HW 10

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17. How much work does a refrigerator with a COP of 4.2 require to freeze 670 g of water already at its freezing point?


3. Estimate the energy that could be extracted by cooling the world's oceans by 1C. How does your estimate compare with humanity's yearly energy consumption of about 2 . 5 lo2' J? ~

The amount of heat that must be extracted in order to freeze the water is Q, = mL, = (0.67 kg)x (334 kJ/kg) = 224 kJ. The work consumed by the refrigerator while extracting this heat is W = Q,/COP = 224 kJl4.2 = 53.3 kJ. (See Equation 22-4.)

The voluine of the oceans is about 1 . 3 51018 m3 ~ (the average depth is 3.73 km over 71% of the earth's surface). The heat extracted by cooling this volume of water by 1C is Q = pVc AT = (lo3 kg/m3)x J, or (1.35 x 1018 m3)(4184 J/kg.K)(l K) 11 5 . 6 5 ~ 1 0 ~ ~ about 23,000 times the world's annual energy consumption.

Problem 21. A heat pump consumes electrical energy at the

rate P .Show that it delivers heat at the rate , (COP l)Pe.


5. What are the efficiencies of reversible heat engines operating between (a) the normal freezing and boiling points of water, (b) the 25C temperature at the surface of a tropical ocean and deep water at 4C' and (c) a 1000C candle flame and room temperature?

For each cycle of operation of the heat pump, Q h = Qc W and COP = Q,/W = (Qh/W) - 1. Therefore, Qh = (1 COP)W, which if written in terms of rates, is the relation stated in the question.

The efficiency of a reversible engine, operating between two absolute temperatures, Th > Tc, is given by Equation 22-3. (a) e = 1 - T,/Th = 1 - 273/373 = 26.8%. (b) e = (Th - Tc)/Th = AT/Th = 21/298 = 7.05%. (c) With room temperature at T, = 20C, e = 98011273 = 77.0%.

9. The maximum temperature in a nuclear power plant is 570 K. The plant rejects heat to a river where the temperature is 0C in the winter and 25C in the summer. What are the maximum possible efficiencies for the plant in these seasons? Why might the plant not achieve these efficiencies?

The winter and summer thermodynamic efficiencies are 1 i (Tc/Th), or 1 - (2731570) = 52.1% and 1 - (2981570) = 47.7%, respectively. As explained in Section 22-3, irreversible processes, transmission losses, etc;, make actual efficiencies less than the theoretical maxima.

25. A 0.20-mol sample of an ideal gas goes through the Carnot cycle of Fig. 22-29. Calculate (a) the heat Qh absorbed, (b) the heat Q, rejected, and (c) the work done. (d) Use these quantities to determine efficiency. (e) Find the maximum and minimum temperatures, and show.explicitly that the efficiency as defined in Equation 22-1 is equal t o the Carnot efficiency of Equation 22-3.

Problem 41. A 250-g sample of water at 80C is mixed with

250 g of water at 10C. Find the entropy changes for (a) the hot water, (b) the cool water, and (c) the system.

The equilibrium temperature for the mixture, assuming all the heat lost by the hot water is-gained --- -by the cold, is Teq = 45C. (a) Ashot water = mcln(Tq/Thot) = (0.25 kg)(4.184 kJ/kg.K)x ln(318/353) = -109 J/K, (b) AS,ld = (0.25 kg)(4.184 kJ/kg*K)ln(318/283) = 122 J/K, and (c) Astot = -109 J/K 122 J/K = 12.7 J/K.

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45. Ideal gas occupying 1.0 cm3 is placed in a 1.0-m3 vacuum chamber, where it expands adiabatically. If 6.5 J of energy become unavailable to do work, what was the initial gas pressure?

FIGURE 22-29 Problem 25 (Diagram is not to scale).


From Equations 22-10, 11 and the ideal gas law, n R T = Eu,a,il,ble/ ln(&/V~)= 6.5 J / ln(106) = -0.470 J = PlVl. Therefore, Pl = 0.470 J/(IO-~ m3) = 470 kPa.

From the discussion of the efficiency of a Carnot engine in Section 22-2, (a) Q h = nRTA ln(VB/VA) = P A V ln(VB/VA) = (8)(1)(101.3 J)ln 2 = 561.7 J , and ~ (b) Qc = PcVc ln(Vc/V~) (2.050)(3.224)~ = (101.3 J)ln(3.224/1.612) = 464.1 J (we used 101.3 for the conversion factor of L.atrn to J). (c) The work done in one cycle (from the f i s t law) is W = Qh Q = 97.66 J, resulting in an efficiency of (d) e = , W/Qh = 0.1739. (Note: For the Carnot cycle, TA= TB and Tc = To, so for the adiabatic segments, WBc WDA= 0. Thus, W = WAB WBC W C ~ WDA= Qh - Qe, explicitly.) We find the maximum and minimum temperatures from the ideal gas law:


These imply a Carnot efficiencyof e = 1 - Tc/TA = 0.1739, exactly as before. Equations 22-1 and 22-3 are identical because Qc/Qh = Tc/TA = 0.8261, explicitly. (We did not round off until after completing all the calculations, and we labeled the states as in Fig. 22-6.)

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