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SQL Vs MySQL - Difference Between SQL and MySQL - InterviewBit

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SQL Vs MySQL – Difference Between SQL and

September 25, 2022

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Are you thinking about getting into a career which involves Business Analysis, Big
Data, or Database Administration? Obviously, if that’s the case, then you’ll have
to have a good understanding of what SQL, MySQL can do for you. It is
    
inconceivable to expect that you can ignore these fundamental concepts when
seeking a job in a position involving databases in the future.

Therefore, it is imperative that you have a firm grasp of not just SQL and MySQL
but also the basic differences between the two as well. The purpose of this
article is to provide you with a detailed breakdown of the differences between
SQL and MySQL and how they can be applied to your daily business.

Table Of Contents [show]

What is a Database?
What is RDBMS?
What is SQL?
What is MySQL?
Difference Between SQL and MySQL
Frequently Asked Questions
Additional Resources

The boom of the Internet and online business has led every industry to explore
the digital side of the market. The Pandemic also became a significant catalyst
for businesses to go digital and make their presence on the web. All of this
opened up new avenues for data analysts, business administrators, database
administrators, etc, as data became a principal source for making strategic

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With this surging demand for creating pipelines for managing, analyzing, storing,
and securing data, professionals require software and tools. This is how
technology introduced us to databases, database systems, SQL, and MySQL.

Let us look at a few terminologies before diving right into the difference between
MySQL and SQL.

    
What is a Database?

A database is a collection of all the data stored and organized electronically in a

software system. It is a technology that allows us to store any type or large
volume of data for easy accessibility and use.

There are so many types of databases catering to different purposes like

centralized databases managing all the information for universities at a
centralized location or a cloud database where the information is stored on a
server that can be accessed online.

What is RDBMS?

In order to manage, retrieve, store and maintain the database, a system is

required. That is called the Database Management System.

RDBMS(Relational Database Management System) is an advanced version of a

database system that allows you to arrange, maintain, retrieve and manage
databases in a tabular format. It is one of the most used tools by data analysts or
database administrators for handling large amounts of data.

RDBMS is the first choice for many top-tier companies as it arranges data in
tables that provide the following benefits:

Limited Data Redundancy

Data Security
Easy Data recovery and backup
Enhanced Data Usability
Multiple Users can access data

Some of the examples of RDBMS are MYSQL, Oracle, etc.

    
What is SQL?

SQL or the Structured Query Language is a programming language that enables

the function of retrieving, managing, storing the data in the relational database
management system.

Just like to create an application on any system you require a programming

language, likewise, it is required for managing the databases as well.

The condition of the SQL statements is declarative in nature and is known as SQL
Query. There are different SQL clauses that can be used while writing the queries
to define the purpose of action.
Some of the most basic and fundamental clauses and their function are:

SELECT: extracts data from the database

CREATE DATABASE: creates a new database
DELETE: deletes the data from the dataset
ALTER TABLE: modifies a table
INSERT INTO: inserts new data into a database
CREATE TABLE: creates a new table within a database
UPDATE: updates data in a database
FROM: retrieve data from specific columns of a table
WHERE: filter records based on conditions

The format and structure of every SQL query are particular and case-sensitive.
One must have to be flawless in writing the SQL statements. Suppose, for
extracting all data from the table data_science, the SQL query structure will be as

SELECT * FROM data_science;

Things to be considered

The statement will be started by a command.

The end of the query will be marked by a semicolon.
The symbol ‘*’ defines all.
    
Besides the common clauses, there are many SQL keywords as well like AS
(query to create an alias for a table or column name), BETWEEN (allow to select
data or values from a given range), LIMIT (retrieve data from a set number of
rows in the table) to perform specific functions.

SQL is a standardized, interactive programming language that is used by many

organizations due to its portability, faster query processing, and efficiency in
retrieving and managing databases.

What is MySQL?
MySQL, now owned and managed by Oracle Corporation, is a type of relational
database management system. It is an open-source platform that allows one to
store, retrieve and manage relational databases.

What Is MySQL?

MySQL uses SQL queries to perform actions on the database. MySQL is one of
the most popular RDBMS available that is faster, efficient, reliable, and easy to

Many top-tier companies like Yahoo, Google, Facebook, and many other

companies have MySQL as their preferred
 choice of database
 system for 
managing a large volume of data.

Benefits of using MySQL are:

Data Security
On-demand flexibility and Scalability
Eminent Performance
Comprehensive Workflow Control
Complete Transactional Assistance

It is compatible with different modern-day programming languages including

C++, C, Java, Python, etc for different platforms be it Windows, Linux, or macOS.
Its versatility and cross-platform adaptability make it innovative and a high-end
product for its clients.

Difference Between SQL and MySQL

Difference Between SQL and MySQL

There are times when people get confused between what is SQL and what is
MySQL. So let us look at the primary difference between SQL and MySQL.

    
Key Category SQL MySQL

MySQL was developed

by MySQL AB but is
SQL is developed by
Developers/Owners currently acquired and
Microsoft Corporation.
owned by Oracle

SQL is a structured
MySQL is a Relational
query language used for
database system that
Function managing and retrieving
uses SQL to query data
data from the database
from the databases.

MySQL is software and

not a programming
The syntax and format language, hence it does
are fixed, declarative, not have any commands
Syntax and Format and easy to use. Start or particular format.
with the clause and end There are, however, the
with a semicolon. latest updates and
versions of MySQL for
enhanced performance.

SQL is proprietary based MySQL is an open-

software owned by source free platform that
Microsoft and not open allows access to any and
to others for free. everyone.

SQL was built for MySQL is adaptable for

WIndows, works partially cross-platforms, working
Platform Support
for Linux, macOS with its well for Linux, macOS,
latest versions. and Windows.

Language Support SQL is in itself a MySQL supports all the

programming language basic programming
used for database languages like C, C++,
    
Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby,
and many others.

MySQL supports
different storage engines
and does not take up a
SQL supports only a
lot of space for different
Storage Engine single storage engine for
functions and
different operations
operations. It also
enables the plugin
storage engine as well.

MySQL is susceptible to
more security threats
SQL servers are secured due to its open-source
as no third party or nature. It gives access to
Data Security
outsiders are allowed to data manipulation and
manipulate data. modification to
unauthorized users as
well during the run-time.

MySQL servers do not

work independently from
databases and hence,
In SQL, the server and
blocks the time for the
database work
users to do anything
independently. This
allows users or
Server and Database This function allows a
interested parties to
lesser chance for data
work on databases even
manipulation or
during recovery
corruption during the
shifting of data into
different versions of the

Data Restoration Time consumed for data In MySQL, the process of

restoration in SQL is less data restoration is quite
for a large amount of time-consuming and
  data.  requires
 a number of 
SQL statements for the

MySQL does not allow

SQL allows truncating a you to cancel a query in
query even during the middle of execution.
Query Execution execution without The user can cancel the
disabling the whole query execution at the
process. cost of stopping the
entire process.

MySQL is available only

SQL is available in
Multilingual in a single language that
different languages.
is English.

MySQL is equipped with

an in-built tool known as
SQL does not come up MySQL Workbench that
Connector Support or support any enables you to create,
connectors. design, and build
databases easily and

SQL supports user- MySQL does not support

Flexibility defined functions and any user-defined
XML. function and XML.

The only support for SQL

problems and queries is MySQL has great
Community Support Microsoft Support care community support as it
due to its highly allows free access.
protective usage.

Open-source data
LanguageCoding not
Advantages requiredPortabilityHigh
SpeedMultiple Data
workflow Control
    
An SQL database follows It is common for MySQL
a standard format that to be updated
Updates does not require many or frequently, as it has a
any updates to be number of different
performed regularly. variants.

There is no denying the fact that there is a remarkable difference between SQL
and MySQL. However, to conclude, an inclination towards any side is not
possible. In summary, the main difference between SQL and MySQL is that SQL
is a query programming language that manages relational database management
systems, whereas MySQL is a relational database management system that
utilizes SQL as a query language. The primary purpose of SQL is to query and
operate databases, while My SQL allows you to manage, store, modify, and
delete data as well as store it in an organized manner. Both of them are quite
popular in their domain and, in-demand in professions that emphasize managing
and administering data for strategic or insightful purposes.

SQL is a programming language whereas MySQL is open-source software. Both

of them are quite popular in their domain and, in-demand in professions that
emphasize managing and administering data for strategic or insightful purposes.

SQL and MySQL have different purposes and functions. All your choices come
into play when you compare them with their competitors like choosing MySQL
over other RDBMS because of its data security, high performance, and providing
access free of cost.

SQL and MySQL might be different but have similarities to help achieve
scalability, efficiency, and better performance for the interested parties.
Ultimately, the decision to pick one over the other will depend on your specific
requirements and the benefits each offer. Therefore, you should not learn about
the differences between SQL and MySQL with the intention of choosing one over
the other.
 You should instead
 learn the differences
 between
 both database
management tools in order to gain a basic understanding of the syntax and

Frequently Asked Questions

Is MySQL the same as SQL Server?

No, MySQL and SQL Servers are both different Relational Database Management
Systems that support different platforms and programming languages like C++,
Python, PHP, etc.

Should I learn SQL or MySQL?

To work on any database management system you are required to learn the
standard query language or SQL. Therefore, it is better to first learn the language
and then understand the fundamentals of the RDBMS.

How difficult is it to learn SQL?

SQL is not really a complex language. It is a basic language with a fixed format
and does not really have so many updates. Therefore, if you put your mind to it
you could learn it easily.

What programs use SQL and MySQL?

Many famous web-based applications and companies use MySQL like

WordPress, Youtube, Joomla, etc. SQL is also used by many platforms like
MYSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, etc.
    
Is MySQL free to use?

Yes, MySQL is a free-to-use, open-source relational database management


Additional Resources
SQL Interview Questions
MySQL Interview Questions
MySQL Commands
MySQL Features
Difference Between SQL and PLSQL
PostgreSQL vs MySQL
MySQL vs MongoDB
SQL Projects


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COMPARE  6 minute read

Angular Vs React: Difference Between Angular

and React
June 2, 2022

   

Table Of Contents [show]

What is Angular?
What is React?
Key Features of Angular
Key Features of React
Key Difference of Angular vs React
Angular vs React
    
Advantages of Angular
Disadvantages of Angular
Advantages of React
Disadvantages of React
Additional Resources

Web development is increasing at the same rate as technology.

When you think about the JavaScript Ecosystem, you’ll almost certainly think of
Angular and React, as they’re two of the most popular front-end development
frameworks. But how can you pick between angular vs react? Should you base
your selection on the project’s specifications first? Or, in the early stages,
consider its popularity and ramp-up time?

What’s the difference between Angular and React? For years, there has been a
violent rivalry between these two prominent front-end frameworks. So, which
option is the best?

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Q1 : How many
years of
experience do you
0-3 years
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7-10 years
10+ years

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Every time front-end programming is required, the Angular vs React debate

occurs. The answer relies on a variety of circumstances, and even front-end
developers have debated the topic for years.

What is Angular?

Angular is a Google-developed and maintained web framework that was first

released in 2010 under the name AngularJS. It quickly became one of the most
    
popular web frameworks at the time. This was owing to capabilities like two-way
data binding and dependency injection, as well as the fact that it was supported
by a tech giant.

Angular (also known as Angular 2.0) was released in September 2016 as a

complete redesign of AngularJS (Angular 1.0), which was first released in 2010.

What is React?
React, a JavaScript library used by Facebook, was open-sourced in 2013. This
framework popularised a web development concept known as component-based
architecture, which has a number of benefits, including:

Components that are modular and coherent, making them highly reusable and
contributing to a faster development time.

It’s used in mobile development since it allows developers to reuse the logical
section of an app while simply changing the view.

Easy maintenance and improvement due to self-contained components.

React immediately swept the market, overtaking most of the frameworks

available at the time, including AngularJS. As a result of the community’s passion
for component-based architecture, Google improved their JavaScript framework
in 2016 and named it Angular2.

    
Angular vs React - Key Differences | Everything You Need to Kn

Key Features of Angular

Built-in support for AJAX, HTTP, and Observables are just a few of Angular’s
highlights. There is widespread support in the community.

In line with current technologies

Typescript is time-saving.

Coding that is more clear and concise

Error-handling support has been improved.

Angular CLI allows for seamless updates.

Validation and forms

Local CSS / shadow DOM

    
Separation of User Interface and Business Logic
Key Features of React

React’s key features include the ability to use third-party libraries.


Composability and Simplicity

Facebook is fully behind you.

Improved user experience and lightning-fast speed.

More rapid development

One-directional data binding provides code stability.

Components in React

Key Difference of Angular vs React

Data Binding
UI Components
Dependency Injection

Angular vs React

    
Basis of
Angular React

Full-featured Framework – The library is only

provides a strong opinion on concerned with UI
how your application should components. MVC design
Purpose be designed, as well as a requires Flux to implement,
number of tiny libraries that but it provides you more
aid in the development of flexibility in how you wish to
complex applications. organise your code.

    
Supports both one way and
two way data binding ,two- One-way data binding
way data binding means that means that a UI element
Data binding
if we modify the UI input, the can’t affect a component’s
model state will change, and state.
vice versa.

TypeScript can write

TypeScript is a statically
JavaScript XML (JSX),
Language typed language that is a
although it isn’t included by
superset of JavaScript.

Material Design Components Material-UI Library &

– Angular includes a number Dependencies –
of material design Community-developed UI
components that make UI tools provide a wide range
configuration a breeze. of UI components.

Dependency injection is React does not fully enable

Dependency supported, allowing for dependency injection
Injection separate life cycles for because each component
different stores. has its own global state.

Incremental DOM – when a

Virtual DOM – anytime the
new DOM is created, it
DOM changes, a new virtual
compares it to the previous
DOM is created, compared
DOM one and applies the
to the previous one, and
differences to the “actual”
only the differences are
DOM, only allocating memory
modified in the “real” DOM.
if necessary.

Advantages of Angular
The following are some of the advantages of utilising Angular:
    
Clean code development is available.

Increased Efficiency

Interface Inspired by Material Design

Because an angular framework can handle routing, switching from one view
to another is simple.

Angular CLI for Seamless Updates

Disadvantages of Angular

The following are some disadvantages and issues with utilising Angular:

For newbies, an angular feature can be perplexing.

There isn’t a clear manual or comprehensive, all-encompassing


The learning curve is steep.

Limited Routing makes it difficult to debug scopes.

When pages have interactive components, Angular can become slow.

Integration with third parties is extremely tough.

Several complications may arise when upgrading from earlier versions to

newer versions.

Advantages of React
    
The following are some of the advantages of utilising React:

Because of its straightforward design, it is simple to learn.

The HTML-like syntax enables for templating as well as extensive


Developers can spend less time worrying about framework-specific code

and more time writing current JavaScript.

Improve server-side rendering capability, making it a more robust platform

for content-focused apps.

React allows you to migrate between versions.

Facebook has a feature called “codemod” that automates a lot of the


React skills can be transferred to Native development.

ReactJS is ideal for managing huge loads with relative ease when combined
with ES6/7.

Disadvantages of React

The following are some of the drawbacks and issues with using React:

Integrating Reacts with a typical MVC framework like Rail necessitates a lot
of setup.

Users using ReactJS would need a thorough understanding of how to

integrate a user interface with the MVC framework.

    
With so many frameworks to pick from, each with its unique set of
characteristics, settling on the best framework can be a difficult task.

We felt the same way when we first opted to build the app in Vue.js and now
while we’re exploring Angular.

When it comes to choosing between Angular and React, I believe it comes down
to personal preference, as they both tackle the same problems but in different

However, when making a selection, keep in mind that React has a simpler
learning curve, which leads to faster development, but Angular offers more built-
in functionality.

Both technologies are extremely powerful, a significant advancement from the

early days of web programming in terms of improving, facilitating, and speeding
up development.


How is React different from Angular?

React is a library, but Angular is a full-fledged framework. The virtual DOM and
one-way data binding are used by React.js, but the real DOM and two-way data
binding are used by Angular. There’s also a speed difference (React’s is faster)
and a difference in bundle size (React’s is smaller) (React works a bit faster).

Is Angular better than React?

    
Because of its virtual DOM implementation and rendering optimizations, React
outperforms Angular. It’s also simple to switch between React versions; unlike
Angular, you don’t have to install updates one by one. Finally, using React,
developers have access to a wide range of pre-built solutions.

Can I learn Angular if I know React?

Yes, knowing how to react is beneficial, but you should not stop there; instead,
strive to master it. Of course, you can accomplish almost anything with React
that you can do with Angular (perhaps even more), but as a software developer, I
believe you should master Angular.

Why is React faster than Angular?

React.js apps make use of a virtual DOM, which allows developers to make
changes without having to rewrite the full HTML document. It ensures speedier
performance by rendering updates faster.

Additional Resources
Angular MCQ
Angular Interview Questions
AngularJS Interview Questions
Angular 8 Interview Questions
Angular Vs Angular JS
React Interview Questions
React Components
React Projects

Angular Angular vs React React

    
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