Political Use of Education
Political Use of Education
Political Use of Education
From the beginning Horace Manns idea for public education was that of indoctrination of Protestant beliefs. This was in response to the fear of the Irish Catholic immigrants. The fear was the same that brought our forefathers to America
in the first place which was to be free to worship without oppression. Considering the Church controlled the governments in the Old World they felt justified. The result was the formation of the Catholic school system in America. Ironically our educational system is nothing like what our forefathers had originally conceived. Thomas Jefferson was quoted from his autobiography, All know the influence of interest on the mind of man, and how unconsciously his judgment is warped by that influence. Political influence on education is obviously not a new concept, but did not become an issue again until World War II at the dawn of the Nuclear Era. This resulted in plans for better curriculums focusing on math and science. However the American public feared government involvement in public education. That was until October 4, 1957 when Sputnik started the Space Race. At that time all fears shifted to that of the Soviets. In 1958 Congress approved $1billion for the National Defense Education Act. The global education race had begun. By 1964 President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the landmark Elementary and Secondary Act which lives today as No Child Left Behind. The next great education milestone, A Nation At Risk, which once again brought education into the forefront of politics. The American public felt that education was the major foundation of strength for this country. Federal funding for education became top priority. Again in 1994 Congress allocated money, $105 million, to fund President Clintons Goals 200: Education America Act. This time accountability became an issue requiring at least 90 percent graduation rate and student leaving 4th, 8th, and 12th grade must demonstrate competency in all academic
classes not just core classes. Then in 2001 came the introduction to the strict accountability standards of No Child Left Behind and the threat of the loss of Federal funding with non-compliance. Less than ten years later in 1009 President Obama presented his brainchild, Race to the Top. As Spring (2005) stated the continual change in education due to politics and politicians make it virtually impossible to accomplish the current social or economic agendas. There is too much change and not enough time for educators to acclimate before another change begins. We are sending mixed messages if it doesnt fix it immediately, scrap it and move on to the next fad. Maybe if we gave something a change it might just work. We are dealing with children. Everyone knows it takes time and patience to raise a child. Educating them is not different. All the parenting experts emphasize consistency. Since educators have to be all to our student including parent, in loco parentis, lets take the advice of the experts and strive for consistency and less political interference. Maybe then we can right the economic wrongs the social injustices of the world. They are supposedly waiting on superman. He is here. He just has to dig out of the bureaucratic mess to save the day.
Sources A Nation at Risk. www2.ed.gov/pubs/NatAtRisk/risk.html The Catastrophe of Public Education. http://friesian.com/public.htm Goals 2000: Educate America Act. http://ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/envrnmnt/stw/sw0goals.htm