Table of Contents
1. Introduction
3. Equipment Overview
4. Daily QC Procedures
5. Weekly QC Procedures
6. Monthly QC Procedures
7. Annual QC Procedures
8. Troubleshooting
10. References
1. Introduction
This manual outlines the complete quality control procedures for SPECT/CT and PET/CT systems.
It is designed to ensure the proper functioning, accuracy, and safety of these systems.
Routine quality control is essential for maintaining image quality and patient safety.
3. Equipment Overview
The SPECT/CT and PET/CT systems combine functional and anatomical imaging to provide
- CT scanner subsystem
- Calibration phantoms
4. Daily QC Procedures
- Perform system warm-up as recommended by the manufacturer.
5. Weekly QC Procedures
- Perform uniformity and resolution tests using uniform phantoms.
6. Monthly QC Procedures
- Perform spatial resolution tests.
7. Annual QC Procedures
- Comprehensive system calibration by a certified technician.
8. Troubleshooting
- Common issues include system errors, artifacts, and calibration failures.
10. References
- Manufacturer's guidelines for SPECT/CT and PET/CT systems.