Today in every organization personnel planning as an activity is necessary. It is an important part of an organisation.Human Resource Planning is a vital ingredient for the success of an organization in the long run. The objectives of Human Resource Department are : Human resource planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development Transfer and Promotion Performance Appraisal and so on. The global economy of the day has endangered the survival of every organization and in particular those who want to have a competitive edge over the others. It may be a distant dream in the absence of well trained employees. Every organization needs to have well-trained and experienced people to perform the activities that has to be done. If current or potential job occupants can meet this requirement, training is not important. When this is not the case, it is necessary to raise the skill levels and increase the versatility and adaptability of employees. It is being increasing common for individuals to change their career several times during their working lives. The probability of any young person learning a job today and having those skills go basically unchanged during the forty years or so if his career is extremely unlikely, may be even impossible. In a rapid changing society, employee training is not only an activity that is desirable but also an activity that an organization must commit resources to if it is to maintain a viable and knowledgeable workforce.
The main objective of the study is to gain some practical knowledge in the domain, Training & Development. For collecting, analyzing, and understanding the concept of Training & Development I decided to choose a BPO Since its an organization where training is an ongoing process which eventually leads to Development. To study the importance of training and development To study the roles of training and development programs To study the process of training. To explore the methodology and types of training provided to the employees of HCL. To study the purpose and process of post training evaluation in HCL. To know employee career related policies in HCL
What are the types of training, What process is followed for the candidates of the organization and to what extent it is efficient, effective and satisfactory It covers in depth the various training practices, modules and formats being followed in the company.
Services and Supply Chain Management. HCL BPO Business Services runs business for world renowned clients in back-office services particularly in the Telecom and Retail domain. Consistently ranked among the top ten outsourcing companies in India, HCL BPO Services operates out of various locations in India, as well as in US and UK. HCL BPO Business Services follows industry best practices and metricbased quality norms for all its processes. This is supported by robust technology infrastructure, strong human resources and a customized training program and transition framework.
NATURE OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT In simple terms, training and development refers to the imparting of specific knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) to an employee. It may be understood as any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing his ability to perform through learning and increasing his skills and knowledge. Standard performance- Actual performance Training and development need Approaches towards Training and Development Traditional approach: Most of the organizations before never used to believe in training. They were holding the view that managers are born not made. Training is a very costly affair and not worth. But, the scenario seems to be changing.
Modern approach: Indian organizations have realised the importance of corporate training. Training is now considered as more of retention tool than of cost. The training system has created a smarter workforce and yielded the best results.
personality. It is the result of organizational The motivation is intrinsic. initiative and hence motivation is extrinsic. It is usually imposed. Development activities are generally voluntary. It is essential for training. No evaluation is possible.
Distinction among Training, Development and Education: This distinction enables us to acquire a better perspective about the meaning of the terms.
Difference between Training and Education Training Application Job experience Specific tasks Narrow perspective Education Theoretical orientation Classroom learning General concepts Broad perspective
Training and Education are complementary to each other. An employee, for example, who undergoes training is presumed to have had some formal education. Furthermore, no training is complete without an element of education. Training programs seek to broaden and develop the individual through education. Hence, firms must consider both while planning their training programs. Thus, we can say, TRAINING refers to the process of imparting specific skills.
DEVELOPMENT refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees grow. EDUCATION is theoretical learning in classrooms. Training is offered to operatives, whereas developmental programs are meant for employees in higher positions. Education, however is common to all the employees. OBJECTIVES OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT The principal objective of training and development division is to make sure the availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization. In addition to this, there are other objectives which are stated as:
Individual objectives: help employees in achieving their personal goals which in turn enhances the individuals contribution towards the organization. Organizational objectives: assist the organization with its primary objective by bringing individuals effectiveness. Functional objectives: maintain a departments contribution at a level suitable to the organizational needs. Societal objectives: ensures that an organization is ethically and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of the society.
INPUTS IN TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Any training and development program must contain inputs which enable the participants to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help acquire vision to look into the distant future.
Skills: Training is imparting of skills to employees. A worker needs skills to operate machines and use other equipment with
least damage and scrap. Skills involve performance of various physical activities. Also interpersonal skills which include listening, persuading and showing an understanding of others feelings.
Education: Its purpose is to teach theoretical concepts and develop a sense of reasoning and judgement. That any training and development program must contain an element of education is well understood by HR specialists. In fact, CEOs are known to attend refresher courses conducted by business schools. Education is more important for managers and executives than for lower cadre workers.
Development: It is less skill-oriented but stresses on knowledge. Knowledge about business environment, management principles and techniques and human relations is useful for better management of a company. Development programs are conducted to:
To make them result oriented To make the sensitive to the environment in which they function, both at the workplace and outside To make them aware of themselves- their potential and limitations To teach them to communicate without filters, to see and feel points of view different from their own To make them understand their power and their by develop leadership style which motivate others.
Ethics: There is need for imparting greater ethical orientation to a training and development program. There is no denial of the fact that ethics are largely ignored in businesses. Ethical orientation is significant because: Ethics correspond to the basic human needs. All of us want to be ethical in our personal lives and in business dealings. An organization perceived as ethically and socially concerned is honoured and respected. Values lend management credibility with employees. It also helps in better decision making which are in the interests of the public, the employees and in the long termthe company itself.
Finally, ethics are important because government and law cannot always protect the society, but ethics can. For example- Employees interest is better protected by an ethically- conscious management than a plethora of labour acts. IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT TATAS IMPLEMENTED SEVERAL LABOUR- WELFARE MEASURES LONG BEFORE THEY WERE MANDATED BY THE GOVERNMENT.
Attitudinal changes: Attitudes represent feelings and beliefs of individuals towards others. Attitudes affect motivation, satisfaction and job- commitment. Negative attitudes need to be converted into positive attitudes. Nevertheless, attitudes must be changed so that employees feel committed to the organization, are motivated for better performance and derive satisfaction from their jobs and the work environment.
Decision Making and Problem Solving Skills: This focuses on methods and techniques for making organizational decisions and solving work- related problems. It improves the abilities to define and structure problems, collect and analyze information, generate alternative solutions and make an optimal decision among alternatives.
DEFINITION OF TRAINING Training may be defined as a planned program designed to improve performance and to being about measurable changes in technical knowledge and skills of employees for doing a particular job. Thus, we can say the word training consists of eight letters, to each of which could be attributed significant meanings in the following manner: T Talent and Tenacity (strong determination)
R Reinforcement (something positive to be reinforced into memory and system again and again, until it becomes a spontaneous affair) A Awareness (with which one can easily take long strides of progress) I Interest (which is invariably accompanied by excitement and enthusiasm) N Novelties (the new things the like of which would sustain our interest) I Intensity (the training instilled into the trainees mind must acquire experience oriented intensity) N Nurturing (it does refer to continuous nurturing of talent, which otherwise would remain dormant)
G Grip (a fine grip over the situation solves multiple problems and enables one to acquire a practical and programmatic approach)
Training is activity leading to skilled behavior. Its not what you want in life, but its knowing how to reach it Its not where you want to go, but its knowing how to get there Its not how high you want to rise, but its knowing how to take off It may not be quite the outcome you were aiming for, but it will be an outcome Its not what you dream of doing, but its having the knowledge to do it It's not a set of goals, but its more like a vision Its not the goal you set, but its what you need to achieve it. NEED FOR TRAINING The need for training of employees is universally accepted and practical training in the form of information, instructions and guidance is given to all categories of employees. It is a must for raising efficiency of employees. Training is necessary in present competitive and ever changing industrial world. The following points (reasons) justify the need for training: Training is needed as a good supplement to school/college education. Training at the industry level is practical and is needed for creating confidence among employees. It is also needed for personal growth and development of employees.
Training is needed due to continuous changes in the field of science and technology. Workers can work as per new methods or can use new machines only when suitable practical training is given to them. Training is the only method by which the knowledge and skills of workers are updated. Training is needed in order to introduce modern methods or for the introduction of rationalization and computer technol ogy in the industrial units. It is needed for improving the quality of production and also for avoiding accidents and wastages of all kinds in the industrial units. Training is needed for personal safety of employees and also for avoiding damage to machines and property of the company. Training is needed as it creates highly skilled manpower in an organization. Such skilled manpower is the real asset of an industrial unit. Training is needed for preventing manpower obsolescence, for improving health and safety of workers, for improving organizational climate and finally for meeting future personnel needs of the organization. o Training is needed for raising the efficiency and productivity of industrial employees. ROLE OF TRAINING
Growth of organization: Training contributes to employee stability in at least two ways. Employees become efficient after undergoing training. Efficient employees contribute to growth of organization. Trained employees would be valuable assets to an organization. Organizational efficiency, productivity, and progress to a greater extent depend on training. Flexibility: Training makes the employees versatile in operations. All rounder can be transferred to any job. Flexibility is therefore ensured. Efficient utilization of resources: Accidents scrap and damaged to machinery and equipment can be avoided or minimized
through training. Training enables employees to make better usage of resources- men, materials and machinery which helps in reducing the cost and time wastage.
Recruitment: Training serves as an effective source of recruitment. It is an investment in human resources with a promise.
THE BENEFITS OF EMPLOYEE TRAINING How Training Benefits the Organization Leads to improved profitability and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization Improves the morale of the workplace Helps people identify with organizational goals Fosters authenticity, openness and trust Improves relationship between boss and subordinates Helps create a better corporate image Aids in organizational development Helps prepare guidelines for work Aids in understanding and carrying out organizational policies
Provides information for future needs in all areas of the organization Organization gets more effective decision- making and problem- solving skills Aids in development for promotion within the organization. Aids in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually display Aids increasing productivity and quality of work Helps keep cost down in many areas e.g. production, personnel, administration etc. Develops a sense of responsibility to the organization for being competent and knowledgeable Improves labour- management relations Reduces outside consulting cost by utilizing competent internal consultation Aids in improving organizational communication
Helps employees adjust to change Aids in handling conflict, thereby helping to prevent stress and tension
Through training and development, motivational variables of recognition, achievement, growth, responsibility and advancement are internalised and operationalised Aids in encouraging and achieving self- development and self- confidence Helps a person handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict Provides information for improving leadership, knowledge, communication skills and attitudes Increases job- satisfaction and recognition Moves a person towards personal goals while improving interactive skills Develops a sense of growth in learning Helps a person develop speaking and listening skills; also writing skills when exercises are required Helps eliminate fear in attempting new tasks
Benefits in Personnel and Human Relations, Intragroup and Intergroup Relations and Policy Implementation
Improves communication between groups and individuals Aids in orientation for new employee and those taking new jobs through transfer or promotion Provides information on equal opportunity and affirmative action
Provides information on other government laws and administrative policies Improves interpersonal skills Makes organizational policies, rules and regulations viable Builds cohesiveness in groups Provides a good climate for learning, growth and coordination Makes the organization a better place to work and live
Organisational level: It involves a study of entire organization in terms of its objectives, resources and interaction pattern in the environment
Problems dealt with training are related to production, high cost, poor material control, poor quality, excessive scrap, grievance, high employee turnover, fatigue, absenteeism, and introduction of new product or services, organizational changes concerned with manpower inventory for present and future needs.
Group level: While there is an emphasis on individual effectiveness, group processes and dynamics go along way in bringing cohesiveness among the employees. Hence, managing subordinate, art of delegation, bringing about inter- group process dependency, providing feedback, counselling, mentoring are some of the aspects that might prompt a training program. Individual level: Training is required to improve performance. It is also required to modify undesirable behaviour. And, also to equip an individual with additional skills to meet the changing requirement.
3 Is of Training Implement: whether he implements Improving: whether there is any improvement in working Innovation: whether he innovate his skills and his style
It deals with the business environment. It includes the political, cultural, social and economic aspects.
After training, the employee will be able to accurately calculate mark down on all sales merchandise( e.g. 30%mark down)
specialists in other parts of the company, outside consultants, industry associations, and faculty members at universities. Who among these are selected to teach depends on where the program is held and the skill that is being taught.
Trainers need to understand the pros and cons of each method, also its impact on trainees keeping their background and skills in mind before giving training.
Cognitive methods are more of giving theoretical training to the trainees. The various methods under Cognitive approach provide the rules for how to do something, written or verbal information, demonstrate relationships among concepts, etc. The various methods that come under Cognitive approach are:
Behavioural methods are more of giving practical training to the trainees. The various methods under Behavioural approach allow the trainee to behaviour in a real fashion. These methods are best used for skill development. The various methods that come under Behavioural approach are:
trainee first observes the behaviour modelled in the video and then reproduces the behaviour on the job.
Equipment stimulators :
Equipment simulators are the mechanical devices that necessitate trainees to use some actions, plans, measures, trials, movements, or decision processes they would use with equipment back on the their respective work place. It is imperative that the simulators be designed to repeat the physical aspects of equipment and operational surroundings trainees will find at their work place. This is also called as physical fidelity of the simulation. Besides that, the mental conditions under which the equipment is operated such as, increasing demands, pressure of time, and relationship with colleagues, subordinates, etc must also be closely matched to what the trainees experience on the work place.
from one job to another. The trainee receives job knowledge and gains experience from the supervisors or trainers in each of different job assignment. This method gives on opportunity to the trainee to understand the problems of employees on other jobs and respect them. b) Coaching: In coaching superior plays an active role in training the subordinate by assigning him challenging tasks. The superior acts as a coach in training the subordinate by assisting and advising him to complete the assigned task. c) Job instruction: This method is known as training through step by step. Under trainer explains trainee the way of doing job, job knowledge and skills and allows him to do the job. The trainer appraises the performance of the trainee, provides feedback information and corrects the trainee. The process or the steps under job instruction method are as follows Step1: Prepare the employee for instruction. Put him at ease. Explain the job and its importance. Get him interested in learning the job. Step 2: Present the job. Follow your breakdowns. Explain and demonstrate one step at a time tell why and how? Stress key points. Instruct clearly and patiently. Give everything you will want back, but no more.
Step 3: have him do the job. Have him tell why and how and stress key points. Correct errors and omissions as he makes them. Encourage him. Get back everything you gave him in the step 2. Continue until you know he knows. Step 4: Follow through. Put him on his own. Encourage questions. Check frequently. Let him know how he is doing. If the learner has not learnt, correct him and teach him repeatedly.
1) Classroom method:
Classroom method for training personnel includes lectures, discussions, role-playing and case study.
concepts, principles etc to a large group at one time. The main advantage of lectures is that it can be used for a very large group at one time and there is low cost per trainee. b) Discussion: Combining lectures with discussion eliminate the limitation of one-way communication. In this method the trainees interact with the lecturer and any doubts or misunderstanding of the concept and principles are cleared.
conditions are simulated in the classroom. Material, files and equipments those are used in actual job performance are also used in training. This type of training is commonly used for training personnel for clerical and semi-skilled jobs. The duration of this training ranges from days to a few weeks. 3) Committee conference: Committees can be a method of training. The junior members of the committee can learn from the discussion and interaction with the senior member of the committee. The senior member can also learn from the opinions and views expressed by the junior members. Committees can serve the purpose of developing good social relations. In the case of conference, group discussions and the meetings are held to discuss various issues and to provide solutions to various problems. The chairperson leads the discussion and then the participants attempt to provide solutions. The conferences act as a group interaction and exchange of views and idea. It reshapes thinking and attitudes of the participants.
important managerial discussions, debates and talks can be viewed and listened.
Levels of evaluation
Evaluation of training takes place at four levels: reaction, learning, behavior and results.
Techniques of Evaluation
Several techniques are being used in firms. Some of them are: Time- series analysis: measurements are taken before the program begins and are continued during and after the program is completed. These results are plotted on a graph to determine whether changes have occurred and remain as a result of the training- effort.
BPO is Business Process Outsourcing. It is an agreement between two parties for specific business task. Job seekers prefer BPOs over other sectors because it is providing high paying jobs to graduates/undergraduates. To deliver desired services to customer, who is 10,000 miles away or more than that, it is important to have good amount of business knowledge and required expertise. Here, we will study: Reasons behind the increasing need of training in BPO industry
Areas covered in training programs The types and programs of training provided in HCL Evaluation of training in HCL
BPO industry is expected to generate 6 million jobs by 2015, which is why training need has increased more than ever before.
High attrition rate in this sector reason being unsatisfied employee, monotonous work, neglected talent, inadequate know-how, etc. Coming up of high profile BPOs.
Customer care Technical support Payroll maintenance Sales and Telemarketing Finance and accounting
Human Resources Back office work Medical transcription Research and analysis
NEW HIRE TRAINING(VOICE AND ACCENT) Voice and Accent training is conducted to
ensure the trainees to have an accent which is neutral, so that they are able to converse well and can be understood easily by customers of different geographies. The objective of this training program is to help participants understand and use a neutral English accent that can be easily understood by people from various cultures across the globe.
b. Grammar
Subject verb agreement
Pronoun Adjectives and Adverbs Prepositions and Articles Active and Passive Tenses
Training duration
It is normally for 3 weeks.
Resources required
Maximum number of participants is 25 Printed handouts for candidates The Lcd projector and computer with CD and DVD drive Folders/ files for trainees to store their information Audio speakers Pens and notepads for trainees
training is given to ensure that there are minimal cultural gaps in the interaction with the customers. This ensures better customer experience. The main objective is to aid participants in developing their skills to deal with global customers by helping them to understand: The context of the business culture Expectations of the customer Protocols to be followed when working with customers of that culture
Dos and donts on the telephone Taking and leaving messages Training duration
It is generally for 1 week.
Training methodology:
PowerPoint is used to teach concepts and show movie clips Role plays are used to understand different situations Training is centred around experiential learning techniques
Training duration
It is typically for 4 8 weeks
and assertiveness. This has, in turn, enhanced workplace conflict resolution, making them more effective managers. It comprises techniques for managers in an organization to resolve workplace conflict and build a common understanding and framework for working through challenging conflict situations.
Evaluation of training takes place at four levels:
Identification of training needs i.e. what would be the objective of the training Then to arrange the students in a batch of 20- 25 and in what sequence Letting the trainees know about the performance standards
Candidates are made to fill the feedback forms at the completion of the training. Feedback is important to judge
ASPIRE policy for BIA: It is a career progression program for Business Intelligence and Analytics. It covers
E1.1 BAND: should have completed minimum of 12 months in the same band
3. Last appraisal rating should be ME and above On successful completion of training, the employee would be transferred to BIA. SALARY SCALES WOULD BE AS PER THE BIA.
SHINE HCL IIMC PROGRAM: HCL Technologies Ltd. Has tied up with IIM Calcutta to run in- house certification program on general management for its employees so that they can pursue higher education while continue working with them.
After an employee successfully completes the program and continues to serve the organization for another 6 months, he becomes eligible to receive part reimbursement of the course fees.
Its purpose is to attract and hire young 10+2 students and enhance their skills while providing them an enriching career as they gain work experience in the business service industry. It also aims to make positive contribution towards their education by sponsoring all/part of their education expenses incurred for courses pursued through HCL selected college/universities.
FAST TRACKER POLICY: It provides an accelerated career progression path for team- members and enables them to be developed as and promoted to team leaders. It also acts as a reward mechanism and retention tool for top performance in the company.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Methodology is a term made up of two words, research & methodology. Research means search for knowledge. It is a scientific and systematic search for potential information on a specific topic. It is an art
of scientific investigation. It is careful investigation or inquiry especially for search of new fact in any branch of knowledge. Method of data collection Data can be of two types, primary and secondary data. Primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time, and it is in original form. Primary data can be collected either through experiment or through survey. The researcher has chosen the survey method for data collection. In case of survey, data can be collected by any one or more of the following ways: Observation Questionnaire Personal or Group Interview Telephone survey Communication with respondents Analysis of documents and historical records Case study Small group study of random behavior The researcher goes for the questionnaire methods of data collection due to limited time in hand. While designing data-collection procedure, adequate safeguards against bias and unreliability must be ensured. Which ever method is selected, questions must be well examined and be made unambiguous. Researcher has examined the collected data for completeness, comprehensibility, consistently and reliability. Researcher has also gathers secondary data which have already been collected and analyzed by someone else. He got various information from journals, historical documents, magazines and reports prepared by the other researchers. For the present piece of research, I have used the following methods:
K Ashwathappa (2008) Human Resource Management, Tata Mc-Graw Hill (143-190) Allan Pepper (1999) A Handbook on Training and Development Online published material on worldwide web
Table of content
Executive summary
Objectives of study Significance and scope of the report Corporate overview HCL- A Snapshot Leadership Credential Global Operations HR best practices HCL advantage What makes HCL different Introduction to Training and Development Nature of Training and Development Objectives Inputs of Training and Development Benefits of Employee Training Training process Training and Development programs in HCL Reasons behind Training in BPOS Types of TRAINING IN HCL Evaluation of Training in HCL Employees career related policies in HCL Research methodology Questionnaire
CERTIFICATE To Head of the department Loyola College Nungambakkam Chennai Respected sir/madam This is with reference to the feedback of Miss. PAPUN MARY final year M.com student of Loyola college. The above student of your college has undergone the interview for the Training and human resource development through questionnaire method as well as direct interview in HCL technology private limited business services Thanking you! Yours truly,