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Behavior of Laterally Loaded Piles

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Ashish Mehta et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol.

2 (12), 2010, 7252-7254


Ashish Mehta1
Lecturer, civil engineering Department, GNIEM, Nagpur (India) Email: [email protected]

P.D.Pachpor 2*
Associte Professor, civil engineering .department Shree Ramdeobaba Kamla Nehru Engineering College Katol road , Nagpur (India) Email : [email protected] Mobile:09822224647 ABSTRACT: A finite element analysis is done to predict the responses for single pile subjected to lateral load in layered soils, with consideration of pile soil interaction. Pile and soil are simulated by Solid-3D element. In the computational model, contact surfaces between pile and soil are created. The displacements are determined for pile soil system with linearly constants and linearly varying with depth cases is considered. The engineering properties for soil and pile are considered as variable for analysis. Key words: Pile soil interaction, finite element analysis, Pile deformation. Introduction:Foundation of structures on piles is often subjected to lateral loads and moments in addition to vertical loads. In designing pile foundation for such structures, a major challenge for engineers is not the ultimate lateral capacity of the pile, but the maximum deflection & moment of the pile due to their properties. Load-deflection responses of laterally loaded piles are often obtained via in-situ lateral pile load tests. During these test the data interpretation is difficult task. And these test are very expensive. Some theoretical approaches for predicting the lateral deflection or movement have been developed. For instance Broms (1964) assumed that soil is elastic and they have presented a no. of curves and tables for calculation. Bowles (1988) assumed the soil is elastoplastic and use computer programmes for analysis. Further Reese et al. (1977) assumed nonlinear soil behavior and established the p-y curve to conduct analysis. Over the past decades, especially in the last 40 years, the soilstructure interaction (SSI) has increasingly attracted the interest of researchers and engineers in the fields of, wave mechanics, and soil dynamics. A simple & sophisticated computer based analysis for laterally loaded pile is required for laterally loaded pile. Piles are particularly difficult to analyze mainly because of the complexity of the pile-soil interaction.

ISSN: 0975-5462


Ashish Mehta et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2 (12), 2010, 7252-7254 Description of model

Fig.no. 1 Pile embedded in two layered soil.

A laterally loaded single pile presents a soil-structure (pile) interaction problem. The soil reaction is dependent on the pile movement, and the pile movement is dependent on the soil reaction. An attempt is made in this work to consider non- linearly of soil for finite element analysis. Varying values of Engineering properties such as modulus of elastically & Poissons ratio are taken for different layers. Varying Es, the embedded length of pile & pile head fixity is considered as variable for analysis and the deflections are worked out. Results are compared for different cases. Computing procedure:Making new 3D Model of pile & soil with Software Pro-E for different cases. Import that Model to Ansys Workbench as a New Geometry consists of different solid element (i.e. soil layer & pile) & start a New Simulation & getting different default contact elements. Discritised the 3d model (pile & soil layer as finite element method) in to nodes & element by meshing. Apply engineering properties such as Ep,Es, Poissons ratio & density to the geometry for both linear & non linear cases. Apply Static Structure analysis to geometry & apply different loading condition. Apply boundary condition like fixed support to geometry. Analyse the model for loading condition. Illustrative Example A Steel pile 0.305 m in diameter in embedded in two layered soil with top layer soil thickness 0.915m & 6.71m bottom layer soil. Pile is subjected to lateral load of 66750N at top. Pile deformation is calculated, considering engineering properties of pile &soil (Es& Poissons ratio) as variable & results are obtained.

ISSN: 0975-5462


Ashish Mehta et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2 (12), 2010, 7252-7254

Fig no.2 model showing geometry, meshing, loading and deformation

Observation & Results: The results of pile deformation with 3D soil pile model, by considering contact surfaces (pile soil interaction) for different cases are observed and compared with previous results.
Table no. 1 deformation of pile for different cases:

cases 1 2 3 4

E1/E2 0.5 1 2 10

Deflection(mm) 17.0 7.68 5.38 1.34

The above mentioned case was studied by Pise(1982) ,to compute the maximum moments and ground deflection for a free headed steel pile. Deflection is calculated for E1/E2 0.5,1,2,10 with top layer thickness of 0.915m. A result obtained by Pise (1982) & San Shayan (2006) for above case is compared with our model. Conclusions: Results obtained as shown in table no. 2 is comparable with previous results as obtained by Pise and San Shyan. Therefore the predicted model can be used to obtain the pile deformation with different engineering properties of pile & soil (Ep & Es) for different cases.
Table no. 2 comparison of deformation :



1(M-21) 2(M-20) 3(M-22) 4(M-23)

0.5 1 2 10

Deflection (pise method) (mm) 17.0 12.0 7.20 2.03

Deflection By San shyan (mm) 17.0 10.5 6.80 2.03


17.0 9.68 5.38 1.34

References:[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Bowel J.E. (1968): Foundation analysis and design McGraw Hill.. Broms, B.B. (1965) Design of laterally loaded piles, Journal of the Soil Mechanic sand Foundations Division, ASCE, 91(3). Davisson, M.T., and H.L.Gill (1963) Laterally loaded piles in a layered soil system, Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Engineering, ASCE, Pise. P.J. 1982, Laterally loaded piles in a two layer soil system. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE 108(9) , 1177-1181. SAN-SHYANLIN and ABDULLATEET M. AL- KHALEEFI OF laterally loaded piles in two layer soil medium kuwaif j. sci eng. 30(1), 2003 Yun-Mei Hsiung; Shi-Shuenn Chem; Yi-Chuan Chou, Analytical Solution for piles Supporting Combined Lateral Loads, (ASCE) 1090-0241(2006) 132: 10(1315)

ISSN: 0975-5462


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