The Professional Diploma in Legal

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A b &r nao S d s i i i n r i T s t n t i Ds ac al i ue v o

Note to Learners:




1. All ATS courses employ technology and require the use of Microsoft Office applications. 2. Once enrolled in a class, the learners are required to become members of the ATS Students Forum, i.e. the Division's online group. To join the Forum, visit and follow the instructions.

3. All translation courses follow the normal SCE calendar, i.e. three terms a year. Each term is 12 weeks. 4. For any single course, each class meets once a week for 3 hours (2 contact hours with a 15-minute break; the other 15 minutes are between classes). 5. All ATS courses listed below equal 3 CEUs each (i.e. 30 contact hours). 6. Classes are offered in the morning from 9:00 am to 11:45 a.m., 12:00 to 2:45 pm, or in the evening from 3:00 to 5:45, or 6:00 to 8:45 pm. 7. A minimum score of 70% on the Translation Admission Test (TAT) is required to enroll in the Core Program (The Foundation Certificate). 8. Learners who score 60% to 69% will be placed in both of the following remedial precertificate classes, and must earn a minimum grade of C (74%) to be promoted to the certificate level: TRAN121: Oral Proficiency for Translators TRAN122: Writing Proficiency for Translators 9. There is only one week as of the first day the term begins for changing sections, adding or dropping courses. For more information check the Learner Handbook available at the Registrars Office.


To be officially enrolled, you have to pay the course fees and get an ID from the student enrollment office on the ground floor. Please check that your class will start as scheduled.

Professional Diploma in Legal Translation (PDLT) PDLT comprises three modules: F OUNDATION C ERTIFICATE IN W RITTEN T RANSLATION (FCWT) consisting of three ATS core

curriculum courses and one elective. C AREER C ERTIFICATE IN L EGAL T RANSLATION (CCLT) with dual concentration consisting of four mandatory courses and one elective. A DVANCED L EGAL T RANSLATION ( ALT) Dual concentration consisting of three courses; only

for university graduates.

.CEU is Continuing Education Unit, which means TEN contact hours with the course instructor


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Foundation Certificate in Written Translation (FCWT) The Core Program A remedial four-course program which raises language and inter-cultural consciousness through graded and rigorous exercises spanning linguistic and metalinguistic aspects involved in the process of translation. Electives offer learners a chance to either brush up their knowledge of Arabic Grammar, gain working knowledge of translation from and into a second foreign language, or make a start learning a second foreign language. Admission Requirements: 70% on the Translation Admission Test (TAT)
Core Curriculum Courses TRAN508 TRAN116 TRAN110 Electives TRAN121 TRAN122 ARBF101 ARBF103 ARBF107 TRAN216 TRAN517 TRAN518 TRNF 111 SPEC501/508 GERM 223 GERM101/104 GERM201/202 SPAN101/105 Course Title Research Tools for Translators Translation Linguistics Lexicography & Terminology Course Title Oral Proficiency for Translators Writing Proficiency for Translators Arabic Grammar (1) * 1) ) Arabic Morphology and Lexicography Arabic Editing Skills Contrastive Analysis Subtitling into Arabic Subtitling into English Intro. Trans. French/Arabic/French French Level 1-8 Introduction to Translation 1 (Gr/Ar) German Level 1-4 German Level 5-6 Spanish Level 1-5 CEUs 3 3 3 CEUs 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Prerequisites None None None Prerequisites None None None None None None TRAN508 TRAN508 Placement Test Placement Test Placement Test Placement Test Placement Test Placement Test

* Mandatory for non-native speakers of Arabic. Learners are assessed throughout the term by tests, quizzes, assignments, projects or other means of evaluation. FCWT Graduation Requirements To get the FCWT certificate, the learner must complete the three ATS core curriculum courses and one elective. Successful completion of 12 CEUs


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Career Certificate in Legal Translation An intensive program emphasizing the rules governing legal drafting in both Arabic and English. The course of study is primarily given in light of a systematic contrastive study of legal and documentary discourse. A linguistic approach is adopted guiding learners through a hierarchy of inter-language difficulties as well as pitfalls resulting from cultural barriers. Admission Requirements:

Completion of FCWT.
Prerequisites TRAN508 TRAN508 TRAN311

Four Mandatory Courses:

Course Code TRAN311 TRAN312 TRAN411 Course Title Legal Documents into Arabic Legal Documents into English Documentary Trans. into Arabic CEUs* 3 6 3

Choose one elective:

Course Code TRAN412 TRAN416 TRAN417 TRAN217 TRAN317 TRAN619 TRAN618 TRNF211 SPEC501/508 GERM 233 GERM101/104 GERM201/202 SPAN101/105 Course Title Documentary Trans. into English Econ. Finan. Com. into Arabic Econ. Finan. Com. into English Translating Speeches Manuscript Editing Subtitling Practicum Arabic Subtitling Practicum English Newspaper Translation French/Arabic/French French Level 1-8 Introduction to Translation 2 (Gr/Ar) German Level 1-4 German Level 5-6 Spanish Level 1-5 CEUs* 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Prerequisites TRAN312 TRAN508 TRAN508 TRAN508 TRAN508 TRAN517 TRAN518 TRNF 111 Previous Level Previous Level Previous Level Previous Level Previous Level

* Continuing Education Unit CCLT Graduation Requirements To fulfill the requirements of this certificate, the learner must complete four mandatory courses and one elective. Successful completion of 27 CEUs.


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Professional Diploma in Legal Translation(PDLT)

An advanced program that fine-tunes the skills acquired in the Career Certificate in Legal Translation. The translation project component Arabic/English/Arabic optimizes an endproduct that should meet the professional standards in the related field. PDLT comprises three modules:

Foundation Certificate in Written Translation (4 Courses) Career Certificate in Legal Translation (5 specialization Courses) Legal Diploma requirements: (3 Courses).

Admission Requirements: University Graduate (copy of the Bachelors degree is required) Completion of the Career Certificate in the field of specialization. 87% on the English Proficiency Test (EPT) Diploma Admission Regulations: 1. No student may enroll in a diploma specialization other than the one in which the career certificate was completed. Dual concentration is a must. 2. No diploma course may be studied simultaneously with a career certificate course. Completion of the career certificate is a must. 3. There are no exemptions from any of the diploma courses. 4. Holders of any old Professional Certificate in Written Translation or Simultaneous Interpreting may directly enroll in the diploma provided that the mandatory courses in the corresponding Career Certificate Core and Specialization are completed and a score of 87% on the EPT is achieved. 5. Students who are holders of older professional certificates (63 IUs) must take TRAN508 - Research Tools for Translators to be eligible for enrollment in the Professional Diploma, after scoring 87% on the EPT. D IPLOMA

Advanced Legal Translation Course Title CEUs* 3 3 3 Prerequisites


Course Code

Advanced Legal Translation into Arabic Advanced Legal Translation into English Project into Arabic/English/Arabic

Graduation/Exit Requirements: Successful completion of the 3 Diploma course requirements. A minimum grade of B- (80%). Successful completion of 36 CEUs.


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For more information, contact: Arabic and Translation Studies Division School of Continuing Education The American University in Cairo Room 615, Falaki Bldg. Down Town Tel. (202) 2797-6872/6873/6350 Fax. (202) 2795-6712 E-mail: Dr. Mohamed El-Nashar, Program Manager [email protected] Ms. Mona El-Shorbagy, Assistant Director [email protected] Mr. Abdelaziz Hamdy, Director [email protected]

For your convenience, all translation classes are also offered at

SCE Heliopolis Facility

2 El Khalifa El Hady Street, Off El Imam Ali Street (Opposite Le Meridien Heliopolis Hotel) Heliopolis, Cairo Tel. 2416-9601/9602 Fax. 2795-6712 *** All classes may be opened at any time on a customized basis

Check the term schedule for courses The American University in Cairo Parcel 4, PVA Bldg. Room 1003 Tel. 2615-1471 Fax. 2795-6712 *** All classes may be opened at any time on a customized basis

New Cairo Campus

Remedial Pre-certificate Course Descriptions

TRAN121: Oral Proficiency for Translators Arabic
Enhancement of oral proficiency, pronunciation, and fluency in a coherent production, enabling students to improve their ability to use English orally with a higher degree of accuracy and flexibility. The English phonemes and stress patterns will be introduced. Extensive oral language practice in English through speeches, debates, presentations, and activities related to understanding and responding to types of discourse typical of conferences; improving listening comprehension skills through the use of authentic instructional material which will enhance the skills of good reception for simultaneous interpreting.

TRAN122: Writing Proficiency for Translators

Development of the skill of writing good English. Emphasis is on a selection of grammatical structures that are common problem areas for translators. Syntactic features such as verb tenses, prepositional phrases, and embedded clauses will also be covered through graded texts ranging from sentences to complete passages. Special attention is paid to language


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acceptability as well as grammaticallness.


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FCWT Course Descriptions


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T R A N 508 : R ese arch To ols fo r T ran slato rs Introduction to the basics of library and internet research; hands-on study of standard references and sources used by translators; practicum in cross-cultural and audio-visual aspects of language transfer; translation criticism and defense. T R A N1 1 6: T ra n sla tio n Lin g u istics This course is primarily an attempt to develop a hierarchy of linguistic difficulties across all levels of language analysis. Through authentic examples from Arabic and English, the intricate and inseparable relationship of the linguistic body of the text is highlighted. A deep investigation is made toward formalizing the translation process, while focusing on the fact that the translator is working across both linguistic and cultural barriers. The course further proceeds to proposing some problem-solving strategies and a down-toearth approach to translation measurability. T R A N 1 1 0 : L e x i c o g r a p h y a n d T e r m i n o lo g y This course focuses at one and the same time on controlled vocabulary acquisition and the translators ability to handle problems of lexicalizability and non-lexicalizability. The dual purpose of the course thus provides the translator with an extensive base that will cover the general terms and special vocabulary used in as many disciplines as can be covered, and equips him/her with the rationale of already lexicalized items and the mechanism that should be used for new lexicalizations. A descriptive survey of the most important existing print sources tools dictionaries, lexicons and thesauruses - is covered to guide the would-be translator to the right tool when needed and to guarantee maximum benefit of the tool at hand. Depending on the fields of interest of the learner group and their specific needs, topics covered may vary from course to course. Topics which do not need direct input from the course instructor are given as out-of-class assignments and projects. The course depends on homework assignments combined with continuing in-class practice. T R A N1 00: A ra b ic Ed iting S kills A survey of the Arabic language stylistic skills required for a professional translator; identifying common errors in composition that cause ambiguity in meaning; producing stylistically-acceptable texts in accordance with standards endorsed by the editors of Egyptian cultural magazines. T R A N 21 6: C o n tra stive A na ly sis The course is predicated on the linguistic fact that though the same syntactic feature may be found in two given languages, this does not mean that the feature functions in the same way. In light of the basic topics that are normally covered in a typical Arabic grammar book and a typical English grammar book, the features characterizing Arabic and those characterizing English are first identified. Through typical examples of the rule under discussion, the various possible renderings into the target language are discussed. The criteria of translation measurability in terms of idea, style and original composition are discussed and applied. Cases where a lexical feature in one language is expressed in the syntax of the other language are investigated and defined. The entire course is sentence-based and depends on home study and in-class discussion and participatory practice.

TRAN1 15: Arabic Gram m ar Remedial survey of the lexicon, morphology, syntax and style of modern formal written Arabic conventions.
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LT Course Descriptions
T R AN 31 1/31 2: Le ga l Docu m e nts in to Arabic/En glish /Arabic
In light of a rigorous process of contrastive analysis English/Arabic/English the course proceeds toward defining the rules governing legal language. The stylistic features identifiable in drafting legal documents are emphasized on all levels of language analysis. Through a careful selection of legal texts laws, contracts, court rulings, certificates, etc. the pitfalls are defined and the legally correct language is practiced. Furthermore, the course expands the trainees repertoire of legal vocabulary, terminology and expressions.

T R A N 4 1 1 / 4 1 2 : D o c u m e n t a r y T r a n s l a ti o n i n t o A r a b i c / E n g l i s h / A r a b i c Intensive practice in translating into Arabic any kind of documentary text, such as technical, UN, legal, religious or contractual material. Special emphasis is placed on keeping both the form and content; translating word for word in cases where syntactic relations give explicit semantic relations. TRAN416/417: Ec on om ic , F in an cia l and Com m ercial T ra nsla tio n A r a b i c / E n g li s h / A r a b i c Subject specific survey of the terminology and format of economics, finance and commerce. T R A N 21 7: T ra n sla tin g Spe e ch e s A study of the format and construction of official speeches and related protocol. Special emphasis on the various forms of address, greetings, expressions used in opening, developing and concluding speeches, intra- and inter-connectors and the unification of texture. T R AN 31 7: M a nu script Ed iting Production of professional target language (TL) documents with and without reference to source language (SL) texts. Development the skills needed to proofread and edit documents in order to produce acceptable form, style, and register. T R A N 6 1 8 / 6 1 9 : S e m i n a r i n S u b t i t l i n g P r a c t i c e ( A r a b i c / E n g li s h / A r a b i c ) Further consolidation of the translational / transadaptational, technical and cross-cultural skills acquired in TRAN517; exploration of different subtitling paradigms and "house styles" with reference to the existing practices in the Egyptian market, the differences in techniques and applications between subtitling and other genres of audiovisual language transfer (revoicing and media interpreting), and the influence of technological advances (digitalization, subtitling software and the internet) on the subtitler's practice. T R N F21 1: N e w spa pe r Tran sla tio n F ren ch /A ra bic /Fre n ch Development of a comprehensive lexical, syntactic and stylistic analysis of the language of newspaper writing in French. French/Arabic/French translation of newspaper reports. into

PDLT Course Descriptions

T R A N 1 28/22 8: A d va n c ed g a l T ra n sla tio n in to A ra bic /E ng lish /A ra b ic Le Based on an in-depth contrastive analysis Arabic/English/Arabic, the course aims at further developing both comprehension and practice of the rules governing the legal language. The syntactic, lexical and stylistic features characteristic of legal documents will be further consolidated. Students will work with longer, more substantive, carefully selected documents including different types of laws, contracts, certificates, court rulings,


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etc. T R A N 6 1 6 / 6 1 7 : P r o j e c t i n to A r a b i c / E n g l i s h Development of competence in translating a text of approximately 6000 words in length. Consolidation of translation techniques and cross cultural skills, and the influence of technological advances on the translators practice.


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