What Is DBMS
What Is DBMS
What is DBMS?
Database Management System (DBMS) is software for storing and retrieving users’
data while considering appropriate security measures. It consists of a group of
programs that manipulate the database. The DBMS accepts the request for data from
an application and instructs the operating system to provide the specific data. In large
systems, a DBMS helps users and other third-party software store and retrieve data.
DBMS allows users to create their own databases as per their requirements. The term
“DBMS” includes the user of the database and other application programs. It provides
an interface between the data and the software application.
In this Database Management System tutorial, you will learn DBMS concepts like-
To define DBMS:
We need to specify the structure of the records of each file by defining the different
types of data elements to be stored in each record.
We can also use a coding scheme to represent the values of a data item.
Basically, your Database will have 5 tables with a foreign key defined amongst the
various tables.
History of DBMS
Here, are the important landmarks from the history of DBMS:
Characteristics of DBMS
Here are the characteristics and properties of a Database Management System:
Users of DBMS
Following are the various category of users of DBMS
Microsoft Access
LibreOffice Base
Microsoft SQL Server
Application of DBMS
Below are the popular database system applications:
Types of DBMS
The main Four Types of Database Management Systems are:
Hierarchical database
Network database
Relational database
Object-Oriented database
Hierarchical DBMS
In a Hierarchical database, model data is organized in a tree-like structure. Data is
Stored Hierarchically (top-down or bottom-up) format. Data is represented using a
parent-child relationship. In Hierarchical DBMS, parents may have many children, but
children have only one parent.
Network Model
The network database model allows each child to have multiple parents. It helps you to
address the need to model more complex relationships like the orders/parts many-to-
many relationship. In this model, entities are organized in a graph which can be
accessed through several paths.
Relational Model
Relational DBMS is the most widely used DBMS model because it is one of the
easiest. This model is based on normalizing data in the rows and columns of the tables.
Relational model stored in fixed structures and manipulated using SQL.
Object-Oriented Model
In the Object-oriented Model data is stored in the form of objects. The structure is
called classes which display data within it. It is one of the components of DBMS that
defines a database as a collection of objects that stores both data members’ values and
Advantages of DBMS
Disadvantage of DBMS
DBMS may offer plenty of advantages, but it has certain flaws-
The cost of Hardware and Software of a DBMS is quite high, which increases the
budget of your organization.
Most database management systems are often complex, so training users to use the
DBMS is required.
In some organizations, all data is integrated into a single database that can be damaged
because of electric failure or corruption in the storage media.
Using the same program at a time by multiple users sometimes leads to data loss.
DBMS can’t perform sophisticated calculations
Not recommended when you do not have the budget or the expertise to operate a
DBMS. In such cases, Excel/CSV/Flat Files could do just fine.