Objective: 2. Apparatus: 3. Diagram

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1. Objective: To aware the students about the different kind of boilers. 2. Apparatus: Cochran Boiler; Babcock and Wilcox Boiler; Benson Boiler Diagram

Theory The purpose of the boiler, as pointed out earlier, is to generate steam at the predetermined pressure and temperature by using heat produced by the combustion of fuel. The evaporation (steam raising) capacity of the boiler depends upon: (a) Grate area i.e the amount of fuel the boiler can consume


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(b) Heating surface i.e. the quantity of heat which the boiler can absorb, The evaporation capacity may be expressed as kg/hr-m2 of heating surface or kg/kg of fuel burnt. If these parameters are kept constant, the amount of water which a boiler can evaporate further depends upon: (a) Condition of pressure and temperature under which the boiler is operating, (b) Quality of steam being raised (wet, dry or superheated). (c) Temperature of feed water being supplied to the boiler. Thus it may be realized that number of kg of water evaporated per hour is not an exact measure of the performance of the boiler. For making a comparison of the relative evaporation capacity of the boiler, the water is supposed to evaporate under the following standard conditions. 1. Feed water is supplied to the boiler at 100 oC. 2. Evaporation of steam takes place at the same temperature of 100 oC 3. The steam raised is just dry and saturated. When water evaporates under these conditions, it requires 538.9 kcal of heat which equals the latent heat of steam at 100 oC under atmospheric pressure of 1.0332 kgf/cm2. Equivalent Evaporation of water Evaporation which would be obtained if the feed water were supplied at 100 oC and converted into dry saturated steam at 100 oC at the standard atmospheric pressure of 1.0332kgf/cm2. Let Wa = weight of water actually evaporated into steam per kg of coal burnt at the working pressure. Hs = specific enthalpy of steam at the working pressure. hw = specific enthalpy (sensible heat) of feed water.

Then heat absorbed by the water at actual working pressure = Wa (Hs-hw) Further if Wo is equivalent evaporation, then Heat absorbed at the water under standard conditions = We x Lo where



Lo = enthalpy of evaporation (latent heat) of steam at 1 kgf/cm2 and 100 oC = 539 kcal/kg (2256 kj/kg) Equating (i) and (ii), we get We = Wa(Hs-hw) kg/kg of coal burnt Lo (iii) =Wa(Hs-hw)

RIMT- MAEC , MANDIGODINDGARH ATD. LAB. 539 =Wa(Hs-hw) 2256 ME-216 when Hs and hw are expressed in Kcal when Hs and hw are expressed in KJ

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In equation (iii), the factor (Hs-hw/Lo) is always greater than unity and is known as factor of evaporation or generation factor. The factor of evaporation may be defined as the ratio of heat absorbed by 1kg of feed water under working conditions to that absorbed by 1kg of water from and at 100 oC. Boiler Efficiency It is defined as the ratio of heat energy utilized by feed water in converting it into steam in the boiler to the heat energy realized by complete combustion of fuel during the same time. Boiler Efficiency = Energy absorbed by feed water Energy absorbed by fuel = Wa(Hs-hw) Wf x Calorific value of fuel Where Wa = actual evaporation of steam/hr Hs = total heat of steam produced , Hw = sensible heat of feed water, Wf = weight of fuel consumed/ hr.

However, if the boiler is equipped with an economizer and a super heater, then efficiency of the unit is called overall efficiency of the boiler plant and it takes into account the efficiency of all the three elements namely: boiler, economizer and super heater. 5. Observation and Calculations Heat absorbed by the water at actual working pressure = Wa(Hs-hw) Heat absorbed bt the water under standard conditions = We x Lo Equivalent evaporation, We = Wa(Hs-hw) kg/kg of coal burnt Lo =Wa(Hs-hw) 539 (when Hs and hw are expressed in Kcal) =Wa(Hs-hw) 2256 (when Hs and hw are expressed in KJ) Wa = weight of water actually evaporated into steam per kg of coal at the working pressure. Hs = specific enthalpy of steam at the working pressure. hw = specific enthalpy (sensible heat) of feed water. Lo = enthalpy of evaporation (latent heat) of steam at 1 kgf/cm2 and 100 oC = 539 kcal/kg (2256 kj/kg)



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Boiler Efficiency, = Wa (Hs-hw) Wf x Calorific value of fuel Wa = actual evaporation of steam/hr Hs = total heat of steam produced , Hw = sensible heat of feed water, Wf = weight of fuel consumed/ hr. 6. Result (i) Equivalent evaporation, We = Wa(Hs-hw) kg/kg of coal burnt Lo =Wa(Hs-hw) 539 (when Hs and hw are expressed in Kcal) =Wa(Hs-hw) 2256 (when Hs and hw are expressed in KJ)

(ii) Boiler Efficiency,

= Wa (Hs-hw) Wf x Calorific value of fuel Wa = actual evaporation of steam/hr Hs = total heat of steam produced , Hw = sensible heat of feed water, Wf = weight of fuel consumed/ hr.

7. Precautions (a) Check all valves before starting the boiler. (b) Check uniform supply of water. (c) The apparatus should be handled carefully. 8. Questions for Viva (a) Distinguish b/w mountings and accessories. (b) Distinguish b/w fire tube and water tube boilers. (c) What is the function of economiser? (d) What is the function of blow-off cock and fusible plug? (e) What is the function of safety valve?

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