Ibbotson ABCs of Hedge Funds

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Working Paper

The ABCs of Hedge Funds: Alphas, Betas, & Costs

Roger G. Ibbotson, Ph.D. Professor in the Practice of Finance Yale School of Management Chairman & CIO Zebra Capital Management, LLC. Phone: (203) 432-6021 Fax: (203) 432-6970

Peng Chen, Ph.D., CFA President of Ibbotson Associate Ibbotson Associates 22 W. Washington, Chicago, IL 60602 Phone: (312) 696-6838 Fax: (312) 696-6701 Email: [email protected]

Kevin X. Zhu, Ph.D. School of Accounting and Finance The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Phone: (852) 2766-4072 Fax: (852) 2556 9550 Email: [email protected]

March 30, 2010

The ABCs of Hedge Funds

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1581559

Despite the retrenchment of the hedge fund industry in 2008, hedge fund assets under management are currently over one and a half trillion dollars. We analyze the potential biases in reported hedge fund returns, in particular survivorship bias and backfill bias. We then decompose the returns into three components: the systematic market exposure (beta), the value added by hedge funds (alpha), and the hedge fund fees (costs). We analyze the performance of a universe of about 8,400 hedge funds from the TASS database from January 1995 through December 2009. Our results indicate that both survivorship and backfill biases are potentially serious problems. Adjusting for these biases brings the net return from 14.26% to 7.63% for the equally weighted sample. Over the entire period, this return is slightly lower than the S&P 500 return of 8.04%, but includes a statistically significant positive alpha. We estimate a pre-fee return of 11.42%, which we split into a fee (3.78%), an alpha (3.01%), and a beta return (4.62%). The positive alpha is quite remarkable, since the mutual fund industry in aggregate does not produce alpha net of fees. The year by year results also show that alphas from hedge funds were positive during every year of the last decade, even through the recent financial crisis of 2008 and 2009.

The ABCs of Hedge Funds

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1581559

1. Introduction
Hedge funds had negative returns and net withdrawals during 2008. The year interrupted a two decade stream of almost continuous positive aggregate performance and asset growth. However, by splitting the aggregate and year by year returns into alpha, beta, and costs, we show that the net alphas have been positive in every year after 1998, even through the recent financial crisis. This is because hedge funds have substantial beta as well as alpha, so that much of the return, both in positive and negative years, can be attributed to the beta or systematic risk.

In 1990 there were only about 530 hedge funds managing about $50 billion. By the end of 2009, there were more than 8,000 hedge funds managing $1.6 trillion 1 . The strategy mix of the hedge fund industry has also changed. In 1990 the industry was dominated by funds following a global macro strategy, while in 2008 the largest number of funds belonged to equity-based strategies like long-short equity and event driven. Hedge funds have gained increasing acceptance among both institutional and individual investors.

This paper updates the Brown, Goetzmann, and Ibbotson (1999) paper that one of the authors participated in originally, which found that statistically significant alphas were earned in the hedge fund industry. But that paper covered the 19891995 period, before much hedge fund data was available. 2 By starting in 1995 and analyzing the period through December 2009, we are now able to analyze a relatively complete fifteen year data set that corrects for survivorship bias by including dead funds, and corrects for backfill bias by excluding backfilled data. Many other researchers have also studied hedge funds. These include Fung and Hsieh (1997, 2000, and 2004); Asness, Krail, and Liew (2001); and Liang (2000).
1 2

HFR press release, January 20, 2010. Brown, Goetzmann, and Ibbotson (1999) attempted to estimate the impact of survivorship, although they did not have a complete sample of dead funds. They also recognized the potential selectivity biases in their database. Table A1 in the appendix shows the number of funds in the TASS database each year.

The ABCs of Hedge Funds

Despite the growing mainstream use of hedge funds, the industry is largely unregulated because they are usually either limited partnerships or off-shore corporations. This gives hedge fund managers tremendous flexibility, but makes accurate measurement of performance difficult. Since hedge funds are not required to report their returns, most hedge fund returns are reported to data collectors on a voluntary basis. There are several data vendors that collect and measure hedge fund returns, 3 but most of the data published are subject to two main biases. The first is survivorship bias. When a fund fails, it is often removed from a database along with its performance history. Its elimination creates a survivorship bias because the database only includes successful funds. The second common bias is backfill. Hedge funds tend to start reporting performance after a period of good performance, and that previous good performance history (or backfill) may be incorporated into the data base. 4

Hedge funds also have a different fee structure than traditional long-only managers; they not only have a management fee, but also an incentive fee. The typical hedge fund fee structure is 1.5% plus a 20% incentive fee. 5 Although the typical management fee of mutual funds may be in the same range as that of hedge funds, incentive fees are very rare in the mutual fund industry. Incentive fees are usually associated with high watermarks, meaning that they are only earned after past losses have been recovered.

It is important to distinguish between the returns that come from alpha and beta. The alpha component is value added, and does not appear to be present in the mutual fund industry in aggregate. On the other hand, the return from the beta can readily be produced by investing in

For example, Morningstar, Hedge Fund Research, Inc., TASS/Tremont, Managed Accounts Reports, and Zurich Capital Markets. 4 Another bias often cited in hedge fund data is selection bias, which refers to not having a representative sample of funds. In this paper, we concentrate our effort on the survivorship and backfill bias. 5 Median fee structure, according to TASS Data.

The ABCs of Hedge Funds

mutual funds, or by just directly investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds without any special skill of the investment manager. Presumably, it is the high alphas the hedge fund industry has earned, along with their low correlations with other asset classes, which have led to the great interest in this industry with the corresponding high cash inflows. The results of this paper confirm the significant positive alphas, but also show that a substantial part of the return can be explained by simple stock, bond, and cash betas.

2. Hedge Fund Return Measures

To effectively determine the sources of hedge fund returns, we first attempt to measure historical hedge fund returns accurately and without bias. Hedge fund returns tend to suffer from many biases, because reporting of returns is voluntary.

2.1 Data We use monthly hedge fund return data from the TASS database from January 1995 through December 2009. The TASS database is an excellent data base to use because the dead funds are included and backfilled data is so marked.

We first combine the live funds and dead funds. There are 13,383 funds in the database, 4,962 of which are categorized as fund of funds. We eliminate fund of funds from this analysis. Out of the remaining 8,421 funds, 3,408 funds were still alive and 5,013 funds were dead at the end of December 2009. Table 1 presents the detailed breakdowns. For each fund, the after-fee monthly return data were collected. 6 With the live, dead, and backfill measures, we construct six

The analysis in this paper is conducted using after-fee return data. We estimate the gross-fee total return on hedge fund portfolio by applying the typical fee structure in section 3.

The ABCs of Hedge Funds

subsamples of the returns data listed in the Appendix. We usually focus on the equally weighted returns, but we also measure value weighted returns. 7

For survivorship bias, we compare the returns between portfolios with and without the dead funds. For backfill bias, we compare the returns between the subsamples with and without the backfilled return data. We then analyze the survivorship bias and backfill bias in hedge fund return data by comparing returns on the above three portfolios across the six subsamples of funds. 8

2.2 Survivorship Bias When a fund fails, it is often removed from a database along with its performance history. Its elimination creates a survivorship bias because the database then only tracks the successful funds. Survivorship bias typically occurs when a dying fund stops reporting performance. The performance of a dying fund tends to be much lower compared to the other live funds, thus creating an upward bias in a fund database with only live funds.

It is well known that the sample of live only funds contains survivorship bias. When Brown, Goetzmann and Ibbotson (1999) analyzed survivorship bias on returns using off-shore hedge funds, they reported an attrition rate of about 14% per year over 19891995. Their estimate of the survivorship bias was around a 3% unrealizable return per year. This result is consistent with the 3% estimate provided by Fung and Hsieh (2000) on the TASS database from 19941998. However, only a 0.2% return survivorship bias is estimated in Ackermann, McEnally and Ravenscraft (1999). Liang (2000) showed that differences in these estimates may be explained by
Many funds do not report AUM and are left out of the value weighted sample. For comparison purposes, we also calculate equally weighted returns for the sample of funds which report AUM. 8 Table A1 in the appendix gives the number of funds in each of the six subsamples year-by-year.Table A3 in the appendix provides detailed summary return statistics for each of the three portfolios across the six subsample databases.

The ABCs of Hedge Funds

compositional differences in the databases and different timeframes. More specifically, the lower estimate by Ackermann et. al. can be explained in terms of the lower proportion of dead funds retained in the combined HFR/MAR database, the inclusion of fund of funds (less susceptible to overall failure), and the pre-1994 start date, since the leading databases only retain returns on dead funds that died after this date. Barry (2003) also studied the characteristics of dead funds using the TASS data from 1994 to 2001. His estimate of the survivorship bias of 3.8% is higher than the Fung and Hsieh (2000) estimate, due to three extra years of return data.

Table 2 presents our estimates of the survivorship bias from January 1995 to December 2009 using the equally weighted portfolio. In the database with backfilled return data, the equally weighted portfolio with live only funds returned 14.26% per year, compared to 11.14% with both live and dead funds. Therefore, with backfilled data the survivorship bias is estimated to be 3.12% (14.26%11.14%) per year. When we exclude the backfilled data, the live only funds returned 12.84% per year, compared to 7.63% for the equally weighted portfolio with dead and live funds. This indicates a more accurate estimate of survivorship bias of 5.21% (12.84% 7.63%) per year. By excluding the backfilled data, our survivorship estimate is substantially higher than others have estimated. Aggarwal and Jorion (2010) estimate a similarly high survivorship bias. They showed that survivorship in the TASS database may be underestimated because of the addition of Tremont database (with survivorship problems) funds between April 1999 and November 2001, as described in more detail in our Appendix.

2.3 Backfill Bias Backfill bias occurs because many hedge funds include prior unreported performances to data collectors when they first start reporting their returns. These backfilled returns tend to provide an upward bias to the overall return data, since typically only favorable early returns are reported (not the unfavorable ones). A few studies have attempted to estimate this instant history bias.

The ABCs of Hedge Funds

Fung and Hseih (2000) study the distribution across funds of the lag between each funds inception date and the date at which it enters the database. They find a median lag of 343 days and delete the first 12 months of all funds reported returns, finding an instant history bias of 1.4% per year. Malkiel and Saha (2005) also studied the impacts of various reporting biases in the hedge fund data. They estimate that the backfill bias is over 500 basis points higher than the contemporaneously reported returns from 1994 to 2003. Posthuma and van der Sluis (2003) report that more than 50% of all returns in the TASS database are backfilled returns. 9 They estimate a backfill bias over the period 19962001 of about 400 basis points.

Table 2 also presents our estimates of the backfill bias from January 1995 to December 2009 using the equally weighted portfolio. In the database with backfilled return data, the equally weighted portfolio with live only funds returned 14.26% per year, compared to 12.84% without the backfilled data. Therefore, the backfill bias is estimated to be 1.42% (14.26%12.84%) per year for the live funds. When we included the dead fund data, the equally weighted portfolio with backfilled data returned 11.14% per year, compared to 7.63% for the equally weighted portfolio over without the backfilled data. This indicates that backfill bias is 3.51% per year over the live plus dead sample. Thus the backfill bias can be substantial, especially when using the complete sample of live plus dead funds. However, Aggarwal and Jorion (2010) show that although survivorship and backfill bias may both be high, the merged Tremont sample includes some survivorship bias that we may be counting as backfill bias. This is because TASS marks the date of a fund entry into its database (including the Tremont data fund addition date), and we count any data before that date as backfill bias, when it may instead include survivorship bias.

We include more detailed information on the amount of backfilled data in each hedge fund category in the TASS data base in the appendix Table A1 and A2.

The ABCs of Hedge Funds

Another interesting finding is that the backfill bias is measured to be much smaller using the value-weighted portfolios than the equally weighted portfolios. Table 3 presents the average returns calculated using both the equally weighted portfolio and the value-weighted portfolio, constructed with only funds that have reported their assets under management. For the equally weighted portfolio, the backfill bias is estimated to be 2.63% (10.94%8.31%). For the valueweighted portfolio, the backfill bias is estimated to be only 0.17% (11.09%10.92%). This seems to indicate that bigger funds are less likely to have backfilled data in the database. We will take a more detailed look at fund size and performance in the next section. Table 3 also suggests that bigger funds outperform smaller funds. After correcting for backfill biases, the value weighted index outperforms the equally weighted index 10.92% vs. 8.31%.

2.4 Is a Bigger Hedge Fund Better? As we have seen, larger funds tend to have less backfill bias. To further study the impact of fund size on returns, we construct a series of portfolios ranked according to the reported AUM for each fund. We rank funds based on the previous months AUM (thus eliminating look-back bias), then we group them into various categories based on the ranking. We then calculate the returns of an equally weighted portfolio for each category. Table 4 presents the results. On average, the largest 1% of the funds returned 10.10% after fees, outperforming all the other categories. Funds in the largest 1% category outperformed the average by over 2 percentage points per year. However, the standard deviations are also correspondingly higher; the extra returns achieved by the larger funds are associated with higher average risk.

It is widely speculated that hedge funds with larger AUM are more likely to underperform, because the bigger size makes it difficult for managers to find enough investment opportunities to generate superior returns, or that transactions costs increase with size. Although this might be true for a fund over its own life-cycle, our cross-sectional results indicate that larger funds outperform

The ABCs of Hedge Funds

smaller funds on average. This result might have three possible explanations. First, the larger funds may have more access to leverage or be willing to take on extra risk, which is consistent with the higher standard deviations. Second, managers of larger funds may have greater skill than the average fund manager, so that even with a bigger fund they are still able to deliver better than average returns. Third, larger AUM managers have more resources and maybe able to focus more on managing the funds instead of managing their business. Even if the second and third explanations are valid, the extra risk seems to mitigate any return advantage the bigger funds might enjoy.

2.5 The Bias Issue and Indexes The above results show that survivorship bias and backfill bias can be quite large for individual hedge fund return data in the TASS hedge fund data base. Analysis that does not correct for these biases can lead to overstated results. Value-weighted indexes are likely to have less severe biases, since larger funds are more likely to survive. Also, because larger funds have usually been around longer, proportionally they are less likely to have backfill data during our sample period. We compare returns from two popular hedge fund overall indexes with our equally weighted portfolios. The HFRI index is an equally weighted index, while the CSFB index is a valueweighted index. The two indexes returned roughly 10% per year over the same time period. Although their returns are still higher than the 7.63% equally weighted portfolio return on the live and dead with no-backfilled sample, they are more reasonable than the biased 14.26% on the live only with backfilled data. Also, since most of the hedge fund indexes (such as HFRI and CSFB/Trement) are created on the fly, we believe their return biases are much smaller than the biases in historical datasets. The biases in indexes are more likely, however, to occur in their older data.

3. Sources of Hedge Fund Returns 10

The ABCs of Hedge Funds

After controlling the survivorship and backfill bias in the returns, we investigate the sources of hedge fund returns. Hedge funds are often characterized as investment vehicles that are not that correlated with the traditional stock and bond markets, because so much of their returns are generated through manager skill. In other words, compared to traditional investment vehicles (e.g., mutual funds), a portion of the return of hedge funds comes partially from a positive net alpha component.

In this paper, we focus on determining what portion of hedge returns is derived from traditional long beta exposures (i.e., stocks, bonds, and cash) and what portion is from hedge fund alpha. Asness (2004a and 2004b) further proposed breaking hedge fund alpha into: 1) beta exposure to other hedge funds, and 2) manager skill alpha. Fung and Hsieh (2004) analyzed hedge fund returns with traditional betas and non-traditional betas, which include trend following exposure (or momentum) and several derivative-based factors. They found that adding the non-traditional beta factors can explain up to 80% of the monthly return variation in hedge fund indexes. Jaeger and Wagner (2005) also increased their R-squares by adding in other hedge fund factors and conclude that hedge funds generate returns primarily through risk premia and only secondarily through imperfect markets. We also conduct a separate analysis that includes non-traditional betas. We use the 7 factor model proposed by Fung and Hsieh (2004). The results are reported in section 3.2 as well.

We agree that a portion of the hedge fund returns can be explained by non-traditional betas (or hedge fund betas). However, these non-traditional beta exposures are not well specified or agreed upon, and are not readily available to individual or institutional investors. A substantial portion of alpha can always be thought of as betas waiting to be discovered or implemented. Nevertheless, since hedge funds are the primary way to gain exposure to these non-traditional betas, these non-


The ABCs of Hedge Funds

traditional betas should be viewed as part of the value-added that hedge funds provide compared to traditional long-only managers.

Therefore, our analysis concentrates on separating the hedge fund returns using only the traditional stock, bond, and cash beta exposures that are easily assessable for investors without hedge funds. We calculate the average amount of hedge fund returns that come from long-term beta exposures versus the hedge fund value-added alpha. We also compare the fees hedge funds are charging relative to the amount of alpha that hedge funds add.

3.1 Data and Model We analyze the performance of a universe of about 8,421 hedge funds in the TASS database from January 1995 through December 2009. We focus on the live plus dead fund sample that excludes the backfilled data. This corrects for both the survivorship and the backfill biases, including the problems with the TASS databases noted by Aggarwal and Jorion (2010), because TASS notes the entry date into their databases including the merged Tremont funds. The corrected overall compound return for this equally weighted sample is 7.63% compared to 8.04% on S&P500 stocks over the same period. 10

We use the equally weighted index using the live and dead funds without backfilled data constructed above as the hedge fund return series for this analysis, because it has the least amount of survivorship and backfill bias. We also construct indexes for each of nine hedge fund subcategories in the TASS data base using the same methodology. The nine subcategories are convertible arbitrage, emerging market, equity market neutral, event driven, fixed income arbitrage, global macro, long/short equity, managed futures, and dedicated short.

From appendix Table A3, we can see that the compound return of stocks, bonds, and cash were 8.04%, 6.43%, and 3.54% respectively.



The ABCs of Hedge Funds

3.2 Aggregate Alpha, Beta, and Cost Results The attribution is based upon the return-based style analysis model developed by Sharpe (1992) on mutual funds. We maintain the constraint that all style weights sum to one. We allow individual style weights to be negative or above one to account for shorting and leverage. We also include lagged betas as well as contemporaneous betas to control for the stale pricing impact on hedge fund returns. 11 The benchmarks used in the return-based analysis are the S&P 500 total returns (including both concurrent and with one-month lag), U.S. Intermediate-term Government Bond returns (including one-month lag), and cash (U.S. Treasury Bills). 12 Again, in this analysis we choose to include only the traditional stocks, bonds, and cash as the beta exposures, because we are mostly interested in the value-added by hedge funds to investors that hold portfolios allocated to only traditional stocks, bonds and cash.

Table 5 presents the equally-weighted compound annual return of each of the nine categories, and the equally weighted index of all the funds. The overall annual compound return of the equally weighted index was 7.63% over the period with an annualized alpha of 3.01%. Note that all nine subcategories had positive alphas over entire 15 year period, with three of them having an alpha that is statistically significant at the 5% level. The overall alpha estimate of 3.01% is also

Asness, Krail, and Liew (2001) point out that many hedge funds hold, to various degrees, hard to price illiquid securities. For the purposes of monthly reporting, hedge funds often price these securities using either last available traded prices or estimates of current market prices. These practices can lead to reported monthly hedge fund returns that are not perfectly synchronous with monthly S&P 500 returns, due to the presence of either stale or managed prices. Non-synchronous return data can lead to understated estimates of actual market exposure. 12 We also ran the analysis with other benchmarks (small cap, growth, value, high-yield, etc.), and the results were similar. We use the data from Ibbtoson SBBI 2010 Classic Yearbook, Market Results for 1926-2009, Morningstar, Inc.



The ABCs of Hedge Funds

statistically significant at 5% level. 13 Our results confirm that hedge funds added alpha over the period, and also provided excellent diversification benefits to stock, bond, and cash portfolios.

In Table 6 we subtract out the 3.01% alpha return leaving 4.62% of the return that can be explained by the stock, bond, and cash betas. Estimating fees based upon the median fee level of the funds (usually a 1.5% management fee and 20% of the return as an incentive fee) gives us an overall fee estimate of 3.78%, which when added to the reported post-fee return, gives us an estimated pre-fee return for the index of 11.42%. 14 The pre-fee return of 11.24% for the overall sample can now be separated into the fees 3.78% and the post-fee return 7.63%, which can in turn be separated into the alpha 3.01% and the systematic beta return 4.62%. Note that both the systematic return and the fees exceed the alpha (post fees), but nevertheless the alpha is significantly positive. Figure 1 illustrates the breakdown between fees, systematic beta returns, and alphas for each of the nine subcategories of funds and the overall equally weighted sample.

We also conduct a separate analysis that includes non-traditional betas. We use the 7 factor model proposed by Fung and Hsieh (2004) with the equally weighted overall index. The results are reported in table 7. Both the R-square and the annual alpha is higher than that of the model only including stocks, bonds, and cash. The 7 factor alpha of 5.17% is statistically significant and may be so high because hedge fund managers are able to time the factors rather than passively investing in the factors as risk premiums. The alpha estimate is similar to the ones reported in Fung and Hsieh (2004), albeit with much longer data history. This indicates that even accounting for the non-traditional betas, hedge funds added significant alpha over this period.

The betas for stocks and bonds are the sums of their betas plus their lagged betas. We also calculate an alpha for the overall equally weighted index (live+dead and no backfill) with the constraint that the sum of betas to one is relaxed. The alpha is also positive and statistically significant at 5% level. 14 The funds in the TASS database are reported net of fees. Median fund fees are used to estimate fees. It is not possible to perfectly measure fees for many of the funds, since many fees are privately negotiated and not reported.



The ABCs of Hedge Funds

3.3 Year-by-Year Results We examine the year-by-year return results in Table 8 and in Figure 2. The aggregate hedge fund returns were positive in all years except 1998 and 2008, although in the years 2000-2002 the returns were below 2% a year.

We conduct a year by year analysis to estimate the annual hedge fund beta and alpha return using an out of sample 3-year rolling window analysis. The year by year alpha and systematic beta results are also shown in Table 8, with the decomposition illustrated year in Figure 3. These results are even more favorable for hedge funds because the hedge fund alpha is positive for every year except 1998. Even in 2008, when the overall equally weighted hedge fund return is a negative 16.08%, the alpha is estimated to be a positive 6.65%. This consistent high alpha is quite remarkable, given the variety of market conditions over the period: the 1990s bubbles, the 20002002 bear market, the 2003-2007 bull market, and the recent financial crisis. The annual results confirm that over the period, hedge funds have added a significant amount of alpha to stock, bond, and cash portfolios. The results show that hedge funds exhibit tactical asset allocation skills, especially by reducing beta exposures to the market in bear markets. For example, the estimated stock beta exposure was lowest during 2000-2002 bear market period. Hedge Funds did not avoid the beta exposure in 2008 nor fully participate in the 2009 market, but nevertheless kept their positive alpha throughout the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009.

The positive hedge fund aggregate alphas for the last eleven years in succession suggest that hedge funds really do produce value. The substantial stock market beta associated with hedge funds also indicates that they are not really fully absolute return. In fact, hedge funds vary yearby-year with the market.


The ABCs of Hedge Funds

4. Conclusions
We wish to measure the sources of hedge fund returns. In particular we estimate what portion of the returns comes from alphas, betas, and costs. The portion that comes from alpha is most relevant to us, because this is the part that investors would have difficulty in achieving with stock, bond, and cash portfolios.

In order to measure returns, it is first important to select data that is as free as possible from biases. We study a period (January 1995December 2009) in which it was possible to delineate the backfilled data and include the dead funds. We include both live and dead funds so that we can correct for survivorship bias. We exclude backfilled data that managers submitted when they joined the database. Our results indicate that both survivorship bias and backfill bias are potentially serious problems. The equally weighted sample of funds that existed at the end of the sample period had a compound return of 14.26% net of fees. Including dead funds reduced this return to 11.14%. Excluding the backfilled data further reduced the return to 7.63% net of fees.

Both biases were much smaller for the value-weighted index of hedge funds. Larger funds had much lower attrition rates, and many joined the database before the sample period started in 1995. Even when backfill data existed, it was likely given a low weight. After both biases were removed, the largest funds outperformed smaller funds. The largest 1% of funds had a return of 10.10%, the largest 20% of funds had a return of 8.85%, while the smallest 50% of funds had a return of 7.45%. However, the larger funds also had commensurately higher risk.

We estimated a pre-fee return from the equally weighted index of hedge funds to be 11.42%, which consisted of fees of 3.78%, an alpha of 3.01%, and returns from the betas of 4.62%. The


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alpha estimate is statistically significant at 5% level. All nine subcategories of types of funds had positive alphas, and the three of the subcategories were statistically significant.

Not only is the alpha during the entire period significantly positive, we also find that hedge fund alphas stayed positive from year to year. The alpha is positive for all years except 1998. This indicates that the average hedge fund manager added value in both bear and bull markets. Further examination of the stock beta estimates shows that hedge fund managers on average underweighted equities in their portfolios during the technology bubble collapse. However, hedge funds did not substantially reduce their beta in 2008, earning a negative return for the year. Nevertheless, hedge funds continued to produce positive alpha in both 2008 and 2009, continuing an eleven year of unbroken string of positive alphas.

The results presented here are only a reflection of historical returns. Hedge funds are relatively young investment options and very dynamic. We expect them to continue to evolve going forward. A significant amount of money has flowed into hedge funds in the past several years. Therefore we cannot be assured that the high past alphas we measure are a good prediction of the future alpha in the hedge fund industry.


The ABCs of Hedge Funds

Table 1. Number of Hedge Funds in the TASS data base excluding fund of funds (Jan. 1995 ~ Dec. 2009) Total Fund of Funds Total Excluding FOF Live 5970 2562 3408 Dead 7413 2400 5013 Live + Dead 13383 4962 8421 Table 2. Measuring Hedge Fund Returns: Survivorship Bias and Backfill Bias Compounded Annual Return STD With Backfill* Live Only 14.26% 6.49% Live + Dead 11.14% 6.18% Without Backfill* Live Only 12.84% 6.74% Live + Dead 7.63% 6.55% 10.02% 7.50% HFRI Weighted Composite ** 10.35% 7.80% CSFB/Tremont * Equally weighted post fee returns from the TASS database (Jan 1995Dec 2009) ** The data for HFRI is from Jan 1995 to Jul 2009. Table 3. Measuring Hedge Fund Returns: Equal- vs. Value-Weighted* Compound Annual Jan. 1995 ~ Dec. 2009, Live + Dead Return STD With Backfill Equally Weighted 10.94% 6.20% Value Weighted 11.09% 4.89% Without Backfill Equally Weighted 8.31% 6.60% Value Weighted 10.92% 5.29% *Only funds that have reported their assets under management are included in this table. Table 4. Is Bigger Better? Equally WTD, Live + Dead, No Backfill Jan. 1995 Compound Annual Average Fund ~ Dec. 2009 Return STD Largest 1% Largest 5% Largest 10% Largest 20% Largest 50% 10.10% 8.60% 8.70% 8.85% 8.03% 11.56% 9.02% 8.98% 8.16% 6.39%

End of Sample Category Min. AUM ($M)* 103,696 6,524 3,009 1,612 196

Smallest 50% 7.45% 6.90% 1 *Categories were formed at the beginning of each period, with the returns measured afterward (out of sample); AUM amounts are as of December 2009.


The ABCs of Hedge Funds

Table 5. Regression Results: (Jan. 1995 Dec. 2009) * Compound Annual Annual Alpha Return (%) (%) CV Arb Emerging Equity Mkt Neutral Event Driven Fixed Inc Arb Global Macro L/S Equity Managed Futures Short Overall Equally Weighted 7.31 9.09 6.54 8.10 6.16 7.08 10.29 5.56 -0.45 2.76 5.00 2.38** 3.73** 2.39*** 2.10 5.16** 1.17 1.74

Betas (Sum of Betas = 1) Stocks 0.34 0.65 0.09 0.31 0.12 0.15 0.46 -0.04 -0.89 Bonds -0.22 -0.69 0.02 -0.29 -0.13 0.22 -0.28 0.52 0.34 Cash 0.89 1.04 0.89 0.99 1.01 0.62 0.82 0.52 1.55


0.35 0.39 0.19 0.52 0.12 0.10 0.53 0.10 0.56

7.63 3.01** 0.32 -0.21 0.89 0.47 * Equally Weighted Indexes (Live + Dead, No Backfill, Post Fee Returns. The betas for stocks and bonds in the table are the sums of their betas plus their lagged betas. **Significant at 5% confidence level ***Significant at 10% confidence level

Table 6. Sources of Returns: Alphas, Betas, and Costs (Jan. 1995 Dec. 2009)* Pre-Fee Fees* Post-Fee Alpha Systematic Alpha/Fee Info Sharpe Return* Return Beta Return Ratio Ratio Ratio 11.01 3.70 7.31 2.76 4.55 0.74 0.44 0.97 CV Arb 13.23 4.15 9.09 5.00 4.09 1.21 0.41 0.65 Emerging Equity Mkt 10.05 3.51 6.54 2.38 4.15 0.68 0.86 2.10 Neutral 12.00 3.90 8.10 3.73 4.37 0.96 0.91 1.38 Event Driven 9.57 3.41 6.16 2.39 3.77 0.70 0.52 1.27 Fixed Inc Arb Global Macro 10.72 3.64 7.08 2.10 4.97 0.58 0.35 1.13 14.73 4.45 10.29 5.16 5.12 1.16 0.79 1.10 L/S Equity 8.83 3.27 5.56 1.17 4.40 0.36 0.13 0.61 Managed Futures 1.32 1.76 -0.45 1.74 -2.19 0.99 0.13 0.07 Short Overall Equally 11.42 3.78 7.63 3.01 4.62 0.80 0.63 1.16 Weighted * Equally weighted indexes, Live + Dead, No Backfill, post fee returns and alphas from Table 5, with systematic beta return being the difference between them. Fees are based upon median fees, usually 1.5% and 20%. Pre-fee returns are post-fee returns plus fees.


The ABCs of Hedge Funds

Table 7 Hedge Fund Results using Fung and Hsieh's 7-factor model (Jan. 1995 June. 2009)* Factors Bond Trend-Following Factor Currency Trend-Following Factor Commodity TrendFollowing Factor Equity Market Factor The Size Spread Factor The Bond Market Factor Proxies Beta

Return of PTFS Bond lookback straddle Return of PTFS Currency Lookback Straddle Return of PTFS Commodity Lookback Straddle The Standard & Poors 500 index monthly total return Wilshire Small Cap 1750 - Wilshire Large Cap 750 monthly return The monthly change in the 10-year treasury constant maturity yield The monthly change in the Moody's Baa yield less 10-year treasury constant maturity yield

-0.008 0.010 0.014 0.257 0.192 -2.257

The Credit Spread Factor


Annual Alpha (%) 5.17%** R-Square 0.63 *Equally weighted indexes, Live + Dead, No Backfill, post fee returns. The three trendfollowing factors are downloaded from the following web site, http://faculty.fuqua.duke.edu/~dah7/HFRFData.htm. Since the factors are produced with 6month lag, we can only run the analysis from Jan 1995 to June 2009. **Alpha is statistically significant at 5% confidence level.


The ABCs of Hedge Funds

Table 8. Year-by-Year Post-Fee Returns, Alphas, Systematic Beta Returns, and Betas* Betas Post-Fee Systematic Year Return Alpha Beta Return Stocks Bonds Tbill 1998 -2.38 -14.07 13.31 0.55 -0.63 1.08 1999 25.19 7.20 16.96 0.47 -0.70 1.23 2000 1.90 6.89 -4.81 0.51 -0.92 1.41 2001 1.95 10.27 -7.97 0.33 -1.23 1.90 2002 1.17 10.08 -8.30 0.30 -0.41 1.10 2003 17.62 12.06 4.95 0.19 -0.27 1.09 2004 7.77 3.06 4.62 0.31 0.19 0.50 2005 8.96 5.14 3.67 0.33 0.30 0.37 2006 11.75 2.65 8.89 0.42 0.32 0.26 2007 10.02 3.38 6.34 0.64 0.17 0.19 2008 -16.08 6.65 -21.75 0.53 -0.11 0.58 2009 16.38 5.93 9.63 0.37 -0.15 0.78 * Overall Equally Weighted Index, Live+Dead and No Backfill with out of sample Sum of Betas Equal to 1. The betas for stocks and bonds in the table are the sums of their betas plus their lagged betas. Figure 1. Source of Hedge Fund Returns by Hedge Fund Category: Alphas, Betas, & Costs (January 1995 December 2009)
Fees (%) Systematic Beta Returns (%)
16.00 14.00 12.00 4.15 10.00 3.70
Return (%)

Alpha (%)


3.90 3.51 4.09 3.64 3.41 4.37 4.55 4.15 5.00 2.76 3.73 2.38 2.39 2.10 1.17 1.74 -2.19 3.77 4.97 4.40 5.16 1.76 5.12 3.27


8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 -2.00 CV Arb -4.00



Emerging Equity Mkt Neutral

Event Driven

Fixed Inc Arb

Global Macro

L/S Equity Managed Future


Overall Equally Weighted Portfolio

Hedge Fund Categories


The ABCs of Hedge Funds

Figure 2. Year-by-Year After-Fee Hedge Fund Returns

30% 25% 20% 15% 10%


5% 0% -5% -10% -15% -20% 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


Figure 3. Year-by-Year Hedge Fund Alpha and Systematic Beta Returns

30% 20% 10%
Systematic Beta Return Alpha


0% 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 -10% -20% -30% Year


The ABCs of Hedge Funds

Appendix We separate the funds into the following six subsamples: Live funds only with backfill data Live funds only without backfill data Live and dead funds with backfill data Live and dead funds without backfill data Dead funds only with backfill data Dead funds only without backfill data

Table A1. Number of Funds in the Six Subsamples (Jan. 1995 Jan. 2009)*
Live & Dead Live no Dead no Live & Dead Live with Dead with Date no Backfill Backfill Backfill with Backfill Backfill Backfill Jan-95 52 12 40 850 161 689 Jan-96 237 29 208 1045 207 838 Jan-97 408 59 349 1245 268 977 Jan-98 564 88 476 1490 343 1147 Jan-99 718 139 579 1707 435 1272 Jan-00 788 176 612 1949 531 1418 Jan-01 1011 249 762 2167 644 1523 Jan-02 1465 432 1033 2542 850 1692 Jan-03 1708 571 1137 2885 1024 1861 Jan-04 1985 722 1263 3383 1274 2109 Jan-05 2413 962 1451 3978 1620 2358 Jan-06 2967 1286 1681 4410 2048 2362 Jan-07 3245 1643 1602 4763 2489 2274 Jan-08 3727 2380 1347 4653 2932 1721 Jan-09 3912 3276 636 3912 3276 636 *Funds in the fund of funds category are excluded. Funds are listed as dead if they died at any time during the sample period from Jan. 1995 ~ Dec. 2009. For example, the 15 funds listed in December 1994 were living at the beginning of 1995. Aggarwal and Jorion (2010) noted that in March 1999, Tremont Capital Management purchased the TASS database. They merged the Tremont data into the TASS data from April 1999 through November 2001. TASS counts the data entry date as the initial date, with all prior data considered backfill data. Thus Table A1 shows a high proportion of backfilled data in the early


The ABCs of Hedge Funds

years. This Tremont merged data can contain survivorship bias and may not be backfill from the fund managers perspective, since the funds may have entered the Tremont database earlier. However, we classify it has backfill data since we cannot tell when the funds entered the Tremont database. In any event, our results focus on the first column in Table A1, which can be a relatively small sample, but is corrected for both biases. The percentage of backfill data by each fund category are listed in Table A2.

Table A2. Percentage of History Backfilled (Jan. 1995 ~ Dec. 2009) Percentage of History Primary Category Backfilled CV Arb 40% Emerging 38% Equity Mkt Neutral 37% Event Driven 41% Fixed Inc Arb 46% Global Macro 41% L/S Equity 41% Managed Futures 52% Short 52% Overall Equally Weighted 43%

For each subsample, we compiled three portfolios and calculated the monthly returns for each: An equally weighted portfolio A value-weighted (using previous months assets under management) portfolio. Many funds only report asset under management once a quarter. We impute the AUM amount using the return figures, if the AUM was not reported that month. Funds with no AUM data are excluded from the value-weighted portfolio. An equally weighted portfolio using only the subsample of funds that have reported assets under management (AUM) amount. This portfolio is referred to as equally weighted portfolio with AUM to differentiate it from the full-sample equally weighted portfolio.


The ABCs of Hedge Funds

Table A3. Returns from Subsamples (Jan. 1995 Dec. 2009) Geometric Arithmetic Mean (%) Mean (%) Equal Weighted 7.63% 7.86% Live + Dead, No Backfill* Live + Dead, With Backfill 11.14% 11.35% Live, No Backfill 12.84% 13.09% Live, With Backfill 14.26% 14.49% Dead, No Backfill 3.83% 4.08% Dead, with Backfill 7.58% 7.81% Equal Weighted with AUM 8.31% 8.54% Live + Dead, No Backfill* Live + Dead, With Backfill 10.94% 11.15% Live, No Backfill 12.76% 13.02% Live, With Backfill 14.18% 14.42% Dead, No Backfill 4.55% 4.82% Dead, with Backfill 7.30% 7.53% Value Weighted 10.92% 11.07% Live + Dead, No Backfill* Live + Dead, With Backfill 11.09% 11.22% Live, No Backfill 11.14% 11.30% Live, With Backfill 11.82% 11.93% Dead, No Backfill 8.70% 8.96% Dead, with Backfill 8.15% 8.38% Benchmarks Stocks Bonds Cash * Unbiased

Standard Deviation (%) 6.55% 6.18% 6.74% 6.49% 6.93% 6.55% 6.60% 6.20% 6.77% 6.54% 7.22% 6.57% 5.29% 4.89% 5.37% 4.46% 6.96% 6.62%

8.04% 6.43% 3.54%

9.41% 6.54% 3.54%

15.81% 4.60% 0.55%


The ABCs of Hedge Funds

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The ABCs of Hedge Funds

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