3.Intensity transformation

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Course Title: DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (DIP) Course Code: 23MCA32


Domain: It is the field or area with a range of values

The spatial domain methods:

1. Image enhancement methods
2. Frequency domain methods

Intensity: In image processing, intensity is the amount of light or the numerical value of a pixel
in an image. It is also known as the gray level of an image

Spatial Domain: The spatial domain in image processing refers to the visible image space and
the methods that directly manipulate the pixels of an image

Two principal categories of spatial processing are:

1. Intensity transformations: Intensity transformations operate on single pixels of an
image for tasks such as contrast manipulation and image thresholding
2. Spatial filtering: Spatial filtering performs operations on the neighborhood of every
pixel in an image.
Examples: Image smoothing and Sharpening

 Spatial domain techniques operate directly on the pixels of an image

 In frequency domain the operations are performed on the Fourier transform of an image,
rather than on the image itself.


The spatial domain processes can be defined by using the expression

g(x,y)=T[f(x,y)] Eqn. (1)


f(x,y) : Input image

g(x,y):output image

T: T is an operator on f defined over a neighborhood of point (x, y).

The operator can be applied to the pixels of a single image or to the pixels of a set of images,
such as performing the elementwise sum of a sequence of images for noise reduction

1 Digital Image Processing, Prof. S.C. Bangargi FOCA, MCA, SUK

The basic implementation on a single image. The point (x0 , y0 ) shown is an arbitrary location in
the image, and the small region shown is a neighborhood of (x0 , y0 ), the neighborhood is
rectangular, centered on (x0 , y0 ), and much smaller in size than the image.

FIGURE: A 3X3 neighborhood about a point (x0 , y0 ) in an image.

The process in the above figure consists of moving the center of the neighborhood from pixel to
pixel, and applying the operator T to the pixels in the neighborhood to yield an output value at
that location. Thus, for any specific location (x0 , y0 ), the value of the output image g at those
coordinates is equal to the result of applying T to the neighborhood with origin at (x0 , y0 ) in f.

For example, suppose that the neighborhood is a square of size 3 X 3 and that operator T is
defined as compute the average intensity of the pixels in the neighborhood.” Consider an
arbitrary location in an image, say (100,150). The result at that location in the output image,
g(100,150), is the sum of f (100,150) and its 8-neighbors, divided by 9.

The center of the neighborhood is then moved to the next adjacent location and the procedure is
repeated to generate the next value of the output image g. Typically, the process starts at the top
left of the input image and proceeds pixel by pixel in a horizontal (vertical) scan, one row
(column) at a time.

The smallest possible neighborhood is of size 1 × 1. In this case, g depends only on the value of f
at a single point (x, y) and T

Eq. (3-1) becomes an intensity (also called a gray-level, or mapping) transformation function of
the form

s = T(r) where s:g(x,y) r:f(x,y)

If T(r) has the form of the given below figure (a) the result of applying the transformation to
every pixel in f to generate the corresponding pixels in g would be to produce an image of higher
contrast than the original, by darkening the intensity levels below k and brightening the levels
above k. In this technique, sometimes called contrast stretching (see Section 3.2), values of r
lower than k reduce (darken) the values of s, toward black. The opposite is true for values of r
higher than k. Observe how an intensity value r0 is mapped to obtain the corresponding value s0.

2 Digital Image Processing, Prof. S.C. Bangargi FOCA, MCA, SUK

In the given below Figure (b) T(r) produces a two level (binary) image. A mapping of this form
is called a thresholding function. Some fairly simple yet powerful processing approaches can be
formulated with intensity transformation functions.

FIGURE : Intensity transformation functions. (a) Contrast stretching function.(b) Thresholding


3 Digital Image Processing, Prof. S.C. Bangargi FOCA, MCA, SUK

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