K to 12 Learning
Curriculum Teacher: Area: SCIENCE
Daily Lesson Log Teaching Dates and
Time: Quarter: QUARTER 3 – WEEK 1
C. Lesson Language Unlocking Content FORCES IN MY EVERYDAY Activity: Scramble Words – Activity: Scramble Words –
Practice Area Vocabulary LIFE Forces in Action! Forces in Action!
Instructions: Instructions:
Activity 2: Anagram MATERIALS NEEDED:
Game - Unscramble pencil or colored pens
the Letters! (15 Unscramble the letters to Unscramble the letters to
minutes) form words related to the form words related to the
forces discussed in the forces discussed in the
Instructions: 1. Illustrate four situations lesson. Write the correct lesson. Write the correct
Rearrange the letters in wherein you do actions word next to the scrambled word next to the scrambled
each anagram to form
(that apply a push or a pull) letters. letters.
the correct
to accomplish daily tasks at
home or school 1. ECROF
vocabulary word. After 2. TOMOIN
unlocking the 1. AERITFNO
vocabulary words in 2. Draw arrows to show 3. CIAELST 4. RALCNOCTEIAE
this game, ask the where the force is 4. SNIONTE 5. TACTONC
directed, and label or 5. GMATNEIC
learners to write a caption each situation
keyword related to the using the pattern: I am
unlocked work or draw pushing or pulling an
a symbol to object in one direction.
represent the word in
the third column of the
Part 1:
During the Lesson/Lesson Proper
D. Reading the Key Soft vs Rigid: Do These What is Force? Kinds of Forces FORCES AND MOTION
Idea/Stem Mean The Same? How
To Use Them A force is an action that Forces can be divided into DISPLACEMENT
changes or maintains the two main categories. The difference between an
When it comes to object's final position and
motion of a body or object. categories are contact forces
describing the its starting position.
Simply stated, a force is a and field forces.
characteristics of
objects, two words that push or a pull. Forces can VELOCITY
often come up are change an object’s speed, Speed of an object at a
“soft” and “rigid”. But its direction, and even its Contact forces are forces in certain direction
which one is the proper shape. Pushing a door which two or more objects
word to use? The ACCELERATION
answer is that both can open, pulling it closed, or bodies touch or contact
Rate of change in velocity
be correct, depending stretching a rubber band— each other directly. There of an object.
on the context. all of these actions requireare many kinds of contact
force. forces; among the most Examples of FORCE
Generally, “soft” means Turn on the lights
something that is Force is a vector quantity— familiar are friction and Open/close the door
yielding to pressure or that is, it has both elastic forces. Air resistance, Move your chair forward or
easily bent or shaped. backward.
magnitude (size) and a special type of friction, also
On the other hand, is a contact force. Now, what is FORCE?
“rigid” means direction. Although forces
Push or Pull applied on an
something that is stiff, cannot be seen directly, FRICTION object.
unyielding, or inflexible. their effects can be It makes object move,
Friction is a force that resists change shape and motion
observed and measured. and stop moving
In this article, we will motion between two
Force is measured using a
explore the differences
force meter. The unit of surfaces that are in contact Does force always make
between soft and rigid objects move?
objects, and how these measurement for force is with each other. When you
characteristics can the newton, symbolized by walk, the frictional force
affect their uses and the letter N and named in between the ground and the
honor of the English soles of your shoes resists
Define Soft physicist Isaac Newton. your forward motion.
Much of what is known Friction works in opposition
Soft is a term used to today about force is based to the direction of an
describe something on Newton’s three object’s motion. If you push
that is pliable, yielding,
fundamental laws of a chair, you apply a force to Terms to remember:
or flexible. It is the
motion. move it forward. The floor MAGNITUDE
opposite of hard or The size or strength of the
rigid. Soft materials can exerts a frictional force in force.
be easily compressed or BALANCED AND DIRECTION
the opposite direction—
deformed when UNBALANCED FORCE Points to where the object
toward you—to resist the goes;
pressure is applied to
them. They are often forward motion of the chair. or direction of force.
characterized by their Friction is much greater on Location where force is
ability to absorb shock applied.
or impact, making them rough surfaces than it is on
ideal for use in smooth surfaces. For ACTION The straight line
applications where Knowing the size and example, it is easier to glide passing through the point of
cushioning or application,
direction of the forces across ice wearing metal parallel to the direction of
protection is required. acting on an object allows
skates than it is wearing force.
you to predict how its
Examples of soft motion will change. The rubber boots because the
materials include: combination of all the friction between metal and
forces acting on an object ice is less than the friction
Foam simultaneously is called the between ice and rubber.
net force, also known as
the resultant force. For Frictional forces can be
Cotton example, the net force helpful or unhelpful. For
acting on a rope being Under MAGNITUDE:
Feathers example, friction between N (Newton) - Meter-
pulled from the right by a
Fleece force of five newtons and rubber tires and the road Kilogram-Seconds (MKS)
from the left by a force of dyn (Dyne) - Centimeter-
helps the tires resist sliding. Gram-Second (CGS)
three newtons will be two
Soft materials are Friction between brakes and lbs (Pounds) - Foot-Pound-
newtons pulling from the Second (FPS)
commonly used in the the wheels of a car or bicycle
right. Sir Isaac Newton
manufacturing of
clothing, bedding, and When the forces applied to helps the vehicles slow
upholstery, as well as in an object are balanced, the down. However, failing to
the production of net force is equal to zero keep a bike chain lubricated
sports equipment, such and the motion of the can increase friction
as helmets and
object will not change. If between the chain and axel,
the object is at rest, it will making the bike harder to
Two types of forces:
Define Rigid remain at rest. If it is pedal. CONTACT - Forces acting
moving, it will continue to on objects in physical
Rigid is a term used to Friction between surfaces contact.
move with the same
describe something generates heat. When you NON-CONTACT
that is stiff, inflexible, or velocity—at the same rub your hands together, - Forces acting over a zone,
speed and in the same area or field.
unyielding. It is the friction between your hands
opposite of soft. Rigid direction. Like TYPES OF FORCEs
produces heat, causing your
materials cannot be force, velocity is a vector 1. Contact Force- one
easily compressed or hands to warm up. However, object needs physical
quantity; it is measured in contact with another object.
deformed when heat produced by the
pressure is applied to units of meters traveled force that is "given"
friction between moving
them. They are often per second (m/s).
machine parts can cause Examples of CONTACT
characterized by their FORCES
strength and durability, When the forces applied to serious damage. To counter
Applied Force, F force
making them ideal for an object are unbalanced, this, lubricants such as oil applied by
use in applications the net force is not equal are used to reduce friction an object
where rigidity and or person
to zero. Unbalanced forces between moving parts of a to another
stability are required.
will change the velocity of machine and prevent object or
Examples of rigid the object—it will speed damage from overheating.
materials include: Examples of CONTACT
up, slow down, or change FORCES
AIR RESISTANCE Friction, FF force that acts
Metal direction. The motion of
opposite to the direction of
the rope in the example Air resistance is the frictional motion.
given above is the result of force air exerts against a
Concrete unbalanced forces. moving object. As an object
Plastic moves, air resistance slows it
These observations about
Wood down. The faster the object’s
force and motion are
motion, the greater the air
Rigid materials are supported by Newton’s
commonly used in the resistance exerted against it.
First Law of Motion. The
manufacturing of Air resistance affects all
law states that an object at
buildings, bridges, and moving objects, from
other structures, as well rest will remain at rest and airplanes, rockets, and trains
as in the production of an object in motion will
tools and machinery. to car, bicycles, and even
remain in motion with the
living things.
same velocity unless the Examples of CONTACT
How To Properly Use FORCES
object is acted upon by an An object’s shape and
The Words In A Normal, FN force that acts
Sentence unbalanced force. In surface area can increase or perpendicular to the object,
formulating this law, decrease the degree of air balances the object
When it comes to Newton was greatly resistance it encounters. A
writing, choosing the influenced by the work of feather will fall more slowly
right words can make
the Italian scientist Galileo. than a metal ball because
all the difference. In this
section, we will discuss From his studies of the the feather has a greater
how to properly use the motion of falling objects, surface area. Because it can
words “soft” and “rigid” Galileo had deduced that a spread its weight over a
in a sentence.
body in motion would larger area, the feather
How To Use “Soft” In A remain in motion unless a encounters greater air Examples of CONTACT
Sentence FORCES
force caused it to come to resistance and falls more Tension, FN force applied
rest. slowly. This is the principle to a chain, rope, cable,
The word “soft” can be string and the likes. Resist
used to describe a used in the parachute. force that causes objects to
Newton’s First Law is
variety of things, from stretch.
sometimes called the Law Streamlining helps decrease
physical textures to
emotional states. Here of Inertia. Inertia is the air resistance. This is
are a few examples: resistance of an object to a demonstrated by the
change in its speed or smooth curved shapes of
She sank into the
direction. The greater an planes, modern cars, and
soft cushions of the
couch. object’s mass, the greater high-speed trains, which
its inertia, and the greater greatly decrease the effect
The baby’s skin
the force needed to of air resistance, allowing
was soft and
smooth. change its motion. For these vehicles to travel more
example, it is harder to lift efficiently. Bicycle racers
He spoke in a soft
voice, trying not to a backpack full of books crouch low on their bikes—
wake the sleeping than it is to lift an empty and joggers run with elbows
child. backpack. The full tucked in—to reduce the
After a long day at backpack has more inertia effect of
work, she longed than the empty backpack
for the soft air resistance.
because it has more mass,
comfort of her bed.
so more force is needed to
As you can see, “soft” move it. Inertia is a
can be used to describe
fundamental property of
something that is
gentle, comfortable, or all matter.
yielding. It can also be
used to describe FORCE, MASS, AND
something that is not
hard or rigid. ACCELERATION
2. Activity 4:
Unbalanced Forces
o What to Do:
Push the toy
car with a
push on one
o Questions
to Answer:
o What
happens to
the toy car
when you
apply an
force (one
than the
o Does the car
speed up or
slow down?
o Why do you
think the car
moves in
this way?
o This is an
example of
where the
forces do
not cancel
each other
A. References
1. Teacher’s
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Learing Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning