Design of Steel Structure 2021
Design of Steel Structure 2021
Q. No Description Marks
c) The centre to centre distance between any two consecutive rivets measured parallel to the
direction of force is called _______________ of rivets.
d) The minimum of design shearing & design bearing strength of a bolt is called ________.
e) When a beam is connected to a column by an angle at the bottom, the connection is called
___________________ connection.
f) For finding effective throat thickness of a fillet weld, value of ‘K’ for 70°angle between
fusion faces is __________.
g) The maximum slenderness ratio for a tension member in which reversal of direct stress
due to loads other than wind or seismic forces occurs is ________________.
i) The deflection of steel beam in buildings other than residential building is limited to span
divided by ____________________.
d) Name three factors on which strength of tension member depends.
g) Name three rolled steel sections used in design of various steel structures.
b) Two plates 250mmX18mm & 200mmX16mm are connected butt weld (shop fabrication).
Calculate maximum load that can be transmitted through single V-butt weld. fy = 250 Mpa.
c) A single angle ISA 100mmX65mmX8mm is used as a tie in a roof truss. Find net effective
area of angle if longer leg is connected to a gusset plate of 8mm thickness by 5-20mm
diameter bolt
e) Find total design shearing strength of bolts of a double bolted double cover butt joint
connecting two plates 10mm thick each with 18mm diameter 4.6 grade bolt at a pitch of
50mm. Take thickness of each cover plate as 8mm.
b) Find the size of slab base for a column ISHB250@536.6N/m to carry a factored load of
1250Kn. Grade of concrete M20