12 English
12 English
12 English
(i) This question paper is divided into four sections – A,B,C and D.
(ii) All questions from all the sections are compulsory.
(iii) Mark are indicated against each question.
Section – A
1) Read the following Passage carefully and answer the question that follow:
The real ornament of a woman is her character, her purity metal and stones can never be
real ornaments. The names of women like Site, Savitri and Damayanti have become sacred to
us for their unsullied virtue never for their jewellery, if they wore any. My asking from you,
your jewellery has also a wider significance. Several sisters have told me that they feel all the
better for getting rid of their jewellery. I have called this an act of merit to more ways than
one. No man or woman is entitled to the possession of wealth unless he or she has given a
fair share of it to the poor and helpless. It is a social and religious obligation and has been
called a sacrifice by the Bhagavad Gita. He/She who does not offer this sacrifice has been
called a thief. The Gita has enumerated many forms of sacrifice, but what greater sacrifice
can there be them to serve the poor and the needy? For us today there, can be no sacrifice
higher than to forget the distinctions of high and low and to realise the equality of all men
and women. I also wish to bring home to the women of India that the real ornamentation lies
not in loading the body with metal and stone but in purifying the heart and developing the
beauty of soul.
(a) What is the real ornamentation for women? [3]
(b) What thing has been called a sacrifice by the Bhagavad Gita? [3]
(c) What is considered to be the greatest sacrifice today? [3]
(d) Where does the real ornamentation lie? [3]
(e) (i) Which word in the passage means ‘spotless’? [1]
(ii) Which word in the passage is the opposite of ‘insignificance’? [1]
(iii) What does the phrase getting rid of mean in the passage? [1]
Section – (B)
2) Write an article on any one of the following topics in about 100-150 words. [10]
(a) Unemployment: A major challenge for India’s youth
(b) The role of women in modern India
(c) Importance of games and sports
3) Suppose you are Shiva/Shivani. Write a letter to the news editor of ‘The Time of India’
Complaining against the poor supply of water in your locality. [10]
Write a letter to the Librarian of your collage requesting him to bring some more magazines
meant for competitive examinations.
Section (C)
4) Choose the correct option to answer the following questions: 5×2 = [10]
(a) A person who hates or does not trust women:
(i) misogamist (ii) misologist
(iii) misanthrope (iv) misogynist
(b) The Phrase ‘Gird up one’s loins’ means:
(i) leave bag & baggage (ii) hunt for lions
(iii) a loin cloth (iv) get ready for a job
(c) The synonym of ‘fickle’ is:
(i) awkward (ii) inconsistent
(iii) silly (iv) ugly
(d) The antonym of ‘expedite’ is:
(i) begin (ii) start
(iii) flow (iv) delay
(e) Cattles are grazing in the field which word in the sentence is an ‘error’?
(i) Cattles (ii) are
(iii) in (iv) the
5) (a) Change any one of the following into Indirect speech: [2]
(i) The boys said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.”
(ii) He said, “God rules and governs all things.”
(b) Combine any one of the following as directed: [2]
(i) Who does not know PT. Jawahar Lal Nehru? (Assertive sentences)
(ii) How old you are! (Assertive sentence)
(c) Transform any one of the following as directed: [2]
(i) Gandhiji was one of the greatest leaders of the world. (Positive Voice)
(ii) It is time to shut up the shop. (Passive Voice)
(d) Correct any one of the following sentences: [2]
(i) He climbed on a tree.
(ii) Unless you do not work hard, you can not succeed.
(e) Use any one of the following pairs of words in your own sentences to make the difference
in their meaning clear: [2]
(i) rage – raze
(ii) right – cite
6) Translate the following Passage into English: [5]
हमारे विधार्थियो के सामने आज अनेक समस्यायें हैं उन्हें यह समझना चाहहए कक शिक्षा का
लक्ष्य केिल सरकारी नौकरी नहीीं हैं | भारत एक कृवि प्रधान दे ि हैं | यहद यहााँ पढ़े शलखे
लोग खेती की और ध्यान दें , तो हम दोनों की दररद्रता दरू हो सकती है | हमारे गााँि में सुधार
की जरुरत है | शिक्षक्षत व्यक्तत जब गााँि में रहने लगें गे, तो उन गााँिों का सामाक्जक जीिन
बबल्कुल बदल जायेगा |
Section – D
7) Answer the following questions in about 40 words each: 4+4 = [8]
(a) What did M. Hamel write on the blackboard with a piece of chalk?
What did the young girl find in the package when she opened it, in the lesson ‘The Rattrap’
(b) Who was Mukesh and what was his ambition?
What did the Instructor do to train Douglas?
8) Answer any one of the following questions in about 80 words: [7]
(a) How did Douglas decide to overcome his fear of water?
(b) Write an account of Bangladeshi squatters in Seemapuri as described by the author of
‘Lost Spring’
9) Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow: 3×2 = [6]
Driving from my Parent’s home to Cochin last Friday morning, I saw my mother, beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that of a corpse and realised with pain that she was
as old as she looked but soon put that thought away.
(a) Where was the poet driving to? Who was sitting beside her?
(b) What did the poet notice about her mother?
(c) Why has the face of her mother been compared to a corpse?
10) Write the Central idea of any one of the following poems: [4]
(a) My mother at Sixty-Six
(b) Keeping Quiet
(c) A Thing of beauty
11) Answer the following questions in about 40 words each: 4+4 = [8]
(a) How did charley enter the third level?
What did the astrologers tell about the death of the tiger King?
(b) Who was Geoff Green? What did he offer to the students?
What was the third level? Where was it situated?
12) Answer any one of the following questions in about 80 words: [7]
(a) Describe the Maharaja’s anxiety for the hundredth tiger. Was he successful in killing the
Hundredth tiger? What do you think, caused the death of the tiger King?
(b) Why is Antarctica the place to go to, to understand the earth’s present, past and future?
How is the study of Antarctica useful to us ?