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MATATAG School: Grade Level: GRADE 4

K to 12 Learning
Curriculum Teacher: Area: SCIENCE
Daily Lesson Log Teaching Dates and
Time: Quarter: QUARTER 3 – WEEK 1


A. Content Standards The learners learn that:
1. Science processes help in observing and predicting how things move.
2. Pushes and pulls can change the position and shape of objects.
3. Gathering scientific information helps explain the behavior of objects and materials.
4. Magnets affect some objects and materials without touching them.
5. Energy is present whenever there is movement, sound, light, or heat.
B. Performance By the end of the quarter, learners use simple equipment and processes to measure and record data related to
Standards movement and describe and predict the way things around them move using more scientifically technical language
and concepts, such as speed and force. They demonstrate an understanding that science processes are used to gain
a deeper understanding about forces that cannot be seen directly, including the properties of magnets.
C. Learning Learning Competency: The learners participate in guided activities to discover and predict how rigid and soft objects can be moved and/or
Competencies/Obje changed in shape.
ctives The learners will be able to:
1. Lesson Objective 1: identify rigid and soft objects based on physical characteristics.
2. Lesson Objective 2: classify objects as rigid and soft objects.
3. Lesson Objective 3: define force as a push or a pull exerted on an object.
4. Lesson Objective 4: describe forces using arrows in given situations.
5. Lesson Objective 5: identify forces in our daily tasks.
6. Lesson Objective 6: investigate how rigid and soft objects respond to applied forces.
D. Integration
References Safety – When pushing or pulling, one must be aware of the direction of force and movement of the object.
Responsibility (Grade 3 GMRC & VE): Students understand their responsibilities at home and school.
● Booth, G., McDuell, B., & Sears, J. (1999). World of Science: Students’. OUP Oxford.
● Department of Education. (2023). MATATAG Curriculum in Science. DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines.
● Embile, R., & Gongora, K. (2023). Science and the New World 4. Jo-es Publishing House, Inc.
● force. (n.d.). Britannica Kids. https://kids.britannica.com/learners/article/force/323538#:~:text=A%20force%20is%20an%20action
● Lenin’s Science Experiments. (2018, February 8). How Force can change Position, motion, shape, size and direction of objects | Effects of
Force [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9KY43hDSzI
● Manaher, S. (2023, August 9). Soft vs Rigid: Do These Mean The Same? How To Use Them. The Content Authority.
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Learing Resource
(LR) Portal
Before the Lesson/Pre-lesson Proper
A. Activating Prior Short Review Assignment Checking: Assignment Checking: Assignment Checking: Assignment Cheking:
Knowledge A. Think-Ink-Share: Exercise 2: Sentence Exercise 2: Sentence Assignment: Identify the term being
Pushing & Pulling Write your answers clearly.
Experiences (10
Completion Completion described in each
minutes) statement. Write your
Complete each sentence Complete each sentence Sentence Completion: answer on the blank
Instruct the students to below with either soft or below with either soft or provided.
think about the following rigid: 1. Friction is helpful in
questions and make situations like
individual written 1. ________ This
1. When it comes to 1. When it comes to __________, but refers to the size or
responses in their
science notebooks. mattresses, I prefer a mattresses, I prefer a unhelpful when strength of a force
After writing their __________ surface. __________ surface. __________. applied to an object.
responses, they will 2. Air resistance 2. ________ A push or
share their answers 2. It’s important to be 2. It’s important to be affects moving pull exerted on an
with their seatmates. __________ but not __________ but not too objects by object that can
too hard on yourself. hard on yourself. cause it to move,
● "Have you ever __________ as the
experienced being 3. The __________ness 3. The __________ness of object’s speed change its motion,
pushed or pulled by of the bread made it the bread made it __________. or stop.
somebody?" difficult to cut. 3. ________ The
● "Have you 4. She had a __________ difficult to cut. 3. A sharp knife cuts difference between
encountered situations spot for puppies and better than a dull an object’s final
where objects were 4. She had a __________
always stopped to pet knife because the position and its
pushed or pulled?" spot for puppies and
● "Have you been them. sharp blade has a starting position.
always stopped to pet
involved in pushing or __________ surface 4. ________ This type
5. His __________ them.
pulling something or area, which exerts of force occurs
approach to parenting
someone?" 5. His __________ more __________. when objects are in
● "In your experiences, left little room for
approach to parenting 4. When you squeeze physical contact
was anyone hurt due to flexibility.
left little room for with each other,
pushing or pulling?" a spring, the force
flexibility. such as friction or
that resists being
compressed is called
5. ________ The rate
__________ force. at which an object’s
5. The principle that velocity changes
states that when an over time.
object is in
equilibrium, the
sum of the
clockwise moments
equals the sum of
moments is called
the __________.

B. Lesson Lesson Purpose DESCRIBING FORCE Instructions: Yes or NO

Purpose/Intention Activity 1: Self- MATERIALS NEEDED: Write thumbs up if you think
Assessment (10-15 worksheets the image says it has force,
1. Below are images
minutes) pencil or colored pens to write thumbs down if the
Instructions: Read the draw the arrows. depicting various real- image has no force.
listed learning targets life situations.
below. Instruct the WHAT TO DO: 2. Task 1: Identify the Is there a force here?
students 1. Draw an arrow to show type of force(s) acting
to assess themselves to the in each situation.
see if they have direction of the force (push Choose from the
developed these skills or pull) applied in each following:
already and rate situation below. The first o Friction
themselves according one is done as an o Elastic Force
to the guide below. example. o Air Resistance Is there a force here?
They write their ratings 2. Answer the guide
o Gravity
in the column Before questions.
o Electromagneti
Learning the Lesson.
After learning the c Force
lesson, we will go back 3. Task 2: Briefly explain
to this. how the force is
affecting the object in
the image.
4. Write your answers in
the space provided
below each image.
(1 star) I still need help
to do this. 1.
(2 stars) I can do this by
(3 stars) I can do this by
myself and in different

C. Lesson Language Unlocking Content FORCES IN MY EVERYDAY Activity: Scramble Words – Activity: Scramble Words –
Practice Area Vocabulary LIFE Forces in Action! Forces in Action!
Instructions: Instructions:
Activity 2: Anagram MATERIALS NEEDED:
Game - Unscramble pencil or colored pens
the Letters! (15 Unscramble the letters to Unscramble the letters to
minutes) form words related to the form words related to the
forces discussed in the forces discussed in the
Instructions: 1. Illustrate four situations lesson. Write the correct lesson. Write the correct
Rearrange the letters in wherein you do actions word next to the scrambled word next to the scrambled
each anagram to form
(that apply a push or a pull) letters. letters.
the correct
to accomplish daily tasks at
home or school 1. ECROF
vocabulary word. After 2. TOMOIN
unlocking the 1. AERITFNO
vocabulary words in 2. Draw arrows to show 3. CIAELST 4. RALCNOCTEIAE
this game, ask the where the force is 4. SNIONTE 5. TACTONC
directed, and label or 5. GMATNEIC
learners to write a caption each situation
keyword related to the using the pattern: I am
unlocked work or draw pushing or pulling an
a symbol to object in one direction.
represent the word in
the third column of the

Part 1:
During the Lesson/Lesson Proper
D. Reading the Key Soft vs Rigid: Do These What is Force? Kinds of Forces FORCES AND MOTION
Idea/Stem Mean The Same? How
To Use Them A force is an action that Forces can be divided into DISPLACEMENT
changes or maintains the two main categories. The difference between an
When it comes to object's final position and
motion of a body or object. categories are contact forces
describing the its starting position.
Simply stated, a force is a and field forces.
characteristics of
objects, two words that push or a pull. Forces can VELOCITY
often come up are change an object’s speed, Speed of an object at a
“soft” and “rigid”. But its direction, and even its Contact forces are forces in certain direction
which one is the proper shape. Pushing a door which two or more objects
word to use? The ACCELERATION
answer is that both can open, pulling it closed, or bodies touch or contact
Rate of change in velocity
be correct, depending stretching a rubber band— each other directly. There of an object.
on the context. all of these actions requireare many kinds of contact
force. forces; among the most Examples of FORCE
Generally, “soft” means Turn on the lights
something that is Force is a vector quantity— familiar are friction and Open/close the door
yielding to pressure or that is, it has both elastic forces. Air resistance, Move your chair forward or
easily bent or shaped. backward.
magnitude (size) and a special type of friction, also
On the other hand, is a contact force. Now, what is FORCE?
“rigid” means direction. Although forces
Push or Pull applied on an
something that is stiff, cannot be seen directly, FRICTION object.
unyielding, or inflexible. their effects can be It makes object move,
Friction is a force that resists change shape and motion
observed and measured. and stop moving
In this article, we will motion between two
Force is measured using a
explore the differences
force meter. The unit of surfaces that are in contact Does force always make
between soft and rigid objects move?
objects, and how these measurement for force is with each other. When you
characteristics can the newton, symbolized by walk, the frictional force
affect their uses and the letter N and named in between the ground and the
honor of the English soles of your shoes resists
Define Soft physicist Isaac Newton. your forward motion.
Much of what is known Friction works in opposition
Soft is a term used to today about force is based to the direction of an
describe something on Newton’s three object’s motion. If you push
that is pliable, yielding,
fundamental laws of a chair, you apply a force to Terms to remember:
or flexible. It is the
motion. move it forward. The floor MAGNITUDE
opposite of hard or The size or strength of the
rigid. Soft materials can exerts a frictional force in force.
be easily compressed or BALANCED AND DIRECTION
the opposite direction—
deformed when UNBALANCED FORCE Points to where the object
toward you—to resist the goes;
pressure is applied to
them. They are often forward motion of the chair. or direction of force.
characterized by their Friction is much greater on Location where force is
ability to absorb shock applied.
or impact, making them rough surfaces than it is on
ideal for use in smooth surfaces. For ACTION The straight line
applications where Knowing the size and example, it is easier to glide passing through the point of
cushioning or application,
direction of the forces across ice wearing metal parallel to the direction of
protection is required. acting on an object allows
skates than it is wearing force.
you to predict how its
Examples of soft motion will change. The rubber boots because the
materials include: combination of all the friction between metal and
forces acting on an object ice is less than the friction
 Foam simultaneously is called the between ice and rubber.
net force, also known as
 Rubber
the resultant force. For Frictional forces can be
 Cotton example, the net force helpful or unhelpful. For
acting on a rope being Under MAGNITUDE:
 Feathers example, friction between N (Newton) - Meter-
pulled from the right by a
 Fleece force of five newtons and rubber tires and the road Kilogram-Seconds (MKS)
from the left by a force of dyn (Dyne) - Centimeter-
helps the tires resist sliding. Gram-Second (CGS)
three newtons will be two
Soft materials are Friction between brakes and lbs (Pounds) - Foot-Pound-
newtons pulling from the Second (FPS)
commonly used in the the wheels of a car or bicycle
right. Sir Isaac Newton
manufacturing of
clothing, bedding, and When the forces applied to helps the vehicles slow
upholstery, as well as in an object are balanced, the down. However, failing to
the production of net force is equal to zero keep a bike chain lubricated
sports equipment, such and the motion of the can increase friction
as helmets and
object will not change. If between the chain and axel,
the object is at rest, it will making the bike harder to
Two types of forces:
Define Rigid remain at rest. If it is pedal. CONTACT - Forces acting
moving, it will continue to on objects in physical
Rigid is a term used to Friction between surfaces contact.
move with the same
describe something generates heat. When you NON-CONTACT
that is stiff, inflexible, or velocity—at the same rub your hands together, - Forces acting over a zone,
speed and in the same area or field.
unyielding. It is the friction between your hands
opposite of soft. Rigid direction. Like TYPES OF FORCEs
produces heat, causing your
materials cannot be force, velocity is a vector 1. Contact Force- one
easily compressed or hands to warm up. However, object needs physical
quantity; it is measured in contact with another object.
deformed when heat produced by the
pressure is applied to units of meters traveled force that is "given"
friction between moving
them. They are often per second (m/s).
machine parts can cause Examples of CONTACT
characterized by their FORCES
strength and durability, When the forces applied to serious damage. To counter
Applied Force, F force
making them ideal for an object are unbalanced, this, lubricants such as oil applied by
use in applications the net force is not equal are used to reduce friction an object
where rigidity and or person
to zero. Unbalanced forces between moving parts of a to another
stability are required.
will change the velocity of machine and prevent object or
Examples of rigid the object—it will speed damage from overheating.
materials include: Examples of CONTACT
up, slow down, or change FORCES
AIR RESISTANCE Friction, FF force that acts
 Metal direction. The motion of
opposite to the direction of
the rope in the example Air resistance is the frictional motion.
 Glass
given above is the result of force air exerts against a
 Concrete unbalanced forces. moving object. As an object
 Plastic moves, air resistance slows it
These observations about
 Wood down. The faster the object’s
force and motion are
motion, the greater the air
Rigid materials are supported by Newton’s
commonly used in the resistance exerted against it.
First Law of Motion. The
manufacturing of Air resistance affects all
law states that an object at
buildings, bridges, and moving objects, from
other structures, as well rest will remain at rest and airplanes, rockets, and trains
as in the production of an object in motion will
tools and machinery. to car, bicycles, and even
remain in motion with the
living things.
same velocity unless the Examples of CONTACT
How To Properly Use FORCES
object is acted upon by an An object’s shape and
The Words In A Normal, FN force that acts
Sentence unbalanced force. In surface area can increase or perpendicular to the object,
formulating this law, decrease the degree of air balances the object
When it comes to Newton was greatly resistance it encounters. A
writing, choosing the influenced by the work of feather will fall more slowly
right words can make
the Italian scientist Galileo. than a metal ball because
all the difference. In this
section, we will discuss From his studies of the the feather has a greater
how to properly use the motion of falling objects, surface area. Because it can
words “soft” and “rigid” Galileo had deduced that a spread its weight over a
in a sentence.
body in motion would larger area, the feather
How To Use “Soft” In A remain in motion unless a encounters greater air Examples of CONTACT
Sentence FORCES
force caused it to come to resistance and falls more Tension, FN force applied
rest. slowly. This is the principle to a chain, rope, cable,
The word “soft” can be string and the likes. Resist
used to describe a used in the parachute. force that causes objects to
Newton’s First Law is
variety of things, from stretch.
sometimes called the Law Streamlining helps decrease
physical textures to
emotional states. Here of Inertia. Inertia is the air resistance. This is
are a few examples: resistance of an object to a demonstrated by the
change in its speed or smooth curved shapes of
 She sank into the
direction. The greater an planes, modern cars, and
soft cushions of the
couch. object’s mass, the greater high-speed trains, which
its inertia, and the greater greatly decrease the effect
 The baby’s skin
the force needed to of air resistance, allowing
was soft and
smooth. change its motion. For these vehicles to travel more
example, it is harder to lift efficiently. Bicycle racers
 He spoke in a soft
voice, trying not to a backpack full of books crouch low on their bikes—
wake the sleeping than it is to lift an empty and joggers run with elbows
child. backpack. The full tucked in—to reduce the
 After a long day at backpack has more inertia effect of
work, she longed than the empty backpack
for the soft air resistance.
because it has more mass,
comfort of her bed.
so more force is needed to
As you can see, “soft” move it. Inertia is a
can be used to describe
fundamental property of
something that is
gentle, comfortable, or all matter.
yielding. It can also be
used to describe FORCE, MASS, AND
something that is not
hard or rigid. ACCELERATION

How To Use “Rigid” In Unbalanced forces acting

A Sentence on an object will cause it to
accelerate, or change its
The word “rigid” is motion, in the direction of
often used to describe
the applied ELASTIC FORCES
something that is
inflexible or stiff. Here force. Acceleration is a
Some forces can affect an
are a few examples: vector quantity defined as
object’s shape. If you pull
a change in velocity over
 The board was so the ends of a rubber band, it
time. It is measured as
rigid that it stretches and simultaneously
wouldn’t bend. meters traveled per second
resists being stretched. The
per second, or meters per
 He had a rigid resistance comes from
schedule that he second squared (m/s2).
forces between the particles
followed every day. The acceleration of an
in the rubber band. Similarly,
 The company had a object depends on two if you squeeze a ball of clay,
rigid policy against things—the object’s mass forces between particles in
accepting gifts
and the size of the applied the clay resist being pushed
from clients.
force. The greater the together. The forces that an
 Her posture was so
force applied to an object, object exerts to resist a
rigid that she
looked the more that object will change in its shape are
uncomfortable. accelerate; the greater the called elastic forces; they are
As you can see, “rigid” mass of an object, the less transferred through the
can be used to describe that object will accelerate. particles that make up
something that is For example, a wagon materials. Two types of
unyielding, strict, or
unbending. It can also pulled by a large dog will elastic forces are tension and
be used to describe
have a greater acceleration compression.
something that is not
soft or pliable. than will the same wagon
Tension is the elastic force
pulled by a small dog.
that stretches or pulls an
More Examples Of Soft
This is because the large object. If you loop a piece of
& Rigid Used In
Sentences dog applies more force to rope through a metal ring
the wagon than the small and hold it out, the force of
In order to fully dog applies. More force gravity will pull the ring
understand the means greater acceleration downward. The ring does
difference between soft
if the object’s mass is the not fall to the ground,
and rigid, it is important
to see how they are same. If you fill the large however, because tension
used in sentences. Here dog’s wagon with sand, the forces between the particles
are some examples of wagon will have a smaller in the rope pull the rope
using soft in a sentence:
acceleration than it did upward. Tension forces
Examples Of Using Soft when it was empty. This is apply only when an object is
In A Sentence because the sand-filled being pulled or stretched. If
wagon has more mass than you let go of the rope,
 The cat’s fur was the empty wagon. More gravity will pull it (and the
soft to the touch.
mass means less metal ring) to the ground.
 The pillow was soft acceleration if the applied The rope will no longer have
and comfortable.
force is the same. tension because it is not
 The baby’s skin being stretched.
was soft and The relationship between
smooth. force, mass, and Compression is the elastic
acceleration forms the force that squeezes or
 The music playing
in the background basis of Newton’s Second pushes an object. If you
was soft and Law of Motion. The law squeeze a metal spring, the
states that the acceleration force from your fingers will
 The grass felt soft of an object increases with push the particles in the
under my feet. increased force, decreases spring closer together; at the
 The blanket was with increased mass, and same time, the particles will
soft and warm. occurs in the direction of resist being pushed
 The clouds in the the net force being together, and will push back
sky looked soft and applied. against your fingers.
Newton described the Elastic forces are also
 The fabric of the
dress was soft and relationship between exerted by a surface when
flowy. force, mass, and an object is pressing against
 The snow was soft acceleration it. A book resting on a table
and powdery. mathematically in the experiences a downward
 The cake was soft formula pull from the force of
and moist. Force = mass × gravity. However, the book
does not fall through the
Now, let’s take a look at acceleration
some examples of using This is more commonly table because the table
rigid in a sentence: expressed as exerts an upward
compressive force against
Examples Of Using
F = ma the book. The book remains
Rigid In A Sentence
at rest because the forces on
 The metal rod was the book (gravity from Earth
Force is expressed in units
rigid and inflexible. pulling downward and
of newtons (N), mass is
 The rules of the compression from the table
measured in kilograms
game were rigid pushing upward) are
(kg), and acceleration is
and strict.
 The soldier stood measured as meters per balanced and cancel each
at rigid attention.
second per second, or other out, following
 The building was meters per second squared Newton’s First Law of
made of rigid steel (m/s2). Therefore, force is Motion.
measured in units of mass
 The teacher’s FIELD FORCES
times units of acceleration:
lesson plan was
rigid and Force (N) = mass (kg) × Field forces are those forces
unchanging. acceleration (m/s2) in which bodies interact
Because force is expressed without directly touching
 The frozen ground
was rigid and hard in units of newtons, one each other. A field is a region
to walk on. newton (1 N) is the amount in which an effect, such as
 The board of of force needed to gravity, exists. Field forces
directors had a accelerate one kilogram (1 are also called noncontact
rigid set of kg) of mass at the rate of forces or at-a-distance
guidelines to
forces. There are four types
of field forces: gravity,
 The spine of the
electromagnetic forces, and
book was rigid and
sturdy. the strong force and the
weak force found in atoms.
 The schedule for
the conference was These four forces constitute
rigid and tightly the most fundamental forces
one meter per second per
controlled. in the universe.
second (1 m/s2):
 The company had a
rigid hierarchy and 1 N = 1 kg ∙ m/s

chain of command. Newton’s Second Law can

Gravity, or gravitational
also be applied to an
Common Mistakes To force, is the force of
Avoid object moving in a circle. If
attraction between matter. A
force is exerted at a right
When it comes to dropped object falls to the
understanding the angle to the direction in ground because it is pulled
difference between soft which the object is moving, down by the gravitational
and rigid, there are the object will turn. If force force exerted by Earth.
some common mistakes continues to be applied at Gravity is the force that
that people tend to holds Earth, the Sun, and the
a right angle to the
make. These mistakes stars together and keeps the
can lead to confusion direction of the object as it planets in their orbits.
and can result in turns, it will keep turning
Gravity is affected by mass
incorrect usage of these and will move in a circle.
and distance. The force of
terms. Here are some
The force that keeps an gravity between two objects
of the most common
object moving in a circle is increases as their respective
mistakes to avoid:
masses increase and
called centripetal force.
decreases as the distance
Mistake #1: Using Soft Centripetal force always between them increases.
And Rigid points toward the center of Simply put, the larger the
Interchangeably objects are, the greater the
a circle. If you whirl an
object on a string, you are attraction between them;
One of the biggest the farther they are from
mistakes people make applying a centripetal force
each other, the less their
is using the terms soft on the object. mutual attraction. These two
and rigid principles were summarized
interchangeably. While by Newton in his Law of
these terms may seem Universal Gravitation. In the
The direction of the
similar, they actually 20th century, Albert
have very different centripetal force is toward
Einstein added to our
meanings. your hand at the center of understanding of gravity
the circle. with his theory of relativity.
Soft refers to something Of the four fundamental
that is pliable, flexible, Following Newton’s law
or malleable. It can be of F = ma, you can increase forces, gravity is the
easily bent or shaped weakest. Gravity is further
the whirling object’s
without breaking or distinguished from the other
cracking. Rigid, on the acceleration by increasing forces in that it is universally
other hand, refers to the amount of centripetal attractive—that is, it acts
something that is stiff, force—that is, by pulling between any two objects in
firm, or inflexible. It harder on the string. If you the universe—and because it
cannot be easily bent or acts over an infinite
shaped without use the same amount of distance.
breaking or cracking. force to whirl a heavier
object, its acceleration will
Using these terms decrease and it will move
interchangeably can
more slowly. Note that it is
lead to confusion and
can result in incorrect the centripetal force you
usage. For example, if are applying that keeps the
you were to refer to a object moving in a circle. If
rigid pillow, you would you let go of the string, the
be using the wrong
term. A pillow cannot object continues moving,
be rigid, as it is meant but not in a circle—it will
to be soft and travel in a straight line in
comfortable. the direction it was headed
when you let go.
Mistake #2: Assuming
Soft Means Weak
Another common
mistake people make is All forces act in pairs. If an
assuming that soft object pushes (or pulls)
means weak. While it is another object, the second
true that soft materials object pushes (or pulls) the Electromagnetic forces
may be less durable first object in the opposite
are the forces of electricity
than rigid materials, direction with an equal
and of
this is not always the amount of force. For
case. Soft materials can example, if you lean on a magnetism. Electricity and
still be strong and wall, you exert a force on magnetism were long
resilient, depending on the wall, and the wall thought to be separate
their composition. exerts an equal force back forces. Einstein’s theory of
on you. The weight of a
For example, memory table exerts a force relativity confirmed that
foam is a soft material downward against the both are aspects of a
that is known for its floor; the floor exerts an common phenomenon.
ability to conform to equal amount of force Electromagnetic forces
the shape of your body. upward against the table.
are among the strongest
Despite its softness,
memory foam is Such observations forms of the fundamental forces
actually quite strong the basis of Newton’s Third and are far stronger than
and can provide Law of Motion, which the force of gravity.
excellent support for describes how forces
your body. behave when two bodies Electromagnetic forces
interact. The law states are caused by
Tips For Avoiding These that for every force there is electromagnetic fields. An
Mistakes a reaction force that is
equal in size but opposite electromagnetic field is the
To avoid these common in direction. That is, when region that extends
mistakes, it is important an object exerts a force on outward from a charged
to have a clear another object, the second object. Fields can exist in
understanding of the object exerts an equal and
space far from the charge
differences between opposite force on the first
soft and rigid. Here are object. These “force pairs” that generated them.
some tips to help you are sometimes referred to However, electric and
avoid these mistakes in as action and reaction. magnetic fields are not
the future:
 Take the time to infinite in size and can
learn the
cancel out over long
definitions of these
terms and how distances.
they are used in
different contexts.
 When in doubt,
refer to a
dictionary or other Unlike gravitation,
reliable source to
electromagnetic forces
ensure that you are
using the correct can both attract and repel.
term. An electric force exists
 Consider the between any two charged
context in which objects. The objects
you are using these attract each other if they
terms. Are you carry opposite charges
describing a
(one is negatively
physical object or a
concept? This can charged, and one is
help you positively charged). The
determine which objects repel each other if
term is
they carry like charges
(both are positively
Context Matters
charged, or both are
When it comes to negatively charged).
choosing between soft
and rigid materials,
context plays a crucial The strength of the electric
role. The decision to force between two
use one over the other
charged objects depends
depends on various
factors such as the on the size of the charges
purpose of the and the distance between
material, the objects. The greater the
environment in which it charge, the stronger the
will be used, and the
user’s needs. Therefore, force; the greater the
it is essential to distance between the
consider the context in objects, the weaker the
which the material will force between them.
be used before deciding
which one to use.

Examples Of Different Magnetic forces are

Contexts And Their similar to electric forces.
Material Choice However, magnetic forces
only attract or repel
Let’s take a look at
electrically charged
some examples of
different contexts and particles that are in
how the choice motion, whereas electric
between soft and rigid forces act on any charged
materials might change: particles—whether they
1. Medical Devices are moving or stationary.
Magnetic forces also act
When it comes to on certain materials, such
medical devices, the as iron.
choice between soft
and rigid materials
depends on the
application. For STRONG AND WEAK
instance, a catheter or a NUCLEAR FORCES
stent requires a soft
and flexible material to The strong force and the
navigate through the weak force both operate
body’s narrow inside the nuclei of atoms.
passages. On the other The strong force is the
hand, surgical
instruments such as strongest force in the
scalpels or bone saws universe and has the
require a rigid material shortest range. The strong
to maintain their shape force acts to hold the
and precision.
protons and neutrons
2. Packaging together inside the
nucleus of an atom.
The choice between Neutrons carry no charge,
soft and rigid materials
but protons are positively
in packaging depends
on the product being charged. All elements
packaged. For example, except hydrogen carry
soft and flexible more than one proton, and
packaging is ideal for therefore carry more than
products that require
cushioning and one positive charge.
protection, such as food Because like-charged
products. Rigid particles repel each other,
packaging, on the other the strong force must be
hand, is suitable for
strong enough to
products that require
structural support, such overcome this repulsion
as electronics. and hold these particles
together inside
3. Furniture
the atomic nucleus.
When it comes to
The weak force is
furniture, the choice
between soft and rigid responsible for emitting
materials depends on certain types of subatomic
the user’s needs. Soft particles during
materials such as foam radioactive decay. It also
and fabric are ideal for
seating that requires helps initiate the nuclear
comfort, such as sofas fusion reaction that fuels
and armchairs. Rigid the Sun. The weak force is
materials such as wood weaker than the strong
and metal are suitable
force and electromagnetic
for furniture that
requires stability and forces but far stronger
durability, such as than gravity.
tables and chairs.
As we can see, the PRESSURE
choice between soft
and rigid materials Pressure is a measure of
depends on the context the amount of force acting
in which they are used.
on a given amount of
By considering the
purpose of the surface area. A
material, the quantitative, or
environment in which it mathematical, relationship
will be used, and the
exists between force,
user’s needs, we can
make informed area, and pressure:
decisions about which
material to use. pressure = force / area
This relationship has
Exceptions To The Rules many practical
applications. It shows, for
While the rules for
example, that a force
using soft and rigid are
generally exerted over a small area
straightforward, there produces more pressure
are some exceptions than the same amount of
where they may not
force exerted over a large
apply. These exceptions
can be due to a variety area.
of factors, such as the
specific industry, This explains why it is
material being used, or easier to walk on deep
intended use of the
snow wearing snowshoes
than it is wearing boots.
Industry-specific Snowshoes spread the
Exceptions force of your weight over a
larger surface area. Less
In certain industries,
pressure is applied to the
the use of soft or rigid
materials may not be as snow, so you are less
clear cut. For example, likely to sink through the
in the medical industry, surface. The same
soft materials are often
principle applies to the use
preferred for patient
comfort and safety. of wide tires on tractors
However, there are and other machinery
instances where rigid working on mud or soft
materials are necessary
ground. The wide tires
for support or stability,
such as in orthopedic spread the machine’s
braces. weight over a large
surface area; less
Similarly, in the pressure is exerted, which
automotive industry,
soft materials are keeps the machine from
commonly used for sinking.
interior components to
Conversely, pressure
provide comfort and
aesthetics. However, increases if surface area
for certain exterior decreases. A sharp knife
components, such as cuts better than a dull
bumpers or fenders,
knife because the sharp
rigid materials are
necessary for durability blade has a smaller
and safety. surface area that exerts
more pressure when used.
Material-specific The smaller surface area
of the spikes on athletic
The properties of the shoes help athletes gain
material being used can greater traction on the
also affect whether the ground when running on a
rules for soft and rigid track or playing golf
apply. For example,
some materials may because more pressure is
have a range of applied with each step.
flexibility, making them
Because the relationship
suitable for both soft
and rigid applications. between force, area, and
In these cases, the
pressure is quantitative,
intended use of the
product should be any one of the three
considered to factors can be calculated if
determine whether a the other two are known.
soft or rigid approach is Pressure is measured in
units called pascals (Pa),
Additionally, some named after the French
materials may have mathematician Blaise
unique properties that Pascal. Since force is
make them suitable for
measured in newtons (N)
specific applications.
For instance, a rigid and area in meters
material may be used in squared (m2), one pascal
a product where is equal to one newton (N)
flexibility is typically
of force exerted over one
preferred, but the
material’s strength and square meter (m2) of area:
durability outweigh the 1 pascal (Pa) = 1N/m2
benefits of a softer
Intended Use
Exceptions Force can make an object
such as a lever turn
Finally, the intended around a fixed pivot point,
use of the product can
or fulcrum. A turning force
also impact whether
the rules for soft and around a pivot is called a
rigid apply. For “moment.” It is determined
example, a product by two factors: the size of
designed for children
the applied force and the
may require a softer
approach for safety and distance between the
comfort, even if a more force and the pivot point.
rigid material would
typically be used. The action of a seesaw
Similarly, a product provides a good example.
intended for heavy use If you sit on one end of a
or high impact may seesaw, you sink to the
require a more rigid
approach for durability ground as the seesaw
and longevity. rotates around the pivot at
its center. The turning
force of the seesaw
around the pivot is a
moment. If someone sits
at the other end of the
seesaw, that end then
sinks to the ground,
causing the seesaw to
rotate around the pivot in
the opposite direction.
That turning also is a

A moment (M) can be

calculated by multiplying
the size of the force (F)
applied to the object times
the perpendicular distance
(d) between the pivot point
and the line of action of
the force:
moment = force × distance
Since force is measured in
newtons (N) and distance
in meters (m), the unit
used to express moments
is the newton meter (Nm).

Like all forces, a moment

has direction as well as
size. Because a moment
is a turning force, its
direction is relative to the
pivot. The direction is
called clockwise or
depending on its
movement relative to the

When the moments of an

object around a pivot are
equal and opposite, the
turning forces are
balanced, and the object
is at rest. This
demonstrates the Principle
of Moments, which states
that when an object is in
equilibrium, the sum of the
clockwise moments
around a pivot equals the
sum of the
moments. This can be
expressed as follows:
(force × distance)clockwise =
(force × distance)counterclockwise
For example, the moment
of a 30-newton force
applied to an object at a
distance of 2 meters from
a pivot is 60 Nm; the
moment of a 60-newton
force applied 1 meter from
the opposite side of the
pivot also is equal to 60
Nm. Because the two
moments are equal and
opposite, the object is in
equilibrium and therefore
at rest:
30N × 2m = 60N × 1m
However, if the 30-newton
and the 60-newton forces
were equally distant from
the pivot, the object would
not be balanced, and the
object would rotate in the
direction of the greater
moment (in this case, the
60-Nm moment):
30N × 1m ≠ 60N × 1m

If the forces applied to an

object are not equal in
size, it is possible to
balance the moments by
adjusting the position of
one of the forces. The
moment caused by the
larger force on one side of
the pivot can be balanced
by increasing the distance
of the opposing force.

For example, 90-newton

force applied 1 meter from
a pivot has a moment of
90 Nm (90N × 1m). This
can be balanced by
applying a 30-newton
force at a distance of 3
meters from the opposite
side of the pivot, because
30N × 3m also equals
30N × 3 m = 90 N × 1m

Therefore, a moment can

be increased by
increasing the distance of
the applied force from a
pivot without having to
increase the amount of
force. This principle has
many useful applications
in everyday life.
For example, when trying
to turn a bolt, using a
longer wrench allows you
to increase the moment on
the bolt (the pivot) without
increasing the amount of
force needed to loosen it.
The same idea works with
crowbars, bolt cutters, or
any type of second-class
lever—the farther a force
is applied from the pivot
(fulcrum), the larger the
moment, making it easier
to do physical work
without increasing the
amount of force applied.
E. Developing Group Activity: Group Activity: Group Activity: Group Activity:
Deepening Soft or Rigid? Let's Interactive Activity: Activity Title: Exploring
Understanding of Explore and Classify! Exploring Force and Forces in Action Here’s an interactive
Key Idea/Stem Motion physical activity related to
Objective: Learn the Forces and Motion:
difference between soft Objective:  Understand and
and rigid materials and To understand the concept differentiate between
understand when each of force, its effect on contact forces (friction, Activity Title: Force Relay
is useful. motion, and Newton’s air resistance, elastic Challenge
Laws through a fun and forces) and field forces
interactive activity. (gravity, Objective:
Students will apply their
Materials Needed: knowledge of forces and
Materials Needed:  Investigate how friction
and air resistance motion by engaging in
 A few objects affect motion. physical tasks that
from home or  A small toy car (or
 Learn about tension
school that are any rolling object) and compression forces demonstrate key concepts
either soft (e.g.,  A rubber band in elastic materials. like displacement, velocity,
cotton, sponge,  A push toy (e.g., a
toy truck or ball)
acceleration, and the
rubber, fabric) or
 A stopwatch effects of different types of
rigid (e.g., metal Materials Needed:
spoon, glass cup, (optional) forces.
plastic toy,  A ruler or
measuring tape  A smooth flat surface
pencil). (table or desk)
 A pencil and paper
 A worksheet or  A rough surface Setup:
 A friend or family
paper with two member to help (sandpaper or cloth)
columns labeled  A rubber band Create a relay course with
Soft and Rigid.  A metal ball and a different stations
 A pencil or pen. feather
Part 1: Pushing and representing concepts from
Pulling Objects  A small spring the lesson. Divide the class
(Understanding Force) into teams. Each station will
Instructions:  A toy car or a small
object to slide require a physical activity
1. Activity 1: Push A timer or stopwatch tied to forces and motion.
1. Classify the 
the Toy Car  Ruler or measuring
Objects o What to Do: tape
Look at the Place the Instructions for Students:
objects provided toy car on
to you. Decide if the floor.
Give it a Instructions: 1. Form teams of 4-6
each object is members.
small push
soft or rigid. and watch 1. Friction and Surface 2. Complete the relay
o Soft how it course by rotating
means it moves. through all the
o Step 1: Place
can bend o Questions stations.
the toy car or
or squish to Answer: 3. At each station, a
small object on
easily.  What team member must
the smooth
o Rigid happ perform the task, and
ens surface.
means it the team records their
when o Step 2: Gently
is hard answers in the “Force
you push the object
and push and measure Relay Log.”
doesn’t the how far it 4. The team that
bend or toy travels before completes the relay
change car? it stops. Record accurately and quickly
shape.  How the distance. wins!
does o Step 3: Now,
it place the
Write each chan
object’s name in object on the Relay Stations:
ge its
the correct rough surface
spee Station 1: Displacement Dash
d (sandpaper or
column on your
and cloth). Push the
worksheet (Soft object again
or Rigid). tion? and measure
the distance it  Mark a starting point
 What
2. Describe Why force travels. and a finishing point
do Step 4: 10 meters apart.
After sorting the o
you Compare the  One student walks the
objects, pick a course while another
think results. Which
few and answer is measures their
surface caused
these questions maki displacement (straight
more friction?
for each one: ng line from start to end)
the How did the with a tape measure.
o Can it
car friction affect  Discuss: Is the
mov the motion of displacement always
squish, or
e? the object? equal to the distance
shape traveled? Why or why
easily? (If 2. Activity 2: Stretch not?
yes, it's a Rubber Band
soft!) o What to Do:
o Does it Stretch a Station 2: Acceleration Race
feel hard rubber band
by pulling on
or Task:
both ends.
Let it go and
ng when observe  Set up a ramp and a
you press what toy car.
it? (If yes, happens.  Push the car down the
it’s rigid!) o Questions ramp and use a
to Answer: stopwatch to time
3. Think of Real-  What how long it takes to
happ reach the bottom.
Life Examples
ens  Discuss: How does the
Write down one when ramp’s incline affect
example of you the car’s acceleration?
something soft stret
and one ch
example of rubb
something rigid er
that you use in band
daily life. ?
 How
For example: does
o Soft: the
Pillow rubb
o Rigid: er
Chair band
4. Why Does it when
Matter? you
Think about pullin
these questions: g?
o Would  Is
you want this a
a soft or push
rigid or a
material pull
for a force
pillow to ?
sleep on?
Part 2: Balanced vs.
o If you Unbalanced Forces
building a 1. Activity 3: Balanced
you use o What to Do:
soft or Place the
rigid toy car on
materials the floor.
for the Push it
walls? gently in
Why? one
5. Write Your and then
Thoughts push with
Pick one object the same
from the Soft list strength in
and one from the opposite
the Rigid list. direction.
Write a Observe the
sentence for car.
each explaining o Questions
why they belong to Answer:
in their  Wha
category. t
o "The
sponge is to
soft the
because I car
can whe
squish it." n
o "The glass push
is rigid with
because it equa
doesn’t l
bend force
when I
press on
 Is
ge in
 This
is an
e the

2. Activity 4:
Unbalanced Forces
o What to Do:
Push the toy
car with a
push on one
o Questions
to Answer:
o What
happens to
the toy car
when you
apply an
force (one
than the
o Does the car
speed up or
slow down?
o Why do you
think the car
moves in
this way?
o This is an
example of
where the
forces do
not cancel
each other

After the Lesson/Post-lesson Proper

F. Making Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet
Generalizations Synthesis/Extended Synthesis/Extended Synthesis/Extended Synthesis/Extended Synthesis/Extended
What you have learned What you have learned What you have learned What you have learned What you have learned
In a one sheet of paper In a one sheet of paper In a one sheet of paper write In a one sheet of paper In a one sheet of paper
write something you write something you something you understand
write something you write something you
understand about the understand about the about the lesson we
lesson we discussed lesson we discussed today. discussed today. understand about the understand about the
today. lesson we discussed today. lesson we discussed today.
G. Evaluating One of the best ways to Choose the correct answer Choose the correct option or Match the items in Column Answer the following
Learning improve your by circling the letter of complete the sentences as A with the correct answers questions based on your
understanding and use your choice. in Column B. Write the understanding of the lesson.
of soft and rigid is letter of your answer on the
Write your answers in the
through practice 1. What is the unit of Fill in the Blanks: space provided before each space provided.
exercises. Here are a measurement for force? number in Column A.
few exercises to help a) Kilogram (kg) 1. __________ is the
you get started: b) Meter per second (m/s) force that resists Matching Type
Exercise 1: Fill In The c) Newton (N) Column A
Blank d) Joule (J) motion between two Match the term in Column
surfaces in contact • Force A with its correct
Choose the appropriate 2. Which of the following with each other. description in Column B.
word (soft or rigid) to best describes a force? 2. The force that pulls • Contact Force
fill in the blank in each a) A stationary object objects toward the Column A:
sentence below: b) A push or pull that center of the Earth is • Applied Force
changes or maintains an called __________. 1. Soft
object's motion • Force of Friction 2. Rigid
1. The __________ 3. A feather falls more
c) The resistance of an 3. Balanced Force
pillow was much slowly than a metal 4. Unbalanced Force
more comfortable object to a change in Normal Force
ball due to its greater 5. Newton
than the hard one. motion
__________, which
d) The time it takes for an • Tension Force
2. He had a increases air Column B:
object to accelerate
__________ stance resistance. a. A term describing
on the issue, 3. If the net force on an 4. __________ forces materials that are stiff and
Column B
refusing to object is zero, what occur when two or inflexible.
consider any other happens to the object’s more objects touch b. A situation where the net
A. Force in physical contact
opinions. motion? or contact each other force acting on an object is
with each other
a) The object speeds up directly. zero.
3. The __________
b) The object changes 5. The force responsible B. Force exerted by an c. A unit of force
fabric of the dress
draped beautifully direction for holding protons object to another object. measurement.
over her curves. c) The object stays at rest and neutrons d. A term describing
or continues to move with together inside the C. Force at 90 degrees with materials that are pliable
4. She had to be the same velocity nucleus of an atom is and yielding.
the object
__________ with d) The object accelerates called the e. A situation where the net
herself and admit
__________ force. D. Always applied in force causes an object to
that she was 4. What does Newton's
opposite direction with accelerate.
wrong. Second Law of Motion
state? motion
5. The __________ a) An object in motion
metal frame of the E. Force exerted to prevent Multiple Choice
stays in motion unless
chair was
uncomfortable to acted upon by an object to stretch such as Choose the correct answer.
sit in for long unbalanced force string, cables or in bridges
periods of time. b) The force of an object is 6. Which of the
equal to its mass times F. A push or pull following is an
acceleration example of a rigid
c) The weight of an object material?
is proportional to its mass a. Foam
d) For every action, there is b. Rubber
an equal and opposite c. Metal
d. Cotton
7. What happens to an
5. Which of the following
is an example of object when the
centripetal force? forces acting on it
a) Pushing a door open are balanced?
b) Pulling a wagon on a flat a. It accelerates.
surface b. It changes shape.
c) A car turning a corner c. Its motion
d) A person jumping into a remains unchanged.
swimming pool d. It slows down.
8. Which of the
following best
describes the term
a. Resistant to
b. Easily deformed
under pressure.
c. Hard and durable.
d. Difficult to bend.
9. A rope is pulled
from both ends with
equal force. What is
the net force?
a. Zero
b. Greater than zero
c. Less than zero
d. Cannot be
10. What is force
measured in?
a. Pascals
b. Joules
c. Newtons
d. Watts


Write the correct answer

for each description.

11. A push or pull that can

change an object’s
12. A material commonly
used in cushions and
is soft.
13. The sum of all forces
acting on an object.
14. A rigid material used
in building
15. The scientist after
whom the unit of
force is named.

H. Additional Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment:

Activities for Exercise 2: Sentence Write the correct term or Write your answers clearly. Identify the term being
Application or Completion phrase for each described in each
Remediation (if description. Sentence Completion: statement. Write your
applicable) Complete each answer on the blank
sentence below with 1. This is the resistance of 6. Friction is helpful in provided.
either soft or rigid: an object to a change in its situations like
motion. __________, but 6. ________ This
6. When it comes to unhelpful when refers to the size or
2. This type of force causes __________. strength of a force
mattresses, I prefer
an object to change its 7. Air resistance affects applied to an
a __________
direction or speed. moving objects by object.
__________ as the 7. ________ A push or
7. It’s important to be 3. The force that keeps an
object’s speed pull exerted on an
__________ but object moving in a circle,
__________. object that can
not too hard on always pointing toward the
8. A sharp knife cuts cause it to move,
yourself. center.
better than a dull change its motion,
8. The knife because the or stop.
4. This is the formula that
__________ness of 8. ________ The
relates force, mass, and sharp blade has a
the bread made it difference between
acceleration. __________ surface
difficult to cut. an object’s final
area, which exerts
position and its
9. She had a 5. This law states that for more __________. starting position.
__________ spot every action, there is an 9. When you squeeze a 9. ________ This type
for puppies and equal and opposite spring, the force that of force occurs
always stop reaction. resists being when objects are in
compressed is called physical contact
10. ped to pet them. _______s___ force. with each other,
10. The principle that such as friction or
11. His __________
states that when an tension.
approach to
object is in 10. ________ The rate
parenting left little
equilibrium, the sum at which an object’s
room for flexibility.
of the clockwise velocity changes
moments equals the over time.
sum of the
moments is called
the __________.

A. References
1. Teacher’s
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Learing Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning

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