In this article we aim to review a series of normative and institutional
frameworks that underpin the practice of supervision in social work. We aim
to outline an international perspective reffering to the situation of certain
states such as Singapore, New Zeeland, Australia, Canada, USA and Great
Britain. Starting from the international standards, we analysed the Romanian
perspective on supervision in social work, as it shows from the recently
adopted occupational standards.
Normative and Institutional Frameworks for the Functioning of Supervision in …
Elena UNGURU, Antonio SANDU
Revista Românească pentru June, 2018
Educaţie Multidimensională Volume 10, Issue 2
supervisor, being considered vital for the good provision of social services to
different categories of vulnerable population.
In order for supervision to be implemented, the Department of
Social Development, along with the Professional Association of Social
Workers (SACSSP) have initiated consultations in order to establish norms
and standards regarding the supervision of social workers (DDSRAS, 2012).
The normative framework the supervision of social services in South
Africa is based on starts from the constitutional discussions. The
Constitution of South Africa includes, in Chapter 10, Art. 195, among the
principles of functioning of public administration, the obligation of public
servants to promote the highest standards of professional ethics (DDSRAS,
2012, p. 15), as well as a management of human resources that would
increase the social and professional development of the employees.
The Law of social services in 1978 and the code of ethics of
professionals in social services stipulate that a social worker can be
exclusively supervised by another certified and trained social worker.
According to DSD (18/2009) (Department of Social Development) on
recruiting and hiring social workers (Recruitment and Retention Strategy for
Social Workers) introduces the supervision of care-related professions as
part of effectively providing services. The purpose of professional
supervision is, according to DSD (August Framework for Social Welfare
Services) is to offer qualitative social services to beneficiaries and, at the
same time, offer professional support to the practitioner, as well as
improvement of social capacities of excersising his own profession
(DDSRAS, 2012, p. 15).
We note the importance of ethics in offering social services and
involving the supervisor in strengthening the ethical standards of
professionals in social work.
The framework for functioning of South-Africa supervision as a
programmatic document (DSD, 2006) is criticized by Engelbrecht (2013)
who shows that in its construction, the legacy of social work is denied, being
achieved based on a combination of texts in the international literature, and
not based on certain data-based research. In our opinion, the existence of
such referential cases allows for a comparative approach between the
practice of supervision as it appears in the discourse of supervisors and
supervised persons, and the different normative frameworks, both internally
and internationally. It is precisely the fact that these normative facts are
blamed for the fact that they don’t consider the national context of policies
referring to social services, entitles us to propose the construction of an
interpretative framework of the practice of supervision that would consider
Normative and Institutional Frameworks for the Functioning of Supervision in …
Elena UNGURU, Antonio SANDU
the public policies existing in the field, but also of the context of practice in
the demographic and social area we investigate.
Revista Românească pentru June, 2018
Educaţie Multidimensională Volume 10, Issue 2
Normative and Institutional Frameworks for the Functioning of Supervision in …
Elena UNGURU, Antonio SANDU
Revista Românească pentru June, 2018
Educaţie Multidimensională Volume 10, Issue 2
Normative and Institutional Frameworks for the Functioning of Supervision in …
Elena UNGURU, Antonio SANDU
Revista Românească pentru June, 2018
Educaţie Multidimensională Volume 10, Issue 2
Normative and Institutional Frameworks for the Functioning of Supervision in …
Elena UNGURU, Antonio SANDU
over time the concepts have evolved from reflections on the practice of the
administrative dimension, and more recently its managerial component
(Skills for Care and CWDC, 2007). The document quotes sources as a series
of previously developed guides like the New Zealand one, that we have
presented above.
A special note in BASW standards is the transdisciplinary dimension
of supervision, especially in recent years, due to the increasingly complex
elements of the practice faced by social workers and requiring psychological,
managerial, sociological, legal, psycho-pedagogical skills (GSCC, 2008).
Revista Românească pentru June, 2018
Educaţie Multidimensională Volume 10, Issue 2
Normative and Institutional Frameworks for the Functioning of Supervision in …
Elena UNGURU, Antonio SANDU
Revista Românească pentru June, 2018
Educaţie Multidimensională Volume 10, Issue 2
Normative and Institutional Frameworks for the Functioning of Supervision in …
Elena UNGURU, Antonio SANDU
The institutional normative frameworks for functioning of
supervision in social work are relatively uniform throughout the world,
reflecting the evolution of the profession of social worker. Considering the
professionalization of supervision, there are two main directions: the first
one, widely spread, is the one of introducing supervision in the professional
body of social work, being part of the profession, and the second direction
leads to a distinct professionalization of the supervisor, starting from an
initial training and experience in social work, to which a specific formation,
different from the transdiciplinary nature, must be added.
In the particular national frameworks of each country analysed, we
notice a special concern for disseminating ethics and the transfer of ethical
competences, from the supervisor to the supervised. The Romanian specific
frameworks target a distinct professionalization of the supervisor as an
expert, with a wide range of competences, both professional – in the field of
social work, as well as in connected fields, such as sociology, law and
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Revista Românească pentru June, 2018
Educaţie Multidimensională Volume 10, Issue 2
Normative and Institutional Frameworks for the Functioning of Supervision in …
Elena UNGURU, Antonio SANDU
Revista Românească pentru June, 2018
Educaţie Multidimensională Volume 10, Issue 2
Normative and Institutional Frameworks for the Functioning of Supervision in …
Elena UNGURU, Antonio SANDU
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