Waste Management Proof 10 Rev A

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Waste Management Awareness Handbook


Waste Management Awareness Handbook


Document Reference Number Revision Number Approval Date Revision Date

HSQE-WM3 Rev A February 2011 5 Years

Document Developed by Document Approved by Responsible for Implementation

William Roban Estates Directorate Dublin Mid-Leinster Estates Head of Health Safety, Quality and Environment All HSE Employees

Responsible for Evaluation and Audit

Estates Manager for Environment and Waste

Waste Management Awareness Handbook 2011

Table of Contents
Scope ...........................................................................................................................7 Introduction...................................................................................................................6

2. National Legislation .....................................................................................................9 4. Prevention and Minimisation ......................................................................................13 4.2 Details of Prevention/Minimisation/Reuse ............................................................14 3. Responsibility of Holder of Waste ..............................................................................12 4.1 Policies and Targets .............................................................................................13 2.1 Waste Management Statutory Requirements ......................................................10

1. Health Service Executive (HSE) Waste Policy .............................................................8

4.4 Green Procurement .............................................................................................15 4.4.3 Producer Responsibility Schemes ................................................................15 4.4.2 Green Procurement ......................................................................................15

4.3 Good Practice Notes from C&AG Value For Money Report, 2005.......................15 4.4.1 Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) .............................................................................15

5. Healthcare Waste ......................................................................................................17 5.2 Storage ................................................................................................................21 5.2.3 Storage Units for Healthcare Risk Waste......................................................23 5.2.2 Health Centres/Clinics ..................................................................................22 5.2.1 Hospitals .......................................................................................................21 5.1 Segregation and Packaging ................................................................................20

4.4.4 HSE Social Responsible Policies and Procedures .......................................16

5.3 Health & Safety Considerations ...........................................................................25 5.3.2 Spillages .......................................................................................................26 5.3.1 Handling .......................................................................................................25

5.2.4 Waste Containment.......................................................................................25

6. Contractors, Transport and Final Disposal .................................................................27 6.3 Transfrontier Shipment (TFS) Form .....................................................................30 6.5 Trade Effluent .......................................................................................................32

5.4 Waste Tracking and Record Keeping...................................................................26

5.3.3 Sharps .........................................................................................................26

6.1 Collection Permits ................................................................................................29

6.2 Consignment Note C1 Form .............................................................................30 6.4 Dangerous Goods Regulations (ADR) .................................................................31

7. Waste Audits .............................................................................................................33

List of Figures
Figure 2: Waste Management Hierarchy ........................................................................9 Figure 1: Healthcare Waste Catergorized .......................................................................7

Figure 11: Waste Segregated into Non-Risk Waste and Risk Waste Fractions ............36

Figure 10: Waste Segregated during the Healthcare Risk Waste Audit ........................36

Figure 9: The Results of a Typical Healthcare Risk Waste Audit ..................................36

Figure 8: Waste Audit Procedure ..................................................................................33

Figure 7: Healthcare Waste Segregation ......................................................................20

Figure 6: Origin of Food Waste in a Hospital ................................................................19

Figure 5: Waterford EPA Audit (Acute)..........................................................................19

Figure 4: Clonakilty/Monaghan CTC Audit (PCCC) ......................................................19

Figure 3: Life Cycle Analysis .........................................................................................15

Traditional perception of landfill

Appendix A Poster Segregation and Packaging for Healthcare Risk and Non-Risk Waste

Standard Precautions Poster Appendix B

Segregation of Healthcare Waste Figure 6.1 from The Segregation, Packaging and Storage Guidelines for Healthcare Risk Waste

Example of Consignment Note (C1 Form) and European Waste Catalogue List (EWC)

Poor waste management

Many generated in the delivery of the health different waste streams are environment as well as result in savings generated. from the efficient management of the waste

services. The responsible management and

for healthcare personnel, involving environmental, health and safety considerations.

disposal of such wastes is an onerous task

The Comptroller & Auditor General (C&AG) of waste management in hospitals in 2004. carried out a Value for Money examination

This handbook has been prepared by the advisory capacity, to help develop

Estates Directorate of the HSE acting in an

The C&AGs report, published in 2005, well managed there was considerable found that while healthcare risk waste was

awareness of good practice in waste

healthcare sector. A general overview of waste management principles is provided included for those who require more specific information. and details of further references are

management for all staff working in the

of other waste steams and the level of sought to identify current practices in waste produced and the associated disposal recycling was low. The C&AG report1

scope for improvements in the management

management, the level and type of waste costs. The report highlighted a number of areas for improvement notably the identification of costs and quantities for the targets and performance measurement in

The Handbook, together with appropriate

health and safety risk associated with

training, aim to inform staff, reduce the healthcare waste and assist in achieving statutory requirements and other relevant

disposal of some wastes and the lack of hospital waste management plans. In findings and has made waste management,

compliance with Government policies, response, the HSE has acknowledged the

health sector guidelines. In doing so, they as it relates to environmental protection and should also help to reduce the impact on the value for money, a key priority.

Comptroller and Auditor General Report on Value for Money Examination, Report No. 49, Value for Money in Hospitals, 2005. www.audgen.gov.ie

Healthcare Waste is defined as solid or liquid waste arising from healthcare or health related facilities. This waste comprises two fractions, namely risk waste and non-risk waste as illustrated below.

(Hazardous) This is categorised as waste which is potentially harmful to those who come into contact with it, due to its infectious, biological,chemical, radioactive, sharp content; It is classified as hazardous.

* (Non-Clinical Healthcare Waste) This category of waste, includes wastes which are not classified as hazardous.
*Note: The term non-risk is use to distinguish this waste from hazardous waste. it should not be taken as implying that the waste is without risk if carelessly handled

Figure 1: Healthcare Waste Catergorized The Guidelines use as their basis:

DOHC/HSE Segregation Packaging and Storage Guidelines for Healthcare Risk Waste 2010 November 2010 Comptroller & Auditor General (C&AG) Value for Money Report on Waste Management in Hospitals 2005 Healthcare Services Executive (HSE) Waste Management Policy - Estates Directorate Statement of Principles December 2010

The guidance given in this document in relation to Healthcare Waste is of a general nature. Those requiring more specific advice in this area are referred to the DOHC 2004 Guidelines updated 2010 by HSE.

1. Health Service Executive (HSE) Waste Policy

HSE WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICY2 Mission Statement: The Health Services Executive is committed to maintaining a waste management system that is safe, efficient, cost effective and respectful of the environment AIMS: To protect public health & safety. To monitor performance and review Waste Management practices at least annually. Develop practical guidelines for: 1. Waste minimisation 3. Re-usable products 2. Use of returnable packaging

To provide a safe working environment for staff.

To minimise the environmental impact of waste generation, transport, treatment and disposal.

Reduce waste handling and disposal volumes and costs without compromising health care standards. Foster commitment from all staff and management to actively participate in 1. Waste avoidance 2. Waste reduction 3. Waste reuse

Introduce a continuing waste management education program for all staff to increase awareness of Occupational Health and Safety issues and waste minimisation principles.

4. Recycling equipment within purchasing guidelines

Adopt policies and procedures to minimise the environmental impact of waste treatment and disposal.


To adopt and implement the Waste Management Policy throughout the HSE.

To comply with Environmental, Safety and Welfare legislation and Policies.

4. Waste recycling programs

Healthcare Services Executive (HSE) Waste Management Policy - Estates Directorate Statement of Principles December 2010.

2. National Legislation
All national policies and strategies aim to implement the waste management hierarchy (Figure 2). This prioritizes waste options in terms of environmental impact. These policies prioritise waste management options in terms of environmental impact. The first step in good waste management practise is to prevent or minimise the waste we produce. If waste production cannot be prevented then reuse and recycling are the next preferable options. Generating energy from waste is the next option, while the least favoured option is disposal.

Figure 2: Waste Management Hierarchy The three principal policy documents that provide the framework on which to base waste management practices are as follows: Waste Management - Changing Our Ways, Department of Environment & Local Government 1998,

Waste Management, Taking Stock and Moving Forward, Department of Environment & Local Government 2004.

Preventing and Recycling Waste - Delivering Change,Department of Environment & Local Government 2002, and

A list of the relevant legislation pertaining to waste in the healthcare sector is set out below. It is important that HSE waste management practices are compliant with all relevant legislation.


2.1 Waste Management Statutory Requirements

Waste Management Act, 1996 (S.I. No. Obligation to prevent and minimise waste 10) and amendments (S.I. No. 146 of Introduction of Producer Responsibility 1998) and (S.I. No. 166 of 1998) Application of higher standards in accordance with EU and national waste management requirements Waste Management (Amendment) Act, Waste Management Plans made a Local Authority 2001 (S.I. No. 36) executive function Responsibility of waste management planning placed on local authorities Allows for environmental levies Definition of hazardous waste*



Waste Management (Licensing) Licensing by the EPA for waste facilities Regulations, 1997, 2001, 2004 Application for a waste license to be made to the EPA (S.I. No. 133) (S.I. No. 397) (S.I. No. 395) (Refer also to Section 7)

Protection of the Environment (PoE) New powers for the EPA to gather and use evidence Act, 2003 (S.I. No. 27) for prosecutions Presumption that landowners are complicit in illegal dumping activity

Waste Management (Facility Permit and Recovery of wastes requires a facility permit or Registration) Regulations 2007 & the registration certificate waste management (Facility Permit and Application for facility permits or registration Registration) certificates to be made to the local authority (Amendment) Regulations 2008 Non compliance of these regulations is an offense (S.I. 821 0f 2007) entered into force on 1 June 2008

Waste Management (Packaging) Regu- These regulations impose obligations on producers lations, 2007 (S.I. No. 798) who supply packaging to the Irish market to promote the recovery and recycling of packaging waste

Waste Management (Collection Permit) Collection of waste on a commercial basis must be Regulations, 2007 permitted Application for a collection permit to be made to the (S.I. No. 820) (Refer also to Section 7) local authority Non compliance of these regulations is an offense

Waste Management (Movement of Haz- Movement of hazardous waste within Ireland ardous Waste) Regulations, 1998 (S.I. Non compliance of these regulations is an offense No. 147) under Section 36(3) of the Waste Management Act, 1996 (Refer also to Section 7)

*Refer to EPA Publications European Waste Catalogue and Hazardous Waste List, 2002 and the Hazardous Waste Classification Tool and Final Report, 2003 for more information on hazardous waste (see also Appendix B EWC List). www.environ.ie/en/Publications/Environment/Waste/WEEE/FileDownLoad,1343,en.pdf


Waste Management (Electrical and Amended the Waste Management Act, 1996 by Electronic Equipment) Regulations, inserting Part VB Waste Electrical and Electronic 2005 (S.I. No 290) Equipment after section 53F and the Waste Management Act is now referred to as Waste Management Acts 1996-2005 Waste Management (Electrical and Impose obligations on suppliers and producers to Electronic Equipment) Regulations, promote the recovery of WEEE 2005 (S.I. No 402)

European Communities (Carriage of The Regulations contain provisions on an EC Dangerous Goods by Road) (ADR harmonised approach to the road checks aspect of Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations their enforcement. They also implement certain 2007 (S.I. No. 289 of 2007) exemptions which are in addition to those contained in the Annexes A and B to the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) 2007

The Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Outlines ADR requirements to be adhered to when Road Regulations, 2007 (S.I. No. 288) transporting Dangerous Goods by road which apply the provisions of the ADR 2009 European (Refer to Part 9; on safety advisors) Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road Requires that a Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser (DGSA) be appointed to oversee all the necessary requirements when transporting Dangerous Goods

Waste Management (Shipments of Controls placed on movement of waste within, into Waste) Regulations, 2007 (S.I. No. 419) and out of the European community Non compliance of these regulations is an offense (Refer also to Section 7) under Section 39(3) of the Waste Management Act, 1996



Waste Management (Restriction of Prohibits the use of certain heavy metals in the Certain Hazardous Substance in production of electrical and electronic equipment Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Non compliance of these regulations is an offense Regulations, 2005 (S.I. No. 341) under Section 53 of the Waste Management Act, 1996 The Waste Management (End of Life Target of 85% reuse/recovery by Jan 2006 (by Vehicles) Regulations, 2006 (S.I. No. average weight per vehicle) and 95% reuse/recovery 282) by Jan 2015 Ensure all end-of-life vehicles are dismantled, treated and recovered in a manner that does not cause environmental pollution Minimise the use of specified hazardous substances in vehicles

www.irishstatues.book.ie refer to this website for update Water Pollution Act 1977 & 1990: Waste Discharge Licensing, Waste Management (Batteries & Accumulators) Regulations (SI 508/2008), Food Waste Regulations 2009 (SI 508 /2009).


3. Responsibility of Holder of Waste

It is the responsibility of the manager in each location to comply with relevant waste management legislation. Each healthcare facility as a generator or holder of waste is responsible for ensuring that the waste is properly stored, transported and disposed of in compliance with statuory requirements. The holder of waste can be defined as the owner, person in charge, or any other person having possession or control of the waste. For example a GPs surgery, dentists surgery, nursing home or hospital manager are all holders of waste. The holder of waste must ensure that anyone that the waste is passed onto such as a waste contractor is authorised to take it. If the waste is illegally disposed of those responsible will be legally accountable for this. This obligation has no time limit and extends until the waste has either been finally and properly disposed of or recovered. The holder of waste should ensure that at a minimum:

A record is kept of all wastes.

Waste is only handled by individuals or companies that are authorised to deal with it, and

All waste is stored and disposed of properly to ensure that it will not cause environmental pollution or cause a health and safety risk,

HSE Producer Responsibilities: i.

Ensure that waste contractors hold a valid waste collection permit. Check that each waste contractor is permitted to carry the waste concerned from your Local Authority (EWC European Waste Catalogue codes for healthcare risk waste and non risk waste should be stated on the waste collection permit). Obtain a copy of their waste collection permit.


Ensure your waste is being taken to an EPA licensed facility for processing i.e. processing/treatment facility or landfill. If the holder of waste does not comply as outlined above they can be prosecuted under Section 32 (6) of the Waste Management Acts 1996-2005.

Ensure that all appropriate documentation C1 form is completed before the hazardous or risk waste leaves site.

iii. Check that the vehicle registration used to carry waste is listed on waste collection permit.

Line-managers at all HSE facilities are responsible for managing their waste in compliance with the Regulations.


4. Approach to Waste Management

Waste Management, Taking Stock and Moving Forward is the latest published The Department of Environment & Local policy issued in April 2004. This policy was Governments Changing Our Ways policy a progression report on waste management statement was issued in September 1998. in Ireland. It reaffirmed the importance of It set out national policy and key targets the waste hierarchy to attain a sustainable which the local authorities would implement waste management program. and enforce to enable the regional waste management plans to deliver on national There are twenty-one key points in this targets. document some of which include: The key targets of Changing Our Ways for Launching of the National Waste 2013 were: Prevention Programme with immediate Diversion of up to 50% of household effect, waste away from landfill, Launching of a Market Development Diversion of a minimum of 65% of Group with immediate effect to develop biodegradable waste from landfill, a programme for recyclable materials, Development of waste recovery facilities Allocation of funding for a range of local for biodegradable waste up to 300,000 authority recycling projects, tonnes per annum, Advancements in development of Recycling of 35% of municipal waste thermal treatment and the lessening of per annum, landfilling works, and Reduction in number of municipal waste Developments in the Producer landfills to 20 state of the art facilities, Responsibility Initiatives in relation to 4.1 National Policies and Targets The National Waste Prevention Programme was launched in April 2004 which is being Delivering Change - Preventing and led by the EPA. The aim of the Programme Recycling Waste was published in March is to deliver waste prevention and min2002. It reflects the basics Changing our imisation through a range of initiatives Ways and advances to practical addressing awareness-raising, technical applications in achieving the policy. Moving and financial assistance, training and away from landfilling is a major aspect of incentive mechanisms (www.nwpp.ie). this policy provided through prevention and minimisation of waste. New national initiatives were accepted to speed up the process of change in social behaviour within the country. These included: Recycling of at least 85% of C&D waste. A proposal to establish Recycling Consultative Forum and a Market Development Group. A plan to set up a National Waste Prevention Programme, and Reduce landfill methane emissions by 80%, and WEEE and telephone directories as well as the tyre and newsprint sectors.


Avoiding waste generation is the best option for dealing with waste. The amount of risk waste can be reduced by proper segregation of risk waste and non-risk waste. Waste audits indicate that non-risk waste placed in the risk waste stream increase the volumes of risk waste, which is five times more expensive to treat. There are many means of preventing nonrisk waste some examples which are listed below: Prevention

4.2 Waste Prevention/Minimisation/ Reuse


Cardboard - Change to reusable packaging for daily deliveries.

Paper - Print on both sides of the paper. Place posters near printers with instructions for double sided printing. Use e-mail memos instead of leaving notes. Store data on disc rather than paper copies. Equipment - Try to purchase durable equipment to increase life of product. Buy products that are guaranteed by a warranty. Batteries - Use rechargeable batteries where possible.

Packaging - Ensure all purchasing contracts have a measure put in place to reduce and prevent packaging. Try to reduce packaging by asking suppliers to cut down on product packaging and get a guarantee that suppliers will take back bulky packaging items such as pallets, cardboards and plastic outer wrapping. Refills - Use refillable dispensers where possible e.g. soap, paper towels etc. Use refill toner cartridges for printers, copiers and fax machines. Cleaning products - Purchase nontoxic cleaning products to avoid hazardous waste disposal.

After prevention and minimisation reuse is the next best option when dealing with waste. Reuse/Recycling* Cooking oil - Install equipment in kitchens to filter waste oil so it can be reused.

Paper - Reuse scrap paper for internal notes. Shredded paper can be reused for packages. Cardboard - Reuse boxes for outgoing deliverers.

Stationery - Reuse interoffice envelopes, file folders and boxes. Furniture - Repair and donate old furniture and equipment to charity. www.wastechange.ie Glass - Glass should be chosen over plastic as it is easier to recycle.

Try and source products locally and check that they are from a renewable resource and/or a recycled material. If waste cannot be prevented then effort must be made to minimise it or segregated so that it is suitable for recycling.

Food - Waste audits indicate that 75% of food waste is food ordered for hospital patients, but not consumed. To prevent food wastage provide different portion sizes and remove unpopular menu choices.

Crockery - Reuse ceramic instead of polystyrene or plastic.

*The above list is not exhaustive; many other materials such as timber, metals, food waste textiles, construction and demolition waste can be reused or recycled.


4.4.1 Green Procurement Green Procurement can be defined as the The Comptroller & Auditor Generals procedure where environmental con(C&AG) Value For Money Report, 2005, siderations are included in the procurement outlined areas for improvement in waste process. Public procurement accounts for management practices in hospitals in nine 16% of EU Gross Domestic Product. The good practice notes: HSE accounts for 52% of Government's 1. Cutting down on the amount of waste procurement allocation. Greening procurement would therefore have benefits for the produced, environment. 2. Recycling suitable material, 3. Saving on the cost of risk waste 4.4.2 Waste Producer Responsibility Schemes containers, 4. Saving on the cost of treating and disposing of risk waste, 5. Making waste storage areas secure,

4.3 Good Practice Notes from C&AG Value For Money Report, 2005 (Waste Management in Hospitals)

4.4 Green Procurement

7. Performance based waste management plans, 9. Learning from waste-related incidents.

6. Ensuring staff are aware of the latest in good practice,

The producer responsibility concept focuses on the need for producers to take responsibility for the environmental impact of putting goods on the market. Existing compliance schemes in Ireland, dealing with Packaging Waste, End of Life Vehicles (ELVs) and Waste Electrical & Electronic Waste (WEEE), batteries and accumulators are supported by Regulations made under the Waste Management Acts, 1996-2005.

8. Key performance measures for waste management, and

Figure 3: Life Cycle Analysis


Waste generation and the impact on the environment, particularly when viewed over the lifetime of a product, can be greatly influenced at the procurement stage. The HSE policy on procurement includes a statement on the protection of the environment and sustainability

4.4.3 Procurement Policy

As a significant public sector purchaser the HSE recognises that it has a particular role to play in contributing to the protection of the environment and the promoting of sustainable development, while pursuing best value for money for its contracts. The HSE will, therefore, endeavour to:

HSE Procurement Policy on Environment

Comply with all relevant environmental legislation.

Specify, whenever possible and reasonably practicable, the use of environmentallyfriendly processes and products. Ensure that, where appropriate, environmental criteria are used in the award of contracts.

Encourage and persuade suppliers to investigate and introduce environmentally-friendly processes and products.

Ensure that consideration is given to inclusion, within all specifications, of a facility for potential suppliers to submit prices for environmentally-friendly alternatives. Ensure that appropriate consideration is given to the costs and benefits of environmentally-friendly alternatives.

Waste Electronic Electrical Equipment (WEEE) White Goods


5. Healthcare Waste
Within the HSE, waste is produced by staff, patients and members of the public. The waste types generated in the healthcare sector are outlined below: WASTE TYPES DESCRIPTION DESTINATION (BEST PRACTICE)

Healthcare Waste Healthcare Waste is defined as solid Disinfection/Energy or liquid waste arising from health- Recovery or Disposal and care or health related facilities. Thermal Treatment


Municipal Waste Canteen/Food Waste* Cooking Oil/Grease/Fats Paper & Cardboard Confidential Waste Textiles Glass Metal Plastic Consumable items pertaining to the use of medical equipment Consists of general household items Recycling/Residual for Landfill Disposal Food residue and peelings Used oil Composting Recycling

Packaging material, paper and non- Recycling confidential paper Confidential paper files, documents Shredding and Recycling etc. shredded. Clothes, Curtains, Bed linen etc. Bottles Drink cans/metal furniture etc. Recycling Recycling Recycling

Drink, food and medicine packaging Recycling Plastic items, packaging, bottles, Recycling tubing, masks etc. (only plastics that carry the recycling logo can be recycled). Incontinence wear, stoma bags, Disposal to Landfill urinary drainage bags

Potentially Offensive Material

*See CR/HSE food waste fact sheet at FOODWaste.ie. Also S.I. No. 508 of 2009. Waste Management Food Regulations 2009






Construction & Demolition (C&D) Waste Wastes arising from construction, Recycling/Residual renovation and demolition activities for Landfill Disposal such as soil, rubble, bricks, metals etc.** Waste that arises from landscaping Composting or gardening work Beds, mattresses and obsolete Reuse/Recycling/Residual furniture for Landfill Disposal Disposal to waters/sewer. Any discharge to sewer other than domestic sewage must be licenced by a Local Authority (Section 3 provides details on Discharge License Application Process)

Green Waste Bulky Waste Wastewater

WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Removal of hazardous Equipment including hazardous component and recycling component i.e. transformers and capacitors containing PCBs Removal of hazardous component and recycling Removal of hazardous component and recycling

Batteries, Fluorescent Tubes, Ink Jet Cartridges Obsolete paints, engine oil, cleaning agents, weed killer, chemicals

Segregated and baled paper and cardboard for recycling

**MBCA Guide to Construction & Demolition Waste Legislation, May 2003. www.ncdwc.ie/html/documents/GuidetoConstructionandDemolitionWasteLegislation.pdf


The following figure show samples results of waste audits.

45.0% 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0%
les r nic pe xti ga Pa Te Or

Waste Audit Results

Cork 08 Monaghan 07














* - textiles refer to non-recyclable incontinence wear

Figure 4: Clonakilty/Monaghan CTC Audit (PCCC)

Composition of Hospital Waste, 2001 (Waterford Regional Hospital)
*Hospital Equipment, Construction & Demolition waste, Timber Pallets & Textiles were excluded from this waste audit.

Food Waste Paper Towels, etc Protective Equipment (e.g. Gowns) Healthcare Textiles Other Non-Packaging Cardboard Newspapers and Magazines Office Paper Glass Packaging Other Packaging






15% 16% 16% 7%



Figure 5: Waterford EPA Audit (Acute)

Origin of Food Waste in a Hospital

Food waste by area
Wards Kitchen Daycare Canteen


Figure 6: Origin of Food Waste in a Hospital







For a more detailed guidance on the management of healthcare risk waste refer to the Segregation and Packing Guidelines. 3 The correct segregation of waste at the point of generation is crucial to the management of all wastes. Figure 7 illustrates the basic segregation and packaging requirements for risk waste. Appendix A provides more details. The first level of segregation involves the division of healthcare waste into risk and non-risk waste. Risk waste is classified as Dangerous Goods under ADR requirements, there-

5.1 Segregation and Packaging

There are no particular packaging and segregation requirements for non-risk waste but segregation where possible to meet the requirements of recycling schemes should be completed. Non-risk waste is usually packaged in black or transparent bags. However transparent bags provide for ease of identification of waste types and prevent cross-contamination with risk waste.

fore, the Medical Waste packaging must be UN Approved. Two different types of packaging are used for healthcare risk waste, bags and rigid containers. Yellow plastic bags should not be used for sharp or breakable items or for liquids.

Figure 7: Healthcare Waste - Basic segregation and packaging schematic


Segregation, Packaging and Storage Guidelines for Healthcare Risk Waste, DOHC/HSE, 2010 by HSE.


5.2 Storage

The following are typical examples of best practice for storage of healthcare waste. 5.2.1 Hospitals In hospitals waste should be stored at a central location with sub-collection stations at designated locations within the hospital. Central Waste Store Specification (External and Internal) Sufficient capacity for the frequency of collection including additional storage space for missed collections or accumulations during public holidays,

Well ventilated, well lit, drained with an impervious hardstanding floor and have a covered storage area for full healthcare risk waste wheelie bins, Easily accessible to collection vehicles, Equipped with spillage kits and washing/ cleaning and disinfection facilities for dealing with spillages etc. Dedicated rooms which provide shortterm storage requirements, Storage of both non-risk and risk waste should be kept separate, Waste brought to the collections stations in yellow bags and rigid boxes and other containers will normally be transferred into wheeled bins or trolleys in the collection station, The area should be well lit and have washable walls and floors which are resistant to disinfectants and detergents, and Access should be limited to staff, Waste Sub-Collection Stations (Internal)

Secure ventilated room for the storage of hazardous and other sensitive waste. This room should be equipped with a freezer cabinet for the storage of large anatomical items,

Separate covered storage area for clean healthcare risk waste bins prior to distribution,

Appropriate warning signs indicating the presence of healthcare risk waste/biohazard displayed at all entrances, Secure from interference by unauthorised persons, children or animals, If flammable wastes are stored, a no smoking policy must be enforced,

Appropriate safety and first aid equipment should be provided.

Acute hospital waste storage facility


5.2.2 Health Centres/Clinics Storage Units for Healthcare Risk Waste:

WASTE STORE Dimensions: 1500w x 1500d x 2200h mm (4.5 cubic metres)

LARGE CAPACITY WALK IN STORE Dimensions: 2400w x 2400d x 2400h mm (11 cubic metres)


5.2.3 Storage Units for Healthcare Risk Waste Features should include: Suitable for external or internal use,

Emergency spill kit,

Large capacity bunds to capture and retain spillages,

Secure and vandal proof,

Lockable internal safety cabinet to segregate hazardous chemicals/waste (Amalgam etc.), Ventilation panels. Safety/warning signage, and

Examples of waste storage units. Suitable for general practice and small health centres/clinics.


Storage Capacity 0.5 cubic metres 1.57 cubic metres

Dimensions 915w x 460d x 1220h mm 1500w x 700d x 1500h mm


Storage Capacity 0.5 cubic metres 1.0 cubic metres

Dimensions 1200w x 600d x 850h mm 2000w x 600d x 850h mm


HEALTH RISK WASTE WHEELED-BIN Storage Capacity Dimensions 770 Litres 785w x 1260d x 1370h mm

DOMESTIC WASTE WHEELED-BIN Storage Capacity Dimensions 1100 Litres 985w x 1380d x 1370h mm + 200mm for wheels

FOOD WASTE/SMALL (DOMESTIC) NON-RISK WASTE WHEELED-BIN Storage Capacity Dimensions 240 Litres 580w x 725d x 1075h mm


CHEMICAL WASTE CABINET Dimensions: 1500W x 1500W X 2200H (4.4Cubic metres)

5.2.4 Waste Containment

PHARMA WASTE UNIT (Secure cabinet used in conjunction with a 50 Litre Sharps/Pharma Waste Container). Dimensions: 430w x 470d x 770h mm

5.3 Health & Safety Considerations 5.3.1 Handling The general principles when handling healthcare waste are as follows: Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be worn when handling waste and all employees handling infectious waste must be vaccinated (Refer to Immunisation Guidelines for Ireland, National Immunisation Advisory Committee of Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 2002 edition), and Waste bags, boxes and containers should be closed when two-thirds full or at the manufacturer's fill line and labelled, tagged and securely sealed to prevent spillages,

Containers holding liquid must have sufficient absorbent material or jellying agent to prevent leakages from the container. Porters/care assistants should not remove bags/containers unless they are labelled/tagged appropriately, Manual handling of waste bags/ containers should be minimised, Waste bags should be picked up by the neck only and should not be thrown or dropped to avoid puncture or other damage, To prevent the risk of injury waste bags should not touch the body during handling and containers should be carried by the handle, Wash hands thoroughly after handling waste with soap and hot water.


All spillages from healthcare risk waste bags or containers should be treated as potentially hazardous and dealt with as follows:

5.3.2 Spillages

Appendix A contains a copy of the Do not leave spillages unattended. A standard precautions poster that includes member of staff should remain in the some precautions that are relevant to area while another gets assistance healthcare risk waste.

Report the incident to your Department Manager immediately.

Secure with a bandage and seek medical advice immediately, and

Adequate protective clothing should be 5.4 Waste Tracking and Record Keeping worn when cleaning up spillages In the event of a spillage of healthcare All healthcare risk waste containers should risk waste, the Department Manager be traceable to the point of generation (for should be informed and the area should example in hospitals from the ward/section where the waste originated from). A tagging be disinfected immediately or bar coding system provides a tracking All staff involved in any aspect of system for healthcare risk waste. The packaging storage and transport of following information should be recorded to healthcare risk waste should receive assist traceability: standard precaution training as details of point of generation appropriate to their task this should include: date of collection Hand hygiene, Proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Management of blood and body fluid spillage tags and tracers reference numbers waste type and quantities details of waste contractor and carriers

Do not recap needles after use.

It is the waste generators responsibility to ensure that the despatch documentation is A needle stick injury should be dealt with as in order and completed correctly. Annual follows: audits of the waste contractor should be carried out this should include the waste Clean the wound, carrier and facility of destination. Tagging Encourage bleeding immediately by records should be kept on file for three squeezing the site of the injury and years and copies of completed C1 forms wash with warm water and soap, kept on file for a minimum of five years (for hazardous waste only). Do not suck the wound, 5.3.3 Sharps2 Apply firm pressure on either side of the would and build up padding on either side of the object, If there is a protruding foreign body/ object, do not press on the object.

disposal/treatment methods

destination of waste

Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Percutaneous Injuries and other Exposure Incidents in Healthcare Workers of Health Board Managed Health Care Facilities within the Health Service Executive, ERHA, Infection Control Advisory Committee, 2001.


6. Contractors, Transport and Final Disposal

The transportation of healthcare waste is governed by several sets of regulations dealing with different concerns relating to the materials transported. All waste carriers require waste collection permits/licenses. C1 forms, TFS forms and Dangerous Goods/ADR requirements apply to hazardous/healthcare risk waste. Do not put liquid slops or cooking oil into compactors. This can lead to a discharge, during uplift or transport, causing slippage hazards. Do provide the service provider with a safe means of access and egress from your on-site waste storage area at agreed times.

Every step of the waste management chain Do train staff to store and handle waste is strictly regulated. Waste generators streams correctly on-site. should remember that they have a responsibility to ensure that waste sent off- Getting the Documentation right site is managed in a responsible manner. Do develop a written waste procedure. Working correctly with your waste service Do provide information to the waste provider can ensure this objective. The service provider on safe working profollowing list gives some ideas of best cedures on-site and any temporary practice. It is up to each generator to keep hazards associated with the collection abreast of the relevant environmental and handling of the waste. health and safety legislation. Do obtain documentary proof of waste transfer, receipt and final recovery or Do disposal by the waste service provider(s) involved. Assessing/sorting your waste Do determine the source, nature and quantity of waste generated i.e. is it recyclable or non-recyclable? Is it nonhazardous or hazardous waste? A specialist waste contractor is required to deal with hazardous waste. Do segregate your waste streams correctly on-site.

Do realise that movement of hazardous waste within the state must be accompanied by a consignment note (C1 form) in accordance with the Waste Management (Movement of hazardous Waste) Regulations. Do be aware that waste transferred out of the state must comply with the requirements of the Transfrontier Shipment (TFS) Regulations. Do keep detailed records of all hazardous waste shipments for a minimum of five years. These records should include TFS and C1 documentation.

Do ensure that hazardous waste is not mixed with other categories of hazardous waste or with non-hazardous waste.

Do not place hazardous waste with other non-hazardous waste.


Choosing/working with your service provider Do examine the credentials of prospective waste service provider(s) and their facilities/services. Do verify this information and the waste service providers compliance history with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or local authority.

permitted facility. Under waste management law all waste management facilities must be either licensed by the EPA or permitted by the relevant local waste authority.

Do ensure the service providers facility has sufficient capacity to accept and deal with your waste stream in the correct manner. Do ensure that the facilitys license authorities it to accept the particular type of waste involved.

Do ensure that the waste haulage contractor (who collects the waste) holds a valid waste collection permit in accordance with the Waste Management (Collection Permit) Regulations.

Do liaise with your service provider on designing a waste storage area on-site. Talk to your service provider about maximising the use of your waste management equipment on-site e.g. compactor skip, bins and balers. Do notify the service provider if there is any changes in the wastes composition.


Do not transfer waste to hauliers who do not have a valid waste collection permit. Do not move hazardous waste within the state without a consignment note (C1 form). Do not use unlicensed facilities for waste disposal/recovery. It is illegal.

Do ensure your waste is collected and delivered to an appropriately licensed/

Unsegregated mixed waste


Checklist of Waste Contractors licenses and permits Waste License This is issued by the EPA and defines the nature of environmentally acceptable waste management activities at a waste facility. Details of facilities with a waste license can be obtained from the EPA (www.epa.ie).

Waste Collection Permit

Waste Permit

Registration Cert C1 Form

The local authority issues this permit. It legitimates the operation of the waste infrastructure that is not big enough or does not pose a large enough impact on to the environment, to warrant a waste license. It is usually issued for the temporary storage of nonhazardous waste for more than 6 months. It is up to you to ensure that your contractor has a permit for the area in which waste is being collected and whether the proposed waste movement is in accordance with any conditions contained in the permit.

This is issued by the local authority and authorises waste collection activities. Holders of a waste collection permit can only collect within the jurisdiction of the issuing local authority and they are reviewed every 2 years. Hauling waste or passing waste on to an unauthorised collector is an offense.

Transfrontier Shipment from (TFS)

This is used to track movements of hazardous waste from its source to the waste management facility, to be used for disposal or reclamation. It needs to be completed by each party in the waste transaction. Exceptions from using a C1 form are: Authorised movements of hazardous waste when such materials are to be exported from Ireland to other countries. Hazardous waste collected from bring centres or by segregated collection services provided to members of the public. Transfer of waste oils. Movement of End of Life Vehicles (ELVs).

Issued by the local authority for the temporary storage of hazardous waste (less than 6 months).

This is required when exporting waste from Ireland for disposal, as well as for hazardous wastes passing to recovery. It is made up of 2 parts: Notification form, which must be completed before waste is moved. This sets out the advance consent of the affected EU member states. Movement/Tracking form, which accompanies the shipment when it is moved. It provides information on the actual movement of each load.

by the local authority. It is the responsibility Under the Waste Management (Collection of the waste holder to ensure that the waste Permit) Regulations, 2007 (S.I. No. 820) carrier possess a valid waste collection waste carriers must apply for a waste permit number, for the waste type in collection permit. These permits are issued question. 6.1 Collection Permits


6.2 Consignment Note - C1 Form

When transporting hazardous waste (including healthcare risk waste) off-site within Ireland a consignment note must be completed by the consignor and accompany the waste during carriage in accordance with Waste Management (Movement of Hazardous Waste) Regulations, 1998 (S.I. No. 147).

reproduced on the other pages.

The consignment note is available from the local waste authority (LA) in whose functional area the waste originates. Each form is uniquely numbered and is made up of five differently coloured identical pages, with each page being sub-divided into three parts (A, B & C). A carboning system allows entries made on the uppermost page to be
Note: NEW WASTE TRANSFER FORM SYSTEM 2011 It is expected that new legislation will be introduced in 2011 making Dublin City Council, National TFS Office, sole authority for the administration of Waste Transfer Forms (WTF). These will replace the current C1 Form system. The fundamental change to the current C1 system is the move to an online system which will discontinue the requirement to retain paper records of waste movements. It is expected that this should reduce the administrative burden for those shipping the same type of waste regularly e.g. healthcare risk waste. It is also expected that pick-ups from multiple locations will be permitted on a single WTF Form. That being the case, it may become necessary to use separate consignment notes containing the required ADR information for each site visited in addition in order to satisfy the Carriage of Dangerous Goods Regulations.

The consignor (HSE) completes and signs Part A and keeps the bottom pink copy and passes the rest of the C1 form to the carrier. The carrier, in turn completes Part B and keeps the white copy before finally passing the consignment note to the consignee who must return the completed form to the two local authorities (LA of origin and destination) after completing Part C and keep the yellow copy. A separate consignment note must be raised for each shipment of hazardous waste. Appendix B contains an example of a completed C1 Form. The EWC Codes required for C1 forms are listed in the European Waste Catalogue and Hazardous Waste List, 2002. Where the waste is being shipped abroad, further documentation is necessary (TFS Form). The legal requirements on moving waste from Ireland to other countries are set out in the Waste Management (Shipments of Waste) Regulations, 2007 (S.I. No. 419) and in the Regulation (EC) No. 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste. Notification Document 6.3 Transfrontier Shipment (TFS) Form

The TFS Form consists of a two part document: The TFS Form can be used for single shipment or for a general notification for a specified number of shipments and each has a unique number for tracking purposes. Dublin City Council is designated as the National TFS Office. When the waste has been processed the Form is completed and is sent to the National TFS Office with the Certification of Disposal/Recovery/Destruction. Movement/Tracking Document

Copy White Copy Green Copy Blue Copy

Yellow Copy Pink Copy C1 Form Part A Part B Part C

To be completed by: Carrier LA of Consignor (Origin) LA of Consignee (Destination) Consignee Consignor

To be completed by: Consignor (Producer or Holder, HSE) Carrier (Transporter) Consignee (EPA Licensed Waste Facility or Waste Contractor)

Refer to Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Guidelines for Exporting Waste from and Importing Waste in the Republic of Ireland, National TFS Office Waste Management Section, Dublin City Council.


6.4 Dangerous Goods Regulations (ADR) Under agreed international rules for the transportation of all types of Dangerous Goods for the different modes of transport. There are specific requirements for the classification, packaging, labelling and documentation of dangerous goods as well as the training of personnel involved in the transport of such dangerous goods. Further information is provided on www.hsa.ie. The two classes of dangerous substances which are specifically relevant to waste healthcare are Class 6.1-toxic substances and Class 6.2-infectious substances. Legislation requires that safety adviser (SA) be appointed to oversee all the necessary requirements when transporting Dangerous Goods. The duties of a SA are outlined as follows: Healthcare institutions generating hazardous waste must be able to call on an appropriate qualified Safety Adviser to advise on the packaging and transport of said waste. Functions of Safety Advisers The functions of a safety adviser shall include in particular the following: (a) monitoring compliance with the rules governing the transport of dangerous goods; (b) advising the undertaking on the transport of dangerous goods; (c) ensuring that an annual report to the undertaking is prepared on the activities of the undertaking concerning the transport of dangerous goods; (d) monitoring the following practices and procedures relating to the activities of the undertaking which concerns the transport of dangerous goods (i) the procedures for compliance with the rules governing the identification of dangerous goods being transported, (ii) the practice of the undertaking in taking into account, when purchasing means of transport, any special requirements in connection with the dangerous goods to be transported,

(iii) the procedures for checking the equipment used in connection with the transport of dangerous goods, (iv) the proper training of the undertakings employees and the maintenance of records of such training, (v) the implementation of proper emergency procedures in the event of any accident or incident that may affect safety during the transport of dangerous goods, (vi) the investigation of and, where appropriate, preparation of reports on serious accidents, incidents or serious infringements recorded during the transport of dangerous goods, (vii) the implementation of appropriate measures to avoid the recurrence of accidents, incidents or serious infringements, (viii) the account taken of the legal prescriptions and special requirements associated with the transport of dangerous goods in the choice and use of subcontractors or third parties, (ix) verification that employees involved in the transport of dangerous goods have detailed operational procedures and instructions, (x) the introduction of measures to increase awareness of the risks inherent in the transport of dangerous goods, (xi) the implementation of verification procedures to ensure the presence, on board the means of transport, of the documents and safety equipment which must accompany transport and the compliance of such documents and equipment with health and safety regulations, and (xii) the implementation of verification procedures to ensure compliance with legislation governing loading and unloading of dangerous goods.


It is an offense under Irish legislation to cause or permit any pollutant matter to enter waters. There is a waste water licensing system that allows certain discharges into water or sewer as long as it meets the requirement of the discharge license. The discharges must be monitored and recorded, the licence will require the licence holder to take and test discharge samples at least four times per annum. Records must be maintained and submitted to the Local Authority. The Local Authority must also be informed, without delay of any modification or extensions as these may require a review of the license. The public have a legal right to examine documentation and make representations regarding an application for a proposed license (see Discharge License Application Process below).

6.5 Trade Effluent

A discharge license is granted subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions. They may include the following:
Times the discharges are made. Sampling of discharge. What effect the discharges will have?

Discharge outlet construction. Preventive measures.

Records and information supplied to the Local Authority. Existence of metres, manhole inspection points.

Emergency routines.

The Local Authority will require policies and procedures to be put in place to deal with emergency situations; accidental spillages, liquid isolation and mop-up.

Local Authorities place particular significance on accidental discharges and there consequences; it is important that all potential liquid waste is contained on-site.

Discharge License Application Process

*Trade Effluent means effluent from any works, apparatus, plant or drainage pipe used for the disposal to waters or to a sewer of any liquid (whether treated or untreated), either with or without particles of matter in suspension therein, which is discharged from premises used for carrying on any trade or industry (including mining), but does not include domestic sewage or storm water.


7. Waste Audits
The hospital/line manager should ensure that a competent person is made responsible for waste management and that audits of waste activities are carried out regularly. Figure 8 provides a step by step breakdown of the steps involved in carrying out a waste audit.

It is worthwhile to use a questionnaire A waste audit is defined as an examination during the audit. A sample questionnaire is of the waste in your organisation to quantity shown below. the amount and type of waste produced and Waste characterisation is defined as the how it is currently managed. The contents process by which the composition of of waste containers should be examined different waste streams is analysed. only by suitable trained persons, who are properly equipped to carry out such a A waste management plan can be formulated following the waste audit procedure. outlining recommendations for improvement in waste management.

Figure 8: Waste Audit Procedure


Sample Waste Management Questionnaire Question

1. Has a person responsible for waste management, within the hospital, been identified? If yes, Who?


Interviewees Comments

Allocate responsibility for the implementation, assessment and updating of the sites waste management plan to a named individual.

Waste segregation

2. Are wastes segregated into appropriate categories? Non-Risk Waste. Risk Waste. Hazardous. Recyclable Waste.

3. Are staff aware of segregation requirements via training, written procedures or notices?

Successful waste management depends upon staff using the facilities properly.

Cost can be reduced and risks minimised if wastes are segregated appropriately. The indiscriminate mixing of hazardous and non hazardous waste will result in the whole load having to be disposed of by the more expensive hazardous waste disposal method.

Storage containers

4. Are appropriate containers used for storing waste? UN approved yellow containers for risk waste. 5. Are the containers sensibly located? 6. Are the containers suitably labelled?

The size of the container should be appropriate for the volumes of waste produced and the fabric of the container should be compatible with the nature of the waste. Controls are necessary to ensure correct use. Place the containers in a suitable location to encourage users to segregate recyclables and to avoid accidental contamination from incorrect waste types and to minimise handling and transport.

Labelling ensures correct segregation and makes operators aware of any associated hazards.

Waste handling

7. Are wastes handled in a safe manner? Use of personal protective equipment? 8. Are containers lidded and tagged where appropriate? Are they locked/lockable?

To prevent spillage and littering of site. Healthcare risk waste should be tagged and secure before leaving the area of production.

Containers for waste are likely to be placed close to the point of production, where they will be moved to an outside area for collection for transport and disposal. Ensure that appropriate safety measures are in place.

Waste storage area

9. How and where is the waste stored?

Store waste in a secure designated area to minimise potential harm to the environment, employees and waste contractors. Ensure proper supervision and inspect regularly. Provide safe access and egress for both the placing of waste into storage and for its removal by waste contractors.


Sample Waste Management Questionnaire Question

10. How long are wastes stored prior to transport?

Waste storage area

Interviewees Comments

Records should be kept of wastes stored. Procedures should be in place to prevent the build up of particular types of waste which may be difficult to dispose of or cause a potential hazard, e.g. fire risk, spillage or leakage.

11. What safety and emergency procedures are in place?

12. Are records kept of waste produced and of their safe and correct disposal?

13. Are transfer notes completed for all controlled wastes and hazardous wastes generated on the site?

14. Are all waste carriers permitted or licensed?

Transfer notes for hazardous waste should be kept on site for five years for inspection as part of the Duty of Care requirements. However, all hazardous waste consignment notes must be kept on site for a minimum of five years. All waste carriers should be licensed under the Waste Management (Collection Permit) Regulations, 2001; S.I. No. 402 of 2001. Copies on file.

Details of dates, quantities, disposal methods, disposal location, contractor and costs should be recorded and centrally accessible.

The external waste storage area should be covered with a hardstanding material resistant to corrosion and suitably impervious. If hazard liquid wastes are stored, the area should be bunded. If flammable wastes are stored, a no smoking policy must be enforced.


15. What procedures exist covering general waste management operations?

Detailed procedures are required to cover segregation, handling, containers, labelling, safety requirements and hazardous disposal or handling methods required. Include records of tracking tags for risk waste.


16. How are recovery/disposal costs allocated?

Identify the disposal costs for each type of waste. Seeing disposal costs allocated to a particular hospital/department/section raises the incentive of producers to reduce waste generation and manage waste properly.

Recycling and waste minimisation

17. Are ways of reusing waste reviewed?

18. Are opportunities for recycling pursued?

Continue to assess the cost effectiveness of introducing new recycling schemes.

Consider reusing cardboard boxes, envelopes or using shredded paper as protective packaging.


Figure 9 is an example of results from one acute hospital healthcare risk waste audit that was carried out in 2006. From the total amount of waste collected in the audit (177kg) healthcare risk waste made up 45% (79kg) and healthcare non-risk waste made up 44% (78kg) of the waste with the remaining 11% (20kg) containing sharps

boxes. The result in this case shows the potential for savings, given that the 44% non risk waste faction could be disposed of to landfill at on fifth the cost of healthcare risk waste. Regular training on risk waste segregation is essential to reduce waste costs.

Figure 9: The Results of a Sample Healthcare Risk Waste Audit

Figure 10: Photo of Non-Risk & Risk Waste Mixed before Segregation

Figure 11: Photo of Waste Segregated into Non-Risk Waste and Risk Waste Fractions


Sources of information
ORGANISATION Department of Health and Children CONTACT DETAILS www.dohc.ie www.cre.ie www.environ.ie Tel: 01 888 2000

Department of the Environment Heritage & Local Government (DEHLG) ENFO - Information on the Environment

Cr Composting Association of Ireland Teo

Health Service Executive (HSE)

Health and Safety Authority (HSA)


EPA National Waste Prevention Programme

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Enterprise Ireland

www.envirocentre.ie Tel: 01 808 2229 www.epa.ie Tel: 1890 33 55 99

www.enfo.ie Tel: 01 888 2001 or 1890 200 191

www.epa.ie/whatwedo/resource/prevent/nwpp/ www.hsa.ie Tel: 01 6147000 www.hse.ie www.fas.ie Tel: 01 607 0969

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability www.iclei-europe.org/procurement

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Race Against Waste Repak Ltd.

Irish Statute Book

Institute of Wastes Management (Irish Centre) www.ciwm.co.uk Tel: 0044 1604 620426 www.irishstatutebook.ie http://waste.eionet.europa.eu www.oced.org www.repak.ie Tel: 01 4670190 www.ncdwc.ie www.raceagainstwaste.ie Tel: 1890 667639

National Construction and Demolition Waste Council


ADR 2009 European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road. Comptroller and Auditor General Report on Value for Money Examination - Waste Management in Hospitals, Department of Health and Children, March 2005

European Waste Catalogue and Hazardous Waste List, EPA, 2002 www.environ.ie/en/Publications/Environment/Waste/WEEE/FileDownLoad,1343,en.pdf

Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Percutaneous Injuries and other Exposure Incidents in Healthcare Workers of Health Board Managed Health Care Facilities within the Health Service Executive, ERHA, Infection Control Advisory Committee, 2001 Immunisation Guidelines for Ireland, National Immunisation Advisory Committee of Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 2002 edition www.ndsc.ie/hpsc/A-Z/vaccinePreventable/vaccination/Guidance/ MBCA Guide to Construction & Demolition Waste Legislation, May 2003 www.ncdwc.ie/html/documents/GuidetoConstructionandDemolitionWasteLegislation.pdf National Hazardous Waste Management Plan, EPA, 2008 www.epa.ie/downloads/pubs/waste/haz/nhwmp2001/ National Strategy on Biodegradable Waste, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, 2006 www.cre.ie/National_Strategy_BioWaste.html Preventing and Recycling Waste - Delivering Change, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, 2002 www.epa.ie/downloads/pubs/waste/plans/name,11646,en.html Procedure for Identifying Hazardous Components of Waste, EPA, 2004 www.epa.ie/downloads/pubs/waste/plans/name,11651,en.html Race Against Waste Action at Work, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, 2005 www.raceagainstwaste.com/take_action/large_org/


Report on the Second National Acute Hospitals Hygiene Audit, NHO, HSE, 2006 www.hse.ie Segregation, Packaging and Storage Guidelines for Healthcare Risk Waste, DOHC/HSE November 2010. www.dohc.ie/publications/segregation_packaging.html Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Guidelines for Exporting Waste from and Importing Waste in the Republic of Ireland, National TFS Office, Dublin City Council, Eblana House, 68-71 Marrowbone Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland [email protected] Waste from Electrical & Electronic Equipment, EPA, May 2001 www.epa.ie/downloads/pubs/waste/weee/name,11649,en.html Waste Management - Changing Our Ways, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, 1998 www.epa.ie/downloads/pubs/waste/plans/name,11643,en.html Waste Management, Taking Stock and Moving Forward, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, 2004 www.epa.ie/downloads/pubs/waste/plans/name,11660,en.html Healthcare Services Executive (HSE) Waste Management Policy Estates Directorate Statement of Principles December 2010.


Glossary of terms used

Biodegradable Content: the percentage content of waste which is biodegradable. For municipal waste this usually fluctuates around 60%-70%. Cytotoxic and Cytostatic Medicines: any medicinal product that has one or more of the following hazardous properties: Toxic (H6), Carcinogenic (H7), Mutagenic (H11) Biodegradable Municipal Waste (BMW) or Toxic for Reproduction (H10). or Organic Waste: municipal waste that is Dangerous Goods: A dangerous good is capable of undergoing anaerobic or aerobic any solid, liquid or gas that can harm decomposition, such as food and garden people, other living organisms, property, or the environment (See ADR 2009). waste, paper and paperboard. Bio-hazard: or biological hazard is an organism, or substance derived from an organism, that poses a threat to (primarily) human health. Disposal to Landfill: means a waste disposal facility used for the deposit of Biological Treatment: involves composting, waste onto or under land. anaerobic digestion, mechanical/biological Domestic/Household Waste: the waste treatment or any other process for produced within the grounds of a building or stabilising and sanitising biodegradable self-contained part of a building used for the waste. purposes of living accommodation. Disinfection: is the destruction of pathogenic and other kinds of micro-organisms.

Bulky Waste: Large items of solid waste Energy Recovery: Process where energy such as obsolete furniture, beds and is recovered from thermal treatment of mattresses. waste. Commercial/Industrial (C/I) Waste: waste Green Waste: waste arising from gardens, from a premises used wholly or mainly for public parks consisting of garden trimmings, the purposes of a trade or business leaves, shrubs, plants, grass, trees etc. (including non-processed industrial waste) or for the purposes of sport, recreation, Hazardous Waste: means waste of a class education or entertainment but does not listed in the current Hazardous Waste include household, agricultural or industrial Catalogue, which either: waste. constitutes Category I type waste as specified in Part I of the Second Compost: the stable, sanitised and humusSchedule to the Waste Management like material rich in organic matter and free Act 1996 and has any of the properties from offensive odours resulting from the specified in Part III of the same composting process of separately collected Schedule; or biowaste. constitutes Category II type waste as Composting: the autothermic and specified in Part I of the Second thermophilic biological decomposition of Schedule to the Waste Management separately collected biowaste in the Act 1996 that contains any of the presence of oxygen in order to produce constituents specified in Part II of the compost. same Schedule and has any of the properties specified in Part III of the Construction & Demolition (C&D) Waste: same Schedule. All waste that arises from construction, renovation and demolition activities and all wastes referred to in Chapter 17 of the European Waste Catalogue (EWC) e.g. concrete, bricks, tiles, mortar, wood etc.


Healthcare Waste: Healthcare waste is defined as the solid or liquid waste arising from healthcare. This waste comprises two fractions, namely risk waste and non-risk waste.

Healthcare Non-Risk Waste: This is categorised as non-risk waste. The term non-risk is use to distinguish this waste from hazardous waste. it should not be taken as implying that the waste is without risk if carelessly handled.

Recovery: any activity carried out for the purpose of reclaiming, recycling or re-using waste in whole or in part.

PVC: Polyvinyl chloride, category of plastic.

packaging are required to be financially or physically responsible for such products after the useful life.

Residual Municipal Waste: the fraction of municipal waste remaining after the source separation of municipal waste fractions, Incineration: a process by which heat is such as food and garden waste, packaging, applied to waste in order to reduce its bulk, paper and paperboard, metals, glass and is prior to final disposal which may or may not usually unsuitable for recovery or recycling. involve energy recovery. Resource Recovery: the extraction and use of resources from waste material. Material Recovery Facilities: facilities where recyclables are sorted into specific Reuse: Use the material again without categories and processed, or further processing. transported to processors for remanuSegregated Collections: entail waste facturing. collectors collecting a range of recyclable Municipal Waste: waste from households, waste, employing separate bins for the main as well as commercial and other waste, waste streams (usually dry recyclables, which because of its nature or composition, organic waste, and residual waste). is similar to waste from households, or any other waste having any of the properties Thermal Treatment: a process by which specified in Part III of the Second Schedule heat is applied to waste in order to reduce to the Waste Management Act, 1996 that its bulk, prior to final disposal. Thermal treatment can involve a number of may be prescribed as hazardous waste. processes such as incineration, pyrolysis Packaging Waste: any material container and gasification. or wrapping, used for or in connection with the containment, transport, handling, Treatment Facilities: facilities where waste protection, promotion, marketing or sale of undergoes thermal, physical, chemical or any product or substance, including such biological processes that change the characteristics of waste in order to reduce packaging as may be prescribed. its volume or hazardous nature or facilitate PP: Polypropylene, category of plastic. its handling, disposal or recovery. Producer Responsibility: imposes Waste Audit: An examination of the waste accountability over the entire lifecycle of in your organisation to see the amount and products and packaging introduced on the type of waste produced and how it is market. This means that companies which currently dealt with. manufacture import or sell products and

Healthcare Risk Waste: This is categorised as waste which is potentially harmful to those who come into contact with it, due to its infectious, biological, chemical, radioactive, sharp content; It is classified as hazardous.

Recycling: the subjection of waste to any process or treatment to make it re-useable in whole or in part.

Recyclables: waste materials that may be subjected to any process or treatment to make it re-useable in whole or in part.


Waste Characterisation: The process by which the composition of different waste streams is analysed.

Waste Prevention/Minimisation/Reduction: any technique, process or activity that either avoids, reduces or eliminates waste at its Waste Electrical and Electronic source, or results in re-use or recycling. Equipment (WEEE): General rule if it has a Waste Producer: a person whose activities plug or battery its WEEE. Ten Categories produce waste or who carries out preof WEEE identied: large/small household processing, mixing or other operations appliances, IT & telecommunication equip- resulting in a change in the nature or ment, consumer equipment, lighting composition of waste. equipment, electrical and electronic tools, Waste Segregation: The separate of waste toys, leisure and sports equipment, medical into individual material fractions at source. devices, monitoring and control equipment, Waste: any substance or object which the automatic dispensers. holder discards, or intends, or is required to Waste Management Facility: a site or discard, and anything which is discarded as premises used for the recovery or disposal if it were a waste, as per the Waste of waste. Management Act, 1996. Waste Management Plan: A plan of action outlining recommendations for improvements in waste management.

Baled and segregated material for recycling


Segregation of Healthcare Waste Figure 6.1 from The Segregation, Packaging and Storage Guidelines for Healthcare Risk Waste, Department of Health and Children & Health Service Executive & Standard Precautions Poster

Segregation and Packaging Poster for Healthcare Risk and Non-Risk Waste



Figure 6.1 SEGREGATION OF HEALTHCARE WASTE+ typical contents





























LIQUIDS: Dangerous Goods Regulations require the use of absorbent material or gelling agent to prevent any spillages from UN packaging containing healthcare risk waste involving free liquids unless the container is specifically approved for liquids. All significant quantities of liquid must be in leak-proof containers.

Note: These waste substances are best managed by returning them for disposal to the pharmacy in their original packaging.

CLEAR TUBING (e.g. oxygen, urinary catheters, ventilator, I.V., N.G.) GIVING SETS WITH TIPS REMOVED ENTERIC FEEDING BAGS


(1) All bags and containers must have an individual tracing tag or label. (2) + Containers, marking and labels for healthcare risk waste must conform to ADR requirements. (3)* Some Waste Authorities may require healthcare non-risk waste to be packaged in clear, or otherwise identified plastic bags (4) Blue (or grey) lidded containers are suggested for this stream - see and related footnote

If the products belong to a different dangerous goods class e.g. toxic or flammable solids, liquids or aerosols, they must be packaged and labelled in accordance with their classification and entry in ADR as instructed by the Safety Adviser.





Example of Consignment Note (C1 Form) and European Waste Catalogue List (EWC)



WASTE MANAGEMENT (MOVEMENT of HAZARDOUS WASTE) REGULATIONS 1998 Form C.l. Consignment Note for consignments of hazardous waste transported within the State
(NOT to be used for transhipment into or out of the State) PART A (to be completed by the consignor) B (serial no.) ------1. Name and address of consignor1: Another Hospital, Sandy Lane, Cross Roads, Dundrum, Tel: 01 987 6543 .. Fax: 01 - 9876544.

Dublin 16

4. Origin of waste (name and address of producer, if different from 1.) 5. Process(es) that waste originates from: Healthcare treatment for Humans . 6. Quantity (indicate kg or litres): 511 kg 7. Size, type3 and number of containers: 10 x 770 litre wheeled bins. ..

3. European Waste Catalogue/Hazardous Waste list Description(s) and Code(s)2: . Wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in order to prevent infection - 18 01 03

2. Name and chemical composition of waste* UN3291 Clinical Waste, Unspecified, N.O.S. 6.2, II .


9. Components which are hazardous (giving concentrations in each case): Possible infection risk cannot be

8. Physical characteristics4: solids and liquids .

10. Hazardous properties5 and special handling instruction (if any): May contain sharps and be infectious;

wear gloves and overalls. .

11. Name and address of consignee6: Healthcare Waste Treatment Ltd., Unit 1, Industrial Estate, Dublin Responsible person Mr XXXX XXXX, Contact Tel No. 01-1234567 12. I, the consignor, certify that the information given in Part A above is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signed Hospital Person. Date 1/1/2010 Position held by person signing Hospital Person Position PART B (to be completed by the carrier) 13. I, the carrier,7 certify that I collected the waste described in Part A in vehicle (reg. no.) at (time) ..on (date) and that I have been informed of the hazardous nature of the waste, as set out in that Part. Signed Driver on behalf of Healthcare Waste Treatment Plant plc Name (block letters) HOSPITAL PERSON on behalf of Another Hospital


Name (block letters) Signature of consignor as witness Hospital Person PART C (to be completed by the consignee) 14. Name and address of consignee: ... Tel: .. Fax:. 15. Waste licence number (if applicable)8 .. Waste permit number (if applicable)9.. Certificate of registration (if applicable)10 . 16. The waste described in Part A was delivered to me by (carrier) in vehicle (reg. No.) . at (time) on (date) . On behalf of (consignor) 17. (a) The consignment was accepted: (b) The consignment was rejected 18. If the consignment was rejected, state the reason(s) 19. If the consignment of waste was accepted, state the recovery/disposal activity(ies) to which it will be subject and provide code number and description of the technology involved11 20. I, the consignee, certify that the information given in Part C above is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signed . Date Name (block letters) on behalf of Position held by person signing * full description may be attached on separate page Footnotes 1 to 11 see relevant definitions and lists in the "Instructions for completion of Consignment notes for Hazardous Waste'. CARRIER'S COPY - to be given to the carrier of the waste, after completion of PART C by the consignee, and retained by the carrier


European Waste Catalogue and Hazardous Waste List 1 January 2002

18 WASTES FROM HUMAN OR ANIMAL HEALTH CARE AND/ OR RELATED RESEARCH (except kitchen and restaurant wastes not arising from immediate health care) Wastes from natal care, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of diseases in humans.

18 01 18 01 01

18 01 02

18 01 03* 18 01 04 18 01 06*

wastes whose collection and disposal is not subject to special requirements in order to prevent infection (for example dressings, plaster casts, linen, disposable clothing, and diapers) chemicals other than those mentioned in 18 01 06 cytotoxic and cytostatic medicines amalgam waste from dental care sharps except (18 02 02) chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous substances

wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in order to prevent infection

body parts and organs including blood bags and blood preserves (except 18 01 03)

sharps (except 18 01 03)

18 01 07 18 01 09

18 01 08* 18 01 10* 18 02 18 02 01 18 02 03 18 02 06 18 02 05*

medicines other than those mentioned in 18 01 08

wastes from research, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease involving animals wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in order to prevent infection

18 02 02*

wastes whose collection and disposal is not subject to special requirements in order to prevent infection chemicals other than those mentioned in 18 02 05 chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous substances

18 02 07* 18 02 08

cytotoxic and cytostatic medicines

medicines other than those mentioned in 18 02 07

* Asterisk beside number denotes hazardous wastes



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