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Azure SQL Compatibility for EM MC

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Azure SQL Compatibility for EM MC

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Azure SQL Compatibility for Environment

Manager & Management Center

Version 2020.2
Azure SQL Compatibility for Environment Manager & Management Center - Version 2020.2

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Create a new Personalization or Management Azure SQL Database .................................................................... 4
Create Server ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Set Firewall Rules ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Create Personalization and/or Management Center Database........................................................................... 5
Migrate an existing Personalization or Management Server Database to Azure SQL ........................................... 7
Prepare Personalization Database for Azure SQL .............................................................................................. 7
Uploading the Personalization or Management Server Database to Azure ........................................................ 7
Upgrades of existing Personalization and Management Server Azure SQL Databases .................................... 8

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Azure SQL Compatibility for Environment Manager & Management Center - Version 2020.2

This document describes the steps for creating Ivanti Environment Manager Personalization Server and Ivanti
Management Center databases in Azure SQL. Since the design of the Azure portal changes regularly, no
screenshots have been included of the Azure portal web pages.

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Create a new Personalization or Management Azure SQL

Create Server
1. Navigate to the Azure portal on your web browser. This is usually portal.azure.com. Log in if necessary.

2. Locate the option to create a new SQL Server. It is not necessary to create a database - this will be done
by the Server Configuration Portal (SCP) on your Management Server or Personalization Server.

3. Click Create SQL server button (or equivalent).

Before progressing the server creation further, ensure field values are correct:
 It is recommended that the server is created in a new resource group to enable easier
cleanup later.
 Your server name will form the URL (e.g. myservername.database.windows.net). The
portal will prompt you if your supplied name is not unique.
Add and record the administrator credentials (your browser may save the password for you).

4. At the time of writing, the portal allows you to either proceed to create the server or choose additional
options. Note the options can be changed after creation of the server.

Deployment of the server will take a short time. The portal will indicate when it is complete.

Set Firewall Rules

1. To access the server, it is necessary to set firewall rules. For access from your premises, an IP range can
be entered. The portal provides the option Add client IP, which conveniently adds the IP from which you
are accessing the portal. If access is required from servers running in Azure VMs, the option Allow Azure
services and resources to access this server (or similar) should be selected.

2. At this point if your server is running from an allowed IP it is possible to test access using SSMS (SQL
Server Management Studio). From the Connect page specify the full URL of the server, SQL
authentication, and then test the connection. You should see a server with no databases defined.

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Create Personalization and/or Management Center Database

1. Navigate to your User Workspace Manager Management Server and launch the SCP. Click
Personalization Databases or Management Databases and then click Create New.

2. Enter details for your database as follows:

• Friendly Name is the connection name used to identify the connection on the server pages.
• Server Name is the Azure SQL server name as specified when connecting via SMSS (see step 3 in
Create Server above).

• Configuration Account is the Azure SQL server administrator account – also as specified in step 3
of Create Server above),
Authentication type must be SQL.

• SQL Database Name will be created within Azure SQL by the SCP.
• Service Account should be an SQL account and will be created automatically.
Note that password complexity requirements will be enforced at the Azure end. A non-conforming
password will cause a failure of the database creation step.

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• Once created the database will be listed as a Database Connection for any local or remote

3. The new database will now be visible on the Azure portal, and in SSMS (if required refresh the Databases
tab to update). New databases appear in the same resource group as the server and deleting the resource
group will delete all items within it.

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Migrate an existing Personalization or Management Server

Database to Azure SQL
To migrate and upgrade an existing Personalization Server database to Azure it must be modified by a script
and then migrated by means of SSMS.
Note that Management Server databases do not require preparation before migration. Follow the process from
step 4 below.

Prepare Personalization Database for Azure SQL

1. If you are using an existing database which needs to be preserved, back it up and restore the backup to
a new database for migration.
Databases with SQL Merge Replication or GeoSync enabled cannot be converted for Azure - these
features must be disabled first.
Note that it is not possible to copy a merge-replicated database and disable replication on the copy, as
some replication artifacts are not cleaned up.
2. The Personalization Server database must have a schema version of 10.1.133 or later. This
corresponds to software version 10.1 FR3. If the existing database is earlier than that, it needs to be
upgraded by installing a 10.1 FR3 or later version of the Personalization Server and then upgrading
through the SCP.
3. The database is prepared for Azure by running the PrepareForAzure.sql script shipped with the User
Workspace Manager suite release media. By default, the script required will be extracted to the
following location on your User Workspace Manager Personalization Server:
C:\Program Files\AppSense\Environment Manager\Personalization Server\Support\Scripts
To run this script through SSMS enable SQLCMD mode (accessed via the Query menu).
The script performs the following:
a. Removes the ArchiveData filegroup - Azure SQL only supports a single file group. If the
database contains archive data, this can take a considerable amount of time. Progress can be
monitored via the Message tab in SSMS.
b. Removes the SQL Message Broker objects if any exist. The objects are used by the fixed part
of GeoSync - in some Personalization Server versions these are present regardless of whether
the GeoSync feature was enabled and are not supported in Azure SQL.
c. Removes users in the AuthorizedUsers table.
d. Removes non-contained database users.

Uploading the Personalization or Management Server Database to Azure

1. Ensure you have the latest version of SSMS as this has the Azure connectivity features. SSMS can be
downloaded from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/download-sql-server-management-studio-

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ssms. This is important as otherwise obscure deployment errors may occur. It is not necessary to
uninstall previous versions of SSMS.
2. In the SSMS object explorer locate the local database to be migrated. If this is a Personalization Server
database, it must have been prepared as described above (steps 1 to 3).
3. Right-click and select Tasks > Deploy database to Microsoft SQL Azure database.
4. When prompted for your server connection add your Azure SQL Server instance.
5. Complete the Wizard with default preferences. The database will now be present in Azure and available
for connections.
6. The migrated databases can be connected to via the SCP.
In the case of migrated Management Server databases where an SQL service account was previously
used when connecting, a new service account (i.e. an account with a different name) should now be
7. In some cases, it may be necessary to re-add the Personalization Server to the default site after
migration achieved using the console.

Upgrades of existing Personalization and Management Server Azure SQL Databases

Upgrades can be handled from the SCP in the same way as on-premise databases. Note that the machine
running the SCP and servers needs to have access to the Azure SQL instance by means of a server level
firewall rule (refer to Set Firewall Rules above).

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