5 Concurrent Errors 5.1 Race Condition

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5 Concurrent Errors 5.

1 Race Condition
A race condition occurs when there is missing: synchronization mutual exclusion Two or more tasks race along assuming synchronization or mutual exclusion has occurred. Can be very difcult to locate (thought experiments).

5.2 No Progress
5.2.1 Live-lock indenite postponement: the You go rst problem on simultaneous arrival Caused by poor scheduling:
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There always exists some scheduling algorithm that can deal effectively with live-lock. 5.2.2 Starvation A selection algorithm ignores one or more tasks so they are never executed. I.e., lack of long-term fairness.

150 Long-term (innite) starvation is extremely rare, but short-term starvation can occur and is a problem. 5.2.3 Deadlock Deadlock is the state when one or more processes are waiting for an event that will not occur. Synchronization Deadlock Failure in cooperation, so a blocked task is never unblocked (stuck waiting):
void uMain::main() { uSemaphore s(0); s.P(); } // closed // wait for lock to open Mutual Exclusion Deadlock Failure to acquire a resource protected by mutual exclusion.


Deadlock, unless one of the cars is willing to backup. Simple example using semaphores:
uSemaphore L1(1), L2(1); // open

L1.P() R1 L2.P() R1 & R2

L2.P() // acquire opposite locks R2 // access resource L1.P() // acquire opposite locks R2 & R1 // access resource

152 There are 5 conditions that must occur for a set of processes to get into Deadlock. 1. There exists a shared resource requiring mutual exclusion. 2. A process holds a resource while waiting for access to a resource held by another process (hold and wait). 3. Once a process has gained access to a resource, the O/S cannot get it back (no preemption). 4. There exists a circular wait of processes on resources. 5. These conditions must occur simultaneously.

5.3 Deadlock Prevention

Eliminate one or more of the conditions required for a deadlock from an algorithm deadlock can never occur. 5.3.1 Synchronization Prevention Eliminate all synchronization from a program no communication

153 all tasks must be completely independent, generating results through side-effects. 5.3.2 Mutual Exclusion Prevention Deadlock can be prevented by eliminating one of the 5 conditions: 1. no mutual exclusion: impossible in many cases 2. no hold & wait: do not give any resource, unless all resources can be given poor resource utilization possible starvation 3. allow preemption: Preemption is dynamic cannot apply statically. 4. no circular wait: Control the order of resource allocations to prevent circular wait:

uSemaphore L1(1), L2(1); // open

L1.P() R1 L2.P() R2

L1.P() R1 L2.P() R2 // // // // acquire same locks access resource acquire same locks access resource

Use an ordered resource policy:








divide all resources into classes R1, R2, R3, etc. rule: can only request a resource from class Ri if holding no resources from any class R j for j i unless each class contains only one resource, requires requesting several resources simultaneously denote the highest class number for which T holds a resource by h(T )

155 if process T1 is requesting a resource of class k and is blocked because that resource is held by process T2, then h(T1) < k h(T2) as the preceding inequality is strict, a circular wait is impossible in some cases there is a natural division of resources into classes that makes this policy work nicely in other cases, some processes are forced to acquire resources in an unnatural sequence, complicating their code and producing poor resource utilization 5. prevent simultaneous occurrence: Show previous 4 rules cannot occur simultaneously.

5.4 Deadlock Avoidance

Monitor all lock blocking and resource allocation to detect any potential formation of deadlock.




Achieve better resource utilization, but additional overhead to avoid deadlock. 5.4.1 Bankers Algorithm Demonstrate a safe sequence of resource allocations to processes that no deadlock. However, to do this requires that a process state its maximum resource needs.

157 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 R1 4 2 5 23 1 1 R2 10 4 9 5 2 2 R3 1 1 0 1 1 0 R4 1 2 1 0 0 0 maximum needed for execution (M) currently allocated (C)

resource request (T1, R1) 2 3 T1 1 T2 1 T3 4 5 2 7 0 0 0 1 needed to 2 execute 1 (N = M C)

Is there a safe order of execution that avoids deadlock should each process require its maximum resource allocation?

158 total available resources R1 R2 R3 R4 6 12 4 2 (TR) current available resources 1 3 2 2 (CR = T R Ccols) T2 0 1 2 0 (CR = CR NT 2) 2 5 3 2 (CR = CR + MT 2) T1 1 0 3 1 (CR = CR NT 1) 5 10 4 2 (CR = CR + MT 1) T3 1 3 4 1 (CR = CR NT 3) 6 12 4 2 (CR = CR + MT 3) If there is a choice of processes to choose for execution, it does not matter which path is taken. Example: If T1 or T3 could go to their maximum with the current resources, then choose either. A safe order starting with T1 exists if and only if a safe order starting with T3 exists. So a safe order exists (the left column in the table above) and hence the Bankers Algorithm allows the resource request.

159 The check for a safe order is performed for every allocation of resource to a process and then process scheduling is adjusted appropriately. 5.4.2 Allocation Graphs One method to check for potential deadlock is to graph processes and resource usage at each moment a resource is allocated.
resource task task is waiting for a resource instance task is holding a resource instance with multiple instances

Multiple instances are put into a resource so that a specic resource does not have to be requested. Instead, a generic request is made.



R3 T4

T1 R2


If a graph contains no cycles, no process in the system is deadlocked. If each resource has one instance, a cycle deadlock. T1 R1 T2 R3 T3 R2 T1 (deadlock) T2 R3 T3 R2 T2 (deadlock) If any resource has several instances, a cycle deadlock. If T4 releases its resource, the cycle is broken.

161 Create isomorphic graph without multiple instances (expensive and difcult):


R31 R32 T4

T1 R21 R22


Use graph reduction to locate deadlocks:



R3 T4

T1 R2






T1 R2






T1 R2 T3




R2 T3





Problems: for large numbers of processes and resources, detecting cycles is expensive. there may be large number of graphs that must be examined, one for each particular allocation state of the system.


5.5 Detection and Recovery

Instead of avoiding deadlock let it happen and recover. ability to discover deadlock preemption Discovering deadlock is not easy, e.g., build and check for cycles in allocation graph. not on each resource allocation, but every T seconds or every time a resource cannot be immediately allocated Recovery involves preemption of one or more processes in a cycle. decision is not easy and must prevent starvation The preemption victim must be restarted, from beginning or some previous checkpoint state, if you cannot guarantee all resources have not changed. even that is not enough as the victim may have made changes before the preemption.

5.6 Which Method To Chose?

Maybe none of the above: just ignore the problem

168 if some process is blocked for rather a long time, assume it is deadlocked and abort it do this automatically in transaction-processing systems, manually elsewhere Of the techniques studied, only the ordered-resource policy turns out to have much practical value.

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