Azure SQL Compatibility for EM MC
Azure SQL Compatibility for EM MC
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Create a new Personalization or Management Azure SQL Database .................................................................... 4
Create Server ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Set Firewall Rules ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Create Personalization and/or Management Center Database........................................................................... 5
Migrate an existing Personalization or Management Server Database to Azure SQL ........................................... 7
Prepare Personalization Database for Azure SQL .............................................................................................. 7
Uploading the Personalization or Management Server Database to Azure ........................................................ 7
Upgrades of existing Personalization and Management Server Azure SQL Databases .................................... 8
This document describes the steps for creating Ivanti Environment Manager Personalization Server and Ivanti
Management Center databases in Azure SQL. Since the design of the Azure portal changes regularly, no
screenshots have been included of the Azure portal web pages.
2. Locate the option to create a new SQL Server. It is not necessary to create a database - this will be done
by the Server Configuration Portal (SCP) on your Management Server or Personalization Server.
4. At the time of writing, the portal allows you to either proceed to create the server or choose additional
options. Note the options can be changed after creation of the server.
Deployment of the server will take a short time. The portal will indicate when it is complete.
2. At this point if your server is running from an allowed IP it is possible to test access using SSMS (SQL
Server Management Studio). From the Connect page specify the full URL of the server, SQL
authentication, and then test the connection. You should see a server with no databases defined.
• Configuration Account is the Azure SQL server administrator account – also as specified in step 3
of Create Server above),
Authentication type must be SQL.
• SQL Database Name will be created within Azure SQL by the SCP.
• Service Account should be an SQL account and will be created automatically.
Note that password complexity requirements will be enforced at the Azure end. A non-conforming
password will cause a failure of the database creation step.
• Once created the database will be listed as a Database Connection for any local or remote
3. The new database will now be visible on the Azure portal, and in SSMS (if required refresh the Databases
tab to update). New databases appear in the same resource group as the server and deleting the resource
group will delete all items within it.
ssms. This is important as otherwise obscure deployment errors may occur. It is not necessary to
uninstall previous versions of SSMS.
2. In the SSMS object explorer locate the local database to be migrated. If this is a Personalization Server
database, it must have been prepared as described above (steps 1 to 3).
3. Right-click and select Tasks > Deploy database to Microsoft SQL Azure database.
4. When prompted for your server connection add your Azure SQL Server instance.
5. Complete the Wizard with default preferences. The database will now be present in Azure and available
for connections.
6. The migrated databases can be connected to via the SCP.
In the case of migrated Management Server databases where an SQL service account was previously
used when connecting, a new service account (i.e. an account with a different name) should now be
7. In some cases, it may be necessary to re-add the Personalization Server to the default site after
migration achieved using the console.