PSC Report 5 Febr2012
PSC Report 5 Febr2012
PSC Report 5 Febr2012
II. PROGRAM RESOURCES................................................................................................................ 8 III. PROGRESS SINCE THE LAST PSC.............................................................................................. 9 IV. ACTIVITY PLAN.......................................................................................................................... 19 V. FINANCIAL REPORT................................................................................................................... 23 VI. CHALLENGES AND DIFFICULTIES......................................................................................... 25 VII. ANNEXES.................................................................................................................................... 30
ABBREVIATION BTC BTCs RR DARD DCIPMU DoC DoF DoNRE DPC DPI DSWMP EPA EUR GoB GoV IOCA ITA MoF MPI O&M pCERWASS PIM PMU POM PPC PPMU PSC PSWMP TFF TOR VAT VND WSSP Belgian Development Agency The Resident Representative of BTC in Vietnam Department of Agriculture and Rural Development District Construction and Investment Project Management Unit Department of Construction Department of Finance Department of Natural Resource and Environment District Peoples Committee Department of Planning and Investment District Solid Waste Management Plan Environmental Protection Agency Euro Government of Belgium Government of Vietnam Institutional Organizational Capacity Assessment International Technical Advisor Ministry of Finance Ministry of Planning and Investment Operation and Maintenance Provincial Center for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Participatory Irrigation Management Project Management Unit Project Operation Manual Provincial Peoples Committee Provincial Project Management Unit Project Steering Committee Provincial Solid Waste Master Plan Technical and Financial File Terms of Reference Value Added Tax Vietnamese Dong Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Binh Dinh Province
Progress report for the Project Steering Committee nr.5 on 24 February, 2012
I. PROJECT SUMMARY 1. General information Project Title Duration General Objectives : Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Binh Dinh province : 60 months : To contribute to poverty reduction, enhancing public health and improving living conditions and quality of life of the people of the target areas : To improve the quality of life of the population of some communes of 6 districts of Binh Dinh province (Phu Cat, Phu My, Tuy Phuoc, Tay Son, An Nhon and Hoai Nhon districts) through the provision of efficient facilities for both irrigation and drinking water as well as solid waste management, including appropriate capacity building, awareness raising and operation and maintenance modalities. : Total budget: 8,950,000 Euro In which: - Belgian contribution: - Counterpart Fund: Sector : Water supply and Sanitation 7,500,000 Euro 1,450,000 Euro
Specific Objectives
2. The programs expected results and activities Result A: Capacity building of the related agencies All the related agencies in charge of the planning, design, implementation and management of the rural water schemes and the solid waste management systems of the province are reinforced through adapted trainings. Result B: Awareness raising A strategy is developed to raise awareness on the use of safe drinking water and on the preservation of the water resource as well as on the importance of protecting the environment with proper recycling, disposal and treatment of domestic solid waste. Result C: Rural water system Cost efficient rural water systems designed for both flooding and dry seasons, for 5+2 communes are implemented, while, possibly, Hoc Mon dam, its spillway and the related irrigation canals are rehabilitated, with efficient operation and maintenance modalities and secured funding. Result D: Solid waste treatment schemes Proper infrastructure on basis of District Master Plans on solid waste management are provided for the treatment of solid waste for the target areas of 3 districts (Hoai Nhon, Phu My and Tay Son) with the setting up of proper operation and maintenance modalities, including availability of funds to operate and maintain the schemes in good conditions.
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Progress report for the Project Steering Committee nr.5 on 24 February, 2012
3. Executive summary 3.1. Progress of planned Project activities After the four PSC meeting, the PPMU concentrated again strongly on the execution of the project components and accelerated the implementation of the activity plan for the second semester of 2011. So far, all activities have been performed to a large extent according to plan, however, with some delays on the designs and the investment part as shown below. a. Result A: Capacity Building Rural water supply management The PPMU and pCERWASS exchanged opinions and agreed on the activity planning for Capacity Development in rural water supply in 2011s 2nd semester, and the terms of reference for a consultancy on Institutional-Organizational capacity assessment of rural water supply management in Tuy Phuoc and Phu Cat. The PPMU signed contract on IOCA with consultant T&C on 28/11/2011. The result of the analysis of pCERWASSs current organization and of the policy and regulatory frameworks was presented in a report to pCERWASS, DPI, DARD and the PPMU during a stakeholder meeting at the PPMUs office.
Some other activities like Prepartion of the strategic orientation and roadmap for implementation of RWS management model was delayed until after completion of the IOCA. Completion is now expected in first semester of 2012. At the same time, a study trip on management models of Rural Water Supply works in Vietnam and abroad could not be implemented in 2011, since pCERWASS had insufficient human resources to be involved in all activities at the same time. They were postponed to 2012 after the completion of IOCA. Solid waste management Delay with the completion of the final version of the DSWMPs created problems of delays with many of the planned CD activities for SWM. In particulat the creation of the DSWMBs and Working Groups had to be postponed. Besides, during a meeting between the PPMU and an Institutional Development expert in Hanoi in September 2011, it became clear that DSWMPs were lacking involvement of the higher provincial level and that more work was needed on the institutional aspects prior to implementing the DSWMPs. The PPMU redesigned its activities and scheduled a sequence of several consultations and workshops, in order to define more clearly the institutional arrangements necessary for district SWM. TOR were prepared and a consultant hired to carry out some workshops, in order to make decisions on the institutional arrangements for SWM in the four districts, as well as provide a brief training for provincial level on the content of the DSWMPs. But the actual start of the contract for capacity development activities for SWM was postponed to 2012. Participatory irrigation management The PPMU prepared the TOR for the coaching program of the PIM process, but tendering and implementation of this activity were postponed due to budget limitations in the project for CD activities. It was necessary to wait for BTCs decision to make additional resources available for this activity. The Mid Term Reviews recommended not to continue with the PIM-development process as BTC informed them that no additional resources can be obtained. These activities were cancelled.
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b. Result B: Awareness raising In the last semester, the AR activities were performed well according to plan. They will be reported in details in chapter III.2. c. Result C: Rural water supply Running water supply system of Phu Cat district On 31/12/2012, 9 of 11 works packages have been being started with construction. Of these 9 packages, 7 packages have reached 75 100% of its contract value and possibly will be completed prior to August 2012; 1 package (09-XL) was started in November 2011, reached 31% of its contract and will possibly complete in November 2012; and 1 package (10-XL) was started in July 2011 and reached 29% of the contract value. In the last time, most of the contractors have followed the committed schedule as well as the plan approved by the PSC4. However, only the contractor of package 10-XL has broken the contract that leading to a contract termination and liquidation which is ongoing by the project owner. For the outstanding work of this package, the project owner will select and award contract to another contractor. It is expected to be done in 2012. For package 03-HH, the project owner approved the tender result and awarded the contract in December 2011. After negotiation, the contract duration was shortened by more than 14 months. The new duration is from 15/12/2011 to 15/4/2012. It is now being performed by the contractor. For the packages 01-XL, 02-XL and 02-HH: As a long-lasting tendering process, the construction has not been started. In the tender plan, the construction duration of these packages are planned to be 18 months as the project owner took into account 2 rainy seasons of 2011 and 2012. Now the rainy season of 2011 has been passed. If BTCs non-objection on the tender result is received soon, the project owner will possibly negotiate with the winning bidder to shorten the construction duration to avoid the rainy season of 2013. If the packages 01-XL and 02-XL are started in February 2012 and the package 02-HH is started in Quarter 2/2012, the completion time of the whole works might be 3 months later than the plan. In the period between 1st August and 31st December 2011, the project owner paid the advances of 17,290 MVND to the contractors. On 31 st December 2011, the project owner paid the progressive installments of 35,544 MVND to the contractors, reaching 36.59% of the total value of the construction and equipment supply contracts. Rehabilitation of Hoc Mon reservoir Based on the verification report of the topographic and geological survey results made by Nguyen Truc Construction Consultancy Company, on 8 August 2011, the PPMU and ITA organized a meeting with the project owner, the designer and surveyor and the verifier on defining the quantity and quality of surveying works which had been done by the surveyor. Based on the meeting conclusion which was reported by the PPMU, BTC expressed its agreement in signing the contract with the Joint venture of CTC and BIHECCO, providing that the survey consultant had to fulfill their tasks by adapting to all the conclusions and recommendations made by the verification report under the supervision of a consultant selected by the project owner. The new contract will end on 15 February 2012. As steered by BTC, the project owner selected and awarded the contract for supervision of geological survey and topographic document correction to Hoang Le General Construction Consultancy Ltd. Company in November 2011. Now this contract has been implemented and the project owner has submitted the final report made by the supervisor to the PPMU.
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On 20 January 2012, the advance amount of the contract on making surveys, detailed design and cost estimate, which is financed by the Study Fund, was paid to the Joint venture of CTC and BIHECCO. d. Result D: Solid waste management The DSWMPs for the four districts of Hoai Nhon, Phu My, An Nhon and Tay Son was developed by EP&T. The completion date of this contract was in July 2011, but EP&T submitted the final versions of DSWMPs late in August 2011 to the PPMU. Then the PPMU disseminated these papers to the districts for checking and reviewing before approval. After reviewing, the districts and PPMU detected some errors and mistakes, which must be corrected, and some points which had been requested to be corrected but EP&T refused to do as the contract had been expired. Therefore, at the end of 2011, the DSWMPs have not been approved as plan. The PPMU suggested BTC, who approved this suggestion, to make the contract liquidation and pay the last installment to EP&T. The PPMU collaborated with the ITA and the districts to do the correction. The approval of these the DSWMPs will be approved prior to the PSC 5. The location of Hoai Nhon landfill has been moved from Hoai Duc commune to Bong Son town. So the investment plan must be redeveloped. In Phu My and Tay Son districts, the locations of the landfill still remain the same. So the detailed design will be developed based on the existing investment plan. After the PSC meeting no.4, the PPMU organized a meeting with the participation of the leaders and relating officials of Hoai Nhon DPC, Phu My DPC, An Nhon DPC, Tay Son DPC, DoC, DoNRE and DPI. This meeting was to inform every stakeholder on the steering idea of the PSC on the investment of 3 sanitary landfills in 3 districts of Hoai Nhon, Phu My and Tay Son. In the meantime, the PPMU requested the districts to make a work plan of the investment activities as well as the procedures of making, appraising and approving investment activities in line with the current regulations. As planned, in Quarter 4/2011, Hoai Nhon district has to call for tender and award the contract on making surveys, detailed planning at scale 1/500, investment plan and environmental impact assessment for the landfill of Hoai Nhon; Phu My and Tay Son districts have to call for tender and award the contract on making surveys, detailed design and cost estimation for the landfills of Phu My and Tay Son respectively. However, at the reporting time, the selection of contractors has not been made as the DSWMPs have not been approved. Now the districts are calling for tender. The bid opening is expected to be on 18 and 19 January 2012 and the contracts are expected to be signed at the beginning of March 2012 and will be performed for 120 days. e. General means Mme Nguyen Thi Ha Nguyen, the replacement of Mr. Bui Ngoc Can, has been recruited as new CAS for the project. The report for the PSC 5, which will be organized on 24 February 2012, has been preprared. From 25 to 29/9/2011, the external auditor, Deloitte Co., Ltd., hired by BTC, carried out the audit services for the period between 01/1/2011 and 30/6/2011. December 2011. The draft MTR report has been submitted to the PPMU for giving comments.
- The MTR has been carried out by AF Consult Switzerland LTD in November 3.2. Summary of disbursement progress in 2nd semester of 2011
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From 01/8/2011 - 31/12/2011, the project disbursed Euro 1,337,200 or 94.68% of the planned disbursement. Of which, the disbursement on Belgian fund was Euro 1,103,726 (Euro 144,826 under Regie modality and Euro 958,900 under Nat.ex modality), equivalent to 93.63% of the planned disbursement; and the disbursement on the counterpart fund was Euro 233,474 Euro or 100% of the annual planned disbursement. The accumulated disbursement on 31/12/2011 was Euro 2,291,534 or 24.86% of the project budget. Of which, the disbursement on Belgian fund was Euro 1,911,844 Euro or 24.76% of the Belgian budget; the disbursement on the counterpart fund was Euro 379,690 or 25.38% of the VN budget. In general, after the PSC 4, as the PPMU concentrated to the rapid and smooth execution of the planned activities, the disbursement in the last semester was better than the previous periods. However, there were some activities remaining delays, so the disbursement of the GoB fund did not meet 100% of the plan.
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Progress report for the Project Steering Committee nr.5 on 24 February, 2012
II. PROGRAM RESOURCES 1. Human resources Composition of the Provincial Program Management Unit (PPMU) The composition of the PPMU remains as reported in the fourth PSC meeting apart from one change of the CAS: as from 01/9/2011, Mme Nguyen Thi Ha Nguyen took up the position of CAS, replacing Mr. Bui Ngoc Can. International Technical Advisor and Junior Assistants ITA: Unchanged. Junior Assistants: The first JA, Ms, Hennekam Ashley, finished her contract with BTC on 07/2/2012. The second JA, Ms. Anke Boone, will continue her work in the project for another year. Composition of Program Implementation Units Unchanged. Standing Unit of PSC Unchanged. 2. Financial resources The Program finance includes two fund sources: Vietnamese contribution is 1,450,000 Euro, and Belgian contribution is 7,500,000 Euro. The total fund is 8,950,000 Euro. In addition to the above-mentioned amounts, the Belgian Government also pays an estimated 212,425 Euro from the Belgo-Vietnamese Study and Consultancy Fund for the detailed designs of the water projects and for the development of the DSWMPs of the four districts; and annually a budget is transferred to the Regie account for covering the cost of the Junior Assistants (i.e. 3,000 Euro/year/JA, 2 JAs). Also in addition to the above-mentioned amounts, the Vietnamese Government further contributes substantial amounts to the project for the expenditures of: office space, office furniture, salaries and allowances for PPMU staff (except CAS, Coordinator cum Water and Sanitation Engineer and Secretary/Translator), Land Acquisition (LA) and taxes (if any). (See Annex 2 for more detailed information)
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Progress report for the Project Steering Committee nr.5 on 24 February, 2012
III. PROGRESS SINCE THE LAST PSC In agreement with the activity plan for the 2nd semester of 2011, approved by the 4th PSC meeting, the following work was performed and the following results achieved:
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implementation of RWS management model are planned to be in the 1st semester 2012.
Study trip on management models of Rural Water Supply works in Vietnam and abroad (9 - 11/2011), including the following activities:
Postponed to Quarter 2/2012, see above. Postponed and modified. and Postponed to 2012s first semester, cannot be implemented before completion of the study trip on management models in Vietnam.
Reasons of delays: - Slower than planned implementation of stakeholder analysis and IOCA, mainly due to the long time needed to tender for the consultancy and the consultant mobilized slowly after contract award. - Insufficient consideration in our planning for the risks caused by the interdependence of the different activities, whereby delays in one activity automatically cause the next activity to be equally delayed. - A desire of (request by) pCERWASS to receive more support for the implementation of the studies of management models in Vietnam and for preparing and organizing the study trip for stakeholders. - Need to modify the plan for the oversea study tour. For CD for SWM, it is similar (except last one), but we have more reasons: - Delay in DSWMPs finalization. - Need to do more work on the institutional aspects. For CD for Irrigation (PIM) the reason is: - Cancellation, due to total lack of budget and no increase possible. 2. Solid waste management It was planned to organise a supporting workshop in September 2011 for defining roles and responsibilities as described in the district solid waste management plans (DSWMPs). It was also planned to prepare the appointment of the Boards and Working Groups in each district. However, during a meeting between the PPMU and
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an Institutional Development expert in Hanoi in September, it became clear that DSWMPs were lacking involvement of the higher provincial level and that more work was needed on the institutional aspects prior to implementing the DSWMPs. The PPMU redesigned its activities and scheduled a sequence of several consultations and workshops, in order to define more clearly the institutional arrangements necessary for district SWM. 2.1 Establishing the DSWM Boards and Working Groups (9 -10/2011), including the following activities: Organize a supporting workshop for This activity was re-designed as a sequence defining roles and responsibilities of several workshops and consultations to (9/2011). define institutional arrangements for district SWM, to be executed by a consultant. Tendering: 2-21/11/2011; contract signed with consultant 13/01/2012, start of the assignment expected on 20 February 2012.
All activities planned under 2.2 and 2.3 had to be rescheduled to the first semester of 2012, since they could only be implanted based on the prior creation of the SWM Boards and Working Groups. As explained under 2.1, the latter activity was delayed because of the delay in the finalization of the DSWMPs as well as the need to do more work on the institutional aspects for implementing the DSWMPs. 3. Participatory irrigation management The recommendations in the final evaluation report of the BTC project VIE0402211 suggested the project integrate institutional PIM development when supporting the management of the upgraded irrigation system in Phu My. Therefore, the project had started a stakeholder analysis in the first semester of 2011 which was lead by the PIM Center (finished report 17/06/2011). Consequently, the project planned to continue with the PIMdevelopment process and developed terms of reference for the recruitment of a consultant for coaching of the PIM-development process for the remaining duration of the project. 3.1 Finalize TID, tender and select consultant for coaching of PIM-development process (8 - 10/2011)
Finalize TID, tender and select TOR were fully prepared, but any further
consultant for coaching of PIMdevelopment process for the remaining duration of the project (8 - 10/2011).
action was suspended awaiting BTCs decision on additional resources for PIM. Since BTC informed that no additional resources will be made available, the MTR recommended that the project should not proceed with PIM.
3.2 3.3
PIM-unit designs and conducts Institutional-Organisational Capacity & Performance Assessment (11-12/2011)
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However, based on budget limitations in the project for CD activities, it was necessary to wait for BTCs decision to make additional resources available for this activity. The Mid Term Reviews recommended not to continue with the PIM-development process as BTC informed them that no additional resources can be obtained.. All activities planned under 3.2 and 3.3 are based on the previous activity and therefore are now cancelled.
1 Study Trip on From 29 to 31 of July, the PPMU organised a study trip to Hanoi Awareness for provincial, district and commune partners on AR in 6 targeted Raising Models to districts. The aim of the study tour was to strengthen capacity of Hanoi members of PPMU, DONRE-EPA, pCERWASS and District & Commune Partners (DTF & ECTs) on awareness raising methods regarding solid waste management and the use of safe drinking water. The study tour gave participants a broader view on how to implement the current awareness raising strategy and how to actually reach the household level. Two organisations have been visited in Hanoi: Action for the City (ACCD) and Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV). The studytrip covered 18 participants from different levels. 2 Continue the Regular communication between PPMU Staff and the implementation of pCERWASS/EPA, on-the-job training by the PPMU and trainings Environmental given by external facilitators provided sufficient guidance to both Communication subcontractors for a good understanding and performance of their Plans awareness raising strategies and implementation of the plans.
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the communication capacity to all levels (district, commune, hamlet and school) so that they would have enough capacity to organize the awareness raising activities after the project ends. The PPMU developed an awareness raising strategy for the extension phase with the main partners: 6 DTFs, 15 commune ECTs (8 communes/towns of the 4 districts on solid waste and 7 communes/towns of the 2 districts on water supply), hamlet communicators and 30 school ECTs (1 primary school and 1 secondary school in each commune/town).
9 Exchange Workshop
In addition to the planned activities, the PPMU also implemented some extra activities, including: 1 0 Workshop for Teachers to develop Awareness Raising Methods and Guidelines: The PPMU organised another additional training for teachers on 'how to develop awareness raising materials for schools'. This workshop reached 80 participants from the provincial DoET, the district DoET of the targeted districts and the school ECTs. Up to now, 4 sets of materials for teachers (2 sets on solid waste: 1 for grade 4 and 1 for grade 8; 2 sets on clean water: 1 for grade 4 and 1 for grade 8) and 4 sets of handouts for students have been developed. These materials will be used for the awareness raising program in schools as from the school year of 2012-2013.
1 Workshop to strengthen capacities of Women Union & Youth Union Members: 1 The PPMU organised a workshop to develop communication skills and capacities of the women union and youth union members to take the lead in organising awareness raising activities on the topics of solid waste and clean water for the women and youth in their districts. The training provided them with knowledge on clean water and solid waste management, methods and skills for communication and awareness raising, which are suitable and attractive to the women and the youth. The training reached around 100 participants from women and youth union in the targeted districts, 6 communes/towns (Bong Son, Phu My, Nhon Thanh, Tay Phu, Cat Tien, Phuoc Thang).
Running water supply system of Phu Cat district Continue with the On 31/12/2011, the packages 03-XL, 04-XL, 06-XL, 07construction and XL, 08-XL and 11-XL reached 78 100% of the contracted supervision of the quantity; they are expected to be completed and accepted packages 03-XL, 04-XL, prior to May 2012. In general, the contractors of these
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06-XL, 07-XL, 08-XL, 10-XL and 11-XL and supervise the contract performance of the supervisor (package 01TVGS).
packages follow the commited schedule. Package 10-XL just reached 29% of the planned quantity. This delay was caused by the contractor, who did not follow the commitment on human resources, machine and equipment. Now the project owner is implementing all procedures on contract termination and liquidation of this package. For the outstanding work of this package, the PPMU will instruct the project owner to select and award contract to another contractor. The oustanding works will be done in 2012.
Sign the contract and For package 05-XL, the project owner awarded the contract implement the package in August 2011. The construction started on 17 August 05-XL. 2011. At the end of 2011, this package has reached 75% of the planned quantity. It is expected to be completed and accepted at the end of August 2012. Complete bid evaluation The project owner organized the retender for the packages and award contracts for 01-XL, 02-XL, 09-XL and 03-HH in July 2011. the packages nr.01-XL, For packages 09-XL and 03-HH: The contracts were signed 02-XL, 09-XL and 03- in November and December 2011. On 31/12/2011, the HH (after BTCs non- package 09-XL has reached 31% of the planned quantity objection is received), and will complete in November 2012. Package 03-HH is start the construction and ongoing. The equipment will be supplied in the period from construction supervision. 15/12/2011 to 15/4/2012 (after negotiation, the contract duration is shorten 14 months). For packages 01-XL and 02-XL: After the bid opening, the project owner carried out the bid evaluation in line with the current legislations. However, as requested by the ITA and BTC, the project owner contracted with the Center for Procurement Support (under MPI) to check the correctness in tendering process and the competition. Some mistakes were discovered in the tender evaluation report which had to be corrected. Following this BTC requested again legal advice from Crown Agent, as required under the procedures and for packages 01-XL the competence of the bidder was discovered not passing completely the requirements. However, the legal advisor still recommended BTC to consider the possibility of non-objection to this package. BTC RR requested the legal department of BTC HQ to accept a small deviation from the legal procedures, as proposed by Crown Agent to this package. For package 02-XL, BTC gave its non-objection on 16/1/2012. The contract will be awarded in February 2012.
Retender the procurement Package 02-HH: Due to a mistake of the detailed design
package nr. 02-HH Procurement of equipment, technology pipeline, controlling power system, lighting power system (for water
and cost estimation, the progress of this package was delayed. Up to now, the detailed design and cost estimate have been corrected by the designer. It is now under the verification of the PMU of Phu Cat Running Water Supply sub-project before being approved by the project owner. This package will be retendered in Quarter 1 of 2012.
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treatment plant, 4 first level pumping stations and booster pumping station), evaluate the bids and after BTCs nonobjection start to implement the contract. All construction works Apart from the packages 01-XL, 02-XL and 02-HH which and supply of equipment will be completed in 2013, the other packages are being should be completed by implemented and will be completed in 2012. December 2012, except for the Water treatment plant, 4 first-level pumping stations and raw water pipeline (constructed under package 01-XL). The latter should be completed in or before March 2013. Make regular payments In the period from 01/8/2011 to 31/12/2011, the project to the contractors, as the owner paid the advances of 17,290 MVND to the work progresses. contractors. On 31st December 2011, the project owner paid the progressive installments of 35,544 MVND to the contractors, reaching 36.59% of the total value of the construction and equipment supply contracts. 2. Rehabilitation of Hoc Mon reservoir Based on the final Based on the verification report of the topographic and conclusion of the geological survey results made by Nguyen Truc independent verification Construction Consultancy Company, on 8 August 2011, the by Nguyen Truc PPMU and ITA organized a meeting with the project Construction Consultancy owner, the designer and surveyor and the verifier on Co. Ltd., in August 2011, defining the quantity and quality of surveying works which the PPMU will organize a had been done by the surveyor. Based on the meeting meeting with the project conclusion which was reported by the PPMU, BTC owner, the designer and expressed its agreement in signing the contract with the the verifier to agree on Joint venture of CTC and BIHECCO, providing that the the survey quantity and survey consultant had to fulfill their tasks by adapting to all quality actually done by the conclusions and recommendations made by the the JV, and then report verification report under the supervision of a consultant BTC on the meeting selected by the project owner. The new contract will end on result for their 15 February 2012. consideration and Following the steering of BTC, in November 2011, the decision. project owner signed the consultancy contract for supervision of geological survey and topographic document correction with Hoang Le General Construction Consultancy Ltd. Company. Now this contract has been implemented and the project owner has submitted the final report made by the supervisor to the PPMU.
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On 20 January 2012, the advance amount of the contract on making surveys, detailed design and cost estimate, which is financed by the Study Fund, has been paid to the Joint venture of CTC and BIHECCO.
Approve District Solid The DSWMPs for the four districts of Hoai Nhon, Phu My, Waste Management An Nhon and Tay Son was developed by EP&T. The Plans completion date of this contract was in July 2011, but EP&T submitted the final versions of DSWMPs late in August 2011 to the PPMU. Then the PPMU disseminated these papers to the districts for checking and reviewing before approval. After reviewing, the districts and PPMU detected some errors and mistakes, which must be corrected, and some points which had been requested to be corrected but EP&T refused to do as the contract had been expired. Therefore, at the end of 2011, the DSWMPs have not been approved as planned. The PPMU suggested BTC, who approved this suggestion, to make the contract liquidation and pay the last installment to EP&T. The PPMU collaborated with the ITA and the districts to do the correction. The approval of these DSWMPs will be made prior to the PSC 5. Prepare the Investment plans of the new sanitary landfills (October 2011 April 2012) The location of Hoai Nhon landfill has been moved from Hoai Duc commune to Bong Son town. So the investment plan must be redeveloped. In Phu My and Tay Son districts, the locations of the landfill still remain the same. So the detailed design will be developed based on the existing investment plan. After the PSC meeting no.4, the PPMU organized a meeting with the participation of the leaders and relating officials of Hoai Nhon DPC, Phu My DPC, An Nhon DPC, Tay Son DPC, DoC, DoNRE and DPI. This meeting was to inform every stakeholder on the steering idea of the PSC on the investment of 3 sanitary landfills in 3 districts of Hoai Nhon, Phu My and Tay Son. In the meantime, the PPMU requested the districts to make a work plan of the investment activities as well as the procedures of making, appraising and approving investment activities in line with the current regulations. As planned, in Quarter 4/2011, Hoai Nhon district has to call for tender and award the contract on making surveys, detailed planning at scale 1/500, investment plan and environmental impact assessment for the landfill of Hoai Nhon; Phu My and Tay Son districts have to call for tender and award the contract on making surveys, detailed design
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and cost estimation for the landfills of Phu My and Tay Son respectively. However, at the reporting time, the selection has not been made as the DSWMPs have not been approved. Now the districts are calling for tender. The bid opening is expected to be on 18 and 19 January 2012 and the contracts are expected to be signed at the beginning of March 2012 for a contract duration of 120 days.
5. General means
Content (as approved by the PSC, based on action plan 2011/SEM2) 1 Progress made from PSC4 to present
Continue the staffing, Mme. Nguyen Thi Ha Nguyen, the replacement of the management and former CAS, Mr. Bui Ngoc Can, has been recruited. operation of the PPMU. The project activities have been manageed in a good manner.
2 3
Prepare for the 5th PSC The report for the PSC 5, which will be organized on 24
meeting. audit mission, which should take place in October 2011. February 2012, has been preprared. Ltd., hired by BTC, carried out the audit services for the period between 01/1/2011 and 30/6/2011. In the auditors opinion, the project financial statements gave a true and fair view of, in all material aspects, the balances of assets, liabilities and funds of the project as at 30/6/2011 and of its receipts and expenditures for the period from 01/1/2011 to 30/6/2011, in accordance with the states and projects accounting policies. However, the PPMU should claim for the VAT refund (for the GoB fund) as regulated.
Receive the 3rd local From 25 to 29/9/2011, the external auditor, Deloitte Co.,
Receive the MTR The MTR has been carried out by AF Consult Switzerland mission, which should LTD in November December 2011. AF consult take place in December submitted the English version of the draft MTR report to 2011. the PPMU on 12 January 2012 and the Vietnamese version on 3 February 2012, for PPMUs comments.
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Progress report for the Project Steering Committee nr.5 on 24 February, 2012
IV. ACTIVITY PLAN 1. Revision of the five - year activity plan (2009 2014) The five year action plan of the project has been adjusted to take into account the progress of the project to date. The full Five-Year Activity Plan has been shown in the annex 1. 2. Detailed activity plan for the first semester of 2012
To prepare the management of the future rural water supply scheme of Phu Cat - Tuy Phuoc, the project started an Institutional-Organizational capacity assessment in the previous semester. This will be continued in the upcoming semester and completed in April 2012. Recommendations of this IOCA will serve as a basis for the development of a well-planned management model for the RWS scheme in Phu Cat - Tuy Phuoc. Also, pCERWASS will carry out a study on management models for RWS in Vietnam, to draw lessons learned and integrate these, as well as help pCERWASS in the development of the management model for the RWS scheme in Phu Cat - Tuy Phuoc. During this process, pCERWASS will give the opportunity to the key stakeholders of the RWS scheme to be involved in the development of the management model, as a way to ensure sustainable management, operation and maintenance of the RWS scheme in Phu Cat - Tuy Phuoc. The planned activities for the upcoming semester are: a) Continue the sector and institutional-organizational analysis (IOCA) & involvement of stakeholders for RWS management: The IOCA was started in the previous semester, will continue in the upcoming semester and complete in April 2012. It is guided by the consultant T&C. Activities include: IOCA activities to assess institutional-organizational capacities, to be completed in April 2012. Supporting workshop for validation of IOCA results with all stakeholders (3/2012). b) Development of RWS roadmap: pCERWASS will develop a roadmap based on the recommendations from the Supporting workshop for validation of IOCA results (4/2012). c) Study of suitable management models and visit good practices in RWS in Vietnam: A study on RWS management models is planned to be carried out by pCERWASS. The objectives are to enable pCERWASS (1) to learn lessons from good and bad practices in the management and operation of RWS schemes in Vietnam in general, (2) to involve key stakeholders related to the management and operation of the future Phu Cat - Tuy Phuoc water supply system aiming to ensure continued constructive involvement during operation, and (3) to integrate stakeholder opinions and lessons learned from other projects into the management model for the Phu Cat - Tuy Phuoc RWS scheme. The following activities are therefore planned:
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Get agreement on TOR for this study on Management models for RWS works in Vietnam to be carried out by pCERWASS (2/2012). Conduct the study (3 5/2012). 2.1.2 District solid waste management Based on the DSWMPs, several institutional arrangements need to be made. This will be the focus of the CD activities for SWM in the next period. The following activities are planned: a) Developing a plan for institutional arrangements for sustainable planning, funding, monitoring and reporting mechanisms in SWM Recruitment of consultant for workshops on Institutional arrangements (1/2012); Approval of DSWMPs by Districts (1-2/2012); Training for related Provincial Agencies on DSWM Plans: As a need arose to involve more the higher level provincial institutions in SWM of the four districts, a short training will be organized for the PPC and the provincial agencies (2/2012); Planning process of institutional arrangements (based on DSWMPs) for sustainable planning, funding, monitoring and reporting mechanisms (2-6/2012). b) Contracting specific experts to support the implementation of the institutional arrangements: When the plan for implementation of institutional arrangements is made (as described here above), it may be necessary, for specific activities, to contract an expert who will support the implementation (4 6/2012). c) Implementation of the institutional arrangements plan (06/2012 end of plan): As the plan for implementation of institutional arrangements is made, the planned activities can go ahead. In the case where specific experts have been contracted, they will carry out their supporting missions. d) Organizing the oversea study tour after being approved by BTC (3-6/2012)
a) Development of an AR Strategy for the Extension Phase Develop an AR Strategy for the extension phase, on which all partners agree on content, budget, structure and implementation approach (3/2012 - 5/2012). b) Trainings and on-the-job coaching Organize trainings on clean water/solid waste communication and technical knowledge for the DTFs, school and commune ECTs, hamlet Women Union and hamlet leaders. After the training, PPMU (and partners) will give on-the-job coaching of the activities organised by ECTs (4/2012 6/2012).
d) Monitor, evaluate and supervise the activities implemented by the DTFs, commune
ECTeams, hamlet Women Union and hamlet leaders (6/2012 12/2012).
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f) Awareness Raising through District Radio: Collaborate with the DTFs and District Radio Stations to disseminate general, easy-tounderstand, education messages on clean water/solid waste and the activities organised in the districts/communes (5/2012 12/2012).
g) Buying basic equipment/facilities for the school ECTs to support them to reinforce messages with beneficiary actions (6/2012 8/2012). 2.3.
2.3.1. Result C: Rural water schemes Phu Cat Water Supply
Continue with the construction and supervision of the packages 03-XL, 04-XL, 05XL, 06-XL, 07-XL, 08-XL, 09-XL and 11-XL. For the package 10-XL: The PPMU will collaborate with project owner on the contract liquidation with Binh Dinh Hydraulic Construction JSC in February 2012 in line with the current legislations. In addition, the PPMU will also collaborate, guide and supervise the project owner in selecting and awarding contract to another capable contractor for the implementation of the outstanding quantity in Quarter 2/2012. For package 03-HH: The PPMU will continue to supervise the contract performance. This contract will be complete on 15 April 2012. For package 02-XL: The contract will be signed and started in February 2012. For the packages 01-XL: After BTC gives its non-objection, the project owner will negotiate and award the contracts to the winning bidders. The contract and the construction is planned to be signed and started in February 2012. For the package 02-HH: Approve the revised detailed design and cost estimation; call for tender, award the contract and start the equipment supply in January June 2012.
Continue to supervise the contract performance of the Joint venture of CTC and BIHECCO (contract on making surveys, detailed design and cost estimate). The completion date of this contract is on 15 February 2012. BTC will recruit an independent consultant to verify the detailed design documents. After that, have the detailed design documents appraised and approved (2-4/2012). Call for tender for the construction and supervision of the works (5-8/2012).
2.4.1. District solid waste management detailed plans for the four districts of Hoai Nhon, Phu My, An Nhon and Tay Son Finish the correction of mistakes and approve the DSWMPs at the end of February 2012.
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2.4.2. Construction of 3 sanitary landfills in Hoai Nhon, Phu My and Tay Son districts Open the bids for making surveys, detailed design and cost estimation for the landfills of Phu My and Tay Son on 18 and 19 January 2012; open the bids for making surveys, detailed planning at scale 1/500, investment plan and environmental impact assessment for the landfill of Hoai Nhon on 18 January 2012. The project owners will finish the bid evaluation and submit the evaluation reports to the PPMU, who will check and send them to BTC in February 2012. After receiving BTCs non-objection, the project owner will negotiate and sign the contracts with the winning bidders. The contract is expected to be signed in March 2012. From April to July 2012, the consultants will implement the contracts as committed with the project owners. Pay advance and regular payments to the consultants.
General means
Realize the recommendations of the MTR on staffing and budgeting after these recommendations are approved by the PSC. Prepare for the PSC meeting no.6.
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2. Financial plan for the 1st semester of 2012 on GoB fund and for the year of 2012
on the GoV fund During the first half of 2012, the project will continue to implement its CD and AR activities, tendering and construction of Phu Cat water supply investment, detailed design and call for construction tender for Hoc Mon reservoir, preparation of investment works for 3 landfills of
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Hoai Nhon, Phu My and Tay Son. The table below shows the planned disbursement for the 1 st semester of 2012 on GoB fund and for the year of 2012 on the GoV fund.
Table 2. Financial plan for the 1st semester of 2012 on GoB fund and for the year of 2012 on the GoV fund
Unit: Euro; X-rate: 23,036 VND/Euro Financial plan Fund source GoB fund, 1st semester 2012 GoV fund, GoV GoV Total Regie NatEx 2012 nat.ex-regie 69,847 37,580 32,267 nat.ex-regie 104,568 18,040 86,528 nat.ex. V 904,873 904,873 399,674 nat.ex. V 45,969 45,969 nat.ex-regie V 86,556 62,766 23,790 12,963 nat.ex-regie V 33,674 21,074 12,600 12,963 nat.ex. V 11,190 11,190 regie 41,692 41,692 Qtv-regie Qtv Qtv Qtv regie 1,200 1,200 1,213,013 119,586 1,093,427 412,637 1,200 1,200
Budget code A__ B__ C__ D__ Z__ Z_01_ Z_02_ Z_03_
Iten Capacity building Awareness raising Rural water systems Solid waste General means Personnel Office equipment and functioning Monitoring & evaluation Additional available Belgian budget from other sources Survey, detailed design and cost estimate of Phu Cat Running Water Supply Survey, detailed design and cost estimate of Hoc Hon Dam Rehabilitation District Solid Waste Management Plans for the 4 districts Junior Program (Junior Assistants 1&2) TOTAL (A + B + C + D + Z)
Total expected disbursement in the 1st semester of 2012 on GoB fund is Euro 1,213,013, of which Euro 119,586 are spent on Regie modality, Euro 1,093,427 on NatEx modality. The total expected disbursement in the year of 2012 on GoV fund is Euro 412,637. Capacity development: in the 1st semester of 2012, payments on the Regie modality include the cost of ITA and consultancies. Expenses on the NatEx budget include workshops, trainings and also consultancies. Awareness raising: Payments on AR on the Regie modality are for the cost of ITA. Expenses on the NatEx budget include the outstanding payments (5% of the contract value) to the the sub-contractors pCERWASS and EPA for the pilot phase, and payments for the execution of the extension phase. Phu Cat RWS: Payments for the overall investment will be Euro 1,304,547, including Euro 904,873 from Nat.ex modality and Euro 399,674 from GoV. Solid waste management: All of the payments will be under Nat.ex modality for the consultancy contracts of 3 landfills.
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Progress report for the Project Steering Committee nr.5 on 24 February, 2012
Fund source in Euro and VND Currency Capacity building Awareness raising Rural water systems Solid waste General means Additional available Belgian budget from other sources Study Fund Junior Program (Junior Assistants 1&2) Total per modality Total per fund source
GoB fund 1st semester of 2012 Nat.Ex Euro 32,267 86,528 904,873 45,969 23,790 0 0 0 1,093,427 Regie Euro 37,580 18,040 0 0 62,766 1,200 0 1,200 120,786 1,214,213 SF Euro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Note: The plan for GoV fund of 2012 is Euro 412,637, or VND 9,505,500,000. Key issue nr.2 To facilitate the projects execution, the PPMU requests the PSC to approve the following report and plans: - The audit report no.3 including the project financial statements for the period between 01/1/2011 and 30/6/2011;
The detailed activity plan for the first semester of 2012; and the financial plan for the first semester of 2012 for GoB fund and for the year 2012 for the GoV fund. 2.3. The PSC is requested to allow Hoai Nhon district apply the direct nomination for the procurement package of detailed design for the landfill Due to time constraints, as a result of the change in the location of Hoai Nhon landfill, the documents which were approved in the past (including the topographic and geological survey documents, detailed planning at scale 1/500, investment plan and environmental impact assessment) are not applicable anymore. Now the project owner is organizing a tender to select consultants for these documents. Therefore, the progress of Hoai Nhon landfill is estimated 7 months (in case the direct appointment is allowed to apply for the selection of detailed designer) later than the one of Phu My and Tay Son districts and the construction duration will possibly extend the SAs duration. Key issue nr.3 To push up the progress as committed in the SA, the PSC are recommended to consider and allow the project owner apply the direct nomination for the procurement package of detailed design for the landfill. The PPMU will provide the project owner with necessary instructions on contractor selection in line with the donors rules.
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2.4. BTC is recommended to shorten the verification duration, timely provide nonobjection and make payments for the contracts financed by Study Fund The payment to the consultancy contracts of Hoc Mon reservoir which is financed by the Study Fund was made very late, in particular: The contract on verification of the topographic and geological survey results: The PPMU sent the payment request to BTC on 9 September 2011, but the money was only received by the contractor on 26 October 2011 (according to Article 8 of the contract, BTC commit to make the payment within 25 days since they receive the payment request as regulated). The contract on making surveys, detailed design and cost estimate: The PPMU sent the advance payment request to BTC on 20 November 2011, but the contractor only received the advance payment on 20 January 2012.
Key issue nr.4 To push up the progress, BTC is requested to: Shorten the verification duration and provide timely non-objection. After receiving all supporting documents, make payments for the contracts financed by Study Fund in time. 2.5. VAT refund The VAT refund amount is not much, around 60 MVND per year, or 2,142 EUR per year, and it does not influence much on the project financing. While the time spent for claiming for VAT refund is around 20 days. Key issue nr.5 In order to save time, the PSC is requested to allow the PPMU to claim for VAT refund for the GoB fund once per year and this activity is done in every Quarter 1 of the next year. 2.6. Reallocation of the budget According to the TFF, the budget under budget line Z.02.03 Local transportation is 54,000 EUR. The actual disbursement under this budget line on 31/12/2011 was 49,810 EUR (the project car costed 22,182 EUR). The balance of 4,190 EUR is planned to be disbursed in the 1st semester of 2012. From then on, there will be no budget for this line. While the budget lines Z.02.04 Communication and Z.02.05 PSC organization are estimated to still be positive after the project ends. Key issue nr.6
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To facilitate the project operation, the PSC is requested to reallocate the budget as follows: Unit: Euro Budget Accumulated Budg Difference Budget as disbursement on et Item (increase: +, after decided 31/12/2011 code reduce: -) reallocation in TFF Z.02.0 Local transportation 54,000 49,810 + 22,000 76,000 3 Z.02.0 Communication 24,000 2,293 - 12,000 12,000 4 Z.02.0 PSC organization 25,000 1,464 - 10,000 15,000 5 2.7. Oversea study tour on Solid waste and water supply management models The PPMU presented the proposal on study tour on Solid waste and water supply management models to Europe, which was not approved by the PSC4. The MTR team (AF Consult Switzerland Co., Ltd.) recommended that the project should organize a study tour to the regional countries as the budget constraints. Malaysia and Australia are possibly regional countries where there are similar small landills to the landfills in the central of Vietnam as well as similar RWS works to the ones in Binh Dinh province. Key issue nr.7 To enhance the management and operation of the water supply and solid waste management works, the PSC is requested to agree on the study tour on Solid waste and water supply management models to Australia in March 2012. 2.8. The PSC is recommended to increase the allowances for part time seconded staff as regulated by the Circular no.219/2009/TT-BTC dated 19/11/2009 of the MoF The Project Director and the General Planning Officer are seconded by the DPI to work parttime for the project. Their monthly allowance is 30% of their existing salary of DPI and this allowance is financed by the GoV fund (as regulated in the TFF). Key issue nr.8 Referring to the Article 3 of the Circular no.219/2009/TT-BTC dated 19/11/2009 of the MoF on the cost norms applying for ODA projects, the PSC is recommended to increase the current allowance of the seconded part-time staff, which is 30%, to 50% of their existing salary. 2.9. The PSC is recommended to approve the strategy and action plan for the extension phase of the awareness raising program The strategy and action plan for the extension phase of the awareness raising program has been prepared and finalized by the PPMU. Key issue nr.9 The PSC is recommended to approve the strategy and action plan for the extension phase of the awareness raising program to be the base for project execution.
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Progress report for the Project Steering Committee nr.5 on 24 February, 2012
GoB 215,910 10,000 105,606 40,777 15,000 44,527 316,077 10,000 15,835 14,349 95,893 180,000 2,002,236 10,000 20,000 1,927,236 25,000 20,000 2,914,000 10,000 202,000 2,657,000 25,000 20,000 257,929 94,482
Total 215,910 10,000 105,606 40,777 15,000 44,527 316,077 10,000 15,835 14,349 95,893 180,000 2,305,681 10,000 20,000 2,230,681 25,000 20,000 3,714,000 10,000 202,000 3,457,000 25,000 20,000 270,892 107,445
45,969 45,969
45,969 45,969
53,559 46,941
97,859 62,602
182.71 133.36
86,556 33,674
62,766 21,074
23,790 12,600
33,135 8,171
6,532 6,532
6,532 6,532
100.00 100.00
12,963 12,963
12,963 12,963
nat.ex nat.ex regie regie nat.ex nat.ex nat.ex nat.ex nat.ex nat.ex nat.ex regie regie regie regie regie Qtv-regie Qtv Qtv Qtv regie nat.ex regie
48,000 78,000 130,270 14,730 157,000 12,000 24,000 54,000 24,000 25,000 18,000 137,000 40,000 72,000 10,000 15,000
48,000 78,000 130,270 14,730 157,000 12,000 24,000 54,000 24,000 25,000 18,000 137,000 40,000 72,000 10,000 15,000
14,465 25,917 119,200 16,936 75,770 10,420 6,798 49,810 2,293 1,464 4,985 54,783 38,504 8,750 7,529 117,996 69,277
4,488 8,055 50,059 5,767 275 884 2,895 706 744 263 29,490 16,500 5,250 7,740 2,865
4,800 7,800
33,535 52,083 11,070 -2,206 81,230 1,580 17,202 4,190 21,707 23,536 13,015 82,217 1,496 63,250 2,471 15,000 104,664 15,098 66,385
33,535 52,083 11,070 -2,206 81,230 1,580 17,202 4,190 21,707 23,536 13,015 82,217 1,496 63,250 2,471 15,000 104,664 15,098 66,385 18,506 3,440 596 639
24,964 24,964
1,202 23,000
644.11 12.46
2,500 4,190 1,000 1,500 2,000 41,692 38,500 1,750 1,442 1,200
2,500 4,190 1,000 1,500 2,000 41,692 38,500 1,750 1,442 1,200
43,159 5,560
Exchange rate for planning in general and for payment from GoV fund is 23,036 VND/Euro. Exch ange rate for payment from GoB fund is the actual exchang e rate at the payment moment.
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Progress report for the Project Steering Committee nr.5 on 24 February, 2012
Annex 2.1. Financial plan of the project for the Belgian fund under Nat.ex modality
Unit: Euro; X-rate: 23,036 VND/Euro
Total budget available Budget code A __ A _01_00 A _01_01 A _01_02 A _01_03 B__ B_01_01 B_01_02 B_01_03 B_01_04 C__ C_01_01 C_01_02 C_01_03 C_01_04 C_01_05 D__ D_01_01 D_01_02 D_01_03 D_01_04 D_01_05 Z__ Z_01_ Z_01_04 Z_01_05 Z_02_ Z_02_01a Z_02_02 Z_02_03 Z_02_04 Z_02_05 Z_02_06 Capacity building Training needs as s ess ment Training Seminar and study tour Guidance on mas ter plan preparation Awarenes s rais ing As s es s ement & coordination Develop. of awareness rais ing s trategy Training Pilot activities Rural water s ys tems Definition of res ponsibilities Review detail des ign, incl. relocation Investment works Set-up monitoring & reporting tools Definition of financial means for O & M Solid was te Definition of res ponsibilities Detail des ign & review Investment works Set-up monitoring & reporting tools Definition of financial means for O & M General means Pers onnel Capacity building & awarenes s s pecialist Project Coordinator Cum W ater and Sanitation Engineer & Project Secretary/translator Office equipment and functioning IT & equipment Office running cos ts Local trans portation Communication Steering committee organis ation Other operation cos ts Additional available Belgian budget from other sources Interest of Nat.ex accounts TOTAL (A + B + C + D + Z) Item Total 215,000 10,000 120,000 70,000 15,000 210,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 3,056,000 10,000 20,000 2,981,000 25,000 20,000 2,914,000 10,000 202,000 2,657,000 25,000 20,000 283,000 126,000 48,000 78,000 157,000 12,000 24,000 54,000 24,000 25,000 18,000 596 596 6,678,596 6,678,000 Available in TFF 215,000 10,000 120,000 70,000 15,000 210,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 3,056,000 10,000 20,000 2,981,000 25,000 20,000 2,914,000 10,000 202,000 2,657,000 25,000 20,000 283,000 126,000 48,000 78,000 157,000 12,000 24,000 54,000 24,000 25,000 18,000 596 596 596 1,287,456 1,069,058 958,900 89.70 1,093,427 45,969 34,165 35,651 4,107 1,053,764 967,206 7,862 6,070 32,624 4,107 885,828 91.59 414.94 73,923 7,862 42,801 544.39 14,394 29,223 51,488 27,586 5,848 6,113 11.36 22.16 11,300 86,528 1,500 1,855 26,897 56,276 904,873 20,967 A dded A ccumulated dis burs ement up to 31/12/2011 43,617 Actual disbursement from 01/8/2011 to 31/12/2011 Planned 79,074 Dis burs ed 11,961 Ratio (%) 15.13 Dis burs ement plan for the 1s t s emes ter of 2012 32,267 Balance on 31/12/2011 171,383 10,000 105,606 40,777 15,000 136,077 10,000 15,835 14,349 95,893 2,002,236 10,000 20,000 1,927,236 25,000 20,000 2,914,000 10,000 202,000 2,657,000 25,000 20,000 166,848 85,618 33,535 52,083 81,230 1,580 35.36 173.70 84.72 178.56 2,500 4,190 1,000 1,500 2,000 17,202 4,190 21,707 23,536 13,015 596 596 5,391,140
116,152 40,382 14,465 25,917 75,770 10,420 6,798 49,810 2,293 1,464 4,985
18,310 12,543 4,488 8,055 5,767 275 884 2,895 706 744 263
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Annex 2.2. Financial plan of the project for the Belgian fund under Regie modality Unit: Euro; X-rate: 23,036 VND/Euro
Total budget available Budget code A__ A_01_04 B__ B_01_05 Z__ Z_01_ Z_01_06 Z_01_07 Z_03_ Z_03_01 Z_03_02 Z_03_03 Z_03_04 Capacity building Technical assistance Awareness raising Technical assistance General means Personnel Consultancy Admin & financial guideline Monitoring & evaluation Mid-term review External auditing Backstopping Final evaluation Additional available Belgian budget from other sources Junior Program (Junior Assistants 1&2) TOTAL (A + B + C + D + Z) Note: Item Total 360,000 360,000 180,000 180,000 282,000 145,000 130,270 14,730 137,000 40,000 72,000 10,000 15,000 9,000 9,000 831,000 Available in TFF 360,000 360,000 180,000 180,000 282,000 145,000 130,270 14,730 137,000 40,000 72,000 10,000 15,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 5,560 5,560 511,952 4,500 4,500 91,242 2,865.00 2,865 144,826 63.67 63.67 158.73 190,919 136,136 119,200 16,936 54,783 38,504 8,750 7,529 1,202 1,202 29,490.00 16,500 5,250 7,740 644.11 2,454.13 38,642 37,441 37,441 79,549.00 50,059.00 50,059 205.86 133.70 133.70 Accumulated disbursement up to Added 31/12/2011 315,473 315,473 Actual disbursement from 01/8/2011 to Disbursement 31/12/2011 plan for the Balance on 1st semester 31/12/2011 Planned Disbursed Ratio (%) of 2012 48,100 48,100 62,412.00 62,412 129.75 129.75 44527 44,527 180000 180,000 91081 8864 11,070 -2,206 82217 1,496 63,250 2,471 15,000 3440 3,440 319,048
Exchange rate for planning is 23,036 VND/Euro. Exchange rate for payment from GoB fund is the actual exchange rate at the payment moment.
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Annex 2.3. Financial plan of the project for the Study fund Unit: Euro; X-rate: 23,036 VND/Euro
Total budget available Budget code Item Total Additional available Belgian budget from other sources Survey, detailed design and cost estimate of Phu Cat Running Water Supply Survey, detailed design and cost estimate of Hoc Hon Dam Rehabilitation District Solid Waste Management Plans for the 4 districts TOTAL (A + B + C + D + Z) 212,425 84,375 66,385 61,665 212,425 Available in TFF Accumulated disbursement up to Added 31/12/2011 212,425 84,375 66,385 61,665 212,425 43,159 112,436 18,500 18,500 112,436 69,277 Actual disbursement from 01/8/2011 to Disbursement 31/12/2011 plan for the 1st Balance on semester of 31/12/2011 Planned Disbursed Ratio (%) 2012 18,500 99,989 15,098 66,385 18,506 99,989
Exchange rate for planning is 23,036 VND/Euro. Exchange rate for payment from GoB fund is the actual exchange rate at the payment moment.
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Annex 2.4. Financial plan of the project for the Vietnamese counterpart fund Unit: Euro; X-rate: 23,036 VND/Euro
Total budget available Budget code C__ C_01_03 D__ D_01_03 Z__ Z_01_ Rural water systems Investment works Solid waste Investment works General means Personnel Item Total 650,000 650,000 800,000 800,000 46,098 21,134 Available in TFF 650,000 650,000 800,000 800,000 46,098 21,134 33,135 8,171 Added Accumulated disbursement up to 31/12/2011 346,555 346,555 6,532 6,532 Actual disbursement from 01/8/2011 to Disbursement 31/12/2011 plan for the Planned Disbursed Ratio (%) year of 2012 226,942 226,942 6,532 6,532 100.00 100.00 226,942 226,942 100.00 100.00 399,674 399,674 38,889 38,889 Balance on 31/12/2011 303,445 303,445 800,000 800,000 12,963 12,963
Z_01_01a Project director Z_01_01b General - Planning officer Z_01_02a Accountant Z_01_02b Cashier/filing officer Z_01_02c Driver Z_01_02d Security guard Z_01_03a Civil engineer Z_01_03b Environmental engineer Z_02_ Z_02_06 Office equipment and functioning Other operation costs TOTAL (A + B + C + D + Z) Note: Exchange rate for planning is 23,036 VND/Euro. 24,964 24,964 1,496,098 1,450,000 24,964 24,964 46,098 24,964 24,964 379,690 233,474 233,474 100.00 438,563 1,116,408 Z_02_01b Working space, furniture 21,134 21,134 8,171 6,532 6,532 12,963 12,963
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Progress report for the Project Steering Committee nr.5 on 24 February, 2012
Annex 3. Disbursement report for 2011 and financial plan for 2012 of Phu Cat Running Water Supply sub-project
Contract duration Nr Cost item Actual disbursement in 2011 Contract value or package estimate 97,143,937 76,915,864 17,694,370 4,274,144 5,143,126 6,224,194 9,711,213 5,275,660 3,252,764 4,983,948 8,133,782 5,025,645 Implemented Total ratio on 31/12/2011 (%) disbursement in 2011 35.13 44.37 98.11 83.68 75.11 78.52 100.00 83.00 31.35 29.24 35,544,110 31,194,922 0 0 4,295,745 4,427,150 6,582,994 3,360,273 3,000,000 3,339,818 4,039,228 1,507,694 2,689,818 4,039,228 1,507,694 Per fund source GoB 29,572,503 25,223,315 SF 0 0 People's contribution 0 0 GoV 5,971,607 5,971,607 0 0 801,035 704,771 595,229 100,000 3,000,000 650,000 0 0 Total accumulatio n 35,544,110 31,194,922 0 0 4,295,745 4,427,150 6,582,994 3,360,273 3,000,000 3,339,818 4,039,228 1,507,694 GoB 29,572,503 25,223,315 3,494,710 3,722,379 5,987,765 3,260,273 2,689,818 4,039,228 1,507,694 Accumulated disbursement on 31/12/2011 Per fund source SF 0 0 People's contributio n 0 0 GoV 5,971,607 5,971,607 801,035 704,771 595,229 100,000 3,000,000 650,000 Financial plan for 2012 Total planned disbursemen t 43,150,274 34,801,086 13,743,200 3,319,723 847,381 1,797,044 3,128,219 1,915,387 252,764 1,644,130 4,094,553 3,517,951 Per fund source GoB 34,811,230 27,319,469 13,743,200 3,319,723 499,951 1,111,946 1,554,925 837,327 0 1,181,210 2,278,272 2,395,720 GoV 8,339,044 7,481,617 347,430 685,098 1,573,294 1,078,060 252,764 462,920 1,816,281 1,122,231
Construction + Equipment Construction Package 01-XL: Treatment plant, 4 first level pumping stations and raw water pipeline 7/15/2011 7/16/2011 8/17/2011 8/10/2011 7/15/2011 7/15/2011 11/5/2011 7/15/2011 12/15/2011 4/16/2012 8/30/2012 3/10/2012 11/15/2011 2/15/2012 11/1/2012 2/15/2012
2 Package 02-XL: Booster pumping station 3 Package 03-XL: Transferring pipeline Package 04-XL: Clean water pipeline of Cat 4 Thang commune of Phu Cat district Package 05-XL: Clean water pipeline of Cat 5 Chanh commune of Phu Cat district Package 06-XL: Clean water pipeline of Cat 6 Tien commune of Phu Cat district Package 07-XL: Clean water pipeline of 7 Phuoc Hoa commune of Tuy Phuoc district Package 08-XL: Clean water pipeline of 8 Phuoc Thang commune of Tuy Phuoc district Package 09-XL: Clean water pipeline of Cat 9 Nhon commune of Phu Cat district Package 10-XL: Clean water pipeline of Cat 10 Hung commune of Phu Cat district Package 11-XL: Power transferring system 22kV, transforming station, wire line 0.4kV 11 (for Treatment plant, 4 wells, booster pumping station) 12 Package 12-XL: Installation of water meter, spare parts and pipeline to households Equipment Package 02-HH: Procurement of equipment, control electric system, lighting system (for 1 Treatment plant, 4 first level pumping stations, booster pumping station) 2 II III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IV 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 V 1 2 VI Package 03-HH: Water meter, fititngs for household connection Project management Consultancy Consultancy on making investment plan Consultancy on making surveys Consultancy on making detailed design Verification of detailed design Verification of cost estimate Selection of building contractors Selection of equipment suppliers Supervision of construction and equipment supply Other costs Appraisal of investment plan Appraisal of detailed design Appraisal of tender result Verification and approval of final payment Training, trial running and handover Works insurance Audit Land acquisition Phu Cat Tuy Phuoc Contingency TOTAL Rate
6,014,265 20,228,073
0 4,349,188
0 4,349,188 0 0
0 0
0 4,349,188
0 7,491,761
8,698,376 1,390,643 4,212,387 328,284 752,284 1,214,956 85,821 83,029 98,965 14,059
33.73 76.24 97.00 96.80 100.00 196.50 100.00 41.73 15.20 78.57 100.00 47.60 100.00 100.00 100.00 33.52
4,349,188 0 3,245,676 328,284 752,284 1,214,956 85,821 83,029 98,965 0 682,337 182,984 16,704 16,704 9,901 0 0 139,675 0 1,232,544 1,176,404 56,140 0 40,205,314
0 0 0 0
596,099 328,284 85,821 83,029 98,965 182,984 16,704 16,704 9,901 139,675 1,232,544 1,176,404 56,140 7,983,234
1,634,989 1,115,362 16,704 16,704 9,901 139,200 453,796 293,457 185,600 1,232,544 1,176,404 56,140 11,890,927 116,985,800 100.00%
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