Icpms - Che 3214
Icpms - Che 3214
Icpms - Che 3214
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry is an analytical technique used for elemental
determinations which is capable of identifying trace multielement analysis, often at the part per
trillion levels.
The argon discharge with a temperature of around 6000-10000°K is an excellent ion source. 2. The
ions formed by the ICP discharge are typically positive ions, M+ or M+ ², therefore, elements that
prefer to form negative ions such as Cl, I, F, etc., are very difficult to determine via ICP-MS.
Then it is converted into a fine aerosol with argon gas at about 1 L/min.
The fine droplets of the aerosol, which represent only 1 - 2% of the sample, are separated from
larger droplets using a spray chamber.
The fine aerosol then emerges from the exit tube of the spray chamber is transported into the
plasma torch via a sample injector.
The plasma is produced by the interaction of an intense magnetic field on a tangential flow of gas
(normally argon), at about 15 L/min flowing through a concentric quartz tube (torch). This ionizes
the gas and when seeded with a source of electrons from a high-voltage spark, forms a very high
temperature plasma discharge (~10,000 K) at the open end of the tube.
In ICP-MS, the plasma torch is positioned horizontally, and is used to generate positively charged
ions rather than photons. In fact, every attempt is made to stop the photons reaching the detector
because they have the potential to increase signal noise.
Once the ions are produced in the plasma, they are directed into the mass spectrometer via the
interface region, which is maintained at a vacuum. This interface region consists of two metallic
cones called the sampler and a skimmer cone. Each cone features a small (0.6 - 1.2 mm) orifice to
allow the ions through to the ion optics, where they are guided into the mass separation device.
Once the ions have been successfully extracted from the interface region, they are directed into the
main vacuum chamber by a series of electrostatic lenses called ion optics. A turbo molecular pump
maintains the operating vacuum in this region at about 10 -2 torr. There are many different designs
of the ion optic region , but they serve exactly the same function to electrostatically focus the ion
beam towards the mass separation device and to stop photons, particulates, and neutral species
from reaching the detector.
The ion beam containing all the analyte and matrix ions exit the ion optics and now pass into the
heart of the mass spectrometer - the mass separation device, where a second turbo molecular pump
maintains an operating vacuum of approximately 10 -6 torr.
They all work to allow analyte ions of a particular mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) through to the detector
and to filter out all the non-analyte, interfering and matrix ions.