Research Paper Rubric Name

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Research Paper Rubric

Category Exceeds Standard

Meets Standard Nearly Meets Standard

Date_______________ Period______
No Evidence Score and comments

Does not meet Standard

MLA Page Format

Student has done the MLA format perfectly without any flaws. Clearly and concisely states the papers purpose in a single sentence, which is engaging, and thought provoking. The introduction is engaging, states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper. Each paragraph has thoughtful supporting detail sentences that develop the main idea. Clear presentation of arguments and counter arguments; strong persuasion and use of satire. Writer demonstrates logical and subtle sequencing of ideas through welldeveloped paragraphs; transitions are used to enhance organizations. 4-6 pages The conclusion is engaging and restates the thesis. The writer also offers possible solutions; and makes conclusions regarding the issue. No errors in punctuation, capitalization, and spelling No errors sentence structure and word usage. All cited works in the text are done in the correct format with no errors. Citations match Works Cited. Done in correct format with no errors.

Thesis Statement

Student has completed MLA Page format. Few errors that do not district from the paper. Clearly states the papers purpose in a single sentence.

Student attempted MLA format, but there are more than 3 errors noted. States the papers purpose but is a bit vague and not interesting. The introduction states the main topic but does not adequately preview the structure of the paper. Each paragraph lacks clear supporting details. Weak presentation of arguments and counter arguments; Little use of persuasion and satire. Logical organization; organization of ideas not fully developed. Does not meet page requirement.

MLA format does not even match at all Incomplete and unfocused thesis statement.

Absent; no evidence.

Absent; no evidence.

Introduction Section

The introduction states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper. Each paragraph has sufficient supporting detail sentences that develop the main idea. Somewhat clear presentation of arguments and counter arguments; moderate use of persuasion and use of satire. Paragraph development present but not perfect. 4-6 pages

Body Section

There is no clear introduction or main topic and the structure of the paper is missing. Each paragraph lacks supporting details.

Absent; no evidence

Each paragraph fails to develop the main idea. No persuasion portion. No satirical portion.

Organizational Structure/ Development of Idea

No evidence of structure or organization. Does not meet page requirement.

Not applicable.


The conclusion restates the thesis. Vague concluding comments are offered.

The conclusion does not adequately restate the thesis. There are loose ends.

The conclusion is incomplete and unfocused.

Absent; no evidence of a conclusion.

Mechanics Usage Parenthetical Citation

Almost no errors in punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. Almost no errors in sentence structure and word usage. Some cited works are done in the correct format. Inconsistencies are evident. Citations match Works Cited. Done in correct format with few errors. At least 4 sources are used.

Many errors in punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. Many errors in sentence structure and word usage. Few cited works are done in the correct format. Most citations do not match works cited. Done in the correct format with some errors.

Numerous and distracting errors in punctuation, capitalization, spelling. Numerous and distracting errors in sentence structure and word usage. No parenthetical citation evident.

Works Cited Page

Done in correct format with many errors.

No works cited.

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