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Task 8

This document outlines a microprocessor-based project involving the interfacing of a temperature sensor (LM35) with an 89C51 microcontroller using an ADC. The system generates a 100Hz beep when the temperature is outside the range of 10°C to 36°C, with specific timing and duty cycle requirements. The document includes code implementation, problem analysis, and expected outputs for various temperature conditions.
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Task 8

This document outlines a microprocessor-based project involving the interfacing of a temperature sensor (LM35) with an 89C51 microcontroller using an ADC. The system generates a 100Hz beep when the temperature is outside the range of 10°C to 36°C, with specific timing and duty cycle requirements. The document includes code implementation, problem analysis, and expected outputs for various temperature conditions.
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Spring 2021

Submitted by: Shah Raza

Registration No. : 18PWCSE1658
Class Section: B

“On my honor, as student of University of Engineering and Technology, I have neither given
nor received unauthorized assistance on this academic work.”

Student Signature: ______________

Submitted to:
Dr. Bilal Habib
Sunday, June 27, 2021

Department of Computer Systems Engineering

University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar
In this project you are required to interface a temperature sensor to 89C51 using an ADC as
shown below in figure 1.

If temperature > 35C or below 10C then generate a 100Hz beep using speaker/sound card in Proteus. It
has a 25% duty cycle and verify it using an oscilloscope. Sampling rate of ADC = 1K samples/sec.

Problem Analysis:

LM35 Temperature sensor:

The LM35 temperature sensor can generate voltage for -55 °C to 155 °C.
It has 3 pins. Pin1 is connected to Vcc, Pin2 is connected to ground and Pin 3 is Vout pin, it
generates voltage according to the temperature value.
The formula for Vout is:
Vout = 10mV x Temperature
For example if temperature is 30,
Vout = 10mV x 30
Vout = 300mV
Now this Vout value needs to be Converted to Digital value by ADC.
ADC is used for analog to digital conversion. It has an internal Clock which is 640KHz by
default which gives us approximately 9700 samples per sec. But our task requires a sampling rate
of 1K. The minimum internal clock value can be set to 100kHz which gives us 1237 sample/sec
which is approximately equal to 1K.

It has a Vin pin which is connected to Vout pin of LM35. The converted result is send to
Dout(8-bits). The formula for Dout is:
Dout = Vin/Step-size
Since we are getting Vin from LM35 so Vin = Vout(LM35) = 10mV x Temperature.
So, Dout becomes
Dout = (10mV x Temperature)/Step-size.
Now we want step-size such that Dout = Temperature. So, our step-size should be 10mV
Dout = (10mV x Temperature)/10mV
Dout = Temperature
For step-size to be equal to 10mV, Vref/2 should be 1.28V.
Vref/2 = 1.28
Vref = 2.56
Step-size = Vref/255
Step-size = 2.56/255
Step-size = 10mV
This Dout is sent to P1 of 8051 microcontroller, if P1 is less than 10 or it is greater than 36 then
we need to generate a sound of 100Hz with a duty cycle of 25%.
Frequency Time Period(1/f) Duty Cycle ON OFF
100Hz 10 ms 25% 2.5ms 7.5ms


Timer1 Timer0
Gate C/T M1 M0 Gate C/T M1 M0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (Hex= 1)

Timer 0: Used as Timer with mode 1

EA -- -- ES ET1 EX1 ET0 EX0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Timer 0 (Used as timer in Mode 1):

#include <reg51.h>
#include <stdio.h>

sbit SPK = P3^4; //Speaker is connected to P3.4

sbit RD_n = P3^0; //P3.0 is connected to the RD pin of ADC

sbit WR_n = P3^1; //P3.1 is connected to the WR pin of ADC
sbit INTR = P3^2; //P3.2 is connected to the INTR pin of ADC

sbit RS = P3^7; //P3.7 is connected to the RS pin of LCD

sbit E = P3^6; //P3.6 is connected to the E pin of LCD

unsigned char temperature;

unsigned char i;
unsigned char cmd[] = {0x38,0x01,0x06,0x0C,0x82}; //Command that needs to be sent to

void delay(unsigned int); //Function of creating Delays

void writecmd(int); //Function that sends commands to LCD
void writedata(char); //Function that writes data to LCD
void convert(unsigned char); //Function that converts the Integer value to char and display it on
void SetTimer(int,int); //Function that set the TH0 and TL0 values
void Init(void); //Function that initializes the timer values
void StartTimer(void); //Fnction that starts Timer 0
void StopTimer(void); //Function to Stop Timer 0
void Ext0(void); //Function that is called after the ADC is done with conversion

/*Timer 0 interrupt is called when the temperature is less that 10 or greater than 36.
It will generate a Sound of 100Hz with a Duty cycle of 25% to P3.4 */
void timer0() interrupt 1
if(SPK ) //if the Speaker is ON
SPK = 0; //Turn it OFF
SetTimer(0xE2,0xB3); //Set Delay to 7.5msec
else //if the Speaker is OFF
SPK = 1; //Turn it ON
SetTimer(0xF6,0x3B); //Set the delay to 2.5msec
void main(void)
SPK = 0; //Turn the Speaker OFF
P1 = 0xFF; //Set P1 as an input Port
P2 = 0x00; //Set P2 as an output Port
INTR = 1; //Set P3.2 as an input pin

for(i = 0;i<5;i++)
writecmd(cmd[i]); //Send the Commands to LCD
delay(10); //Give some delay


Init(); //Initialize timer values

while (1)
RD_n = 1; //Set the RD pin to High
WR_n = 0; //WR = Low
WR_n = 1; //Low-->High
while(INTR==1); //Wait for the ADC to Convert the given voltage
Ext0(); //Call the Ext0 function


void writedata(char t)
RS = 1; // This is data
P2 = t; //Data transfer
E = 1; // => E = 1
E = 0; // => E = 0

void writecmd(int z)
RS = 0; // This is command
P2 = z; //Data transfer
E = 1; // => E = 1
E = 0; // => E = 0

void convert(unsigned char value)

writecmd(0xc6); //command to set the cursor to 6th position of 2nd line on 16*2 lcd
writedata(((value/100)+48)); //Convert the hundredth place int to char and display on
writedata((((value/10)%10)+48)); //Convert the tenth place int to char and display on LCD
writedata(((value%10)+48)); //Convert the unit place int to char and display on LCD
writedata(0xDF); //Hex value for displaying the Degree sign
writedata('C'); //Write C to LCD

void SetTimer(int xx, int yy)

TH0 = xx; //Set the value of TH0 to xx
TL0 = yy; //Set the value of TL0 to yy

void Init()
TMOD = 0x1; //Timer 0 is Mode 1
EA = 1; //Enable Global interrupt
ET0 = 1; //Enable timer overflow interrupt for timer 0
SetTimer(0xF6,0x3B); //Set the values of TH0 and TL0 for a delay of 2.5ms

void StartTimer()
TR0 = 1; //Start Timer 0;

void StopTimer()
TR0 = 0; //Stop Timer 0

void delay(unsigned int t)

unsigned int i,j;
for(i = 0; i<t;i++)
for(j = 0;j<125;j++);

//Ext0 is used for displaying the temperature value to LCD and generating sound at P3.4
void Ext0()
RD_n = 0; //Set the RD pin of ADC from HIGH to LOW
//The ADC sends the converted value to P1
temperature = P1; //Store the value at P1 in temperature
convert(temperature); //Display temperature on LCD
if(temperature<10 || temperature>36) //If the is less than 10 or it is greater than 36
SPK = 1; //Turn the speaker ON
StartTimer(); //Start the Timer

else //if the temperature is in-between 10 and 36
if(TR0 == 1) //if the Timer 0 is satarted
StopTimer(); //stop the timer
SetTimer(0xF6,0x3B); //Set a delay of 2.5ms
SPK = 0; //Turn the Speaker OFF

Output / Graphs / Plots / Results:

Oscilloscope Output:
Since the temperature is less than 10 so a sound of 100Hz with a Duty Cycle 25% will be

Oscilloscope Output:
No Signal should be generated in this case so a flat line.

Oscilloscope Output:
Since the temperature is greater than 36 so a sound of 100Hz with a Duty Cycle 25% will be

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