Solid-State Sintering Simulation: Surface, Volume and Grain-Boundary Diffusions

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Solid-state sintering simulation: Surface, volume and grain-boundary


Conference Paper · September 2012


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4 authors:

Daniel Pino Bruchon Julien

MINES ParisTech Mines Saint-Etienne


François Valdivieso Sylvain Drapier

Mines Saint-Etienne Mines Saint-Etienne


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European Congress on Computational Methods
in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012)
J. Eberhardsteiner (eds.)
Vienna, Austria, September 10-14, 2012



Daniel Pino Muñoz, Julien Bruchon, François Valdivieso and Sylvain Drapier

Centre Sciences des Matériaux et des Structures & LCG UMR CNRS 5146
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne
158 Cours Fauriel, 42023, Saint-Etienne, France

Keywords: Sintering, Diffusion phenomena, Surface tension, Finite elements, Level-set meth-

Abstract. Within the general context of solid-state sintering process, this work presents a
numerical modeling approach, at the grain scale, of ceramic grain packing consolidation. Typ-
ically, the sintering process triggers several mass transport paths that are thermally activated:
surface, grain boundary and volume diffusions. Including this physics into a high-performance
computing framework would permit to gain precious insights about the driving mechanisms
which are seldom accessible at this scale.
In performing this kind of simulations, several challenges will be faced: the strong topolog-
ical changes which appear during sintering simulation at the grains scale, the evolution of the
structure that is mainly driven by the surface tension phenomena through the Laplace’s law,
and the mechanical properties of the grains which could, possibly, be different. The proposed
numerical simulations are carried out within an Eulerian Finite Element framework and the
Level-Set method is used to cope with changes in the microstructure. The results obtained with
this numerical strategy are compared with success to the usual geometrical models.
Daniel Pino Muñoz, Julien Bruchon, François Valdivieso and Sylvain Drapier

Sintering is one of the stages of the powder metallurgy manufacturing process. Sintering is
used for the fabrications of high performances materials and parts in a wide -and still growing-
range of domains. Since the 50’s a large amount of work has dedicated to the theoretical and
experimental study of this process. However the understanding of the underlying physical phe-
nomena is still a field of active research. Diffusion phenomena are considered to be responsible
for the microstructural evolution that takes place during sintering [8]. After the powder has been
shaped, under the heat action different diffusion mechanisms are thermally activated. During
the first stages of the process the necks between the particles are created. Necks continue to
develop allowing the open porosity to become closed, to finally end up by vanishing at the end
of the sintering process.
Even if it is possible to distinguish at least six different diffusion mechanisms, this work is
mainly concerned by the surface, volume and grain boundary diffusions, which are considered
to be the most important diffusion paths. Those diffusion mechanisms can be modeled by using
the first Fick’s law. This law establishes a relationship between the matter flux j and the gradient
of the chemical potential µ :

j = m ∇µ (1)
where m is the mobility associated with the diffusion path considered. The chemical potential
measures the tendency to diffuse of a substance and its value depends on the region of the
particles that is being considered, e.g. surface, volume, grain-boundary, etc.
Table 1 shows the chemical potential as well as the mobility for each diffusion mechanism. In
this Table Ds , Dv and Dgb are, respectively, the surface, volume and grain boundary diffusion
coefficient, δs and δgb the thickness of the layer through which the material diffuses, k the
Boltzmann’s constant, T the absolute temperature, Ω the molar volume, κ the mean curvature,
γsf the surface tension at solid/fluid interface, p the pressure, σnn the normal stress and f a
constant of the material representing the ratio between the volume of a vacancy and the volume
of an atom [7].

Diffusion path
Surface Volume Grain Boundary
Mobility m Ds δs /kT Dv /kT Dgb δgb /kT
Chemical potential µ Ωγsf κ (1 − f )Ω p Ω σnn
Table 1: Chemical potential and mobility for each diffusion path.

The mass flux leads to a deposition of mass at the surface and at the grain boundary. This
deposition induces a normal velocity which should satisfy the following mass conservation

vn = −Ω∇ · j For surface and grain boundary diffusions (2)

vn = Ωj · n For volume diffusion (3)

where vn is the normal velocity due to the mass flux j at a given point.
The previous equations are integrated into a continuum finite element Eulerian approach us-
ing the numerical strategy presented in Section 2. The surface and volume diffusions problems

Daniel Pino Muñoz, Julien Bruchon, François Valdivieso and Sylvain Drapier

are presented in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. In Section 5, the bases toward the sintering
simulation by grain-boundary diffusion are stated. The results are presented in Section 7 and
finally the conclusions and perspectives are discussed in Section 8.

Initially, the numerical strategy for the simulation of sintering by surface and volume diffu-
sion is presented. The strategy for the simulation of sintering by grain-boundary diffusion is
slightly different and will be developed in Section 5.
As a first approach only the surface and volume diffusion are considered. For those diffusion
paths, the computational domain is formed by only two phases: the particles which are assumed
to be solid deformable bodies, and a surrounding medium, which is described as a low viscous
Newtonian fluid. Let Ψ be an open region, Ψ ⊂ Rd , where d is the spatial dimension. The
computational domain Ψ contains two inmiscible phases: a set of elastic solids, denoted Ψs ,
embedded into a surrounding fluid Ψf , Ψ̄ = Ψ̄s ∪ Ψ̄f is the closure of Ψ. Furthermore, Ψs is
assumed to be completely contained in Ψ, i.e. ∂ Ψ̄s ∩ ∂ Ψ̄ = ∅. Finally, the interface between
the two phases is denoted by Γsf = Ψ̄s ∩ Ψ̄f (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Computational domain Ψ divided into Ψs and Ψf by the interface Γsf and bounded by the surface Σf
(From [12]).

A Level-Set method [6, 11, 13] is used to capture the interface Γsf . This Eulerian approach
consists in embedding the surface in a higher dimensional function, the so called level-set func-
tion. The level-set approach used in this work was proposed by Coupez et al. in [3]. The basic
idea of this method is to solve both the level-set transport and the reinitialization equations in a
single step (see [3] for further details).
The level-set function is governed by the following expression

−dist (x, Γsf ) if x ∈ Ψs

φ(x) = dist (x, Γsf ) if x ∈ Ψf

0 if x ∈ Γsf

where dist (x, Γsf ) is the distance from any point x to the interface Γsf .
One of the main advantages of the level-set method is that it is possible to compute the
normal n and the curvature κ directly from the level-set function φ:

Daniel Pino Muñoz, Julien Bruchon, François Valdivieso and Sylvain Drapier

n= (4)
k ∇φ k
κ=∇·n (5)

In the classical level-set method, the level-set function φ is transported by solving the fol-
lowing transport equation:
+ ∇φ · v = 0 (6)
In our case, the velocity v corresponds to the velocity due to the mass flux j and will be
computed by using equations (2) and (3). The Finite Elements Method is used to solve the
PDEs presented in this work. The computational domain is discretized by using simplexes
(triangles in 2D and tetrahedrals in 3D) with linear interpolations. In particular, when using
the finite element method for the numerical treatment of equation (6), the Streamline upwind
Petrov-Galerkin method (SUPG) is required.

In Section 1, equations for modeling the surface diffusion were introduced. As showed in
Table 1 the chemical potential on surface µs is proportional to the curvature κ, which means that
the matter flux by surface diffusion js is proportional to the first derivative of the curvature js ∝
∂κ. From equation (2), its associated velocity is proportional to the Laplacian of the curvature
vn ∝ ∂ 2 κ. Furthermore, the curvature can be computed by using the Level-set function φ,
but some difficulties will raise as the curvature κ is proportional to the second derivative of φ.
In this case the normal velocity is proportional to the fourth derivative of φ: vn ∝ ∂ 4 φ. A
classical finite element computation of the normal velocity vn from φ would lead to unphysical
oscillations of the velocity field. As demonstrated by Bruchon et al. in [1], such oscillations
are greatly reduced by solving a mixed κ/∆κ formulation. The proposed mixed formulation is
presented in equations (7) and (8):

t ∆t t 1 t
κ + ∇· ∇vn = ∇ · ∇φ (7)
t t
vn k ∇φ k − C0 ∇ · Pφ · ∇κ = 0
t (8)

where κt is the curvature at time t, ∆t is the time step, ∆t/A is a regularization parameter with
A given by A =k ∇φt − ∆t∇vnt−∆t k, vnt is the normal velocity at the time t, φt is the level-set
function at the time t, C0 is a constant containing the diffusion parameter of the material and
Pφt is the projection operator at time t given by: Pφt = I − n ⊗ n.
Additionally, Bruchon et al [1] have shown that the velocity field obtained by solving equa-
tions (7) and (8) leads to volume conservation.

In this case, the matter flux is considered to be proportional to the gradient of the pressure
p (Equation (3) and Table 1). This means that the mechanical problem should be solved in
order to compute the matter flux and therefore the associated normal velocity. At the particles

Daniel Pino Muñoz, Julien Bruchon, François Valdivieso and Sylvain Drapier

scale (microscopic scale), the effect of the surface tension phenomena can not be considered as
negligible. The numerical approach developed to solve the mechanical problem is presented in
Section 4.1. According to equation (3), the normal velocity due to the volume diffusion is also
proportional to the gradient of the pressure as it will be presented in Section 4.2.

4.1 Mechanical problem

The numerical approach developed to solve the mechanical problem is presented in [12].
The inertia terms and the volume forces are neglected. The momentum conservation can be
expressed by the set of equations (9):

∇·σ =0 in Ψ (9a)
σ·n=g in Σt (9b)
v = vc in Σv (9c)
σ · n Γ = γsf κn in Γsf (9d)

where σ is the Cauchy stress tensor for the solid or the fluid. g is the stress vector on the outer
boundary Σt , velocity v is equal to vc over Σv , [ • ]|Γsf denotes a jump across the interface Γsf ,
γsf is the surface tension coefficient and κ is the main curvature. The outer boundary of Ψ,
Σf = ∂ Ψ̄ (showed in Figure 1), is divided into Σt and Σv where the Neumann and Dirichlet
boundary conditions are respectively applied.
For mass conservation issues, the formulation presented in this paper is a mixed formula-
tion, the momentum conservation equation should be complemented with the mass conservation
equation. Particles are assumed to have a linear elastic isotropic behavior:


σ = 2µε(u) − 1 − pI (10a)
tr ε(u) + =0 (10b)
with p the pressure, u the displacement, µ the shear modulus, ε(u) = (∇u + t ∇u)/2 the
linearized strain tensor, K the bulk modulus, tr (•) the trace operator and I the second order
identity tensor.
The fluid is Newtonian incompressible:

σ = 2η ε̇(v) − pI (11a)

tr ε̇(v) = 0 (11b)

where v the velocity, η the viscosity and ε̇(v) = (∇v + t ∇v)/2 the strain rate tensor.
The numerical method used to solve the mechanical problem (9) to (11), along with the
stabilization method is presented in [12]. The numerical treatment of the surface tension term
is not straightforward within an Eulerian approach since there is no nodes over the interface
Γsf . The Surface Local Reconstruction (SLR) method is used. However, since the interface
Γsf is given by the zero isosurface of the level-set function (φ = 0), it is possible to locally
reconstruct the interface. This is the Surface Local Reconstruction (SLR) method used here:
after the intersection between an element and the interface Γsf has been found, the surface

Daniel Pino Muñoz, Julien Bruchon, François Valdivieso and Sylvain Drapier

tension term can then be explicitly computed over this locally reconstructed surface. All the
details concerning the numerical implementation of the method are presented in [12]. It is
important to note that a stabilization method is required in order to satisfy the Ladyzenskaja-
Babuška-Brezzi condition for P1/P1 elements. In this case, a multiscale stabilization method is
used, specifically, the Algebraic Sub-Grid Scale stabilization (ASGS) method.
The surface tension over the interface Γsf induces a jump of the normal stress in the direction
normal to the interface. For this reason, the pressure field also presents a jump at the interface
between the particles and the surrounding medium. Figure 2 shows the jump of the pressure
field computed at Γsf as a result of the surface tension present over this interface.

Figure 2: Pressure jump [Pa] at the interface Γsf of two spherical particles of radii R1 = 0.2µm and R2 =
0.075µm due to the surface tension.

According to Table 1 and equation (3), the normal velocity vn due to the volume diffusion
is proportional to the gradient of the pressure. Obviously this pressure gradient should be com-
puted inside the particles and must not take into account the jump of the pressure at the interface.
The strategy developed to compute vn is presented in the following Section.

4.2 Flow and velocity computation

Because of the surface tension at the surface of the particles, the pressure field is discontin-
uous. Therefore, it is not possible to compute the matter flux at the interface directly from the
pressure field gradient. The solution consists in computing the matter flux over a layer slightly
below the particles surface in such a way that the pressure discontinuity is disregarded. Having
the matter flux in a layer inside the particles, it must be convected to the interface.
A first approach concerning the velocity computation has been presented by Bruchon et al.
in [2]. Here another method is presented. Let λ be a positive constant parameter. the main idea
is to compute the normal velocity inside the solid where the level-set function satisfies φ < −λ
and convect those values in the outward normal direction where φ > −λ, those regions are

Daniel Pino Muñoz, Julien Bruchon, François Valdivieso and Sylvain Drapier

showed in Figure 3.

Figure 3: The normal velocity vn is directly computed from the gradient of the pressure in the region φ < −λ
(darker gray region) and vn is convected in the outward normal direction in the region φ > −λ (lighter gray

The normal velocity vn is then obtained by finding the stationary solution of the classical
convection equation of vn in the normal direction n for the fictitious time τ :

vn = A ∇p · n if φ < −λ (12a)
+ ∇vn · n = 0 if φ > −λ (12b)
where A is a constant function of properties of the material.
The stationary solution is found when the first term in the previous equation (12b) vanishes:
∂vn /∂τ = 0. In fact, the velocity convection is performed by considering equation (12b) en its
stationary form. In this case the SUPG stabilization method is also used to solve equation (12).


According to Table 1, the chemical potential for grain boundary diffusion is proportional to
the normal stress σnn . Furthermore, the velocity associated with this diffusion path is function
of the second derivative of this normal stress. The first step toward the sintering simulation by
grain boundary diffusion is to develop a strategy able to solve the mechanical problem by taking
into account, in addition to the surface tension at the free surface of the particles, the surface
tension present at the grain boundary. This grain boundary surface tension condition can be
written as follows:

σ·n Γsf
= γgb κn in Γgb (13)

where γgb is the surface tension coefficient at the grain boundary Γgb . The previous equation
(13) should be added to the mechanical problem presented in equation (9).
As a first approach only two particles Ψ1 and Ψ2 are considered. Within an Eulerian context,
at least two different level-set functions are required:

Daniel Pino Muñoz, Julien Bruchon, François Valdivieso and Sylvain Drapier

 
−dist (x, Γsf ) if x ∈ Ψ1
 −dist (x, Γsf ) if x ∈ Ψ2

φ1 (x) = dist (x, Γsf ) if x ∈
/ Ψ1 ; φ2 (x) = dist (x, Γsf ) if x ∈
/ Ψ2
 
0 if x ∈ ∂Ψ1 0 if x ∈ ∂Ψ2
 

In this way, the grain boundary Γgb is defined by the surface where φ1 ≡ 0 and φ2 ≡ 0.
The solid/fluid interface Γsf is defined by the surface where one of the following conditions is

• φ1 ≡ 0 and φ2 6= 0.

• φ1 6= 0 and φ2 ≡ 0

The numerical strategy presented by Pino et al. in [12] is slightly modified to take into
account the surface tension at the grain boundary. Figure 4 shows the pressure field computed
by taking into account both the surface tension at the free surface Γsf and the surface tension at
the grain boundary Γgb .

Figure 4: (a) Pressure field computed by taking into account the surface tension over Γsf and Γgb . (b) the jumps
of the pressure across the interfaces Γsf and Γgb .

The numerical strategy allowing to compute the velocity due to grain boundary diffusion is
yet to be developed. However, the strategy presented for the mechanical problem with surface
tension on the free surface and the grain boundary is an important step toward the sintering
simulation by grain boundary diffusion.

In the case of volume and grain boundary diffusions, if only the velocities associated with
those diffusion mechanisms were considered, the mass conservation equation would not be
satisfied1 . To overcome this problem, a the solution consists in adding a correction velocity vc
in order to ensure the mass conservation [15, 14]. Considering that the density of the material
It has been shown by Bruchon et al. in [1] that the velocity induced by surface diffusion leads to mass

Daniel Pino Muñoz, Julien Bruchon, François Valdivieso and Sylvain Drapier

remains constant, the mass conservation leads to the conservation of the volume of the particles.
This volume conservation is in agreement with the experimental results that can be found in the
In order to satisfy the volume conservation, the correction velocity is computed after each
time step and is used to restore the initial volume of the structure. Let V0 be the initial volume
of the structure. After a time step, the volume at the time t (Vt ) may be different from V0 . The
correction velocity is assumed to be normal to the surface of the particles and is also assumed
to be be constant over all the computational domain. Considering this, vc is given by:
V0 − Vt
vc = n (14)
S ∆t
where S is the total area of the surface of the structure and ∆t is the time step. Finally, equation
(14) is introduced into the convection equation (equation (6)) to recover the initial volume of
the structure.

All the developments have been implemented in the finite element library CimLib. CimLib
is a highly parallel C++ library developed at Center for Material Forming (Mines ParisTech,
CNRS UMR 7635) by the team of Professor Coupez [4]. As in [2], the simulations presented in
this work have been performed by using a mesh adaptation strategy aiming to obtain accurate
results while keeping a “reasonable” number of mesh elements. The mesh is refined over a
narrow band around the surface of the particles, the detailed strategy is presented in [10]. The
element size is computed as a function of the second derivative of a primal variable such as
a filtered level-set function or the pressure field. This approach has successfully been applied
within the sintering simulation context by Bruchon et al. in [1, 2].
The material properties used in the following simulations correspond to the properties of
Alumina (Al2 O3 ) and are summarized in Table 2.

Constant Value Units

Ds Ωγsf δs /kT 1·10−7 m mol/s
Dv Ω (1 − f ) /kT 55.16 m mol/N s
K 260 GPa
µ 156 GPa
η 1e-3 Pa/s
γsf 0.9 N/m
Ω 8.55·10−6 m3 /mol
Table 2: Material properties used.

7.1 Two particles sintering: surface and volume diffusions

The first step toward the simulation of sintering process at the particles scale consists in
studying the growth of the neck formed between two particles during the early stages of sinter-
ing. There exists different models attempting to predict the evolution of the radius of the neck
X as a function of time. Those models2 are mainly based on some geometrical hypotheses of
Also called power laws.

Daniel Pino Muñoz, Julien Bruchon, François Valdivieso and Sylvain Drapier

the evolution of the neck and the particles. In general those geometrical models can be written
as follows:
= At (15)
where r is the radius of the particles (supposed to remain constant) and A and n are parameter
depending on the radius of the particles and the diffusion path being considered. Even if the
validity of these models is restricted to necks radii smaller than 30% of the radius of the par-
ticles, they represent a very useful tool concerning the validation of the kinetic obtained from
more elaborated numerical approaches. For graphical purposes, equation (15) can be slightly
modified by introducing the dimensionless time t∗ :
= A0 t∗ (16)
where A0 is a constant and no longer depends on the radius of the particles.

Figure 5: Growth by surface diffusion of the dimensionless neck radius X/r over the dimensionless time t∗ for
different values of r [1].

Figure 5 presents the evolution of the dimensionless radius X/r as a function of t∗ during
sintering by surface diffusion for particle radii between 0.1 and 2.5. According to Exner et al.
[5], the exponent n on equation (16) ranges between 3 and 7 for surface diffusion, which is in
agreement with the simulations performed here. The dashed line showed in Figure 5 (referred
to as “Simulation, 1/7”) corresponds to the best fitting curve obtained by least-squares and for
comparison purposes, the line corresponding to n = 6 in equation (16) is also plotted (referred
to as “1/6 law”).
The same kind of simulation has been performed for volume diffusion. Figure 6 shows the
kinetics of the growth of the dimensionless neck X/r by volume diffusion as a function of
the dimensionless time t∗ for particle radii ranging from 0.1 to 0.4. For volume diffusion, the
exponent n in equation (16) ranges between 4 and 5 [5]. This time the best fitting curve in
Figure 6 corresponds to an exponent n equal to 5.6 (referred to as “n = 5.6”).
Equations (15) and (16) are obtained by making strong geometrical hypotheses [9, 8], for
this reason it is hard assess a numerical approach with respect to these power laws, though

Daniel Pino Muñoz, Julien Bruchon, François Valdivieso and Sylvain Drapier

those laws are very useful to analyze the kinetics of a specific diffusion path in a qualitative
way. Considering this, it is fairly safe to say that our approach is able to group the main mecha-
nisms controlling both surface and volume diffusions, and is especially robust although pressure
discontinuities are to be computed numerically and volume has to be conserved. Nevertheless,
a better understanding of the volume diffusion requires a deeper study of this diffusion path and
this study is yet to be done.

Figure 6: Growth by volume diffusion of the dimensionless neck radius x/r over the dimensionless time t∗ for
different values of r [2].

Surface and volume diffusions are coupled to simulate the sintering of two particles by these
two diffusion mechanisms. Figure 7 shows the evolution of two particles as they sinter together
by surface and volume diffusions. Figure 7a presents the initial state of the particles, they are set
to be quasi-tangent. After 50 time steps, the neck between the particles is ∼30% of the particle
radius, as it is shown in Figure 7b. The power laws presented can be used for values of the neck
radius X < 0.3r. It is interesting to see how the two particles evolve beyond this limit (Figure
7c), they can not be considered to remain spherical any longer.

Figure 7: Two particles sintering by coupled surface and volume diffusion at: a. t = 0, b. t = 50∆t and c.
t = 100∆t.

Coupling between these two diffusion mechanisms is shown in Figure 8, and as expected, the
neck grows significantly faster when surface and volume diffusion take place simultaneously.

7.2 Particle packing

A sintering simulation by volume diffusion over a more realistic particles packing is pre-
sented. A set of 154 particles with radii ranging from 0.0633 µm to 0.0797 µm is embedded
into a computational domain given by a cube of side 1.2 µm. In order to obtain accurate results,

Daniel Pino Muñoz, Julien Bruchon, François Valdivieso and Sylvain Drapier

Figure 8: Geometry of the neck between the particles after 65 time steps.

the element size is refined near the surface of the particles [10]. Figure 9a. shows the initial
particles packing as well as a cut of the refined mesh that is made up tp about 2 millions nodes
and about 11 millions tetrahedral elements.
The evolution of the structure is showed in Figures 9a to 9d. In the initial geometry (Figure
9a) particles are set to be quasi-tangent. As the volume diffusion takes place, the necks between
the particles grow up to a point (Figure 9d) where the particles can not be distinguished any
As neither the mass nor the density of the particles change during the sintering process, the
volume of the particles must remain constant. Considering the simulation shown in Figure 9, the
change of total volume of the particles after 200 time steps is about 0.12%, which is negligible.
This simulation involves 200 time steps and has been performed in 100 h by using a parallel
computing strategy on 24 cores.


A numerical approach for the sintering simulation by surface and volume diffusion has been
presented. The level-set Eulerian framework adopted allows to take into account all the topo-
logical changes that can appear during the sintering. The level-set method also provides very
useful tools for the computation of the surface and volume diffusion, and at the same time it
allows to handle 2D and 3D simulations with ease. The mesh adaptation strategy used allows to
perform simulations while keeping a “reasonable” number of nodes and elements, and is spe-
cially useful when dealing with 3D simulations as the number of mesh element is dramatically
increased compared with a 2D simulation.
The results concerning the sintering of two particles by surface and volume diffusion has
been compared with analytical power laws. The comparison showed that both approaches (sur-
face and volume diffusion) lead to a good simulation of the kinetics of each process. Further-
more, the results of the evolution of the neck between two particles by surface and volume

Daniel Pino Muñoz, Julien Bruchon, François Valdivieso and Sylvain Drapier

Figure 9: Evolution of a particle packing through the time.

diffusions are in agreement with the predictions obtained from power laws. The simulation of
sintering by coupled surface and volume diffusions has been presented. Even if the results of
this coupling seem to be in agreement with the kinetics of the process, it is very difficult to
validate the results as there is no experimental data available for these two routes. Finally the
capabilities of the numerical approach has been demonstrated by performing a simulation of the
sintering of more realistic 3D particle packing.
A large amount of work is yet to be done, mainly concerning the grain boundary diffusion.
But the bases for the treatment of the diffusion path has been presented as the approach devel-
oped to solve the mechanics can also be used to take into account the surface tension at the grain
boundary. The mechanical problem has been solved by considering the particles to respond as
linear elastic isotropic materials, it would be very interesting to study how differently the struc-
ture would evolve if another material model would be considered or if the mechanical properties
of each particle were different. The global goal of this work is to simulate the sintering process
of fully 3D granular packing, which would open huge perspectives regarding the computational
materials design.

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