Ghana NTDs Sustainability Plan (2022-2026) (2)
Ghana NTDs Sustainability Plan (2022-2026) (2)
Ghana NTDs Sustainability Plan (2022-2026) (2)
Tropical Diseases
Sustainability Plan
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements 4
List of Acronyms 4
Forward 5
Executive Summary 5
Introduction 6
Purpose of this Document 6
Context: Neglected Tropical Diseases in Ghana 6
NTD Sustainability Plan Development 9
Sustainability Strategy 11
Coordination 13
Intra-Sectoral Coordination (within Ministry of Health) 14
Inter-Sectoral Coordination (external between NTDP/GHS and other public entities) 15
Public Private Partnerships 18
Policy & Planning 20
National Health Sector Strategy & Policies 21
NTDP Strategy & Policies 24
Inter-Sectoral Strategy & Policies 25
Operational Capacity 27
HR & Workforce Alignment to NTDs (inside Ghana health system) 28
HR & Workforce Alignment to NTDs (outside Ghana health system) 31
Surveillance 32
Supply Chain 33
Information Systems 36
Inclusion of NTD Indicators into National HMIS 37
Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning 40
Data Management 41
Services 43
Facility-Based Service Delivery 44
Integrated Service Delivery 46
NTD Surveillance 49
Financing 50
Financial Needs Analysis 51
Independent Dedicated Government Budget 52
Financial Management 53
Multi-Year Budget Projections 54
Sustainability Plan Tracking & Implementation 56
1. Monitoring the Implementation of the Plan 56
2. Evaluation of the Plan 56
Appendixes 58
The NTDP will like to acknowledge the various contributors of the development of the sustainability plan
namely; Ghana’s Intra-Country Coordination Committee (ICCC) for NTDs, Ghana Health Service Policy,
Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate (GHS-PPMED), Ministry of Finance, the School Health
Education Program of the Ghana Education Service, Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, the PC
and CM NTD program staff, our partners, the USAID funded Act to End NTDs| West program consortium,
Sightsavers and all other internal and external partners for facilitating and contributing to the
development, review and finalization of this plan.
List of Acronyms
Act | West USAID Act to End NTDs | West
CONIWAS Water and Sanitation Coalition of NGOs
CSO Civil Service Organization
CWSA Community Water & Sanitation Agency
DCD Disease Control Department
DHD District Health Directorate
DHIMS2 District Health Information Management System
DHMT District Health Management Team
DQA Data Quality Assessment
FBO Faith-based Organization
FHD Family Health Division
GCNH Ghana Coalition of NGOs in Health
GES Ghana Education Service
GHILMIS Ghana Integrated Logistics Management Information System
GHS Ghana Health Service
GJA Ghana Journalist Association
GNA Ghana News Agency
GOEC Ghana Onchocerciasis Expert Committee
HMIS Health Management Information System
HPD Health Promotion Division
ICCC Intra-Country Coordinating Committee
ICD Institutional Care Division
ICT Information and Communications Technology
LF Lymphatic Filariasis
LOE Level of Effort
MDA Mass Drug Administration
MLGDRD Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development
MOFA Ministry of Food & Agriculture
MOH Ministry of Health
MSWR Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources
NCCE National Commission for Civic Education
NGO Non-governmental Organization
NTD Neglected Tropical Disease
NTDP Neglected Tropical Diseases Programme
Oncho Onchocerciasis
PCT Preventive Chemotherapy
PHC Parliamentary Health Committee
PHD Public Health Directorate
PPME (GHS) Policy, Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Division
PPP Public-Private Partnership
PR Public Relations
RHD Regional Health Directorate
SBCC Social Behavior Change Communication
SCH Schistosomiasis
SHEP School Health Education Programme
SMM Sustainability Maturity Model
SSDM Supply Stock and Drug Management Division
STH Soil-transmitted Helminths
TIPAC Tool for Integrated Planning and Services
TOR Terms of Reference
TWG Technical Working Group
USAID United States Agency for International Development
WASH Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) are debilitating and disproportionately diseases that affect the poor
and vulnerable in indigenous settings with poor sanitary conditions with no or low access to safe drinking
water. NTDs are estimated to affect over one billion people in the world, majority being in low income or
developing countries such as Ghana, affects all 260 health districts in the country. Ghana is endemic for
fourteen (14) NTDs with every district having at least 2 NTDs. These diseases include some bacterial,
helminthes, protozoans, and viral infections such as, Onchocerciasis, STH, SCH, LF, Trachoma, Buruli Ulcer,
Leprosy, HAT among others are confirmed to be endemic in Ghana. The impact of NTDs goes beyond
individual morbidity through deepening impoverished states, psychosocial stress and increased health
care expenditure to reduced life expectancy.
The primary goal of the NTD Programme (NTDP) of the Ghana Health Service is to reduce the prevalence
of NTDs in Ghana to the level that it is no longer of public health significance by 2030. The strategies
employed are Mass Drug Administrations (MDAs), Morbidity Management and Disability Prevention
(MMDP) and Health Education.
Ghana has made major strides in interrupting transmission for NTDs including eradicating Guinea Worm
in 2015, eliminating Trachoma as a disease of public health concern in 2018 and HAT has currently
submitted a dossier WHO for elimination. Lessons from elimination and eradication of the above disease
further emphasis the need for an integrated collaborative approach and highlighting cross sectoral
mechanisms towards the fight against NTDs.
Ghana’s road to attaining UHC and making primary health care pivotal in its health delivery system further
highlights and projects mainstreaming NTDs into existing service delivery to attain UHC goals and the
WHO roadmap to eliminating NTDs by 2030.
The NTD Sustainability Plan (2023-2026) serves as a roadmap over the next three years for mainstreaming
advocacy and long-term service delivery for sustainable NTD programming. The NTD Sustainability Plan is
a concrete, actionable roadmap that outlines targets and implementation steps as identified by both
actors in NTDs and all other key stakeholders to mainstream NTD interventions in policy and planning,
service delivery, information systems, operational capacity, financing and coordination. A key priority is
to leverage on the achievements chalked in the past and build on Government commitment to Universal
Health Coverage.
The document envisions the commitment of the government towards country ownership and
strengthening health workforce capacities for the provision of NTD services, enhancing surveillance
systems and integrating NTD supply into district and regional supply chain systems.
The need for sensitization of healthcare providers on NTD- related morbidity management and
strengthening awareness around referral cases as well as collaboration between NTDP, private sectors
and other programs within and outside the health sector.
The control and elimination of the NTDs will be a major contribution to poverty alleviation and in
alignment with the WHO’s NTD Roadmap 2021-2030 pillar to ensure “holistic, cross-cutting approaches
including integration across NTDs mainstreaming in national health systems, coordinating with adjacent
sectors and strengthening country capacity and global support”.
The Government of Ghana is grateful and appreciates all the contribution and support of all stakeholders
in the development of this Sustainability Plan and highly anticipates that all partners through multisectoral
coordinated approach will make concerted efforts to the successful implementation of this plan achieve
the universal goal of a country free of NTDs.
Kwaku Agyeman-Manu
Minister of Health,
August 2022.
Executive Summary
The Ghana Health Service / Neglected Tropical Disease Program (GHS/NTDP) has made significant strides
towards the elimination of lymphatic filariasis (LF) and onchocerciasis (oncho) and sustained control of
schistosomiasis (SCH) and soil-transmitted helminths (STH). In line with the “Ghana Beyond Aid” agenda,
the GHS/NTDP seeks to sustain the gains made in combatting NTDs in Ghana through the development of
a sustainability plan to serve as a guide and tool for sustainability activities. The sustainability plan will be
implemented from 2022-2026.
Ghana’s sustainability plan has three core components including 1) NTD Sustainability Action Plan, 2)
Sustainability Planning Tracking and Implementation, and 3) Communication and Promotion of the NTD
Sustainability Plan. The plan also focuses on six sustainability outcomes identified in the NTDP’s
sustainability framework: Financing, Services, Information Systems, Operational Capacity, Policy &
Planning, and Coordination. Key activities, process and outcome level indicators have been identified to
provide a clear roadmap towards achieving the core objectives of the sustainability plan. Progress towards
achieving these outcome areas has been highlighted as well as well as targets the country hopes to achieve
by the end of the plan’s implementation.
Within the financing component of the plan, one of the key areas of focus is efforts to increase local
resource mobilization to ensure the sustainability of funding for national NTD activities. Service
strengthening related activities of focus include increased training of health workers to ensure equitable
access to morbidity management and disability prevention (MMDP) interventions at all levels. In
information systems, activities focus on improved NTD data collection and management from national to
sub-national levels. Operational capacity efforts will focus on ensuring that pre-service and in- service
training on NTDs is available across relevant cadres of health workers and volunteers across the nation
such that expertise on NTDs is sustained. Policy and Planning activities focus on the implementation of
the Master plan on NTDs, the creation of an NTD policy and the integration of NTDs within programs and
strategies in the broader health sector under the leadership of the Ministry of Health as well as into
relevant cross-cutting programs outside the MOH, including the School Health Education Program (SHEP),
Immigration and Port Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programs, and local government
initiatives. Coordination activities focus on advocacy activities and building partnerships with key
stakeholders that will the NTD support the implementation, including supporting the efforts and activities
of the Intra Country Coordinating Committee (ICCC) for NTDs.
Critical to the successful implementation of this plan will be the focus on collaborative efforts to ensure
activities are completed and that desired outcomes are tracked and monitored. The sustainability plan
has been designed to be a practical guide and tool to support the GHS/NTDP in maintaining the
momentum towards NTD elimination and control efforts and will support the program and partners in
both preventing the transmission of disease and increasing access to services by persons affected by NTDs
in the long term.
Purpose of this Document
The Ghana Beyond Aid agenda of President Nana Akufo-Addo envisions building Ghana’s capacity to plan,
finance, and implement solutions to its development challenges and ensuring commitment to sustain
those solutions effectively, inclusively, and with accountability. Consistent with the Ghana Beyond Aid
agenda, operational and financial sustainability are critical to the ongoing effectiveness of the Ghana
Health Services/Neglected Tropic Disease Program (GHS/NTDP) as the country strives for sustained
elimination of lymphatic filariasis (LF) and onchocerciasis (oncho) and sustained control of schistosomiasis
(SCH) and soil-transmitted helminths (STH). To achieve Ghana’s elimination and control goals,
sustainability, integration into national health strategies and systems, and multisectoral coordination are
priority elements for the NTDP and GHS in general.
To that end, the NTDP engaged key stakeholders across government, private sector, and civil society to
develop the NTD Sustainability Plan to serve as a roadmap over the next five years for mainstreaming,
advocacy, and long-term service delivery for sustainable NTD programming. The NTD Sustainability Plan
is a concrete, actionable roadmap that outlines targets and implementation steps as identified by the
NTDP and key stakeholders to mainstream NTD interventions and strengthen the sustainability of Ghana’s
NTD programming. Ghana’s Intra-Country Coordinating Committee (ICCC) – which is composed of
stakeholders from the NTDP, within the health system, across other sectors, and outside government –
owns and drives the implementation of the NTD Sustainability Plan to ensure stakeholders are integrated
and held accountable to achieving the goals set out in the NTD Sustainability Plan. (Refer to stakeholder
table below.)
The NTD Sustainability Plan is composed of three sections: 1) NTD Sustainability Action Plan, 2)
Sustainability Planning Tracking and Implementation, and 3) Communication and Promotion of the NTD
Sustainability Plan. The NTD Sustainability Action Plan is organised around USAID’s NTD Sustainability
Framework, which describes how six integrated activities lead to six Sustainability Outcomes that will
enable countries to achieve the goals of sustained elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis (LF), trachoma, and
onchocerciasis and sustained control of Schistosomiasis (SCH) and Soil Transmitted Helmenthiasis (STH).
The NTD Sustainability Action Plan outlines the NTDP’s current state and target state as identified by
Ghana’s NTDP, and specifies targets, milestones, and activities to achieve the target state over the next
five years. The Sustainability Plan Tracking and Implementation section details process indicators to
measure progress of the Plan. The final section on Communication and Promotion of the NTD
Sustainability Plan specifies how each stakeholder will be socialised on the plan for widespread
dissemination and buy-in and support of the NTD Sustainability Plan.
Context: Neglected Tropical Diseases in Ghana
Ghana has an estimated population of 30.4 million people with a population growth rate of 2.2 percent
(2019). Approximately 43 percent of the population lives in rural areas, which is notable given that NTDs
predominantly affect people living in rural or urban slum areas, where access to healthcare, clean water,
and safely managed sanitation is limited. Most of the rural population is engaged in farming and fishing
which predisposes them to NTDs. Children between the ages of four and fourteen constitute 23.8 percent
of the population1 who are at risk to both SCH and STH.
Ghana’s gross domestic product (GDP) is 67 billion USD and annual GDP growth is 6.5 percent (2019). 2
Ghana’s three main exports are oil, gold, and cocoa. Ghana is the second largest producer of gold in Africa,
which is notable given that surface mining activities result in pits that serve as breeding sites for mosquitos
and, in turn, may predispose individuals to LF and malaria. Similarly, cocoa and other farming activities
that use dry farming techniques such as dams and irrigation canals predispose farmers to guinea worm
and SCH.
Ghana is composed of three geographic zones: dry northern savannah, humid middle forest rainfall zone,
and coastal savannah and mangroves. In the forest zone, onchocerciasis is prevalent along flowing rivers
and lakes and SCH is prevalent in areas with stagnant waters. LF is prevalent in the dry northern and
coastal zones. In addition, onchocerciasis is endemic in 13 out of 16 regions and SCH and STH are found
in all regions across the country.
Ghana’s NTDP aims for sustained elimination of LF and onchocerciasis by 2025 as well as a sustained
control of SCH and STH. In 2018, Ghana became the first country in Sub-Saharan Africa to eliminate
trachoma and, in 2015, successfully eradicated guinea worm. Ghana has also achieved significant
reduction in the prevalence of LF and onchocerciasis through ivermectin and albendazole mass drug
administrations (MDAs). Ghana has achieved modest reductions in the prevalence of SCH and STH. (See
disease endemicity maps
The NTDP is situated within the Public Health Division as part of the Disease Control Department of the
GHS. In Ghana, the NTDP oversees most of the preventive chemotherapy (PC) diseases as well as scabies
and snake bites. External to the main NTDP, there are three additional NTD programs that oversee non-
PC NTDs. The Regional Health Directorates are key partners for coordinating case detection, case
management, and surveillance, while the District Health Directorate works with traditional leaders,
assemblymen, faith leaders, media, and community volunteers to administer MDAs. The NTD programme
strategy and priorities is defined in the NTD Masterplan which is evaluated and revised every five years.
Regional and district officials implement NTD interventions following direction from the national level.
World Bank World Development Indicators (2019)
NTD Sustainability Plan Development
The NTD Sustainability Plan is the culmination of the NTDP’s efforts to build programmatic capacity,
develop a deeper understanding of the landscape and barriers relevant to mainstreaming NTDs in Ghana,
analyse its financial needs, assess its current and desired target states for sustainability, and define key
milestones towards the desired target states. Based on the outputs of these efforts, the NTDP engaged
stakeholders across government, civil society, and private sector to develop and obtain buy-in around a
concrete, actionable plan to achieve sustainable NTD programming over the next five years.
The NTDP convened a sustainability sensitization meeting with key stakeholders in June 2019, with
support from USAID’s Act to End NTDs | West (Act | West), during which the NTDP and key stakeholders
in Ghana committed to NTD sustainability. The meeting focused on sensitizing public and private sector
partners to the concept of sustainability, referring to the mainstreaming efforts and cross-sector
coordination. Stakeholders from relevant sectors, institutions, and agencies attended the meeting,
including from water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), nutrition, education, malaria, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations (CSOs), mass media, USAID and the United Nations (UN).
The NTDP then conducted financial needs analysis using the Tool for Integrated Planning and Costing
(TIPAC) to help improve planning, support performance-based financial management, and enable
resource mobilization advocacy efforts. Building on the TIPAC analysis, the NTDP worked with Act | West
to deepen understanding of the NTD landscape and the barriers to mainstreaming NTDs. Landscape and
Barrier Analyses were created to synthesise key findings from health sector policy documents, interviews
with key health system stakeholders, and a map of existing stakeholders and coordination mechanisms.
These findings were used to identify barriers and opportunities for NTD sustainability in Ghana.
In December 2019, equipped with the findings from the TIPAC, landscape, and barrier analyses and based
on the NTDP’s experience, the NTDP completed a guided self-assessment to determine where the NTDP
currently stands with regards to the six Sustainability Outcomes of USAID’s Sustainability Framework, and
where the NTDP believes it can reasonably target in the next five years. Throughout the guided self-
assessment, the NTDP used the Sustainability Maturity Model – a tool that helps the NTDP score itself
along a sustainability continuum in each of the six outcomes – to determine the NTDP’s current state of
sustainability, target state, and milestones to achieve the target state. The results of the NTDP’s self-
assessment served as the basis of the NTD Sustainability Plan and are reflected in this document.
Based on the results of the NTDP’s self-assessment, the NTDP engaged key stakeholders within the health
system, across other sectors, and outside the government in the NTD Sustainability Planning Workshop
in October 2021. The purpose of the workshop was to co-create the NTD Sustainability Plan and obtain
buy-in from key stakeholder groups. During the workshop, the NTDP and participating stakeholders
agreed upon actions, owners, timelines, and accountability measures to achieve the NTDP’s sustainability
targets and milestones. The NTDP also engaged leaders of key stakeholder groups to share the goals of
the Sustainability Plan and obtain their endorsement for the Plan and operationalizing it.
Illustrated below, this approach to developing the NTD Sustainability Plan ensured that the resulting Plan
is driven and owned by Ghana. Engaging stakeholders throughout the development process was a critical
step towards greater integration between the NTDP and stakeholders within and outside government.
Moving forward, as determined by stakeholders during the workshop, the ICCC – which represents all
stakeholder groups involved in the development and implementation of the Plan – will own and drive the
implementation of the NTD Sustainability Plan.
Sustainability Strategy
The Sustainability Plan is organised around the six sustainability outcomes identified in the NTDP’s
sustainability framework: Financing, Services, Information Systems, Operational Capacity, Policy &
Planning, and Coordination.
The objective of the sustainability framework is to identify the key functions of a sustainable NTD program,
identify program priorities, and identify barriers and gaps that hinder progress towards sustainability. The
framework focuses on six pillars and outcomes of health systems strengthening needed to meet the NTD
Program’s goals of prevention, elimination, control, and eradication.
The starting point of the sustainability process to ensuring NTDs are mainstreamed into the national
health system is understanding the cross-cutting contextual factors that influence the health system.
Furthermore, political will, demand, and community engagement as well as gender and social dynamics
are important determinants of this process; these factors can have an impact on exposure to and risk of
contracting NTDs.
These factors enable the provision of information to identify key interventions for the six sustainability
outcomes that contribute to the achievement of sustainability objectives and ultimately the NTD control
and elimination goals of the country.
During the NTD Sustainability Plan development workshop, participants from within and outside of the
health sector identified and elaborated key interventions aligned with the functional areas to achieve
sustainability. For each functional area outcome, this document provides context on the current state of
the NTDP, the target future state, key milestones to reach the future state as identified by the NTDP staff
during the guided self-assessment, and activities to achieve those milestones as determined by the NTDP
and cross-sector stakeholder during the NTD Sustainability Planning workshop.
The levels of maturity are separated into four categories: Basic Level, Developing Level, Advanced Level,
and Leading Level.
Outcome 1 Defining Outcome 1: Close coordination with other health or related program areas, e.g.
(Coordination) malaria and MCH, and other sectors, e.g. water and sanitation and education, are key to
long-term sustainability. These program areas and sectors often have established
NTD programming resources and platforms and work closely with the same target population as national NTD
and financing are programs. By strengthening partnerships with other program areas and sectors, national
coordinated within NTD programs can link with pre-existing platforms, leverage supply chain and human
the health system resource infrastructure, and identify private sector resources. These linkages help national
and across sectors NTD programs capitalise on integration or coordination opportunities and achieve control
and elimination goals. Coordination structures include NTD technical working groups
(TWGs), expert committees, and other TWGs that discuss, organise, and distribute roles
and responsibilities for MDA for SCH/STH (deworming), vector control, education, WASH
and other services. These mechanisms can be formal or informal and should be
representative of gender and other social considerations, depending on context.
● Intra-Sectoral Coordination (within Ministry of Health): Existence of a functional and diverse NTD
governance body with appropriate authority to mainstream NTDs within various MOH parameters
● Inter-Sectoral Coordination (external coordination between MOH and other public entities):
The NTD Program and MOH are able to strategically partner with various public stakeholders
outside the MOH, including other ministries
● Public Private Partnerships: Existence and use of a partnership strategy for engaging stakeholders
outside of the government
Current State of NTD Coordination: The NTDP’s coordination within the health system is strong.
With the revamping of the Intra- Country Coordination Committee (ICCC) and the advocacy activities of
the NTD Ambassador, partnerships with sectors outside of health have been strengthened. Private
partnership development is still in early stages. The NTDP has mapped relevant stakeholders both within
and outside the government with whom to engage in achieving sustainability. The NTDP has worked with
stakeholders in the health system and banking industry in limited one-time engagements but has not been
able to maintain long-term engagements with these stakeholders. A detailed list of key partnerships
identified during the NTD Masterplan development and through the landscape analysis led by World
Vision can be found in Appendix XX
Target Future State of NTD Coordination: The NTDP continuously engages stakeholders within and
outside the health system through the ICCC. The NTDP has an established advocacy team with a strategy,
work plan, and policy for public-private partnerships (PPPs) that can support sustainability goals.
Intra-Sectoral Coordination (within Ministry of Health)
Priority Current State (Developing) Target State (Advanced)
Medium NTDP has working relationships with other programs NTDP is engaged with more than two programs within MOH for planning and
within the GHS and are in discussions about increasing coordination of activities. NTDP has regular coordination meetings, planning, etc.
collaboration with other programs. The NTDP sometimes with others within the MOH.
conducts implementation and monitoring activities in
collaboration with other programs. Disease-specific
programs are siloed.
No. Milestone Activities Responsible Target Process Indicator(s) Outcome Resources Collaborators
Completio Indicator(s) Required
n Date
1 NTDP continuous engagement Identify and NTDP End of Year Identification and Integrated planning Level of Policy, Planning,
with programs across the prioritise existing 1 (2022) selection of at least 2 and implementation Effort (LOE) Monitoring &
MOH/GHS for NTD service and most platforms / meetings / for NTDs among Evaluation (PPME)
integration and coordination
relevant conferences to engage relevant sectors from Division, Office of
platforms / within GHS and MOH national to lower Director General,
meetings / level Public Health Divisi
conferences Entry points for Secretariat, ICCC
within GHS and service integration
MOH and coordination
Dissemination of key
NTD information with
and program directors and program incorporated into
managers) managers sector wide policies
eg UHC
NTDP NTDP Ongoing Number of public NTDs integration to LOE Public Health Divisi
participation at health division other public health Secretariat
public health meetings attended interventions eg.
division retreat Malaria, EPI
and meeting Dissemination of key interventions at all
(NTDP submits NTD information with levels
case to division public health
director to share stakeholders
with committees
e.g., MDA
success stories)
Attend meeting NTDP Ongoing Number of meetings NTDs Integration to LOE Directorate Program
with GHS attended with other other public health Managers
directorate like programs/platforms interventions eg.
PPME, Malaria, Malaria, EPI,
Nutrition, Number of entry nutrition
Technical points for service interventions at all
Coordination, integration and levels
Traditional & coordination
Alternative identified
Number of integrated
service activities being
programs and other sectors (e.g., WASH, Education, Environment, Agriculture,
Security) outside the MOH to mobilise support for the NTD master plan.
No. Milestone Activities Responsib Target Process Outcome Indicators Resourc Collaborators
le Completio Indicator(s) es
n Date Require
1 Strengthen and Hold the bi- ICCC Chair Bi-annually Number of ICCC ICCC is functional and LOE NTD Implementing Partners
operationalise the ICCC for annual ICCC meetings held per ably supports the NTD
continuous and effective meetings year programs to make Financial Donors
multi-sector decisions on strategies
coordination/collaboration MOH
High-level of
(Related to Intra-Sectoral incorporating WASH
Coordination Milestone 1) activities into NTD
Implementation plan.
Quarterly ICCC ICCC Quarterly Number of ICCC Sub committees LOE NTD Implementing Partners
subcommittee Subcommit subcommittee supports the ICCC and (e.g., World Vision)
meetings tee Chair meetings NTDP at large to raise Financial
resources, develop Donors
and implement
Advocacy, MOH
Communication and
Social Mobilisation
Collaboration NTDP Quarterly Review of action Reports on progress, LOE MOH
meeting between plan lessons learned,
ICCC ICCC implementation opportunities and
subcommittee Subcommit progress actions are developed
chairs and the tee Chairs
NTDP for Review Meeting
monitoring report developed
of the
action plan
2 Reinforce partnerships Collaborate with NTDP End of Year Number of NTDP NTDs data used for Financial NGOs (e.g., WaterAid, World
between NTDP and other WASH programs / 2 (2023) interventions assigning WASH Vision, CONIWAS, GCNH)
sectors/programs agencies (e.g., Health aligned with facilities in country LOE
MSWR, CWSA, Promotion WASH
WaterAid/other Division programs/agencie WASH
NGOs) to conduct (GHS) s platforms/systems
targeted used to advance
programming in Informatio awareness and
endemic areas of n Service education on NTDs
WASH-related Departmen
NTDs t
n for Civic
Cross-integration NTDP End of Year Existence of plan Key NTD messages Financial Health Promotion Division
of NTD and WASH 2 (2023) for integrating integrated into WASH
messaging efforts WASH WASH/NTD social SBCC materials LOE
programs/a behaviour change
gencies communication
(SBCC) materials
Increase and NTDP/SHEP End of Year Increase of School children are Financial Health Promotion Division
ensure adequate 1 (2022) number of aware of NTDs and
production of schools and mode of transmission
SBCC materials in districts with and how to protect
all schools distributed SBCC themselves from
materials being infected
Ensure equitable NTDP/SHEP End of Year Percentage of School children are Financial Ghana Education Service
distribution of 1 (2022) schools that have aware of NTDs and (GES)/SHEP
SBCC materials in received SBCC mode of transmission
all schools materials per and how to protect
district themselves from
being infected
Periodic NTDP/SHEP Bi- Number of Lessons and best LOE GES/SHEP
monitoring of annually, monitoring visits practices are
post-deworming starting conducted post- documented to guide
exercise and Year 1 deworming school deworming
education (2022) exercises
Hold Half Year NTDP and Bi- Review meeting Key strategic decisions Financial NTDP Partners
and End-Of Year partners annually, reports on NTD interventions
review meetings starting developed. and management are LOE
(2023) taken
3 ICCC interfaces with the Engage the ICCC NTDP/ICCC Annually Number of Buy-in and support LOE MOH/GHS
Parliamentary Select Health to interface with Chair (at meetings with from Legislature for
Committee the PHC to minimum) Parliamentary country ownership for Financial Parliamentary Services
advocate for Health Committee programming to
increased eliminate and sustain
prioritization of Report with control of NTDs
NTDs (e.g., detailed action
resources, budget points developed.
1 Expand the NTD Program’s Revision of NTDP End of Year 2 Existence of Private sector LOE PPME
PPP efforts by leveraging existing (2023) revised advocacy adequately
resources currently advocacy PPME strategy and engaged and GHS Supply Stock &
available within the health strategy and policy lobbied to Drug Management
system, such as the policy for NTDP support NTD (SSDM) Division
Resource Mobilization PPP program
Subcommittee and PPME engagement interventions
Source NTDP End of Year 2 Number of Pharmaceutical LOE PPME
pharmaceutical (2023) pharmaceutical partners donate
partners to partners engaged drugs for Financial GHS SSDM Division
meet the gaps in treatment of
drug supply Decrease in the NTDs
chain gap for disease-
specific program
drugs by 2026,
gap reduction of
Engaging NGO CONIWAS End of Year 3 Number of NGO NGO partners LOE Community Water &
partners to (2024) partners engaged advocate for Sanitation Agency
provide safe government Financial (CWSA)
water supply in Increase in commitment to
schistosomiasis- number of prioritizing and
endemic areas communities funding NTDs
accessing potable interventions
watering NGO partners
schistosomiasis- support with
endemic areas countrywide
creation and case
Raise the Public Ongoing, Number of media Media platforms Financial Ghana Journalist
visibility of the Relations starting Year 1 publications dedicated to Association (GJA)
NTDP with Unit/GHS covering NTDs (bi- creating
periodic annually at least, awareness on
engagement ideally lined up NTDs.
with the media with MDA)
(including Media personnel
advocating for
increased social country
media presence) ownership to
eliminating NTDs
for development
Regular training NTDP Ongoing, Number of Media Personnel Financial Ghana Journalist
and orientation starting Year 1 trainings well equipped Association (GJA)
of media Public with NTD
personnel on Relations Number of media information and Health Promotion
NTD-specific Unit/GHS personnel trained materials to Division
messaging on NTD-specific engage populace
messaging Ghana News Agency
Policy & Planning
Outcome 2 (Policy & Defining Outcome 2: As part of policy development, ministries of health and education need to consider how NTD-specific issues,
Planning) e.g. service delivery platforms, morbidity management, supply chain mechanisms, and training and surveillance, should be
incorporated into health and education sector policies and action plans. For example, new health sector strategic plans should
NTD core functions are consider pre-existing NTD master plans to ensure alignment and take into account new epidemiological and demographic trends
included into national and control and elimination approaches. Policies should be linked to poverty reduction strategies that show how NTD control and
health and education elimination efforts contribute to national development and equity goals. Policies should be designed in a way that considers,
policies addresses, and builds upon the unique needs and contributions of women and men promotes gender equality and social inclusion.
● National Health Sector Strategy & Policies: Coordination and cooperation is taking place between NTDP and MOH to deliver sustainability
funded NTD prevention and treatment services through mainstream health programs
● NTDP Strategy & Policies: Programmatic, operational, financial, and strategic NTD goals are set forth in the country’s NTD Master Plan
● Inter-Sectoral Strategies & Policies: Coordination and cooperation is taking place between NTDP and other sectors to deliver sustainably
funded NTD prevention, surveillance, and treatment services through other sector platforms
Current State of NTD Policy & Planning: The NTDP Master Plan is country-owned and used across NTD verticals, which are leading sustainability
practices related to NTDP strategy and policies. Yet, the NTDP has weaker integration with strategy and policies in the national health sector and
with other sectors outside health. The NTDP has identified relevant policies in health and other sectors in which the NTDP can be better integrated
through advocacy and sustained stakeholder engagement.
Target Future State of NTD Policy & Planning: The NTDP is better integrated with programs and strategies in the health sector (e.g., Ghana Health
Service, malaria health strategy, District Health Information Management System [DHMIS2]) and in other sectors outside health (e.g., School
Health Education Program, Immigration and Port Health, WASH) that are key to mainstreaming NTDs. The NTDP engages the Policy, Planning,
Monitoring, and Evaluation (PPME) unit in developing the NTDP Master Plan to ensure the Master Plan is country-owned and country-driven.
National Health Sector Strategy & Policies
Priority Current State (Basic) Target State (Advanced)
High National health sector strategy/strategic plan does not NTDP staff deepen their relationships with related health strategy and/or policy
explicitly include NTDs. The NTDP has identified relevant makers and are increasingly able to make a compelling case for integrating NTDs
policies in which the NTDP can be integrated. The NTDP into related health policies and program platforms (e.g., malaria, MNCH, HIV, TB).
lacks the appropriate messaging and advocacy tools to Related health programs recognise the need to integrate NTDs into strategies
advocate for funding or integration across related MOH and/or policies.
offices, divisions, and missions.
Copy of signed
contract with
the consultant
Conduct a desk NTDP November Situational Consultant Ministry of
review and 2022 analysis report NTD Program Health,
situational developed Managers Ghana Health
analysis Technical Service
officers of NTDP and Health
Organise NTDP November Number of Consultant Ministry of
working 2022 working NTD Program Health,
sessions to sessions held Managers Ghana Health
extract Technical Service
relevant officers of NTDP and Health
information Funds Partners
from the
Master Plan (3
Hold NTDP December Number of Consultant Ministry of
stakeholder 2022 consultative NTD Program Health,
consultation meetings held Managers Ghana Health
meetings (3) Technical Service
(present officers of NTDP Health
findings to Funds Partners and
stakeholders) other
Organise NTDP December Number of Consultant Ministry of
meetings for 2022 meetings held NTD Program Health,
the drafting of Managers Ghana Health
the policy (5 Draft policy Technical Service
working developed officers of NTDP Health
sessions) Funds Partners and
Validate and NTDP December Draft policy Consultant Ministry of
finalise the 2022 validated and NTD Program Health,
draft NTD finalized Managers Ghana Health
policy Technical Service
officers of NTDP
Partners and
Develop a NTDP January 2023 A video of the Consultant NTDP and
video on the policy NTD Program PPME
policy for Managers Health
dissemination Technical Promotion
officers of NTDP Division
Print policy NTDP January 2023 Number of NTD Program NTDP and
documents copies of the Managers PPME
(1000 copies) policy Technical SSDM
documents officers of NTDP Health
printed Funds Promotion
Conduct final NTDP January 2023 A copy of the Funds NTD
dissemination NTD Policy Technical Ambassador
and launch of signed by the support Minister of
the NTD Policy Minister of Health
Health Director
NTD Policy Directors of
launched and Ghana Health
disseminated Service
(National and
Launch report Regional)
2 Increase NTD visibility at Implement NTDP December Number of Average Funds NTD
all levels of health the NTDs 2026 advocacy Ghanaian NTD Program Ambassador
delivery Advocacy, (Ongoing) meetings aware of NTDs, Managers Public
Communicatio held with the mode of Technical Relations
n and Social officers of NTDP
media on transmission Unit
with key
intensifying and where to GJA
advocacy awareness get service
messages with creation delivery
media as a among
collaborator populace
NTDP Strategy & Policies
Priority Current State (Leading) Target State (Leading)
High The master plan is used across the NTD verticals but is not MOH owns a master plan that is reviewed, updated and adjusted as needed
used among related health programs outside of the NTDP. regularly. The plan is fully integrated in broader national health strategic planning.
The NTDP is country-owned, but largely donor-driven. The plan is consistently translated into annual operational programs, policies,
governance, and financing. NTD strategies, policies, and programs are country
owned and driven.
officers of
Monitor the NTDP December 2026 Number of Best practices Funds Health
NTD Master ICCC (Ongoing, monitoring and lessons NTD Program partners
Plan twice/year) meetings learned Managers MOH
implementatio conducted documented Technical
n and discussed officers of
among all key NTDP
Evaluate the NTDP December 2026 Number of Evidence- Funds Health
NTD Master ICCC evaluation based NTD Program partners
Plan meetings information Managers MOH
conducted gathered and Technical
adopted for officers of
the NTDP
of other
Master plans
and NTD
No Milestone Activities Responsibl Target Process Outcome Resources Collaborator
. e Completion Indicator(s) Indicator (s) Required s
1 Integrate NTDs into Organise NTDP December 2026 Number of NTDs ICCC Chair Ministry of
relevant cross-cutting advocacy ICCC (Ongoing) stakeholder integrated into Program Local
programs outside the meetings with meetings held service delivery managers Government
MOH, including SHEP key with platforms for NTDP Technical & Rural
, Immigration and Port stakeholders integration SHEPs, WASH, officers Development
Health, WASH programs, channels Local Funds (MLGDRD)
and local government identified government Ministry of
among other Sanitation &
Action plan relevant Water
developed for sectors Resources
integration (MSWR)
between the Ghana
NTDP and the Education
identified Service (GES)
sectors Immigration
Relations Unit
prevent NTDs
Operational Capacity
Outcome 3 Defining Outcome 3: Integrating human resources, supply chains, surveillance, and
(Operational Capacity) drug donations for NTDs into national systems reinforces NTD programming. Each of
these operational areas requires the ability to identify requirements, forecast needs,
The health and and manage programs to ensure high-quality services and disease monitoring. Human
education systems resources are critical to ensuring operational capacity as doctors, nurses, pharmacists,
have the capacity to sanitation workers, teachers, and community health workers all have critical roles in
organize, implement providing NTD-related services. NTD drug donation, procurement, and distribution
and manage NTD systems should be fully integrated into all stages of logistics and drug supply chain,
operations including quantification, procurement, warehousing, distribution, and utilization to
achieve control and/or elimination. Finally, Disease Specific Assessments (DSAs) and
post-treatment surveillance are required to ensure that LF remains eliminated
trachoma and onchocerciasis are eliminated and do not return.
● Human Resources & Workforce Alignment to NTDs (within health system): Degree to which
NTDs are considered during national workforce planning within the health system
● Human Resources & Workforce Alignment to NTDs (outside health system): Degree to which
NTDs are considered during national workforce planning outside the health system
● Surveillance: Use of surveillance system to monitor disease prevalence and incidence
● Supply Chain: Processes and systems used to predict drug needs, ensure availability, and minimize
stock out
Current State of NTD Operational Capacity: Human resources and workforce alignment to NTDs, both
within and outside the health system, are in the basic stages of sustainability. Within the health system,
the health workforce is equipped to address NTDs in only endemic districts. Outside the health system,
cross-sectoral integration is nascent and awareness of NTDs among this workforce is limited. Surveillance
and supply chain are part of the country’s supply chain system due to the NTDP’s integration into these
health system functions. The GHS have a strong supply chain system at the national level through to the
regional level. However, there are limitation beyond the regional level with respect to supply chain where
NTDs program logistics are mainly hosted.
Target Future State of NTD Operational Capacity: Human resources and workforces within and outside
the health system are skilled with the NTD competencies relevant to their respective sector, and job
descriptions within and outside the health system include NTD-related activities as relevant to the
respective sector. The NTDP applies leading sustainability practices in a post-elimination context for
surveillance and supply chain.
HR & Workforce Alignment to NTDs (inside Ghana health system)
Priority Current State (Basic) Target State (Leading)
High NTD preventive and palliative care are considered during Most elements of NTD preventive and palliative care competencies are considered
in-service trainings in endemic regions, but not outside of during health workforce development outside of NTDP. Job descriptions for
these regions and not in pre-service training. Outside of community and clinical health workforce include comprehensive NTD preventive
NTDP, job descriptions for community and clinical health and palliative care competencies. Trainings are conducted for comprehensive
workers do not include NTD preventive and palliative care. competencies for NTD prevention and care for all health workforce—inside and
Outside of NTDP, health workers are not trained to address outside the NTDP—across all country regions.
NTD preventive and palliative care needs.
Inclusion of NTD-
specific modules
(Year 3)
Orientation for NTDP Start of Year 4 Number of health Tutors of training Financial Health Training Institutions
tutors of health (2025) institutions trained institutions have
training disaggregated by capacity to train
institutions on type of health students on NTDs,
approved NTD- institution ie disease strategies
specific modules medical, nursing, and management
(pre-service) paramedic, public
or private
Provide in-service NTDP Start of Year 4 Number of health Capacity of health Technical GHS Staffs (regional and
NTD-specific (2025) providers trained care providers district health directorates
training for built to deliver Financial
health workers Number of health NTD interventions
(e.g., MMDP) institutions at health facilities
reached with
approved NTD-
specific modules
Inclusion of NTD- Regional / End of Year 4 Number of districts NTDs LOE DG of GHS, Human Resour
specific indicators district (2025) that have included interventions are Directorate of GHS GHS Sta
and performance directors of NTD-specific supported and (regional and district health
appraisal of in- health indicators in prioritised by directorates)
service health services performance leadership at the
workers appraisals sub national level.
Decrease in
number of referral
of NTD cases to
disease control
2 Strengthen selection and Conduct NTDP Ongoing (start Number of CDDs Quality MDA at Technical Research institutions and
training processes for CDDs sensitizations on Year 1) who have received community level universities (gender
at the community level gender equality, sensitization Logistics specialists)
inclusion of trainings on gender
people with equality Continuous Financial Gender & Social Protection
disabilities, government Ministry
safeguarding, and Number of support for CDDs
the value of community/district to carry out
ensuring women leaders who have treatment in
volunteer as received communities
CDDs sensitization without
trainings on gender interruption
Strengthen Sub-district Year 1 (2022) 100% of forms for SAEs given Technical District Health Directorates
referral supervisors all adverse drug prompt attention
mechanism reactions to MDA related LOE
between CDDs completed for all avert causalities
and health SAE cases reported
facilities during
MDAs (to include
adverse drug
Continuous Ongoing Evidence-based
collection / data available to
monitoring of make informed
sex- decision on
disaggregated gender integrated
data on current, programming for
active CDDs NTDs
CDDs motivated NTDP Ongoing CDDs and CDDs carry out Financial MOH
and incentivised (annually, provide ID cards or quality MDA for
to provide quality year-over- badges to give disease Logistics Donors & Implementing
MDA year) them identity interruption in at Partners
Incentive packages communities/pop District Health Directorates
discussed and ulation
agreed at the
National level with
the MoH by end of
Year 4 (co-funded
between MOH and
Number of CDDs
with ID cards
stakeholders to mobilize on aligning Ongoing (all “shopping” for volunteer Technical
required staffing and community year round) volunteers engagement ,
training resources for the workers with the policy updated to Financial
institutionalization of CDDs GHS reflect alignment
into the broader health and streamlined
system all GHS programs
HR & Workforce Alignment to NTDs (outside Ghana health system)
Priority Current State (Basic) Target State (Developing)
Medium Cross-sector integration is nascent. WASH, education, WASH, education, environment, agriculture, and security programs
environment, agriculture, and security programs do not consider include minimum NTD prevention activities as relevant to their specific
NTDs when developing their workforce. Job descriptions do not sector when developing their workforce. When applicable, job
include NTD prevention activities. Stakeholders outside of the descriptions include minimum NTD prevention activities. Training includes
NTDP are generally open to integration, but little progress has minimum NTD prevention activities as related to their specific sector.
been made to build the capacity of the workforce for these sectors
outside of MDAs.
2 High level engagement of Ministerial NTD Year 1 (2022) Cross sector NTDs are Financial MOE
NTD adjacent sectors engagements Ambassador platforms mainstreamed into LOE MOFA
between MOH, identified for existing platforms MSWR
MOE, MSWR, ICCC Chair integration of in adjacent sectors MOH
MOFA, Ministry NTD activities to promote NTDs Ministry of
of Interior for interventions Interior
effective cross-
of NTD activities
through their
across different diseases on Public Health
cadres following elimination track reference lab
outlined in the 100% of reported
manual (including cases are
CDDs, laboratory investigated
Priority Current State (Advanced) Target State (Leading)
Low A post-MDA surveillance program that captures Severe Adverse NTDs are integrated in GHS’ post-elimination surveillance system, which is
Events and new NTD cases is in place. The program is owned by well-functioning and routinely used to capture Severe Adverse Events and
the Ghana Health Service (GHS) and funded by the Government new NTD cases. Staff members are continually trained in techniques and tools
of Ghana. The NTDP is working to include NTDs into GHS’ post- and able to adapt the system as needed in the post-elimination context. The
elimination surveillance system. Limited technical assistance for planning and management of this system is country owned and led.
surveillance comes from external donor organizations.
Supply Chain
Priority Current State (Developing) Target State (Leading)
Medium Current processes are functional, yet issues in reverse Forecasting and management of NTD drugs are done at the district level. The
logistics exist for example retrieval of left over drugs from NTDP has established a system at the district level to accurately forecast drug
CDDs through the district to the Regional Medical Stores. needs and order drugs on time. There are well-documented processes for
NTDP forecasts drug needs for elimination and control. inventory management and most unused drugs are returned to warehouses after
NTDP uses the WHO integrated NTD database or a MDAs. The NTDP consistently uses the WHO integrated NTD database or a
comparable proprietary national consolidated database to comparable proprietary national consolidated database to host, store, share and
host, store, share and manage data specific to NTD supply manage data specific to the supply chain of NTD drugs. Dedicated personnel are
chain. NTD supply chain is sufficiently aligned with the sufficiently trained and available to ensure accurate demand planning and reverse
MOH supply chain. logistical management of stock. NTD supply chain is optimally integrated with the
MOH supply chain.
No. Milestone Activities Responsible Target Process Outcome Indicator Resource Collaborators
Completion Indicator(s) (s) s
Date Required
1 Strengthen reverse logistics Conduct Supply Stores End of Year 1 Existence of Reverse Logistics Financial NTDP
management of NTDs assessment/gap and Drug completed and strengthened for
drugs supply analysis of NTD Management validated safeguarding and LOE Regional and district
supply chain from (SSDM) assessment accounting for MDA health directorates
national to sub- Division (GHS) report drugs and logistics Technical
district levels
Conduct refresher SSDM Division End of Year 2 Number of sub- A very efficient Financial NTDP
training for CDDs (GHS) districts/districts system to enable Stores, Supply, Drug
and sub- trained reverse logistics of Management
district/district NTD drugs and Directorate (SSDM) of
staff on drug Number of logistics GHS
management reports
(forecasting, completed and Regional and district
quantification, validated health directorates
management and
based on
identified during
Training on SSDM Division End of Year 2 Number of sub- A very efficient
reverse logistics (GHS) districts/districts system to enable
management for trained reverse logistics of
sub- NTD drugs and
district/district 100% accuracy of logistics
NTD drug supply post-MDA drug
Regular SSDM Division Ongoing 100% accuracy of Best practices and LOE NTDP
monitoring for (starting end post-MDA drug lessons learned
compliance and of Year 1) document to guide Financial
reporting of quantification review of supply
national and sub- reports chain policies and
national supply standard operating
chain procedures
System tool)
2 Mainstreaming of NTD Integrate NTD GHS End of Year 2 All NTD drugs NTD drugs forecasted LOE NTDP
supply chain within the drug forecasting (2023) integrated into at sub national levels
health supply chain system as a routine part GHILMIS supply SSDM
at district and regional of supply chain chain system
levels management for
all districts
through last mile
Improve sub- District Ongoing 100% accuracy of NTDs drug and LOE NTDP
district/district hospital/facility (starting end all reports eg. logistics managed and
stock stores of Year 2) stock levels within reported accurately SSDM Division
management by expected at the sub national
ensuring DHMTs parameters, % levels
consistent expiry, products
reporting through Sub-district due to expire,
the GHILMIS for health products due to
all DHMT management be received,
staff teams products due to
be allocated on
MDA campaigns,
through the
Information Systems
Outcome 4 Defining Outcome 4: National information systems should integrate NTD
(Information Systems) indicators into routine data management systems and collect gender-sensitive
and sex- and age-disaggregated data. Integrating siloed data collection and
Data collection, reporting management systems ensures that NTD data are collected, analysed, and reported
and analysis of NTD like other public health information, including collecting data from private
indicators are providers. These data should be both reported from, and available at, both the
mainstreamed into HMIS facility and district levels to improve planning, resource allocation, and
● Inclusion of NTD Indicators into National HMIS: Degree to which NTD-related fields are included
in the National HMIS and to which policies exist for using these indicators
● Monitoring & Evaluation: Existence and use of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)
indicators to assess performance of the NTDP
● Data Management: Degree to which information systems exist and meet the needs of the NTDP
while adhering to relevant standards for data security and patient privacy
Current State of NTD Information Systems: The NTDP has been approved to include NTD indicators into
the National HMIS and is awaiting the requisite budget approval. The NTDP applies advanced sustainability
practices in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and data management: the NTDP’s M&E is integrated into
the overall GHS dashboard and tracks progress beyond the minimum requirements, while its data
management complies with established data governance and policies.
Target Future State of Information Systems: The NTDP applies leading sustainability practices across all
components of Information Systems. NTD indicators are included in the National and District HMIS. Health
workers are trained on accurate data collection and reporting on NTDs. District-level directors closely
monitor NTDs through the DHMIS. Annual plans in the health system use NTD data to help predict
expected number of cases and project needs.
Inclusion of NTD Indicators into National HMIS
Priority Current State (Developing) Target State (Leading)
High The NTDP has engaged stakeholders and decisionmakers to The NTDP has secured the necessary budget and the NTD indicators are
review key NTD indicators and recommend those for integrated into the National HMIS. Health workers are trained on data collection
inclusion into the National HMIS. The NTDP has received and reporting related to NTD indicators. NTD data are collected in most districts or
approval to include NTD indicators into the National HMIS other geographies. NTD indicators are regularly available to MOH leadership
and has defined the indicators that will be integrated into through the mainstream health sector reporting and analytics systems (e.g.,
the HMIS. The NTDP is awaiting the necessary budget dashboards). M&E functions at the national level such as target setting and
approval for roll-out and training of health workers around evaluation use the HMIS for NTD data in addition to any granular data the NTDP
NTD indicators. collects.
Advocate for NTDP December NTD Status of NTDs in NTDP PHD
inclusion of 2022 indicator(s) country assessed Tech PPME
NTD indicators included into periodically and nical Health
(e.g., Oncho the holistic evidence-based officers Partners
MDA coverage) assessment information NTD Program
into the tool generated for Managers
holistic strategic decision
assessment making
Engage the NTDP Ongoing Number of NTD data NTDP PHD
national (annually) indicators integrated into Tech PPME (DHMIS
DHMIS updated DHIS tool nical 2
technical team officers Technical
on NTD Number of NTD Program Tea
indicator bootcamp Managers m)
updates sessions held DHMIS 2 Health
(bootcamp) Technical Partners
Provide NTDP December Number of Sub national level NTDP PHD
adequate data 2023 registers have adequate Tech RHD
capture (annually) printed and data capture tools nical DHD
logistics (e.g., distributed to data capture officers SSDM
reporting and reporting NTD Program Health
forms, Number of Managers Partners
registers) at reporting Data capture
the regional forms printed materials
and district and Funds
health facilities distributed
2 Strengthen health Train regional, NTDP December Number NTD data are NTDP Public Health
worker capacity to district and 2026 bi- training captured and Technical Directorate
ensure data reporting is facility teams annually sessions held reported officers Regional
done accurately on NTD Case (Every 2 years) accurately by all NTD Program Health
Definitions, Managers Directorate
Forms, and Number of cadre of staff at Training District
Indicators facilities all levels materials Health
trained Funds Directorate
Number 2
participants Technical
trained Team)
Train regional, NTDP Ongoing till Number DQA NTD data reporting NTDP PHD
district and December training improved in Tech RHD
facility teams 2026 sessions DHIMS 2 and nical DHD
to conduct (Every 2 years) conducted accurate data officers Health
NTD DQA reported NTD Program Partners
Provide NTDP Ongoing till Number Capacity of sub NTDP PHD
mentoring and December mentoring national level built Tech RHD
coaching visits 2026 and coaching to NTD data nical DHD
to regional and (annually) visits management and officers Health
district health conducted reporting NTD Program Partners
facilities Managers
Number of Funds
Number of
mentored and
Conduct NTDP December Number of Capacity of sub NTDP PPME
exchange visits 2026 exchange national level built Technical Health
for cross- (Every 2 years) visits to NTD data officers Partners
learning conducted management and NTD Program
experience on reporting Managers
NTD planning Funds
and data Well performing
management staff recognised
and awarded
Conduct NTDP December Number of Key lessons and NTDP PHD
national, 2026 review evidence on NTD Technical RHD
regional, and (semi-annually) meetings data management officers DHD
district NTD conducted gathered and NTD Program Health
review shared for Managers Partners
meetings strategic decision Funds
Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning
Priority Current State (Advanced) Target State (Leading)
Medium An NTDP M&E plan exists and goes beyond disease NTD indicators are integrated into the district HMIS, requiring district-level
outcomes, incidence, and prevalence to include M&E directors and focal persons to routinely monitor progress related to NTDs. NTDP
around program implementation, trainings, drug data is used to forecast expected number of cases and set targets that inform and
distribution, etc. The NTDP’s M&E data are included in the are incorporated into district-level annual plans.
dashboard that GHS uses to manage and monitor
programs, and are routinely used for program efforts (e.g.,
drug requests) and decision-making (e.g., surveys prepared
by NTDP).
Conduct NTDP December Number of Strategic NTDP Technical PHD
regional and 2025 review decisions on officers RHD
district NTD (semi- meetings program NTD Program DHD
review annually) conducted implementation Managers Health
meetings emanating from NTD Focal Partners
data Persons
management, Health
best practice and Informat
lessons learned ion
made Officers
Deputy Directors
Information from Public Health
review meetings Funds
development and
of NTD master
plan and other
Procure a NTDP December Vehicle NTD national to NTD Technical SSDM
vehicle for 2023 procured sub national officers Health
monitoring support Funds Partners
strengthened PHD
ICT Unit
2 Improve research and Conduct NTDP December Approved New learnings Research Research
learning to advance operational GHS 2026 protocols and evidence on protocol institutions
control and elimination research on Research (annually) disease NTD Technical (GHS and
of NTDs NTD-related Developme Data collected programming Officers others)
topics nt Division and analysed generated for Data collection
improved tools
Research programming Funds
report Data analysis
completed Software tool
Host NTD NTDP December Number of NTD new Funds PHD
conferences PR office 2025 conferences learnings and NTD program PR
and learning (annually) hosted evidence managers ICCC
events to Number of disseminated for NTD technical NTD
share NTD learning buy-in and officers ambassador
findings events support for policy Health
conducted influence and partners
Data Management
Priority Current State (Advanced) Target State (Leading)
High NTDP has a robust data management system, including There is regular, two-way data sharing between NTDP and owners of other
processes, tools, and guidelines to help staff manage data relevant data sources. Complete data - including donor/partner programs and
efficiently. NTDP has clear data governance and policies surveillance results - are available to the NTDP and relevant levels of the health
addressing personally identifiable information/privacy sector (e.g., subnational health workers and the education sector). Where
issues, data availability and access, and roles and relevant, NTD data management is integrated into sector-wide systems and
responsibilities of data users. processes, including at the district level.
the various
2 Improve data Conduct a NTDP December 2026 Data NTD data NTD Technical ICT Unit
management security training on (Annually) management secured and officers PHD
data security protected at all Funds
management training levels NTD Program
security at all conducted Managers
Number of
officers trained
Procure a NTDP December 2025 Secured server NTD data NTD Technical ICT Unit
secured server (Annually) procured with secured and officers PHD
to store NTD SSL security protected the Funds
data with SSL certification national level NTD Program
security Managers
Outcome 5 Defining Outcome 5: MDA is part of a strong public health programming to achieve
(Services) and maintain STH and SCH control. Cross-sector coordination will be instrumental
in achieving long term sustainable SCH/STH MDA (deworming). To sustain
Deworming and morbidity deworming interventions, the government should be able to select and strengthen
management services are integrated delivery platforms such as child health services and school-based
provided through platforms and identify mechanisms to reach individuals or groups missed by other
sustainable delivery MDA platforms. As part of a comprehensive NTD program, provision of facility-
platforms based services to address LF and trachoma morbidity should be included.
● Facility-Based Service Delivery: Degree to which NTD prevention and morbidity management
services are delivered within the health system
● Integrated Service Delivery: Degree to which NTD prevention and morbidity management
services are delivered within related sectoral programs outside the health system
● NTD Surveillance: Degree to which NTD surveillance is integrated within all service delivery
programs at all levels
Current State of NTD Services: The NTDP’s facility-based service delivery and NTD surveillance are in the
developing stages along the sustainability continuum. Primary health care facilities can address NTDs in
endemic areas, provide morbidity management, and know when to refer NTD patients to the next level.
NTDP has identified key platforms for integrated service delivery (e.g., School Health Education Program,
other school programs, public private partnerships) and is identifying a path forward.
Target Future State of NTD Services: All health workers are trained on morbidity management and the
NTDP monitors district performance. NTDs are integrated in the National HMIS system. The NTDP is
integrated with other platforms to administer drugs and deworming.
Facility-Based Service Delivery
Priority Current State (Developing) Target State (Advanced)
High Primary health care clinics can address NTDs in endemic Primary health care facilities can address NTDs in endemic areas. The ability to
areas. NTDP has trained primary health care providers to accurately identify, refer, and/or provide morbidity management for LF and
provide morbidity management in endemic areas. NTDP trachoma is available at secondary level facilities and above. NTDP monitors
has trained doctors to conduct hydrocele surgery; performance of district-level health facilities on provision of morbidity
currently, eight facilities across Ghana can provide this management.
surgery. The ability to accurately identify and provide
morbidity management for LF and trachoma is available at
tertiary level facilities.
No. Milestone Activities Responsi Target Process Outcome Indicator Resourc Collaborators
ble Completion Date Indicator(s) (s) es
1 Strengthen capacity of Expand training NTDPs, Ongoing (annually Cadre of health Staff at sub national Financial HRDD, PPME, Institutio
healthcare providers at of trainers for HRDD till end of 2026 care providers level have capacity to Care Division
primary health care level for holistic provision with capacity provide NTD services
NTD services and management strengthened eg Morbidity
of NTD services in Management and
on NTDs
all districts eg. Disability prevention
“Train health
providers on disaggregated
discrete, by age and sex
respectable care
to ensure Proportion of
patients receive health workers
confidential in selected
treatment health facilities
without stigma” in NTD
sensitized and
oriented on
Ensure HRDD Ongoing (annually) Training Consistent training HRDD, PPME,
consistency of materials eg. Job carried across all ICD
cascaded training aids developed levels for NTD data
of trainers to all and distributed management
health care across the
providers within country Staff at different sub
facilities in all national level have
districts capacity to provide
NTD services eg
Management and
Disability prevention
Develop MMDP NTD Ongoing (annually) MMDP manuals Staff have job aides to LOE ICD, PPME, HRDD
manuals (LF and Programs and job aides support case Finances
CM-NTDs) developed and management at all
distributed levels of the health
across the system
2 NTD services are integrated Advocate with NTD Ongoing Advocacy NTDs services LOE PHD, FHD, ICD,
into service delivery across national, programs messages “key including key PPME
health platforms / programs regional, and asks” developed messaging are
districts for integrated into other
integrated service Number of service delivery
delivery across advocacy platforms eg.
health programs sessions held Seasonal Malaria
and platforms at with health campaign for Malaria
facility level to managers on program etc.
include NTD integrative
messaging and programming
services between NTDs
and other health
Develop joint PPME Ongoing Action plans Joint NTD program LOE PHD, FHD, ICD,
action plan with developed for implementation with Finances PPME
other health integrated other health
programs in programming programs
support of between NTDs implemented at all
integration of and other levels
health service programs
Development of Health Ongoing Key integrated NTDs services PHD, FHD, ICD,
integrated Promotion messages for including key PPME
messaging with Division SBCC for NTDs messaging are
other health and other health integrated into other
program services eg. Bed service delivery
materials to net use are platforms eg. Mass
include NTDs developed distribution of Long-
(e.g., videos, Lasting Insecticide
posters) Nets (LLINs)
3 Strengthening capacity of Conduct ICD Bi-annually till end Capacity of Capacity of LOE PHD, PPME, Capital
specialised center for NTDs assessment for of 2026 specialised specialised centres Investment Unit of GHS
and secondary and tertiary- the development centres assessed strengthened to
level facilities to provide of NTD- and documented manage NTD cases eg
MMDP services specialised MMDP, Ulcers etc
centers for case
Use assessment NTD All year-round Engagement Buy-in and support Finances CIMU, PPME, ICD,
findings to Programs advocacy sessions held for the revamp of PHD
advocate for with different specialised centres
establishment of stakeholders on for NTD case
NTD-specialised assessment management services
centers for case findings
management New specialised
centres identified and
strengthened to offer
NTD case
management services
to serve at risk
population across the
Identify gap in ICD Bi-annually Gap assessment Lymphoedema and LOE PHD, PPME
lymphoedema report available CM surgeries
and CM surgery for policy management
training across dialogue mainstreamed into
secondary- and secondary and
tertiary-level tertiary facilities
facilities service delivery
Periodic review of NTD Annually till end of Review reports All CM for LF, BU etc LOE ICD, Christian Health
outstanding Programs 2026 available for are adequately Association of Ghana
caseload for policy dialogue catered for by the (CHAG), Secondary and
lymphoedema eg expanding of NHIS and or other Tertiary facilities, RHDs
and BU NHIS threshold internal or external
complications to for case partners
be included into management
the NHIS/ad hoc
funding support
See Milestone 1
in Operational
Capacity (HR &
Alignment within
Ghana health
See Policy &
(WASH, Agriculture) do not include deworming
Number of
sessions held
with Ministry
of Education
and GES on
integration of
policy for
target age
Strengthen NTD Ongoing SBCC High uptake of LOE HPD, SHEP,
social programs annually materials for school PPME
mobilization to school-based deworming Finances
increase MDA exercise by SACs
participation in developed and and massive
school-based widely support
MDA for SACs distributed garnered from
out of school across the parents of SACs
country in endemic
2 Strengthen quality of Ongoing NTD Ongoing Number of Quality of Finances HRDD, RHDs,
community-based MDA training of programs annually CDDs trained community- DHDs and
(SCH/STH, LF and CDDs and disaggregated based MDA for Community
onchocerciasis) other district by age and sex SCH/STH, LF and Structures
healthcare onchocerciasis
workers on Number of
community- supportive
based MDA supervisions
implementatio to CDDs
n during MDAs
existing local
n platforms
(e.g., durbars,
gong-gong, PA
systems) in all
areas to
acceptance of
the drugs
Engage District NTD Ongoing Number of NTDs IE&C Financial ICCC, HPD,
Assembly and Ambassado annually engagement materials NTD
FBOs to r sessions held developed and Programs,
produce with sub distributed at PHD
appropriate national level sub national
visual aids eg District levels
depicting NTD Assembly for
information to supporting NTD awareness
raise development at sub national
awareness of NTDs key level increased
messaging and
IE&C materials
4 See Milestones under
Coordination – Public
Private Partnerships
NTD Surveillance
Priority Current State (Developing) Target State (Leading)
Medium Case reporting and linkages to existing systematic NTD NTD information feeds into the National HMIS. Primary, secondary, and tertiary
surveillance efforts are available at tertiary level facilities. level health care facilities accurately report new NTD cases in a timely manner
Severe Adverse Event reporting is rolled out for MDA efforts. to existing surveillance systems to monitor risk of resurgence. Severe Adverse
The current system does not feed into the National HMIS. Event reporting is robust, valid, and routinely used for monitoring. Community-
based programs have effective processes of linking new cases to surveillance
and morbidity management services.
No Milestone Activities Responsibl Target Process Outcome Resources Collaborator
. e Completion Indicator(s) Indicator (s) Required s
1 See Milestones under Engage expert Ghana Bi-annually ( Number of NTD programs Finances GOEC,
Information Systems – committee to Oncho every other review advised on SCH/STH
Integrate NTD Indicators set up system Expert year) meetings held program Expert
into National HMIS for monthly Committee and key strategies and Committee,
data review, (GOEC) decisions interventions ICCC technical
with minimum taken based on sub
thresholds for SCH/STH evidence committee
follow-up / Expert generated
investigate at Committee
Outcome 6 Defining Outcome 6: Government budgets (e.g., health and education at national
(Financing) and sub-national levels) prioritise domestically mobilised resources for elimination
and control. NTD financing is mainstreamed into health governance mechanisms
Government has mobilised at national and decentralised levels to ensure these funds are released and spent
sufficient domestic funding on high-quality, efficient, and equitable NTD programing; and spending is
to support NTD transparently accounted for against programmatic results. For the PC NTDs, this
programing needs should, at minimum, include funding for deworming, surveillance, and coverage of
morbidity management in health service packages. Sustainability will require
health officials and other stakeholders to use financial and programmatic data to
advocate for government resources for NTDs and to demonstrate cost-
effectiveness and health impact. There may be a complementary financing role for
domestic resources mobilised through strategic social partnerships (e.g., with the
private sector).
● Financial Needs Analysis: NTDP’s use of leading tools for financial analysis
● Independent Dedicated Government Budget: Existence of a sustainably funded line item for
NTDs in the national budget
● Financial Management: Existence and use of systems and methods for managing financial
● Multi-Year Budget Projections: Degree of national prioritization of budget for NTD elimination
and control
Current State of NTD Program Financing: The NTDP complies with and uses the financial management
processes and systems of the Ghana Health Service, enabling the NTDP to have sustainable practices in
financial management. The NTDP has access to and uses a financial analysis tool to enter financial data.
However, the NTDP does not yet conduct or apply financial needs analysis results to make programmatic
decisions, forecast budget needs beyond one year, raise awareness, or advocate for government funding.
Target Future State of NTD Program Financing: The NTDP regularly and consistently conducts financial
needs analysis and multi-year budget projections. The NTDP uses the results of the financial needs analysis
and budget projections to inform their advocacy efforts. The NTDP is committed to and actively engages
in advocacy efforts, including for dedicated government budget.
Financial Needs Analysis
Priority Current State (Advanced) Target State (Leading)
High NTDP has designated personnel who collect and enter data NTDP uses TIPAC to inform programmatic decisions and has developed a finance
into the TIPAC and generate outputs. Yet, NTDP does not strategy to increase resource mobilization and mitigate funding risks. NTDP
analyse the results and use the analysis effectively. NTDP updates TIPAC frequently to reflect accurate picture of funding, including future
does not use TIPAC analysis for awareness-raising or financing needs aligned to program targets/goals.
advocacy purposes.
Independent Dedicated Government Budget
Priority Current State (Basic) Target State (Developing)
High NTDP does not have activities funded through the NTDP is actively working to get an independent dedicated budget and may have
government budget. NTDP does not have advocacy received a commitment for funding beyond salaries and basic operating costs. The
materials or concerted advocacy efforts for a dedicated majority of NTDP funds are still from donor organizations. NTDP is engaged in
budget line item. NTDP’s previous analysis and advocacy advocacy efforts with MOH leadership, MOF, and/or the legislature to get
efforts were conducted through external partners. dedicated budget. NTDP has outlined a plan to advocate for government budget.
2 Operationalise the NTDP Work with the NTDP December 2026 Number of Both in-country Vehicles for PPME
Resource Mobilization Plan PPME resource ICCC (semi-annually) business and external NTD/PPME Health Partners
mobilization unit cases/proposals support received Technical
to build business drafted and for NTD Officers
cases/proposals submitted programming NTD Program
to be submitted Managers
to MoH, MoF, Technical
Corporate Assistance
organisatons etc Business
Conduct high- NTDP December 2025 Numbers of Private sector NTDP Technical NTD Ambassador
level engagement (Ongoing) engagement contribution to Officers Office of Director
meetings with sessions conducted NTDs increase by NTD Program General
private sector 2% Managers ICCC
(e.g., Chamber of Number of new Funds
Mines, Telcos) partners Key messages
supporting NTD
programs (in-kind
or financial,
Total amount of
financial resources
Conduct resource NTDP, NTD December 2025 Numbers of town NTD program NTDP Technical Traditional and
mobilization for Ambassador (Annually) hall meetings, fund supported with Officers Religious Leaders
NTDs raising events resources at the NTD Program MLGDRD
engagement at conducted, sub national level Managers NTD Ambassador
the sub-national Funds Office of Director
level such as Number of new Technical General
town hall partners Assistance ICCC
meetings, fund supporting NTD Key messages CSOs
raising events etc control/elimination
programs (in-kind
or financial,
Total amount of
financial resources
mobilized at sub
national level
Financial Management
Priority Current State (Leading) Target State (Leading)
Low NTDP regularly and consistently uses the financial Audit queries are minimised. NTDP disburses funds for MDAs on time by more
management systems and processes in place for the GHS effectively planning around internal MOH approval timelines for processing and
to govern all key financial operations. Financial controls are releasing funds.
consistent with organizational reporting objectives and
meet policy requirements. The core financial staff is fully
trained in managing financial information and routinely
executes policies and processes.
processing and Training
releasing funds materials
Implement audit NTDP Ongoing Timely response Efficient LOE Internal Audit
recommendations Annually to audit questions management of Division, PHD
by implementing NTD funds at all
agreed-upon Timely levels
audit implementation
recommendations of audit
within agreed- recommendations
upon timelines
and develop a NTD Technical
multi-year budget Officers
projection for Funds
NTD programs
Sustainability Plan Tracking & Implementation
The implementation of the sustainability plan is established over a five-year period. Therefore, an
evaluation and update of the plan on an ongoing basis will be necessary to reflect changing conditions
and determine new measures to be implemented. In year three of implementation, a mid-term review
and evaluation will be conducted to assess implementation best practices, lessons learned and challenges
and recommendation for revision of the plan towards its implementation in the latter year of the plan’s
The Sustainability Plan will be accompanied by a budgeted implementation matrix and a monitoring and
evaluation plan. A monitoring committee will be set up and will organise annual reviews on the basis of
the performance framework. To this effect, two reviews and an evaluation of the sustainability plan are
planned. An initial review of the plan will be conducted in 2022 after one year of implementation to assess
initial achievements and potential challenges in the start-up phase. The second review of the indicators
will be carried out in 2026 to assess progress towards key milestones.
● Socialise senior management of the GHS on sustainability plan for buy-in and support for its
● Socialise the ICCC on SP for committed advocacy for its implementation
● Provide semi-annual communications on the plan progress to stakeholders
● Socialise other relevant stakeholders outside of health on the plan and agree on modus-operandi
for implementation of the plan
● Socialise its external partners on the plan and solicit buy-in and support for successful
● Monitor the progress made with implementation of plan and make recommendation for effective
implementation of the interventions in the SP
The strategic NTD Sustainability Plan serves as a roadmap and a mobilizing tool in the fight against NTDs
for the NTDP. Accordingly, after technical validation of the plan during an inclusive and interactive
workshop with actors from both inside and outside of the health sector, the plan will be first presented
at the Ministry of Health during a signature ceremony that will constitute the first level of endorsement
by government authorities. The approved document will then be presented to all stakeholders, including
the technical and financial partners, during a one-day dissemination workshop. The second step in the
dissemination process will take place at the decentralised level (regions and districts) during workshops
including the regional directors of health and the departmental directors of health, along with regional
authorities from other sectors outside of health to reinforce ownership at the operational level and to
integrate the interventions of this plan in the operational plans. Each health district will present the plan
during a meeting of the district’s framework team, including local administrative authorities, to ensure
the dissemination will be completed across the other sectors.
● Budgeted implementation matrix
● M&E Plan
● Summary findings of key assessments and analyses