2304kJ/kg. H 355K, T: Bars) 0.51 (P - / 4178 C:) 310 (

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3. Saturated steam leaves a steam turbine at a flow rate of 1.

5kg/s and a
pressure of 0.51 bars. The vapor is to be completely condensed to
saturated liquid in a shell-and –tube heat exchanger which uses water
as the coolant. The water enters the thin-walled tubes at 17C and
leaves at 57C. If the overall heat transfer coefficient of 200W/m2.K,
determine the required heat exchanger surface area and the water flow
rate. After extended operation, fouling causes the overall heat transfer
coefficient to decrease to 100W/m2.K. For the same water inlet
temperature and flow rate, what is the new vapor flow rate required
for complete condensation?


Assumptions: (1) Negligible heat loss to surroundings, (2) Negligible

wall conduction resistance.

Properties: Table for


(T c  310 K ) : c p,c  4178J / kg . K ; (p  0.51 bars) : Tsa t  355K, h fg  2304kJ/kg.

Analysis: (a) The required heat transfer rate is

q  m h h fg  1.5kg / s( 2.304  10 6 J / kg )  3.46  10 6 W

And the corresponding heat capacity rate for the water is

C c  C min  q /(Tc ,o  Tc ,i )  3.48  10 6 W / 40 K  86,400W / K

hence ,   q /(C min [Th,i  Tc ,i ])  3.46  10 6 W / 86,400W / K (65 K )  0.62

since C min /C max  0,

NTU  -ln(1 -  )   ln(1  0.62)  0.97


A  NTU (C min / U )  0.97(86,400W / K / 2000W / m 2. K )  41.9m 2

m c  C c / c p ,c  86,400W / K / 4178 J / kg . K  20.7 kg / s

(b) using the final overall heat transfer coefficient, find

Since C min /C max  0,

  1  exp( NTU )  1  exp(0.485)  0.384

hence, q  C min (Th,i  Tc ,i )  0.384(886,400W / K )65 K  2.16106W

m h  q / h fg  2.16  10 6 W / 2.304  10 6 J / kg  0.936kg / s

Comments: The significant reduction (38%) in m h represents a
significant loss in turbine power. Periodic cleaning of condenser
surfaces should be employed to minimize the adverse effects of
4. Water at 225 kg/h is to be heated from 35 to 95C by means of a
concentric tube heat exchanger. Oil at 225kg/h and 210C, with a
specific heat of 2095 J/kg.K, is to be used as the hot fluid. If the
overall heat transfer coefficient based on the outer diameter of the
inner tube if 550W/m2.K, determine the length of the exchanger if the
outer diameter is 100mm.


Assumptions: (1) Negligible heat loss to surroundings, (2) Negligible

kinetic and potential energy changes, (3) Constant properties.

Properties: Table for Water:

(Tc  ( 35  95)  C / 2  338 K ) : c p ,c  4188J / kg . K

Analysis: From rate equation with Ao=DoL, L=q/UoDoΔT  m

The heat rate, q, can be evaluated from an energy balance on the cold

. 225kg / h
q  m c c c (Tc , 0  Tc ,i )   4188 J / kg . K (95  35) K  15,705W
3600 s / h

In order to evaluate ΔT  m, we need to know whether the exchanger is

operating in CF or PF. From an energy balance on the hot fluid, find

. 225kg / h J
Th,o  Th ,i  q / m h c h  210  C  15,705W /  2095  90.1C
3600 s / h kg . K
Since Th,o<Tc,o it follows that HXer operation must be CF. From eq.
for log mean temperature difference,
T1  T2 ( 210  95)  (90.1  35)
Tm ,CF   C  81.5C
n( T1 / T2 ) n(115 / 55.1)

Substituting numerical values, the HXer length is

L  15,705W / 550W / m 2 . K (0.10m )  81.4 K  1.12m

Comments: The –NTU method could also be used. It would be

necessary to perform the hot fluid energy balance to determining CF
operation existed. The capacity rate is Cmin/Cmax=0.50. From eq. for
effectiveness, and from with q evaluated from an energy balance on
the hot fluid,

Th,i  Th,o 210  90.1

   0.69
Th ,i  Tc ,i 210  35

Th,i=210 C

Th,o=90.1 C

Tc,o=95 C
Tc,i=35 C
1 2

From fig, find NTU1.5 giving

L  NTU .C min / U oDo  1.5  130.94 550 2 . (0.10m )  1.14m
K m .K

Note the good agreement by both methods.

5. Consider a very long, concentric tube heat exchanger having hot and
cold water inlet temperatures of 85 and 15C. The flow rate of the hot
water is twice that of the cold water. Assuming equivalent hot and
cold water specifies heats; determine the hot water outlet temperature
for the following modes of operation (a) Counter flow, (b) Parallel


Tc,i=15 C

Th,i=85 C Ch=2Cc

Assumptions: (1) equivalent hot and cold water specific heats, (2)
Negligible Kinetic and potential energy changes, (3) No eat loss to

Analysis: the heat rate for a concentric tube

Heat exchanger with very large surface area
Operating in the counter flow mode is

q  q max  C min (Th,i  Tc ,i )

Combining the above relation and rearranging, find

C min C
Th,o   (Th ,i  Tc ,i )  Th,i   c (Th,i  Tc ,i )  Th,i
Ch Ch

Substituting numerical values

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