101 HWK 5 Key

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ECO 101 830 Principles of Microeconomics 1. Consider the graph below of a monopoly firm.


Homework #5 key

P2 P1


a) What is the profit maximizing output and price of the monopoly? profit maximizing quantity is where MR=MC at Q1 profit maximizing price is where Q1 hits the demand curve at P2 b) Is the firm earning an economic profit? What area(s) (A, B and/or C) denote the economic profit? Yes, the firm is earning an economic profit of (P2-ATC)Q1 represented by the area of A c) What area(s) (A, B and/or C) denote the deadweight loss? The deadweight loss is represented by the area of the triangle C 2. Describe an economic argument for laws that prohibit and/or strictly limit monopolies. Monopolies are inefficient, leading to market failure. The monopolist restricts output in order to charge a higher price and maximize profits. This lost of output generates a deadweight loss, which is a loss of consumer surplus not redistributed to producers.


Contrast perfect competition and monopoly. Be sure to include differences in characteristics, profitmaximizing price and output, consumer surplus and the ability to earn long-run economic profits. Under perfect competition there are many firms, making an identical product. There is free entry/exit of firms. Under monopoly there is one seller making a unique product and this monopoly is protected by barriers to entry. Under perfect competition, price is lower and output higher relative to monopolies. Because of this, consumer surplus is larger under perfect competition as well. The free entry/exit of firms in perfect competition drives economic profits to zero in the long run. Barriers to entry allow the monopolist to earn long run economic profits.


[based on chapter 9, problem #3] Consider the market for higher education. Which of the four market structures studied best fits the market for higher education? Explain your answers using the characteristics of that market structure. Higher education most closely approximates monopolistic competition because there are many schools, each offering a substitutable but differentiated product. However, a subgroup such as Ivy League schools could be considered an oligopoly.

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