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Description of Work Unit No Lm Bm Hm

Earthwork filling work by
using tunnel mucking at
1 Chainage
0 to 0+060 Cum 1 60 6 2.5
0+060 to 0+350 Cum 1 250 6 1.5
Earthwork Cuttings for
preparation of
2 foundation work Cum 1 250 6 0.2

River bed material mized

with stone dust
( Mucking material) Base
Material and supply and
3 compaction cum 1 310 6 0.25
Qty Unit Rate t Remarks

3150 91.80 289157

300 90.38 27114

465 650.83 302634

b) hard Soil (Excavator Used)
DoR Norms (APPENDIX-2, Productivity of Heavy Equipments)
Analysis for 1 m3:

Q= Qstd * K * E
Standard Production for
Q= 71.00
PC-150 (Q)
Bucket Factor (Average
K= 1.00
E= Job Efficiency (Average) 0.75
Q= 53.25 m3/hour

Excavator = 0.0188 hour

Diesel = 0.1878 lit

Rate Amount
S.N. Description Unit Quantity Remarks
NRs. NRs.
A Labour Cost

Unskilled Labour pd 0.000 0.00

Sub Total 1 0.00

B Material Cost
Diesel lit 0.1878 153.50 28.83
Sub Total 2 28.83
C Equipment Cost
Excavator up to 0.80 m3 capac hr 0.0188 2,650.00 49.77
Sub Total 3 49.77
D Other Cost
Sub Total 4 0.00
E Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 78.59
F Contractor's Overhead and Profit Cost (15%) 11.79
G Total (E+F) 90.38 per m3

3.05) Transporting of surplus materials or deficit materials to the tipping sites or from borrow pits
respectively ; as per specified and directed by the Engineer

S.N. 55.2 (DoLIDAR Norms) Respective Clause of Spec: G-13.2, 2-1.3.10, 2-1.9.6 and 2-5.7.2
Unit: m3
Rate Amount
S.N. Description Unit Quantity Remarks
NRs. NRs.
A Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour pd 0.310 650.00 201.50
Sub Total 1 201.50
B Material Cost
Diesel lit 2.3500 153.50 360.73
Sub Total 2 360.73
C Equipment Cost
Truck / Tractor hour 0.5900 400.00 236.00
Sub Total 3 236.00
D Other Cost
Sub Total 4 0.00
E Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 798.23
F Contractor's Overhead and Profit Cost (15%) 119.73
G Total (E+F) 917.96 per 10 m3
H1 91.80 per m3
As per Dolidar Norms considering velocity of 15 Kmph for 10 cu.m. per Km
A Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour pd 0.200 650.00 130.00
Sub Total 1 130.00
B Material Cost
Diesel lit 2.3500 153.50 360.73
Sub Total 2 360.73
C Equipment Cost
Truck / Tractor hour 0.3900 1,100.00 429.00
Sub Total 3 429.00
D Other Cost
Sub Total 4 0.00
E Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 919.73
F Contractor's Overhead and Profit Cost (15%) 137.96
G Total (E+F) 1,057.68 per 10 m3
H2 105.77 per m3
Considering Minimum of H1 and H2 91.80 per m3

Transportation of material from the muckdisposal site to Project site

Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of natural sand gravel
subbase grading of standard specification lead upto 10m

DoR Norms SPEC. Clause No. - 1201, Activity No. :- 12.01

Unit: m3
Rate Amount
S.N. Description Unit Quantity Remarks
NRs. NRs.
A Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour pd 0.040 900.00 36.00
Skilled Labour pd 0.005 650.00 3.25
Sub Total 1 39.25
B Material Cost
Sub Base aggregates from
m3 1.28 310.82 397.85
natural bed
Diesel lit 0.792 153.50 121.57
Sub Total 2 519.43
C Equipment Cost
Roller hr 0.022 330.00 7.26 Small size
Sub Total 3 7.26
D Other Cost
Sub Total 4 0.00
E Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 565.94
Contractor's Overhead and
F 84.89
Profit Cost (15%)
G Total (E+F) 650.83 per m3

3) Gravel, Gravel Sub base, etc

Unit: m3
Labour Cost 0 0 km
S.N./Spec. Distance
Types of Road Speed Manpower
clause (km)
G-13.2 Type Unit Qty Rate Amount
57.3 Bituminous 30 km/hr 0.00 Unskilled pd 0.00 0.00
56.3 Gravel 15 km/hr 0.10 Unskilled pd 0.00 0.00 0.00
55.3 Earthen 10 km/hr 0.10 Unskilled pd 0.20 650.00 130.00
Skilled 900
Unskilled 650
Disesel 153.5
Excavator 2650

Material Equipment

Type Unit Qty Rate Amount Type Unit Qty Rate Amount
Diesel lit 0.00 0.00 Tipper hr 0.00 0.00
Diesel lit 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tipper hr 0.00 0.00 0.00
Diesel lit 4.21 153.50 646.24 Tipper hr 5.83 400.00 2,332.00

3,108.24 Per 10 m3
310.82 Per m3

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