Adaptiva Installation Guide
Adaptiva Installation Guide
Revision 1.01
Before Installation
The following sections detail architectural pre-requisites and recommendations for the deployment of
OneSite and Client Health into your environment. Details given are for the most common scenarios,
but other possibilities may exist. In general, the Keep It Simple Silly (KISS) philosophy should be used as
your guiding principal.
Database Location
The Adaptiva Server uses its own SQL Server database. This can be co-located with your
ConfigMgr DB in the same SQL Server instance, on the same SQL server in a different
instance, or on a completely different SQL Server. For simplicity, it is best to use the same
instance of SQL Server that ConfigMgr is using. Note that SQL server must be properly
licensed for whatever configuration that you choose.
Because the Adaptiva server uses a separate database, it is necessary to create a link between the
ConfigMgr database and the Adaptiva database to enable cross-database reporting. The Adaptiva
2. Adaptiva and ConfigMgr databases share same SQL Server but use separate instance: The Adaptiva
server setup will create two links, one in each instance linking to the other instance. The links will be
named using the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the SQL Server system hosting the default
instance or the instance name for a named instance; e.g., if the FQDN of the server is SQL-, and the default instance is used then the link in the other instance will
be named SQL-123. Likewise if the database is in an instance named
Instance1 on the SQL-123 server described earlier, then the link in the other instance will be named
3. Adaptiva and ConfigMgr databases hosted by separate SQL Servers: Links must be manually created
in each instance of SQL Server prior to installing the Adaptiva server. The linked server name on
ServerA must be the FQDN (with instance name if needed) of the other SQL Server, and vice versa.
Server setup will verify link existence and proper permissions before installation is successfully
completed. To create a link, follow the directions on MSDN at
us/library/ff772782.aspx ensuring that Collation Compatible is set to True.
(The above permissions can all be granted using T-SQL and GRANT SELECT.)
SQL Server, instance hosting Create DB
Adaptiva Server DB
SQL Server, Adaptiva Server db_datareader
DB db_datawriter
The GRANT EXECUTE permission also needs to be given to the account for
all stored procedures on the Adaptiva database.
Workstation Exceptions: For systems running the Adaptiva client, the following anti-virus exceptions
are recommended:
Table 2: Client Folder Exclusions
Description Folder Exclusion
Client Installation Default path on 32-bit systems: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adaptiva
Default path on 64-bit systems: C:\Program Files\Adaptiva
Adaptiva Content \AdaptivaCache (exists at the root of every fixed logical drive by default)
SCCM Cache Default SCCM 2007 path on 32-bit: C:\Windows\System32\CCM\Cache
Default SCCM 2007 path on 32-bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache
Default SCCM 2012 path: C:\Windows\CCMCache
1. There are two installers, depending on which operating system edition you have. Run
the AdaptivaServerSetup.exe executable to start the interactive installation on a 64-bit
operating system. The AdaptivaServerSetup32.exe installer is for installing on 32-bit
operating systems. The setup executable must be run with elevated privileges.
2. Accept the End-Use License Agreement.
3. Click Install
Installation Folder The local path where you want the server components installed.
Note that the internal content library (where OneSite stores all published packages)
will be in this folder by default so ensure the drive specified has adequate free space.
If you are upgrading from a 32-bit version of Adaptiva to a 64-bit version, you may
want to change the installation folder from Program Files(x86) to Program Files. If you
do this, and the content library is in the default location it will be automatically moved.
Email Address This will become the login ID for the Adaptiva Servers Superadmin.
Password The password for the Superadmin account.
Maximum Data Memory Buffer This value defines an internal buffer size in RAM for
the Adaptiva Servers exclusive use. On a 32-bit operating system this should be at
least 512MB. On a 64-bit OS it should be set to at least 2048MB.
Create an Add/Remove Programs Entry This creates an entry in Add/Remove
Programs (Windows Server 2003) or Programs and Features (Windows Server 2008
and later) enabling you to uninstall the Adaptiva server installation from there.
Add a Windows Firewall Exception Automatically adds local exceptions in the
Windows firewall for the default server ports (see table 2 in the Communication Ports
section above). Note that existing domain-based group policies that configure or
restrict Windows firewall rules or rule creation may prevent or override the client
agent installations creation of these firewall exceptions.
Machine Name The fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the ConfigMgr system
hosting the SMS Provider for the site you are installing the Adaptiva server for.
Site Code The three character site code specifying the ConfigMgr site code for the
site you are installing the Adaptiva server.
Use Adaptiva Servers Local System Account Leaving this option selected is the
simplest method of authentication for connecting to the ConfigMgr site database. If
the Adaptiva server is co-located with the SMS Provider, then no additional action
needs to be taken. A summary of necessary permissions and combinations of account
is listed in Table 5 below.
Machine Name This is the FQDN of the system hosting your sites database.
Database Name The database name for your sites database.
SQL Instance name The name of SQL Server instance hosting the site database.
SQL Login The account used to connect to SQL Server. Table 6 summarizes
permissions necessary. Note that disabling Windows Authentication and using a local
SQL Server account is not recommended.
Kerberos is the default authentication method, and is required for deployments where the
Adaptiva and SCCM databases are on separate SQL Servers. Make sure the Service Principal
Names (SPNs) are created properly in Active Directory. The guidelines in this article are
If separate SQL Servers will not be used for the Adaptiva and SCCM databases, NTLM
authentication can be used.
8. File System Access. On this page, specify credentials to access the local file system on the
Adaptiva server.
Clicking Next on this page will again take you to the SQL authentication dialog, this time for
authentication to the server that will host the Adaptiva database. After selecting the
authentication method and clicking OK, setup will immediately begin the server installation.
NOTE: The Adaptiva server provides a lot of flexibility allowing you to specify separate
accounts for Site, SQL and file system access. With this flexibility comes complexity though;
i.e., just because you can doesnt mean you should. In general, we always recommend that
you adhere to the Keep It Simple Silly philosophy and use the servers local SYSTEM account
for all activity just like ConfigMgr does. If you are unable to do this, use a single domain-based
service account for these three activities.
Setup will now proceed to install the Adaptiva server using the options specified.
The Adaptiva Workbench is the GUI for communicating with the Adaptiva Server and
performing configuration of OneSite and Client Health. The workbench can be installed on
any machine with network connectivity to the Adaptiva Server. It can also be installed on
as many machines as you would like. In most cases, it makes sense for Administrators to
install the workbench on their local machines.
To install the Adaptiva Workbench:
1. Run the AdaptivaWorkbenchSetup.exe executable to start the interactive installation.
2. Accept the End-Use License Agreement.
3. Installation Settings. On this page, enter the basic workbench installation information and click
Install; workbench installation will begin immediately after clicking Install.
Manual Installation
Use this method on a one-off basis during test, initial rollout or to supplement automatic deployment.
1. Run the AdaptivaClientSetup.exe application.
2. Accept the End User License Agreement.
3. Installation Settings. On this page, enter the following information. Pressing Install will
immediately begin installation.
Enable Wake On LAN Allows the client to be woken up using peer-to-peer WoL.
Add/Remove Programs Entry Adds an entry allowing for uninstallation of the client
agent from the Control Panel.
Add Windows Firewall Exception Adds exceptions to the local Windows Firewall for
the default client ports (see Table 3 for a list of these ports).
6. On the Source Directory page, choose the correct location type and enter or browse to the folder
created in step 1 and click Next.
The above procedure creates a package names Adaptiva AdaptivaClient <version> ALL. This package
contains three programs:
Clean Install Uninstalls the existing client installation and cleanly installs a new copy of the
InstallOrUpgrade Installs the Adaptiva client or upgrades the existing one in place.
Uninstall Uninstalls the Adaptiva client.
You can now advertise the desired program to the desired collections and systems in your
environment according to your organizations standards and practices.
Command-line Options
The following command-line options are available for use during a scripted install, a
manual install from the command-line or to create new programs in ConfigMgr.
Display Help
AdaptivaClientSetup -help
AdaptivaClientSetup -installorupgrade
AdaptivaClientSetup -uninstall
-help Shows available command-line options.
-cleaninstall Installs a fresh client, removing previous installation if any.
-installorupgrade Installs or upgrades the client as appropriate.
-uninstall Uninstalls the existing client.
Public Properties
The following MSI public properties are valid for the P2P client installer:
TARGETDIR The installation folder of the Adaptiva Client. By Default it is
%SystemDrive\Program Files\Adaptiva OR %SystemDrive%\Program
1: only FATAL errors are logged, but no other logging is done (this option is helpful if the client
system uses shared storage and you want minimal logging)
Configuration Manager
1. Place the P2P Client Installation MSI in a dedicated folder in your ConfigMgr source repository.
2. Create a new ConfigMgr package using the New -> Package option browsing to the dedicated
directory used in step 1 when prompted during the wizard for the source file location. Accept
all other default values or configure as desired for your environment.
3. Create two programs using the New Program Wizard launched by right-clicking the Programs
node under the newly created package and selecting New -> Program having the below
command-lines, running Whether or not a user is logged on, and checking the Suppress
program notification option (if desired) all other default options in the wizard are
msiexec /I AdaptivaP2PClientInstaller.msi /q
msiexec /I AdaptivaP2PClientInstaller.msi /q
Note that this command line uninstalls any version of the Adaptiva client. Using
the normal Windows Installer uninstall parameter (/x) only uninstalls the
version of the Adaptiva client corresponding to the version of the MSI the MSI
packaged with each version of the product is specific to that client version of the
Group Policy
To set or customize the properties specified above, you must create a Microsoft Transform (MST). A
variety of tools are available that you can use for this. Orca is a free tool available from Microsoft and
is part of the Windows Installer SDK.
3. On the Modifications tab, add the MST created above by clicking the Add button.
4. Target the group policy appropriately.
Client Logs
For troubleshooting client installation or normal operation, all client logs are located in
For troubleshooting P2P MSI Client Installation, the log is named AdaptivaP2PClientSetup.log and is
located in AdaptivaP2PClient installer logs are created in %WINDIR%\AdaptivaSetuplogs\Client\.
To upgrade the components, run the corresponding setup executable for the new
version of the component on the appropriate system and choose the Upgrade option.
No further settings need to be specified. The current configuration and all settings will
be preserved.
The order of the upgrade is important and should follow the top-down methodology that upgrading
ConfigMgr also requires: Adaptiva Servers first, workbench next, and finally the clients.
Note that you can use the P2P Client MSI Installer to perform a client upgrade also as described above.
To completely remove Adaptiva OneSite or Client Health from your environment or
individual components, simply run the corresponding components setup executable and
select the Uninstall option. To run the uninstallation silently, run the corresponding
installation executable with a -uninstall switch on the command-line. Uninstallation
should be bottom-up starting with the clients, the workbench, and then the Adaptiva Server instances.
Note that you can use the P2P Client MSI Installer to perform a client uninstallation also as described
Adaptiva products are fully supported by Adaptivas world-class support staff during your
evaluation process and post sales. We promise quick resolution ensuring that the product
performs flawlessly in your environment. When requesting support, please have the
following information present in the message:
1. A detailed description of the problem including:
a. Expected behavior
If you are experiencing trouble installing the product components, please include the following log
If you are experiencing trouble running product component, please include the following log files:
For live assistance, 24x7
Phone 425.823.4500, option 4 (WA, USA) or toll-free at 855.378.5222
Copyright 2011-2012, Adaptiva, Inc. All rights reserved.