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1. Introduction
Let us consider a population distributed in a linear habitat, such as shore line,
which occupies with a uniform quantity of density [1]. If at any point of the
habitat, a mutation occurs, which happens to be in some degree, however, slight,
advantageous to survival, in the totality of its effects [1] [2]. We may expect the
mutant gene to increase at the expense of all allelomorph or allelomorphs
previously occupying the same set of points [2] [3]. This process will be first
computed in the neighbourhood of the occurrence of the mutation and later, as
the advantageous gene is diffused into the surrounding population, in the
adjacent portions of its range [3]. Supposing that this range to be long compared
with the distances separately, the sites of offspring from these of their parents,
there will be advancing from origin, a wave of increase in the gene frequency [4].
Let us consider the following possible postulates of above phenomena.
Let p be the frequency of the mutant gene, and q is its parent allelomorph
and we suppose, it is only the allelomorph parent [4] [5]. Let m be the
intensity of the selection in favour of the mutant gene, supposing independence
of p . Let us suppose that the rate of diffusion per generation across any
boundary may be equated to −k ∂ x p at that boundary,
x being the
coordinate measuring position in the linear habitat [5]. Then p must satisfy
the differential equation,
pt kpxx + mpq (1)
2. Governing Equation
Many complicated natural phenomena, such as the spreading of bushfire and
epidemics, and the non-linear evolution of a population in a two dimensional
habitat [6] [7] [8] [9], (in which the balance of reaction and diffusion are
concerned) can be modelled by a two dimensional reaction-diffusion equation
ut = β ( u xx + u yy ) + α f ( u )
ut = ∇ ⋅ ( β∇u ) + α f ( u )
3. Exact Solution
To derive the exact solution of the given system in Equation (3), we assume the
exact solution of the two dimensional non-linear reaction diffusion equation is
[10] [11] [12] [13],
xπ yπ
u ( x, y , t ) =
20 + 80 y − e Dt sin sin
2 2
β π2
Where D = −
4. Numerical Methods
We consider the numerical solution of the non-linear Equation (3) in a finite
S. Hasnain et al.
= Ω {( x, y ) }
a < x < b, c < y < d . The first step is to choose integers n
and m to define step sizes h= (b − a ) n and =
k (d − c) m in x and y di-
rections respectively. Partition the interval [a, b] into n equal parts of width h
and the interval [c, d] into m equal parts of width k. Place a grid on the rectangle
R by drawing vertical and horizontal lines through the points with coordinates
( xi , y j ) , where xi= a + ih for each i = 0,1, 2, n and y j = c + jk for each
j = 0,1, 2, m also the lines x = xi and y = y j are grid lines, and their
intersections are the mesh points of the grid. For each mesh point in the interior
of the grid, (x , y )=
i j, for i 1, 2, , n − 1 =
and j 1, 2, , m − 1 , we apply dif-
ferent algorithms to approximate the numerical solution to the problem in
Equation (3) also we assume= =
t N Nt , N 0,1, , where t is the time.
k β1 2 n +1 kβ
uin, +j 1 =uin, j +
( ) (
δ x ui , j + uin, j + 22 δ y2 uin, +j 1 + uin, j
2 hy
k µ n +1
( ) 1
ui , j + uin, j 1 − uin, +j 1 + uin, j
k β1 k β2 kµ
Where R1 = , R2 =
and Q1 (5)
2hx2 2hy2 2
( ) (
uin, +j 1 =uin, j + R1δ x2 uin, +j 1 + uin, j + R2δ y2 uin, +j 1 + uin, j )
1 n +1
( n +1
+ Q1 ui , j + ui , j 1 − ui , j + ui , j
S. Hasnain et al.
ui, j − uin, j β1
∆t 2
− 2 (u
i −1, j − 2ui, j + ui+1, j
h x
β2 n
− 2 ui , j −1 − 2uin, j + uin, j +1 =
µ f uin, j
) ( )
in the compact form, above equation can be seen as:
ui, j − uin, j
∆t 2
µ f uin, j
− S1 Lxx ui, j − S2 Lyy uin, j =
( )
above equation can be written as in algorithm
form, for i 1, 2,3, , n − 1
1 1
− R1ui−1, j + (1 + R1 ) ui, j − R1ui+1, j
2 2
1 1
R2 uin, j −1 + (1 − R2 ) uin, j + R2 uin, j +1 + f uin, j ( )
2 2 2
above algorithm validates its results = for i 1, 2,3, , n − 1
uin, +j 1 − ui, j β1
∆t 2
− 2 (u
i −1, j − 2ui, j + ui+1, j
h x
β 2 n +1
− 2 ui , j −1 − 2uin, +j 1 + uin, +j 1+1 =
µ f ui, j
( )
in the compact form, above equation can be seen as:
uin, +j 1 − ui, j
∆t 2
n +1
− S1 Lxx ui , j − S2 Lyy ui , j =
µ f ui , j
( )
above equation can be written as in
algorithm form, = for j 1, 2,3, , m − 1
1 1
− R2 uin−+1,1 j + (1 + R2 ) uin, +j 1 − R2 uin++1,1 j
2 2
1 1
R1ui −1, j + (1 − R1 ) ui , j + R1ui +1, j +
f ui , j ( )
2 2 2
above algorithm validates its results = for j 1, 2,3, , m − 1
The trick used in constructing the ADI scheme is to split time step into two,
and apply two different stencils in each half time step, therefore to increment
time by one time step in grid point , we first compute both of these stencils are
chosen such that the resulting linear system is block tridiagonal [19] [20] [21]
[22]. To obtain the numerical solution, we need to solve a block non-linear
tridiagonal system at each time step. We have done this by using Newton’s
iterative method.
Algorithm 1:
The non-linear system in Equations (6) and (7), can be written in the form:
R (W ) = 0 (8)
=where R (=
r1 , r2 , r3 , , r2 n ) , W
(u n +1
1 , v1n +1 , u2n +1 , v2n +1 , , umn +1 , vmn +1 ) and
r1 , r2 , r3 , , r2 n are the non-linear equations obtained from the system (6 and 7).
The system of equations, is solved by Newton’s iterative method using the
S. Hasnain et al.
following steps
1) Specify W ( 0 ) as an initial approximation.
2) For k = 0,1, 2,. until convergence achieve.
• Solve the linear system A W ( k ) ∆W ( k ) =(
−R W ( ) ,
) ( )
• Specify W ( k=
W ( ) + ∆W ( ) ,
k k
where A W ( k )
(k )
) is (m × m) Jacobian matrix, which is computed analytically
and ∆W is the correction vector. In the iteration method solution at the
previous time step is taken as the initial guess. Iteration at each time step is
stopped when (
R W(
) ∞
≤ Tol with Tol is a very small prescribed value. The
linear system obtained from Newton’s iterative method, is solved by Crout’s
method. Convergence done with iterations along less CPU time [23].
Algorithm 2:
Clearly, the system is tridiagonal and can be solved with Thomas algorithm.
The dimension of J is n × m . In general a tridiagonal system can be written as,
ai xi −1 + bi xi + ci xi +1 =Si , with a1 =cn =0
u = [u1 , u2 , u3 , , un ]
S = [ s1 , s2 , s3 , , sn ]
S. Hasnain et al.
1 δ1 λ1 0 0 ...0
0 1 δ2 λ2 0 ...0
0 0 1 δ3 λ3 ...0
U = ... ... ... ... ... ...0
... ... 0 1 δ n−2 λ2
... ... 0 0 1 δ n −1
... 1
... ... 0 0
5. Error Norms
The accuracy and consistency of the schemes is measured in terms of error
norms specially L2 and L∞ [23] [24] [25] [26] which are defined as:
L∞ =
u ecact − u Approximation
=max ∑
1≤ i ≤ m j =1
u ecact
j − u Approximation
L2 =
u ecact − u Approximation = ∑ u ecact
j − u Approximation
j =1
∑∑ uiecact ,j − uiApproximation
,j (9)
Errorrelative =
i j
∑ uiexact
Rate =
log Errorh Errorh 2
log ( h ( h 2 ) )
6. Results
Numerical computations have been performed using the uniform grid. Table 1
& Table 2 represent results at different grids and time level using Crank
Nicolson implicit scheme. We fixed some parameters such as time step
k = 0.0001, β=1 β=
2 1 and β= 1 β=
2 1 4 . Scheme convergence viewed
through L2 , L∞ , relative error norms [27] [28] [29] [30]. Table 3 & Table 4
represent results at different grids and time level using ADI implicit scheme,
keeping fixed parameters as we did before. In Table 5, we get results using ADI
Table 1. Estimates of results using Crank Nicolson with some fixed parameters such as
k = 0.0001 , t = 1 at different grids and [ a, b ] = [ −10 10] . Error magnifies through L2 ,
L∞ and Errorrelative .
1 β=
S. Hasnain et al.
Table 2. Estimates of results using Crank Nicolson with some fixed parameters such as
k = 0.0001 , grid= 61 × 61 at different time level and [ a, b ] = [ −10 10] . Error magnifies
through L2 , L∞ and Errorrelative .
1 β=
1 β=
Table 4. Estimates of results using ADI scheme with some fixed parameters such as
k = 0.0001 , grid= 61 × 61 at different time level and [ a, b ] = [ −10 10] . Error magnifies
through L2 , L∞ and Errorrelative .
Table 5. Estimates of results using ADI and Crank Nicolson schemes, with reducing step
1 β=
S. Hasnain et al.
Table 6. Presents results using ADI and CN schemes, with rate of convergence.
1 41 × 41 2.9385 - - - - -
101 × 101 2.9187 1.6739 1.001 2.1131 1.0843 0.0471
201 × 201 1.231 1.1129 1.0009 1.0938 1.0627 0.0710
Figure 1. Shows results using CN scheme, at different time levels, fixed some parameters as
we mentioned in Table 1.
Figure 2. Shows results using CN scheme, at different grids, fixed some parameters as we
mentioned in Table 1 & Table 2.
S. Hasnain et al.
Figure 3. Shows results using ADI scheme, at different grids, fixed some
parameters as we mentioned in Table 3 & Table 4.
Figure 4. Shows results using ADI scheme, at different time levels, fixed
some parameters as we mentioned in Table 3 & Table 4.
Figure 5. Shows results using ADI scheme, for two different h. See Table 5.
S. Hasnain et al.
Figure 6. Shows results at different time for simple error in the concentration of the
diffusion reaction phenomena. As we mentioned in this paper u(x, y, t) be the
concentration of the chemical. With step-up in grid size, make significant change in error
but incremental in time, increase error as we can see from this figure. With increase in
time, reduce the sharp edge as we mentioned in figure by arrows. These results are very
interesting during simulations.
time level [31] [32] [33] [34]. These results are very interesting for us to
understand the efficency of the later scheme.
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