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Forthcoming in Journal of Investment Management (4-Quarter


The Diminishing Role of Active Mutual Funds: Flows and Returns

James X. Xiong, Thomas M. Idzorek, and Roger G. Ibbotson

This version: 5/11/2023


U.S. active equity mutual funds have experienced net outflows since
around 2006. The AUM-weighted performance remains similar over time,
but equal-weighted performance (which emphasizes small AUM active
funds) has deteriorated. Inflows/outflows contribute to the over/under
performance of individual active funds. We estimate that the flow-impact
on annualized alpha for aggregated active funds industry was a positive
0.33% between 1/1991 – 12/2005, but it was a negative -0.10% between
1/2006 - 9/2021. If the current flow trend continues, the AUM of active
mutual funds will drop to 17% of the total AUM of equity funds after 15

Keywords: active mutual fund, fund alpha, fund flow, flow impact

James X. Xiong, Ph.D, CFA, is Head of Scientific Investment Research at

Morningstar Investment Management. 22 West Washington Street,
Chicago, IL, 60602. [email protected]

Thomas M. Idzorek, CFA, is Chief Investment Officer – Workplace at

Morningstar Investment Management. 22 West Washington Street,
Chicago, IL, 60602. [email protected]

Roger G. Ibbotson, Ph.D, is Chairman at Zebra Capital Management,

LLC, and Professor in Practice Emeritus at the Yale School of
Management, New Haven, CT. [email protected]

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The U.S. active equity mutual fund industry has undergone

dramatic change during the last 30 years, with persistent

underperformance and net outflows, accompanied by decreasing expense

ratios. Decreases in expense ratios did not seem to meaningfully improve

net returns for investors and did not halt the net outflow trend. We study

how both the performance and flows of U.S. active equity mutual funds

have evolved over the last 30 years and extrapolate from the past to

forecast the continuing diminishing role of active equity mutual funds.

The great migration from active mutual funds into passive funds

started around 2006. Since then, we calculate that the cumulative net

outflows for U.S. active equity mutual funds were about 2.20 trillion

dollars. In contrast, index equity mutual funds and exchange traded

funds (ETFs) together have enjoyed 1.48 trillion dollars of cumulative net

inflows during the same period. 1

Bad relative after-fee performance likely contributed to the net

outflows. Consistent with the “arithmetic of active management” (Sharpe,

1991), Fama and French (2010) finds that in aggregate, active mutual

funds realize net returns that underperform CAPM, three-factor, and

four-factor benchmarks by expense ratios from 1984 to 2006. The

As we will show later, estimates are based on fund data from Morningstar Direct. New mutual funds and
ETFs since 1/2019 are excluded because of the short history. Mutual funds and ETFs that are smaller than
$5 million dollars (as of Year-2006) are excluded. Cumulative net inflows from new ETFs alone are nearly
$0.4 trillion from 1/2019 to 9/2021. The net outflows from active mutual funds industry are nearly offset by
the combined inflows into index mutual funds and ETFs from 1/2006 to 9/2021 when new funds and new
ETFs are included.

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reported analyses on net returns suggest that very few fund managers

have enough skill to cover costs.

On a more positive note for active mutual funds, the literature

supports the idea that active managers help to eliminate market

anomalies and inefficiencies created by misbehavior investors (such as

noise traders), (e.g. Wermers, 2021). The diminishing market share of

active mutual funds relative to passive funds might suggest that the

market may become less efficient, and thus create opportunities for

active managers. We want to emphasize that much of this paper focuses

on “active mutual funds,” which is only one form of “active management.”

It is important not to conflate the diminishing role of active equity

mutual funds with a diminishing role of active management.

The great migration from active to passive and corresponding fund

flows may in fact impact the performance of active mutual funds. Lou

(2012) presents the flow-induced-price-pressure-hypothesis (or flow-

driven-return-effect) and shows that flow-induced-trading has little to do

with stock-picking ability, but can cause significant price pressure. This

flow-driven-return-effect can fully account for fund performance

persistence and partially explain stock price momentum. Using daily

returns data, Staer (2017) finds that ETF flows exhibit a statistically

significant and cross-sectionally consistent positive association with

contemporaneous underlying index returns, supporting the flow-driven-

return-effect. Zhu and Woltering (2021) documents that the performance

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of individual mutual funds is positively affected by spillover effects from

fund flows to connected mutual funds through overlapping portfolio

holdings. More recently, Gabaix and Koijen (2022) develops the Inelastic

Markets Hypothesis -- flows in and out of the stock market have large

impacts on prices when the price elasticity of demand of the aggregate

stock market is small.

The flow-driven-return-effect implies that flows influence fund

returns. Since flows also chase outperforming funds, positive (negative)

returns can result in future inflows (outflows). The flow-driven-return-

effect is more on the relation between contemporaneous flows and

returns, instead of returns and future flows.

In this paper, we quantify the impact of flow on the performance of

active equity mutual funds. We break the 30-year period into two 15-year

periods mainly because aggregated active funds experienced net inflows

prior to 2006 and net outflows starting in 2006. Along the way, we

update parts of the Fama and French (2010) results with the latest 15+

years of data (from 2006 to 2021). 2

We address four questions. First, what is the performance (gross

and net alphas) for active and passive funds in the most recent 15+ year

period? Second, how does small AUM active mutual funds’ performance

It happens that serendipitously the Fama and French (2010) analysis also ended in September 2006, which
seemed to correspond to a turning point for the active fund industry -- active mutual funds have suffered
steady outflows as well as relatively poor performance since then.

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compare to large AUM active mutual funds’ in these two periods? 3 Third,

how does the fund flow influence performance for active mutual funds?

Fourth, what is the future of active mutual funds? The first three

answers are empirical in nature, while the fourth involves extrapolating

from the empirical observations into the future.

Description of Data

Our study focuses on U.S. domestic equity funds and most of our

analyses are on active mutual funds. The universe of U.S. domestic

equity funds includes 4,638 active mutual funds, 350 index mutual

funds, and 528 passive exchange-traded funds (ETFs) with valid data. 4

The monthly Morningstar assigned benchmarks, gross and net returns,

and fund sizes or assets under managements (AUMs) for these funds

(both live and defunct), are all collected from Morningstar Direct from

January 1991 to September 2021. 5 Each unique fund’s AUM is

aggregated from all of its share classes. Gross and net returns from the

Note that small AUM funds are not necessarily small-cap-stock funds, although small AUM funds tend to
hold small-cap stocks. Small AUM funds can hold large-cap stocks. Likewise, large AUM funds are not
large-cap-stock funds, although they tend to hold large-cap stocks. Large AUM funds can hold small-cap
Morningstar Direct has a flag “Index Fund” for ETFs (“Yes” for passive ETFs, and “No” for active
ETFs). Majority ETFs are passive. Active ETFs are excluded because they constitute only a small portion
of the ETF space, and their history is short.
Morningstar assigns benchmarks based on the nine size–valuation squares that constitute the nine style
box representing the U.S. equity universe, the three valuation-based columns from the style box (blend,
growth, and value), the three size-based rows from the style box (large, mid, and small). The benchmark
returns for the nine styles are represented by the nine Russell index total returns: Russell 1000, Russell
1000 Growth, Russell 1000 Value, Russell Mid Cap, Russell Mid Cap Growth, Russell Mid Cap Value,
Russell 2000, Russell 2000 Growth, Russell 2000 Value.

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oldest share class are used for each fund. 6 The data for ETFs start in

January 2000. New funds (inception date January 2019 or more

recently) with a history shorter than two years and nine months are


We limit our analyses to funds that have AUM of $5 million as of

January 2006 dollars to mitigate the incubation bias. AUM minimums in

other months are inflation adjusted by using the US CPI-U Index. The

corresponding AUM minimum is $3.4 million in January 1991, and $6.9

million in September 2021. Monthly percentage flows for each fund are

restricted between -50% and 100% to avoid outliers and potentially

incorrect data. Monthly percentage flows are positively skewed.

Figure 1 shows the fund size, or AUM distribution, for active

mutual funds at the beginning, middle, and ending month of our data

coverage. Note that the horizontal axis is in log-scale. The AUM

distributions for the three snapshots in time appear to be approximately

lognormally distributed. The median AUM grows from $71 million in

January 1991, to $213 million in January 2006, and to $587 million in

September 2021.

Gross returns for different share classes for each unique fund are the same. Most of our analyses are on
gross returns. Net returns are slightly different for different share classes. The net returns for the oldest
share class are very close to the share-class-weighted net returns because AUM for the oldest share class on
average accounts for more than 70% of the aggregated AUM from all share classes.

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Figure 1. The AUM Distribution of Active mutual funds as of January
1991, January 2006, and September 2021 (x-axis is in Log Scale).


250 Jan-06
Number of Funds





AUM (Million $)

Figure 2 shows the number of active mutual funds in our universe

(right y-axis) and the inflation-adjusted AUMs (left y-axis in log scale

based on Year-2006 dollars) at selected percentiles (5 th, 50th, and 95th)

over time. The number of funds increases dramatically from 533 as of

January 1991 to 2,211 as of December 2005. The number of funds

peaks at 2,313 as of December 2006, and then shrinks to 1,618 as of

September 2021, in which decrease in funds is arguably attributed to the

persistent fund outflows in the second period. In each month, we sort the

active fund AUMs into percentiles and show the 5 th, 50th and 95th

percentiles’ AUMs in Figure 2. The inflation-adjusted AUMs at the three

selected percentiles have increased 115%, 230%, and 284% over the 30-

year period, respectively, even though they all appear flat in log scale.

The inflation-adjusted growth of the median active fund size has been

relatively small compared to the inflation-adjusted growth of about 530%

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for the US stock market cap over the same period. This suggests that the

distribution of fund sizes is relatively stable over the last 30 years.

Figure 2. Number of Active Mutual Funds and Inflation-Adjusted AUMs

(as of Year-2006 $) at Selected Percentiles over Time
100000 2500
AUM (Million Year-2006 $)

10000 2000

Number of Active Funds

1000 1500

100 1000

10 500

1 0
5th AUM 50th AUM 95th AUM Number of Active Funds

The Performance of Active Mutual Funds and Passive Funds

The performances for the three fund universes (active mutual

funds, index mutual funds, and ETFs) are summarized in Table 1. Gross

or Net returns are aggregated (either asset-weighted or equal-weighted)

for each of the three fund universes in each month. Asset-weighted is

simply weighted on asset-under-management (AUM) or AUM-weighted.

The top panel (Panel A) covers the 30-year period from January 1991 to

September 2021, the mid panel (Panel B) contains the January 1991 to

December 2005 (the first period) results and the bottom panel (Panel C)

contains the January 2006 to September 2021 (the second period)

results. Panel B and C compare the two periods, while Panel A is

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presented for a full picture. ETFs only have performance results in the

second period. Each of the three panels is then subdivided with the top

section containing the results based on gross returns and the bottom

section containing results based on net returns. All numbers in Table 1

are annualized.7

Annualized alphas are shown in the last four columns in Table 1.

We use four methods to estimate alphas (see Appendix for details):

1. Simple Alpha, defined as fund’s return over its Morningstar

assigned benchmark return (such as Russell 1000 Growth Index
2. FFC Alpha, defined from the Fama-French and Carhart Four-
Factor Model (Carhart (1997)).
3. IDX4 Alpha, defined from a less biased FFC Model -- The Index-
Based Four Factor Model as documented in Cremers, Petajisto,
and Zitzewitz (2013).
4. IDX3 Alpha, defined from the Index-Based Three Factor Model. It is
formed by removing the Momentum factor from the IDX4 model.

Alphas are annualized as monthly alphas multiplied by 12. Standard deviations are annualized as monthly
standard deviations multiplied by square root of 12.

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Table 1. Summary Statistics for Aggregated Active Mutual Funds, Index
Mutual Funds and ETFs for Gross and Net Returns*

A. Both Periods (1/1991 – 9/2021)

Gross Returns
Simple IDX3 IDX4 FFC
1/1991-9/2021 Gross G.M St. Dev. Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha
Asset-Weighted Active 11.30% 15.01% 0.16% 0.30% 0.15% -0.10%
Index 11.16% 14.81% -0.06% 0.04% 0.04% 0.08%

Equal-Weighted Active 11.93% 15.49% 0.45% 0.82% 0.71% 0.17%

Index 11.47% 15.26% 0.06% 0.20% 0.30% 0.05%
Net Returns
1/1991-9/2021 Net
Asset-Weighted Active 10.35% 15.04% -0.68% -0.57% -0.71% -0.97%
Index 10.92% 14.80% -0.26% -0.18% -0.17% -0.13%

Equal-Weighted Active 10.66% 15.47% -0.70% -0.33% -0.42% -0.96%

Index 10.89% 15.26% -0.43% -0.32% -0.21% -0.48%

B. First Period (1/1991 – 12/2005)

Gross Returns
Simple IDX3 IDX4 FFC
1/1991-12/2005 Gross G.M St. Dev. Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha
Asset-Weighted Active 12.07% 14.25% 0.44% 0.39% -0.16% -0.44%
Index 11.84% 14.08% -0.16% 0.21% 0.11% 0.48%

Equal-Weighted Active 13.60% 14.54% 1.05% 1.48% 1.06% 0.31%

Index 12.47% 14.27% 0.01% 0.41% 0.43% 0.27%
Net Returns
1/1991-12/2005 Net
Asset-Weighted Active 11.03% 14.34% -0.47% -0.49% -1.05% -1.31%
Index 11.55% 14.07% -0.40% -0.05% -0.15% 0.23%

Equal-Weighted Active 12.20% 14.52% -0.20% 0.23% -0.18% -0.90%

Index 11.84% 14.30% -0.47% -0.16% -0.12% -0.30%


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C. Second Period (1/2006 – 9/2021)
Gross Returns
Simple IDX3 IDX4 FFC
1/2006-9/2021 Gross G.M St. Dev. Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha
Asset-Weighted Active 10.58% 15.73% -0.10% -0.17% -0.16% -0.33%
Index 10.51% 15.51% 0.04% 0.01% 0.02% -0.17%
ETFs 10.39% 15.54% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% -0.21%

Equal-Weighted Active 10.36% 16.37% -0.12% -0.01% 0.00% -0.42%

Index 10.53% 16.19% 0.10% 0.21% 0.22% -0.12%
ETFs 10.11% 16.39% 0.05% 0.32% 0.34% -0.18%
Net Returns
1/2006-9/2021 Net
Asset-Weighted Active 9.72% 15.73% -0.89% -0.96% -0.95% -1.12%
Index 10.32% 15.50% -0.13% -0.15% -0.15% -0.34%
ETFs 10.23% 15.55% -0.12% -0.13% -0.13% -0.36%

Equal-Weighted Active 9.22% 16.36% -1.17% -1.05% -1.04% -1.46%

Index 9.98% 16.18% -0.39% -0.28% -0.27% -0.61%
ETFs 9.77% 16.40% -0.28% -0.01% 0.02% -0.52%
*Alphas in Bold numbers are significant at the 5% level.

The performance of active mutual funds is comparable to index

funds on asset-weighted gross returns for both time periods. Active

mutual funds outperformed index funds by annualized 23 bps and 7 bps

on geometric means (G.M.) during the first (1991 – 2005) and second

period (2006 – 2021), respectively. However, equal-weighted active fund

gross returns showed significant deterioration in the second period.

Continuing with gross geometric mean returns, active mutual funds

outperformed index funds by annualized 113 bps during the first period,

but they underperformed index funds by annualized 17 bps during the

second period.


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The four measures of alphas show largely consistent performance

results across Table 1 despite some small inconsistencies:

1. Asset-weighted gross alphas for both active mutual funds and

index funds are statistically insignificant from zero for both

periods except the IDX3 alpha for index funds in the first


2. Comparisons between estimated IDX3 and IDX4 alphas show

that IDX3 alpha tends to be higher than IDX4 alpha for active

mutual funds in the first period; however, they are nearly the

same in the second period. A positive momentum factor loading

and positive momentum premium can explain the higher IDX3

alpha in the first period.

3. The FFC estimated alpha is lower than simple alpha and IDX4

estimated alpha for aggregated active mutual funds in both

periods. It is consistent with the findings of Cremers, Petajisto,

and Zitzewitz (2013) because active mutual funds in aggregate

tend to have a higher SMB factor loading than index funds,

which suppresses the FFC alpha of active mutual funds.

4. Equal-weighted gross alpha for active mutual funds is higher

than that for index funds in the first period, but not in the

second period. Moreover, equal-weighted simple gross alpha,

IDX3 gross alpha and IDX4 gross alpha for active mutual funds

are significantly positive in the first period.


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The expense ratios can largely explain the differences between

gross and net returns for both active and index funds. Figure 2 shows

the asset-weighted and equal-weighted expense ratios for active mutual

funds, index funds, and ETFs. On average, the asset-weighted expense

ratios for active mutual funds are about 70 bps higher than index funds.

Also, the asset-weighted expense ratios have slightly decreased over time

for active mutual funds, index funds, and ETFs.

Figure 3. Asset-weighted (AW) and equal-weighted (EW) expense ratios

for active mutual funds, index mutual funds and ETFs through time
Aggregate 12-month expense ratio (%)























Active Funds (AW) Index Funds (AW) ETFs (AW)

Active Funds (EW) Index Funds (EW) ETFs (EW)

Based on net returns, active mutual funds underperformed index

funds in most of the comparisons in both periods, with the exception

that they outperformed index funds in equal-weighted geometric means

during the first period. This is not surprising given that 1). active mutual

funds have higher expense ratios than index funds, and 2). the equal-

weighted performance of active mutual funds has deteriorated in the

second period.


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Finally, based on geometric means, ETFs slightly underperformed

index funds by 0.12% and 0.09% in the second period for asset-weighted

gross and net returns, respectively. ETFs underperformed index funds by

0.42% and 0.21% in the second period for equal-weighted gross and net

returns, respectively. However, the differences in alphas between ETFs

and index funds are smaller than the differences in geometric means.

The results for the first period in Panel A of Table 1 are consistent

with those reported in the literature, especially Fama and French (2010).

In contrast with both the results of Panel A and those of Fama and

French (2010) results, Panel B of Table 1 shows that the equal-weighted

performance for active mutual funds in the second period is worse than

the first period. In other words, small AUM active funds tend to

outperform large AUM active funds in the first period, but not in the

second period.

The Performance of Active Mutual Funds in Bad Markets

An interesting question is “Can active mutual funds add more

value in bad markets?” Looking at an earlier time period, Moskowitz

(2000) reports some evidence that active funds perform better during

recessions (1975 – 1994). Kosowski (2006) suggests that traditional

unconditional performance measures understate the value added by

active funds (1962 - 2005) in recessions. In contrast, Pastor and Vorsatz

(2020) find that most active funds underperform passive benchmarks


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during the more recent COVID crisis, suggesting that the equal-weighted

outperformance of active funds in bad markets might have declined.

Table 2 shows annualized gross alphas during three crisis periods

and the bad markets in the two periods for equal-weighted active and

index funds. Alphas for these selected periods are calculated as average

excess returns or factor-adjusted returns, i.e., (+ et) in Equation (4)

shown in Appendix. The three crisis periods are the Internet Bubble

Burst (1/2000 – 12/2002), the Global Financial Crisis (GFC, 9/2008 –

3/2009) and the COVID Crisis (2/2020 – 3/2020). The bad markets are

defined as when S&P 500 returns are one standard deviation below its

mean (standard deviation and mean are measured over the full 30-year


Table 2. Annualized Gross Alphas under Three Crisis Periods and Bad
Markets for Equal-Weighted Active and Index Funds
Internet Bad Markets Bad Markets
Bubble COVID in First in Second
Burst GFC Crisis Period Period
Alpha Active 3.22% 3.87% -3.01% 5.64% 0.91%
Index 0.49% 1.52% -0.95% -0.60% 0.16%

Alpha Active 3.18% 1.03% -9.04% 3.27% 0.07%
Index 1.20% 1.25% -4.81% 1.43% 0.37%

Alpha Active 2.99% 1.44% -8.68% 3.05% 0.27%
Index 1.40% 0.84% -5.17% 1.65% 0.17%

Alpha Active 2.90% -0.08% -10.67% 2.92% -0.99%
Index 1.63% -0.76% -4.57% 1.27% -0.94%


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Table 2 shows that active funds outperformed index funds on

equal-weighted gross alphas during the Internet Bubble Burst and the

GFC, but underperformed index funds during the COVID crisis using all

four alpha measures except for IDX3 alpha during GFC. Active funds

outperformed index funds in equal-weighted gross alphas during bad

markets in the first period, but the outperformance diminishes during

bad markets in the second period. For IDX4 gross alpha, the equal-

weighted outperformance of active funds over index funds decreases from

1.35% (=3.05%-1.65%) in bad markets of the first period to 0.10%

(=0.27%-0.17%) in bad markets of the second period. All the observations

in Table 2 are consistent with the related literature and Table 1.

The Distribution of Alphas for Individual Active Mutual Funds

Above, Table 1 shows that the equal-weighted performance of

active mutual funds has worsened for the second period at the

aggregated level, moving from outperformance to underperformance. We

now investigate the distribution of individual alphas for all active mutual

funds in the two periods. The results are similar for all four measures of

alphas. Thus, to save space, we only report results for the IDX4 alphas

from now on. The IDX4 alphas are highlighted because they fall

somewhere between simple alphas and FFC alphas on asset-weighted

performance shown in Table 1.


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Once a fund passes $5 million in AUM (in 1/2006 dollars) all

returns after that month are included in subsequent tests (even if the

AUM subsequently drops below the threshold). In each period, funds are

required to have at least 12 months of data. We focus on t() – the t-

statistic of -- rather than estimates of , to control for differences in

precision due to differences in residual variance and in the number of

months. Many funds do not have a full history for the 15-year period so

that alphas cannot be compared on the same footing.

The loadings to the four IDX4 factors are estimated for each fund

and for each 15-year period. Figure 4 shows the distribution of t() for

the IDX4 alphas for the two periods in log scale so that the tails of the

distribution can be seen more clearly. For both gross and net alphas, the

entire t() distribution curve is shifted to the left from the first period to

the second period, which is consistent with the underperformance of

active mutual funds on equal-weighted basis in the second period shown

in Table 1.


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Figure 4. Distributions for t-statistics of Gross and Net Alphas for Two
Periods for Active Mutual Funds



0.1 Gross Alpha (91-05)

Gross Alpha (06-21)
Net Alpha (91-05)
Net Alpha (06-21)

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
t (alpha)

Table 3 shows the percentage of funds that have significant

positive (t() >=2, superior funds) or negative (t() <= -2, inferior funds)

performance. With gross returns, the number of superior funds (17.19%)

is much more than the number of inferior funds (3.32%) in the first

period, but the number of superior funds (6.00%) is nearly the same as

the number of inferior funds (5.69%) in the second period. With net

returns, the number of inferior funds (9.55%) is about the same as the

number of superior funds (9.39%) in the first period. In contrast, the

number of inferior funds (17.25%) is much more than the number of

superior funds (1.74%) in the second period, which is not good news for

more recent active investors. Overall, it was more difficult to select a

superior active mutual fund in the second period.


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Table 3. Percentage of Funds with Significant Negative or Positive Alphas
t() <= -2, Inferior Funds t() >= 2, Superior Funds
1/1991 - 12/2005 1/2006 - 9/2021 1/1991 - 12/2005 1/2006 - 9/2021
Gross Alphas 3.32% 5.69% 17.19% 6.00%
Net Alphas 9.55% 17.25% 9.39% 1.74%

The Flow Trend for Active Mutual Funds

It is well documented that fund flows respond to past performance.

For example, Barber, Huang, and Odean (2016) finds that CAPM alphas

are the best predictor of flows among competing performance evaluation

methods. In the absence of adequate skill, higher fees make it inevitable

that aggregate net returns will be worse, thus outflows would seem

nearly unavoidable.

Figure 5 shows the active market share over the last 30 years,

where active market share is defined as the ratio of active AUM to total

(active + passive) AUM. We combine index funds and ETFs into passive

funds even though some cautions are in order. 8 We plot the active

market share in Figure 5.

At the far left of Figure 5, back in 1991 active AUM represented

97% of the total US fund market. Interestingly and perhaps ironically,

Sharpe’s “arithmetic of active management,” which makes it very clear

that after fees and in aggregate active management is losing proposition,

Cautions are in order when ETFs are treated as passive funds. First, some ETFs attempt to replicate the
performance of what is essentially an active strategy structured as index; thus, shifting the active
management component to index construction. Wermers (2021) argues that some rules-based ETFs can be
considered as “quasi-active” strategies. Next, the short average holding period of ETFs and their large
trading volumes suggest that investors are using them to practice a form of active management.


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was published in 1991.9 As shown in Figure 5, the percentage of total

AUM in active mutual funds has been in steady decline, dropping to 46%

as of September 2021. A simple linear fit of the trend over the complete

time period suggests that the active mutual funds will almost disappear

relative to passive funds in approximately 30 years or 2051. We forecast

the active share by using more information in the final section.

Figure 5. The Great Migration | Ratio of Total Active AUM to Total Active
+ Passive AUM
Active Market Share

















Figure 6 shows that the cumulative dollar flows into active mutual

funds, index funds and ETFs. The fund dollar flow into a fund (Flowt) is

calculated from three quantities: last month’s AUM (At-1), this month’s

AUM (At) and fund net return (rt) via Equation (1):

Flowt = At - At-1(1+rt) (1)

Pedersen (2018) argues that Sharpe’s implicit assumption that the market portfolio never changes does not
hold in the real world because new shares are issued, others are repurchased, and indexes are reconstituted -
so even “passive” investors must regularly trade. Wermers (2021) suggests that the benefits of active
management are amplified in small- and mid-capitalization U.S. stocks.


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Equation (1) assumes that dollar flows occur at the end of month t.

Percentage flow is simply dollar flow divided by last month’s AUM (At-1).

The flows for active mutual funds have been negative since around 2006,

while the flows for index funds and ETFs have been positive for most of

the time. As mentioned earlier, the cumulative net outflows for active

mutual funds were 2.20 trillion dollars from January 2006 to September

2021. In contrast, the cumulative net inflows during the same period for

index mutual funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs) are 0.38 and 1.10

trillion dollars, respectively.

Looking at percentage flows, the arithmetic average monthly flow

for active mutual funds is 0.65% (net inflow) from January 1991 to

December 2005 and drops to -0.33% (net outflow) from January 2006 to

September 2021. In contrast, the arithmetic average monthly net flow for

index funds and ETFs are 0.28% and 0.73% from January 2006 to

September 2021, respectively.

Further analysis shows that net outflows in active mutual funds

have largely been offset by net inflows into ETFs alone. The correlation

between dollar flows into the active mutual and index mutual funds is

23%, while the correlation between active mutual funds and ETF dollar

flows is −30%, from January 2006 to September 2021.


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Figure 6. Cumulative Net Dollar Flows into Active and Passive Funds
Cumulatice Fund Flow (Trillion $)

















Active Funds Passive (Index Funds + ETFs)

The Performance of Small AUM Active Mutual Funds

To better understand the inconsistent performance of small AUM

active mutual funds over the two periods, we conduct a cross-sectional

analysis on alphas sorted by fund AUM size for each month. More

specifically, starting in January 1991 and using the gross returns to

calculate the IDX4 gross alpha, active mutual funds are sorted from

lowest to highest AUMs as of December 1990, and they are assigned to

one of the five quintiles so that each quintile has nearly the same

number of funds. Note that this single-month alpha is (+ et) in

Equation (4) shown in Appendix, which is the excess return or factor-

adjusted return for month-t. The corresponding alphas are averaged with

equal weights for each quintile. This process is repeated in each month

and then averaged from 1/1991 to 9/2021 for both periods, and then


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from 1/1991 to 12/2005 for the first period, and finally from 1/2006 to

9/2021 for the second period.

The average annualized alphas sorted on fund sizes for active

mutual funds for the entire 30-year period, and the two separate 15-year

periods are shown in Table 4. The results for the 30-year period are

roughly the average results of the two 15-year periods. The second to last

column in Table 4 is the difference in average alphas between small AUM

and large AUM funds. The last column of Table 4 shows t-statistics for

the difference in average alphas. The alpha difference between small

AUM funds and large AUM funds is 2.36% which is statistically

significant for the first period, but insignificant at -0.04% for the second


Note that the average alpha across the five size quintiles in Table 4 is slightly greater than the
corresponding IDX4 alpha in Table 1 in both periods. The difference is primarily because the number of
funds is different over time. The alpha or excess return for each fund in Table 4 is estimated by regressions
of the fund’s available data (often with a history less than the full period), while the alpha in Table 1 is
estimated by regressions of the aggregate returns. If all funds had data for the entire period, the average
alpha in both tables would be the same. For Simple Alpha, the average alpha in both tables is the same
because it does not require regressions.


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Table 4. The Average Annualized Gross Alphas Sorted on Active Mutual
Fund Size

Small AUM Large AUM Small – t-

Funds(Q1) Q2 Q3 Q4 Funds(Q5) Large statistic
1/1991 – 9/2021 (Both Periods)
Avg. AUM
(Million $) 22 89 255 727 5717 N/A N/A
1.37% 0.91% 0.66% 0.35% 0.25% 1.13% 5.40
1/1991 – 12/2005 (First Period)
Avg. AUM
(Million $) 17 65 174 481 4002 N/A N/A
Alpha 2.70% 1.77% 1.24% 0.63% 0.33% 2.36% 7.18
1/2006 – 9/2021 (Second Period)
Avg. AUM
(Million $) 27 112 333 961 7349 N/A N/A
0.13% 0.10% 0.11% 0.09% 0.17% -0.04% -0.17

The cumulative alpha differences between the small AUM and large

AUM active mutual funds are plotted in Figure 7. Small AUM funds

outperformed large AUM funds in the first period, but they slightly

underperformed in the second period. Clearly, the excess performance

that small AUM funds enjoyed over the first period disappeared over the

second period.


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Figure 7. The Cumulative Excess Gross Alpha of the Small AUM Quintile
Over the Large AUM Quintile Active Mutual Funds
Cumulative Outperformance of Small AUM Funds
















Figure 8 shows the rolling 12-month average percentage flows for

the small AUM and large AUM active mutual funds over the 30-year

period. It shows negative trend for both fund AUM groups. The slope of

the percentage flow for small AUM funds is about 2.5 times the slope for

the large AUM funds, indicating a much faster drop of percentage flow for

small AUM funds. Small AUM funds have higher average percentage

flows (3.75%) than large AUM funds (0.54%) in the first period. In

contrast, the average percentage flow for small AUM funds (0.74%) is not

far away from that for large AUM funds (-0.33%) in the second period.

Large AUM funds are much larger than small AUM funds, so they tend to

have smaller magnitudes of percentage flows.


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Figure 8. Rolling Average 12-Month Average Percentage Flows into Small
AUM and Large AUM Quintile Active Mutual Funds
Monthly Percentage Flow

















Small AUM Quintile Large AUM Quintile

Figure 7 raises an interesting question: why has the performance

of small AUM funds deteriorated in the second period? Our data includes

defunct funds so that survivorship bias is not a main factor. Figures 7

and 8 suggest that consistently reduced flows are associated with

deteriorated performance of the small AUM funds.

We argue that the flow-driven-return-effect, documented in Lou

(2012) can be one of the factors that drives small AUM funds to

outperform large AUM funds in the first period. Flow-driven-return-effect

means that flows in and out of funds influence performance. It has little

to do with skill, and it is more related to liquidity and trading costs.

Extrapolating from Lou (2012), when funds experience immediate large

outflows, liquidity is low and trading costs can be high, which can drag

down the performance or alphas. Conversely, funds experiencing large


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inflows can create price pressure in the stocks held in common by these

funds, helping them to earn abnormal returns (see Coval and Stafford,

2007). Therefore, steady inflows can lift performance, while steady

outflows can drag down performance for active mutual funds. We

quantify this impact next.

The Impact of Flow on Active Mutual Fund Performance

In this section, we focus on gross returns and study the impact of

contemporaneous flow on performance for active mutual funds while

controlling for fund size using two methods: 1) a time-series of cross-

sectional regressions in the spirit of Fama-MacBeth (1973) for statistical

significance; and 2) building 25 composite portfolios that are double-

sorted on fund sizes and fund flows for economic significance.

Method 1: Time-Series of Cross-Sectional Regressions

For the first method, the dependent variable is the fund’s factor-

adjusted return or IDX4 alpha in month t: Alphat. Independent variables

are fund’s contemporaneous monthly percentage flow: Flow t; fund’s last

month percentage flow: Flowt-1; fund’s last month alpha: Alpha t-1; and the

log of fund’s AUM at the end of month t-1: FSizet-1.

The regression equation for IDX4 alphas is:

𝐴𝑙𝑝ℎ𝑎 = 𝑎 + b ∙ Flow + b ∙ Flow + b ∙ Alpha + b ∙ FSize +𝑒 (2)


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Table 5 shows the regression results of alphas on

contemporaneous fund flows while controlling for lagged fund sizes,

lagged flows, and lagged alphas for all active mutual funds. All regression

coefficients for the 30-year period are roughly equal to the average values

of the corresponding coefficients for the two 15-year periods. The

coefficient on contemporaneous flows is significantly positive in both

periods, but it is nearly cut by half in the second period. It means that a

monthly percentage inflow of 1% will increase annualized alpha by

0.171% in the first period, and by 0.089% in the second period.

Table 5. Regression of Alphas on Flows and Fund Sizes for Active Mutual
Intercept Flowt Flowt-1 Alphat-1 Fsizet-1
(Both Periods)
Alphat 0.030 0.129 0.011 0.045 -0.001
t-stat 3.86 14.92 1.58 4.48 -3.59
(First Period)
Alphat 0.066 0.171 0.021 0.068 -0.003
t-stat 5.08 12.38 1.92 4.69 -4.86
(Second Period)
Alphat -0.004 0.089 0.002 0.023 0.0003
t-stat -0.49 9.12 0.20 1.67 0.63
*Percentage flows are monthly and IDX4 alphas are annualized

The flow impact is mechanically related to the price impact of

underlying fund holdings when funds trade. Our estimates show that the

average Amihud illiquidity measure (Amihud, 2002) for all U.S. stocks is

cut by nearly half from the first period to the second period, suggesting

the price impact of stock market is cut by half over the two periods. In


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turn, higher liquidity or lower price impact in the stock market can

reduce the flow impact in the second period.

The coefficient on lagged alpha is significantly positive (0.068) in

the first period, but insignificant (0.023) in the second period. This is the

fund performance persistence well documented in the literature (e.g.,

Carhart, 1997). It is interesting to note that the performance persistence

is no longer significant in the second period. The coefficient on fund size

is significantly negative in the first period, but insignificantly positive in

the second period, which is consistent with Table 4 and Figure 7 in

which small AUM funds outperformed large AUM funds in the first

period, but not in the second period.

Method 2: Double Sorts on Fund Size and Fund Flows

Second, a double sort is conducted on fund sizes and fund flows.

Once again, flows and alphas are contemporaneous. For each month, we

first sort the active fund universe into five quintiles based on fund size

(Small AUM S1 through Large AUM S5). Then, within each size quintile,

we sort the funds into five quintiles based on monthly percentage flow

(Low Flow F1 through High Flow F5). Thus, we have 25 composites (i.e.,

five S1 composites, five S2 composites, and so on). We then calculate

equal-weighted alphas for each one of the 25 composites in each month,

and then take average over the two 15-year periods. Table 6 Panel A

reports the double sort results for the 30-year period, while Panel B and


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Panel C report the double sort results for the first and second period,

respectively. Our interest is more on Panel B and C, and Panel A is

approximately the average of Panel B and C. Within each panel, the top

five rows report the average percentage flows, and the bottom five rows

report the average IDX4 alphas for the 25 composites.

Table 6. Double Sorts on Size and Flow for Gross Alphas for All Active
Mutual Munds*

Panel A. Both Periods (1/1991 – 9/2021)

Small AUM Large AUM
Flow (S1) S2 S3 S4 (S5)
Low Flow
(F1) -5.21% -5.20% -4.56% -4.05% -2.89%
F2 -0.74% -1.09% -1.12% -1.08% -0.86%
F3 0.39% -0.07% -0.21% -0.26% -0.19%
F4 2.23% 1.35% 1.02% 0.82% 0.63%
High Flow
(F%) 14.20% 9.45% 7.42% 5.85% 3.73%

Small AUM Large AUM

IDX4 Alpha (S1) S2 S3 S4 (S5)
Low Flow
(F1) 0.37% -0.36% -0.38% -0.89% -0.93%
F2 0.28% 0.08% -0.14% -0.33% -0.46%
F3 0.96% 0.37% 0.49% 0.25% 0.18%
F4 1.60% 1.41% 0.84% 0.61% 0.73%
High Flow
(F%) 3.67% 3.04% 2.48% 2.12% 1.73%

Panel B. First Period (1/1991 – 12/2005)

Small AUM Large AUM
Flow (S1) S2 S3 S4 (S5)
Low Flow
(F1) -4.80% -5.03% -4.27% -3.87% -2.64%
F2 -0.37% -0.78% -0.85% -0.86% -0.62%
F3 0.98% 0.41% 0.24% 0.12% 0.12%
F4 3.66% 2.38% 1.87% 1.47% 1.10%
High Flow
(F5) 18.98% 12.63% 9.82% 7.64% 4.65%

Small AUM Large AUM

IDX4 Alpha (S1) S2 S3 S4 (S5)
Low Flow
(F1) 1.43% 0.06% -0.44% -1.42% -1.42%


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F2 0.94% 0.48% -0.01% -0.50% -0.84%
F3 2.16% 0.88% 0.94% 0.59% 0.32%
F4 3.01% 2.51% 1.57% 1.08% 1.40%
High Flow
(F5) 5.98% 4.92% 4.13% 3.43% 2.23%

Panel C. Second Period (1/2006 – 9/2021)

Small AUM Large AUM
Flow (S1) S2 S3 S4 (S5)
Low Flow
(F1) -5.61% -5.36% -4.84% -4.23% -3.14%
F2 -1.09% -1.38% -1.37% -1.29% -1.09%
F3 -0.18% -0.53% -0.64% -0.62% -0.50%
F4 0.86% 0.37% 0.20% 0.19% 0.18%
High Flow
(F5) 9.66% 6.42% 5.14% 4.15% 2.86%

Small AUM Large AUM

IDX4 Alpha (S1) S2 S3 S4 (S5)
Low Flow
(F1) -0.62% -0.75% -0.32% -0.38% -0.46%
F2 -0.34% -0.31% -0.27% -0.17% -0.09%
F3 -0.18% -0.11% 0.06% -0.07% 0.04%
F4 0.28% 0.37% 0.15% 0.16% 0.10%
High Flow
(F5) 1.51% 1.28% 0.93% 0.89% 1.25%

Table 6 Panel B shows two monotonic relations: 1) between fund

size and alpha, and 2) between fund flow and alpha within each size

quintile. By taking average along each column of the bottom five rows,

one recovers the mid panel of Table 4 in which fund size is monotonically

associated with performance or alpha. Within each column or each fund

size quintile, the IDX4 alphas monotonically increase with increased

fund flows. The only exception is that the average alpha for the lowest

flow quintile (1.43%) is higher than that for the second-lowest flow

quintile (0.94%) for small AUM funds.


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Table 6 Panel B shows that contemporaneous flows can have

strong impact on performance. For example, the highest flow quintile

(with monthly percentage flow of 18.98%) for the smallest AUM quintile is

associated with 5.98% alpha. A fund experienced high inflows can boost

its performance due to flow impact which has nothing to do with skills.

We estimate the flow impact using Table 6 (Panels B and C). The

first column in Table 6 Panel B shows that the spread in monthly

percentage flows and the spread in annualized alphas are 23.78%

(=18.98%+4.80%) and 4.55% (=5.98%-1.43%), respectively, across the

five flow quintiles for small AUM funds in the first period. It suggests a

flow impact of 0.19 (=4.55/23.78) which is comparable to the flow

coefficient of 0.171 shown in Table 5. 11 Likewise, the spread in monthly

percentage flows and the spread in annualized alphas are 15.27% and

2.13%, respectively, for small AUM funds in the second period (Panel C).

It suggests a flow impact of 0.14 which is comparable to the flow

coefficient of 0.089 in Table 5.

On the other side, for large AUM funds, the flow impact is more

than doubled at 0.50 and 0.29 for the first and second period,

respectively. Note that the average AUM for large AUM funds is about

200 times more than that for small AUM funds (see Table 4). The dollar

flows will be more than 200 times higher for large AUM funds given the

Regressions tend to be dominated by small AUM funds because they tend to have large absolute values
of percentage flows. The flow coefficient is higher for large AUM funds.


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same percentage flows, which can lead to a higher flow impact. In other

words, net new inflows (or outflows) of 200 million dollars will have

higher flow impact than net new inflows (or outflows) of 1 million dollars.

Figure 9 shows the impact of percentage flows on alphas for small

AUM and large AUM funds for the two periods with the data taken from

Table 6 (Panels B and C). There are at least two factors that contribute to

the outperformance of small AUM active mutual funds in the first period:

1) The average monthly percentage flow for small AUM funds

(3.75%) is higher than that for large AUM funds (0.54%) in the first

period. Given the above-mentioned flow impact of 0.19 and 0.50 for small

AUM and large AUM funds, respectively, the flow impact on annualized

alpha is 0.71% and 0.27% for small and large AUM funds, respectively. 12

In other words, flow impact helped small AUM funds to outperform large

AUM funds by 0.44% (=0.71%-0.27%). This is relatively small compared

to the 2.36% outperformance of small AUM funds shown in Table 4.

Thus, other factors played a residual positive role of 1.92% (=2.36%-


The flow impact of 0.19 for small AUM funds is under-estimated because other factors played a positive
role. Assuming that other factors play no or less of a role in the second period, we can use the flow impact
ratio between small AUM funds and large AUM funds in the second period to disentangle the role of other
factors and infer the flow impact for small AUM funds in the first period. The flow impact for small AUM
funds (0.14) is about half of the flow impact for large AUM funds (0.29) in the second period. Using the
same ratio of 0.48 (=0.14/0.29), the flow impact would be increased from 0.19 to 0.24 (=0.48*0.50) for
small AUM funds in the first period, and the flow impact on alpha would increase from 0.71% to 0.90%
(=3.75%*0.24). In other words, flow impact may have contributed approximately 0.90% alpha to small
AUM funds prior to 2006.
Other factors played a positive role of 1.27% and 1.25% for simple alpha and FFC alpha, respectively.
Therefore, the role played by other factors depends on alpha models. In addition, the literature suggests a
few potential other factors: 1). Prior to 2006, active mutual funds exhibited some evidence of stock-picking


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2) The slopes for most of the flow quintiles on the two dashed lines

(the first period) are larger than the slopes for most of the flow quintiles

on the two solid lines (the second period). It indicates that the average

flow impact is higher in the first period as discussed earlier.

Figure 9. The Impact of Percentage Flows on Alphas for Small and Large
AUM Funds for the Two Periods

9% Small AUM 1991-2005

Small AUM 2006-2021
Average Annual Alphas

7% Large AUM 1991-2005

Large AUM 2006-2021




-10% -5% -1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20%



Average Monthly Percentage Flow (%)

It is interesting to note that there are three lines that cross the

origin point (large AUM funds in both periods, and small AUM funds in

the second period), except the dashed blue line (small AUM funds in the

first period). Crossing the origin point is consistent with the flow-driven-

return-effect: inflows lift performance and outflows drag down

skills (e.g., see Daniel et. al. (1997), Wermers (2000), Kosowski et. al. (2006)), and 2). von Reibnitz (2015)
shows that active strategies have the greatest impact on returns during periods of high dispersion, when
alpha produced by the most active mutual funds significantly exceeds that produced in other months. We
found that higher cross-sectional stock return dispersion in the first period is positively associated with the
outperformance of small AUM funds.


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performance.14 Thus, Figure 9 provides evidence to support the flow-

driven-return-effect for large AUM funds in both periods, and for small

AUM funds in the second period.

The two most negative flow quintiles for small AUM funds in the

first period are associated with positive alphas, which is at odds with the

flow-driven-return-effect. It suggests that, in addition to the flow-driven-

return-effect, other factors have also contributed to increase the average

alpha for small AUM funds in the first period as mentioned above.

During the second period, both percentage flow and flow impact

have been lowered significantly for small AUM funds. The flow impact on

alpha is 0.10% (=0.74%*0.14) for small AUM funds and -0.10% (=-

0.33%*0.29) for large AUM funds, so that the flow impact helped small

AUM funds to outperform large AUM funds by 0.20%. However, Table 4

shows that small AUM funds underperform large AUM funds by 0.04%.

Therefore, other factors have played a negative role of -0.24% in the

second period, in contrast to a positive role in the first period. All these

lead to deteriorated performance for small AUM funds in the second


Table 6 and Figure 9 show that flows have meaningful and

important impact on performance for different flow quintiles. We now

estimate the flow impact on the aggregated level for the active mutual

This flow-driven-return-effect is consistent with the Figure 5 of Gabaix and Koijen (2022), in which the
aggregate flow into the stock market has a linear relation with the return on the aggregate stock market, and
the relation approximately crosses the origin point.


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funds industry. As mentioned earlier, the average monthly percentage

flow for aggregated active mutual funds is 0.65% (net inflow) in the first

period and drops to -0.33% (net outflow) in the second period. Given the

above-mentioned flow impact of 0.50 (first period) and 0.29 (second

period) for large AUM funds, the flow impact on annualized alpha is

positive 0.33% for the first period and negative -0.10% for the second

period, which leads to a change of -0.43% alpha across the two periods. 15

In other words, the negative flow trend has impacted the performance for

the active fund industry by negative 0.43% over the last 30 years. This

0.43% is economically meaningful and is comparable to the expensive

ratio difference (~0.70%) between active and index funds. The negative

flow impact of -0.10% alpha in the second period is expected to continue

in the future, and it is probably large enough to exert negative feedback

on the active fund industry: bad net performance  outflows 

additional negative performance due to flow impact  more outflows.

Robustness Tests

Most of our analyses are conducted by using the IDX4 alphas in

previous sections. In unreported results, we repeated all the analyses by

using the other three alpha measures: simple alphas, IDX3 alphas and

FFC alphas. All conclusions remain qualitatively the same.

The flow impact for large AUM funds is used because active mutual funds in aggregate are dominated by
large AUM funds.


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We followed Fama and French (2010) to limit the sample to funds

that are greater than $5 million in AUM. Raising fund AUM threshold

from $5 million to $100 million is approximately equivalent to removing

the smallest AUM quintile, which does not change the conclusions for

the rest four quintiles in Table 4 and Table 6. The equal-weighted IDX4

gross alpha for active funds in Table 1 in the first period decreases from

1.06% to 0.53% when funds with AUM less than $100 million are

excluded, confirming that relatively smaller AUM funds did better in the

first period.

Equation (1) is used to calculate dollar flows for all the analyses so

far. Another more direct way is to use fund reported new sales and

redemptions that measure the cash involved in share purchases (dollar

inflows), and the cash resulting from share redemptions (dollar outflows),

respectively. We repeated all analyses with sales and redemptions for the

second period, and the results are similar. 16

The flow impact on alpha is 0.72 and 0.60 in bad markets for the

first and second periods, respectively, which are much larger than the

corresponding values (0.50 and 0.29) for the full sample of the first and

second periods, respectively. This is expected as liquidity is lower and

price impact is greater in bad markets.

Unfortunately, historical sales and redemption data only starts from 1999 in Morningstar Direct, so that
we can only test the second period.


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Forecasting Active Market Share

Given the net outflows of aggregated active mutual funds during

the more recent 15+ years, is the active mutual fund industry likely to

remain large in the future? To forecast the active market share for the

next 180 months or 15 years, we simply use information on returns from

the second period in Table 1 and flow information in the second period

from Figure 6.17 More specifically, the monthly geometric mean net

returns are 0.78%, 0.82% and 0.82% for active funds, index funds and

ETFs, respectively. The monthly geometric mean percentage flows are -

0.33% (negative), 0.28% and 0.70% for active funds, index funds and

ETFs, respectively. The equation to calculate AUM at the end of month-

180 for active or passive funds is:

𝐴𝑈𝑀 = 𝐴𝑈𝑀 (1 + 𝑟 + 𝑓) (3)

Where r and f are the monthly geometric mean return and monthly

geometric mean flow, respectively.

Figure 10 shows the forecasted active market share, or the ratio of

active AUM to total AUM. The active market share is forecasted to drop

to 17% after 15-years. The assumption for future market returns do not

change much the active share forecast because it has the same impact

on both active funds and passive funds.

Bootstrap simulations that draw flows and returns from the second period yield close results at the 50 th


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Figure 10. Forecasted Ratio of Active Mutual Fund AUM to Total AUM
Active Mutual Fund Share

Active Mutual Fund Share

The diminishing role of the active fund industry shown in Figure

10 may have a meaningful impact on capital markets and asset pricing.

While index investing, via index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs),

has enjoyed spectacular growth since the late 1990s, a few recent

academic studies have highlighted certain unintended consequences that

ETFs have on the underlying securities. For example, ETFs distort stock

prices and risk-return tradeoffs (Wurgler, 2010), and increase the

volatility of the underlying securities (Ben-David, Franzoni, and

Moussawi, 2018).

Are active mutual funds going to disappear? Of course, we do not

believe that they will disappear completely. Active mutual funds will

likely remain prevalent in 401(k) plans for the foreseeable future because

401(k) recordkeepers struggle to handle ETFs (Rekenthaler, 2021). It has

been argued that at some point as the ratio of active AUM to total AUM


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drops, the market will become less efficient, leading to exploitable alpha

opportunities, and encourage money to flow to active managers. This

argument will be tested soon.


The year 2006 marks a significant landscaping change for the U.S.

active equity mutual funds industry. Starting around 2006, active

mutual funds have experienced continuous net outflows, while index

funds and ETFs have experienced continuous net inflows. This is the

“great migration” from active to passive management.

The asset-weighted performance of active mutual funds remains

similar over time, but the equal-weighted performance has deteriorated

during the last 15 years. Prior to 2006, small AUM active mutual funds

have outperformed large AUM active mutual funds. In contrast, since

around 2006 small AUM active mutual funds have slightly

underperformed large AUM active mutual funds. The documented extra

outperformance of active mutual funds in crisis periods or bad markets

also diminishes.

Flows impact the performance of individual active mutual funds.

There are at least two factors that contribute to the outperformance of

small AUM funds in the first period: 1) higher percentage inflows, and 2)

higher flow impact. These two factors helped small AUM funds to


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outperform large AUM funds by 0.44% in the first period. However, both

factors played less role in the second period.

At the aggregated level for active funds industry, the flow impact

on annualized alpha is 0.33% for the first period and -0.10% for the

second period, which leads to a negative change of 0.43% in alphas

across the two periods. The negative flow-induced impact of -0.10% on

alpha in the second period is expected to continue in the future, and it is

probably large enough to exert negative feedback on the active mutual

funds industry.

Finally, the fee difference of about 70 bps between active and index

funds may shrink, but is not expected to disappear, continuing to drag

down the net performance and drive the persistent outflows from active

mutual funds. If the flows for active mutual funds, index funds and ETFs

for the next 15 years are the same as last 15 years, active market share

will likely drop to 17%.


The authors thank John Rekenthaler and the anonymous referee for their

helpful comments.


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Appendix. Alpha Measures

The simple gross or net alpha is calculated as a fund’s gross or net

return over its Morningstar assigned benchmark return. Morningstar

periodically updates assigned benchmarks as fund styles change over

time, and we use these historically updated benchmarks in calculating

simple alphas. One drawback is that benchmarks do not account for

some funds whose investment strategies are not constrained to a single

asset class or investment category. Another minor issue is that most

active mutual funds hold small amount of required cash but Morningstar

assigned benchmarks are 100% equities. Nonetheless, it is

straightforward to many investors and essentially free of regression-

based estimation errors.

The FFC Alpha has been widely adopted in academic research for

asset pricing and performance evaluation purposes as shown in

Equation (4).18

𝑅, −𝑅 =𝛼 +𝑏 𝑅 , −𝑅 + 𝑠 𝑆𝑀𝐵 + ℎ 𝐻𝑀𝐿 + 𝑚 𝑀𝑂𝑀 + 𝑒 , (4)

Where the intercept  is the alpha, and regression coefficients b, s,

h and m are loadings to the four factors. (+ et) is the factor-adjusted

return in month t, and we also call it alpha (for a month) in the cross-

sectional analyses for convenience.

Ri,t is the return on fund i for month t, Rft is the risk-free rate (the 1-month U.S. Treasury bill rate), RMt is
the market return (the return on a asset-weighted portfolio of NYSE, Amex, and NASDAQ stocks), SMB t
and HMLt are the size and value-growth returns of Fama and French (1993), MOMt is Carhart’s (1997)
momentum return. All the monthly factor returns are downloaded from the French Data Library.


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One concern with the FFC model is the FFC factors are long-short

portfolios whose returns cannot be achieved by mutual fund managers

with no cost. In addition, the FFC model suffers from biases. Cremers,

Petajisto, and Zitzewitz (2013) shows that these biases cause the

benchmarks provided by the FFC model to be tough to beat for small-cap

managers (who have a positive beta on SMB) and easy to beat for large-

cap managers (who have a negative beta on SMB). To mitigate these

biases, they proposed an index-based model (IDX4) that explain average

returns well, producing alphas close to zero for all fund groups. The IDX4

model simply replaces the three Fama-French factors with index-based

returns, while the MOM factor remains the same:

RM  S&P 500 Index returns

SMB  Russell 2000 Index – S&P 500 Index

HML  Russell 3000 Value – Russell 3000 Growth

One can argue that the MOM factor requires a lot of turnover and

thus it is a kind of active strategy. We also test the IDX3 model, which is

formed by removing the MOM factor from the IDX4 model.


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