ODOR 2017-T015 J_R12
ODOR 2017-T015 J_R12
ODOR 2017-T015 J_R12
2017-T015 J
This Information Notice is effective on all JetBlue A320/A321 CEO and NEO aircraft.
JetBlue takes all reports of odor, smell, poor air quality and “dirty sock smells” seriously
and performs robust troubleshooting to determine the cause of these odors. These
odors are experienced throughout the aviation industry and are not limited to JetBlue.
Based on extensive expert and industry research, document review and working with
the JetBlue Safety Department, JetBlue has established the following policy and
procedure for the handling of odor events on JetBlue aircraft.
The intent of this Information Notice is to provide policy and procedures to address
reported odor events (dirty sock, musty). This document provides maintenance
personnel with acceptable data and established criteria to assess the severity level for
reportable cabin odor / smell events.
Upon report of a cabin odor event, obtain copies of all supporting information describing
the event, including the Aircraft Maintenance Logbook (AML), the Cabin Odor Reporting
Form (MX-270), Flight Crew and In-Flight debriefs, as applicable.
The Aircraft Maintenance Technician (AMT):
Immediately contacts the Maintenance Control Center (MCC) for all reported
Odor Events
Circles “YES” on the SDR box on the RESOLUTION OR DEFER section of the
Aircraft Maintenance Logbook (AML) for Quality Assurance (QA) review.
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Reviews the AML and/or the M&E system and determines if there are previous
odor events of a Type 10 (ambient air) sign-off in the preceding 30 days.
o If there is no history, refer to Section A of this Information Notice.
o If there is history, and not at a Non-BlueMX City, refer to Section B1 of this
Information Notice.
o If there is history, and at a BlueMX city, refer to Section B2 of this Information
If the APU is the source of the odor event and being deferred, Section A does not
The MCC Controller places the aircraft in OOS and reviews the M&E system for history
of odor events in the preceding 30 days.
The MCC Duty Manager:
Sends a Significant Event Notification for all reported Odor Events
Notifies the SOC Manager on Duty (MOD) of the reported Odor Event so that a
JEMS report is opened for the event.
Ensure to identify Odor Events as SDRs in the M&E system along with the AML.
Section A
This section may be used to address Level A/1 Temporary/Transient odors with no
previous reports in the preceding 30 days.
The AMT:
1. Refers to TSM 05-50-00-810-831-A, #4 “Fault Isolation”, Subtask 05-50-00-810-
085-B (CEO) or Subtask 05-50-00-810-085-D (NEO), Type 10
2. Operates both packs to determine if the odor is present in the cabin and/or flight
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3. If the odor is not present, it may be ambient air or other Type 10 effects listed on
this Subtask.
a. If the odor is verified to be Type 10, (a), 1, c - Ambient air, enters the following
in the RESOLUTION OR DEFER section of the AML “Complied with
Information Notice 2017-T015, Section A, isolated fault to Type 10, (a), 1,
c per TSM 05-50-00-810-085-B/TSM 05-50-00-810-085-D. Aircraft is ok for
4. If odor is present:
a. If at a Non-BlueMX City, proceed to section B1 of this Information Notice.
b. If at a BlueMX City, proceed to section B2 of this Information Notice.
The MCC Controller issues a TSI to leak check the APU within three days of
compliance with Section A of this Information Notice if odor is not preset.
Ambient air may smell musty during precipitation/high humidity, or when passing
through clouds.
Section B
B1 If at a Non-BlueMX City
The MCC Controller immediately removes the aircraft from service and instructs the
Contract Maintenance Provider AMT to:
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7. If no defects are discovered in steps 1-4, coordinate with MCC to open MEL 36-
12-01 “APU Bleed.” If MEL 36-12-01 is not practical, MCC may approve
Dispatch Concurrent MEL 49-10-01 “APU INOP”.
8. If an ECS decontamination is practical, follow the proper AMM procedures based
on the provided MX-270 and the Decision Table on TSM subtask 05-50-00-710-
080-A, # 2 (Figure 05-50-00-991-01200-A) to determine the level and source of
the odor.
9. Enter the following in the RESOLUTION OR DEFER section of the AML:
“Complied with Information Notice 2017-T015, Section B1. Decontamination level
_____ was accomplished per TSM XXXXXXX. Aircraft is ok for service.”
10. If there is confirmation of an Odor Event from a pack at a Non-BlueMX City and
Section B1. is not practical, MCC can authorize the applicable Dispatch
Concurrence MEL 21-52-01 “Packs” for the affected pack(s).
The MCC Controller creates a P2 Technical Service Item (TSI) Must Do to accomplish
Section B2 at the next BlueMX City.
B2 If at a BlueMX City
The AMT:
1. Contacts MCC immediately to remove aircraft from service.
2. Ensures the MX-270 was completed by the Flight Crew.
3. Refers to TSM 05-50-00-810-831-A “Identification of the Cause for Cabin Odor,
Smoke, or Fume,” Subtask 05-50-00-869-051-A “Fault Confirmation” to identify
the cause of the odor.
4. Uses the Flight Crew provided MX-270 and the Decision Table on TSM subtask
05-50-00-710-080-A, # 2 (Figure 05-50-00-991-01200-A) to determine the level
and source of the odor.
Reference TSM 05-50-00-810-831-A, Subtask 05-50-00-710-079-A for guidance on
completing the MX-270.
Airbus Level A = JetBlue Level 1, Airbus Level B = JetBlue Level 2, Airbus Level C =
JetBlue Level 3.
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Airbus odor classification levels:
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A persistent odor
Odor remains or may dissipate over time
Level 2 Odor is detectable by multiple Crewmembers or Customers
Mild to moderate irritation occurs in two or more Crewmembers or
A persistent odor
Odor obvious to both Crewmembers and Customers
Level 3 Odor is strong in intensity, increases over time, or stabilizes with a
significant intensity
Odor significantly irritates eyes, nose, or throat.
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(Section A)
Operate both packs
Previous Odor events
to determine
of a Type 10 odor Refer to TSM 05-50-00- Is odor
No presence of odor
sign-off in the 810-831-A present?
(cabin and/or flight
preceding 30 days?
(Section B1)
Yes MCC removes the
(Section B2) aircraft OOS and
instructs Contract Proceed to Section B1
At a BlueMX
Contact MCC to No Maintenance Provider of Information Notice No
remove aircraft from Yes At a BlueMX City? to follow procedures 2017-T015
Ensure MX-270 is
completed by Flight Yes
Ensure MX-270 is Crew
completed by Flight Proceed to Section B2
Crew of Information Notice
Perform proper APU 2017-T015
shutdown procedure
and verify APU inlet
door is closed
Refer to TSM 05-50-
00-810-831-A to
identify level and Perform GVI of APU
source of odor
Follow AMM procedures
Coordinate with MCC to
apply applicable APU
(Refer to section B1) Sign-off AML entry per
Yes section B1 of IN 2017-T015
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Confirmation Code: odor