Development Validation and Simplification of a Sca
Development Validation and Simplification of a Sca
Development Validation and Simplification of a Sca
DOI: 10.1002/mp.16679
Department of Medical Imaging, Abstract
Radboudumc, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Background: Simulated computed tomography (CT) images allow for knowl-
Department of Radiation Oncology, edge of the underlying ground truth and for easy variation of imaging conditions,
Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
making them ideal for testing and optimization of new applications or algo-
rithms. However, simulating all processes that affect CT images can result in
AI for Oncology, Netherlands Cancer
Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands simulations that are demanding in terms of processing time and computer mem-
Dutch Expert Centre for Screening (LRCB),
ory. Therefore, it is of interest to determine how much the simulation can be
Nijmegen, The Netherlands simplified while still achieving realistic results.
Technical Medicine Centre, University of
Purpose: To develop a scanner-specific CT simulation using physics-based
Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands simulations for the position-dependent effects and shift-invariant image corrup-
tion methods for the detector effects. And to investigate the impact on image
Correspondence realism of introducing simplifications in the simulation process that lead to faster
Ioannis Sechopoulos, Department of Medical
Imaging, Radboud University Medical Center,
and less memory-demanding simulations.
Postbus 9101, Geert Grooteplein Zuid 10 Methods: To make the simulator realistic and scanner-specific, the spatial
(route 767), 6525 GA Nijmegen, The resolution and noise characteristics, and the exposure-to-detector output rela-
Email: [email protected]
tionship of a clinical CT system were determined. The simulator includes a
finite focal spot size, raytracing of the digital phantom, gantry rotation during
Funding information projection acquisition, and finite detector element size. Previously published
FILTER, Grant/Award Number: LSHM19020 spectral models were used to model the spectrum for the given tube voltage.
The integrated energy at each element of the detector was calculated using
the Beer–Lambert law. The resulting angular projections were subsequently cor-
rupted by the detector modulation transfer function (MTF), and by addition of
noise according to the noise power spectrum (NPS) and signal mean-variance
relationship, which were measured for different scanner settings. The simulated
sinograms were reconstructed on the clinical CT system and compared to real
CT images in terms of CT numbers, noise magnitude using the standard devi-
ation, noise frequency content using the NPS, and spatial resolution using the
MTF throughout the field of view (FOV). The CT numbers were validated using
a multi-energy CT phantom, the noise magnitude and frequency were validated
with a water phantom, and the spatial resolution was validated with a tungsten
wire. These metrics were compared at multiple scanner settings, and locations
in the FOV. Once validated, the simulation was simplified by reducing the level
of subsampling of the focal spot area, rotation and of detector pixel size, and
the changes in MTFs were analyzed.
Results: The average relative errors for spatial resolution within and across
image slices, noise magnitude, and noise frequency content within and across
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2023 The Authors. Medical Physics published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Association of Physicists in Medicine.
slices were 3.4%, 3.3%, 4.9%, 3.9%, and 6.2%, respectively. The average abso-
lute difference in CT numbers was 10.2 HU and the maximum was 22.5 HU. The
simulation simplification showed that all subsampling can be avoided, except for
angular, while the error in frequency at 10% MTF would be maximum 16.3%.
Conclusion: The simulation of a scanner-specific CT allows for the generation
of realistic CT images by combining physics-based simulations for the position-
dependent effects and image-corruption methods for the shift-invariant ones.
Together with the available ground truth of the digital phantom, it results in a
useful tool to perform quantitative analysis of reconstruction or post-processing
algorithms.Some simulation simplifications allow for reduced time and computer
power requirements with minimal loss of realism.
computer simulations, CT, system characterization
2.1 3D raytracing
where Ne is the number of photons with energy e emit- The other causes of spatial resolution loss, namely,
ted from the source, QEe is the quantum efficiency of the focal spot size effect and the blur caused by expo-
the detector for each energy e, 𝜇m,e is the attenua- sure time per angular projection, are already included in
tion coefficient of material m at energy e (determined the image, as described above, by raytracing the focal
using the xraydb package in python based on the work spot and angular projections, including subsampling. To
of Elam et al.,26 and the work of Boone et al.27 ), and maximize the realism of the image simulation, these
Tm,fa,b ,xi ,yj ,𝜃k is the thickness map of each material m at effects must be included in the raytracing step, since
each subsampled detector element (xi , yj ) for each focal they are position-dependent in the field of view (FOV),
spot subsample fa,b and at each subsampled projection and therefore this information cannot be added to the
angle 𝜃k . sinogram directly.
After the incorporation of the detector MTF, the sim-
ulated sinogram is binned to its real dimension, using
2.3 Spatial resolution loss Equation (2):
in diameter, representing the attenuation of brain and image with the correct NPS, 𝜎( −1 {N(u, v)}) is the stan-
abdomen, respectively. dard deviation and 𝜇( −1 {N(u, v)}) the mean of the
The mean and variance of the signal were deter- colored noise in image domain after inverse FFT, MV is
mined in a 20 × 30-pixel region of interest (ROI) at the mean-variance relationship, I is the primary projec-
approximately the center of each sinogram projection, tion image after the MTF is applied and binned and Inoise
and their averages over all projections were used as is the projection image after the noise is added to it.
the final mean and variance. To obtain the NPSs, first
a correction for image lines due to detector tiling was
performed by averaging all projections and subtracting 2.5 Hounsfield unit calibration
the result from each individual projection. Second, the
2D FFT of a 64 × 64-pixel ROI in the center of the sino- As is standard in CT imaging, a linear calibration was
gram was calculated for each projection and the square obtained to apply to all reconstructed images to cor-
of the absolute value of these FFTs was taken. The rect the resulting CT numbers for different materials
results were averaged for all projections, resulting in 2D and densities. The applied linear correction was deter-
NPSs. Despite the anisotropic pixel size there was no mined by digitally simulating and physically measuring a
significant difference between the NPS in the horizontal cylindrical water phantom with 5 different inserts: Teflon,
and vertical directions, so they were radially averaged Delrin, acrylic, polypropylene, and air (quality control
to obtain a 1D NPS. The mean-variance relationship is phantom provided by Canon Medical Systems) and fit-
dependent on the tube voltage, and bowtie filter. The ting the CT numbers of the simulation to the physically
shape of the NPS is dependent on the tube current, measured CT numbers. The diameter of this phan-
tube voltage, exposure time, and bowtie filter. Hence, tom is 190 mm, and the inserts have a diameter of
both were measured at nine different tube current lev- 20 mm. A linear correction was obtained from the mean
els between 10 and 400 mA, four different tube voltage HU of the simulated phantom inserts and water back-
levels, 80, 100, 120, and 135 kV, two different exposure ground and their corresponding theoretical values, using
times 0.275 and 0.5 s, and for two different bowtie filters. Equation (6).
The mean-variance relationship (MV) is defined as a
linear function with a positive offset (Equation 3). This min
(HUmeasurement − a ∗ (HUtheoretical + bwater ))
offset is the electronic noise. a,bwater ∈ℝ
MV = a ∗ m + belectronic noise (3) The value of bwater (offset of water) was fit such
that the simulated water value corresponds to the the-
where a is the slope of MV, m is the mean in a 3 × 3 pixel oretical one, that is, equal to zero. Afterwards a (slope)
region (Saunders et al.20 ), and belectronic noise is the offset was fit such that the HUtheoretical , after correction, had
due to the electronic noise. the smallest possible error against the corresponding
To get the desired noise, white noise is generated with HUtheoretical .This was done separately for each tube volt-
similar spatial dimensions as the sinogram projections, age level available in the system, and the corresponding
as described by Saunders et al.20 The resulting noise is calibration was then applied to all subsequent simulated
multiplied in frequency domain with the square root of images.
the NPS (Equation 4) and is scaled by the MV in spatial
domain to obtain the desired noise, which is then added
to the sinogram I(x, y, 𝜃) (Equation 5). 2.6 Validation of simulation
√ To assess the accuracy of the simulator, multiple vali-
N (u, v) = NPS ∗ {n (𝜇 = 0, 𝜎 = 1)} (4) dations were performed to validate the CT numbers of
different materials, the spatial resolution, and the noise
√ characteristics of the simulated images against images
Inoise (x, y, 𝜃) = I (x, y, 𝜃) + MV (I (x, y, 𝜃))
acquired with the clinical CT system. All validations were
1 ( performed after reconstruction of the sinogram projec-
∗ ( ) ∗ −1 {N (u, v)} tions on the clinical CT system using the clinically avail-
𝜎 −1 {N (u, v)}
able filtered back projection (FBP), which is based on
) the Feldkamp Davis Kress (FDK) algorithm.30 For the CT
( −1 ))
−𝜇 {N (u, v)} (5) number and noise characteristics validation, the number
of angular subsamples K was set to 2, the number of
focal spot subsamples L was set to 1, and the number
where is the FFT operator, n is a realization of white of detector subsamples M was set to 2. For the resolu-
Gaussian noise with mean 𝜇 and standard deviation tion loss validation, the number of angular subsamples
𝜎, −1 is the inverse FFT, N(u, v) is the colored noise K was set to 3, the number of focal spot subsamples L
was set to 3, and the number of detector subsamples M (SSP) was determined in the same way as the MTF. The
was set to 4. These subsampling factors were obtained simulated voxel size of the phantom was 0.005 mm ×
experimentally, the details can be found in Appendix C. 0.035 mm × 0.005 mm.The voxel size in the lateral direc-
The CT numbers were validated using a physical oval tion was substantially larger and set to this exact value
phantom (with 40 and 30 cm radii for the horizontal because with a shift of one pixel per lateral (the direc-
and vertical directions, respectively) with 15 cylindri- tion with pixel size 0.035 mm) step this results in the
cal inserts, each of different material and of diameter simulated wire being placed at an angle of 8 degrees.
28.5 mm31 (MECT phantom, Sun Nuclear, Middleton, Please note that the simulations were noiseless, since
WI, USA). The exact dimensions and material compo- noise does not influence the resolution loss.
sition of the MECT phantom were known, so we could The 50 μm diameter of the tungsten wire is rela-
not only image but also simulate the phantom and its tively small compared to the detector pixel size, even
image acquisition, with a tube current of 400 mA and when subsampled. To overcome this problem the detec-
three different tube voltage levels (100,120,and 135 kV). tor subsampling M was set to 24, just for the raytracing.
The simulated voxel size of the phantom was 3.3 mm × After the raytracing, the detector was rebinned to its
0.25 mm × 0.25 mm. The voxel size in the longitudinal original subsampling of M = 4.
direction was substantially larger since the phantom is For validating the noise magnitude and frequency
constant in this direction. The measured and simulated content, a water phantom with a radius of 320 mm was
sinograms were both reconstructed on the clinical CT again both digitally simulated and physically measured,
system using FBP and a FOV of 320 mm × 320 mm and the results were compared. The noise magnitude
and 160 mm in the longitudinal direction. The recon- and frequency content were validated at two different
structed volume consisted of 320 slices of 512 × 512 tube current levels (140 and 400 mA), and three different
pixels.The hounsfield units (HU) within these inserts and tube voltage levels (100, 120, and 135 kV). The simu-
in the water-equivalent background was measured by lated voxel size of the phantom was 1.0 mm × 0.25 mm
averaging a squared 10 × 10 pixel ROI across 80 slices. × 0.25 mm. The voxel size in the longitudinal direction
The resolution loss of the simulator was validated was substantially larger since the phantom is constant in
by imaging a 50 μm diameter tungsten wire,32,33 both this direction. A volume of interest (VOI) of 64 × 64 × 64
digitally and physically. This tungsten wire creates a voxels was placed in the center of the water phantom
Dirac delta function or unit impulse,34 and the point- images. The standard deviation of this VOI was used to
spread function (PSF) is obtained by taking the Radon validate the magnitude of the noise.To validate the noise
transform35 of this signal in one direction. The MTF frequency content, a 100 mm FOV was reconstructed in
is then determined by calculating the FFT of the PSF. the center and at the periphery, approximately 120 mm
The spatial resolution was validated at 7, 14, and from the center, of the water phantom. This smaller FOV
21 cm from the isocenter, for both the digitally sim- was reconstructed, to have a smaller pixel size, making
ulated wire and the real physical measured wire to it possible to validate higher frequencies. The 2D NPS
verify the validity of the simulation of the shift-variant and 2D unstructured NPS of both these FOVs, were cal-
rotational blur and focal spot size effects. Each sim- culated in 256 × 256-pixel ROIs from across 80 slices,
ulated and measured wire was reconstructed with a by determining the square of the 2D Fourier transform.
small FOV of 19.5 mm × 19.5 mm of 512 × 512 pix- In the case of the unstructured NPS the average of the
els, so the PSF had enough samples. The resolution 80 slices was subtracted before calculating the Fourier
loss was checked for both focal spot sizes present in transform. Both the 2D NPS and 2D unstructured NPS
the clinical system, which will be referred to as large were normalized to have an area of one, obtaining the
and small focal spots from here on, and for both the normalized NPS (nNPS). Both the 2D nNPS and 2D
radial and tangential direction for all positions. The sim- unstructured nNPS were calculated to show that the
ulated voxel size of the phantom was 0.1432 mm × simulation does not introduce any structured noise. A
0.005 mm × 0.005 mm. The voxel size in the longitu- comparison of the nNPS at these two positions was
dinal direction was substantially larger and set to this performed to validate the changes in the noise charac-
exact value because with a shift of one pixel per longitu- teristics throughout the imaging field. These 2D nNPSs
dinal (the direction with pixel size 0.1432 mm) step this at the center were also radially averaged, and again nor-
results in the simulated wire being placed at an angle malized to have an area of one, to obtain a 1D nNPS.
of 3 degrees. Please note that the simulations were To validate the frequency content across slices, the 1D
noiseless, since noise does not influence the resolution nNPS was calculated across 280 slices for all pixels in
loss. a 128 × 128 ROI at the center, and the results were
The resolution loss in longitudinal direction (across averaged.
slices) has also been validated by imaging this 50 μm Scatter was not included in our simulator, since the
diameter of the tungsten wire both digitally and phys- system performs scatter correction during the recon-
ically. The wire was placed such that the angle with struction process, and therefore, the benefit of adding
the slices was 8 degrees. The slice sensitivity profile simulated scatter would be minimal. To validate the
2.7 Simulation simplifications F I G U R E 4 MECT phantom, measured with 135 kV, used for
computed tomography (CT) number validation, with a window level
The three steps of the simulator incorporating sub- (WL) of 200 HU and a window width (WW) of 1000 HU.
sampling, namely, the number of angular projection
subsamples K, the number of detector subsamples M ×
M and the number of focal spot subsamples L × L, were
simplified to reduce the time and computer power nec-
essary. The angular subsamples K were set to 1, 2, and
3. The detector subsamples M × M were set to 1 × 1,
2 × 2, 3 × 3 and 4 × 4. The number of focal spot sub-
samples L × L was set to 1 × 1, 2 × 2, and 3 × 3. Please
note that while one of these three was reduced the
other two were kept at their original value. Previous CT
simulators18,36,37 also used or optimized their subsam-
pling, however with this analysis the impact of each
individual simplification is shown. F I G U R E 5 Computed tomography (CT) numbers of the real and
simulated MECT phantom images at 135 kV. Note that the B stands
To validate the impact of these simplifications on the
for blood ρ = 1.03 g/cm.3
realism of the simulation, the MTFs of the images result-
ing from the digitally simulated simplified sinograms
were determined and compared to the MTFs of the HU. As can be seen from the values in Table 1, the simu-
physically measured sinograms. In both cases these lations result in a small negative bias in the CT numbers
MTFs were again determined from a tungsten wire at for all tube voltage levels.
7, 14, and 21 cm from the isocenter. Figure 5 shows the measured and simulated CT num-
In addition, the possibility of compensating for sim- bers of the 135 kV case. The remaining errors in the
plifying the focal spot as being a point source by using CT numbers do not seem to have a correlation, indi-
the system MTF, that is, the MTF measured with the cating the simulation does not introduce any non-linear
edge located at the CoR, instead of the detector MTF, offset to the CT numbers. Note that, as explained before,
was also tested. These MTFs are shown in Appendix the linear calibration is determined using a different
B. Finally, the possibility of simplifying the incorpo- phantom and is applied to all subsequent images.
ration of the rotational blurring, due to the angular The MTFs in the radial and tangential directions can
motion of the source and detector, was also investigated be seen in Figure 6. It can be observed that the latter
by averaging each angular projection with the subse- starts dropping when moving out of the CoR in both the
quent one, instead of performing the angular projection measured and simulated cases. This is due to the rota-
subsampling. tion of the system introducing more blur further away
from the CoR. The frequencies at 10% MTF and their
relative error for the various FoV positions, directions,
3 RESULTS and focal spot sizes are listed in Table 2. The maximum
error is 11.1% and the mean absolute error is 3.4%,
In Figure 4, one of the measurements of the MECT showing that the spatial resolution characteristics in the
phantom used for the CT number validation is shown. simulated CT images are close to those of the clinical
Table 1 shows the measured and simulated CT numbers system.
for the different materials in the MECT phantom, with The SSP of both the large and small focal spot
the numbers corresponding to the regions in Figure 4. can be seen in Figure 7. It can be observed that the
Table 1 also shows the maximum (bold and underlined), resolution loss is higher for the large focal spot, as
mean absolute, and mean error of the CT numbers in expected.Table 3 shows the frequencies at 10% SSP for
TA B L E 1 Computed tomography (CT) numbers corresponding to the regions indicated in the MECT phantom of Figure 4. The material with
the maximum error in CT number is bold and underlined for each tube voltage. Note that the B in material 11 and 12 stands for blood with
ρ = 1.03 g/cm3 . The error is defined as simulation − measurement.
FIGURE 6 Modulation transfer function of measured and simulated wires in radial (left) and tangential (right) direction for the large focal
measurement and simulation and their relative error for The ROIs used to validate the frequency content
both focal spots.The mean absolute error is 3.3%,show- within a slice are also indicated in Figure 8, by the red
ing that the spatial resolution across slices in the simu- and yellow squares. Please note that the ROIs of the
lated CT images is close to those of the clinical system. measurements have a slight offset in vertical direction,
Figure 8 shows images of the water phantom used this offset compensates for misalignment between the
to validate the noise characteristics of the simulated measured and simulated water phantom, to ensure that
images. The red square indicates the ROI used for the the same location of the phantom was analyzed. The
validation of the noise magnitude. Table 4 shows the 2D nNPS and 2D unstructured nNPS of the noise at the
results of the noise magnitude in terms of standard devi- center (red square in Figure 8) within a slice of the mea-
ation. The maximum and mean absolute errors were sured and simulated phantom are shown in Figures 9
8.5% and 4.9%. and 11, respectively. It can be seen that the 2D nNPS
TA B L E 2 Frequency at 10% MTF of the measured and simulated MTF, and the relative error of these frequencies in the different directions,
positions, and focal spot sizes evaluated. Relative error = (simulation − measurement)/measurement * 100%.
Measured Simulated
Focal spot size Direction Position (cm) frequency (mm−1 ) frequency (mm−1 ) Relative error (%)
F I G U R E 8 Water phantom used for nNPS validation (140 mA, 135 kV) with a WL of 0 HU and a WW of 400 HU. The squares indicate the
ROIs used to determine the nNPSs.
F I G U R E 9 2D nNPS in the center region of measured (left) and simulated (middle) water phantom, and the difference between both
nNPSs (right). Difference = simulation − measurement.
F I G U R E 1 0 2D nNPS in the periphery region of measured (left) and simulated (middle) water phantom, and the difference between both
nNPSs (right). Difference = simulation − measurement.
F I G U R E 1 1 2D unstructured nNPS in the center region of measured (left) and simulated (middle) water phantom, and the difference
between both nNPSs (right). Difference = simulation − measurement.
F I G U R E 1 2 2D unstructured nNPS in the periphery region of measured (left) and simulated (middle) water phantom, and the difference
between both nNPSs (right). Difference = simulation − measurement.
FIGURE 13 Radially averaged center nNPS (left) and nNPS across slices (right), for 135 kV and 140 mA.
TA B L E 5 Difference in measured and simulated nNPS with a slice and across slices.
TA B L E 6 Frequency at 10% MTF for all simulation simplifications and absolute relative error of this frequency compared to the frequency
of the full simulation at 10% MTF, for tangential direction.
TA B L E 7 Frequency at 10% MTF for all simulation simplifications and absolute relative error of this frequency compared to the frequency
of the full simulation at 10% MTF, for radial direction.
absolute relative errors for all simplifications are shown number of calculations that need to be performed scales
for the tangential (Table 6) and radial (Table 7) direc- linearly with the amount of memory in our application).
tion. In the last column of both Tables 6 and 7, the time The differences in the resulting MTFs are, for most
and memory reduction factor are listed (the reduction cases, subtle, except for the case of not subsam-
factor is the same for time and memory, because the pling the focal spot or angular projections. The detector
F I G U R E 1 7 (Left) Line profile of the full and simplified simulation of the lesion in Figure 16. (Right) Difference between simplified
simulation and full simulation (simplified simulation − full simulation).
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Additional supporting information can be found online
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