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Astrobiology is the study of the origin,

evolution, and prevalence of life
in the universe.

Is life an inevitable consequence of

cosmic evolution?

How does a planet become a living

world with a global biosphere?

Are we alone in our corner of the

Milky Way, or is life common?

These are the questions UC Santa Cruz

astrobiologists are working to answer.
Are we alone in the universe? UC Santa Cruz’s Astrobiology Initiative seeks
new answers to this ancient question.

By probing how life forms, identifying the markers life creates, and observing our local
astronomical neighborhood, astrobiology brings a 21st-century approach to a timeless puzzle:
What processes give rise to complexity and self-awareness in the universe?

“The search for We may soon know if we have

interstellar neighbors.
With faculty who are world leaders
in the study of exoplanets, the
evidence of life NASA’s recently completed Kepler origin of life, planetary science,
beyond Earth Mission catalyzed a global scientific and instrument development,
pivot toward the search for life UC Santa Cruz Astrobiology will
is neither pipe beyond Earth, and UC Santa Cruz continue its groundbreaking
dream nor stands at the forefront of the field. research while training diverse
new generations of astrobiologists.
daydream but Built to find planets outside the
This new field calls for collaboration,
solar system, or exoplanets, Kepler
rather an open found that there are likely billions of and UC Santa Cruz has a tradition
of crossing boundaries between
road to the end planets in our galaxy with the basic
conditions required to support life as research disciplines. The humanities,
of our cosmic we know it. social sciences, and the arts will play
central roles, engaging the public
loneliness.” In the next decade, spacecraft will in our discoveries and their societal
visit the watery worlds of our solar implications.
–Natalie Batalha,
system able to detect complex
UC Santa Cruz This may be the dawn of a scientific
organic molecules. The most
Professor of Astronomy revolution, and you’re invited to take
powerful telescopes in history will
and Astrophysics, part. UC Santa Cruz donors will
look through the atmospheres of
former science lead be critical to what happens next,
exoplanets for gasses created by
of NASA’s enabling scientists to commit to
living organisms.
Kepler Mission new collaborations and providing
tools and resources to accelerate
their work.
From the study of the forces that form
stars and planets, to the search for
exoplanets, to understanding what
markers of life we can see across the
galaxy, UC Santa Cruz researchers are
already at work building the astrobiology

• tracing the history of life on Earth

• pushing ever closer to understanding
how life’s building blocks form
• documenting the processes that
shape planets in the solar system
• filling in the whole picture of planets
beyond the solar system
• building the instruments the world
uses to explore the cosmos

Origin of life WE BUILD THE TOOLS

A team led by David
Deamer has synthesized
RNA-like molecules by We build the technology that will make this search possible.
reproducing the conditions UC Santa Cruz is home to the world-class instrumentation
in which life might form in
facilities of UCO/Lick Observatories and its Center for
hot springs. This challenges
the consensus that life on Adaptive Optics. Our inventions help observatories around
Earth originated near deep
the globe see farther and clearer. We have a long record
sea volcanic vents—and
could be a step toward of overcoming the challenges involved with making
identifying the type of observations of objects light years away.
planetary surface astrobiol-
ogists will look for.
Professor Natalie Batalha

A global leader in astrobiology, Batalha oversaw the scientific work of the

Kepler Mission. Under her direction Kepler exponentially expanded the num-
ber of known exoplanets and the estimate of potentially habitable planets—
sparking the worldwide acceleration of astrobiology.

Batalha led the analysis that yielded the discovery in 2011 of Kepler 10b,
the first confirmed rocky planet outside our solar system. In 2017, Time
magazine named her one of the 100 most influential people on Earth.

Batalha, who earned her Ph.D. in astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz, left NASA
to establish and direct the UC Santa Cruz Astrobiology Initiative.

Professor Ruth Murray-Clay Professor Jonathan Fortney Professor Zac Zimmer

The inaugural holder of the Gunderson An expert on the atmospheres and An accomplished analyst of the
Chair in Theoretical Astrophysics, interiors of giant planets, Fortney interplay between scientific discov-
Murray-Clay’s influential investigations directs the UC Santa Cruz–based ery, science fiction, and world history,
of planetary systems and international exoplanet collaboration, Zimmer’s current focus is on literary
atmospheres have earned widespread the Other Worlds Laboratory. He has representations of the 16th-century
recognition, including the American helped NASA interpret spacecraft conquest of the Americas–Earth’s
Astronomical Society’s Helen B. observations of Saturn and Jupiter as most relevant historical experience
Warner Prize for Astronomy. well as Kepler’s exoplanet data. of an initial encounter.

Emeritus Physical and Biological Sciences Dean Frank Drake created the Drake Equation to represent of the challenges
in predicting how hard it would be to detect extraterrestrial civilizations—five decades later, it continues to inspire
the search for life.

The Drake equation Kepler produced strong evidence regarding the percentage of stars with planets, f(p), and the
portion that might be habitable, n(e).

N = R x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x L
Number of Rate of Fraction Number of Fraction Fraction of Fraction of Length of
technologi- formation of those planets, per of suitable life-bearing civilizations time such
cally of stars in stars with solar system, planets on planets on that develop civilizations
advanced the galaxy planetary with an which life which a technology release
civilizations systems environment actually intelligent that releases detectable
in the Milky suitable appears life emerges detectable signals into
Way galaxy for life signs of their space
into space
The James Webb Space Telescope is scheduled to launch in 2021,
starting a new era in the study of exoplanet atmospheres. On Earth,
a new generation of 30-meter reflector telescopes with the potential
to find evidence of life on planets orbiting some of the closest stars will
begin operating in the next decade. Engineers are hard at work planning
the space missions beyond Webb, equipped to detect the chemical
signatures of life beyond the solar system.

Closer to home, robotic spacecraft Diversifying the sciences

will further explore Mars as well as Diverse perspectives lead to
Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s greater innovation. UC Santa
moons Titan and Enceladus, seeking Cruz established the nation’s
signs of life. first endowed faculty position
With influential achievements in dedicated to making astronomy
exoplanet science, life sciences, and more inclusive. Astrobiology is
planetary science, UC Santa Cruz committed to achieving this
researchers have made many of the vision through greater
discoveries that established this field. accessibility, community
As new tools expand the possibilities of building, diverse mentorship,
Reporting the work
inquiry, UC Santa Cruz Astrobiology is and inclusive practices.
The UC Santa Cruz Science Communi-
ensured continued leadership. Connecting lessons to cation program is world renowned for
Training the next generation of sustainability on Earth training top science journalists. Alumni
astrobiologists Astrobiology will teach us the limits include reporters and editors for NPR,
of planetary habitability, informing us National Geographic, Ars Technica,
The search for life is multigenerational.
about our own biosphere and Earth’s and Scientific American. UC Santa
The students we train today will be
fragility and uniqueness. Our closest Cruz Astrobiology’s first fellow will
the pioneers of tomorrow.
planetary neighbors appear lifeless. In be a Science Communication student
UC Santa Cruz will tune and focus its
its low-pressure, low-surface-gravity who will further this program and
outstanding, cutting-edge curriculum
environment, Mars has been unable communicate astrobiology findings
and create new courses, building an
to hold onto surface liquid water to the public.
interdisciplinary degree program in
astrobiology. Graduate student while our sister planet, Venus, is hot
Science and art
fellowships will create opportunities enough to melt lead on its surface.
As we work to understand the limits At the nexus of science and art is
for thesis research co-mentored by wonder. Understanding the meaning
faculty in multiple departments. of planetary habitability, we will learn
about the sustainability of life here on of the science and conveying it to a
Sharing discoveries planet Earth. general audience will demand creative
forms of expression. Artists in resi-
Public lectures and engaging events
The ethics of exploration dence will work closely with scientists
will provide opportunities for audiences
What does humanity’s history with to share the significance of their
to connect with researchers and their
“colonization” teach us about our findings effectively and accurately.
findings and to share in the achievements
and progress of the field. future in space exploration? How can
Truly interdisciplinary
we be good planetary stewards for
Earth, as well as other planets we Astrobiology at UC Santa Cruz
might visit? The UC Santa Cruz Center brings together scientists, scholars,
for Public Philosophy excels at unpack- and artists. As we grow humanity’s
ing and sparking discussion on human- knowledge, we will spark conversa-
kind’s most difficult questions. tions through which society evolves.
Life in our solar system?

In the next decade new robotic missions

will launch toward Mars, Jupiter’s moon
Europa, and Saturn’s moon Titan.
All will be equipped to seek clues
about the formation of life. Each of these
destinations could have unique niches
where life exists or once existed.

Whether or not these missions gather

the first evidence of extraterrestrial life,
they promise to significantly extend our
understanding of the environments of
these distant worlds.


In 2017, responding to discoveries made during
Professor Natalie Batalha’s leadership of the Kepler
Mission, Congress made the search for life beyond
Earth a NASA objective. Across the country, scientists
are accelerating the pace of astrobiology.

Faculty have begun strategic planning, implementing

pilot programs, laying the groundwork for new courses and
research endeavors, and designing compelling public events.
Our work will represent the contributions of increasingly
diverse researchers and ensure humanity truly understands
the knowledge that is coming.

UC Santa Cruz Astrobiology launches in 2020.

UC Santa Cruz is poised to spearhead this scientific

revolution, and we hope you will join us on the journey.

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