org © 2024 IJCRT | Volume 12, Issue 5 May 2024 | ISSN: 2320-2882
The Alumni Management System is a system that manages the records of the students who are a part of the respective
institution or were a part of the institution. Alumni management is important as it keeps the records of the previous students to keep
them in touch with the institution. The alumnus can be a help to the college in their expertise files of study from the outside world
guiding students and updating them about the current happenings.
There are various Pages in the Alumni Portal like Gallery, Course List, Alumni List, Events, Forums, and Users. We designed a
simple yet comprehensive registration page that captures essential user information, including name, Branch, Email ID, Gender,
Batch, Course Graduated, and Image.
IJCRT2405887 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) i136 © 2024 IJCRT | Volume 12, Issue 5 May 2024 | ISSN: 2320-2882
There are various Pages in the Alumni Portal like Gallery, Course List, Alumni List, Events, Forums, and Users.
The Alumni website is used to store the former student’s details of the college, students can get the information from the college
through this website easily any time. An alumni website is a valuable tool for educational institutions and organizations looking to
engage and connect with their alumni community. It serves as a bridge between graduates and their alumni, fostering relationships,
providing benefits, and facilitating communication So, this project is very useful to both college and students. Attractive User
interface will be provided. The student can easily send queries without confusion. System makes overall project management Vast
amount of data will be stored. it much easier and flexible. No risk of data mismanagement at any level. High level of security is
“Alumni portal” is web based application which store the data of old students, event and job post. The alumni web site of a
college keeps a person in track with the events that are organized by the college and informs the members when some important
events will occur that have not been organized by the college. Advantage of being a member of an alumni web site, which is
considered to be the main reasons why many colleges have an alumni web site, is that a person can easily find some information
concerning a former student and the person can easily contact any other member of the alumni community.
We would like to convey our heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Sonali Bodekar, and Prof.Rajni Nair for their tremendous support and
assistance in the completion of my project. We are very grateful that they provided valuable suggestions for the betterment of the
project, and we greatly appreciate them for doing so. We would also like to thank our Principal, Dr. Yogesh Nerkar, and our HOD,
Dr. Sanjay Shitole for providing us with this wonderful opportunity to work on a project on the Alumni Management system i.e. Our
Alumni Portal. The completion of the project would not have been possible without their help and insights. We would also like to
express our gratitude to the alumni council who have contributed and motivated during our project work.
This Alumni Management System project aims to build a system that will be able to manage the alumni data of students and
provide easy access to the same. Alumni of a college generally stay in touch with their immediate friends. Contact between alumni
can be used to forge business connections and to gain references or insight into a new field. New college students will be initially
given a student login ID. Access to the system can help them in building connections to help them in their projects or for placements.
Alumni will also be able to provide public posts on the system about possible job opportunities or other college-related news. Since
it is unlikely that alumni will check the system frequently the system will be able to collate all public posts and create a newsletter
that can be emailed to all alumni. The system will also have privacy features. Users can determine what information they want to
share and also whom they want to share it with. For example, users can choose to share their mobile number with alumni who
graduated in the same year as them. The system will also have a chat feature that will enable alumni to chat and discuss upcoming
events and the latest trends. Through this Website in Modern Times, we can easily access the data and track Alumni we also have
LinkedIn inbuild so there is no need to update the Alumni Profile as it can be updated automatically when the alumni update their
LinkedIn profile which will help the College to track the current Status of Alumni.