Heroic Naval Military School
Heroic Naval Military School
Heroic Naval Military School
AS-2018 CALL
AS-2018 CALL
The Heroic Naval Military School invites you to study the following
▪ Naval Systems Engineering (General Corps).
▪ Aeronaval Engineering (Aeronaval Pilot).
▪ Engineering in Hydrography(Infantry of
▪ Engineering in Naval Mechanics.
▪ Engineering in Electronicsand Communications
▪ Engineering in Logistics.
For the Mexican Navy, education is the guiding axis for the
development and growth of the Nation. Through it, men and women are
prepared to perform efficiently in naval-military activities. For this
reason, the Naval Education System offers them comprehensive
training for the exercise of their profession.
AS-2018 CALL
Military School, located in Antón Lizardo, 32 kilometers from the Port of
A. Naval Systems Engineering (General Corps)
The Heroic Naval Military School is the crucible where the
Command officers of the Mexican Navy are forged by studying the
Naval Systems Engineering career (General Corps), with
knowledge to operate the weapons, navigation and propulsion
systems on board warships.
B. Aeronautical Engineering (Aeronautical Pilot)
The Aeronaval Engineering degree will allow you to obtain the
necessary knowledge to operate naval aircraft.
C. Hydrography Engineering (Marine Corps)
By studying Hydrographic Engineering, they will become
Officers in Command of Operational Units and will be the trained,
educated and equipped force to carry out any type of operation
from land, air and sea.
D. Naval Electronics and Communications Engineering and
in Naval Mechanics
Their objective is to train officers capable of providing preventive
and corrective maintenance to machinery systems and electronic
equipment installed in the operational units and establishments of
the Mexican Navy.
E. Logistics Engineering
AS-2018 CALL
In Logistics Engineering, officers are trained to provide logistical
support in a timely manner for the conduct of Naval Operations.
AS-2018 CALL F.
Admission/exit profile
The aforementioned careers are aimed at young people of both
genders (male and female), graduates of Upper Secondary
Education (Baccalaureate), with academic skills in the areas of
mathematical and analytical thinking, satisfactory level of maturity,
emotional stability, willingness to change their lifestyle, vocation for
military service, physical strength and optimal health,
characteristics that are basic for their performance in the academic
field and professional activities of the naval-military order. Each of
the courses lasts 10 semesters, during which time they will remain
interned at the Naval Educational Establishment.
Upon completion of the degree, they will receive the rank of
Midshipman and will subsequently carry out their professional
internships in operational units and installations of the Mexican
Navy for a period of one year. Upon passing their professional
exam, the Navy will grant them the rank of Lieutenant, also
obtaining a Title and Professional Certificate with recognition from
the Ministry of Public Education, for the degree they have
G. Scholarship
The Mexican Navy provides a scholarship to the Cadet, which
1. Books.
2. Accommodation.
3. Feeding.
4. Costumes and equipment.
5. Medical service.
6. Sports facilities.
7. Social Activities and cultural.
8. Recreational pension weekly student as a stimulus
economical for minor expenses of the Cadet.
AS-2018 CALL
A. Requirements
10. Physical build and body weight appropriate for height and age
(Body Mass Index no greater than 25).
AS-2018 CALL
B. Documentation
After registering on the website
www.gob.mx/universidadnaval you must submit the following
digital documentation on a USB or CD to the Examination Control
and Application Center closest to your location:
1. Registration form and commitment letter duly requested.
2. Deposit slip for the exam, for an amount of $
195.00 MN (One hundred ninety-five pesos 00/100 MN).
3. Certified birth certificate.
4. High school certificate with a minimum GPA of 7.5. If you are
still studying, you must present your academic record up to the
5th semester with passing grades and a general GPA equal to
or greater than 7.5.
5. Military Service card or pre-card for male personnel over 18
years of age (if available).
6. Unique Population Registry Key (CURP).
IMPORTANT: You must present the documentation in
original, for comparison purposes only.
If they meet all the requirements and the documentation
requested, they will be given the credential that accredits them as
candidates for a Naval Educational Establishment at a Professional
level. Later, through the account you created on the Naval
University website, you must log in to complete your registration in
the CENEVAL system and print the exam pass.
All applicants must appear at the Examination Control Center
on the day and time indicated to take their academic and Body
Mass Index (BMI) evaluation.
C. Medical examinations
If you pass the academic exam of the preliminary phase, the
evaluation of the Body Mass Index (not greater than 25) and if you
are selected within the best ratings
AS-2018 CALL
If you pass the exams, you will be called for the final phase where
you must submit the following medical examinations (clinical
laboratory and cabinet with a validity of no more than 15 days prior
to June 17, 2018):
1. Chest teleradiography.
2. General urine test.
3. Determination of hepatitis B and C.
4. HIV determination.
5. Blood chemistry (Glucose, urea, creatinine, uric acid,
triglycerides and cholesterol).
6. Complete blood count.
7. Seroluetic reactions (VDRL).
8. Blood type and RH factor.
9. AP and lateral X-rays of the Cervical, Dorso-Lumbar, Lumbo-
Sacral spine while standing and barefoot and oblique X-rays of
the Lumbar spine (right and left).
10. Pregnancy test with negative result (Female staff).
11. Electrocardiogram (ECG).
12. Pelvic Ultrasound (only for female personnel and will be
performed during their menstrual period so the 15-day validity
does not apply).
13. Pure Tone Audiometry.
14. Tympanometry.
Note: Applicants for the Aeronautical Engineering degree, in
addition to the previous studies, must complete the
1. Electroencephalogram.
2. Scalometry of lower limbs.
If you do not present them or if any of them are missing, you
will be excluded from the Selection Process. The choice of the
laboratory where clinical and office examinations are performed is
yours. They should also consider that the medical examination of the
final phase includes again the evaluation of the Body Mass Index not
greater than 25.
D. Cost of the academic exam, which will be applied by the National
Center for Evaluation of Higher Education (CENEVAL).
AS-2018 CALL
The Selection Process for admission to Naval Educational
Establishments is carried out in two phases, the first (Preliminary
Phase) being where the academic exam will be taken, the cost of
which is $195.00 (One hundred ninety-five pesos 00/100 MN), an
amount that must be deposited in the bank account number
indicated on your registration form.
E. Results
AS-2018 CALL
When you register online and print the forms, you must fill them out
and scan them along with the other documentation; you must then
deliver them to the Examination Control and Application Center to
complete your registration process and receive the necessary
instructions to participate in the preliminary stage. You will also be given
the candidate credential.
AS-2018 CALL
AS-2018 CALL
A. Phases of the selection process
The selection exams will be carried out in two phases:
NOTE: Only the academic exam will be administered by CENEVAL.
1. Preliminary.
To take the academic exam, as well as the Body Mass
Index (BMI) assessment, applicants must present their
credential that accredits their participation in the selection
process, as well as the entrance pass to the exam.
You can check your results on the website
www.gob.mx/universidadnaval by entering your CURP.
Candidates who have met the profile in the Body Mass Index
assessment and obtained the highest scores in the academic
exam will be called to take the Final Phase exams.
2. Definitive.
Those selected to participate in this Phase must cover
transportation costs from their location to the Venustiano
Carranza Lighthouse in the Port of Veracruz, Veracruz, and
from there to their place of origin. Lodging and food will be
provided during the time they are in Antón Lizardo Veracruz at
the facilities of the Heroica Escuela Naval Militar, where they
will be given the following exams: medical (including BMI
evaluation), physical capacity and psychological, according
to the calendar of activities presented at the end of this call.
In this phase, the highest performing and best qualified
candidates will be pre-selected to fill the existing vacancies.
During the time of their participation, they will remain interned,
so they will only need to bring the following:
a. Registration credential they received in the Preliminary
b. Acceptance letter to participate in the Final Phase.
AS-2018 CALL
d. Three sets of civilian clothes, sportswear, swimsuit,
swimming cap, bath towel, toiletries, sandals and tennis
The pre-selected candidates will remain interned for one
more week at the Heroic Naval Military School, from June 24
to 30, 2018 to complete the induction week.
B. Selection exams.
1. Academic exam: Its objective is to determine whether they have
the basic knowledge for good academic performance. This
exam is Answer in special leaves that are
rated using an optical reader.
2. Medical examination: Determine if is clinically
"SUITABLE" or "NOT SUITABLE" to carry out the sports and
military activities inherent to his/her training as a Cadet in the
Naval Education System, and subsequently in the Secretariat of
the Navy - Mexican Navy. This assessment will be carried out
by a Commission of Medical Specialists from the Naval Health
Service and their diagnoses will be UNQUESTIONABLE.
If you fail this exam, you will NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE
THE PHYSICAL CAPACITY EXAM, so as not to put your
physical integrity at risk. Therefore, it is recommended that you
consult Chapter VI, MOST COMMON CONDITIONS, of this
3. Physical ability test: Its purpose is to verify that they have the
physical-athletic condition appropriate to their age and the
demands of the routine, determining whether they are "FIT" or
"UNFIT" to enter the Heroic Naval Military School. It consists of
seven tests for male personnel and six for female personnel:
AS-2018 CALL
AS-2018 CALL
5. Vertigo of any etiology.
6. Obstructive rhinoseptal deviation, that affects permeability
nasal, ventilation and drainage of paranasal sinuses:
a. Sinus polyposis.
b. Chronic rhinosinusitis.
7. Obstructive or recurrent tonsillitis.
8. Any congenital malformation of the oral cavity such as
sequelae of cleft lip and palate.
9. Any congenital malformation or tumor of the head and neck.
10. Chronic dysphonia of any etiology.
11. Recurrent parotitis.
12. Chronic sialadenitis.
13. Facial paralysis of any etiology.
8. Dentistry
1. Obvious congenital or acquired malformations in the mouth or
salivary glands, which prevent them from functioning.
2. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction that permanently limits
mouth opening.
3. Lesions, tumors and/or cysts in the oral cavity or perioral
tissues that cannot be removed or the after-effects of their
treatment make function impossible.
4. Absence of more than six teeth that are not restored with the
corresponding prostheses.
5. If you have cavities, you must go to the final phase with
completely healthy teeth, without cavities and without
restorations in poor condition.
9. General Surgery
1. Inguinal and/or femoral hernia.
2. Umbilical hernia.
3. Varicocele.
4. Hemorrhoidal disease.
5. Venous insufficiency.
6. Any type of hernia of the abdominal wall.
7. Lipomas.
8. Gynecomastia.
9. Phimosis.
10. Paraphimosis.
11. Epispadias, hypospadias.
12. Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism.
13. Condylomas and genital perineal ulcers.
AS-2018 CALL
14. Hydrocele.
15. Testicular tumors.
16. Pilodinal cyst.
17. Anorectal fissures, fistulas and abscesses.
18. Gallbladder, vesical and renoureteral lithiasis.
10. Gynecology
1. Pregnancy in progress.
2. Borderline ovarian tumors (Mucinous cystadenoma, teratoma)
immature, Benner tumor)
3. Ovarian cancer (any classification)
4. Breast pathology (breast malformations, ductal ectasia,
borderline dysplasia)
5. Breast cancer (any classification, borderline dysplasia)
6. Vulvar condylomatosisand anal.
7. Cervical cancer (of any classification)
8. Endometriosis of any degree.
9. Molluscum contagiosum.
11. Ophthalmology
1. Have a minimum vision of 20/20 without glasses or frames
contacted each eye separately, measured with a Snellen chart
placed 6 meters from the patient.
2. Dyschromatopsia in each eye separately (color vision disorder
or Daltonism) in any of its variants. Ruled out with Ishihara
3. Ocular deviation (strabismus), in any of its variants. Ruled out
with occlusion, disocclusion and prism methods.
4. Eye disease that causes the applicant to have short, medium
or long-term vision loss, certified by a specialist in the field,
and no history of eye disease (toxoplasmosis, retinal scars)
5. Vision correction through surgery with intraocular lens.
6. Glaucoma of any variant ruled out with tonometry
eyepiece (Tonopen)
7. Changes in Stereopsis (depth perception) Ruled out with
Titmus test.
12. Internal medicine
1. Thyroid diseases: hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.
2. Abnormal glucose levels not greater than 100 mg/dl nor less
than 70 mg/dl.
AS-2018 CALL
3. Dyslipidemia: total fasting cholesterol not greater than 200
mg/dl. Fasting triglycerides not greater than 150 mg/dl.
4. Viral hepatitis B, C and other chronic liver diseases
5. BMI greater than 25 and less than 18.5.
6. Neoplasms of organs and/or glands.
7. HIV.
8. Any bronchopathology pulmonary.
9. Alterations hematological: anemia,
thrombocytopenia, thrombocytosis, leukopenia, leucocytosis,
other alterations in the number or morphology of the different
hematological cell lines, leukemias and lymphomas.
10. Urinary tract infection: cystitis and pyelonephritis.
11. Uric acid not greater than 7.0 mg/dl.
12. Neurological diseases (epilepsy and abnormal movements).
13. Cardiology
1. Arterial hypertension: blood pressure equal to or greater than
140/90 mm/Hg.
2. Congenital heart disease (Atrial septal defect, Ventricular
septal defect, Patent ductus arteriosus, Pulmonary stenosis)
and/or valvular heart disease (Both congenital and acquired,
rheumatic, infectious, traumatic heart disease and
autoimmune processes).
3. Rhythm and conduction disorders: (Pre-excitation syndrome,
atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, second and third degree
atrioventricular block, atrial tachycardia and atrioventricular
4. Recurrent syncope.
5. Pulmonary hypertension of any etiology.
14. Orthopedics
1. Scoliosis in any segment, for any cause and magnitude.
2. Pelvic imbalance and/or asymmetry of the lower limbs, greater
than 10 mm.
3. Obvious deformity of the musculoskeletal system, with or
without restriction of joint mobility (sequelae of fractures or
surgeries of any bone and/or muscle ligament part)
4. Any congenital deformity and/or dislocation of the
musculoskeletal system (hip dislocation, clubfoot, and
AS-2018 CALL
congenital malformations of the spine)
5. History of any orthopedic surgery causing restriction of joint
mobility and/or deformity (of any magnitude.
6. Hand deformities: absence of fingers, fingers
supernumerary, ankylosis, arthrodesis, etc. That limit the
functionality of the hand.
7. Foot deformities: Grade III flat feet, grade II or greater bilateral
or unilateral cavus in one or bilateral, absence of toes,
supernumerary toes, claw toes, mallet toes, non-reducible
hammer toes, supraductal quintus digitus and hallux valgus.
8. Angular deformity of the knees: Genu valgum, inter-malleolar
distance greater than 7 cm. (ankles) standing at attention;
Genu varum distance between the inner side of the knees
greater than 7 cm. standing at attention.
9. Any collagen disease that affects the musculoskeletal system.
10. Heel spur or plantar fasciitis.
11. High scapula.
12. Spondylolisthesis of any etiology, degree and location.
13. Occult spina bifida.
14. Cervical rib.
15. Spondylolysis.
1. Aerospace Medicine (additional for candidates to Aeronautical
1. Stuttering.
2. Hemianopias and Scotomas.
3. No refractive surgeries. (Radiated Keratotomy)
4. Have a minimum vision of 20/20 without glasses or contact
lenses in each eye separately, measured with a Snellen chart
placed 6 meters from the patient.
5. Have a minimum night vision of 20/200 without lenses or
contact lenses in each eye separately by campimetry.
• The diagnoses issued by staff of the Service of Health
Naval are the only valid ones for the Selection Process.
• HE consider “NOT SUITABLE”, those applicants who hide
history of prevalent illness during the interview and refuse physical
examination by personnel of the same gender.
AS-2018 CALL
• The medical profile of each candidate is the result of the medical
history, care and attention to which he or she was subject throughout
his or her development, the supervision and planning of which is the
responsibility of his or her parents.
• It is important to note that the established profile is derived from the
academic activities and sports and military demands to which they will
be subject during their stay at the Heroic Naval Military School, hence
it is so significant that the applicants do not present any of the
conditions indicated in this call.
Established by CENEVAL for the EXANI II Admission and Diagnosis
(engineering disciplinary area).
1. Mathematical thinking
1.1 Arithmetic reasoning
1.1.1 Hierarchy of basic operations Combined operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division with integers Problems with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with
decimal numbers and fractions
1.1.2 Proportionality relationships Problems with reasons Problems with proportions
1.2 Algebraic reasoning
1.2.1 Algebraic expressions Operations with monomials Operations with polynomials
1.2.2 Notable Products Binomial squared: (a + b)2 Conjugated binomials: (a + b) (a - b) Binomials with common term: (a + b) (a + c) Binomials cubed: (a + b)3
1.2.3 Equations Equations offirst grade: graphic solution, mathematics
application Equations of second grade: graphical solution,mathematics
1.2.4 Systems of equations Equations withtwo or three unknowns: graphical and mathematical
solution Equations withtwo or three unknowns: application
AS-2018 CALL
1.2.5 Graphical representations Functions Relations
1.3 Statistical and probabilistic reasoning
1.3.1 Frequencies and graphic information Using and interpreting frequency tables Charts to represent information (bars, circular, polygon)
1.3.2 Measures descriptive Measures of trend central(average, median and fashion) Measures of variability(variance and deviation
1.3.3 Measures of position
AS-2018 CALL Calculating percentiles Calculation of deciles Calculation of quartiles
1.3.4 Notions of probability Counting problems Probability calculation
1.4 Geometric reasoning
1.4.1 Points, segments and Cartesian plane Points and coordinates: location on the Cartesian plane Points that divide segments
1.4.2 Beeline Equation of the straight line Graphing lines
1.5 Trigonometric reasoning
1.5.1 Trigonometric functions Sine function: calculation and graphing Cosine Function: Calculation and Graphing Tangent Function: Calculation and Graphing
1.5.2 Right or oblique triangles Trigonometric ratios Problems with the law of sines and cosines
2. Analytical thinking
2.1 Information integration
2.1.1 Textual information Conclusions from two texts Erroneous propositions
2.1.2 Graphic information Conclusions from a text and a table, image or map Erroneous propositions
2.2 Interpretation of logical relationships
2.2.1 Analogies Phrases with the same meaning Word pairs with an equivalent relationship Particular and universal propositions
2.2.2 Messages and codes Translation and decoding Completion of encrypted elements
2.3 Pattern recognition
2.3.1 Numerical sequences Completion with basic operations Errors
2.3.2 Alphanumeric sequences Completion with regular patterns
AS-2018 CALL Errors
2.3.3 Sequences of figures Completion with regular patterns Errors
2.4 Spatial representation
2.4.1 Figures and objects Perspective: shadows, reflections, views and rotation Combination of figures
2.4.2 Modifications to objects Assembly and disassembly Objects resulting from cuts
2.4.3 Operations with figures and objects Number of elements that make up or are missing in figures or objects Number of sides of a polygon Counting shaded units
4. Reading comprehension
4.1 Text message
4.1.1 Explicit Structure of temporal and narrative sequences Characterization of characters, environments and actions Specific information and explanations: data, facts, explanations and
4.1.2 Implicit Synthetic form of the text Central significant idea of the text (theme) Premise and conclusion
4.2 Intent of the text
4.2.1 Fitness for purpose Vocabulary corresponding to the text (scientific, cultured, colloquial and literary) Fragments adapted according to the type of reader
Paratextual elements (dedication, epigraph, quotes, references and
4.2.2 Purpose Utility of the text
AS-2018 CALL
5. Written language
5.1 Morphosyntax: Functions of words
5.1.1 Noun
5.1.2 Adjective
5.1.3 Verb
5.1.4 Adverb
5.1.5 Preposition
5.1.6 Article
5.1.7 Pronoun
5.1.8 Participle
5.1.9 Interjection
5.2 Morphosyntax: Sentence structure
5.2.1 Subject
5.2.2 Predicate
5.2.3 Modifiers of a noun
5.2.4 Complements of a verb
5.2.5 Punctuation
5.2.6 Simple prayer
5.2.7 Compound sentence
5.2.8 Voices of prayer
5.3 Spelling clarity, cohesion and coherence: Connectors
5.3.1 Conjunctions
5.3.2 Adversative adverbial phrase
5.3.3 Links and other expressions
5.4 Spelling clarity, cohesion and coherence: Structural logic of the
statement and paragraph
5.4.1 Spelling
5.4.2 Meaning, lexicon and semantics
5.4.3 Logical sequence of ideas in a paragraph
5.4.4 Inconsistencies
5.4.5 Solecism
5.4.6 Agreement
6.1.1 English
6.1.2 Reading comprehension
6.1.3 Short texts used in public places
6.2 Texts related to family topics and personal interest
6.2.1 Author's intentions and moods through context Use of grammar
Notes regarding personal data, basic needs, comparisons and
routines in the present tense; as well as actions in progress
AS-2018 CALL
Habits and actions in the past in contrast to present situations;
actions initiated in the past with validity in the present
6.2.3 Skills, interests, short-term plans and predictions
7.1 Math
7.1.1 Arithmetic
7.1.2 Operations on natural numbers and integers (Euclid's algorithm)
7.2 Real Number Operations and Scientific Notation
7.2.1 Algebra
Methods for representing geometric loci; linear and quadratic equations
7.2.3 Basic operations with algebraic fractions and radicals Laws of
exponents and radicals (logarithmic and exponential equations)
7.3 Geometry
7.3.1 Parallelism, congruence, similarity (Thales' theorem) and straight lines
(mediatrix and bisector)
7.3.2 Calculating perimeters and areas of flat figures
7.3.3 Geometric figures: perimeter, area and volume
7.3.4 Slope of the line and angle between lines
7.3.5 Equations and graphs of the circle, the parabola, the ellipse and the
7.4 Calculation
7.4.1 Domain, counterdomain, tabulation and graphing
7.4.2 Operations with functions
7.4.3 Limits of functions: polynomial, rational, trigonometric, logarithmic or
7.4.4 Derivative of algebraic and non-algebraic functions The definite integral
8. Physics
8.1 Theoretical-practical foundations
8.1.1 Systems of units and conversions
8.1.2 Addition and subtraction of vectors
8.2 Mechanics
8.2.1 Static equilibrium
8.2.2 Uniform and uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion
8.2.3 Uniform circular motion
8.2.4 Newton's Laws: Applications and Types of Friction
8.2.5 Work, power and mechanical energy
8.2.6 Hydrostatic pressure, Archimedes' principle, Pascal's principle
8.3 Heat and thermodynamics
AS-2018 CALL
8.3.1 Heat and temperature
8.3.2 Heat transmission
8.3.3 Thermodynamic variables:mass, volume, density, pressure and
8.3.4 Laws of thermodynamics: first, second and zero
8.4 Electricity
8.4.1 Electric charge and Coulomb's law
8.4.2 Electric current and Ohm's law
8.4.3 Electrical power and the Joule effect
8.4.4 Electrical circuits
8.5 Interaction of matter and energy
8.5.1 Electromagnetism
8.6 Optics and acoustics
8.6.1 Reflection and refraction of light
8.6.2 Longitudinal and transverse waves
You can also download the syllabus by clicking on the following electronic link:
AS-2018 CALL
AS-2018 CALL
b. The adult does not need to meet the requirement
c. In both cases, applicants will prepare a letter
resignation in which they state the reasons for their
decision, releasing the Institution from all responsibility
from the moment they leave the Naval Educational
F. Female staff entering the facility may have long hair, but not too
much, and must wear it properly tied back while wearing the
uniform, so that the headdress sits correctly, leaving the tied back
hair out, so that it looks aesthetically pleasing.
G. The legal basis for this call is established in the Regulations of the
Heroic Naval Military School Chapter II, Article 16, which literally
states: "People who intend to enter the School as Cadets must
meet the requirements of the selection process established in the
call issued for such purpose by the High Command."
AS-2018 CALL
Registration period for applicants:
From January 15 to March 23, 2018.
In order to ensure transparency and honesty in the Selection
Process, all candidates participate on equal terms.
A. Preliminary phase:
Academic exam and BMI assessment will be applied at the
Examination Control and Application Centers.
To avoid being surprised by people outside this Naval
Institution, you are informed that the only support material to
prepare for the academic exam can be downloaded from the
Naval University website or from the CENEVAL website.
The Navy does not provide or endorse any academic exam
preparation courses.
Date of
Application date communication
BMI Assessment 28 – April – 2018 31 – May - 2018
Academic exam 28 – April - 2018 31 – May – 2018
B. Final phase:
The medical examination (including BMI assessment), physical and
psychological capacity, will be carried out at the facilities of the
Heroic Naval Military School.
Applicants will be present on Sunday, June 17, 2018 at 7:30 a.m.,
at the Venustiano Carranza Lighthouse, Xicoténcatl, Centro, 91700
Veracruz, Ver. and will leave the facilities on June 23, 2018,
starting at 9:00 a.m.; except for those who are pre-selected, who
will remain hospitalized until June 30, 2018 to complete the
induction week.
AS-2018 CALL
Racing They will be presented on the
Eng. Naval Systems
Eng. Aeronaval
Eng. in Hydrography
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Eng. in Electronics and Com. Naval
Eng. in Naval Mechanics
Eng. in Logistics
Induction week:
Its purpose is to incorporate the pre-selected candidates into
various sports, recreational and military conditioning activities;
during which the team of psychologists who participated in the final
phase will make observations that will complement the evaluations.
AS-2018 CALL
For more information, please contact:
Secretariat of the Navy-Mexican Navy.
Rectorate of the Naval University.
Av. Heroic Naval Military School, No. 669,
3rd. Flat Col. Ejidal Presidents 2nd Section,
Del. Coyoacan, CP 04470, Mexico City.
Internet page: