PB14G - Policy on Proficiency Testing Participation
PB14G - Policy on Proficiency Testing Participation
PB14G - Policy on Proficiency Testing Participation
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Egyptian Accreditation Council
Table of Modification
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1. Scope
2. Definitions
3. Policy
8.1General rules
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This document defines the policy for EGAC’s implementation of Proficiency Testing, It is applied
for the assessment of all accredited testing, calibration, medical laboratories and forensic service
2. Definitions
EGAC requires its applicant(s) / accredited laboratories to develop a plan for "Four years of"
participation in Proficiency Testing schemes, relevant to their scope. EGAC will review this plan
and its implementation by the Laboratory
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Regionally, EGAC also encourages its accredited laboratories for achieving some proficiency testing
schemes by subscribing to these CABs in the framework of cooperation with the regional
accreditation bodies (AFRAC, ARAC, APAC, ………) in the fields of calibration , testing and
medical laboratories, EGAC nominates the required number of required accredited CABs and send
the nomination to the region and then receives the samples to be distributed on the selected CABs,
EGAC follow the process for the participated CABs until it is completed with its results.
For the accreditation process: the acceptable types of proficiency testing in the following order
according to availability are:
1. Accredited Proficiency testing provider according to (ISO/IEC 17043).
2. Intralaboratory Comparison designed primarily by EGAC after reviewing and accepting the
programs from the accreditation manager relevant to the Scheme and technical assessor relevant
to the activity.
3. Measurement audit: in case of impossibility implementing with any of the above, by EGAC after
review and accept the programs from accreditation manager relevant to Scope and technical
assessor relevant to activity.
4. Unaccredited PT provider but after review and accept the programs from accreditation manager
relevant of Scheme.
* If not found Accredited Proficiency testing the CAB shall take approval from EGAC before
implementing alternatives in item 2 or item 3 or last one item 4.
a) Applicant Lab shall provide proficiency testing, at least one PT in sub-Discipline for Each Group
within the same code (Annex 1) according to EGAC scope of accreditation for the (testing /
calibration) laboratory.
b) The applicant also shall provide a plan of proficiency testing to cover the rest of the CAB
accredited scope (testing / calibration) according to EGAC Sub-Discipline activities for Each Group
within the same code (Annex 1) to implement it during its accreditation cycle (four years)
c) The required frequency of participation in the proficiency testing should be relevant to the
technical scope as will be assessed by EGAC however it should not less than the frequent time
explained in clause (9) below (within the period between two subsequent reassessments) for each
sub- discipline of the laboratory’s scope of accreditation.
d) Disciplines may need to be divided into more sub disciplines to clarify their PT schemes; this
will be advised by EGAC assessors / experts. Disciplines and sub disciplines as illustrated in (Annex
I) and are published on EGAC’s website.
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- During the assessment, the assessment team will obtain the laboratory’s plan which participation
in the proficiency testing schemes and a report on the participation of the laboratory in proficiency
- This report of proficiency tests shall always be part of the documentation of the laboratory's
accreditation or sequential assessment procedure. Such a report should contain:
Plan for the participation of the laboratory in the PT schemes.
Reporting the success of this plan.
Dates of proficiency tests already carried out.
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Organizer of PT scheme.
Test materials, measured quantities, parameters, artifacts and calibration equipment.
Matrices (where applicable).
Acceptability criteria.
Results (satisfactory/questionable/unsatisfactory)
Corrective actions and follow -ups, where required.
- If the laboratory submits a greater number of proficiency tests, then the assessment team should
limit its assessment to a sufficient number chosen in a representative way.
- From the survey on proficiency tests and considering the above-mentioned main points,
proficiency tests that are to be checked on-site are to be selected by the assessment team
-The laboratory shall be prepared to justify non-participation in readily available proficiency testing
schemes, where one or more appropriate schemes exist.
If the laboratory doesn’t have satisfactory results, then, the explanations and corrective actions shall
be checked for sufficiency and suitability. The assessment team shall study these actions to gain
information about a laboratory’s competence. These actions may include the following internal
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In any case, if there are doubts concerning the competence after studying the corrective actions, the
technical assessor should find out - in agreement with the laboratory - whether interlaboratory
comparisons with other laboratories or the participation in existing interlaboratory comparison
schemes should be performed. The extent, selected type, the way of performing and evaluating the
proficiency tests shall be explained to the laboratory by the assessment. Other internal as well as
external quality measures may be considered, e.g.:
a. A significant Change of personnel / main used std. operating in the accredited scope, which
may affect the technical competence of the laboratory,
b. External quality measures taken for the test methods/types of tests applied in the scope of
accreditation are not sufficient, regarding, e.g.:
- Number of proficiency tests performed in specific scopes
- Extension of the scope of accreditation
- Insufficiently validated and documented in-house methods
- Procedural steps deviating from the test standard
c. A significant ratio result of the proficiency tests submitted by the laboratory is unsatisfactory
as defined by the acceptability criteria.
d. The conclusions drawn and the necessary corrective actions of the laboratory have not been
carried out or documented, or are in-sufficient
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e. Assistance in detecting systematic errors in the laboratory is needed and if the laboratory has
no other means to provide evidence of its technical competence and quality of measurement.
8.1General rules
Generally, the assessment team should use the criteria stated by the organizer of the proficiency
testing scheme.
If the organizer of inter-laboratory comparisons does not provide any criteria for acceptance of
results (e.g. inter-laboratory comparisons for validation of procedures and/or certification of
reference substances), then the laboratory, under assessment, shall define its own acceptance limits.
The assessment team will verify the criteria in use (defined either by PTP or by the laboratory) for
If the laboratory is active in a mandatory area, the assessment team should use the criteria
set by the regulatory authority.
If the laboratory is not active in a mandatory area, but is taking part in the proficiency testing
scheme established by regulatory authority for purposes of internal quality assurance, then
the assessment team should use the criteria defined for the intended use by the laboratory,
after checking the ability of the laboratory to set criteria and their suitability.
Note (3) : The criteria set by the authority or customer should normally have precedence over the
criteria given by the accreditation body.
EGAC accept PT for its calibration laboratories activities according to each of its Sub-discipline to
be renewed each accreditation cycle (four years) unless there is no change at the laboratory scope.
(Back to Annex 1).
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- Biological Testing.
- Environmental Tests.
- Food Tests.
Note (1): Participation in PT and/or ILCs other than PT, organized by competent providers is, for
an accredited CAB, an integral part of the monitoring of the validity of its results.
The period for keeping the records of proficiency testing results and other documentation is at
least (Previous and Current) accreditation cycle, to establish the competence and stability of the
accredited laboratory.
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activity. A written approval will be provided to the CAB before implementing the
alternatives, the acceptable types of alternatives are in the following order according to
1. Interlaboratory comparison programs comparing the laboratory daily internal quality
control with peer group using the same quality control materials;
2. Participation in sample exchanges with other accredited laboratories accepted by the
EGAC accreditation manager and director following discussion and approval by the
technical assessor(s) relevant to the activity;
Note (2): The accredited laboratories shall successfully participate in the same period
and the reports of their results shall be reviewed by EGAC.
3. When appropriate the medical laboratory use analysis of reference materials under
EGAC supervision;
4. Depending on the scope of medical laboratory they can use participation in sample
exchanges with another more than two competent and accepted labs by the EGAC
accreditation manager and director following discussion and approval with the
technical assessor(s) relevant to the activity.
The laboratory shall have a documented procedure for alternative methodologies and for
exchange of samples with other accredited laboratories including frequency, number of
samples and acceptable performance criteria. Storage, stability and transport conditions
of samples shall be considered to ensure valid results. Results are documented,
reviewed and corrective action is taken in case of unsatisfactory results.
a) The applicant Medical Laboratory provides proficiency testing reports, at least one
successful shipment for each parameter that is updated within the last 6 months from the
date of submitting a new application or expanding the scope before final approval of
laboratory application by EGAC;
b) Provides a plan of proficiency testing to cover the CAB accredited scope to be implemented
during its accreditation cycle (four years). These plans shall be relevant to its scope of tests,
matched with the PT provider programs and the frequency of proficiency testing shall be at
least annually, also the planning is to take into account the risks and opportunities of the
laboratory activity. This includes an evaluation of the level and frequency of participation in
PT and/or ILCs other than PT;
c) The required frequency of participation in the proficiency testing should be relevant to PT
suppliers with a final report provided at the end of the cycle;
d) For special scopes that include preparation, examination, and interpretation processes (e.g.,
pathology, cytogenetic, microbiology, etc.) the lab shall participate in PT program(s) that
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cover(s) all steps of testing processes till reporting of results (whenever available/ possible).
In the situation where the Lab’s PT participation plan is considered not suitable in relation
to the scope of accreditation such as when the examination process is not included in PT/ILC
program the Lab will arrange for another alternative accepted approach from (10.1);
e) The Medical Laboratory shall treat the PT samples in the same manner as the patient samples
and as mentioned in the PT scheme protocol;
f) The applicant Medical Laboratory shall deliver reports that were provided by PT providers
and prove successful participation to EGAC relevant department. Also, during the
assessment visit the technical assessor shall review raw results or printout of the lab results
that were submitted to PT provider;
g) Proficiency testing / ILC reports shall be clear and comprehensive and include at least the
following minimum information:
Identification of the participants;
Measurement protocol;
Measurement results;
The reference value/s and how these were established;
Evaluation of the measurement results;
An indication of the performance of individual participants;
Minimum acceptance criteria;
h) If the lab performs the same test on two or more identical equipment and the PT program
provides only one report for one equipment, the lab can use the PT samples for comparison
with the other equipment, and comparability studies between equipment should be done at
least every six months.
i) The lab shall formulate and implement a policy and procedures related to its participation in
proficiency tests/inter-laboratory comparison programs (ILCs), alternatives when used, and
analyze their results. EGAC Periodicity will consider the risks and opportunities of the
laboratory activity. This includes evaluating the level and frequency of participation in PT
and/or ILCs other than PT.
j) The lab shall review all related policies and procedures periodically, provided that this
review includes all the technical and organizational issues.
a) For monthly or biweekly provided samples, the lab shall pass at least 75% of a whole PT
annual cycle including acceptable alternative for those shipments that were not received by
the lab. For any unsatisfactory result the lab shall investigate the root cause and take a
corrective action.
b) For programs providing three shipments per year with five samples per shipment, the lab
shall pass at least 75% of a whole PT annual cycle including acceptable alternative for those
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shipments that were not received by the lab. For any unsatisfactory result the lab shall be
investigate the root cause and take a corrective action.
c) For programs providing three shipments per year (with less than 5 samples per shipment),
the lab shall pass successfully in two shipments, and for the unsatisfactory shipment the lab
shall investigate the root cause and take a corrective action. An alternative is required for
any shipment not received by the lab.
d) For programs with two shipments per year, the lab shall pass successfully one of the two
shipments, and for the unsatisfactory shipment, the lab shall investigate the root cause and
take a corrective action. An alternative is required for any shipment not received by the lab.
a) The lab shall maintain continuous participation and fulfill the previous successful
participation requirements as explained in (10.3);
b) The lab shall send reports of all PT results every 6 months for EGAC medical department;
c) The lab shall send a self-assessment report that includes the lab performance through the past
six months, the root causes, and corrective actions/justifications for failed or
unreported/Late test results. The accepted corrective action is taken in case of
unsatisfactory results/delayed/undelivered PT samples. Actions shall be at the same time as
the PT calendar plan and
d) Failing to regularly send the above-mentioned reports will result in suspension of the
lab scope in this particular sub-discipline/analyte.
e) For an accredited medical laboratory, it will be suspended or partially suspended for six
months at most if there is no evidence of successful participation at the end of the PT
cycle. The lab shall send evidence of satisfactory PT result(s) before the end of the six-month
suspension period, and the lab will be subjected to a reduction of its scope or withdrawal
according to EGAC’s procedures and regulations.
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examination report.
11.1.2. Proficiency Testing:
Forensic testing laboratories and inspection body shall perform proficiency testing in order
to verify the laboratory’s performance. The frequency of proficiency testing shall be at least
annually, in at least one parameter or different matrix and at least one of these PT should be
from a recognized PT provider external to laboratory.
Proficiency –test samples should be representative of the laboratory’s normal casework.
Methodology required to perform proficiency tests should be relevant to the normal
practice in the laboratory.
11.1.3. Proficiency testing activities may include:
i) An external proficiency testing scheme, preferably operated in accordance with
ISO/IEC 17043;
ii) An Inter-laboratory comparison scheme (where two or more laboratories are used);
iii) Suitable alternative to PT/ILC, as agreed to by EGAC, where PT schemes are not
available or are not practical.
11.1.4. For Maintenance the Accreditation All accredited forensic service laboratories should preferably participate in proficiency
testing scheme, in at least one parameter or different matrix, at least once annually that
have been independently shown to comply with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17043.
The laboratory shall satisfy itself on the competence of the PT providers i n whose
schemes it voluntarily participates. Where available and appropriate, forensic agencies are expected to select PT providers
accredited to ISO/IEC 17043 by EGAC, if available, or another accreditation body that is
recognized by ILAC. The Forensic testing laboratories and inspection body shall review their own performance
and investigate all measurement results that fail to meet the minimum acceptance criteria,
including where there is evidence of consistent poor performance, and record the
root cause analysis conducted and all corrective and preventative action(s) taken.
11.1.5. PT/ILC Activity Plan All accredited Forensic service provider shall have available PT / ILC plans for at least
2 years, i.e. the activities conducted for the past years (where possible) and the plan for
the subsequent years. The plan shall cover all activities as specified above and shall be accomplished in a
period not exceeding 1 accreditation cycle.
Note(3): The frequency and extent of participation shall be justified by the laboratory to
EGAC for each accredited method and shall be at least once annually, in at least one
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EGAC The effectiveness of corrective and preventative action taken will be evaluated during
the assessment, and taken into consideration during the decision making process.
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with another more than two competent and accepted biobanks by the EGAC
accreditation manager and director following consultation with the technical
assessor(s) relevant to the activity.
The biobank shall have a documented procedure for exchange of samples with other
accredited/ competent competent including frequency, number of samples and
acceptable performance criteria.Storage, stability and transport conditions of samples
shall be considered to ensure valid results. Results are documented, reviewed and
corrective action is taken in case of unsatisfactory results.
f. When appropriate biobank use analysis of reference materials under EGAC supervision.
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means by which performance will be assessed and monitored. These may include
activities such as intra-laboratory comparisons, the use of reference materials or other
comparisons. EGAC will consider these alternative arrangements as part of the
laboratory’s planned activities. It is the responsibility of biobank to provide the details of
the plan and its justification to obtain approval from EGAC. The PT activity plan should address:
The parameters for which PT is conducted;
Proficiency testing type (PT scheme; ILCs; Intra-laboratory comparison; Use of a
Reference material);
Identification and number of participants, if available, and/or potential participants for
The name/s and or identification of the PT schemes which the laboratory intends to
The minimum acceptance criteria, if available;
Any issues expected with participating in PT, from previous experience;
Frequency of participation per time period justified by the biobank.
12.1.6. During an Assessment Failure of the biobanks to show effective participation, or that the use of alternatives
to PT has been agreed on by EGAC, according to the PT plan, could result in suspension
of the tests concerned. the biobanks shall make available to the assessment team all proficiency testing scheme
and ILC reports during the visit. Proficiency testing / ILC reports shall be clear and comprehensive and include at least the
following minimum information:
Identification of the participants;
Measurement protocol;
Measurement results;
The reference value/s and how these were established;
Evaluation of the measurement results;
An indication of the performance of individual participants;
Minimum acceptance criteria;
Conclusion. The effectiveness of corrective and preventative action taken will be evaluated during
the assessment, and taken into consideration during the decision making process.
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ILAC-P9:01/ 2024
ISO/IEC 17043: 2023
ISO/IEC 17011: 2017
ISO/IEC 17025 :2017
ISO 15189 :2022
ISO 20387:2018
ISO 5725
EA-4/21 INF: 2018
EA-4/18 G: 2021
ASTM Designation E2327-15
Annex 1
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5 Virology (Culture)
1 Molecular microbiology
2 Molecular Chemistry
I Molecular Biology
3 Molecular Hematology
4 Molecular Immunology
1 Microarray tests
Molecular 2 Next Generation Sequencing tests
Diagnostics 3 DNA sequencing tests
4 Other tests
1 Molecular genetics
2 Immunogenetics
K Genetics 3 Metabolic Genetics
4 General Genetics
5 Pediatric Genetics
6 Prenatal Genetics
1 Histopathology (Processing, H&E stain)
2 Histopathology (Special stains)
3 Intraoperative frozen section
L 4 Cytopathology
5 Gynecologic
Anatomic Pathology 6 Non-gynecologic
7 Fine needle aspiration
8 Immunohistochemistry
9 Molecular Pathology
10 Immuoflorescence
11 Electron microscopic examination
5 Hematopathology
M Routine (Processing, H&E stain)
2 Special stains
3 Immunohistochemistry
1 Metabolite analysis
N 2 Enzymology
Metabolic Disorders
3 Newborn screening
4 Phenylketonuria (PKU)
1 Conventional Cytogenetic ( on Blood sample)
2 Conventional Cytogenetic (on Bone marrow
3 Conventional Cytogenetic (on Amniotic fluid
O sample)
Clinical Cytogenetic
4 Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridisation (Amniotic fluid)
5 Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridisation (Blood & Bone
6 Pre-implantation genetic testing
7 Chromosome breakage
1 Drug assay (therapeutic drug monitoring ; TDM)
2 Narcotic Testing (screening & confirmation )
P Clinical Toxicology
3 Pesticide screening
4 Heavy Metal & Trace element assays
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5 Toxicological screen
1 Immunohematology (ABO group and Rh type)
2 Antibody Detection and identification
Q Blood Transfusion 3 Compatibility testing
4 Nucleic acid testing (NAT)
5 Molecular
1 Semen tests
2 Stool analysis
R Parasitology 3 Urine analysis
4 Blood parasites
5 Occult Blood Test (FOBT)
1 Blood gases
2 Blood Glucose
3 Urease
4 Toxicological screen
S Point of care testing
5 Urine strip tests
6 Intra-arterial needle puncture
7 Oxygen saturation tests
8 Hemo-Screen test
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8 Soils
9 Plastics
10 Corrosives
11 Arson & fire evidence
12 Corrosives Cosmetics
13 Fertilizers
14 Electrical devices and components
15 Explosives and explosion debris
16 Pyrotechnic devices
17 Food
18 Glass
19 Lubricants and spermicidal agents
20 Pyrotechnic devices
21 Paints
22 Lachrymatory chemicals
23 Oils and greases
24 Light filaments
25 Hydrocarbon fuels
26 Manufacturers marks
27 Firearm discharge residues
28 Clothing/garments
I General Materials 1 Adhesives and sealants
2 Fasteners
3 Agricultural
4 Animal Products
5 Soil and Plant Analysis
J Food Toxicology Foods (animal & vegetal food, dietary,
2 Animal Feeds
3 Additives & Supplements
4 Fertilizers
5 Residues in food and agricultural products
6 Herbicides, Insecticides, & Pesticides
7 Mineral Water
8 Seeds & Grains
K Fuels 1 Gaseous, Liquid, Solid
2 Petroleum Products
3 Coal
4 Lubricants
5 Oil & Soap
L Metals 1 Ferrous Metals
2 Non Ferrous Metals
3 Plastics & Polymers
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7 Safety of machinery
8 Domestic safety
9 Noise
10 Accident and disaster control
11 Protection against fire
12 Explosion protection
13 Protection against pressure
14 Protection against electric shock
15 Radiation protection
16 Prot. against dangerous goods
17 Protection against crime
18 Alarm and warning systems
19 Protective equipment
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