Important Questions
Chapter 4
Animal Kingdom
1 Marks Questions
Ans. Have skeleton composed of calcium carbonate which gets deposited and can lead to
4. What is the difference between class Amphibian and class Reptilia in respect of their
skin ?
Ambhibia Reptilia
2.lay eggs inside the water 2.lay eggs outside the water.
Ans. Class Amphibian: Have moist skin without scales.
6. Name the arthropod which is a (i) Living fossil, (ii) Gregarious pest.
9.What is polymorphism.
Ans. The phenomena when an organism have different kinds of zooids for different function
is called polymorphism.
Ans. Earthworms are popularly known as Natures ploughman because it brings subsoil over
the surface & create fine burrows for aeration.
Ans.(i)Forlimbs modified into wings
Ans. Molluscs
Ans. The animals which do not have a coelom or body cavity are called acoelomate eg.
porifera, coelenterates, flatworms.
Ans. Flame cells are excretory organs of platyhelminthes which possesses flickering cilia or
flagella for driving the absorbed excretory product into system of ducts
Ans. Petromyzon
21.Assign the phylum to which following animals belongs – pheretima & sponge.
Ans. Pheretima – Annelida & sponge – porifera.
22.What is metamerism ?
Ans. In some bilateria, the body consists of many segments & shows repetition of parts. This
type of segmentation is called metamerism.
CBSE Class 12 Biology
Important Questions
Chapter 4
Animal Kingdom
2 Marks Questions
Ans. Poikilothenuous (cold blooded) Lack ability to regulate their body tem perature.
(iii) Body is covered by chitinous cuticle & segments are not separated by septa
Diploblastic animals have two germ Triploblastic animals have three germ layer
layers outer ectoderm & inner outer ectoderm middle mesoderm & inner
endoderm in their embryo gastrula endoderm in their embryo gastrula
stage Eg. all animals except porefera & coelentrata
Eg. Hydra, Obelia, Porpcta
Ans. Protochordates are the primitive non vertebrate ehordates. There are three subphyla
8.Outline the role of coelom in animals.
Ans. Coelom is the space between body wall & alimentary canal of organisms it is lined by
mesoderm. Visceral organs lie in the coelom. Flatworm does not have coelom. Hence they
are called acoelamata. Pseudocoelom is found in the round worm. Annelids are coelomate
Insect Arachnida
i) Body is divided into three parts head, i) Body is divided into two parts –
thorax & abdomen cephalthorax & abdomen
iii).Appendages on head are iii) Appendages on head are pair of
antennae, mandibles & maxiliae chellcerae & a pair of pedipalpa.
iv) Walking legs are three pairs iv) walking legs are four pairs
11.Why are echinoderms considered closer to chordates than any other phylum ?
Ans. Echinoderms are considered closer to chordates because like chordates, they are
deuterostomes where the anal region develops earlier than mouth region. Their larve are
also closer to protochordata.
iv) They have swim bladder. iv) They have five pairs of gills
13.Give reason why a snail & an octopus are classified under the same phylum?
Ans. Snails & octopus are classified under the phylum mollusca because they have following
three characters:-
14.List three basic chordate characters.
Ans.(i)These are worm like marine animals that have organ- system level of organization.
(iii)Body is cylindrical & is divided into anterior proboscis, collar & long trunk.
centipede millipede
ii) There are two parts of body – head & ii) There are three parts of body – head,
trunk thorax & abdomen.
iii) Maxillae are 2 pairs iii) Maxillae are only one pair.
17.Give reason why arthopda constitute the largest group of animal kingdom
(iii) Body enclosed by chitinous cuticle.
iv) There are 2 pineal spicules from cloacal pore. iv) No pineal spicules.
v) Pre- anal or post- anal papillae present v) There are no such structures.
Ans. (i) The avian flight muscles are used for fast short fly.
(ii) Flight muscles contain white fibres which are poorer in mitochondria & free of
(iii) The long bones are hollow & connected by air passages.
CBSE Class 12 Biology
Important Questions
Chapter 4
Animal Kingdom
3 Marks Questions
1. What are the features of class Ayes which help the u flying ?
Ans. Wings, bones long and hollow with air cavities, air sacs connected to lungs to
supplement respiration.
2.“All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates” justify the
Ans. All vertebrates are chordates because they possess three basic chordate features as:-
(iii)All chordates have pharyngeal gill cleft in some stages of lift cycle
All chordates are not vertebrates. Vertebrates have vertebral column but protochordates &
agnatha have notochord that is not replaced by vertebral column.
3.“Mammals are the most successful & dominant animals today” Give evidence.
Ans. Mammals are the most successful & dominant animals today. They thrive very well in
most environment of world & The unique characteristics of mammals are:-
(iv)Presence of a pair of external ears & three ear osciscles
(iv)They are very primitive multi-cellular animals with cellular level of organization.
(v)Water can enter by pores Ostia in body wall directly or through canal into spongocoel.
From it goes out by means of osculum. It is called canal system
(i)Notochord:- It is a rod – like structure found on in the chordates. Non – chordates do not
have it
(ii)Symmetry:- It is the plan of arrangement of body parts.” There are three types –
asymmetric, radially symmetrical & bilaterally symmetrical.
(iii)Organisation:- Animals have cellular grade of organization. Their bodies are made up of
cell others have tissues organs & organ system.
(iv)Embryonic layers:- Ectoderm, mesoderm& endoderm give rise to different organs in the
body. These are called germinal layers. Some animals are diploblastic eg. sponges but others
are triploblastic having three germinal layers.
Ans. (i)They are commonly known as roundworms or nematodes & are covered by cuticle.
(iii)Animals with elongated cylindrical & spindle shaped body with pointed ends
7.Members of which phylum are known as “segmented worm” Write about their body
symmetry, mode of excretion & respiration.
Ans. The members of the phylum Annelida are known as “the segmented worms” Their body
is metamerecally segmented eg. Neiris, pheretima & Hirudinaria.
(i)Body Symmetry:- Segmented worms have typical metameric segmentation. Their body
consists of segments called somites or metamere & ring like grooves known as annuli
(ii)Excretion:- the excretory unit of these invertebrates are coiled tubules called nephridia.
(iii)Respiration:- Respiration occurs by gills or by skin. The skin is richly supplied with blood
vessels. It is permeable. The exchanges of gases take place there.
Annelida Arthropoda
i) Elongated & metamerically segmented i) Body segmented & differentiated into
body cephalic, thoracic & abdominal region
ii) Appendages borne on body segments ii) Appendages may be segmented or jointed.
iii) Setae present iii) Setae absent
iv) Body wall dermomuscular iv) Body wall is not dermomuscular
v) Body cavity is coelom v) Body canal is haemocoel
vi) Respiratory pigment is haemoglobin vi) Respiratory pigment is absent
vii) Blood is red vii) Blood is colourless or bluish
viii) Blood vascular system is close type viii) Blood vascular system is open type
ix) Cilia & nephridia present ix) Cilia & nephridia absent
x) No exoskeleton x) Exoskeleton is chitinous
(i)Cell Aggregate plan:- It is found is simple animals eg. sponges in which clusters of cells
with rudimentary division of labour is found in them.
(ii)Blind sac plans:- It is found in coelenterates & flat wors. They have a digestive cavity with
only one opening to the outside. Through this opening the mouth food is ingested &
undigested waste is thrown out. The cells are more specialized & have division of labour.
(iii)Tube- within a tube plan:- It is found in more complex forms In this plan body cavity
forms one tube within which is situated another tube alimentary canal, opening on one side
by mouth & other side by anus.
10.Mention the important characters of phylum echinodermata & give examples.
Ans. (i)The word Echinodermate means “ spiny skin” which is optly used for group of
animals represented by such common forms e. starfish, Sea urchin.
(v)The radial symmetry is superficial & body in fact can be divided only in two halves.
Ans. (i)Arthopods:- jointed appendages, segmented body divisible into head, thorax &
abdomen, presence of hard non- living exoskeleton of chitin, eyes compound eg. insects,
centipede etc.
(ii)Reptiles:- cold blooded, Body covered by scales, Two pairs of limbs, lay eggs eg. lizard,
snake etc.
(iii)Mammals:- warm blooded, body covered by hairs, an external ear is present, give birth to
young ones, They have small pointed teeth & long snout insectivores are primitive mammals.
Ans. (i)They are marine animals which may be silitary or colonial
(iv)They are acoelomate animals i.e. true coelom. They exhibit blind sac body plan.
(v)The body encloses a large central cavity known as coelenterons which has a single
opening to the exterior. Coelenterons is called gastro vascular cavity.
(vi)They commonly show polymorphism. Two kinds of individuals present- hybroid &
(vii)They possess tentacles which are usually thread- like out growths.
iv) Sternum Sternum raft like Sternum boat shaped
v) Ribs No uncinate process Ribs uncinate process
Pygostyle may be small or
vi) Tail vertebrate Pygostyle found
vii) Flying Cannot fly Can fly
viii) Distribution Restricted in distribution Found all over the world
House sparrow cuckoo hornbill
ix) Example Rheo, cassowary emu ostrich.
quail peacock fowl parrot crow.
CBSE Class 12 Biology
Important Questions
Chapter 4
Animal Kingdom
5 Marks Questions
1.How are non chordates different from chordates. Write the major phyla of non-
chordate & give examples.
ii) Central Nervous system dorsal, hollow & ii) Central nervous system is ventral
single. solid & double
(i)Phylum - porifera:- adults sessile having cellular grade of organization & body is porous
eg. Spongilla.
(ii)Phylum – coelentrata:- Radially symmetrical & tentacles present in polyps & medusa eg.
(iv)Phylum - Nematoda:- Parasitic forms with elongated round body eg. Enterobius.
(v)Phylum - Annlida:- Body metamerically segmented eg. Hiduneria.
(vii)Phylum – Mollusc:- soft bodies shelled animals having foot, mantle & visceral mass eg.
(viii)Phylum – Echinodermata:- Exclusively marine having spiny skin & water vascular
system with tube feet eg. ophiothrix.
Ans. (i)They are called Round worm as they appear circular in C.S.
(ix)Fertilization is internal
3.Enlist the main salient features of phylum ctenophora.
Ans. (i)Ctenophares are marine animals with transparent & flat ar oval body shape.
(iv)When the tentacles are present they are two in number & contain colloblast cells.
(v)They move by cilia which join together to from comb plates, they are eight median comb
(vii)They are diploblastic animals but the mesoglea is different from that of cnidaria.
(viii)The presence of special sense organs at the opposite end of the mouth is the
characteristic of this phylum.