to visibility
and traffic patterns are other factors that influence the level of
A luminaire installation should provide a visual
environment that is conducive to safe and comfortable night
Vertical clearance shall be provided of not less than 17 ft The minimum clearance should include an allowance for
to the sign, light fixture, walkway, or sign bridge over the possible future overlays.
entire width of the pavement and shoulders unless the grade The additional 1-ft vertical clearance is required so that
separation structures or other structures nearby have lesser high vehicles will strike the stronger overpass structures first,
vertical clearance. In cases of lesser clearance, the overhead thereby lessening the chance of major collision damage to the
sign support may be as low as 1 ft higher than the vertical structurally weaker overhead sign support or traffic signal
clearance of other supports. support structures. A depiction of this clearance limit is
Additional guidance on vertical clearances may be found illustrated in Figure C2.4.2.1-1.
in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
(FHWA 2009)
The MUTCD should be consulted for the sizes, heights, The MUTCD includes information on signs for sizes,
and placement of signs for any installation. illumination and reflectorization, location, height, and lateral
Illumination and retroreflectivity of signs should conform The Roadway Lighting Design Guide provides additional
with the provisions of the MUTCD. information.
Except where retroreflectivity is deemed adequate, all By an engineering study, headed or prismatic
overhead sign installations should normally be illuminated. retroreflectivity sheeting could be used to eliminate the need
The lighting equipment should produce uniform illumination for sign illumination.
for the sign surface and the position of the lighting fixtures
should not impair normal viewing of the sign or obstruct view
of the roadway. Where internal illumination is used in
conjunction with translucent materials, the colors of the sign
should appear essentially the same by night and day.
Retroreflectivity levels are required to be maintained
above minimum levels by use of a management or assessment
The design of changeable message signs (CMS), CMS are composed of lamps or luminous elements that
enclosures, and connections to the support structure normally may be visible during the day as well as at night. The lamps
require additional considerations that are beyond the scope of and electronics are contained within an enclosure, which
these Specifications. The MUTCD should be consulted on typically weighs significantly more than most sign panels.
size, height, and placement. The MUTCD includes information on the use and design
of changeable message signs.
Consideration shall be given to safe passage of vehicles Where possible, a single support should be used for dual
adjacent to or under a structural support. The hazard to errant purposes (e.g., signals and lighting). Consideration should also
vehicles within the clear zone distance, defined in Article be given to locating luminaire supports to minimize the
2.5.1, should be minimized by locating obstacles a safe necessity of encroaching on the traveled way during routine
distance away from the traveled way. Roadside requirements maintenance.
and location of structural supports for highway signs,
luminaires, and traffic signals should generally adhere to the
principles given in Articles 2.5.1 through 2.5.9.
Structural supports should be located in conformance with The clear zone, illustrated in Figure C2.4.2.1-1, is the
the clear zone concept as contained in Chapter 3, “Roadside roadside border area beyond the traveled way, available for
Topography and Drainage Features,” of the Roadside Design safe use by errant vehicles. This area may consist of a
Guide (AASHTO 2011), or other clear zone policy accepted shoulder, a recoverable slope, a non-recoverable slope, and/or
by FHWA. Where the practical limits of structure costs, type a clear run-out area. The desired width is dependent on the
of structures, volume and design speed of through-traffic, and traffic volumes and speeds and on the roadside geometry.
structure arrangement make conformance with the Roadside Suggested minimum clear zone distances are provided in
Design Guide impractical, the structural support should be the Roadside Design Guide and are dependent on average
provided with a breakaway device or protected by the use of a daily traffic, slope of roadside, and design vehicle speed.
guardrail or other barrier. Additional discussions of clear zone distances and lateral
placement of structural support is provided in the MUTCD and
A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets
Breakaway supports should be used for luminaire and Generally, breakaway supports should be provided
roadside sign supports when they cannot be placed outside the whenever the support is exposed to traffic, even if beyond the
roadside clear zone or behind a guardrail. The requirements of clear zone on a traversable slope. The recommended clear
Section 12, “Breakaway Supports,” shall be satisfied. The zone distances included in the Roadside Design Guide
requirements of Articles and should be met for accommodate only about 80 percent of errant vehicles. The
the proper performance of the breakaway support. use of breakaway supports beyond the clear zone will provide
Breakaway supports housing electrical components shall an added measure of safety for the remaining 20 percent.
have the use of electrical disconnects considered for all new
installations and for existing installations that experience
frequent knockdown.—Foundations C2.5.2.1
The top of foundations and projections of any rigidly Foundations for breakaway supports located on slopes are
attached anchor bolts or anchor supports should not extend likely to require special details to avoid creating a notch in the
above the ground level enough to increase the hazard or to slope that could impede movement of the support when broken
interfere with the operation of a breakaway support. away or a projection of the foundation that could snag the
undercarriage of an impacting vehicle. Foundations should be
designed considering the breakaway stub height limitations of
Section 12.
Breakaway supports should be located such that the The Manual for Assessing Hardware Safety (MASH)
location of impact of an errant vehicle’s bumper is consistent (AASHTO 2009) provides guidance.
with the maximum bumper height used in breakaway
qualification tests.
The location of roadside sign and luminaire supports Guardrails, as illustrated in Figure C2.4.2.1-1, are
behind a guardrail should provide clearance between the back provided to shield motorists from fixed objects and to protect
of the rail and the face of the support to ensure that the rail will fixed objects, such as overhead sign supports. The Roadside
deflect properly when struck by a vehicle. Continuity of the Design Guide provides guidance.
railing on rigid highway structures should not be interrupted
by sign or luminaire supports.
The clearance between the edge of a sign panel, which The clearance between the back of the barrier and the face
could present a hazard if struck, and the back of a barrier of the support may vary, depending on type of barrier system
should also take into consideration the deflection of the barrier. used. The Roadside Design Guide may be used to determine
The edge of a sign shall not extend inside the face of the the proper clearance.
Roadside sign and typical luminaire supports, within the Where there is a probability of being struck by errant
clear zone distance specified in Article 2.5.1, should be vehicles, even supports outside the suggested clear zone
designed with a breakaway feature acceptable under MASH, should preferably be breakaway.
NCHRP 350, or protected with a guardrail or other barrier. For many years, NCHRP 350 was the standard for the
Where viewing conditions are favorable, roadside sign and assessment and performance of highway safety features. The
typical luminaire supports may be placed outside the clear AASHTO/FHWA Joint Implementation Plan (2009) outlines
zone distance. details regarding the use of NCHRP 350 and MASH for
design and existing systems.
Overhead sign and high-level lighting structural supports Overhead sign and high-level lighting supports are
should be placed outside the clear zone distance or protected considered fixed-base support systems that do not yield or
with a proper guardrail or other barrier. break away on impact. The large mass of these support
systems and the potential safety consequences of falling to the
ground necessitate a fixed-base design. Fixed-base systems are
rigid obstacles and should not be used in the clear zone area
unless shielded by a barrier. In some cases, it may be cost
effective to place overhead sign supports outside the clear zone
with no barrier protection when the added cost of the greater
span structure is compared with the long-term costs of
guardrail and vegetation maintenance. Structures can
sometimes be located in combination with traffic barriers
protecting other hazards, such as culverts, bridge ends, and
Traffic signal supports that are installed on high-speed Traffic signal structural supports with mast arms or span
facilities should be placed as far away from the roadway as wires normally are not provided with a breakaway device.
practical. Shielding these supports should be considered if they However, pedestal pole traffic signal supports are
are within the clear zone for that particular roadway. appropriately designed to be breakaway devices. Pedestal
poles should, if possible, be placed on breakaway supports
because they are usually in close proximity to traffic lanes.
For sign, luminaire, and traffic signal structures located in The 24-in. offset is not an urban clear zone; rather it was
working urban areas, the minimum lateral clearance from a established to avoid interference with truck mirrors, open
barrier curb to the support is 24 in. Where no curb exists, the doors, and so forth.
horizontal clearance to the support should be as much as
reasonably possible, but at least 24 in.
Where possible, consideration should be given to the joint Preference should be given to joint usage to reduce the
usage of supports in urban areas. number of supports in urban areas. For example, a traffic sign
and signal support can be combined with a lighting pole.
Care should be taken at the design stage to ensure that the
critical load carrying members of the support are of sufficient
capacity for all the likely uses made of the support. This could
be achieved by indicating in design documents (the Owner’s
records) limitations on use such as maximum EPA and EPA
attachment eccentricity.
2.6.1—Signs C2.6.1
Sign panels may be supported on existing or proposed Sign installation on grade separated structures is generally
grade separation structures. Although the minimum vertical acceptable aesthetically when the sign panels do not extend
clearance requirements for overhead signs do not apply in below the girders or above the railing. The sign panel should
these cases, a minimal vertical clearance to avoid posting the be placed slightly above the minimum vertical clearance
bridge should be maintained. Frames and other attachments to specified for the grade separation structure. Close liaison
an existing structure shall be designed to support the sign between structural, bridge and traffic engineers is essential for
panel. The overhead sign should be located as near to the most signs mounted on grade separation structures.
advantageous position for traffic operation as possible, but The placement of overhead signs must be considered in
where structurally adequate support details can be provided. the preliminary design stages to avoid possibly restricting the
driver’s view of sign messages by other signs or structures.
Signing is an integral part of the roadway environment and
must be developed along with the roadway and bridge designs.
2.6.2—Luminaires C2.6.2
The location of luminaire supports should be coordinated The location of the luminaire supports should be
with the function and location of other structures. coordinated with the location of the sign structures so that the
driver’s view of sign legends is not hampered. Attention
should be given to correlating interchange and structure
lighting with the lighting provided on the other sections of the
roadway. Where practical, high-level lighting may be used to
reduce the number of supports required, present fewer
roadside obstacles, and improve safety for maintenance
Guidance for fabrication of support structures is provided This section is new to the LRFD Structural Supports
in Section 14. Herein working drawings, connection details, Specifications. Previously, guidance was included in a variety
specific geometric requirements, etc. are addressed. of locations within the material sections.
Guidance for construction of support structures is This section is new to the LRFD Structural Supports
provided in Section 15. Erection procedures, anchorage Specifications. Previously, guidance was included in a variety
installations, protective systems, etc. are addressed there. of locations within the material sections.
Guidance for construction of support structures is This section is new to the LRFD Structural Supports
provided in Section 16. Inspection types, frequencies, Specifications. Previously, guidance was included in a variety
planning, scheduling, and access issues are addressed and of locations within the material sections.
element-level definitions are provided there.
Guidance for asset management of support structures is This section is new to the LRFD Structural Supports
provided in Section 17. Archives, replacement considerations, Specifications. Previously, guidance was included in a variety
maintenance programs, etc. are addressed there. of locations within the material sections.
AASHTO. 2007. AASHTO Maintenance Manual for Roadways and Bridges, Fourth Edition. American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
AASHTO. 2011. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, Sixth Edition. American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
AASHTO. 2010. Highway Safety Manual, First Edition. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials,
Washington, DC.
AASHTO. 2005. Roadway Lighting Design Guide, Sixth Edition. American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials, Washington, DC.
AASHTO. 2011. Roadside Design Guide, Fourth Edition. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials,
Washington, DC.
AASHTO. 2014. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Seventh Edition. American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
AASHTO/FHWA. 2009. Joint Implementation Plan for the AASHTO Manual for Assessing Hardware, American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
AASHTO. 2009. Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH). First Edition, American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
FHWA. 2009. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of
Transportation, Washington, DC.
FHWA. 2012. FHWA Lighting Handbook, FHWA-SA-11-22. Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of
Transportation, Washington, DC.
Ross, H. E., D. L. Sicking, R. A. Zimmer, and J. D. Michie. 1993. Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation
of Highway Features, NCHRP Report 350. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC.
3 3
3.1—SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.3—NOTATION.......................................................................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1—SCOPE C3.1
This Section specifies minimum requirements for loads This Section includes consideration of dead, live, ice, and
and forces, the limits of their application, and load wind loads.
combinations that are used for the design or structural The Specification defines wind loads in terms of three-
evaluation of supports for highway signs, luminaires, and second (3-s) gust wind. Use of the 3-s gust wind speed map
traffic signals. may result in increases or decreases to loads relative to the
The operational risk category shall be used to establish fastest-mile used in Specifications editions prior to 2001.
the mean recurrence interval (MRI) for wind loads. The risk associated with a failure may include factors
Fatigue-sensitive supports are addressed in Section 11. such as average daily traffic and the likelihood of a structure
falling onto a roadway or other important facility. The risk
assessment may include the consequences of failure on a
lifeline system, e.g., exit routes from hurricane-prone
The MRI 300-yr, 700-yr, and 1700-yr interval wind
speed maps are provided in Article 3.8.
Note that in previous editions of the Specifications,
typically a 50-yr wind map was used with “safety factors” on
resistance. In previous versions of ASCE/SEI 7 (2005 and
before), a 50-yr wind map was available and adjustments
were made for hurricane and other regions with important
site-specific statistics. Additionally, the load factors
associated with wind were typically 1.6 for the strength limit
state. Beginning in 2010, ASCE/SEI 7-10 recalibrated the
wind speed maps to increase hurricane and other regions and
lower the load factor to be consistent with other extreme
events such as earthquakes, i.e., to 1.0. Henceforth, the
Specifications use the extreme limit state for non fatigue-
related wind loads and this is consistent with ASCE/SEI
Allowable Stress Design (ASD)—A design approach where load effects are based upon load expected during the service life
and nominal material strengths are decreased to provide a level of safety.
Basic Wind Speed, V—The 3-s gust wind speed at 33 ft above the ground associated with exposure C.
Design Wind Pressure, Pz —The pressure exerted on a member or attachment by wind. The pressure is calculated using
appropriate design values for all variables in the wind pressure equation.
Directionality Factor, Kd—The maximum wind can come from any direction and the probability that the maximum drag
coefficient is associated with the wind direction is reduced.
Drag Coefficient, Cd—A dimensionless coefficient that adjusts the effective velocity pressure for the effects of the geometry
of the element, surface roughness, and the Reynolds number.
Effective Velocity Pressure, vpz—The pressure exerted by the effects of the wind assuming that the drag coefficient, C d , isR R
equal to 1.0.
Effective Projected Area (EPA)—The equivalent Cd times the area projected area typically provided by a manufacturer. This
Fastest-Mile Wind Speed—The peak wind speed averaged over one mile of wind passing a point.
Gust Effect Factor, G—A dimensionless coefficient that adjusts the wind pressure to account for the dynamic interaction of
the wind and the structure.
Height and Exposure Factor, Kz —A dimensionless coefficient that adjusts the magnitude of wind pressure referenced to a
height above the ground of 33 ft for the variation of wind speed with height.
Lifeline Travelways—Travelways that are required to be open to all traffic after a major wind event and useable by emergency
vehicles and for security, defense, economic, or secondary life safety. May be designated as critical for a local emergency plan
(adapted from AASHTO, 2011).
Mean Recurrence Interval, MRI—The inverse of the probability of occurrence of a specific event in a 1-yr period.
Solidity—The vertically projected area divided by the total enclosed elevation area for a truss or lattice structure.
Special Wind Region—A region where the magnitude of the local wind speeds is dramatically affected by local conditions.
Wind speeds in these areas should be determined by consulting the authority having local jurisdiction or through the analysis
of local meteorological conditions.
Three-Second Gust Wind Speed—The average wind speed measured over an interval of 3-s.
V = basic wind speed, expressed as a 3-s gust wind speed, at 33 ft above the ground in open terrain (mph) (3.2) (3.8.1)
(3.8.2) (3.8.7) (C3.8.7)
Wh = R wind load on exposed horizontal support (lb) (3.9.2) (3.9.3) (
Wl =R wind load on luminaires (lb) (3.9.2) (3.9.3) (
Wp = R wind load on sign panel or traffic signal (lb) (3.9.2) (3.9.3) (
Wsign R = shorter dimension of the attached sign (ft) (3.8.7)
Wv = R wind load on exposed vertical supports (lb) (3.9.3)
z = height at which wind pressure is calculated (ft) (3.8.4)
zg = constant for calculating the exposure factor and is a function of terrain (3.8.4)
α = constant for calculating the exposure factor and is a function of terrain (3.8.4)
The loads described in Articles 3.5 through 3.8 shall be This publication supersedes the AASHTO Standard
combined into appropriate load combinations as required in Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs,
Table 3.4-1. Each part of the structure shall be proportioned Luminaires, and Traffic Signals (2009). Beginning with this
for the combination producing the maximum load effect. edition, the design philosophy is based on LRFD. The load
The fatigue loads shall be computed in accordance with and resistance factors are calibrated to provide a reliability
Section 11. index of approximately 3.0 for 300-yr MRI, 3.0 to 3.5 for
700-yr MRI, and 3.5-4.0 for 1700-yr MRI for main
These specifications use fatigue limit states I and II for
infinite and finite life approaches, respectively. AASHTO
LTS Design (Section 11) uses only the infinite life approach
for design (fatigue limit state I). The evaluation of the fatigue
limit may use a finite life approach to predict the remaining
fatigue life for asset management purposes.
NCHRP Report 796 outlines the calibration. (Puckett, et
al., 2014)
The permanent load shall consist of the weight of the In the these specifications, the terms permanent load or
structural support, signs, luminaires, traffic signals, lowering dead load may be used interchangably. Dead load is to
devices, and any other appurtenances permanently attached include all permanently attached fixtures, including hoisting
to and supported by the structure. Temporary loads during devices and walkways provided for servicing of luminaires
inspection and maintenance shall also be considered as part or signs.
of the permanent loads. The points of application of the weights of the individual
items may be their respective centers of gravity.
Manufacturers’ data may be used for the weights of
A live load consisting of a single load of 0.5 kips The specified live load represents the weight of a person
distributed over 2.0 ft transversely to the member shall be and equipment during servicing of the structure. Only the
used for designing members for walkways and service members of walkways and service platforms are designed for
platforms. the live load. Any structural member designed for the
combined loadings in Article 3.4 will be adequately
proportioned for live load application. For OSHA-compliant
agencies, additional requirements may apply.
Typically, live load will not control the design of the
structural support.
Atmospheric ice load due to freezing rain or in-cloud NCHRP Report 796 illustrates that ice and wind on ice
icing may be applied around the surfaces of the structural does not practically control the critical load effect. To
supports, traffic signals, horizontal supports, and luminaires; simplify these Specifications, these load combinations have
but it may be considered only on one face of sign panels. been eliminated. (Puckett et al, 2014)
The Owner shall specify any special icing requirements For extreme cases where the Owner indicates, either
that occur, including those in and near mountainous terrain, local conditions or the ice and coincident wind loads
gorges, the Great Lakes, and Alaska. provided ASCE/SEI 7 may be used for guidance. (e.g.
ASCE/SEI 7, 2010).
Wind load shall be based on the pressure of the wind The selection of the MRI accounts for the consequences
acting horizontally on the supports, signs, luminaires, traffic of failure. A “typical” support could cross the travelway
signals, and other attachments computed in accordance with during a failure thereby creating a hazard for travelers (MRI
Articles 3.8.1 through 3.8.7, Eq. 3.8.1-1 using the appropriate = 700 yrs). The Owner should specify the ADT and Risk
mean recurrence interval basic wind speed as shown in Category (or MRI).
Figures 3.8-1, 3.8-2, 3.8-3, and 3.8-4. The mean recurrence All supports that could cross lifeline travelways are
interval is determined with Table 3.8-1. assigned a high risk category to consider the consquences of
failure (MRI = 1700 yrs).
Supports that cannot cross the travelway are assigned a
low risk and 300-yr MRI.
Risk Category
Traffic Volume Typical High Low
ADT<100 300 1700 300
100<ADT≤1000 700 1700 300
1000<ADT≤10000 700 1700 300
ADT>10000 1700 1700 300
Typical: Failure could cross travelway
High: Support failure could stop a lifeline travelway
Low: Support failure could not cross travelway
Roadside sign supports: use 10-yr MRI, see Figure 3.8-4.
Figure 3.8-1a—700-Year MRI Basic Wind Speed, mph (m/s)–Western U.S. including Alaska (used with permission from
Figure 3.8-1b—700-Year MRI Basic Wind Speed, mph (m/s)—Eastern U.S. and Islands (used with permission from ASCE)
1. Values are nominal design 3-s gust wind speeds in mph (m/s ) at 33 ft above ground for Exposure C category,
2. Linear interpolation between wind contours is permitted.
3. Islands and coastal areas outside the last contour shall use the last wind speed contour of the coastal area.
4. Mountainous terrain, gorges, ocean promontories, and special wind regions shall be examined for unusual
wind conditions.
5. Wind speeds correspond to approximately a 7 percent probability of exceedance in 50 yrs (Annual
Exceedance Probability = 0.00143, MRI = 700 Yrs)
Figure 3.8-2a—1700-Year MRI Basic Wind Speed, mph (m/s)–Western U.S. including Alaska (used with permission from
Figure 3.8-2b—1700-Year MRI Basic Wind Speed, mph (m/s)—Eastern U.S. and Islands (used with permission from ASCE)
1. Values are nominal design 3-s gust wind speeds in mph (m/s) at 33 ft above ground for
Exposure C category,
2. Linear interpolation between wind contours is permitted.
3. Islands and coastal areas outside the last contour shall use the last wind speed contour of the
coastal area.
4. Mountainous terrain, gorges, ocean promontories, and special wind regions shall be examined
for unusual wind conditions.
5. Wind speeds correspond to approximately a 3 percent probability of exceedance in 50 yrs
(Annual Exceedance Probability = 0.000588, MRI = 1700 yrs)
Figure 3.8-3a— 300-Year MRI Basic Wind Speed, mph (m/s )–Western U.S. including Alaska (used with permission from
Figure 3.8-3b—300-Year MRI Basic Wind Speed, mph (m/s)—Eastern U.S. and Islands (used with permission from ASCE)
1. Values are nominal design 3-s gust wind speeds in mph (m/s) at 33 ft above ground
for Exposure C category,
2. Linear interpolation between wind contours is permitted.
3. Islands and coastal areas outside the last contour shall use the last wind speed
contour of the coastal area.
4. Mountainous terrain, gorges, ocean promontories, and special wind regions shall be
examined for unusual wind conditions.
5. Wind speeds correspond to approximately a 15 percent probability of exceedance in
50 yrs (Annual Exceedance Probability = 0.00333, MRI = 300 Yrs)
Language: Finnish
O. A. Forsström
Ensimmäinen luku.
Laatokan rantamailla.
Toinen luku.
Kolmas luku.
Runo- ja taikamailla.
Neljäs luku.
Karjalan aatelia.
Wiides luku.
Kovan onnen Karjala.
Kuudes luku.
Tapoja ja luonteita.
Ensimmäinen Luku.
Laatokan Rantamailla.
Kalevala XXXIX.
1887: 1888:
Waskea 83,845 kgr. 83,720 kgr.
Tinaa 5,705 " 15,621 "
Maubersuolaa 22,743 " 38,903 "
Wesilasia — 941 "
Punamultaa 6,800 " 102,830 "
Rautaa 3,750,142 " 6,052,409 "
Feltinaattia ja kvartsia 1,536,000 " 1,008,500 "
Dolomiittia — 340,000 "
Graniittia 1,825,500 " 1,398,700 "
Kovasinkiveä 70,000 kappal —
Länsi Luvveh
Luode Kalttanje
Pohjonen Pohjanje
Koillinen Moallinje
Itä Koillinje
Kaakko Randusuvi
Etelä Suvi (Päivy on murginois.)
Lounas Töinje (Eholoiniekku)
Länsi Luuve
Luode Päivän lasku
Pohjonen Pohjoinen
Koillinen Päivän nousu. Moallinen. Itä.
Itä Koillinen
Kaakko Rantasuvi
Etelä Suvi
Lounas Lintu
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