1. Two identical capacitors are joined in parallel, 3. A circular tube of radius R and cross-sectional
charged to a potential V, separated, and then radius r (r << R) is filled completely with iron
connected in series, that is, the positive plate balls of radius r. Iron balls are just fitting
of one is connected to the negative plate of the into the tube. The tension in the tube when it
other. Then is rotated about its axis perpendicular to its
(a) the charge on the plates connected plane with angular velocity w is
together is destroyed. 4 4
(a) prw 2 r 3 R (b) prw 2 r 2 R 2
(b) the charge on free plates is enhanced. 3 3
(c) the energy stored in the system increases.
2 2
(d) the potential difference between the free (c) prw 2 r 3 R (d) prw 2 r 2 R 2
plates is 2 V. 3 3
2. Three blocks are arranged as shown in which 4. A solid sphere of iron at 2°C is lying at the
ABCD is a horizontal plane. Strings are mass- bottom of a bucket full of water at 2°C. If the
less and both pulleys stand vertical while the temperature of the water is increased to 3°C,
strings connecting blocks m1 and m2 are also the buoyant force on the sphere due to water
vertical and are perpendicular to faces AB will
and BC, which are mutually perpendicular to (a) increase.
each other. If m1 and m2 are 3 kg and 4 kg,
(b) remain unchanged.
respectively, coefficient of friction between
the block m3 = 10 kg, and surface is m = 0.6, (c) decrease.
then the frictional force on m3 is (d) increase or decrease; it depends upon the
D C numerical values of coefficient of expan-
sion of water and iron..
5. The coefficient of thermal expansion of a rod
is temperature dependent and is given by the
formula a = a T, where a is a positive constant
and T in °C. If the length of the rod is l at tem-
perature 0°C, then the temperature at which
(a) 30 N (b) 40 N (c) 50 N (d) 60 N the length will be 2l is
Test Paper 4 | P-183
7. A particle is moving on x-axis has potential The resistance offered by the shell is equal to
energy U = 2 − 20x + 5x2 Joules along x- axis. (a) 5p × 10−12 Ω (b) 2.5 × 10−11 Ω
The particle is released at x = −3. The maxi- −12
(c) 5 × 10 Ω (d) 5 × 10−11 Ω
mum value of x will be [x is in meters and U
is in Joules] 11. If a quantity x is defined by the equation x =
(a) 5 m (b) 3 m (c) 7 m (d) 8 m 3CB2, where C is capacitance in farad and B
represents magnetic field in tesla. The dimen-
8. At t = 0, a transverse wave pulse travelling in sions of x are
the positive x direction with a speed of 2 m/s (a) ML−2 (b) ML−2T−2A
6 (c) ML−2T−2A2 (d) L−1A−1
in a wire is described by the function y = 2 ,
given that x ≠ 0. Transverse velocity of a par- 12. The significance of self-inductance L is the
ticle at x = 2 m and t = 2 s is same as of that of ........ in the linear motion.
(a) 3 m/s (b) −3 m/s (a) mass (b) velocity
(c) 8 m/s (d) −8 m/s (c) acceleration (d) displacement
9. A square loop of side ℓ having uniform lin- 13. A transformer is used to light 140 watt 24 volt
ear charge density l is placed in xy plane as lamp from 240 volt AC mains, the current in
shown in the figure. There is a non-uniform the main cable is 0.7 amp. The efficiency of
a the transformer is
electric field E = ( x + ℓ)i where a is a con-
ℓ (a) 63.8% (b) 84%
stant. Find the resultant electric force in µN
(c) 83.3% (d) 48%
on the loop if ℓ = 10 cm, a = 2 N/C and charge
density l = 2 µC/m. 14. If e0 and m0 represent the permittivity and per-
y meability of vacuum and e and m represent the
permittivity and permeability of the medium,
then refractive index of the medium is given by
m0 e 0 me
A D (a) (b)
x me m0 e 0
l l
(a) (1) and (3) (b) (2) and (3) (a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV
(c) (1) and (2) (d) all three 21. The geometric length of a bar magnet is 24
17. The count rate of activity of a radioactive cm. The length of the magnet is
sample of a very large population decreased (a) 24 cm (b) 28.8 cm
from 1024 to 128 in 3 min. Then the rate of (c) 20 cm (d) none of these
disintegration at the end of 5 min is
22. A specimen of iron of permeability 8 × 10−3
(a) 96 (b) 64 (c) 48 (d) 32
wb/amp × m is placed in a magnetic field of
18. A radioactive material of half-life T was pro- strength 160 amp/m. Then magnetic induction
duced in a nuclear reactor at different instants. in this iron is
The quantity produced second time was twice (a) 20 × 103 wb/m2 (b) 1.28 wb/m2
of that produced first time. If now their pres- (c) 5 × 10−5 wb/m2 (d) 0.8 wb/m2
ent activities are A1 and A2, respectively, then
their age difference equals 23. Two masses of 1 g and 4 g are moving with
equal kinetic energies. The ratio of the magni-
T 2A A1 tudes of their momenta is
(a) ln 1 (b) T ln
ln 2 A2 A2 (a) 4:1 (b) 2 :1 (c) 1:2 (d) 1:16
Test Paper 4 | P-185
24. Two planets A and B travel counter clockwise (a) equilibrium will be maintained only if r <
in circular orbits around a fixed star. The radii r W.
of their orbits are in the ratio 1:4. At some (b) equilibrium will be maintained only if r ≤
time, they are aligned as shown in the figure, r W.
making a straight line with the star. After a
(c) equilibrium will be maintained for all
certain time, planet A comes back to its initial
relations between r and rW.
position, completing one full circle around the
star. In the same time, angular displacement (d) equilibrium will not be maintained in all
of the planet B is these cases.
i f1
| Test
1, 2
(a) (c) 2
Distance Distance
(b) 1 (d) 1, 2
Distance Distance
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (d)
11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (d) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (a)
21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (d) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (c) 29. (d) 30. (c)
1. Since only one plate of each capacitor is buoyant force on sphere due to water shall
joined but the other plates remain free, hence, increase.
there is no flow of charge. Thus, potential dif-
5. As dℓ = a ℓ dT
ference across each capacitor remains V and
2ℓ T
total potential difference is 2 V. dℓ
∴ ∫ ℓ
= a∫ TdT
2. Net force on m3 = (30) 2 + ( 40) 2 = 50 N ℓ 0
B C R R0 e − lt R
R = R0 e − lt , = = 0 = l = constant
N N 0 e − lt N 0
A D 3 min
x A 128 1 1 1 T
l l 17. = = = =
A0 1024 8 2 2
E at CD = ( 2ℓ + ℓ) = 3a ⇒ T = 1 min
ℓ 5
∴ F on CD = 3alℓ 1 1 A 1024
A′ = A0 = 0 = = 32
On BC and AD electric field is non-uniform, 2 32 32
where x is not constant. But on BC and AD,
the electric field will have the same type of 18. A1 = l N 0 e − lt1
1 lN0
⇒ t1 = ℓn
l A1
∴ FAD = FBC = ∫ ( l dx ) ⋅ ( x + ℓ)
A2 = l ( 2 N 0 )e − lt2
al x 2 al 3ℓ 2 5
= + ℓx = + ℓ 2 = al ℓ
so t1 − t 2 =
ln 2
ℓ 2 ℓ ℓ 2 2
ln 2 2 A1
∴ Total force on the loop = 2alℓ + 3alℓ + 2 19. It is the truth table of a NAND gate.
5 20. Note that Zener diode is in parallel to load
2alℓ 3alℓ + 2 alℓ = 10 aℓl
2 resistance and is connected in reverse bias.
Using values F = 4 x 10−6 N 5 5
21. ℓ = L = × 24 = 20 cm
1 t 6 6
10. R= ⋅ 22. m = 8 × 10−3, H = 160, B = mH = 1.28 wb/m2
s 4p R 2
Using values R = 5 × 10−11 Ω 23. P = 2 Km or P∝ m
| Test
m1 1 The phase difference between interfering
Since =
m2 4 waves at P is
2p 2p 2p
= ∆f = ( S2 P − S1 P ) = (5 − 4 ) =
P1 1 l 3 3
∴ =
P2 2
∴ Resultant intensity at P = I 0 + 4 I 0 + 2 I 0 0 =
24. T ∝r
2 3
3/ 2 4 I + 2 I 0 4 I 0 cos = 3I 0
TA rA 1 3
So, = =
TB rB 8
29. The angular displacement of the particle in
As angular displacement of A is 360°, angular
t = 1 s is
displacement of B will be = 45°.
8 V
25. K=
3(1 − 2s )
7 × 10
or 11 × 1010 =
3(1 − 2s ) v 3p
q =wt t=
7 R 2
or = 1 − 2s ∴ The magnitude of impulse by centripetal
force in t = 1 s is
26 = change in momentum
or 2s = 1 − 3, s = = 0.9
= 2 mv = 3 2p Ns
26. If f0 is frequency of source, then in ∆t time,
it sends N = f0∆t waves. These are now con- 30. Since electric field lines point in the direction
tained in distance (V + Uw)∆t. of decreasing electric potential, the potential
(V + U w ) ∆t V + U w (V + U w ) decreases as one travels from initial point to
Thus, l ′ = = = l0 final point on each line. Since the electric field
f 0 ∆t f0 V
is uniform and in the x-direction, equipoten-
27. As long as r ≤ rW, pressure at the bottom of tial lines will be perpendicular to the x-axis.
the pan would be same everywhere, according Therefore, since the final position of each line
to the Pascal’s law. has the same x-coordinate, each will have the
330 same final potential. Plot (c) best describes
28. The wavelength of sound source = = 3 m.
110 this situation.