AD CS Migration 2008 R2
AD CS Migration 2008 R2
AD CS Migration 2008 R2
This white paper discusses the planning and implementation of a migration from an existing Windows public key infrastructure (PKI) to Windows Server 2008 R2. It describes common migration scenarios, identifies features and scenarios that are supported and recommended, and provides step-by-step instructions for the most common tasks.
Copyright Information
This document is provided for informational purposes only and Microsoft makes no warranties, either express or implied, in this document. Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. The entire risk of the use or the results from the use of this document remains with the user. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Active Directory, Hyper-V, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, and Windows Vista are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Active Directory Certificate Services Migration Guide ..................................................................... 5 About this guide............................................................................................................................ 5 Target audience ........................................................................................................................ 5 Supported migration scenarios .................................................................................................... 5 Supported operating systems ................................................................................................... 6 What this guide does not provide ................................................................................................. 6 CA migration overview ................................................................................................................. 7 Preparing to migrate ................................................................................................................. 7 Migrating the certification authority ........................................................................................... 7 Verifying the migration .............................................................................................................. 7 Post-migration tasks ................................................................................................................. 7 Impact of migration ....................................................................................................................... 7 Impact of migration on the source server ................................................................................. 7 Impact of migration on other computers in the enterprise ........................................................ 8 Permissions required to complete the migration .......................................................................... 8 Estimated duration ....................................................................................................................... 8 See also ....................................................................................................................................... 8 AD CS Migration: Preparing to Migrate ........................................................................................... 8 Preparing your destination server ................................................................................................ 9 Hardware requirements for the destination server ................................................................... 9 Hardware requirements for AD CS in Windows Server 2008 R2 ............................................. 9 Software requirements for the destination server ..................................................................... 9 Installing Windows Server 2008 R2 ........................................................................................ 10 Backing up your source server ................................................................................................... 11 Preparing your source server ..................................................................................................... 11 Backing up a CA templates list ............................................................................................... 11 Recording a CA's signature algorithm and CSP ..................................................................... 12 Publishing a CRL with an extended validity period ................................................................. 12 Next steps .................................................................................................................................. 13 See also ..................................................................................................................................... 13 AD CS Migration: Migrating the Certification Authority.................................................................. 13 Backing up a CA database and private key ............................................................................... 14 Backing up a CA database and private key by using the Certification Authority snap-in ....... 14 Backing up a CA database and private key by using Certutil.exe .......................................... 15 Backing up CA registry settings ................................................................................................. 16 Backing up CAPolicy.inf ............................................................................................................. 17 Removing the CA role service from the source server .............................................................. 17 Removing the source server from the domain ........................................................................... 18
Joining the destination server to the domain ............................................................................. 18 Adding the CA role service to the destination server ................................................................. 19 Special instructions for migrating to a failover cluster ............................................................ 20 Importing the CA certificate .................................................................................................... 20 Adding the CA role service by using Server Manager ............................................................ 21 Adding the CA role service by using SetupCA.vbs ................................................................. 22 Restoring the CA database and configuration on the destination server................................... 23 Restoring the source CA database on the destination server ................................................ 23 Restoring the source CA registry settings on the destination server ...................................... 24 Verifying certificate extensions on the destination CA ............................................................ 28 Restoring the certificate templates list .................................................................................... 29 Granting permissions on AIA and CDP containers .................................................................... 29 Additional procedures for failover clustering .............................................................................. 30 Granting permissions on public key containers ...................................................................... 31 Editing the DNS name for a clustered CA in AD DS .............................................................. 32 Configuring CRL distribution points for failover clusters ......................................................... 33 Next steps .................................................................................................................................. 34 See also ..................................................................................................................................... 34 AD CS Migration: Verifying the Migration ...................................................................................... 34 Verifying certificate enrollment ................................................................................................... 34 Verifying CRL publishing ............................................................................................................ 36 Next steps .................................................................................................................................. 37 See also ..................................................................................................................................... 37 AD CS Migration: Post-Migration Tasks ........................................................................................ 37 Upgrading certificate templates in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) ........................ 37 Retrieving certificates after a host name change ....................................................................... 38 Restoring Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) to the source server in the event of migration failure ...................................................................................................................... 39 Troubleshooting migration .......................................................................................................... 39 See also ..................................................................................................................................... 40 AD CS Migration: Appendix A ....................................................................................................... 40 SetupCA.vbs .............................................................................................................................. 40 See also ..................................................................................................................................... 80
Target audience
Administrators or IT operations engineers responsible for planning and performing CA migration to Windows Server 2008 R2. Administrators or IT operations engineers responsible for the day-to-day management and troubleshooting of networks, servers, client computers, operating systems, or applications. IT operations managers accountable for network and server management. IT architects responsible for computer management and security throughout an organization.
x86-based or x64based
Windows Server 2008 R2, both full and Server Core installation options Windows Server 2008 R2, both full and Server Core installation options Windows Server 2008 R2, both full and Server Core installation options Windows Server 2008 R2, both full and Server Core installation options
x86-based or x64based
x86-based or x64based
In general, migration is not required for the following AD CS role services. Instead, you can install and configure these role services on computers running Windows Server 2008 R2 by completing the role service installation procedures. For information about the impact of CA migration on other AD CS role services, see Impact of migration on other computers in the enterprise. CA Web Enrollment ( Online Responder ( Network Device Enrollment ( Certificate Enrollment Web Services (
CA migration overview
Preparing to migrate
Preparing your destination server Backing up your source server Preparing your source server
Post-migration tasks
Upgrading certificate templates in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Retrieving certificates after a host name change Restoring Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) to the source server in the event of migration failure Troubleshooting migration
Impact of migration
Impact of migration on the source server
The CA migration procedures described in this guide include decommissioning the source server after migration is completed and CA functionality on the destination server has been verified. If the source server is not decommissioned, then the source server and destination server must
have different names. Additional steps are required to update the CA configuration on the destination server if the name of the destination server is different from the name of the source server.
Estimated duration
The simplest CA migration can typically be completed within one to two hours. The actual duration of CA migration depends on the number of CAs and the sizes of CA databases.
See also
AD CS Migration: Preparing to Migrate AD CS Migration: Migrating the Certification Authority AD CS Migration: Verifying the Migration AD CS Migration: Post-Migration Tasks AD CS Migration: Appendix A
Preparing your destination server Backing up your source server Preparing your source server
Windows Server 2008 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2003 R2 Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2 (SP2) Windows Server 2003 with SP1 Windows Server 2003 Note Domain controllers running Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 4 (SP4) or Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 3 (SP3) are technically compatible with AD CS deployments. However, the use of Windows 2000 Server is not recommended because Mainstream Support is no longer available for this operating system. For more information, see Microsoft Support Lifecycle (
If an HSM is used by the CA, consult your HSM vendor to verify cryptographic service provider (CSP) and key service provider (KSP) compatibility with Windows Server 2008 R2.
If you are migrating to a Server Core installation you should configure the server for remote management, which is disabled by default. Configure remote management on Server Core 1. Log on as an administrator. 2. Type sconfig.cmd and press ENTER. 3. Perform the following tasks by completing the procedures described in Configuring a Server Core installation of Windows Server 2008 R2 with Sconfig.cmd: a. Configure network settings as required for your environment.
b. Join the server to your domain. This step is required if you are setting up an enterprise CA and optional if you are setting up a standalone CA. c. Configure Remote Management to enable MMC Remote Management or Server Manager Remote Management.
d. Enable Remote Desktop (optional). 4. Type 13 and press ENTER to close sconfig.cmd.
1. Log on with local administrative credentials to the CA computer. 2. Open the Certification Authority snap-in. 3. In the console tree, expand Certification Authority, and click Certificate Templates. 4. Record the list of certificate templates by taking a screen shot or by typing the list into a text file. To record a CA templates list by using Certutil.exe 1. Log on with local administrative credentials to the CA computer. 2. Open a Command Prompt window. 3. Type certutil.exe catemplates > catemplates.txt and press ENTER. 4. Verify that the catemplates.txt file contains the templates list. Note If no certificate templates are assigned to the CA, the file contains an error message: 0x80070490 (Element not found).
By default, the CRL validity period is equal to the CRL publishing period plus 10 percent. After determining an appropriate CRL validity period, set the CRL publishing interval and manually publish the CRL by completing the following procedures: Important Record the value of the CRL publishing period before changing it. After migration is complete, the CRL publishing period should be reset to its previous value. Schedule the publication of the certificate revocation list Manually publish the certificate revocation list Caution Client computers download a new CRL only after the validity period of a locally cached CRL expires. Therefore, you should not use a CRL validity period that is excessively long.
Next steps
After completing the procedures to prepare the source and destination servers, you should review the topic AD CS Migration: Migrating the Certification Authority and complete the procedures appropriate for your specific migration scenario.
See also
Active Directory Certificate Services Migration Guide AD CS Migration: Migrating the Certification Authority AD CS Migration: Verifying the Migration AD CS Migration: Post-Migration Tasks AD CS Migration: Appendix A
Adding the CA role service to the destination server Restoring the CA database and configuration on the destination server Granting permissions on AIA and CDP containers Additional procedures for failover clustering (optional)
Backing up a CA database and private key by using the Certification Authority snap-in
The following procedure describes the steps to back up the CA database and private key by using the Certification Authority snap-in while logged on to the source CA. You must use an account that is a CA administrator. On an enterprise CA, the default configuration for CA administrators includes the local Administrators group, the Enterprise Admins group, and the Domain Admins group. On a standalone CA, the default configuration for CA administrators includes the local Administrators group. To back up a CA database and private key by using the Certification Authority snap-in 1. Choose a backup location and attach media, if necessary. 2. Log on to the source CA. 3. Open the Certification Authority snap-in. 4. Right-click the node with the CA name, point to All Tasks, and then click Back Up CA. 5. On the Welcome page of the CA Backup wizard, click Next. 6. On the Items to Back Up page, select the Private key and CA certificate and Certificate database and certificate database log check boxes, specify the backup location, and then click Next. 7. On the Select a Password page, type a password to protect the CA private key, and
click Next. Security Use a strong password; for example, at least eight characters long with a combination of uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers, and punctuation characters. 8. On the Completing the Backup Wizard page, click Finish. 9. After the backup completes, verify the following files in the location you specified: CAName.p12 containing the CA certificate and private key Database folder containing files certbkxp.dat, edb#####.log, and CAName.edb
10. Open a Command Prompt window, and type net stop certsvc to stop the Active Directory Certificate Services service. Important The service should be stopped to prevent issuance of additional certificates. If certificates are issued by the source CA after a database backup is completed, repeat the CA database backup procedure to ensure the database backup contains all issued certificates. 11. Copy all backup files to a location that is accessible from the destination server; for example, a network share or removable media. Security The private key must be protected against compromise. Protect a shared folder by limiting its access control list to authorized CA administrators. Protect removable media against unauthorized access and damage.
BackupDirectory specifies the directory in which the backup files are created. The specified value can be a relative or absolute path. If the specified directory does not exist, it is created. The backup files are created in a subdirectory named Database. 5. Type a password at the prompt, and press ENTER. You must retain a copy of the password to access the key during CA installation on the destination server. Security Use a strong password; for example, at least eight characters with a combination of uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols. 6. Type net stop certsvc and press ENTER to stop the Active Directory Certificate Services service. The service must be stopped to prevent issuance of additional certificates. 7. After the backup completes, verify the following files in the location you specified: CAName.p12 containing the CA certificate and private key Database folder containing files certbkxp.dat, edb#####.log, and CAName.edb
8. Copy all backup files to a location that is accessible from the destination server; for example, a network share or removable media. Security The private key must be protected against compromise. Protect a shared folder by granting permission to only authorized CA administrators. Protect removable media against unauthorized access and damage.
example, a shared folder or removable media. To back up CA registry settings by using Reg.exe 1. Open a Command Prompt window. 2. Type reg export HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CertSvc\Configuration <output file.reg> and press ENTER. 3. Copy the registry file to a location that is accessible from the destination server; for example, a shared folder or removable media.
Backing up CAPolicy.inf
If your source CA is using a custom CAPolicy.inf file, you should copy the file to the same location as the source CA backup files. The CAPolicy.inf file is located in the %SystemRoot% directory, which is usually C:\Windows.
after migrating to the destination server interferes with the operation of the destination CA. To remove the CA on a computer running Windows Server 2003, use the Add/Remove Windows Components wizard. To remove the CA on a computer running Windows Server 2008, use the Remove Roles Wizard in Server Manager.
groups, or have delegated permissions to join the destination server to an organizational unit (OU) in the domain. Note If you are migrating a standalone CA that is not a domain member, complete only the steps to rename the destination server and do not join the destination server to the domain. To join the destination server to the domain by using Netdom.exe 1. On the destination server, open an elevated Command Prompt window. 2. Type netdom renamecomputer <computer name> /newname:<new computer name> 3. Restart the destination server. 4. After the destination server restarts, log on by using an account that has permission to join computers to the domain. 5. Open an elevated Command Prompt window, type netdom join <computer name> /d:<domain name> /ud:<domain user account> /pd:* [/ou:<OU name>] and press ENTER. For additional command-line options, see Netdom join syntax ( 6. Restart the destination server.
Clipboard, and then click OK. 10. Open a Command Prompt window, type certutil repairstore My "{Serialnumber}" and then press ENTER.
and log files. Note If you are migrating the CA to a failover cluster, the specified locations for database and log files must be on shared storage that is attached to all nodes. Because the location is common to cluster nodes, click Yes to overwrite the existing CA database as you add the CA role service to other nodes. Important If you specify locations that are different from the locations used on the source CA, then you must also edit the registry settings backup file before the CA is restored. If the locations specified during setup are different from the locations specified in the registry settings, the CA cannot start. 13. On the Confirm Installation Selections page, review the messages, and then click Install. 14. If you are migrating to a failover cluster, stop the Active Directory Certificate Services service (Certsvc) and HSM service if your CA uses an HSM. Then repeat the procedures to import the CA certificate and add the CA role service on other cluster nodes.
8. Type Cscript Setupca.vbs /IS /RC /SN "<Key Container Value>" Important To install a standalone CA, use /IS. To install an enterprise CA, use /IE. The value of <Key Container Name> is the value you copied in the previous step. 9. Type net stop certsvc and press ENTER. Warning If you plan to publish the CRL and authority information access extensions on the destination CA, install IIS 7 with the IIS 6.0 Metabase Compatibility role feature on the destination CA before you run SetupCA.vbs. Otherwise, the Enroll virtual directory is not created or configured by SetupCA.vbs. Alternatively, you can create and configure the Enroll virtual directory by running the command certutil vroot after installing IIS 7 with the IIS 6.0 Metabase Compatibility role feature.
To restore the CA database by using the Certification Authority snap-in 1. Log on to the destination server by using an account that is a CA administrator. 2. Start the Certification Authority snap-in. 3. Right-click the node with the CA name, point to All Tasks, and then click Restore CA. If prompted, click OK to stop the CA service. 4. On the Welcome page, click Next. 5. On the Items to Restore page, select Certificate database and certificate database log. 6. Click Browse, and locate the Database directory that contains the CA database files created during the CA database backup. Note Do not select the Database directory. Select its parent directory. 7. Type the password that you used to back up the CA database on the source CA. 8. Click Finish, and then click Yes to restart the CA service. To restore the CA database by using Certutil.exe 1. Log on to the destination server by using an account that is a CA administrator. 2. Open a Command Prompt window. 3. Type certutil.exe -f -restoredb <CA Database Backup Directory> and press ENTER. Note The value of <CA Database Backup Directory> is the parent directory of the Database directory. For example, if the CA database backup files are located in C:\Temp\Database, then the value of <CA Database Backup Directory> is C:\Temp.
the CA itself, whereas others are associated with the domain environment, the physical host, the Windows version, or other factors that may be different in the target system. A suggested way of performing the registry configuration import is first to open the registry file you exported from the source CA in a text editor and analyze it for settings that may need to be changed or removed. The following table shows the configuration parameters that should be transferred from the source CA to the target CA.
Registry location Configuration parameter
LDAPFlags DSConfigDN ForceTeletex CRLEditFlags CRLFlags InterfaceFlags (required only if has been changed manually) EnforceX500Nam eLengths SubjectTemplate ValidityPeriod ValidityPeriodUnit s KRACertHash KRACertCount KRAFlags CRLPublicationUR Ls CRLPeriod CRLPeriodUnits CRLOverlapPerio d CRLOverlapUnits CRLDeltaPeriod CRLDeltaPeriodU nits
Registry location
Configuration parameter
CRLDeltaOverlap Period CRLDeltaOverlap Units CACertPublication URLs (check for custom entries with hard-coded host names or other data specific to the source CA) CACertHash HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\currentcontrolset\services\certsvc\Config uration\CAname\ExitModules\CertificateAuthority_MicrosoftDefault.Exit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\currentcontrolset\services\certsvc\Config uration\CAname\PolicyModules\CertificateAuthority_MicrosoftDefault.Policy PublishCertFlags EnableRequestExt ensionList EnableEnrolleeRe questExtensionLis t DisableExtensionL ist SubjectAltName SubjectAltName2 RequestDispositio n EditFlags
To analyze the registry file 1. Right-click the .reg file created by exporting the settings from the source CA. 2. Click Edit to open the file in a text editor. 3. If the target CA's computer name is different from the source CA's computer name, search the file for the host name of the source CA computer. For each instance of the host name found, ensure that it is the appropriate value for the target environment. Change the host name, if necessary. Update the CAServerName value. Important If the host name is located in the .reg file as part of the CA name, such as in the
Active value within the Configuration key or the CommonName value within the CAName key, do not change the setting. The CA name must not be changed as part of the migration. This means the new target CA must have the old CA's name, even if part of that name is the old CA's host name. 4. Check any registry values that indicate local file paths, such as the following, to ensure drive letter names and paths are correct for the target CA. If there is a mismatch between the source and the target CA, either update the values in the file or remove them from the file so that the default settings are preserved on the target CA. These storage location settings are elected during CA setup. They exist under the Configuration registry key: DBDirectory DBLogDirectory DBSystemDirectory DBTempDirectory
The following settings under the Configuration\{CA Name} registry key contain, in their default values, a local path. (Alternatively, you can update these values after importing them by using the Certification Authority snap-in. The values are located on the CA properties Extensions tab.) CACertPublicationURLs CRLPublicationURLs
Any values not listed can retain the value data installed by default with the target CA. You can remove any registry values that you do not want to import into the target CA. Once the text file is edited, it can be imported into the target CA. By importing the source server registry settings backup into the destination server, the source CA configuration is migrated to the destination server. To import the source CA registry backup on the destination CA 1. Log on to the destination server as a member of the local Administrators group. 2. Open a Command Prompt window. 3. Type net stop certsvc and press ENTER. 4. Type reg import <Registry Settings Backup.reg> and press ENTER. To edit the CA registry settings 1. Click Start, type regedit.exe in the Search programs and files box, and press ENTER to open the Registry Editor. 2. In the console tree, locate the key
click Configuration. 3. In the details pane, double-click DBSessionCount. 4. Click Hexadecimal. In Value data, type 64, and then click OK.
5. Verify the locations specified in the following settings are correct for your destination server, and change them as needed to indicate the location of the CA database and log files. DBDirectory DBLogDirectory DBSystemDirectory DBTempDirectory Important Complete steps 6 through 8 only if the name of your destination server is different from the name of your source server. 6. In the console tree of the registry editor, expand Configuration, and click your CA name. 7. Modify the values of the following registry settings by replacing the source server name with the destination server name. Note In the following list, CACertFileName and ConfigurationDirectory values are created only when certain CA installation options are specified. If these two settings are not displayed, you can proceed to the next step. CAServerName CACertFileName ConfigurationDirectory This value should appear in Windows Registry under the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\CertSvc\Configuration.
Because many administrators configure extensions that are customized for their network environment, it is not possible to provide exact instructions for configuring CRL distribution point and authority information access extensions. Carefully review the configured locations and publishing options, and ensure that the extensions are correct according to your organization's requirements. To verify extensions by using the Certification Authority snap-in
1. Review and modify the CRL distribution point and authority information access extensions and publishing options by following example procedures described in Specify CRL Distribution Points ( 2. If the destination server name is different from the source server name, add an LDAP URL specifying a location that references the destination server's NetBIOS name with the substitution variable <ServerShortName>; for example
ldap:///CN=<CATruncatedName><CRLNameSuffix>,CN=<ServerShortName>,CN=CDP,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,<ConfigurationContainer><CDPObjectClass>.
7. Click the Security tab, and then click Add. 8. Click Object Types, click Computers, and then click OK. 9. Type the name of the destination server, and click OK. 10. In the Allow column, click Full Control, and click Apply. 11. If the source server object is displayed in Group or user names, click the name of the source server, then click Remove, and then click OK. 12. In the console tree, expand CDP, and then click the name of the source server. 13. In the details pane, right-click the cRLDistributionPoint item at the top of the list, and then click Properties. 14. Click the Security tab, and then click Add. 15. Click Object Types, click Computers, and then click OK. 16. Type the name of the destination server, and click OK. 17. In the Allow column, click Full Control, and click Apply. 18. If the source server object is displayed in Group or user names, click the name of the source server, then click Remove, and then click OK. 19. Repeat steps 13 through 18 for each cRLDistributionPoint item.
If you are migrating to a failover cluster, complete the following procedures to configure failover clustering for AD CS. To configure AD CS as a cluster resource 1. Click Start, point to Run, type Cluadmin.msc, and then click OK. 2. In the console tree of the Failover Cluster Management snap-in, click Services and Applications. 3. On the Action menu, click Configure a service or Application. If the Before you begin page appears, click Next.
4. In the list of services and applications, select Generic Service, and click Next. 5. In the list of services, select Active Directory Certificate Services, and click Next. 6. Specify a service name, and click Next. 7. Select the disk storage that is still mounted to the node, and click Next. 8. To configure a shared registry hive, click Add, type SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CertSvc, and then click OK. Click Next twice. 9. Click Finish to complete the failover configuration for AD CS. 10. In the console tree, double-click Services and Applications, and select the newly created clustered service. 11. In the details pane, click Generic Service. On the Action menu, click Properties. 12. Change Resource Name to Certification Authority, and click OK.
If you use a hardware security module (HSM) for your CA, complete the following procedure. To create a dependency between a CA and the network HSM service 1. Open the Failover Cluster Management snap-in. In the console tree, click Services and Applications. 2. In the details pane, select the previously created name of the clustered service. 3. On the Action menu, click Add a resource, and then click Generic Service. 4. In the list of available services displayed by the New Resource wizard, click the name of the service that was installed to connect to your network HSM. Click Next twice, and then click Finish. 5. Under Services and Applications in the console tree, click the name of the clustered services. 6. In the details pane, select the newly created Generic Service. On the Action menu, click Properties. 7. On the General tab, change the service name if desired, and click OK. Verify that the service is online. 8. In the details pane, select the service previously named Certification Authority. On the Action menu, click Properties. 9. On the Dependencies tab, click Insert, select the network HSM service from the list, and click OK.
To grant permissions on public key containers in AD DS 1. Log on to a domain member computer as a member of the Domain Admins group or Enterprise Admins group. 2. Click Start, point to Run, type dssite.msc, and then click OK. 3. In the console tree, click the top node. 4. On the View menu, click Show services node. 5. In the console tree, expand Services, then Public Key Services, and then click AIA. 6. In the details pane, right-click the name of the source CA, and then click Properties. 7. Click the Security tab, and then click Add. 8. Click Object Types, click Computers, and then click OK. 9. Type the computer account names of all cluster nodes, and click OK. 10. In the Allow column, select the Full Control check box next to each cluster node, and click OK. 11. In the console tree, click Enrollment Services. 12. In the details pane, right-click the name of the source CA, and then click Properties. 13. Click the Security tab, and then click Add. 14. Click Object Types, click Computers, and then click OK. 15. Type the computer account names of all cluster nodes, and click OK. 16. In the Allow column, select the Full Control check box next to each cluster node, and click OK. 17. In the console tree, click KRA. 18. In the details pane, right-click the name of the source CA, then click Properties. 19. Click the Security tab, and then click Add. 20. Click Object Types, click Computers, and then click OK. 21. Type the names of all cluster nodes, and click OK. 22. In the Allow column, select the Full Control check box next to each cluster node, and click OK.
1. Log on to the active cluster node as a member of the Enterprise Admins group. 2. Click Start, point to Run, type adsiedit.msc, and then click OK. 3. In the console tree, click ADSI Edit. 4. On the Action menu, click Connect to. 5. In the list of well-known naming contexts, click Configuration, and click OK. 6. In the console tree, expand Configuration, Services, and Public Key Services, and click Enrollment Services. 7. In the details pane, right-click the name of the cluster CA, and click Properties. 8. Click dNSHostName, and click Edit. 9. Type the service name of the CA as displayed under Failover Cluster Management in the Failover Cluster Manager snap-in, and click OK. 10. Click OK to save changes.
If a "Directory object not found" error message is displayed, complete the following procedure to create the CRL distribution point container in AD DS. To create the CRL distribution point container in AD DS 1. At a command prompt, type cd %windir%\System32\CertSrv\CertEnroll, and press ENTER. The CRL file created by the certutil CRL command should be located in this directory. 2. To publish the CRL in AD DS, type certutil -f -dspublish "CRLFile.crl" and press ENTER.
Next steps
After completing the procedures to migrate the CA, you should complete the procedures described in AD CS Migration: Verifying the Migration.
See also
Active Directory Certificate Services Migration Guide AD CS Migration: Preparing to Migrate AD CS Migration: Verifying the Migration AD CS Migration: Post-Migration Tasks AD CS Migration: Appendix A
CA. 2. Click Start, and then click Run. 3. Type certmgr.msc, and then click OK to open the Certificates snap-in. 4. In the console tree, right-click Certificates Current User, click All Tasks, and then click Automatically Enroll and Retrieve Certificates to start the Certificate Enrollment wizard. 5. On the Before You Begin page, click Next. 6. On the Request Certificates page, a list of one or more certificate templates should be displayed. Select the check box next to each certificate template that you want to request, and then click Enroll. Note If the correct certificate templates are not displayed, click Show all templates to display all certificate templates that are assigned to the issuing CA. A status of Unavailable indicates the user account does not have permission to autoenroll for a certificate. Follow the steps in the "To configure certificate templates for autoenrollment" procedure earlier in this topic. For more information, see Troubleshooting Certificate Enrollment. 7. Click Finish to complete the enrollment process. 8. In the console tree, double-click Personal, and then click Certificates to display a list of installed user certificates and to verify that the certificate that you requested is displayed. To verify migration to a standalone CA, complete the following procedure. To verify manual enrollment by using Certreq.exe 1. Create a certificate request, and save it to a file by completing the procedure Create a Custom Certificate Request ( 2. Open a Command Prompt window. 3. Type certreq -submit -config "<DestinationServerName\CAName>" "<CertificateRequestInput>" "<CertificateResponseOutput>" and press ENTER. Note If a message is displayed indicating that the certificate request is pending, the certificate must be issued by a certificate manager or CA administrator by using the Certification Authority snap-in. After the certificate is issued, it must be retrieved by using the command in step 4. If the certificate is issued immediately by the CA, the file specified in <CertificateResponseOutput> contains the certificate. Use the command in step 5 to install the certificate into the certificate store. 4. Type certreq retrieve -config "<DestinationServerName\CAName>" <RequestID> <CertificateResponseOutput> and press ENTER. 5. Type certreq accept -config "<DestinationServerName\CAName>" <CertificateResponseOutput> and press ENTER.
The config option is followed by a string specifying a host name and CA name in the format HostName\CAName. The host name of the destination server. The CA name being migrated. The path and name of the file containing the certificate request that was created by using the procedure "Create a Custom Certificate Request." The path and name of the file receiving the issued certificate from the CA. If the certificate request is pending, the file contains a message from the CA indicating the status of the request and the request ID. The request ID is used to retrieve the certificate after it is issued by a certificate manager or CA administrator.
Next steps
After completing verification steps, you should review the topic AD CS Migration: Post-Migration Tasks and complete the procedures appropriate for your environment.
See also
Active Directory Certificate Services Migration Guide AD CS Migration: Preparing to Migrate AD CS Migration: Migrating the Certification Authority AD CS Migration: Post-Migration Tasks AD CS Migration: Appendix A
These certificate templates are not required for CA operation. OCSP Response Signing certificates are required if you are deploying the Online Responder role service. If you require these additional certificate templates, complete the following procedure. To upgrade certificate templates in AD DS by using the Certificate Templates snap-in
1. Log on to the destination server as a member of the Enterprise Admins group. 2. Open the Certificate Templates snap-in. The snap-in automatically adds the default certificate templates to AD DS.
The config option is followed by a string specifying a host name and CA name in the format HostName\CAName. The host name of the destination server. The CA name being migrated. The path and name of the file containing the certificate request that was created by using the procedure "Create a Custom Certificate Request." The path and name of the file receiving the issued certificate from the CA. If the certificate request is pending, the file contains a message from the CA indicating the status of the request and the request ID. The request ID is used to retrieve the
certificate after it is issued by a certificate manager or CA administrator. RequestID The Request ID value returned by a CA in response to a certificate request. The Request ID value is displayed in command output and written to the CertificateResponseOutput file.
Restoring Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) to the source server in the event of migration failure
If you removed the CA role service from the source server as described in the procedure Removing the CA role service from the source server, you can restore the source CA by reinstalling the CA role service on the source server. It is important to remove the CA role service from the destination server before reinstalling the CA role service on the source server. If you did not remove the CA role service from the source server, you should not remove the CA role service from the destination server. Simply shut down the destination CA and start the source CA. Rollback procedures can be completed in less than one hour. To remove the CA role service from the destination server, use the Remove Roles Wizard in Server Manager. To add the CA role service to a source server running Windows Server 2003, use the Add/Remove Windows Components wizard. To add the CA role service to a source server running Windows Server 2008, use the Add Roles Wizard in Server Manager.
Troubleshooting migration
If you encounter errors during verification procedures, use Event Viewer to review the Application log on the destination CA. View an Error event in the preview pane or event properties, and click Event Log Online Help to open a Web page with troubleshooting procedures for that event. For the full collection of documented AD CS events, see AD CS Events and Errors.
See also
Active Directory Certificate Services Migration Guide AD CS Migration: Preparing to Migrate AD CS Migration: Migrating the Certification Authority AD CS Migration: Verifying the Migration AD CS Migration: Appendix A
AD CS Migration: Appendix A
The script in this section can be used to automate the addition of the Certification Authority role service to a computer running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2.
To save SetupCA.vbs to a file 1. Click Copy Code at the top of the code section. 2. Start Notepad. 3. On the Edit menu, click Paste. 4. On the File menu, click Save. 5. Type a path for the file, type the file name Setupca.vbs, and click Save.
'Disclaimer ' 'This sample script is not supported under any Microsoft standard support 'program or service. This sample script is provided AS IS without warranty of 'any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, 'without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness 'for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or 'performance of the sample scripts and documentation remains with you. In no 'event shall Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, 'production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever '(including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business 'interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising 40
'out of the use of or inability to use this sample script or documentation, 'even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
. Option Explicit
'***************************************************************** 'Displays script-understood command line parameters ' Sub Usage() Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "SetupCA.vbs - Certificate Services Setup Automation for Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Parameters:") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/SP <Prov> Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/SK <Len> Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/SA <Alg> Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/SN <Name> Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/DN <Name> Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/SR <CA> - Specify Provider") - Specify Key length") - Specify Hash algorithm") - Specify CA Name") - Specify DN Suffix for CA cert subject") - Specify Root CA (Required for
subordinate CA" & Chr(39) & "s and Web service)") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/OR <File> for offline root CA" & Chr(39) & "s)") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/RK <Name> Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/RC <Name> Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/interactive - Specify whether CA will be set to interact with desktop") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/IE - Install Enterprise Root CA Service") - Reuse Key") - Reuse Cert and Key") - Save CA cert request to a file (Required
Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/IS Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/IF Service") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/IT Service") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/IW of the above or by itself") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, " Core installations") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/UC Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "/? Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "") End Sub ' Usage
- Uninstall CA Service")
'***************************************************************** 'Define external constant values ' ' CA Role Const ENTERPRISE_ROOTCA = 0 Const ENTERPRISE_SUBCA = 1 Const STANDALONE_ROOTCA = 3 Const STANDALONE_SUBCA = 4 Const NO_INSTALL_CA = Const UNINSTALL_CA = 8 Const UNINSTALL_WEB_PAGES = 9 -1
'Logging level
'Error codes to handle: Const RPC_UNAVAILABLE = - 2147023174 '0x800706BA - 2147023541 '0x8007054B - 2147024894 '0x80070002
'example RSA CNG provider: "RSA#MicrosoftKSP" 'example ECC 256 provider: "ECDSA_P256#Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider" 'example ECC 384 provider: "ECDSA_P384#Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider" 'example ECC 521 provider: "ECDSA_P521#Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider" Const DEF_SEL_PROVIDER = "RSA#Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider"
'Root CA's name (if this is a subordinate) Dim strRootCAName strRootCAName = DEFROOTCANAME
'Crypto provider to be used to sign certs this CA Issues Dim strSelectedCSP strSelectedCSP = "" ' DEF_SEL_PROVIDER
'Hash algorithm to be used to sign certs this CA Issues Dim strSelectedHashAlg strSelectedHashAlg = "" ' DEF_SEL_HASH_ALG
'Save request to file, for submitting to offline root Dim strRequestFile strRequestFile = ""
'Key/Cert Reuse flags Dim bReuseKey Dim bReuseCert Dim bReuseDB bReuseKey = False
'Needs to differentiate which package needs to be installed Dim PKGCA Dim PKGIIS Dim PKGWEB PKGCA = True
Call VerifyStandardStreams() 46
Dim g_oCASetup
'******************************************************************** '* '* Sub InstallPackages() '* '* Purpose: Install all required packagemanager packages '* '********************************************************************' Sub InstallPackages(Install)
'Get shell object to determine system drive value Dim WshShell Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
If (PKGCA = True) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Installing CA Packages, this will take several minutes...") Call WshShell.Run ("cmd /c servermanagercmd -install ADCS-Cert-Authority resultPath installResult.xml", 0 , True) End If
If (PKGWEB = True) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Installing Web Page Packages, this will take several minutes...")
Call WshShell.Run ("cmd /c servermanagercmd -install ADCS-Web-Enrollment resultPath installResult.xml", 0 , True) End If
If (PKGWEB = True) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Removing Web Page Packages, this will take several minutes...") Call WshShell.Run ("cmd /c servermanagercmd -remove ADCS-Web-Enrollment resultPath installResult.xml", 0 , True) End If
If (PKGCA = True) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Removing CA Packages, this will take several minutes...") Call WshShell.Run ("cmd /c servermanagercmd -remove ADCS-Cert-Authority resultPath installResult.xml", 0 , True) End If
End If
'******************************************************************** '* '* Sub Main() '* '* Purpose: Execute the main script logic '* Input: '* 48
Case Else
End Select
'Check if certocm.dll is present; if not, we are most likely running a Server Core installation and need 'to use ocsetup to install the CA package to get certocm.dll Dim FSO Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim WshShell Dim envVars Dim strWinDir Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set envVars = WshShell.Environment("process")
= envVars("windir")
If Not FSO.FileExists(strWinDir + "\system32\certocm.dll") Then bisCore = True wscript.echo "Certocm.dll is not present; installing CA package..." Call WshShell.Run ("cmd /c start /w ocsetup CertificateServices /norestart /quiet", 0 , True) wscript.echo "CA package installed..." Else wscript.echo "Certocm.dll is present; not installing CA package" End If
'Install Packages Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL,"Proceeding to update packages ...") Call InstallPackages(bInstall) wscript.echo "bInstallService: " & bInstallService wscript.echo "eCARole: " & eCARole wscript.echo "bWebPages: " & bWebPages If ((eCARole <> NO_INSTALL_CA) And (eCARole <> UNINSTALL_CA) And (eCARole <> UNINSTALL_WEB_PAGES)) or (bWebPages <> False) Then
If (True = InstallAndVerifyCA(eCARole, bInstallService, bWebPages)) Then Call OutputFile.WriteLine("Main: Install complete! Passed") Else Call OutputFile.WriteLine("Main: Install failed") Call WScript.Quit (1) End If 'Installed without errors Else If (eCARole = UNINSTALL_CA or eCARole = UNINSTALL_WEB_PAGES) Then If (eCARole = UNINSTALL_WEB_PAGES) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Main: Uninstalling Web pages only...") 'Uninstall web pages only Call UninstallCA(True) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Main: web pages Uninstalled!") Else Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Main: Uninstalling CA...") 'Uninstall web pages only Call UninstallCA(False) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Main: Uninstalled!") End If End If End If
'******************************************************************** '* '* Sub VerifyStandardStreams() '* '* Purpose: Verify CScript.exe was used to launch this script '* '******************************************************************** Sub VerifyStandardStreams() On Error Resume Next
'******************************************************************** '* '* Sub OutputLine() '* '* Purpose: Control the debug output at one location '* 52
Level string
'******************************************************************** '* '* Sub PrintErrorInfo() '* '* Purpose: Control the debug output at one location '* '* Input: '* '* '******************************************************************** Sub PrintErrorInfo(ByVal Message, ByVal oErr) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, Message) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Error Info: " & oErr.Number & ": " & oErr.Description) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Error Source: " & oErr.Source) End Sub ' OutputLine Message Err Message to log Error object to get info from
'******************************************************************** '* '* Function intParseCmdLine() '* '* Purpose: Parse the command line. '* '* Input: none 53
'* '* Output: '* '******************************************************************** Function intParseCmdLine() On Error Resume Next none
Dim strFlag Dim intState Dim ArgTemp Dim intArgIter Dim objFileSystem
If (InStr(ArgTemp," ") > 0) Then Call OutputFile.Write(Chr(34) & ArgTemp & Chr(34) & " ") Else Call OutputFile.Write(ArgTemp & " ") End If
If (strFlag = "help") Or (strFlag = "/h") Or (strFlag = "\h") Or (strFlag = "-h") _ Or (strFlag = "\?") Or (strFlag = "/?") Or (strFlag = "?") _ Or (strFlag = "h") Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE Exit Function ' intParseCmdLine End If
Case "/sp"
If Not blnGetArg("Crypto Provider", strSelectedCSP, intArgIter) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function ' intParseCmdLine End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "/sk"
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "/sa"
If Not blnGetArg("Hash algorithm",strSelectedHashAlg, intArgIter) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function ' intParseCmdLine End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "/sn"
If Not blnGetArg("CA Name", strCAName, intArgIter) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function ' intParseCmdLine End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "/dn"
If Not blnGetArg("DN Suffix", strDNSuffix, intArgIter) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function ' intParseCmdLine End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "/sr"
If Not blnGetArg("Root CA", strRootCAName, intArgIter) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function ' intParseCmdLine End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "/or"
If Not blnGetArg("Request File", strRequestFile, intArgIter) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function ' intParseCmdLine End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "/iw"
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "/ie"
If (eCARole <> NO_INSTALL_CA) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function ' intParseCmdLine End If
intParseCmdLine = CONST_PROCEED 57
Case "/is"
If (eCARole <> NO_INSTALL_CA) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function ' intParseCmdLine End If
Case "/if"
If (eCARole <> NO_INSTALL_CA) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function ' intParseCmdLine End If
Case "/it"
If (eCARole <> NO_INSTALL_CA) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function ' intParseCmdLine End If 58
Case "/uc"
If (eCARole <> NO_INSTALL_CA) And (eCARole <> UNINSTALL_CA) intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function ' intParseCmdLine End If
Case "/uw"
If (eCARole <> NO_INSTALL_CA) And (eCARole <> UNINSTALL_CA) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function ' intParseCmdLine End If
Case "/rk" 59
= True
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
'Deprecated switches kept to prevent automation from failing Case "/sl" intArgIter = intArgIter + 2 Case "/sc" intArgIter = intArgIter + 2 Case "/si" intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
Case Else
Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Invalid or misplaced parameter: " & Wscript.arguments.Item(intArgIter)) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Please check the input and try again") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "or invoke with " & Chr(39) & "/?" & Chr(39) & " for help with the syntax.") Wscript.Quit
End Select
intParseCmdLine = CONST_PROCEED 60
End Function
'******************************************************************** '* '* '* '* '* '* '* '* '* '* '******************************************************************** Case "/s" blnGetArg ("server name", strServer, intArgIter) Usage: Purpose: Helper to intParseCmdLine() Function blnGetArg()
If intArgIter > (Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Parameter Missing: " & StrVarName & ".") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Please check the input and try again.") Exit Function End If
strVar = Wscript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter)
If Err.Number Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Error: " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description & ".") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Please check the input and try again.") Exit Function End If
If InStr(strVar, "/") Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Invalid " & StrVarName) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Invalid Parameter was:" & StrVar) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Please check the input and try again.") Exit Function End If
End If
If intArgIter > (Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Parameter Missing: " & StrVarName & ".") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Please check the input and try again.") Exit Function End If
strVar = Wscript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter)
If Err.Number Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Error: " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description & ".") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Please check the input and try again.") Exit Function End If
If InStr(strVar, "/") Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Invalid " & StrVarName) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Invalid Parameter was:" & StrVar) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Please check the input and try again.") Exit Function End If
End Function
'******************************************************************** '* '* Function CreateLogFile() '* '* Purpose: Create the local log file of all of the script output '* '* Input: '* '******************************************************************** Function CreateLogFile(ByVal strLogFileName) Dim FileSystem Set FileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strLogFileName
If FileSystem.FileExists(strFileName) Then 'Open Existing log Set CreateLogFile = FileSystem.OpenTextFile(strFileName, FILE_FLAG_APPEND, True) Else 'Open new log Set CreateLogFile = FileSystem.CreateTextFile(strFileName, True) End If
Call WScript.StdErr.WriteLine ("Error creating the log file " & strFileName) Call WScript.StdErr.WriteLine ("Error " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description) Call WScript.Quit (1) End If
'******************************************************************** '* '* Function SetProvider() '* '* Purpose: '* '* Input: '* '* '* '******************************************************************** Function SetProvider(ByRef oCASetup, ByVal ProviderString, ByVal HashAlg, ByVal KeyLen) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, _ "SetProvider called with " & _ Chr(34) & ProviderString & Chr(34) & ", " & _ Chr(34) & HashAlg & Chr(34) & ", " & _ Chr(34) & KeyLen & Chr(34)) ProviderString HashAlg KeyLen
retVal = False
If ("" <> ProviderString) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "SetProvider: Changing oCAKeyInfo.ProviderName to " & ProviderString) oCAKeyInfo.ProviderName = ProviderString End If
If ("" <> KeyLen) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "SetProvider: Changing oCAKeyInfo.Length to " & KeyLen) oCAKeyInfo.Length = KeyLen End If
If ("" <> HashAlg) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "SetProvider: Changing oCAKeyInfo.HashAlgorithm to " & HashAlg) oCAKeyInfo.HashAlgorithm = HashAlg End If
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "SetProvider1: Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "Error Source: " & Err.Source) 'Exit the script Call WScript.Quit (1) End If ' error occurred
'******************************************************************** '* '* Function InstallAndVerifyCA() '* '* Purpose: Run setup on CA object with specified parameters '* '* Input: '* '* '* '********************************************************************' Function InstallAndVerifyCA(ByVal CAType, ByVal CAService, ByVal WebPages) Dim LocalCAConfig Dim CADBPath CAType CAService WebPages
Call Err.Clear()
Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "CAService: " & CAService) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "WebPages: " & WebPages)
Err.Number = 0
' Call this function with an error handling wrapper, or VBScript equivalent Call g_oCASetup.InitializeDefaults(CAService, WebPages)
If(bRecursed bRecursed
Call UninstallCA(False) InstallAndVerifyCA = InstallAndVerifyCA( CAType, CAService, WebPages) Exit Function End If
Call PrintErrorInfo("CA already installed and cannot uninstall", Err) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "") Exit Function 'InstallAndVerifyCA End If 'error occurred
'CA Service setup section If (CAService = True) then 'Specify CA role Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "InstallAndVerifyCA: SetCASetupProperty - CAType = " & CAType) Call g_oCASetup.SetCASetupProperty(SETUPPROP_CATYPE, CAType)
If (0 <> Err.Number) And (VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE <> Err.Number) Then Call PrintErrorInfo("InstallAndVerifyCA3:unable to set SETUPPROP_CATYPE!", Err) Exit Function 'InstallAndVerifyCA End If 'not a domain admin and error occurred
If (VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE = Err.Number) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "InstallAndVerifyCA: Error! Must be a domain administrator to create an enterprise CA") Exit Function 'InstallAndVerifyCA End If ' not a domain admin
Call Err.Clear()
if (bInteractive <> FALSE) then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "InstallAndVerifyCA: SetCASetupProperty - Interactive = " & bInteractive) Call g_oCASetup.SetCASetupProperty(SETUPPROP_INTERACTIVE, bInteractive)
If (0 <> Err.Number) Then Call PrintErrorInfo("InstallAndVerifyCA:unable to set Interactive!", Err) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "") Exit Function 'InstallAndVerifyCA End If end if
If (False = SetupKeyReuse(bReuseKey, bReuseCert, strCAName)) Then Call PrintErrorInfo("InstallAndVerifyCA: SetupKeyReuse failed.", Err) Exit Function End If
Else 69
If "" <> strCAName then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "InstallAndVerifyCA: SetCADistinguishedName") 'CAName, ignore UTF8, overwrite existing key, overwrite CA in DS Dim strCAFullDN strCAFullDN = "CN=" & strCAName If "" <> strDNSuffix then strCAFullDN = strCAFullDN & "," & strDNSuffix
End If
End If
Call Err.Clear()
If (CAType <> ENTERPRISE_ROOTCA) And (CAType <> STANDALONE_ROOTCA) And (bReuseCert <> True) Then If (strRequestFile = "") Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "InstallAndVerifyCA: SetParentCAInformation") 'Set parent CA information if it is a subordinate Call g_oCASetup.SetParentCAInformation(strRootCAName)
If (0 <> Err.Number) And (ROOT_CA_NOT_FOUND <> Err.Number) Then Call PrintErrorInfo("InstallAndVerifyCA:unable to set ParentCAInformation!", Err) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "") Exit Function 'InstallAndVerifyCA End If ' root ca not found
Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "InstallAndVerifyCA: Root CA Exit Function 'InstallAndVerifyCA End If ' root ca not found Else
If (bReuseCert = False) Then Dim bProviderSet bProviderSet = SetProvider(g_oCASetup, strSelectedCSP, strSelectedHashAlg, iSelectedKeySize)
If (False = bProviderSet) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "InstallAndVerifyCA:unable to set key properties!") Exit Function 'InstallAndVerifyCA End If 'error occurred End If
If (True = WebPages) And (CAType = NO_INSTALL_CA) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "InstallAndVerifyCA: SetWebCAInformation") 'Set web CA information if it is a web pages Call g_oCASetup.SetWebCAInformation(strRootCAName)
If ( REG_VALUE_NOT_FOUND <> Err.Number) Then Call PrintErrorInfo("InstallAndVerifyCA:unable to set SetWebCAInformation!", Err) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "") Else 71
Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "InstallAndVerifyCA: install failed, registry key not present!") End If
Call Err.Clear()
'End If
Call Err.Clear()
Call g_oCASetup.Install()
If ( REG_VALUE_NOT_FOUND <> Err.Number) Then Call PrintErrorInfo("InstallAndVerifyCA:Install failed!", Err) Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "") Else 72
Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "InstallAndVerifyCA: install failed, registry key not present!") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "InstallAndVerifyCA: " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description) End If
On Error GoTo 0
LocalCAConfig = GetLocalCAConfig()
If (LocalCAConfig = "") Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "InstallAndVerifyCA: CA registry entry not present!") Exit Function 'InstallAndVerifyCA End If ' getlocalcaconfig failed
WScript.Sleep 30000
If (0 <> PingCA(LocalCAConfig)) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "InstallAndVerifyCA: Service not started!") Exit Function 'InstallAndVerifyCA End If ' can't ping service
'******************************************************************** '* '* Function UninstallCA() '* '* Purpose: Uninstall all of the CA server components or optionally just the pages '* '* Input: '* '********************************************************************' Function UninstallCA(ByVal WebPagesOnly) Dim LocalCAConfig
if (WebPagesOnly = False) Then If ("" = LocalCAConfig) Then Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "UninstallCA: CA not installed!") UninstallCA = True Exit Function 'UninstallCA End If ' getlocalcaconfig failed End If
' Clean up the web pages On Error Resume Next Call g_oCASetup.PreUninstall(WebPagesOnly)
Call g_oCASetup.PostUninstall()
If ("" = LocalCAConfig) Then 'Not installed! Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "UninstallCA: Uninstall completed successfully!") UninstallCA = True Exit Function 'UninstallCA End If 'getlocalcaconfig failed
If (0 <> PingCA("")) Then UninstallCA = True Exit Function 'UninstallCA End If ' can't ping service
'******************************************************************** '* '* Function GetLocalCAConfig() '* '* Purpose: Determine role of CA if installed '* '* Input: '* '********************************************************************' Function GetLocalCAConfig() Dim WshShell Dim ActiveConfig Dim CAName Dim CAServer
If (REG_VALUE_NOT_FOUND <> Err.Number) Then GetLocalCAConfig = "" Call PrintErrorInfo("GetLocalCAConfig: ", Err) Exit Function 'GetLocalCAConfig Else ' reg value not found GetLocalCAConfig = "" Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "GetLocalCAConfig: CA Not Installed!") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "") Exit Function 'GetLocalCAConfig End If ' reg value found 76
Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL," Reading HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CertSvc\Configuration\" & ActiveConfig & "\CommonName") CAName = WshShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CertSvc\Configurat ion\" & ActiveConfig & "\CommonName") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "CAName: " & CAName)
Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL," Reading HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CertSvc\Configuration\" & ActiveConfig & "\CAServerName") CAServer = WshShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CertSvc\Configurat ion\" & ActiveConfig & "\CAServerName") Call OutputLine(ECHOMINIMAL, "CAServer: " & CAServer)
'Set Return value GetLocalCAConfig = CAServer & "\" & CAName End Function 'GetLocalCAConfig
'******************************************************************** '* '* Function PingCA() '* '* Purpose: Use CertUtil to ping the CA '* '* Input: '* '********************************************************************' 77
If ("" <> CAConfig) Then command = "certutil -config " & CAConfig & " -ping" Else 'caconfig param null command = "certutil -ping" End If ' caconfig param passed
= WshShell.Run(command, 1, False)
'******************************************************************** '* '* Function SetUpKeyReuse() '* '* Purpose: '* '* Input: '* '********************************************************************' Function SetUpKeyReuse(ByVal bReuseKey, ByVal bReuseCert, ByVal KeyName)
Set oCAKeyInfo
For Each CertInfo in oExistingCerts wscript.echo "Existing Cert: " & certinfo.ContainerName
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then Call PrintErrorInfo("SetUpKeyReuse: oCAKeyInfo.Existing", Err) oCAKeyInfo.ContainerName = CertInfo.ContainerName If (Err.Number <> 0) Then Call PrintErrorInfo("SetUpKeyReuse: oCAKeyInfo.ContainerName", Err) oCAKeyInfo.HashAlgorithm = CertInfo.HashAlgorithm If (Err.Number <> 0) Then Call PrintErrorInfo("SetUpKeyReuse: oCAKeyInfo.HashAlgorithm", Err) oCAKeyInfo.Length = CertInfo.Length
If (bReuseCert = True) Then oCAKeyInfo.ExistingCACertificate = CertInfo.ExistingCACertificate If (Err.Number <> 0) Then Call PrintErrorInfo("SetUpKeyReuse: oCAKeyInfo.ExistingCACertificate", Err) End If
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then Call PrintErrorInfo("SetUpKeyReuse: g_oCASetup.SetCASetupProperty(1, oCAKeyInfo)", Err) wscript.echo g_oCASetup.GetCASetupProperty(SETUPPROP_CANAME) wscript.echo g_oCASetup.GetCASetupProperty(SETUPPROP_CADSSUFFIX) End If
SetupKeyReuse = True
See also
Active Directory Certificate Services Migration Guide AD CS Migration: Preparing to Migrate AD CS Migration: Migrating the Certification Authority AD CS Migration: Verifying the Migration AD CS Migration: Post-Migration Tasks