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Egyptian Accreditation Council


EGAC Guide for Accreditation of Medical Laboratories


Prepared by: Medical Accreditation Manager

Ahmed Fouli

Authorized by: EGAC Accreditation Director

Mohamed Osman

1.4 / Jan 2022
Egyptian Accreditation Council

Table of Modification

Mod. No./Date Proposed by Page No. Modification in brief

(old/new, added, cancelled )
1.1 Jan.2019 EGAC Quality 9/11 Modification in consecutive assessment duration
1.2 / May.2019 Medical dept. 4, 5 & 9 / 11 - Modification in self assessment form name
manager - Declaring the duration between 2 sequential visits.
Annual Doc. Quality Manager All Pages Annual revision for this document,
Revision Jan 2021 Conducted by Ahmed Fouli ML Acc. Manager.
And no changes needed.
1.3 / Jun 2021 Medical dept. 5/11 Addition of clause 2.3 The use of EGAC
manager accreditation symbol and 2.4 Equipment items used
in lab examinations
1.4 / Jan 2022 Quality Manager 9& 10 Modification in consecutive assessment duration

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Egyptian Accreditation Council









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Egyptian Accreditation Council

EGAC accreditation is granted to medical laboratories that have shown that they meet, and
continue to meet, the requirements of ISO 15189:2012, relevant ILAC guidelines and EGAC
These documents require laboratories to demonstrate their technical competence as well as
their ability to run a supporting quality system.
Benefits of accreditation
EGAC accreditation is visible proof that your medical laboratory has been thoroughly
assessed by independent technical experts. Buyers and specifiers look for accreditation mark
on reports and certificates, so that they can be sure that work has been done to agreed
Laboratories accredited by EGAC are entitled to use the laboratory accreditation mark.
Who can seek accreditation?
Any of medical laboratories that performs objective tests, or examinations providing
information for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease of human being may seek
accreditation, whether these activities are carried out in a permanent laboratory or on site.
How does ISO 9001:2015 fit with medical laboratories Accreditation?
Laboratory accreditation is specifically designed to determine the laboratory’s capability to
conduct tests in a technically competent and impartial manner and thus be able to issue valid
reports in which the market can have confidence.
To determine this capability, three key elements are assessed:
• The impartiality of the medical laboratories
• The technical competence of the staff, the suitability of the equipment and environment
and validity of individual test methodologies
• The effectiveness of the medical laboratories management system.
It is this third element that is comparable with ISO 9001 certification. An effective
management system is important, but it is only one of the elements necessary to gain
laboratory accreditation.
2.1 Preparing for application
To gain accreditation, medical laboratories must be fully conversant, and comply, with the
requirements of ISO 15189, relevant ILAC guidance and EGAC regulations.
To gain accreditation, a laboratory must be fully conversant, and comply, with the
requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017, relevant ILAC guidance and EGAC regulations.
Applicants will be supplied with an information package containing the following:
• EGAC application form (soft and hard);
• EGAC CAB agreement form;
• Self-assessment report for medical labs quality system implementation;
• EGAC fee structure;
• EGAC Regulations
• Description of the accreditation scheme (this document);
• Some EGAC publications (as guidance).

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Egyptian Accreditation Council

2.2 Preliminary application

2.1 Preparation of application
Processing of application shall be conducted exactly in accordance with EGAC publications
PB1G_Handling of application.

Applicant lab shall submit the following:

- Fully completed EGAC application form (soft and hard)
- Two copies of EGAC CAB Agreement to be signed and submitted with the application
- Self-assessment report for medical labs quality system implementation.
- Lab quality system documents.
- Application fee according to R3G
- lab regulatory documents applicable to the applicant’s scope;
- Laboratory documentation - Articles of Association, or equivalent, for review by EGAC.
A preliminary meeting at EGAC office is recommended for the purposes of clarifying initial
questions. Afterwards, the application form is to be completed and signed by a duly
authorized applicant representative, and submitted to EGAC together with:
If the applicant lab has not sent the completed application form accompanied with the
updated laboratory quality system, the application will be considered to be lapsed.
If the applicant wishes to be assessed at some later date, it shall have to re-apply to EGAC for
accreditation, and pay a further application charges.
In All stages of the accreditation process, only applicant lab staff members are allowed to
attend, participate, and/or communicate with EGAC. By lab staff members we mean: lab
employees who occupy positions in lab organizational structure and its parent organizational
structure. These lab staff employees will participate in the activities that match with their job
description documented in their management system.
2.2 The use of EGAC accreditation symbol:
When the accredited lab decides to use the accreditation symbol on the examination reports
the lab shall follow the requirements demonstrated in EGAC document R4G.
The lab is not allowed to refer to accreditation on the reports’ portfolio/envelope.
In all cases, the lab is not allowed to use EGAC accreditation symbol on its promotional
materials (brochures, pamphlets, leaflets, etc.) unless these promotional materials are
reviewed and approved by EGAC (A written approval has to be sent by EGAC).
2.3 Equipment items used in lab examinations:
When a lab is applying for accreditation in any examination, the lab shall include all
equipment performing this examination. This is applicable to equipment using the same or
different procedures, methods or all of these.
Example 1: Accreditation of Glucose examination: Hexokinase method and Oxidase method
for glucose assay shall be both included in the scope of accreditation if the lab uses both
examination methods.
Example 2: Accreditation of HCV Ab examination: All techniques/equipment used for HCV
Ab detection in lab (ELISA, Chemiluminescence, etc.) shall be included in the scope of
accreditation if the lab uses different examination methods.

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Egyptian Accreditation Council

2.3 Request for Assessment

The application form should be done when:
• The applicant is satisfied with his quality management system
• The applicant has produced the quality manual and believed that it meets accreditation
• The applicant produced a draft scope of tests for which he wishes to become accredited
The applicant shall complete the application form, and send it, together with a copy of the
laboratory quality manual and relevant documents to EGAC.
The application will be handled by EGAC medical labs accreditation manager, who will
study the documentation. EGAC medical labs accreditation manager will contact the
applicant to discuss the arrangements for the assessment process.
The main function of EGAC is to assess and accredit the competence of medical laboratories
to carry out specified tests and subsequently to ensure by monitoring that the required
standards are maintained.
Each applicant laboratory provides basic information on its activities, equipment and staff in
the application form, and its quality documentation, but it is essential to check the
competence of the laboratory by assessment in the laboratory and other sites, where
The purpose of this assessment is to determine whether a laboratory complies with EGAC
requirements for accreditation and the accreditation standard ISO 15189:2012, In some
circumstances specialized publications issued by EGAC or other national, regional or
international organizations, for example ILAC, provide guidance of these criteria. These
publications are listed in the EGAC publications list.
On receipt of a completed application form for accreditation, EGAC medical labs
accreditation manager will deal with the application. He shall check that all documents
indicated on the application form have been received with the application form. In addition, it
shall be verified that all sections of the application form have been completed in full.
EGAC medical labs accreditation manager shall examine the quality manual to check that it
addresses all the key elements of a quality system as specified in the relevant standards. He
also shall check if the application fee has accompanied the form and shall ensure that all
necessary information is completed.

Should any additional information or documentation be required, this will be requested from
the applicant. When EGAC medical labs accreditation manager is satisfied that all the relevant
information has been supplied the applicant shall be sent a notification of receipt of
Laboratories should discuss the need for a pre-assessment visit with EGAC medical labs
accreditation manager. The discussion will also cover the scope-that is, the range of tests of
the accreditation it seeks. A pre-assessment visit can be designed to provide an over view of
the laboratory’s readiness for full assessment.
EGAC medical labs accreditation manager shall administer the entire application process. The
information received shall be used for the preparation of the on-site assessment and shall be
treated with appropriate confidentiality.
EGAC shall identify an appropriate team leader, assessor/s and/or technical expert (where
appropriate) according to their area of expertise to allow for a full initial assessment of the
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Egyptian Accreditation Council

applicant for the scope of accreditation. All assessment team shall be totally independent of
any connection whatsoever with the applicant to be accredited. All assessment team appointed
for a specific assessment shall comply with the requirements of EGAC.
EGAC shall notify the applicant in writing of the names and affiliations of the nominated
assessment team. The notification shall seek the approval of the applicant to the nominated
team. Objection to any nominated team members shall be in writing, include a detailed
justification from the lab to his objection, and shall be lodged with EGAC within seven
working days of receipt of the nominations. Failure by the applicant to object to any of the
nominated team members shall be considered as acceptance of the team as a whole.
Objections from the lab to any of the nominated team will be investigated by EGAC medical
labs accreditation manager. If the EGAC medical labs accreditation manager is satisfied with
the lab's justification to his objection, he will change this nominated assessors, other wise he
shall inform the lab that his objection is not accepted and EGAC will keep the nominated
assessors. EGAC medical labs accreditation manager's decision shall be final.
The applicant will be advised of the fees for full assessment and annual sequential assessment
visits before the visits take place, and it will be asked to confirm acceptance of these fees.
All team members shall be informed of the proposed assessment. EGAC medical labs
accreditation manager shall give both the team leader and the assessors a copy of the lab
quality manual and relevant procedures for document review according to the relevant
accreditation procedure.
All documents given to any assessment team personnel shall be recorded. The assessment
team shall sign confidentiality and impartiality agreement before starting the assessment.
Before assessment, or accreditation the applicant shall be asked to provide evidence of
successful participation in proficiency testing.
Technical experts are used as assessors to judge the competence of the laboratory to perform
the tests for which accreditation is sought. Their responsibility is therefore to assess a
laboratory's compliance with ISO 15189:2012, and EGAC requirements. Their assessment
shall be confined to investigating and reporting the findings that result from observation and
discussion in the laboratory and through examination of documentation.
All information obtained before, during or after assessment, including the fact that a particular
laboratory has applied for accreditation, or that an application for accreditation has been
deferred or rejected, shall be treated as strictly confidential by EGAC staff, the external
assessors and committees.
EGAC staff member will normally visit the laboratory as part of the assessment team. EGAC
medical labs accreditation manager and team leader will be able to respond during visits to
inquiries from the laboratory management on such matters.
EGAC laboratory assessment procedures are applicable to all sizes of laboratory. Assessment
team shall take into account the size and complexity of the organization when assessing the
quality system of a laboratory. The quality system must provide assurance that the laboratory,
whatever its size or complexity, or the location where work is carried out, meets EGAC
All costs associated with the initial assessment must be paid prior to the assessment date.
Failure to receive payment shall stop the application process and the applicant shall be
notified by telephone and in writing. The application process shall be re-started only after
receipt of the full amount.

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Egyptian Accreditation Council

The accreditation process shall be according to the flowchart in item 11 below. Any non-
conformity with accreditation requirements found will be notified to the applicant in writing
at the end of the assessment visit, and it will be asked to state how it will be cleared.
An assessment report shall be sent to the lab after the assessment visit containing all the non
conformities and the assessment team's recommendation. All non-conformities shall be
cleared to the satisfaction of the assessment team before the accreditation process can
continue. The applicant shall be granted accreditation according to the process in item 4
Applicant’s obligations for timings are according to regulation (R5G accreditation process
timings and response actions).
This accreditation will be confirmed by consecutive assessment visits, with a full re-
assessment on the fourth anniversary of accreditation.
4.1 Appointing the members of the Technical Committee (TC)
TC is formed for each applicant according to its specific discipline or scope. Each TC shall
consist of at least two members All these members shall be not involved in the assessment
process in any way. EGAC has TC members covering the main disciplines and sectors within
which it operates, who are drawn from experts in the field as appropriate.
4.2 Conducting the Technical Committee meeting.
After the TC members are appointed, they shall sign confidentiality and impartiality
agreement before their meeting. TC members with EGAC medical labs accreditation manager
shall review the lab assessment file to verify its harmony with the relevant international
standard and EGAC requirements.
The lab assessment file shall include the proposed scope of accreditation assessed, the
assessment report, the resolution of all nonconformities and the recommendation of the
assessment team. The decision of the TC is taken by consensus. The TC may decide that
further actions or information are required. When satisfied, the TC shall recommend the
accreditation of the lab on the specified scope. This shall be recorded on the TC Report.
4.3 Conducting the Accreditation Committee (AC) meeting.
EGAC AC is headed by EGAC Executive Director. It has 7 members representing the
interested parties. In case that the TC recommends the accreditation of the lab, the AC
meeting shall be invited to meet by EGAC Executive Director. The AC shall meet as needed
at least every one month.
Meeting papers shall include assessment report for the assessment activities and the TC
reports. The AC may invite to the attendance of its meeting whoever it sees fit for help with
experience in the field of accreditation activities without having a vote to be counted in the
proceedings. When setting up a meeting, the AC members shall be required to sign a
confidentiality and impartiality agreement.
4.4 Decision making and granting accreditation
The AC meeting shall be considered legal if more than 50% of its members attend.
Resolutions shall be based on the majority of votes of the attending members, with EGAC
executive director vote as casting vote. Members involved with the lab being discussed, will
neither participate nor attend the voting process. The AC can decide granting the accreditation
to the lab directly or require further actions to be taken or information to be provided. This
shall be recorded on the AC minutes of meeting. In case that the AC decides granting the
accreditation to the lab, EGAC shall inform the lab and ask for its representative to receive
the accreditation certificate with the approved scope of accreditation.

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Egyptian Accreditation Council

EGAC publishes a directory of accredited CBs, which contains details of the accredited scope
of each accredited organization. The directory, which is updated regularly, is published on
EGAC’s website.
After receiving the accreditation certificate the accredited lab will be asked to fill a feedback
report about EGAC's performance during the accreditation process which shall be used for
improvement of assessment teams' performance and/or accreditation process. If the lab has
any complaint it can file this complaint at EGAC or by phone. Also, if the AC did not grant
the accreditation to the lab, the lab has the right to appeal. If the lab decides to appeal, it can
file an appeal at EGAC. Complaints and appeals shall be handled by EGAC's quality
department and according to EGAC's procedure (PB3G - Guidelines for dealing with
complain and appeal) which is available on demand. A neutral appeal committee shall be
appointed to resolve this appeal according to the mentioned procedure.
6. Post Accreditation
EGAC publishes a directory of accredited labs, which contains details of the accredited scope
of each accredited organization. The directory, which is updated regularly, is published on
EGAC’s website.
7. EGAC consecutive assessment visit
EGAC consecutive assessment visit will take place annually to reflect the range of activity of
the accredited lab.
It will normally cover a review of the records associated with assessment activity to determine
continued conformity of the organization's management system. Witnessed assessments or
post-assessment audits will also be programmed.
Following granting of accreditation, CABs shall be subject to periodic consecutive assessment
visits according to an accreditation program prepared by EGAC relative accreditation manager
on the form F21P9G_Accreditation Program which starts after accredited CAB decision of
granting/renewal accreditation .

EGAC policy on the implmentation of an accreditation cycle:


• EGAC select an accreditation cycle (4- years) for its accredited CAB.
• In the normal situations EGAC will plan for two consecutive assessments and
reassessment visit within the CAB accreditation cycle as follows:
- 1st assessment visit doesn’t exceed 11 months from granting accreditation.

- 2nd assessment visit doesn’t exceed 18 months passed from 1st assessment visit.

- Reassessment visit doesn’t exceed 18 months passed from 2nd assessment visit.

• In all cases the duration between the sequential assessment visits shall not exceed 2
 According to each accredited CAB case, EGAC may implement additional
assessment visit during CAB accreditation cycle (with RAM justification) in case
 A complaint against performance of accredited CAB
 An accredited CAB seeking an extension for its scope.
 A recommendation by an assessment TL to verify performance of assessed CAB

1.4 / Jan 2022
Egyptian Accreditation Council

The reassessment will be every 4 years, reassessment preparations will start by inform EGAC
its CAB within11 months before the expiry date of the accreditation certificate
The purpose of sequential assessment visit is to:
• confirm the accredited CB’s continued conformity with relevant criteria, and,
• confirm that a CB is operating within its accredited scope and in accordance with EGAC
Performance, size and complexity of the organization will be key considerations. The
anticipated minimum would be annual visits to HQ, one witnessed assessment per year, and
each "critical elements" location will be visited at least once during the validity period of the
accreditation certificate. One witnessed assessment will be conducted for each scope during
the accreditation cycle. A judgment will be made on the level of sampling possible for
consecutive assessment cycles according to the sampling procedure.
Any revisions to the documented system will be reviewed during these visits. Where the
changes are extensive additional time may need to be scheduled.
8. Re-Assessment and Renewal of Accreditation
Re-assessment visit will take place in four-year intervals. A re-assessment visit will involve a
comprehensive re-examination of the CB's quality management system. Assessment activities
will be similar in format and in detail to the initial assessment.
The CB must apply for renewal of accreditation at least six months before the expiry of the
validity of accreditation. If the CB doesn’t apply for renewal of accreditation, 9 months before
the expiry of accreditation it shall be presumed that the CB is no longer interested in
accreditation and the accreditation status of the CB shall expire on the validity date mentioned
in the certificate. Time frame will be as mentioned in EGAC’s regulation (R5G).
At each re-assessment, the accredited CB current schedule of accreditation shall be considered
in advance of the visit. Following the re-assessment visit, which will follow the same general
procedure as the initial assessment, and the receipt of evidence of clearance of
nonconformities, the report and recommendations will be considered, (for a recommendation
by the TC and a decision by the EGAC AC), for re-accreditation for a further four year
period. A new certificate of accreditation is issued on the renewal; however the certificate
number remains the same.
9. Extensions to accredited scope
Accredited organizations may be able to extend the scope of their operation into activities
beyond those covered by their accredited scope. Extensions to scope require formal
application using the form provided by EGAC, and will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
The application will need to be accompanied by documentary evidence of competence in
relation to the relevant industrial and technical activities.
When an accredited CB applies for an extension of its schedule of accreditation, including the
addition of new specified staff, it may be combined with the assessment visit of an imminent
scheduled visit, or an extra visit is arranged in the normal way. It is helpful in visit planning if
the application for extension of scope is submitted to EGAC through 14 week before the next
scheduled visit.
If the extension is assessed during a scheduled visit it shall not be allowed to reduce the
effectiveness and coverage of the normal consecutive/re-assessment visits.
- ISO 15189:2012
1.4 / Jan 2022
Egyptian Accreditation Council

- ILAC G26



EGAC supplies Information pack & Application form. Lab submits Application & Charges. Lab is included in
Future mailing of Publication.

Lab studies accreditation requirements & prepares quality manual and relevant operational procedures

Lab submits Application form, quality manual & relevant operational procedures

EGAC reviews the application form and appoints the assessment team and request approval from the lab. Lab is
informed of any document insufficiency.

The assessment team review lab. documents and records recommendations of the assessment if the lab. is ready or
request further improvements in the docs

EGAC provides assessment visit fees quotation to the Lab

Lab pays the charges and Assessment of Lab is conducted.

Lab is informed of nonconformities and proposes corrective actions

1.4 / Jan 2022
Lab provides evidence of corrective actions to be reviewed11/12
by assessment team to ensure the clearance of findings
(site visit maybe needed)
Egyptian Accreditation Council

1.4 / Jan 2022

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