g4q2w6 Dll Science (Matatag)
g4q2w6 Dll Science (Matatag)
g4q2w6 Dll Science (Matatag)
By the end of the Quarter, learners identify that plants and animals have systems whose function is to keep them alive. They observe, describe, and create representations to show how living things interact with their habitat,
B. Performance Standards survive, and reproduce in specific environments. They use flowcharts to show the feeding relationship among different organisms within a given environment.
The learners use flow charts to compare the different stages in the life cycle of animals, such as a butterfly, frog, chicken, and human;
Lesson Objectives:
C. Learning Competencies and • Describe the different stages in life cycle of butterfly.
Objectives • Describe the different stages in life cycle of frog
• Describe the different stages in life cycle of chicken.
• Describe the different stages in life cycle of human
Life Cycles of Animals
a. Life cycle of butterfly
D. Content b. Life cycle of frog
c. Life cycle of chicken
d. Life cycle of human
Preservation and continuity of life
E. Integration
Directions: Classify the animals and Directions: Give the life stages of Directions: Answer the following Directions: Answer the following
plants based on their habitats. butterfly. Write your answer in the box. questions: questions:
Seagrasses 1. Where do adult frogs come from? 1. What are the different stages in the
Beach Grass life cycle of a chicken?
Turtles 2.
What are the four stages in its life cycle?
Shorebirds 2. How does a chicken develops from an
Sea Stars egg?
3. How has this frog grown and
Red Mangrove changed?
Black Mangrove 3. Are chickens important for humans?
Give examples on how humans benefit
White Mangrove 4. Describe the transformation in each from chickens particularly in agriculture
Mudskippers stage. and food production?
a. Activating Prior Knowledge Fiddler Crabs
Herons 4. What should we do to take care of
Study the picture below. Can you list down Whenever you go to the field, do you Have you ever tried taking care of What can you infer from the picture?
the animals found in the picture? What are notice things like that in the puddles? chickens? How did you feel?
they? How do they differ from vertebrates?
c. Developing Understanding of the Butterfly Life Cycle The Frog's Life Cycle: The Life Cycle of Chicken (Bird): Stages of Human Life Cycle
Lesson A butterfly goes through four stages in its life. Frogs, being amphibians, undergo a Birds, including chickens, begin their
It all starts with an egg. From that egg unique transformation. Unlike fish, the life cycles from eggs. A young chicken,
hatches a tiny creature called a caterpillar young frogs look distinct from the adults. known as a chick, looks similar to an
(larvae stage). Caterpillars love to eat plants Their life cycle initiates from an egg. adult chicken. The life cycle of a chicken
and they grow quickly. When they're done From this egg, a tadpole emerges, which starts as an egg, hatches, grows, and
eating, caterpillars create a case called a resides in water. Initially, it possesses matures into an adult chicken. Adult
chrysalis (pupa stage). Inside the chrysalis, gills and a tail but lacks legs. Gradually, chickens lay eggs, starting a new life
the caterpillar changes into an adult butterfly. the tadpole develops into a froglet with cycle. Birds, like the bird of paradise and Stage 1 - Fetus in the womb: A baby
Once the transformation is complete, the legs, ultimately losing its gills and tail. cassowary, have similar life cycles to begins as a tiny thing when a mother's
adult butterfly breaks free from the Over time, the froglet transforms into an chickens. In various bird species, life egg joins with a father's sperm. Inside
chrysalis. Now, it can lay eggs and start the adult frog. These adult frogs lay eggs, begins within an egg. A newly hatched the mother's tummy, it grows into a little
life cycle all over again. thus marking the beginning of a new life bird is called a hatchling. During growth human shape. We call this the "foetus."
cycle. in the nest and while being cared for by The foetus can't eat, drink, or breathe on
parents, the hatchling is called a its own and needs its mom.
nestling. Once it develops flight feathers Stage 2 – Baby: After about nine
and is ready to leave the nest, the bird months, the baby is born. Babies at this
takes its first flight, becoming a fledgling. stage are called "infants." They can't talk
When the fledgling or juvenile reaches yet, but they can cry, eat, and let you
full growth, it becomes a mature or adult know when they're hungry or
bird. uncomfortable. Moms usually feed them
Insect Life Cycles: Many insects begin their with milk.
lives as eggs. When they hatch, they look Stage 3 – Childhood: Babies grow into
quite different from their parents and are children who learn to crawl, walk, talk,
called pupas. Pupas are inactive, don't have and do more things. They make friends,
wings, and may not even have legs. As they read, write, and become more
grow, they start to change shape, which we independent. In this stage, we have
call metamorphosis. There are two kinds of toddlers (1-3 years), preschoolers (3-5
metamorphosis: complete and incomplete. years), and primary school children (5-
Complete metamorphosis includes insects 12 years).
like beetles, bees, and butterflies. Insects Stage 4 – Adolescence: As kids grow
that undergo incomplete metamorphosis into teenagers (usually from 13 to 19
have three life stages: egg, nymph, and years old), their bodies change a lot.
adult, and they include insects like They grow taller, get hair in new places,
grasshoppers and stick-insects. and their voices may deepen. They
become more independent and their
behaviors change.
Stage 5 – Adulthood: People from 20
to 65 years are called adults. They can
have families and continue the life cycle.
We can split adults into young adults
(20-36 years), middleaged adults (36-55
years), and older adults (55-65 years).
Stage 6 – Old Person: When a person
reaches 65 years, they're called an old
or elderly person. How long someone
lives can vary, but it usually depends on
their health. Some people live beyond
100 years, while others don't. The
human life cycle comes to an end at this
d. Deepening Understanding of the Directions: Cut out the pictures and arrange Directions: Give the life stages of frogs. Directions: Complete the Directions: Cut out the pictures and
Lesson them in sequence from the earliest to the Write your answer in the box. by filling in the various stages of a arrange them in sequence from the
latest stage, then record the stage names. chicken’s life cycle. earliest to the latest stage, then record
the stage names in Table.
Where do adult butterflies come from? What
are the four stages in its life cycle? • How has
this butterfly grown and changed? Describe
the transformation in each stage. • Do all
insects come from caterpillars like this
butterfly? Tell me more about that.
How does a caterpillar prepare for its What changes occur when a tadpole What are the key differences between a How do physical features change form
transformation into a butterfly? transforms into a frog? chick and an adult chicken in terms of one stage to another in human life
appearance and abilities? cycle?
e. Making Generalizations
Directions: Answer the following questions: Directions: Answer the following Directions: Give the life stages of Directions: Answer the following
1. What are the different stages in the life questions: chicken. Write your answer in the box. questions:
cycle of butterflies? Describe the features of 1. What are the different stages in the life
each stage. cycle of frogs? Describe the features of 1. What are the different stages in the
____________________________________ each stage. life cycle of human?
______ _________________________________
2. What is the importance of butterflies in _________
maintaining balance in the environment? 2. What is the importance of frogs in 2. How does a baby grow from fetus to
____________________________________ maintaining balance in the environment? adulthood?
a. Evaluating Learning ______ _________________________________
_________ 3. What are the things that a baby needs
in order to grow healthy?
▪ students
What roles did my students play in my lesson?
▪ ways forward
What could I have done differently?
Teacher I
Master Teacher I
Head Teacher I