Scarface Script

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While the document text is largely illegible, it appears to cover a large number of pages discussing various topics in depth.

The text is organized into pages with page numbers provided at the start of each new section. The content seems to flow continuously across pages on the same or related topics.

Some themes that seem to recur include processes, methods, descriptions and analyses based on the formatting and structure of the text sections.

Scarface Script

What do you call yourself?

Antonio Montana.

And you, what you call yourself?

- Where'd you learn English, Tony?

- In school.

And my father,

he was from the United States.

Just like you, you know?

He was a Yankee.

He used to take me a lot to the movies.

I learned. I watch the guys

like Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney...

They teach me to talk. I like those guys.

I always know one day

I'm coming here, United States.

- So where's your old man now?

- He dead. He die.

Sometime. Somewhere.

- Mother?

- She dead, too.

- What kind of work you do in Cuba?

- You know, things.

I was, this, that. Construction business.

I work a lot with my hands.

I was in the Army.

Any family in the States?

Cousins, brother-in-law, anyone?

Nobody. Everybody's dead.

- You ever been to jail, Tony?

- Me? Jail? No way, no.

- Been in a mental hospital?

- Yeah. On the boat coming over.

What about homosexuality, Tony?

You like men?

You like to dress up like a woman?

What is wrong with this guy?

He kidding me or what?

Just answer the questions, Tony.

Okay. No. Fuck, no!

Arrested for vagrancy? Marijuana?

- Never, man.

- Heroin?

- Cocaine?

- No.

Where'd you get the beauty scar,

tough guy? Eating pussy?

How am I gonna get a scar like that

eating pussy?

This was when I was a kid, you know?

You should see the other kid.

You can't recognize him.

And this?

What? That's nothing.

That's for my sweetheart.

Sweetheart, my ass! We've been

seeing more and more of these.

Some kind of code

these guys used in the can.

Pitchfork means an assassin or something.

You want to tell us about it, or you want

to take a trip to the detention center?

Okay, you got me.

I was in the can one time.

For buying dollars. Big deal.

- That's pretty funny, Tony.

- That's true. It was a Canadian tourist.

Did you mug him first?

Get him out of here!

- Come on!

- So I fuck up!

Let me talk to this guy. Please!

Let me talk to him a minute.

You a Communist?

How'd you like it?

They tell you all the time what to do,

what to think, what to feel.

Do you want to be like a sheep?

Like all those other people?

I don't have to listen to this!

You wanna work

fucking hours?

You own nothing, you got nothing!

Do you want a chivato on every corner

watching everything you do?

Everything you say, man?

You know I eat octopus three times a day?

I got fucking octopus

coming out of my ears.

I got fucking Russian shoes

my feet's coming through.

How'd you like that?

You want me to stay there

and do nothing?

I'm no fucking criminal, man.

I'm no puta or thief.

I'm Tony Montana,

a political prisoner from Cuba.

And I want

my fucking human rights, now!

Just like President Jimmy Carter says.


Carter should see this human right.

He's really good.

- What do you say?

- I don't believe a word of this shit!

They all sound alike to me.

That Castro is shitting all over us.

Send the bastard to Freedomtown.

Let them see him.

- Get him out of here.

- You know something?

You can send me anywhere.

Here, there, this, that. It don't matter.

There's nothing you can do to me

that Castro hasn't done.

Get him out of here!

- So?

- So?

What'd you tell them?

I told them what you told me to tell them.

Told them we were, I was in sanitation.

They didn't go for it.

- Sanitation?

- Yeah.

I told you to tell them

you was in a sanitarium, not sanitation.

- Sanitarium. Yeah.

- You didn't tell me that.

No, I told you to say you had TB

and you was in a sanitarium.

You was cured.

- When did you tell me that?

- You should've kept your mouth shut.

They'd think you was a horse

and let you out.

Tony! Montana!

Tony Montana! Come here.

Come here, man. I gotta talk to you.

Come on, man. It's important.

- So close, man.

- Come on.

- I gotta talk to you.

- Where are you going?

- Leave him alone.

- I got better things to do.

You're chicken, man. You almost made it.

Are you ready for some good news?

Sure. What you got, man?

We can be outta this place in days.

Not only that, but we got a green card

and a job in Miami.

Now are we made or are we made, man?

What do we gotta do?

Go to Cuba and hit The Beard, or what?

- No, man, somebody else.

- You're kidding?

- No.

- You're not kidding?

Guy named Rebenga, man.

Emilio Rebenga.


- I know that name.

- Yeah?

- He's political.

- Yeah.

Well, he's coming in here today.

Castro just sprung him.

This guy was one of the top dogs

for Fidel in the early days.

But Castro felt like he couldn't trust him

anymore and threw him in jail.

But while he was on top,

he tortured a few guys to death.

One of the guy's brothers is a rich guy

in Miami now. He wants the favor repaid.

That's where we come in.

It's ugly, man.


You tell your guys in Miami, your friend...'d be a pleasure.

I'd kill a Communist for fun...

...but for a green card,

I gonna carve him up real nice.

! Libertad!! Libertad!! Libertad!

From a friend you fucked!

That face. That's nice.

- That doesn't look like me.

- That looks pretty, man.


? Qu paso, man?? Qu pasa, man?

Your big shot friend better come up

with something soon.

I didn't come to the US

to break my fucking back.

He's coming!

What do you want from me?

Fucking thing!

- I told you.

- What's wrong with him?

- What's wrong?

- More ham.

No more meat.

That's the way the sandwich comes!

Look at that one. That one in the pink.

She's beautiful.

Look at those titties.

Look at that punk with her.

What's he got that I don't have?

Well, he's very handsome,

for one thing, you know?

I mean, look at the way he dresses.

Come on. That's style...

...flash, pizzazz. And a little coke money

doesn't hurt nobody.

Look at this.

Fucking onions.

I ought to be picking gold from the street.

There's two guys

looking for you out there.

That's him, man. That's El mono.

I told you.

Don't stay too fucking long.

We've got a lot of work to do, so...

Waldo, this is my friend, Tony Montana,

I've been telling you about.

Tony, that's Omar Suarez

and that's Waldo Rojas over there.

I got something for you.

Yeah? What do we gotta do?

Gotta unload a boat. Marijuana.

tons. You get $ each.

- $ ? That's great.

- You gotta be kidding.

$ ?

Who do you think we are,

baggage handlers?

The going rate on a boat

is $

a night. You know that.

First you gotta work

your way up to $ idiot.

After what I did for you in Freedomtown?

What was that?

That Rebenga hit

was a game of dominoes?

- That was something else.

- Shut up! Take it easy.

What's with this dishwasher, chico?

Don't he know we could've got another

space cadet to hit Rebenga cheaper?

-$ !

- Then why didn't you?

Don't call me no fucking dishwasher,

or I'll kick your monkey ass.

Who the fuck are you?

You can't do that, man!

The Colombians!

Okay, all right, big man!

You want to make some big bucks?

Let's see how tough you are.

You know something about cocaine?

You kidding me or what?

There's a bunch of Colombians

coming in Friday.

New guys. They say they got

two keys for us for openers.

Pure coke. Hotel in Miami Beach.

I want you to go over there.

If it's what they say it is,

you pay 'em and bring it back.

Do that, you get $ .

Go, pay them, bring it back, yeah?

You know how to handle a machine gun?

Yeah, man. We were in the Army.

- You gonna need a couple other guys.

- That's no problem.

Be at Hector's Bodega at noon Friday.

You get the buy money then.

If anything happens to that buy money... boss will stick your heads up your

asses faster than a rabbit gets fucked!

I'm scared.

- You're pushing your luck.

- Don't worry.

- That was dumb.

- You worry too much.

You'll have a heart attack.

You act like that guy's doing you a favor

or something.

- What's this with the Colombians?

- What does it matter?

He says "Colombians,"

and you make these eyes...

I don't like fucking Colombians! Okay?

What you guys doing?

There's a lot of dishes to be washed.

Wash 'em yourself.

I retire!

What the fuck you gonna do now?

- Don't come back here!

- I gotta look after my investment!

- Fuck you guys!

- Close the shop!

Look at those tits. She's begging for it.

Are you fucking crazy?


years old.

Not that one, man! That one!

- Which one?

- The young one.

Move the fucking car.

We're at a stop sign.

We're just staying loose up here, okay?

You gotta stay loose. You can't worry.

You'll have a heart attack.

- Just play it cool. Miami Beach.

- Miami Beach!

The money stays in the trunk

'till I come out.

You got it? Me, nobody else. Okay.

I'm not out in minutes,

something's wrong. Okay?

- Room . You ready?

- Sure thing.

How's it going, brother?

Come in.

What's wrong, man?

Okay. You mind leaving the door open?

So my brother-in-law

sees everything's okay.

Sure. No problem.

No problem.

Hello. This is Marta.

Marta, hello.

I am Hector.

And I am Tony.

So, Omar says you're okay.

Yeah? Good. Omar's okay.


So, you got the money?

You got the stuff?

Sure I have the stuff, but I don't

have it right here with me now.

I got it close by.

Well, I don't have the money either, man.

I have it close by, too.


In the car?

- No, not in the car, man.

- No?

How about you?

Where you have your stuff?

Not far.

Okay. You want me to come in?

We start over again?

Where you from, Tony?

What the fuck difference

does it make where I'm from?

Take it easy, man.

I just want to get to know

who I do business with.

You'll know me once you do business

with me and stop fucking around.


- What's the story?

- Tony!

You know, Frog Face,

you just fucked yourself.

- You steal from me, you're dead.

- Yeah?

You want to give me the cash...

...or do I kill your brother first...

...before I kill you?

Why don't you try sticking

your head up your ass? See if it fits.

Yeah? Okay.

Yeah, it's very important.

- I understand. Important.

- Thank you.

You forecasted an earthquake

in the -to- -point range this morning.

We had an earthquake in

the -to- point range this morning.

- I'm impressed.

- Thank you, sir.

However, isn't it rather slender evidence?

You have such beautiful skin.

I like the way you...

I don't what I'm supposed

to do today, but...

Antonio, mira!

Watch what happens to your friend.

You don't want this to happen to you,

give me the money.

Come on, come on.

Now the leg.

I'm going. It's time.

Let's do it, man. Come on.

We're all gonna be all right.

Okay, "Cara cicatriz."

You can die, too.

It makes no difference to me.

Last chance, pendejo!

Fuck you!

- You okay?

- Yeah, man. It went in and out.

Okay, take him out of here, quick!

Chi Chi! Get the yeyo.

- Your turn.

- I kill you!


Hurry up! Get in! Come on. Let's go!

Close the door!

Bunch of cowboys. Somebody fucked up.

Yeah, well, I'll check it out right away.

You do that, Omar. You do that.

- You still got the money?

- Yeah.

And I got the yeyo.

- You got the yeyo?

- Yeah, right.

- Bring it here.

- Fuck you.

I'm taking it to Lopez myself.

Not you, me.

Nice fucking guy.

Frank Lopez. Tony Montana.

- Tony Montana.

- Mr. Lopez. It's a real pleasure.

You can call me Frank. Everybody

calls me Frank. My Little League team.

Even the fucking prosecutors

around town, they all call me Frank.

- Okay, Frank.

- How are you?

Manny Rivera.

- He caught one on the job.

- Went right through.

We heard about that. Omar, he tells me

great things about you guys.

Well, Omar's okay.

Not to mention, of course,

the nice job you did for me.

- That Commie son of a bitch...

- Well, you don't have to mention that.

- That was fun.

- That was fun?

- Damn right.

- That was fun.

Sometimes it's fun.

What do you want to drink?

Scotch, gin, rum? What do you like?

Gin is fine. Want some? Two gins.

I need a guy with steel in his balls, Tony.

A guy like you. And I need him

around me all the time.

You, Tony and your compadre here.

Here's the stuff.

Two keys.

It cost my friend Angel his life.

Here's your money.

My gift to you.

I'm sorry about your friend, Tony.

If people would do business the right way,

there'd be no fuck-ups like this.

Don't think

I don't appreciate the gesture.

You're gonna find

you stay loyal in this business...'re gonna move up.

You're gonna move up fast.

Then you'll find out your biggest problem

is not bringing in the stuff...

...but what to do with all the fucking cash!

I hope I have that problem someday.

You're gonna have that problem,

don't worry. Sit down over here.

Where the hell's Elvira?

It's late. Go find her, will you?

Jesus! Fucking broad.

She spends half her life dressing,

the other half, undressing.

Gotta get her in between.

- She's coming.

- Yeah.

You gotta jump on her

when she's not looking.

That's the best time.

What are you guys doing tonight?

You wanna go to a nice restaurant

with me? You hungry?

I could eat a horse.

- Okay, they're gonna cook you a horse.

- I'll eat it.

Tell me, where'd they get you?

Right there in the side?

It's nothing. It went right through me.

It hit the wall.

I ran out of bullets like an asshole.

When I changed the clip, a guy who I

thought I killed wasn't dead and shot me.

The guy was behind me. I killed him.

- How many bullets you catch?

- Bullets? One bullet, nine millimeter.

Elvira, where the hell you been?

It's : . I'm starving.

You're always hungry.

You should try starving.

Where you going? Come on.

Come over here!

I want you to meet a friend of mine.

Tony Montana. Elvira.

- Hello.

- Manny Rivera. Elvira.

So, there are five of us.

Where are we having dinner?

I thought we'd go to the Babylon Club.

- Again?

- Again.

You know, Frank, if anyone ever wanted

to assassinate you... wouldn't be too hard to find.

Assassinate me?

Who the hell would want to kill me?

I got nothing but friends!

You never know. Maybe the catcher

on your Little League team.

The catcher? That son of a bitch,

he didn't get a base hit all season.

I should kill him!

You know who that is?

Luis and Miguel Echevarria.

They got the biggest distribution setup

from here to Houston...

...Tucson, all down that way.

What do you think of that?


You see that fat bastard?

That's Nacho Contreras.

El gordo!

He's got more cash

than anybody in this place.

He's a real chaza!

You know what a "chaza" is?

No, Frank, you tell me. What is a "chaza"?

It's the Yiddish word for "pig."

The guy wants more than what he needs.

He don't fly straight no more.

So, it comes down to one thing,

Tony boy, and you never forget it.

Lesson Number :

Don't underestimate

the other guy's greed!

Lesson Number :

Don't get high on your own supply.

That's right. Lesson Number :

Don't get high on your own supply.

'Course, not everybody follows the rules.

Your champagne, Mr. Lopez.

- That is ' ?

- The best, Mr. Lopez.

Omar, you pour it, and you bring

another bottle right away, will you?

$ for this bottle, Tony.

What do you think of that?

- That's pretty good.

- For a bunch of fucking grapes.

So, here's to old friends

and to new friends.

How you like it, Tony?

- That's good, Frank.

- That's good?

- Like you say, man.

- That's good!

I'm gonna get you new clothes, too.

I'm gonna get you $ suits... you look real sharp.

'Cause I want you to work for me.

I want you and your boys

to work with Omar here.

We are going to do something big

next month.

We are running a string of mules

from Colombia.

You do good on that,

there'll be some other things.

That sounds like fun to me, Frank.

You want a cigar?

So, you want to dance, Frank, or you

want to sit here and have a heart attack?

Who? Me, dance? I think

I want to have a heart attack instead.

Don't foam into the Dommie P.

How about you?

- What? You want me to dance?

- Yeah, sure, go on, Tony. You dance.

Go on. Have some fun.

What do you think of him?

I think he's a fucking peasant!

But you get a guy like that on your side...

...he breaks his back for you.

- What's your name?

- What?

What's your name? Elvira what?

- Hancock.

- What?

- Hancock!

- Hancock?

Sounds like a bird. Hancock.

Flying around.

Where you from?

- Baltimore.

- What?

- Baltimore!

- Baltimore?

- Where's that?

- It doesn't really matter, all right?

I'm just trying to be friendly.

I don't need another friend, especially one

who just got off a banana boat.

Banana boat?

Hold it. You got the wrong guy.

I don't come off no banana boat.

You're thinking of someone else maybe.

Aren't you part of the Cuban crime wave?

What you talking crazy for?

I'm a political refugee here.

- So take it easy. Don't talk crazy.

- Sorry.

I didn't know you were so sensitive

about your diplomatic status.

What is your problem, baby?

You're good-looking.

You got a beautiful body, beautiful legs...

...a beautiful face,

all these guys in love with you.

Only you got a look in your eye

like you haven't been fucked in a year!

Who, why, when and how I fuck

is none of your business, okay?

Now you're talking to me, baby.

That I like. Keep it coming.

Don't call me "baby"! I'm not your baby.

Not yet,

but you gotta give me some time.

Even if I were blind...

...desperate, starved and begging for it

on a desert island...'d be the last thing I'd ever fuck.

That chick he's with.

- Yeah?

- She likes me.

She likes you? How do you know?

I know.

The eyes, chico. They never lie.

- Are you serious?

- Serious? What do you think?

That's the boss's lady, okay?

- You're gonna get us killed.

- Fuck you, man. The boss's lady.

That guy's soft.

Look in his face.

The booze and the concha

tell him what to do.

Don't fucking go crazy on me, okay?

Just remember last year at this time

we were in a fucking cage, okay?

You remember.

I'd like to forget that.

- I say be happy with what you got.

- You be happy.

- Me, I want what's coming to me.

- What's coming to you?

The world, chico...

...and everything in it.

This is paradise.

This is paradise, I'm telling you.

This town's like a great big pussy

just waiting to get fucked.

I should've come here years ago.

I'd have been a millionaire by this time.

By this time, I'd have had my own boat,

my own car... own golf course.

You know what I want?

I thought of this the other day.

A line of blue jeans. With my name

written on the back of chicks' asses.

How's that?

That sounds completely crazy to me.

Look at that. Look.

You're missing the sights. That's what

you're doing. We're missing the action.

Want to have some ice cream

with my friend and me?

Get lost, greaseball!

- Look at that.

- "Ice cream"?

- That's right.

- You said "ice cream"?

- Girls like ice cream.

- Come on, man. That's not gonna work.

You can't do it that way.

You know how you pick up chicks

in this country?

- What was that? What you just did?

- That's what you do.

That's disgusting.

- Watch.

- Look at that. You look like a lizard.

Like a bug coming out of your mouth.

That figures you wouldn't understand.

But the women in this country,

when you do that, they know.

- They know what?

- They understand. They go crazy.

It'll take practice, but you gotta learn.

Women love when you suck the pussy.

Look at that.

She's looking at us.

- You think you can do it with her?

- I think I can.

- You want to try it with her?

- Why not?

- You gonna watch me?

- I'm looking at you. Go ahead.

- You won't do it.

- Watch this.

I'm with you, man.

I'm gonna get her.

Go ahead, Romeo! Do your thing.

- Just be quiet. Just hang back.

- Romeo!

You're looking very pretty today.

Yes, you. I've been watching you.

You want to see something funny?

Take a look over there. See that man?

Watch that guy. I gotta sit down here.

I gotta watch my friend

He gonna stick his tongue out to that girl.

Look at that.

You're sick!

You see what happened to him?

- Lf I wasn't a nice guy, I'd crack you.

- She's too big for you.

- Causing trouble like that. Come on.

- Bitch!

- What I try to tell you?

- Lesbian!

What I try to tell you? This country,

you gotta make the money first.

Then when you get the money,

you get the power.

Then when you get the power,

then you get the women.

That's why you gotta

make your own moves.

That's the one I rented.

No. That's her, man. There she is.

About time.

Frank got held up at the golf course.

He told me to pick you up.

He said he'd meet us at the track later.

He said to bet on Ice Cream

in the first, by the way.

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