Venice Water Transport System

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Water transportation in Venice

Thursday, April 5, 12

Bunga Anindya Pramono

The city of Venice

Thursday, April 5, 12

Venice / Venezia
Venice is a city in northeast Italy which is renowned for the beauty of its setting, its architecture and its artworks. Ve n i c e i s t h e capital of the Veneto region. The city stretches across 117 small islands in the marshy Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeast Italy.

Thursday, April 5, 12

transportation system

Thursday, April 5, 12

Venice water transportation system

In the old centre, the canals serve the function of roads, and almost every form of transport is on water or on foot. Private boats, gondolas, watertaxi and waterbuses are used as the water transportation in the waterways. Azienda Consorzio Trasporti Veneziano (ACTV) is the name of the public transport system in Ve n i c e . I t c o m b i n e s l a n d transportation, with buses, and canal travel, with waterbuses.

Thursday, April 5, 12

Water-buses Routes Network

Thursday, April 5, 12


Thursday, April 5, 12

Type of waterbuses in Venice

Properties of ACTV Boats

Thursday, April 5, 12

Vaporetto Routes
Venice Grand Canal is its main thoroughfare. Vaporetto runs up and down the Grand Canal, stopping in each of the six sestiere of neighborhoods

Thursday, April 5, 12

Venice Vaporetto
Va p o re t t o t a k e visitors along the main canals, to the islands, and around the lagoon. This type is the most commonly seen in Venice waterway.

Thursday, April 5, 12

Vaporetto stops in Venice

Thursday, April 5, 12

Santa Lucia train station and Ferrovia Pier

Thursday, April 5, 12

Vaporetto cruising at Grand Canal

Thursday, April 5, 12

Motosca are slightly smaller than vaporetto.

Venice Motosca
Thursday, April 5, 12

Motosca stops in Venice

Thursday, April 5, 12

Motonave are used to link lagoon island

Venice Motonave
Thursday, April 5, 12

Motonave stops in Venice

Thursday, April 5, 12

Venice Nave Traghetto

Nave Traghetto are used to carry cars from the mainland to such islands as Lido and Pellestrina Island. This type is the biggest water transport in Venice.

Thursday, April 5, 12

Nave Traghetto stops in Venice

Thursday, April 5, 12

Venice Gondola
Gondola is the classical venetian boat, which navigated by a standing gondolieri. The most famous vehicle in Venice to explore the city in romantic way. The city sets ofcial rates for gondola rides, which starts at 80 and climbs to 100.

Thursday, April 5, 12

Gondola cruise
Thursday, April 5, 12

Gondola stops in Venice

Thursday, April 5, 12

The best way to get around the city

Water taxi in Venice

Thursday, April 5, 12


Thursday, April 5, 12

Layout of Venice
On the surface, it looks simple enough; a few big islands wrapped around the sweeping backward-S curve of the breathtaking, palace-lined Canale Grande (Grand Canal). There are lots of smaller canals - nearly 180 of them - worming their way through those islands across a tangle of alleys.

Thursday, April 5, 12

The Grand Canal and 180 small canals

Thursday, April 5, 12

Canals in Venice
A quiet canal off of the main canal. Canals are everywhere in Venice, and other than the alleyways, provide the only way to get around.

Thursday, April 5, 12

Canals in Venice
This canal is some distance away from the main canal and would only see local trafc such as people going to and from home.

Thursday, April 5, 12

Canals in Venice
More crowded canals in Venice just before dusk. This is the equivalent of a residential neighborhood, with people's "vehicles" parked at the "curb".

Thursday, April 5, 12

Night parking

Canals in Venice
Thursday, April 5, 12


Thursday, April 5, 12

The famous Calatrava bridge at Grand Canal

Thursday, April 5, 12

There are estimated 400 hundreds of bridges around the city

Thursday, April 5, 12

Water Sport

Thursday, April 5, 12

Kayaking in Venice
Thursday, April 5, 12

Kayaking in Venice
Thursday, April 5, 12


Thursday, April 5, 12

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