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MongoDB BDS456B
(Effective from the academic year 2023-2024)
Semester –IV
Prepared By:
Mrs. Indumathi K
Department of CSE- Data Science ACSCE, Bengaluru
MongoDB BDS456B CSE-Data Science

Experiment 1: a. Illustration of Where Clause, AND,OR operations in MongoDB.


Current Mongosh Log ID: 662007b444c5203fe1117b7a

Connecting to:

Using MongoDB: 7.0.8

Using Mongosh: 2.2.4

For mongosh info see: https://docs.mongodb.com/mongodb-shell/


The server generated these startup warnings when booting

2024-04-16T10:13:50.721+05:30: Access control is not enabled for the database. Read

and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted


test> show dbs

admin 40.00 KiB

config 108.00 KiB

deptofCSE 31.43 MiB

local 40.00 KiB

products 80.00 KiB

test> use products

switched to db products

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MongoDB BDS456B CSE-Data Science

products> show collections



products> db.product_details.find({name:'AC7 Phone'})

_id: 'ac7',

name: 'AC7 Phone',

brand: 'ACME',

type: 'phone',

price: 320,

rating: 4,

warranty_years: 1,

available: false

products> db.product_details.find({$and:[{name:'AC7 Phone'},{brand:'ACME'}]})

_id: 'ac7',

name: 'AC7 Phone',

brand: 'ACME',

type: 'phone',

price: 320,

rating: 4,

warranty_years: 1,

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available: false

products> db.product_details.find({$or:[{name:'AC7 Phone'},{brand:'ACME'}]})

_id: 'ac3',

name: 'AC3 Phone',

brand: 'ACME',

type: 'phone',

price: 200,

rating: 3.8,

warranty_years: 1,

available: true


_id: 'ac7',

name: 'AC7 Phone',

brand: 'ACME',

type: 'phone',

price: 320,

rating: 4,

warranty_years: 1,

available: false

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b. Execute the Commands of MongoDB and operations in MongoDB : Insert, Query,

Update, Delete and Projection. (Note: use any collection)

//Insert Query

products> db.product_details.insertOne({_id:'ac8',name:'AC8

{ acknowledged: true, insertedId: 'ac8' }

products> db.product_details.find({_id:'ac8'})

_id: 'ac8',

name: 'AC8 Phone',

brand: 'ACME',

type: 'phone',

price: 2000,

rating: 4,

warranty_years: 2,

available: true

//Update Query

products> db.product_details.updateOne({name:'AC8 Phone'},{$set:{price:4000}})

acknowledged: true,

insertedId: null,

matchedCount: 1,

modifiedCount: 1,

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upsertedCount: 0

products> db.product_details.find({_id:'ac8'})

_id: 'ac8',

name: 'AC8 Phone',

brand: 'ACME',

type: 'phone',

price: 4000,

rating: 4,

warranty_years: 2,

available: true


products> db.product_details.deleteOne({_id:'ac8'})

{ acknowledged: true, deletedCount: 1 }

products> db.product_details.find({_id:'ac8'})



products> db.product_details.find({type:'tv'})

_id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15c01'),

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name: 'Cable TV Basic Service Package',

type: 'tv',

monthly_price: 50,

rating: 3.9,

term_years: 2,

cancel_penalty: 25,

sales_tax: true,

additional_tarriffs: [

{ kind: 'federal tarriff', amount: { percent_of_service: 0.06 } },

{ kind: 'misc tarriff', amount: 2.25 }

Experiment 2:

a. Develop a MongoDB query to select certain fields and ignore some fields of the

products> db.product_details.find({brand:'ACME'},{name:0,_id:0})

brand: 'ACME',

type: 'phone',

price: 200,

rating: 3.8,

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warranty_years: 1,

available: true


brand: 'ACME',

type: 'phone',

price: 320,

rating: 4,

warranty_years: 1,

available: false


brand: 'ACME',

type: 'phone',

price: 2000,

rating: 4,

warranty_years: 2,

available: true

b. Develop a MongoDB query to display the first 5 documents:

products> db.product_details.find().limit(5)

_id: 'ac3',

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name: 'AC3 Phone',

brand: 'ACME',

type: 'phone',

price: 200,

rating: 3.8,

warranty_years: 1,

available: true


_id: 'ac7',

name: 'AC7 Phone',

brand: 'ACME',

type: 'phone',

price: 320,

rating: 4,

warranty_years: 1,

available: false


_id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bf9'),

name: 'AC3 Series Charger',

type: [ 'accessory', 'charger' ],

price: 19,

rating: 2.8,

warranty_years: 0.25,

for: [ 'ac3', 'ac7', 'ac9' ]

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_id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bfa'),

name: 'AC3 Case Green',

type: [ 'accessory', 'case' ],

color: 'green',

price: 12,

rating: 1,

warranty_years: 0


_id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bfb'),

name: 'Phone Extended Warranty',

type: 'warranty',

price: 38,

rating: 5,

warranty_years: 2,

for: [ 'ac3', 'ac7', 'ac9', 'qp7', 'qp8', 'qp9' ]

Experiment 3:

a. Execute query selectors (comparison selectors, logical selectors):

products> db.product_details.find({price:{$gt:200}})

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_id: 'ac7',

name: 'AC7 Phone',

brand: 'ACME',

type: 'phone',

price: 320,

rating: 4,

warranty_years: 1,

available: false


_id: ObjectId('66290e738a958f3edf117b7b'),

name: 'AC3 Phone',

brand: 'ACME',

type: 'phone',

price: 2000,

rating: 4,

warranty_years: 2,

available: true

Experiment 4:

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Create and demonstrate how projection operators ($, $elematch and $slice) would be
used in the MongoDB.

products> db.product_details.find({},{"name.$":1})

{ _id: 'ac3', name: 'AC3 Phone' },

{ _id: 'ac7', name: 'AC7 Phone' },

_id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bf9'),

name: 'AC3 Series Charger'


{ _id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bfa'), name: 'AC3 Case Green' },

_id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bfb'),

name: 'Phone Extended Warranty'


{ _id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bfc'), name: 'AC3 Case Black' },

{ _id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bfd'), name: 'AC3 Case Red' },

_id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bfe'),

name: 'Phone Service Basic Plan'


_id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bff'),

name: 'Phone Service Core Plan'


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_id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15c00'),

name: 'Phone Service Family Plan'


_id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15c01'),

name: 'Cable TV Basic Service Package'


{ _id: ObjectId('66290e738a958f3edf117b7b'), name: 'AC3 Phone' }


{ _id: 'ac3' },

{ _id: 'ac7' },

{ _id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bf9') },

{ _id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bfa') },

{ _id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bfb') },

{ _id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bfc') },

{ _id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bfd') },

{ _id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bfe') },

{ _id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15bff') },

{ _id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15c00') },

_id: ObjectId('507d95d5719dbef170f15c01'),

additional_tarriffs: [ { kind: 'misc tarriff', amount: 2.25 } ]


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{ _id: ObjectId('66290e738a958f3edf117b7b') }

// $slice projection operator

products> db.product_details.find({},{name:1,brand:1,for:{$slice:1},_id:0})

{ name: 'AC3 Phone', brand: 'ACME' },

{ name: 'AC7 Phone', brand: 'ACME' },

{ name: 'AC3 Series Charger', for: [ 'ac3' ] },

{ name: 'AC3 Case Green' },

{ name: 'Phone Extended Warranty', for: [ 'ac3' ] },

{ name: 'AC3 Case Black', for: 'ac3' },

{ name: 'AC3 Case Red', for: 'ac3' },

{ name: 'Phone Service Basic Plan' },

{ name: 'Phone Service Core Plan' },

{ name: 'Phone Service Family Plan' },

{ name: 'Cable TV Basic Service Package' },

{ name: 'AC3 Phone', brand: 'ACME' }

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5. Execute Aggregation operations ($avg, $min,$max, $push, $addToSet etc.).

students encourage to execute several queries to demonstrate various aggregation

//find $avg

products> db.product_details.aggregate([{$group:{_id:0,avgprice:{$avg:'$price'}}}])

[ { _id: 0, avgprice: 326.6875 } ]

//find $min

products> db.product_details.aggregate([{$group:{_id:0,minprice:{$min:'$price'}}}])

[ { _id: 0, minprice: 12 } ]

//find $max

products> db.product_details.aggregate([{$group:{_id:0,maxprice:{$max:'$price'}}}])

[ { _id: 0, maxprice: 2000 } ]

// $push

products> db.product_details.aggregate([{$group:{_id:0,allnames:{$push:'$name'}}}])

_id: 0,

allnames: [

'AC3 Phone',

'AC7 Phone',

'AC3 Series Charger',

'AC3 Case Green',

'Phone Extended Warranty',

'AC3 Case Black',

'AC3 Case Red',

'Phone Service Basic Plan',

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'Phone Service Core Plan',

'Phone Service Family Plan',

'Cable TV Basic Service Package',

'AC3 Phone'

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