2012BSEE DegreePlan EEoption

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Electrical Engineering EE Option Undergraduate Curriculum Flowchart 2011 2012

1 Semester (Fall) 2 Semester (Spring)

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Sem. Credit Hrs. CHEM 1117 Chem for Engr Lab 18

HIST 1377 US to 1877

POLS 1336 US & TX Constitutions

ENGL 1303 First Year Writing I ENGL 1304 First Year Writing II

ECE 1100 Intro. To ECE ECE 1331 Comp. & Prob. Solv.

MATH 1431 Calculus I

CHEM 1372 Chem for Engr

HIST 1378 US since 1877

MATH 1432 Calculus II

PHYS 1321 Univ Phys I


3 Semester (Fall)


POLS 1337 US Govt

ECE 2100 Circuits Lab

ECE 2300 Circuit Analysis

MATH 2433 Calculus III

PHYS 1322 Univ Phys II

MATH 3321 Engineering Math


4 Semester (Spring)


ENGI 2304 Technical Comm

ECE 3331 Prog Applic In ECE

ECE 3337 EE Analysis

ECE 2317 Applied Elec & Magnetism


5 Semester (Fall)


ECE 3441 Digital Logic Design

ECE 3155 Electronics Lab

ECE 3355 Electronics

ECE 3364 Circuits & Systems

ECE 3317 Applied EM Waves


6 Semester (Spring) 7 Semester (Fall) 8 Semester (Spring)

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ECE 4436 Microprocessors

ECE Elective*

ECE 4339 Solid State Devices

ECE 4119 Solid State Lab

INDE 2333 Engr Statistics

ENGI 2334 Thermo


ECON 2304 Microecon. Principles

ECE 4335 ECE Sys Design I^ ECE 4336 ECE Sys Design II^

ECE Elective & Lab*

ECE Elective*

MECE 3400 Intro to Mechanics ECE Elective & Lab* Total Sem. Credit Hrs.


ECE Elective & Lab*

ECE Elective*



5 Aug 2011

Legends and notes on reverse

Electrical Engineering EE Option Undergraduate Curriculum Flowchart 2011 2012 Note: Changes in prerequisites/corequisites for a course made subsequent to the date of this chart, although not reflected in the (outdated) flowchart, do apply to students who have not taken the course. *ECE Electives: At least 21 hours consisting of at least six ECE electives (3- or 4- hour ECE courses with associated labs) must be taken as indicated below. At least three of the six electives must include labs. Breadth: At least one course in each of two of the ECE concentration areas: Electromagnetics & Solid State Devices, Power & Controls, Signals & Communications, Electronics. Depth: At least two additional courses at the 5000 level. Remainder: Two remaining courses may be any ECE elective at the 3000 level or above except 3336. ^ECE 4335-4336: These are a two-course sequence that must be taken in consecutive semesters, with 4336 to be taken in the semester of graduation. Courses shown as XXXX X3XX: This means that any appropriate 3-hour course in the indicated category of the core will fit in this box. Remember that the second digit in a course number indicates the number of hours for that course.

A 1. Arrow to the top of a box means A is a prerequisite for C. 3. Two-headed arrow between the sides of two boxes means C and D must be taken at the same time. 4. In order to take C, you must have made a C- or better in every Engineering and NSM course in the prerequisite chains leading through A, B, and D.

2. Arrow to the side of a box means credit for or registration in B is a prerequisite for C.

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