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Additions, corrections and queries

These addenda and corrigenda concentrate on points of substance, such as the recording of
additional authors or texts, new editions, or editions overlooked, questions of authorship, and
errors in the author heading or in names. Authors now entered for the rst time are marked *,
those whose entries have been completely revised . Typographical errors that are not seriously
misleading, additional manuscript references, amendments to manuscript information, and such
like, are noted in my master copy of the book but are not indicated here.
In the preface to Latin Writers I invited readers to communicate information on errors or
omissions. Several have done so, and I am grateful to them: Dr Peter Brand (Oxford), Prof.
Christopher Brooke (Cambridge), Dr Jeremy Catto (Oxford), Dr James Clark (Oxford), Revd
Dr Richard Copsey (Rome & Aberdeen), Dr Carlotta Dionisotti (London), Prof. Dr. Helmut
Gneuss (Munich), Prof. Joseph Goering (Toronto), Mr Michael Gullick (Hitchin), Prof. Ralph
Hanna (Oxford), Mr Nicholas Karn (Oxford), Dr Patrick Nold (Oxford), Prof. Dibh Crinn
(Galway), Mr Alan Piper (Durham), Fr Athanasius Sulavic (Rome), Prof. Rodney Thomson
(Hobart), and Mr James Willoughby (Oxford). Where their information has led me to make a
substantive change included here, I cite the informers name at the right hand side of the page.
Adam Burley
Quaestiones in III de Anima: ed. E. A. Synan, Questions on the De Anima of Aristotle by
Master Adam Burley and Dominus Walter Burley (Leiden :qq), :.
Adam of Dryburgh
Soliloquium de instructione animae siue Dialogus inter rationem et animae: a recent edition
is based on a single manuscript, ed. J. Bouvet, Le Soliloquium dAdam de Perseigne,
Collectanea Cisterciensia o (:q88) ::: (text, :.o:).
The text is dedicated to Walther prior of St Andrew in Scotland, according to
the Gaming manuscript followed by Pez; this agrees with the manuscript seen at
Cambridge by Bale. Walter was prior of the Augustinian cathedral at St Andrews
from ::6. until ::q or ::q6 (Walter Bower, Scotichronicon, VI o; ed. Watt & others, .
:, q). This would seem strong evidence in favour of Adam of Dryburgh as author.
The Melk manuscript has the variant Balther, while the Munich copy used by Bouvet
has Balther priori Sancti Andree in Austria; Bouvet was unable to trace either house
or prior. He was under the impression that the work had never been printed, and he
inferred that the author was Adam de Persenia OCist (:..:).
To the eight copies mentioned in the handlist, add:
. L\+ix vni+rns
BL MS Add. .o8 (s. xv, Syon), fols. ?? [in the hand of Clement Maidstone OSS
(:6); described in early :6th-cent. catalogue as dialogus quidaminter racionem
et animam, SS:. 8oe].
Melk, Stiftsbibliothek, MS 8 (s. xv), fols. 6. [used by Pez].
BSB MS clm :86:o (\n :6., Tegernsee), fols. ( ).
Attested copies
Cambridge, in the house of John Mere, where it was seen by Bale (Index, ).
Gaming, Charterhouse [used by Pez].
Peterborough, late :th cent., questiones et responsiones inter animam et rationem,
anon. (BP.:. .:o); disputacio inter animam et rationem, anon. (BP.:. .a); de
instruccione anime, anon. (BP.:. :q).
De triplici genere contemplationis: ed. L. Reuviaux (Lille :qq6).
Adam of Evesham OSB (::q:), monk of La Charit, prior of Bermondsey, later
abbot of Evesham
Adam is known as a correspondent of Gerald of Wales (Symbolum electorum I q:o), John of
Salisbury (ep. :qq), and Peter of Blois (ep. q). That he was the writer of longer works is evident,
since he refers in ep. : to an abbreviation of the Passio S. Vincentii and in ep. . to an opusculum
. . . satis nouiter formatum which he read to a visitor from Worcester, Master William, and of
which a transcript was requested by Bishop Roger. [N. E. Karn]
Adam of Usk
Chronicon: ed. C. J. Given-Wilson, OMT (:qq).
Adelard of Bath
De cura accipitrum, De eodem et diuerso, and Quaestiones naturales: ed. C. S. F. Burnett
(Cambridge :qq8).
Aelmer of Canterbury
Recordationes beneciorum Dei: add (attrib.) and move to spurious.
Aelred of Rievaulx
De X horroribus Iohannis Baptistae: read honoribus. The copy at Syon, MS R. .o (SS:.
:.:.) is identied by V. A. Gillespie as Nicholas of Clairvaux, serm. : (PL :. 6.6,
Schneyer Rep. . .o, as Peter Damian; and again, PL :8. qq:-:oo: as ps. Bernard of
Epistolae: not known to survive. Walter Daniels Life of Aelred, :, refers to his
many letters to important people. Collections of letters are recorded at Rievaulx
around :.oo (Z:q. ), for which Leland adds the incipit In quieto littore (Z.:. :),
and at Margam in Registrum (Rq. :.).
The Margam report was copied by Kirkstead in the form Epistolas ad diuersos
oo (K. :q), with no source for the additional information; from Kirkstead it came
into Bale (Index, :.). This last was misinterpreted by Hoste, :, as evidence for a
L\+ix vni+rns
further copy at Norwich. Hostes remaining reference for the collection of oo letters
at Cirencester derives from T. W. Williams, Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucester-
shire Archaeological Society : (:qo8) q, who misread Kirksteads reference number :o
(Margam) as :o (Cirencester).
*Alan of Ashbourne (early :th cent.) [Prof. C. N. L. Brooke]
The chronicle of the bishops of Licheld, entered under the name of Thomas
Chestereld, is perhaps the work of Alan of Ashbourne, whose autograph is BL MS
Cotton Cleopatra D. ix; the date of the manuscript should be amended to s. xiv
(Brooke in English Episcopal Acta : Coventry and Licheld .o,:.. (:qq), :.).
Alan of Tewkesbury
Liber de demolitione capellae de Hakinton: not known to survive; Thomas of Marlbor-
ough quotes the work, introducing it thus: ita scribit Alanus abbas Theokesberie in
libro de demolitione capelle de Hakintona ubi etiam omnia predicta de eo plenius
scribit: . . . (ed. Macray, RS .q (:86), :o).
The second volume of CMA Gallia : (:qqq) is devoted entirely to the works of
Alcuin; it provides manuscript and printed references for everything, including each
individual letter and poem.
Orthographia: ed. S. Bruni, Millennio medievale . (Florence :qq).
Alexander Nequam
Meditatio de Magdalena: ed. T. H. Bestul, Journal of Medieval Latin q (:qqq) :q (text,
Suppletio defectuum: Book I, ed. C. J. McDonough, Per Verba :. (Florence :qqq).
*Arroxso nr Virr\ S\xc+\ OFM Obs [occ. ::8.6], bishop in partibus
A Spaniard, who was in Paris in ::8 and in England in the :.os as a member of the household
of Queen Katherine of Aragon. He also acted as suragan in the Welsh diocese of St Asaph
De libero arbitrio aduersus Melanchthonem: pr. London :. (STC ..8). The work is
dedicated to Queen Katherine of Aragon.
Problema indulgentiarum: pr. London :./ (STC ..q). Written at the request of
Queen Katherine of Aragon.
Andrea Ammonio
Epigram, Pugnabunt alii: ed. D. R. Carlson, Three Tudor epigrams, HLov
(:qq6) :8q.oo (text, :q:).
L\+ix vni+rns
*Anger of Ripon (:.q./)
Usually titled Tractatus de antiquo dominico Coronae, inc. Licet in antiquo dominico, there is a
treatise found unascribed in more than seventy manuscripts, listed by Baker, Legal Manuscripts,
qo. The little treatise was printed by A. J. Horwood, Year Books :o:. Edward I , RS :/
: (:866), xviiixix; the manuscript in his own possession from which the work was printed is
now Cambridge (MA), Harvard Law School, MS 6 (s. ), fols. ( ), and this has the colophon,
Explicit opinio Angeri de Rypon. Anger was a clerk in the court of common pleas from at least
:.: until his death in :.q./; this position is compatible with the authors saying, Vidi magistros
meos in tribus casibus capere assisam noue disseisine, and he may well have composed the
treatise. Dr P. A. Brand is preparing a new edition.
Anselm of Bury
Remove the reference to his authorship of Meditations transmitted under the
name of Anselm of Canterbury, for which Wilmart had no compelling evidence.
Anselm of Reading OSB (late :.th cent.), subprior of Reading
It is possible that he is the same Anselm, monk of Reading, who described his rescue from an
accident by the miraculous intervention of St Thomas of Canterbury in a letter to Jeremias,
monk of Christ Church; the letter is incorporated in William of Canterburys Miracula S. Thomae
VI .
*Sir Anthony Cope (::)
Bale, Catalogus, .. ; Tanner, :q8; BRUO .o..o, :6; DNB.
The Latin chronicle extending from the nativity to the year :o in Bodl. MS Lyell empt. ::
(s. xvi), inc. Saluator noster Iesus Christus nascitur ab exordio mundi .qq, is signed Antonius
Coope at the end. The handwriting is thought to be his, and he may have composed the
chronicle. His published writings are in English.
Atto, cardinal bishop of Ostia
The cardinals date of death should be amended; he was dead by ::o, but the year is not known.
Miracula inuentionis beatae Milburgae uirginis (::o:): ed. P. A. Hayward, The Miracula
inuentionis beatae Mylburge uirginis attributed to the Lord Ato, cardinal bishop of Ostia,
EHR :: (:qqq), (text, 6). Hayward is sceptical about the texts claim to
be the work of Cardinal Atto.
Baldwin of Ford
For his work as a decretalist see C. Duggan, Twelfth-Century Decretal Collections (London :q6),
Bartholomew the Englishman
The author of the thesis on Book XIX was Juris G. Lidaka, a spelling correction
that may make the dierence between nding and not nding it.
L\+ix vni+rns
Bernard Andr
D. R. Carlson, The writings of Bernard Andr (c. :oc. :..), Renaissance Studies :. (:qq8)
De modo contendi: ed. J. W. Goering & H. Pryce, Mediaeval Studies 6. (.ooo) :.
(text, :6.); Bloomeld .
Cummianus Longus
(attrib.) Commentary on Mark: ed. M. J. Cahill, CCSL 8. (:qq).
Daniel of Winchester
Bede, in the preface to his Historia ecclesiastica, refers to his correspondence with Bishop Daniel.
*Master Durandus (early :.th cent.)
The comments of Master Durandus de Anglia are included among opiniones on the verb sum
appended to glosses on Priscian in Chartres, Bibliothque municipale, MS .oq (s. xii), fol. 86v.
The text is printed by R. W. Hunt, Studies on Priscian in the eleventh and twelfth centuries,
MARS : (:q:) :q.: (text, ..). The manuscript itself was destroyed in :q (Speculum
.q (:q) 6). Hunt, .o6, suggests that the teacher may be the same as Master Durandus,
master of the school at St Pauls, London, early in Henry Is reign, who appears as Durandus
scholasticus around ::o. in the mortuary roll of St Bruno (Acta SS. Oct. III (:o) ). This
person is probably also to be identied with Master Durandus, canon at St Pauls from at least
:o86 to ::::/:. (Greenway, Fasti : London, ., 8o).
Gilbert Foliot
The work entered as his sermons on St Peter and St Paul, Latin Writers, :, was
also entered from the Christ Church catalogues as Tractatus super istud Sunt duae oliuae
under Gilbert the Universal, ib. :q.
(?), Tractatus super Isti sunt duae oliuae [Za :, Apc :::]: unpr. apart from preface
among letters of Gilbert Foliot (ep. .o). The work comprises a preface and nine homi-
lies on SS. Peter and Paul, dedicated to Aelred of Rievaulx. The only manuscript and
the entries for it in the Christ Church catalogues (BC.:, BC.8b) ascribe it to Gilbert,
bishop of London; the other component in the manuscript, Aelreds Sermones de oneribus
Isaiae, is dedicated to Gilbert Foliot. The apparent reciprocity may make him the more
likely author than the earlier bishop of London, Gilbert the Universal (::).
BL MS Royal . D. xxxii (s. xiii, Christ Church), fols. :8v:68v.
Gilbert of Hoyland
(?) Sermons on Matthew: A prologue in Gilberts name, Incipit prologus Gileberti
abbatis super euangelium secundum Matheum, is followed by two ascribed sermons
(fols. 8qvqv), ed. L. C. Braceland, Gilbert of Hoyland Treatises, Epistles and Sermons
(Kalamazoo, MI, :q8:), :.88:. Both sermons are in Gilberts typical style and are
likely to be his.
6 L\+ix vni+rns
Mikkers, De vita et operibus, ., assigned to Gilbert thirty-ve additional
anonymous sermons on Matthew from this manuscript. Twenty-one of them precede
Gilberts prologue, and fteen of them are found later in the manuscript; only ve
treat a text of Matthew. These are not likely to be by the same writer.
Bodl. MS Bodley 8 (SC :8.) (s. xii/xiii) (analysis by Braceland, Gilbert of Hoyland, .
Gilbert of Stratton
Quaestiones: q. :6q, ed. R. C. Dales, Gilbert of Stratton. An early Oxford defense
of Aquinass teaching on the possibility of a beginningless world, Documenti e studi sulla
tradizione losoca medievale (:qq) .qq6 (text, .6q6).
Gilbert the Universal
(?), Tractatus super Isti sunt duae oliuae: see new note under Girnrn+ Forio+, to
whom the work may be better attributed.
*Hdda (late qth cent.), abbot of Peterborough
The Register of Robert of Swaham, now in CUL as Peterborough Cathedral, MS : (s. xiii), fol.
rv, has a short text headed Relatio Hedde abbatis; there is a second copy in Peterborough
Cathedral, MS (s. xiii), fol. qr( ); and it was also incorporated by Swahams continua-
tor, Walter of Whittlesey, in his Historia. This Relatio sets out the history of the abbeys royal
foundation in the th cent. and its missionary work in Mercia; perhaps no accident then that
it was composed in the name of Hdda, the last abbot of Peterborough before Danish raids
extinguished communal life there. The text was printed by Dugdale, Monasticon, :. , and
again by W. T. Mellows, The Chronicle of Hugh Candidus (Oxford :qq), :q6: (from Walter of
Henry VIII
Assertio septem sacramentorum aduersus Martinum Lutherum: ed. P. Fraenkel, Corpus
Catholicorum (Mnster :qq.).
Henry of Blois
The so-called Scriptura Henrici episcopi Wintoniensis et abbatis Glastoniensis is re-edited
by M. J. Franklin, English Episcopal Acta 8 Winchester .o,o.:o (London :qq), .o.::.
*Henry of Knaresborough (?:.o8)
A collection of over two hundred sermons survives that was given by Henry of Knaresborough
to Fountains abbey, now BL [awaiting accession] (s. xiii); some of the sermons derive from
well known collections but most of them are unknown elsewhere (Christies, q July .oo:, lot q).
Henry of Knaresborough, parson of Knaresborough (Yorks) from at least :::/. and of Kirkby
Stephen (Westm) from :.oo is presumed to be responsible for collecting them. A list of contents
(s. xv) on the front pastedown attributes the rst twenty-one sermons (fols. :r.r) to Henry, but
it is not apparent what reason, if any, the librarian had for this.
L\+ix vni+rns
Honorius Augustodunensis
Perhaps to be marked as a visitor to Canterbury in the :oqos rather than simply .
The suggestion that he was Irish was never very strong, and the case for his appearing
in the list at all is weak.
*Hugh Brasenose ( after :66) [Prof. R. M. Thomson]
BRUO .o.
Worcester Cathedral, MS F. ::8 (s. xiv/xv), fol. ::v, has a suppositio with the ascription
secundum magistrum Hugonem Brasenose.
Hugh Lawton OP
Quaestiones: One question was edited from the Vatican manuscript by M. Pavlik,
John Langton OCarm, Quaestio de sacramentis: text and commentary, MA diss. (St Bonavenure
University, NY, :q6) (text, ::6). This predated the recognition that Lauton (rather
than Lanton) was Hugh Lawton OP and not John Langton OCarm.
Hugh of Nonant
His open letter now ed. M. J. Franklin, English Episcopal Acta : Licheld and Coventry
..8.:o8 (:qq8), Appendix ..
Hugh of Reading
Add to the description that he was later abbot of Cluny.
Hugh of Snaith
Quaestiones: three questions (Assisi MS :8 qq. :q, :o, ::), ed. Z. Pajda, Hugo
Sneyth et ses Questions de lme, Bibliothque Thomiste 8 (Paris :qq).
Isaac of Stella
Tractatus de sacramento altaris: the evidence for this work is increased by the entry in
the Christ Church catalogue, Libellus abbatis Ysaac de concordancia canonis altaris
et sacramentis ueteris legis (BC. .).
*Gi\coxo C\rco OCarm (:)
Bale, .. :o; DBI :6. :; Farge, 6..
Potestne superstes frater fratris relictam absque liberis uxorem ducere (:o), inc. Henrico
octauo Angliae et Franciae regi (dedicatory epistle), Rationi plane consentaneum est
(preface), Potestne (text)
Private Collection (Sothebys, 8 November :q8), formerly at Wrest Park (Beds)
(HMC .nd Rept (:8), app. p. ) [Henry VIIIs copy].
*J\xrs Wnv+s+oxs (::.)
BRUO .oq.
De iustitia et sanctitate belli per Iulium ponticem II in schismaticos et tyrannos patrimonium
Petri inuadentes indicti allegationes: pr. by R. Pynson, London ::. (STC .8).
8 L\+ix vni+rns
*John Aldeburgh OCarm (mid :th cent.)
Tanner, ., refers to works on logic and on Aristotles De sensu et sensato, citing MS Collect. Bal.
Sloan. to., a reference to Bales notes in Bodl. MS Bodley , fols. .v, :r. Here Bale records
two of the titles mentioned by Tanner, De dictionibus exclusiuis, inc. Diccio exclusiua aliquando
ponitur, and De dictionibus exceptiuis, inc. Dicciones exceptiue sunt iste preter preterquam et nisi
(fol. .v). The other three titles were copied by Bale (fol. :r) from a now lost version of the
Carmelite De uiris illustribus of Arnold Bostius. The evidence for Bales saying that he ourished
c. :o (BL MS Harley 88 fol. q8v) is unclear but Bale knew that he was buried at Blakeney
(Norf) and may have seen burial records.
*John Allen (:6:), archbishop of Dublin
Tanner, :; DNB; BRUO .o.:.
For a legal opinion oered to Cardinal Wolsey on visitations, see under John Bell (:6).
De consuetudinibus ac statutis in tuitoriis causis obseruandis: unpr.; C. McNeill, Calendar of
Archbishop Alens Register c. ..,:. (Dublin :qo), .q6.
Dublin, Representative Church Body Library, Alens Register, fols. :v(:6v).
De pallii signicatione actiua et passiua: unpr.; C. McNeill, Calendar of Archbishop Alens
Register c. ..,:. (Dublin :qo), ..
Dublin, Representative Church Body Library, Alens Register, fols. .v(v).
*John Balton ( after :qq) [Prof. R. M. Thomson]
BRUO :o:.
Worcester Cathedral, MS F. (s. xv), fol. :o.r, contains Determinacio Baltone.
*John Bell (:6), bishop of Worcester
DNB; BRUO .o..o, 8q.
BL MS Royal :: B. xi (\n :.6) is described as Belli et Alani doctorum opiniones contrarie
circa uerum intellectum capituli Romana, de censibus, Sexti libri Decretalium in libello isto
extensi describuntur xnxx\i, that is a legal opinion addressed by John Bell to John Allen
(:6:), concerning visitations (Sext III .o. :), together with Allens opinion. Bell was an
adviser to the king in matters of canon law, as Allen was to Cardinal Wolsey, and these opinions
together occupy twelve leaves.
John de Berewic
Sophismata [Prof. R. M. Thomson]
Worcester Cathedral, MS Q. : (s. xiii), fols. .r(8), 6r(6).
*John Chatesden (. :oo)
Not found in Talbot & Hammond.
Tractatus de ingredientibus digestiuarum secundum magistrum Iohannem Chatesden, in which
we read, Quidam de amicis meis rogantes me ut in scriptis redigerem medicinas
digestiuas . . .; for more information he refers his read ad librum Iohannis ebe
mesue, that is Iohannes Mesue, De simplicibus medicinis (Thorndike/Kibre 8).
L\+ix vni+rns q
Sheeld, Central Library, Jackson Collection :o. (s. xv
xvi), fols. rr (MMBL,
. .66).
John Deverose
Tabula to Aristotles Ethica: not known to survive. A copy was given to Corpus
Christi College, Cambridge, by Thomas Markaunt in :q, Tabula Deueroys super
Ethica cuius secundum foliumincipit quia in quantum amicicia et pe. fo. incipit melior quam
uita (UC:. .); a second copy was bequeathed to the same college by John Tittleshall
in :8 (UC:8. 8).
John Duns Scotus
Quaestiones on Aristotles Metaphysica: DSO . .6:; ed. R. Andrews, G. J. Etzkorn,
& others, Ioannis Duns Scoti opera philosophica (St Bonaventure, NY, :qq); Lohr,
:q.; Glorieux Th. i.
John Foulsham [Dr D. V. Abramov]
There is no primary evidence for the career of John Foulsham outside Bale. The
attribution of the work to him depends only on Bale, followed by Leland, but the
existence of a manuscript of the late :th cent. makes his authorship impossible. D. V.
Abramov argues that the work is English from the :.os or os, using Grossetestes
Hexaemeron but not Bartholomews De proprietatibus rerum; his edition was due to appear
in .ooo.
(attrib.) Moralitates de naturis rerum, inc. Triplex est esse: ed. D. V. Abramov (forth-
coming); Thorndike/Kibre :8q; Bloomeld 6o8q. No manuscript evidence provides
the name of the author. The attribution to an otherwise unknown :th-cent. Carmelite
from Norfolk surely originates with Bale.
BernkastelKues, St. Nikolaus Hospital, MS .o (s. xiii), fols. 8v8v [anon., ex-
Cambridge, Trinity College, MS R. :. : (s. xiv), pp. :6 [anon., ends incom-
Bodl. MS Canonici Misc. 6 (\n :::, Italy), fols. vqv, :or::.v [anon., ex-
Oxford, Corpus Christi College, MS ..: (s. xiv, St Augustines), fols. :rv [anon.,
shortened text].
BAV MS Urb. lat. :8 (\n ::8., Urbino), fols. ::qv [anon., with omissions
but complements Cambridge MS].
Attested copies
Florence, Austin Friars, ::, summa de elementalibus et animalibus . . cuius prin-
cipium est Triplex est esse, nis uero penultime carte docet dyalectica (Zentralblatt fr
Bibliothekswesen (:88) :).
Hulne (Northumb), Carmelite convent, in :66, liber paruus qui sic incipit Tripliciter
est esse (Friars, :o).
:o L\+ix vni+rns
John of Garland ( after :.8)
The date of death c:.. was a mistaken guess by Paetow, widely accepted; he is
last known alive at the time of writing the Exempla honestae uitae (c:.8).
Praepositiones Graecae: the two manuscripts recorded show some independent circu-
lation but these lines can also be read as incorporated in Johns Compendium grammaticae
II :o68:.o. I do not know whether it was once a free-standing work or whether it
circulates as an excerpt. [Dr C. Dionisotti]
Giovanni Gigli
Fontibus e Graiis: ed. D. R. Carlson, Three Tudor epigrams, HLov (:qq6) :8q
.oo (text, :q6).
*John Grith ( after :)
Bale, Catalogus, .. :o8; Tanner, . Bales entry refers to a Cistercian of Hailes abbey, who
after the Dissolution was well known as a preacher in Hampshire. There was indeed a monk
of Hailes with this name, pensioned after the abbeys surrender (MS PRO E. 6/??? p. ??) and
granted a dispensation allowing him to hold a benece (Faculty Oce Registers ., ed. D. S.
Chambers (Oxford :q66), .o8). Emden (BRUO .o..o, .8) records an Oxford graduate of
the same name, also a Welshman, who in :8 became vicar of Holy Rood, Southampton, but
Emden had no evidence for his being a former religious. It is possible that Bale has confounded
two individuals.
John Hinton (:th cent.) [Prof. R. M. Thomson]
Suppositiones, inc. Quia ignorantibus supposiciones terminorum materies proposi-
cionum latent
Worcester Cathedral, MS F. (s. xiv
), fol. :or [expliciunt supposiciones magistri
Iohannis de Hyntone].
John Huntman
Summa logicae: ed. L. M. de Rijk, Iohannes Venator Anglicus. Logica, Grammatica
speculativa 6 (Stuttgart :qqq).
John Landreyn (:oq)
In London, University College, MS lat. :. fols. 8:., .o.: (s. xv) [now misbound], there
are two medical regimina ascribed to John Landreyn, doctorem in physica et magistrum in theo-
logia, at fols. 88r8qr; a second copy of one of them is on fol. :.r (MMBL, :. .).
John Luke [Dr C. L. Nighman]
sermon before the Council (Konstanz ::): unpr.; excerpt, ed. H. Finke, Acta
Concilii Constanciensis (Mnster :8q6:q.), .. ..
Koblenz, Landeshauptarchiv, Abt. o: Nr. :q. (s. xv), fols. :::r::8v [sermo Iohannis
Lucis anglici sacre theologie bachalarii].
L\+ix vni+rns ::
John Lutterell
sermon [Prof. R. M. Thomson]
Worcester Cathedral, MS Q. q (s. xiv), fols. :qr:qv.
* Jr\x M\irr\n+ (. :o)
Tanner, o. A Frenchman, oering himself to Henry VIII as regius orator, he is known to
have been at court in :o/:; he dedicated copies of his French cosmography to Franois I
(BNF MS fr. :8.) as well as to Henry VIII (BL MS Royal .o B. xiii).
Maillart added a dedicatory letter to the calligraphic copy of the Latin Psalter that he made
for Henry VIII, BL MS Royal . A. x\i (c:o).
Paraphrastica in precationem dominicam elegia, sixty elegiac couplets on the Lords
Prayer, presented to Henry VIII
BL MS Royal D. xiii (c:o) [presentation copy].
writings in French
John de Mallyngis ( ) [Prof. R. M. Thomson]
Writers name and title of work were both misread by Floyer in the Worcester
catalogue and therefore appeared under Robert de Mallingys.
Reportationes de causis
Worcester Cathedral, MS Q. qo (s. xiii/xiv), fols. 6r6v.
*John Neot OSB ( after :8), sometime monk of Glastonbury
BRUO .o..o, :. When Queen Mary restored conventual life at Westminster in :, John
Neot joined the community.
Robert Joseph in :. twice asks to be able to read Neots orationes composed for St
Leonards day (epp. :, :6:); these must have been mentioned in a letter from Neot and were
presumably composed for 6 November ::.
*Sir John Oldcastle (::)
Bale, Index, .; Bale, Catalogus, :. 6; Tanner, 6:; DNB.
Two Latin letters survive: the rst to Woksa of Waldstein (dated 8 September ::o), ed.
V. Novotny, M. Jana Husi Korespondence a dokumenty (Prague :q.o), no. .:; the second to King
Wenceslas (::./:), ed. J. Loserth, ber die Beziehungen zwischen englischen und bhmis-
chen Wicliten in den beiden ersten Jahrzehnten des :. Jahrhunderts, Mitteilungen des Instituts
fr sterreichisches Geschichtsforschung :. (:8q:) .6q.
The proceedings against Sir John Oldcastle in :: were incorporated in Fasciculi zizaniorum,
ed. W. W. Shirley, RS (:88), o. Here, 8q, is found the confession of faith in English
to which Bale refers.
John Paschal [Dr P. Nold]
The sermons attributed to John Paschal by John Bale, in BL MS Royal B. i, are
the work of the French cardinal Bertrand de la Tour OFM (:; C. Langlois in HLF
6 (:q.) :qo.o). This is shown by P. Nold in Carmelus (:qq8) :6..
:. L\+ix vni+rns
John of Reading OFM
Commentary on the Lombards Sentences: (I d. : q. 6) ed. G. Alliney, Fra Scoto
a Ockham: Giovanni di Reading e il debattito sulla libert a Oxford (::o:.o),
Documenti e studi sulla tradizione losoca medievale (:qq6) .68 (text, .q.68).
John Russell OFM
Commentary on the Song of Songs: a secondary witness to the text is provided by
the four manuscripts of the anonymous Franciscan work, Glossa tripartita super Cantica,
on which see K. Schepers in AFH 88 (:qq) o.. A further but incomplete copy
of Russells commentary in Reun, Stiftsbibliothek, MS 6 fols. :.:o.
John of Salisbury
Epistolae: Both letter-collections and other letters now lost are known from extracts
arranged as a tabula in Durham Cathedral, MS A. IV. 8 fols. rqv (s. xiv); A. J.
Piper, New evidence for the Becket correspondence and John of Salisburys letters,
in The World of John of Salisbury, ed. M. J. Wilks, Studies in Church History, Subsidia
(Oxford :q8), q. [Prof. Brooke]
Vita Anselmi: ed. A. Nadeau, MA diss. (Westeld College London, :q86).
Iohannes Scotus Eriugena
Glossae biblicae .IOH.: ed. J. J. Contreni & P. P. O Neill, Glossae diuinae historiae. The
Biblical Glosses of John Scottus Eriugena, Millennio medievale : (Florence :qq).
John Somer
(attrib.) Chronica quaedam breuis [:oo::.]: ed. J. I. Catto & L. R. Mooney, Cam-
den Miscellany , Camden th ser. :o (:qq8), ..:q (Cotton text), .:8 (Royal
text). Annal entries are added to a .-year Easter table beginning (unusually) in :oo:.
The attribution was added in the Cotton manuscript, perhaps in the hand of William
Worcester (:8.); the editors give circumstantial reasons for thinking that the author
of the common stock of annals may have been John Turk DTh ( by :q), fellow of
Merton (BRUO :q:6:).
BL MS Cotton Domitian A. ii fols. :8 (s. xiv
xv), fols. .rr [continued over a
period of twenty years from the :8os].
BL MS Royal : C. i (s. xv), fols. rov.
Bodl. MS Digby (s. xiv), fols. .r(:).
John of Wakeeld
Quaestiones on Aristotles Physica: unpr.; Lohr, o:. An extract from q. : (fols. .68rr
.6qr) is printed and discussed by S. Ebbesen, The more, the less: natural philosophy
and sophismata in the thirteenth century, in La nouvelle Physique du XIV sicle, ed. S.
Caroti & P. Sourin (Florence :qq), q (text, ).
L\+ix vni+rns :
John Wyclif
, Questions on Aristotles Meteora: not known to survive. Among the books given
to Syon abbey by John Bracebridge we nd Wyclyf super tres libros methereorum et
super 8 libros phisicorum (C.: erased but preserved in the index, SS.. 8; the second
part would appear to be Wyclifs Quaestiones on Aristotles Physica). This evidence is
supported by an entry in a :th-cent. catalogue from the Carolinum in Prague, F.
Wigle super Metheorum (J. Becka & J. Benda, Katalogy knihoven koleji Karlovy University
(Prague :q8), fol. 6).
*Nicholas of Broomeld OSA (:.qafter :.6), canon of Little Dunmow
Tanner, :o.
(attrib.) Annals of Little Dunmow priory [::o?:.6]: unpr. Authorship is in-
ferred from the entry in :.q, natus Nicholas de Bromfeld postea canonicus de Dun-
mawe; after :.6 there are only a few isolated entries down to :o:, but that for ::
could be by the original author. [ J. M. W. Willoughby]
BL MS Cotton Cleopatra C. iii (s. xvii), fols. .8:r.qov.
Paul the Englishman
The attribution was given currency by Goldast but is no more than a guess. The
work originated in Poland and its probable author is Petrus Wysz Radolinus (c:
::), bishop of Cracow; W. Se nko, Piotr Wysz z Radolina. I jiego dzieo Speculum aureum
(Warsaw :qq).
Peter of Blois
Poems: ed. C. Wollin, CCCM :.8 (:qq8).
Peter of Henham
Walden Chronicle: ed. D. E. Greenway & L. Watkiss, OMT (:qqq).
Peter of Ireland
Commentary on Aristotles Peri hermenias: ed. M. Dunne, Philosophes mdivaux
(Louvain :qq6). This volume also reprints Baeumkers edition of Peters Determinatio
*Peter of Kelloe OSB (early :th. cent.), monk of Durham
Tabula to Valerius Maximus Memorabilia
Durham Cathedral, MS A. IV. 8 fols. ::r:8v [?autograph].
Peter Payne
Indexes to ten works of John Wyclif are found with a general ascription to Payne
in Prague, National Library, MS X E. :: (\n :.), fols. :r:.v; four of them have
specic ascriptions to himin this copy. For some of them unascribed copies also exist in
Prague. Discussed by A. M. Hudson, Accessus ad auctorem: the case of John Wyclif,
Viator o (:qqq) . (at ), who concludes that they are unlikely to be his work.
: L\+ix vni+rns
*Petrus Ruensis ( )
Bodl. MS Lyell :6 (s. xiv, England), fols. :r:.r, is a Summula uitiorum in :: chapters, of which
the rst, Contra peccatum in genere, inc. Quis diues libenter transiret per uiam in qua certissime
sciret se spoliandum; the following text, fols. :.r:r, a sermon, Dentes tui sicut greges &c. [Ct
:.] Vox est Christi ad ecclesiam in Canticis Canticorum, is headed as chapter ::6. In the late
:th cent. the manuscript belonged to John Manby OSB ( after :q, BRUO :.:.:), a monk
of Durham, who wrote the books title on the front pastedown as Petrus Ruensis in summula
uiciorum. This author is unknown, but the surname may refer to a monk of Rochester. The
only other known copy of the work is English and anonymous, CUL MS Ff. 6. . (s. xv),
describing itself as Tractatus ualde bonus de exemplis naturalibus, habundancia exemplorum
et similitudinum cum moralitate multum utili (Bloomeld 8o).
Ralph Acton, Ralph of Arundel
Both entries refer to Radulfus Ardens, whose date of death should be corrected to
after ::o:.
Ralph of Battle OSB (c:oo::.), monk of Caen, prior of Rochester, later abbot of
R. W. Southern, St Anselm and his English pupils, MARS : (:q:) .q; id. St Anselm and his
Biographer (Cambridge :q6), .o6q.
In the early Rochester manuscript the prologue to De peccatore et ratione is inscribed prologus
Rodul monachi et peccatoris, whomBale, Catalogus, :. :q, conjecturally identied with Ralph,
monk of Westminster and prior of Hurley, that is Ralph of Arundel (:..). Southern in :q:
recognized the group of texts in three closely related copies and proposed to identify their author
with Anselms pupil and successor, Ralph dEscures, who was bishop of Rochester ::o8:::. By
:q6 he had changed his opinion and argued that Ralph, monk of Caen, who came to England
with Lanfranc and served until ::o as prior of Rochester, was a more likely identication; this
attribution has won widespread agreement.
De octo a monachis obseruandis: ed. L. DAchry, Beati Lanfranci opera omnia (Paris :68),
repr. PL :o. 6q; ed. D. H. Farmer, Studia monastica :: (:q6q) :q.q.
BL MS Royal A. iii (s. xii
, Bardney), fols. v().
BL MS Royal 8 E. x\ii (s. xiii/xiv), fols. :qr(.:).
BL MS Royal :. C. i (s. xii, Rochester), fols. 6:v(66).
Bodl. MS Fairfax : (SC 8q) (s. xii, Louth Park), fol. 6 [part, with commentary].
Bodl. MS Laud Misc. 6 (s. xii, St Albans), fols. .r.qv.
Oxford, Brasenose College, MS :. (s. xv), fol. :q.v(:q) [ascr. Lanfranc].
Oxford, St Johns College, MS :o (s. xv), fols. r(6).
De peccatore et de ratione, inc. Cum primum istud opus incepi (prol.), In hac medi-
tatione peccator
BL MS Royal A. iii (s. xii
, Bardney), fols. :r().
BL MS Royal :. C. i (s. xii, Rochester), fols. .v(6:).
Bodl. MS Laud Misc. 6 (s. xii, St Albans), fols. :r.r.
De perpetua uirginitate sanctae Mariae, inc. De nostra Domina sancta Maria dulcissima
L\+ix vni+rns :
BL MS Royal :. C. i (s. xii, Rochester), fols. ( )().
Oxford, St Johns College, MS :o (s. xv), fols. :oqv(::.).
Bodl. MS Laud Misc. 6 (s. xii, St Albans), fols. :vv.
Fides exposita de ueritate corporis et sanguinis Domini, inc. Credo quod panis et uinum
que preparantur
BL MS Royal A. iii (s. xii
, Bardney), fols. v(o).
BL MS Royal :. C. i (s. xii, Rochester), fols. 66r( ).
Bodl. MS Laud Misc. 6 (s. xii, St Albans), fols. .qv:v.
Fides exposita quomodo creditur unus Deus trinitas et trinitas unus Deus, inc. Credo adoro
et ueneror unum Deum
BL MS Royal A. iii (s. xii
, Bardney), fols. 8v(6).
BL MS Royal :. C. i (s. xii, Rochester), fols. :or(::).
Meditatio cuiusdam Christiani de de, inc. Quicunque in sanctitate desiderat procere
BL MS Royal A. iii (s. xii
, Bardney), fols. or(8).
BL MS Royal :. C. i (s. xii, Rochester), fols. v(:o).
Bodl. MS Laud Misc. 6 (s. xii, St Albans), fols. v.v.
Oxford, St Johns College, MS :o (s. xv), fols. 6v(6).
(attrib.) Orationes et meditationes: Thirteen prayers and meditations follow the works of Ralph
in Bodl. MS Laud Misc. 6, fols. v8r, which Southern, MARS : (:q:) ::q, .,
argued were by the same author. Most of this group is found together in a number of French
manuscripts and was incorporated in collections of such prayers and meditations under the
name of Axsrrx.
*R\rrn or Br\t\\is (. ::o::8o)
Ralph is referred to by Helinand as his teacher and a former pupil of Abelard: Huius etiamPetri
Abaelardi discipulus fuit magister meus, qui me docuit a puero, Radulfus, natione Anglicus,
cognomento grammaticus ecclesiae Beluacensis, uir tam in diuinis quam in saecularibus litteris
eruditus (PL .:.. :oD). He was praised by Gerald of Wales (Speculum ecclesiae, pref.) and gures
as a correspondent of Peter of Blois (ep. 6).
R. W. Hunt, Studies on Priscian in the twelfth century . The school of Ralph of Beauvais,
MARS . (:qo) :6 (at :::6). The surviving copies are unascribed, but their relationship
with ascribed attestations in medieval catalogues provide a basis for identication; Hunt dis-
cusses the internal evidence for common authorship.
Liber Titan, inc. Quandoque nomini quod per appellationem (appositionem)
Bern, Burgerbibliothek, MS :q (s. xiii), fols. ::6r:v [anon.].
BL MS Add. :68o (s. xiii), fols. :::r::qv [anon.].
Attested copies
Canterbury, c:oo, Summa eiusdem [sc. R. Beluacensis] qui uocatur Tytan (BC.
Waltham, c:.oo, Titan magistri Radul cum questionibus dialectice et grammatice
(A8. 8).
:6 L\+ix vni+rns
Summa super Donatum, inc. Quia grammatica prima est artium
Brugge, Stadsbibliotheek, MS (s. xiii), fol. ::v [beginning of text only].
BL MS Add. :68o (s. xiii), fols. :.v:.r.
Attested copy
Canterbury, Christ Church, c:oo, Summa magistri R. Beluacensis super Donatum
(BC. 6d).
(?) Verba praeceptiua, inc. Verba preceptiua tam cum datiuo quam cum accusatiuo:
part ed. E. Kalinka, Wiener Studien :6 (:8q) .88qo [from the incomplete Paris MS].
The work is anonymous in all copies and has not the merit of an attribution in the
medieval catalogues, but it sometimes circuates with Ralphs work and Hunt observes
that it has much in common with his Liber Titan.
BL MS Add. :68o (s. xiii), fols. :.or:.v.
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, MS M. q sup. (s. xiii), fols. :or(:qv).
BNF MS lat. :8o. (s. xii), fols. :r( ) [ends imperfect].
Tarragona, Biblioteca pblica provincial, MS (s. xii/xiii), fols. :.v::v.
Attested copies
Evesham, given by Thomas of Marlborough, c:.oo, multas notas de arte grammatica
cum uerbis preceptiuis (B.q. :).
Waltham, c:.oo (A8. q).
Ralph of Coggeshall
Chronicon terrae sanctae is anonymous and was associated with Ralph by Bale only on
the strength of its surviving in a Coggeshall copy of Ralphs Chronicon Anglicanum, with
a reference at the end to the work of Richard de Templo that may have been added by
Ralph; Stubbs expressed strong doubts about the attribution (RS 8/: (:86), lvlvi),
and James Willoughby thinks the text is more likely to be a chronicle from a military
order. [ J. M. W. Willoughby]
*Ralph OGilb ( after :.o), canon and sacrist of Sempringham
Identied by R. Foreville as the likely author of Vita S. Gileberti, ed. R. Foreville &
G. Keir, OMT (:q8); see discussion, lxxiiilxxv. Perhaps further to be identied with
Radulfus de Insula, a member of the legation to Rome to urge the canonization.
Ranulf OCist (:.th cent.), monk of Fountains, later abbot of Lysa in Norway
Leland, Scriptores, :86, :88; Bale, Catalogus, .. :qo (Ranulphus Cisterciensis); Tanner, 6:6.
The name was taken by Leland from Hugh of Kirkstall, but he had no direct evidence for
treating him as a writer.
(attrib.) Passio et miracula beati Olaui: ed. T. Metcalfe, Anecdota Oxoniensia (:88:);
BHL 6... So attributed by D. L. T. Bethell, Fountains abbey and the state of
St Marys York in ::., JEH : (:q66) ::. at .on. Metcalfe had attributed the
whole work to Eystein, archbishop of Nidaros ::6:::88, who was only responsible for
the latter part, Tractatus S. Augustini episcopi. The author of the rst part was not
Norwegian. Ranulf was abbot of Lysa but retired in old age to Fountains; the only
L\+ix vni+rns :
extant copy, from Fountains, is bound in a Norwegian sealskin. Eystein had contacts
with the monks of Lysa.
Oxford, Corpus Christi College, MS .oq (s. xiii, Fountains).
Reginald of Canterbury
Carmina: reference to Liebermanns edition should read Neues Archiv : (:888) :q
6 (as correctly under Thomas II, archbishop of York).
Reginald of Walsingham (:th cent.) [Prof. Thomson]
Date must be earlier than in published handlist; R. M. Thomson points to Roger
Computistas Liber de signis monachorum as evidence.
Tanner, 6...
Evidence of date comes from a second copy, now Wolfenbttel, Herzog-August-
Bibliothek, MS :6o. : Extra. (s. xii, England). [Prof.
*Richard Bromsgrove OSB (:), abbot of Evesham
Tanner, :.; DNB; BRUO . xvi.
Tanner refers to the register of his abbacy at Evesham, now BL MS Cotton Titus C. ix.
There he found mention of his writing something de fraterna correctione canonice exercenda
(fol. .).
Ricn\nn or Cinrxcrs+rn OSB (:o:), monk of Westminster
Ralph Hannas drawing attention to this entry (JML 8 (:qq8) .) combined with
my regret at omitting Bertrams forgery has led me to revise the entry.
Tanner, 6., 6o; DNB; Pearce, :oo. Bale has several entries that are confusing: Richardus
Cicestrius, monachus Westmonasteriensis (Index, :.; Bale, Catalogus, :. o) describes Ranulf
Higdens Polychronicon, while Ricardus de Cyrencestria (Index, ) seems more likely to be
Richard Wyche. This and other confusion over Richards work are examined by J. E. B. Mayor,
RS o/.. xixvii.
(& others) inventory (:88): ed. J. Wickham Legg, Archaeologia . (:8qo) :q.86.
Speculum historiale de gestis regum Angliae [:o66]: ed. J. E. B. Mayor, RS o (:86
CUL MS Ff. :. .8 (s. xiv).
(?) Tractatus super symbolum maius et minus: not identied. There was a copy at
Peterborough in the late :th cent. (MS T. iv). The attribution in the Peterborough
catalogue to Master Richard de Cicestre was taken by Tanner to refer to the monk of
:8 L\+ix vni+rns
Liber de ociis ecclesiasticis, inc. Ocium est: not known to survive, but cited by
William Woodford in his Contra Trialogum Wyclif (ed. Brown, :. :qo). The work is said
by Kirkstead (Ko.; Bale, Index, ) to be in seven books, but the author is given
as Richard of Cirencester, bishop of Chichester, a confused name that may point to
Richard Wyche. In any case Kirkstead is unlikely to have included a writer still living.
modern forgery
, De situ Britanniae: ed. C. Bertram (Copenhagen :8), repr. in W. Stukeley, Itinerar-
ium curiosum (London :6), q:68. The author is named as Ricardus Corinensis,
monk of Westminster; Corinium is the Roman name for Cirencester. The work, anal-
ysed and discussed by Mayor, RS o/.. xviiclxiv, is a forgery perpetrated by Charles
Bertram (:.:6), given currency by William Stukeley (:68:6), and exposed by
B. B. Woodward (:8:6:86q) in :866.
Richard Ferrybridge
Logica: (fols. 8rb8qva) ed. M. Bertagna, La denizione della modalit nella sec-
onda parte della Logica di Richard Ferrybridge, Documenti e studi sulla tradizione losoca
medievale q (:qq8) 8o (text, :o); (fols. 8qvqov) ed. M. Bertagna, La teoria
dell inferenza nelle opere di Richard Ferrybridge, Documenti e studi sulla tradizione
losoca medievale (:qq) .6 (text, :6).
Richard Fishacre
Quaestio on the eternity of the world: ed. R. J. Long, The rst Oxford debate on
the eternity of the world, RTPM 6 (:qq8) q6 (text, 68q6).
Quaestio on light, an additional note on the Lombards Sentences, II :. .: ed. R.
J. Long & T. B. Noone, Fishacre and Rufus on the metaphysics of light: two unedited
texts, in Roma Magistra mundi. Mlanges Leonard Boyle (Louvain :qq8), .. :8 (text,
Richard Fleming [Dr C. L. Nighman]
An additional sermon from the Council at Konstanz was identied by J. B.
Schneyer, who mistook the dating evidence provided by the manuscript; C. L.
Nighman, New dating for Ecce sedes posita in caelo, a sermon by Richard Fleming
at the Council of Constance, Notes & Queries .o (new ser. .) (:qq), .
His sermons before the Council at Konstanz are now edited by C. L. Nighman,
Reform and Humanism in the Sermons of Richard Fleming at the Council of Constance (..,), PhD
diss. (University of Toronto :qq6). One has appeared in print, ed. C. L. Nighman, Ac-
cipiant qui vocati sunt: Richard Flemings Reform Sermon at the Council of Constance,
JEH : (.ooo), :6 (text, ????).
Sir Richard Morison
His notes on passages from the Old Testament, dated : October :, are now bound among
miscellaneous papers as BL MS Royal C. x\i fols. .:.(..8); calendared in Letters and Papers of
the reign of Henry VIII , :./.. :6: (no. qo).
L\+ix vni+rns :q
Liber dominorum et tenentium, also headed Rerum ac muniorum clientelarium liber primus:
unpr.; G. R. Elton, Reform by statute: Thomas Starkeys Dialogue and Thomas
Cromwells policy, Proceedings of the British Academy (:q68) :688 (at :8o).
The text is a draft version in Latin of the common law on tenures and services;
its origin is explained by a separate preface in English, Perswasion to the King that
the laws of the realme shulde be in Latin; the two are uniformly bound though now
shelved separately. Both are anonymous, but the draft of the preface exists in another
manuscript, from where the correcting hand was identied as Morisons (Letters and
Papers of the reign of Henry VIII , :. o (app. .)).
BL MS Cotton Faustina C. ii (c:6), fols. r(..) [authors draft of preface].
BL MS Royal :8 A. r (c:6) [preface] + Royal :: A. x\i (c:6) [specimen of
proposed version].
Richard Pace
(attrib.) Julius exclusus e caelis (::): printed anonymously, [Louvain ?::8], &c.;
ed. W. K. Ferguson, Erasmi opuscula (The Hague :q), 6:.. Erasmus was suspected
of being the author, and, though he denied it, the work has been printed among his
works; editions listed by Ferguson, 6.. A persuasive attribution to Richard Pace
has been argued by C. M. Curtis, Richard Pace on pedagogy, counsel and satire, PhD diss.
(Cambridge :qq).
Basel, Universittsbibliothek, MS A. ix. 6 (\n ::6) [in the hand of Bonifacius Amerbach
of Basel].
Richard Rufus
Commentary on the Lombards Sentences: (II d. : q. :) ed. R. J. Long & T. B.
Noone, Fishacre and Rufus on the metaphysics of light: two unedited texts, in Roma
Magistra mundi. Mlanges Leonard Boyle (Louvain :qq8), .. :8 (text, 8).
Richard Wyche
letter to Jan Hus: There is a better edition than the one cited; ed. V. Novotny, M.
Jana Husi Korespondence a dokumenty (Prague :q.o), no. ... [Prof. A. M. Hudson]
Ricn\nn Yotxo (::8), bishop of Bangor, later bishop of Rochester
C. T. Allmand, A bishop of Bangor during the Glyn Dwr revolt: Richard Young, Journal of the
Historical Society of the Church in Wales . (:q68) 6.
Tractatus de sedatione schismatis Via, ueritas, uita (:q), inc. Occurrit quod scribitur Jo.
xiiii et transumptiue in parte viii di. Si consuetudinem [D. 8 c. ] et xii (sic) q. iii c. Abiit [C.
:: q. c. 8], scilicet Via ueritas et uita [ Jo ::6]. Ambulandum est igitur in uia quamuis
dura, per quam deuenitur ad ueritatem et de ueritate ad uitam: unpr.; M. M. Harvey,
Solutions to the Schism. A study of some English attitudes .,8 to .o, Kirchengeschichtliche
Quellen und Studien :. (St. Ottilien :q8), :o6:oq. Harvey, ::.6, also discusses two
draft letters in BL MS Harley : (s. xv), fols. .rv + ::rv, ::rv, which so closely
resemble Youngs tract of :q that they must either be by Young or by someone who
was using his earlier work.
.o L\+ix vni+rns
BAV MS Vat. lat. : (s. xv), fols. qr:oor [ascr. per dominum Richardum Ingh].
NB MS o6 (s. xv), fols. .r8v [ascr.].
Robert of Cricklade
Date of death can hardly be after ::88 as stated; apparently dead not later than
:: (Emden).
Robert the Englishman (late :th cent.)
Canones de astrolabio: by Ronrn+ or Cnrs+rn, under whose name the work already
appears correctly.
*Robert Gilbert (:8), bishop of London [Dr C. L. Nighman]
BRUO 66.
sermon before the Council (Konstanz ::): unpr.; H. Finke, Acta Concilii Constan-
ciensis (Mnster :8q6:q.), .. 6 (as Master Robert); J. B. Schneyer, Konstanzer
Konzilspredigten, Zeitschrift fr die Geschichte des Oberrheins :: (:q6), 8.
Berlin [cited by Finke].
Cracow [ascr.; cited by Schneyer].
Robert Lechlade
sermon (Oxford :q): ed. S. Wenzel, Traditio (:qq8) .o.o (text, .o6..).
Robert the Lotharingian
What is the evidence for his work as an Arabist and an astronomer? Nothing
more, I suspect, than William of Malmesburys words, omnium liberalium artium
peritissimus, abacum precipue et lunarem compotum et celestium cursum astrorum
rimatus (Gesta ponticum, ed. Hamilton, oo).
Robert de Mallingys [Prof. R. M. Thomson]
A misreading in the Worcester catalogue gave rise to this error for John de Mal-
Robert Whittington
Pumex in calcographi mendas: ed. D. R. Carlson, Three Tudor epigrams, HLov
(:qq6) :8q.oo (text, :q8q).
*Robert de Tautona OSA (late :.th cent.), canon of Bodmin
The canon may be named from Tawton (Devon) or, since the reading of his name could equally
well be Tantona, from Taunton (Som).
, De corpore S. Petroci furato et restituto, an account of the relic theft of ::, incorporated
in the dossier on St Petroc: ed. P. Grosjean, Vie et miracles de S. Petroc, AB (:q6)
::88, oq6 (text, :88); BHL ???.
Gotha, Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek, MS Memb. I 8: (s. xiv, England), fols. :r
L\+ix vni+rns .:
*Robert of Woodkirk OSA (::qq), prior of Nostell
The probable author of version B of the foundation-legend of St Andrews, written
::::; M. O. Anderson in The Scottish Tradition. Essays in honour of Ronald Gordon
Cant, ed. G. W. S. Barrow (St Andrews :q).
Robert of Worcester
The augmented version of the ordinary gloss on Matthew, one of several works attributed by
Stegmller to Robert of Worcester (Bibl. q6, qq8), an unknown gure, is also found with
a prologue signed R. Wigorn. in Salamanca, Biblioteca de la universidad, MS ..o (s. xiii),
fols. :r( ). This copy was not listed by Stegmller. The only one with any appearance of an a
scription in his list is BAVMS Vat. lat. q:: (s. xiii), fols. ::q, ascribed, he suggests to Robertus
canonicus archib. (so Stegmller); the name is an owner or donor inscription, partly erased,
on an endleaf, fol. :8oAr, Matheus Rob archid [[ * * ]] canon s [[ * * ]], and
neither preface nor text contains any indication of authorship. Investigation of the Salamanca
manuscript is needed.
The rest of Stegmllers entry would appear to be extrapolation to other works contained
in manuscripts that have this text without ascription.
Roger Computista (:th cent.) [Prof. Thomson]
Atext surviving in two :th-cent. copies provides evidence that changes his inferred
date from :th cent. to :th cent.
(?) Liber de signis monachorum: unpr.; R. M. Thomson, The Archives of the abbey of
Bury St Edmunds, Suolk Records Society .: (:q8o), :o. The text survives unascribed
in two custumal collections from Bury; the heading is Prologus in libro de signis
monachorum domino Rogero Compotiste misso.
CUL MS Add. 6oo6 (s. xiii, Bury), fols. ivxi
+ 6v8or (Thomson, :o).
BL MS Harley :oo pt (s. xiii, Bury), fols. .or.:or (Thomson, :).
Sedulius Scottus
Collectaneum in Apostolum: ed. H. J. Frede & H. Stanjek, Vetus Latina. Aus der
Geschichte der lateinschen Bibel :. (Freiburg :qq6).
*Seger OSB ( ), monk of Peterborough
Several titles are mentioned in the Matricularium of the library at Peterborough, but none has
been identied: poenitentiale a canonibus compendiose extractum (BP.:..d) and liber pen-
itencialis per decreta et decretales eectus (BP.:..j) are presumably the same; so perhaps is
his Tractatus de confessione (BP.:.:c). The work titled Summa Segeri occurs with books on
the same topic and may again be the same work.
Senatus of Worcester [N. E. Karn]
Add ep. 6 to Walter of Coutances, archbishop of Rouen, and renumber ep. 6 as ep.
; the Bodleian manuscript contains epp. :, but one was omitted from the catalogue
.. L\+ix vni+rns
Simeon of Durham
Simeon should have against his name in the text (as he does in the Index of
Surnames). My reading of Piper and Gullick in Anglo-Norman Durham (:qq) led me
to conclude that he was almost certainly a Norman from the household of Bishop
William of Saint-Calais, but I must have had a failure of nerve in the text. Gullick has
now strengthened the case, which is accepted by Rollason, Symeon of Durham (Stamford
:qq8), .
Libellus de exordio et procursu ecclesiae Dunelmensis: ed. D. W. Rollason, OMT (.ooo).
Simon of Hinton
Postills on Job: the same text is listed under Simon of Hinton and Williamof Alton.
Authorship unresolved, but the mistake was made by Kaeppeli as well as Stegmller.
Thomas Bradwardine
De continuo: part ed. V. P. Zoubov, Traktat Bradvardina O kontinououmi ,
Istoriko-matematitcheskii issledovania : (:q6o) 8o [BAMAT 6. :.o].
Thomas de Braundeston OFM ( after :.8)
Michael of Cesena writes of fratre Thoma de Braunceston de Anglia, nicromantico, alchimista,
haeretico as someone ejected from the order in England who was none the less allowed to live as
a secular in the papal court at Avignon by John XXII (ed. G. Gl & D. Flood, Nicolaus Minorita,
Chronica. Documentation on Pope John XXII, Michael of Cesena and the Poverty of Christ (St Bonaventure,
NY, :qq6), :q.o. In :.8 he was allowed to transfer from the Franciscans to the Dominicans
(Bullarium Franciscanum, vol. , no. .o).
Thomas Chestereld [Prof. Brooke]
Chestereld was merely the donor of one copy of the work. It is suggested that
the author of the history was Alan of Ashbourne, whose autograph is BL MS Cotton
Cleopatra D. ix; the date of the manuscript should be amended to s. xiv) (Brooke
in English Episcopal Acta : Coventry and Licheld .o,:.. (:qq), :.).
Thomas of Chobham
Summa de commendatione uirtutum et extirpatione uitiorum: ed. F. Morenzoni, CCCM 8.B
Thomas of Elmham [Fr R. Copsey]
Verses on a statue at Nottingham of St John the Baptist dressed as a Carmelite: ed.
R. Copsey (forthcoming). The text survives together with a brief riposte in a transcript
made by Bale: Hos uersos scripsit Elyngham, monachus et prior de Lenton, quia in
conuentu Notynghamie Johannem Baptistam induerunt uestem et habitum Carmeli:
Christi Baptista te uestis non decet ista. / Qui te uestiuit fratrem, maledictus abiuit
. . . Responsio eiusdem Sancti Johannis Baptiste: Elyngham mentiris metris fatuis
quaque miris . . . (Bodl. MS Bodley , fol. 8v).
L\+ix vni+rns .
*Thomas Gilbert (:o)
Tanner, :; BRUO 68.
Tanner attributed to Thomas Gilbert the Summa abstinentiae on the basis of the ascription
in Bodl. MS D. : Art. 8, now MS Bodley . (SC .6o) (s. xiii), edita a quodam fratre Thoma
[deleted] de ordine minorum nomine Gilberto. The work is the widely known Summa abstinentiae,
discussed under the names Gilbertus Magnus OCist and Dovxn\x.
*Thomas Paynell OSA (:6)
Bale, Catalogus, :. .-; Tanner, 8.; DNB; BRUO .o.o, 8, .8o.
Oxford, St Johns College, MS 8o, is a notebook from Paynells studies at Paris; it bears the
date :o. From :.8 he was prolic in publishing English translations from Latin and French.
He bequeathed more than one hundred printed books, all Latin, to St Johns College.
Thomas Scrope [Fr R. Copsey]
De institutione ordinis sui: the date given for the manuscript is obviously wrong, since
it predates both work and author; A. Staring dates this book to \n :6..
Thomas Wilton
Quaestiones on Aristotles Physica: (III qq. 6) C. Trifogli, Due questioni sul movi-
mento nel commento alla Physica di Thomas Wylton, Medioevo .: (:qq) [:qq6] :
(text, :); (IV q. 6) C. Trifogli, Thomas Wylton on the immobility of place, RTPM
6 (:qq8) :q (text, .q).
Quaestio de innitate uigoris Dei, inc. Vtrum essentia diuina sit perfectio innita
intensiue: ed. E. Jung-Palczewska, La qustion quodlibtique De innitate uigoris Dei
de Thomas de Wylton, AHDLMA 6 (:qq) o (text, o).
Remove the erroneous from his name.
Uthred of Boldon
Libellus de fundationibus monasteriorum in Anglia: not known to survive but cited in
a catalogue of monastic foundations in Oxford, Corpus Christi College, MS D. .6
(s. xvi), fols. :q6v:q8r, referring to the Anglo-Saxon minster in York, ut habetur
per uenerabilem doctorem Utredum in libello suo de fundationibus monasteriorum in
Anglia. Might it lie behind the similar work of Prior John Washington?
Walter Burley
De formis [p. .], inc. Notandum quod materia prima est materia remotissima re-
spectu cuiuscumque compositi ex ea: ed. F. J. D. Scott, Texte aus der mittelalterlichen
Geisteswelt (Munich :qo); Weisheipl, no. ..
Quaestiones de uniuersalibus [p. :.]: ed. H.-U. Whler, Abhandlungen der schsischen
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig / (:qq8) (text, :o66).
. L\+ix vni+rns
Quaestiones in III de Anima [p. :]: ed. E. A. Synan, Questions on the De Anima of
Aristotle by Master Adam Burley and Dominus Walter Burley (Leiden :qq), 6:6.
Walter Chatton
Quaestio de continuo: reference should read Franciscan Studies .6 (:q66) .:.88.
Walter of Oddington
Ycocedron philosophiae: ed. P. D. Thomas, Wichita State University Bulletin (:q68)
. (text, .o) [from the BL copy, which Singer 6o had thought might be a reworked
version, a view not sustained by Thomas].
Amend headline to read W\r+nror OSA, later OCist (::q), prior of Kirkham,
later abbot of Melrose
William of Alnwick
Determinationes: (det. :) ed. T. B. Noone, The origin, nature, and function of the
formal distinction, Franciscan Studies (:qq) [:qq] .:6: (text, .66:];
Sermo de natiuitate Domini, inc. Verbum caro factum est &c. [ Jo :::]
Assisi, Biblioteca comunale, MS 6q (s. xiv), fol. ov [Almuich; the sermon is
abridged, hoc breue uerbum de uerbo abreviato ad litteram] (Cenci, 8q).
*William Alnwick OSB (c:6q:q), monk of St Albans, bishop of Norwich, later
bishop of Lincoln
A copy of his sermons is referred to in the index to the Syon catalogue (SS.. :8q).
William of Alton
Postills on Job: see comment under Simon of Hinton.
*William Doune (:6:), archdeacon of Leicester
BRUO 88.
M. J. Haren, Sin and Society in Fourteenth-Century England. A Study of the Memoriale Presbiterorum
(Oxford .ooo), 68, constructs a very plausible circumstantial argument for attributing the
work to William Doune during the years :/8 when he was still a member of the household
of John Grandisson, bishop of Exeter.
(attrib.) Memoriale presbyterorum, inc. Cum animaduerterem quam plurimos pres-
biteros parochiales
Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS :8 (s. xiv).
CUL MS Mm. . (ss. xivxv), fols. 68r6qv [extr.].
BL MS Harley :.o (s. xv), fols. :r:or.
Bodl. MS Selden Supra q (SC .) (s. xiv, Merton), fols. r68r.
Westminster Diocesan Archives, MS H. 8 pt. : (s. xv).
L\+ix vni+rns .
*William the Englishman (late :th cent.)
The writer is unidentied, but his sources include Henry of Gents Quodlibet : (after Christmas
Vtrum iste terminus Homo secundum unam rationem indierens sit ad supposita eius exis-
tentia et non existentia: ed. H. Anzulewicz & G. Krieger, Eine Guillelmus Anglicus
zugeschriebene quaestio Vtrum iste terminus Homo secundum unam rationem indierens sit ad
supposita eius existentia et non existentia: Einleitung und Textausgabe, RTPM 6 (:qq)
.8 (text, 68).
SBB PK MS lat. fol. 6 (s. ), fols. .ov..r [ascr. magistri Guillelmi anglici]
(described by H. Anzulewicz in Scriptorium 6 (:qq.) .8., continued in RTAM
6o (:qq) ::.:).
*William de Hotot OSB ( after :.q), abbot of Peterborough
Tanner, :. First among the books given by him to the library at Peterborough is Antissiodor-
ensis abbreuiatus (BP8. :), which appears in the Matricularium as Collaciones domini Willelmi
de Hotot abbatis de sentencia magistri W. Autissiodorensis (BP.:. .qa); since the latter does
not usually refer to donors, the abbot may perhaps be taken to be the abbreviator.
William Lissye OP (late :th cent.) [Fr A. Sulavic]
Dominican rather than Franciscan, apparently from Burgundy, William de Luxi OP (Kaeppeli,
.. :oq::). Merton College, MS :8 (s. xiv), Bales source, has preserved all the commentaries
listed, Kaeppeli :66q.
William of Malmesbury
Gesta regum Anglorum: ed. R. A. B. Mynors, R. M. Thomson, & M. Winterbottom,
OMT (:qq8q).
Historia nouella: revised edition of Potter and Mynorss text, ed. E. J. King, OMT
William of Newburgh
Sermones: manuscripts now traced. Printed by Hearne from a book borrowed from
Sir Thomas Sebright, now BL MS Stowe 6. (s. xii/xiii, Newburgh), and presumed
to be Williams own because the manuscript contains the earliest copy of his Historia,
supervised by the author. Other copies in Lambeth Palace, MS (s. xiii, Buildwas),
fols. :or:.:r [copied from Stowe MS and used by Hearne to make good the damage
in that book], and two sermons in Bodl. MS Rawlinson C. : (s. xii
, St Albans), fols.
William of Poitiers
Gesta Willelmi: ed. R. H. C. Davis & M. M. Chibnall, OMT (:qq8).
William Pore
Nouale: ed. T. Haye, Studi medievali (:qq6) 8. (text, :q).
.6 L\+ix vni+rns
*Williamof Saint-Calais OSB [:oq6], abbot of Saint-Vincent, Le Mans, later bishop
of Durham
According to Simeon of Durhams Libellus IV , Bishop William wrote frequent letters (sacre
admonitionis littere) to the monks of Durham during his absences, which were read weekly in
chapter and preserved by the monks in his memory. One of these letters is quoted (ib. IV 6) by
way of example.
*William Segrith OP ( )
Tanner, 66o, noted from the index of the Syon catalogue, Willelmus Segrith ordinis predica-
torum de prouisionibus ecclesiarum D. : fo. q:, part of a series of short pieces on this subject
(SS.. :dj).
William of Sudbury
This work was described as unidentied. Tanners reference is still untraced, but
the work is known.
De primis regalibus ornamentis regni Angliae, dedicated to Richard II, incorporated in
Richard of Cirencester, Speculum historiale de gestis regum Angliae, III .: ed. J. E. B. Mayor,
RS o (:86q), .. .q. [Prof. S. D. Keynes]
Do these two copies noted in the margin by Mayor preserve the text independently?
?BL MS Cotton Claudius A. \iii (s. ), fols. :6 ???.
?BL MS Cotton Faustina A. iii (s. ), ???.
*William de Turba OSB (::), prior and later bishop of Norwich
Greatrex, 6.
C. Harper-Bill, Bishop William Turbe and the diocese of Norwich ::6::, Anglo-Norman
Studies (:q8) :.6o.
Letters addressed to Williamas a young schoolboy at Norwich survive in the letter-collection
of Herbert de Losinga (:::q) (F. Barlow, The English Church .o.. (London :qq), .:.).
They are mostly concerned with verse composition.
Three letters in Williams name as bishop in ::66 were included in the Liber S. Gilleberti, ed.
R. Foreville & G. Keir, OMT (:q8), :, :6q; these belong in the category of his ocial
Verses on Thomas Becket, inc. Annus millenus centenus septuagenus: four lines
quoted with ascription in one copy of the Chronicle of Gervase of Canterbury, CUL
MS Ff. :. .q (ed. Stubbs, RS /:. ..n); the rst couplet was also quoted by Gerald
of Wales, with ascription in the Vita S. Remigii, c. . (ed. Dimock, RS .:/. 6), and
without in his Expugnatio Hibernica I .o (ed. Dimock, RS .:/. .6., ed. Scott & Martin,
n) and in a near verbatim passage in De principis instructione II (ed. Warner, RS .:/8.
:6:); again without ascription at the end of William tz Stephens Vita (ed. Robertson,
RS 6/. :); four lines were added in the margin of his Chronicle by Robert de
Torigni (ed. Howlett, RS 8./. .q); and the rst couplet was also quoted by Roger of
Howden, Chronica (ed. Howlett, RS :/.. :); WIC :.6.
L\+ix vni+rns .
The opening couplet serves as the beginning of a poem surviving without ascrip-
tion only in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS q (s. xiv), fol. :6rv. The next
two lines dier from the four-line quotation, and the relationship is not established.
Copies of the opening verses in other manuscripts are noted by Walther and by A. J.
Duggan, Thomas Becket. A Textual History of his Letters (Oxford :q8o), .6n:
Alenon, Bibliothque municipale, MS :.q (s. xiii, Charterhouse of Val-Dieu), fol. :r
[added in lower margin].
Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS :o (s. xii), fol. ...v [couplet].
Dijon, Bibliothque municipale, MS .:q (s. ), fol. r [couplet].
vreux, Bibliothque municipale, MS lat. :o (s. xiii, Lyre), fol. 8r [four lines after
John of Salisburys Vita and William of Combes poem Ante chaos iurgia].
Bodl. MS Bodley oq (SC .6.) (s. xii/xiii), fol. :.r [couplet at end of John of Salis-
burys Vita].
Bodl. MS Douce .8 (s. xii, Lessness), fol. 6v [couplet].
*William Ware ( after :qq)
BRUO :q86.
Consequentiae, inc. Consequencia est aggregatum ex antecedente et consequente
(a modied version of a work considered by L. M. de Rijk, Logica Oxoniensis, [FULL
REF?] :6; N. J. Green-Pedersen, Early British treatises on consequences, in The Rise
of British Logic, ed. P. O. Lewry (Toronto :q8), .8o (at oo)).
Worcester Cathedral, MS F. ::8 (s. xv), fols. v8r [expliciunt consequencie correcte
per magistrum Willelmum Ware].
William Woodford
Defensorium fratrum mendicantium contra Armachanum: ed. M. Lescuyer, diss. (cole
nationale des chartes :qq).
letter to Abbo of Fleury: the manuscript reference is incorrect; read St. Gallen,
Kantonalsbibliothek, Vadianische Sammlung, MS . [Prof. Dr. H. Gneuss]
* Holbeche ( )
Unidentied preacher to whom are ascribed two sermons in the sermon collection assembled
by Nicnor\s Pnirir OFM. From the locations at which sermons were preached, he is most
unlikely to be Lawrence Holbeach OSB, early :th-cent. monk of Ramsey.
Percival Dr P. D. Clarke
This entry should be cancelled. The work at Clare Hall c. :o (UC:o.6) can
be identied as the work of the :th-cent. Italian canonist Princivallus Mediolanensis,
Lectura super Decretum: unpr.; Schulte, .. :6.
.8 L\+ix vni+rns
*- Tewkesbury (:th cent.)
Emden (BRUO :88) records one Tewkesbury, fellow of Merton College in :o: (Merton
Muniments, ). Following Weisheipl, he suggested that this may be the same person as John
Tewkesbury (Bale, Catalogus, :. ; Tanner, o6), author of works on logic and chiromancy.
(Note that there are misprints in the date given by Emden and in his volume and page references
to Bale.) Bales source for this entry is unclear, and in Latin Writers, ., I pointed out that Lohr,
.86, had fused him with the Oxford Franciscan Jonx or Trvkrsntnv ( after :q.). It seemed
to me possible that Bale had seen a book owned by the Franciscan.
Weisheipl, ..:., followed up Bales mention of the incipit of one of the works named
for John Tewkesbury, De alterationibus, inc. Vniformiter continue uariari, and he identied two
manuscripts containing a work with a near-matching incipit, Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Mar-
ciana, MS lat. VIII. :q (.6) (s. xv), fols. :q.:: (Valentinelli, cl. XI. :q; . ..) (Vniformiter
continue uariabitur alteracio uniformis. Ad quod sophisma arguitur sic), and BNF MS lat. :66.:
(s. xiv), fols. :.o (Vniformiter continue uariatur alteracio uniformis). There is no ascription.
It seems plausible that this is the text Bale saw, but that does not support an attribution to the
known Franciscan, nor Bales unknown John Tewkesbury, nor the Mertonian.

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