A database management system group assignment_080810
A database management system group assignment_080810
providing the backbone for storing, retrieving, and managing information in a structured manner.
As organizations across various industries become more data-driven, the demand for efficient,
scalable, and secure databases has grown exponentially. DBMS solutions vary in type, from
relational models that rely on structured query languages to more flexible NoSQL systems
designed for unstructured data. Understanding the different types of DBMS, their architectures,
and their respective advantages and limitations is essential for selecting the right system for
specific applications. This presentation explores key types of DBMS, including Relational,
NoSQL, Hierarchical, Network, and Object-Oriented systems, highlighting their core functions,
structures, and practical applications in today’s data-driven world.
A database management system (DBMS) is software that makes it easy for organisations to
centralise data, manage data efficiently, and provide data access for application programs and
physical data files. (Azhar, Susanto, Meiryani, 2019). Date & Kannan, et al, 2018, also defines
DBMS, as a computerized record keeping system that is repository or a container for collection
of computerized data files. It came about as a response to early methods of computerized
management of commercial data and DBMS is designed to manage large bodies of information.
The overall purpose of DBMS is to define, store, retrieve and update the information contained
in the database on demand. Some of the major areas of application are, banking, airlines,
universities, manufacturing and selling and human resources. There are several types of DBMS
and these include, Relational, Object oriented, Hierarchical, Network, Graph, ER model,
Document based and NoSQL. It is also consists of different components such as database engine,
database schema, query processor, transaction management and data security.
The four main database management systems are, Relational, Object oriented, Hierarchical,
Relational database
The relational database management system (RDBMS) is the most widely used database
management system. RDBMS stores and gives access to data points related to each other. It is
based on the relational model and a precise data representation in tables. In this database every
piece of information has a relationship with every other piece of information. This is on account
of every data value in the database having a unique identity in form of a record. Therefore every
row of data in the database is linked with other row using a primary key. Similarly every table is
linked with other table using a foreign key. RDBMS is available for personal computers, large
mainframe systems and workstations.
Key Features
Less efficient for handling large-scale, unstructured data (e.g., in big data or real-time
analytics scenarios).
Scalability can be challenging in distributed systems.
Key Features
Objects: Data is represented as objects, similar to OOP languages like Java or C++.
Inheritance and Polymorphism: Supports OOP features such as inheritance,
encapsulation, and polymorphism.
Complex Data Types: Suitable for handling more complex data, such as images, videos,
and custom data structures.
Hierarchical System
A hierarchical database is a type of data model in which data is stored in the form of records and
organized into a tree-like structure or parent-child structure in which one parent node can have
many child nodes connected through links. A Hierarchical database structure dictates that while a
parent record can have several child records, each child record can only have one parent record.
There is typically a root “parent” directory of data stored as records that links to various other
subdirectory branch, or child record, may link to various other subdirectory branches.
Tree Structure: The database is structured in a hierarchical form, similar to a file system.
Fast Access: Efficient when data access patterns follow the hierarchical structure.
Parent-Child Relationships: Data is accessed by navigating through parent-child
IBM’s Information Management System (IMS): One of the earliest hierarchical database
systems, still in use for specific legacy applications.
Windows Registry: Uses a hierarchical database structure for storing configuration settings in the
operating system
A network database management system is designed to store, retrieve and manage data in a
networked environment. It allows sharing of data among multiple users on a network. It only
manages the data within the network but also ensures it is consistent across all connected
devices. Based on traditional hierarchical database, except, it allows each object to have multiple
parents instead of a single parent.
Key Features
Many-to-Many Relationships: Unlike the hierarchical model, the network model supports
more flexible relationships between records.
Pointers: Relationships between records are represented through pointers, which connect
the records.
Integrated Data Store (IDS): One of the early implementations of the network DBMS
IDMS (Integrated Database Management System): A network DBMS for mainframe
NoSQL DBMS are designed to handle unstructured or semi-structured data, which is often
difficult to store in a traditional relational model. NoSQL databases are more flexible in terms of
schema and are optimized for performance and scalability, especially in distributed systems.
Key Features
Hardware is the actual computer system used for keeping and accessing the database. It consists
of a set of physical electronic devices such as computer storage device, channels
electromechanical device that make interface between real world system etc. and so on. It is
impossible to implement DBMS without thee hardware device. In a network a powerful
computer with higher data processing speed and a storage device with higher storage capacity is
required as a database server.
Software, the main component of DBMS, it is the set of program used to handle the database and
to control and manage the overall computerized database. Software is the most important
component of the entire system.
Data, in DBMS databases are defined, constructed and then data is stored, updated and retrieved
to and from the database. The main purpose of the DBMS is to process data, the database
contains both the actual data and metadata. Users that operate and manage the DBMS require
documented procedures on how to use or run the database management system.
Users, are the people who manage the database and perform different operations on the databases
in the database system. There are three types of people who play different roles in database
system, application programmers, database administrators and end users.
Procedures refer to the instruction and rules that help to design the database and to use the
Reduced data redundancy, controls redundancy by restricting duplication of data, where one
file cannot be stored multiple types in data system.
Greater efficiency. t eliminates extra time for processing large volumes of data, thereby
saving storage space. An example is the use of bar codes in grocery stores.
Concurrent access, improves data sharing by allowing users to share data in a number of
application programmes, e.g. use of Human Resources Information Management System
(HRIMS) and pre-paid tollgates, e-government procurement system.
Data integrity, to get higher level of protection against prohibited access to data.
Secure in that access is limited to individuals with authority to access information. Student
portals at universities.
Data consistency through promotion of continuity thereby avoiding redundancy allowing for
effective data intergration.
Data recovery and back up.
Traceability, allows teams to keep track of everything, including who is accessing the data
and where they are accessing it.
Improved data sharing
A stronger implementation of privacy and security policies.
Complexity, supports multiple functionality thereby users neeed to have vast knowledge
of the software
Size, uses large amounts of memory due to its complexity and functionality
Cost, it is expensive start up and also costly to maintain.
Performance, some applications may not run as before as more applications are used by
the system
Higher impact of a failure, due to centralization, failure of any component can bring
operations to a halt and affect the services to the customers seriously.
Database Management Systems are integral to managing the vast and complex data that
organizations rely on for decision-making and operational efficiency. From traditional Relational
DBMS to more modern NoSQL systems, each type offers unique advantages suited to different
data management challenges. Relational DBMSs, with their strong focus on consistency and data
integrity, remain popular in transactional environments, while NoSQL systems excel in
distributed, high-volume data environments. Meanwhile, Hierarchical, Network, and Object-
Oriented DBMS continue to serve specialized purposes. As data requirements evolve, DBMS
technologies will continue to adapt, shaping the future of data storage and retrieval. By
understanding the strengths and limitations of each DBMS type, organizations can make
informed choices to meet their specific data management needs.
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