Transportation Engg I Tutorial-2
Transportation Engg I Tutorial-2
Transportation Engg I Tutorial-2
Tutorial II
A. Sight Distance
1) Calculate the minimum sight distance required to avoid head on collision with a car approaching from the
opposite direction if both the cars are speeding at 60km/hr. Use a total perception and brake reaction time of
2sec. coefficient of longitudinal fraction 0.40 and brake efficiency 50%. The section of the road under
consideration has a grade 10%.
2) Calculate the minimum stopping distance for a design of 50km/hr, for
a) Two way traffic in a two lane road,
b) Two way traffic in a single lane road &
c) One way traffic in a two lane road. Assume all data suitably.
3) Calculate the values of i) Head light sight distance & ii) Intermediate sight distance for a highway with a
design speed of 80km/hr.
1) A vehicle moving at a speed of 70 km/hr decided to overtake another slow moving vehicle. Calculate safe
overtaking sight distance. Consider
A) Two lane road with two way traffic
b) Two lane with one ways traffic, take acceleration = 2.5km/hr/sec
2) The speed of overtaking & overtaken vehicle is 60km/hr & 40km/hr respectively on a two way traffic road. If the
acceleration of the overtaking vehicle is 3.6km/hr/sec
a) Calculate the safe overtaking sight distance.
b) Determine the minimum length of overtaking zone.
3) What will be the safe OSD for a vehicle moving at a speed of 70km/hr, to overtake a vehicle at a speed of 30km/hr?
a) Double lane two way traffic road?
b) Four lane road with two traffic separator?
C. Extra widening
1) Calculate the amount of extra width required on a horizontal curve of radius R= 300m on a two lane highway.
The design speed is 80km/hr.Assume wheel base= 6.1m
2) Calculate the amount of extra widening to be done in a horizontal curve of a radius 150m for the road with
design speed of 100km/hr. The road has 6 lanes & the length of wheel base is 8m.
3) Find the total width of a pavement on a horizontal curve for a new national highway to be aligned along a
rolling terrain with a ruling minimum radius.
D. Set back Distance
1) A four lane divided carriage has a curve 1000m along & a radius of 550m. The safe stopping sight distance is
250m. Calculate the minimum set back distance from the inner edge of a road to the edge of building to ensure
safe visibility. The pavement width per lane is 3.5m.
2) The radius of centre line of circular curve is 650m & the sight distance required is 400m, the length of curve is
300m. Find out the set back from an obstruction to the centerline.
E. Vertical Curves
Grade compensation
1) The ruling gradient in a road is 4% or 1 in 25 & the radius of the horizontal curve is 100m. Determine the
compensated gradient on the curve.
4) An ascending grade of 4% meets with 0 grade section. The radius of vertical curve is 2500m. Calculate N, T,
and L & distance to the highest from the tangent point.
5) Design a vertical curve for the following data: i1= +2.5%, i2= -1.2%, OSD = 245m, height of driver's eye from
the road surface=1.22m.
6) A 2% gradient meets a -0.25% gradient at a chainage of 1085m & at the reduced level of 76.55m, if the sight
distance be 304.8m determine the length of the vertical curve & the reduced levels of the tangent points & the
height point on the curve. Assume that the eye level of the river eye is 1.143m & the height of the obstruction
is 0.1m.
7) A parabolic vertical summit curve connects a +4.5% grades with -3.0% grades on a single lane with two way
traffic rural highway at station 10+525 and elevation of 1212.6m above the mean sea level. The curve should
be designed to provide the inter-visibility of a truck & car aimed to prevent head on collision. Locate the
starting highest & end point of the vertical curve. Calculate the elevation of road at all these points along the
curve & at a 60m right & left from the point of vertical intersection. Height of the driver eye from the road
surface for the truck ascending along 4.5% grade is 1.3m & that of car is 1.1m, reaction time for both drivers is
2.5 sec & coefficient of friction is 0.4. The truck is approaching at 40km/hr while the car is approaching at
8) Design the total length of the valley curve at the junction of the descending gradient of 1 in 40 & an ascending
gradient of 1 in 30 if the speed is 100km/hr. So as to fulfill both comfort condition & head light sight distance
for night driving. Locate the lowest point & the end of the curve point too. Calculate their elevation of the
beginning of the curve is 312.56m above sea level. Assume other necessary data reasonably.
9) An ascending gradient meets the descending gradient; the grades are 5% & 4% respectively. Locate the
chainage at the beginning & end of the vertical curve. Calculate the elevation of the road at a distance of every
300m on either side of the point of the vertical intersection (PVI). If the elevation & chainage of PVI is
500.50m & 5+050 respectively. Assume R= 10,000m.
10) A vertical valley curve connects a -3% grades with +4.5% grades on a rural highway at station 6+525m &
elevation 411.6m above the mean sea level. The curve should be designed at to provide the visibility of the
road surface to a distance of 250m at night time. Locate the starting lowest & end point of vertical curves.
Calculate the elevation of road at all these points along the curve & at a distance of 50m left & right from the
point of vertical intersection. Assume the head light beam angle & height of the head light from the road
surface for the design vehicle is 2º & 0.6m respectively.
11) A descending grade tangent of 4% meets with an ascending grade tangent of 2%. The radius of vertical curve
is 10000m. Elevation & chainage of BVC is 200m & 40+000, respectively. Calculate the elements of vertical
curve. Locate the chainage & elevation of PVI. EVC & the lowest point.
12) A vertical summit curve is to be designed when two grades, +1/50 & -1/40 meet on a highway. The stopping
sight distance & overtaking sight distance required are 200m & 650m respectively. But due to site condition
the length of vertical curve has to be restricted to a maximum value of 800m if possible. Calculate the length
of summit curve needed to fulfill the requirements of
a) Stopping sight distance
b) Overtaking sight distance or at least intermediate sight distance & discuss the result.