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[MS-EMF]: Enhanced Metafile Format

Copyrights. This documentation is covered by Microsoft copyrights. Regardless of any other terms that are contained in the terms of use for the Microsoft website that hosts this documentation, you may make copies of it in order to develop implementations of the technologies described in the Open Specifications and may distribute portions of it in your implementations using these technologies or your documentation as necessary to properly document the implementation. You may also distribute in your implementation, with or without modification, any schema, IDLs, or code samples that are included in the documentation. This permission also applies to any documents that are referenced in the Open Specifications. No Trade Secrets. Microsoft does not claim any trade secret rights in this documentation. Patents. Microsoft has patents that may cover your implementations of the technologies described in the Open Specifications. Neither this notice nor Microsoft's delivery of the documentation grants any licenses under those or any other Microsoft patents. However, a given Open Specification may be covered by Microsoft Open Specification Promise or the Community Promise. If you would prefer a written license, or if the technologies described in the Open Specifications are not covered by the Open Specifications Promise or Community Promise, as applicable, patent licenses are available by contacting [email protected]. Trademarks. The names of companies and products contained in this documentation may be covered by trademarks or similar intellectual property rights. This notice does not grant any licenses under those rights. Fictitious Names. The example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted in this documentation are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, email address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred.



[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Reservation of Rights. All other rights are reserved, and this notice does not grant any rights other than specifically described above, whether by implication, estoppel, or otherwise. Tools. The Open Specifications do not require the use of Microsoft programming tools or programming environments in order for you to develop an implementation. If you have access to Microsoft programming tools and environments you are free to take advantage of them. Certain Open Specifications are intended for use in conjunction with publicly available standard specifications and network programming art, and assumes that the reader either is familiar with the aforementioned material or has immediate access to it. Preliminary Documentation. This Open Specification provides documentation for past and current releases and/or for the pre-release (beta) version of this technology. This Open Specification is final



Technical Documentation. Microsoft publishes Open Specifications documentation for protocols, file formats, languages, standards as well as overviews of the interaction among each of these technologies.

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Intellectual Property Rights Notice for Open Specifications Documentation

documentation for past or current releases as specifically noted in the document, as applicable; it is preliminary documentation for the pre-release (beta) versions. Microsoft will release final documentation in connection with the commercial release of the updated or new version of this technology. As the documentation may change between this preliminary version and the final version of this technology, there are risks in relying on preliminary documentation. To the extent that you incur additional development obligations or any other costs as a result of relying on this preliminary documentation, you do so at your own risk.

Revision Summary
Date 07/10/2007 08/17/2007 09/21/2007 10/26/2007 Revision History 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.0 Revision Class Major Minor Minor Major Comments

Initial Availability

Updated the technical content. Updated the technical content.

01/25/2008 03/14/2008

2.1 3.0

Minor Major

06/20/2008 07/25/2008 08/29/2008 10/24/2008 12/05/2008 01/16/2009 02/27/2009 04/10/2009 05/22/2009 07/02/2009 08/14/2009 09/25/2009 11/06/2009 12/18/2009

3.1 3.1.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 5.0 5.1 5.2



Major Minor Minor 5.2.1 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.5.1 5.6 Editorial Minor Minor Minor Editorial Minor [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Minor Major Minor


Updated the technical content. Updated the technical content. Updated the technical content. Updated the technical content. Updated the technical content. Updated the technical content. Updated the technical content. Updated the technical content. Updated the technical content.

Added new sections describing the EMR_COMMENT_EMFPLUS and EMR_COMMENT_EMFSPOOL records. Reconstructed record categories for clarity.

Abstract data model and Windows version-specific behavior added.

Revised and edited the technical content.

Updated and revised the technical content.

Updated and revised the technical content.

Revised and edited the technical content.

Revised and edited the technical content.

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Date 01/29/2010 03/12/2010 04/23/2010 06/04/2010 07/16/2010

Revision History 5.6.1 5.7 5.7.1 5.8 5.8

Revision Class Editorial Minor Editorial Minor No change

Comments Revised and edited the technical content. Updated the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Updated the technical content.

No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the technical content. No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the technical content. Clarified the meaning of the technical content. Significantly changed the technical content.



No change

10/08/2010 11/19/2010 01/07/2011

5.9 6.0 6.0

Minor Major No change

No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the technical content. No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the technical content. No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the technical content. No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the technical content. Clarified the meaning of the technical content. No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the technical content. Significantly changed the technical content. No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the technical content.



No change



No change



No change

06/17/2011 09/23/2011

6.1 6.1


03/30/2012 7.0 No change [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012



Minor No change Major


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1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 9 1.1 Glossary ............................................................................................................... 9 1.2 References .......................................................................................................... 16 1.2.1 Normative References ..................................................................................... 16 1.2.2 Informative References ................................................................................... 16 1.3 Overview ............................................................................................................ 17 1.3.1 Metafile Structure ........................................................................................... 17 1.3.2 Graphics Objects ............................................................................................ 19 1.3.3 Byte Ordering ................................................................................................ 19 1.4 Relationship to Protocols and Other Structures ........................................................ 20 1.5 Applicability Statement ......................................................................................... 20 1.6 Versioning and Localization ................................................................................... 20 1.7 Vendor-Extensible Fields ....................................................................................... 20


Structures .............................................................................................................. 21 2.1 EMF Enumerations ............................................................................................... 21 2.1.1 RecordType Enumeration ................................................................................ 21 2.1.2 ArcDirection Enumeration ................................................................................ 29 2.1.3 ArmStyle Enumeration .................................................................................... 30 2.1.4 BackgroundMode Enumeration ......................................................................... 31 2.1.5 ColorAdjustment Enumeration ......................................................................... 31 2.1.6 ColorMatchToTarget Enumeration ..................................................................... 31 2.1.7 ColorSpace Enumeration ................................................................................. 32 2.1.8 Contrast Enumeration ..................................................................................... 32 2.1.9 DIBColors Enumeration ................................................................................... 33 2.1.10 EmrComment Enumeration ............................................................................ 33 2.1.11 ExtTextOutOptions Enumeration ..................................................................... 34 2.1.12 FamilyType Enumeration ............................................................................... 35 2.1.13 FloodFill Enumeration .................................................................................... 35 2.1.14 FormatSignature Enumeration ........................................................................ 35 2.1.15 GradientFill Enumeration ............................................................................... 36 2.1.16 GraphicsMode Enumeration............................................................................ 36 2.1.17 HatchStyle Enumeration ................................................................................ 37 2.1.18 ICMMode Enumeration .................................................................................. 38 2.1.19 Illuminant Enumeration ................................................................................. 38 2.1.20 Letterform Enumeration ................................................................................ 39 2.1.21 MapMode Enumeration .................................................................................. 40 2.1.22 MetafileVersion Enumeration .......................................................................... 41 2.1.23 MidLine Enumeration..................................................................................... 41 2.1.24 ModifyWorldTransformMode Enumeration ........................................................ 42 2.1.25 PenStyle Enumeration ................................................................................... 42 2.1.26 Point Enumeration ........................................................................................ 44 2.1.27 PolygonFillMode Enumeration ......................................................................... 44 2.1.28 Proportion Enumeration ................................................................................. 44 2.1.29 RegionMode Enumeration .............................................................................. 45 2.1.30 SerifType Enumeration .................................................................................. 46 2.1.31 StockObject Enumeration .............................................................................. 47 2.1.32 StretchMode Enumeration.............................................................................. 49 2.1.33 StrokeVariation Enumeration ......................................................................... 50 2.1.34 Weight Enumeration ..................................................................................... 50

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2.1.35 XHeight Enumeration .................................................................................... 51 2.2 EMF Objects ........................................................................................................ 52 2.2.1 BitFIX28_4 Object .......................................................................................... 52 2.2.2 ColorAdjustment Object .................................................................................. 52 2.2.3 DesignVector Object ....................................................................................... 54 2.2.4 EmrFormat Object .......................................................................................... 54 2.2.5 EmrText Object .............................................................................................. 55 2.2.6 EpsData Object .............................................................................................. 57 2.2.7 GradientRectangle Object ................................................................................ 58 2.2.8 GradientTriangle Object .................................................................................. 58 2.2.9 Header Object................................................................................................ 59 2.2.10 HeaderExtension1 Object .............................................................................. 61 2.2.11 HeaderExtension2 Object .............................................................................. 61 2.2.12 LogBrushEx Object ....................................................................................... 62 2.2.13 LogFont Object ............................................................................................. 62 2.2.14 LogFontEx Object ......................................................................................... 65 2.2.15 LogFontExDv Object ..................................................................................... 67 2.2.16 LogFontPanose Object ................................................................................... 68 2.2.17 LogPalette Object ......................................................................................... 70 2.2.18 LogPaletteEntry Object .................................................................................. 70 2.2.19 LogPen Object .............................................................................................. 71 2.2.20 LogPenEx Object .......................................................................................... 71 2.2.21 Panose Object .............................................................................................. 73 2.2.22 PixelFormatDescriptor Object ......................................................................... 74 2.2.23 Point28_4 Object .......................................................................................... 77 2.2.24 RegionData Object ........................................................................................ 77 2.2.25 RegionDataHeader Object .............................................................................. 78 2.2.26 TriVertex Object ........................................................................................... 79 2.2.27 UniversalFontId Object .................................................................................. 79 2.2.28 XForm Object ............................................................................................... 80 2.3 EMF Records ....................................................................................................... 81 2.3.1 Bitmap Record Types ...................................................................................... 82 EMR_ALPHABLEND Record ......................................................................... 84 EMR_BITBLT Record.................................................................................. 89 EMR_MASKBLT Record .............................................................................. 92 EMR_PLGBLT Record ................................................................................. 97 EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE Record .............................................................101 EMR_STRETCHBLT Record ........................................................................103 EMR_STRETCHDIBITS Record ...................................................................107 EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT Record .................................................................109 2.3.2 Clipping Record Types ....................................................................................112 EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT Record ................................................................114 EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN Record ..............................................................115 EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT Record .............................................................115 EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN Record ...................................................................116 EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH Record ..................................................................117 2.3.3 Comment Record Types .................................................................................117 EMR_COMMENT Record ............................................................................119 EMR_COMMENT_EMFPLUS Record ..............................................................119 EMR_COMMENT_EMFSPOOL Record ...........................................................120 EMR_COMMENT_PUBLIC Record Types .......................................................120 EMR_COMMENT_BEGINGROUP Record ..................................................122 EMR_COMMENT_ENDGROUP Record .....................................................123

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PR EMR_COMMENT_MULTIFORMATS Record ...............................................123 EMR_COMMENT_WINDOWS_METAFILE Record ......................................125 2.3.4 Control Record Types .....................................................................................126 EMR_EOF Record .....................................................................................127 EMR_HEADER Record Types ......................................................................128 EmfMetafileHeader Record...................................................................132 EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1 Record ...................................................133 EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 Record ...................................................135 2.3.5 Drawing Record Types ...................................................................................138 EMR_ANGLEARC Record ...........................................................................142 EMR_ARC Record .....................................................................................143 EMR_ARCTO Record .................................................................................144 EMR_CHORD Record ................................................................................145 EMR_ELLIPSE Record ...............................................................................146 EMR_EXTFLOODFILL Record ......................................................................146 EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA Record ......................................................................147 EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW Record .....................................................................148 EMR_FILLPATH Record .............................................................................149 EMR_FILLRGN Record .............................................................................150 EMR_FRAMERGN Record .........................................................................151 EMR_GRADIENTFILL Record ....................................................................152 EMR_LINETO Record ..............................................................................154 EMR_PAINTRGN Record ..........................................................................154 EMR_PIE Record ....................................................................................155 EMR_POLYBEZIER Record .......................................................................156 EMR_POLYBEZIER16 Record ....................................................................157 EMR_POLYBEZIERTO Record ...................................................................158 EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16 Record ................................................................159 EMR_POLYDRAW Record .........................................................................160 EMR_POLYDRAW16 Record .....................................................................161 EMR_POLYGON Record ...........................................................................162 EMR_POLYGON16 Record ........................................................................163 EMR_POLYLINE Record ...........................................................................164 EMR_POLYLINE16 Record........................................................................165 EMR_POLYLINETO Record .......................................................................166 EMR_POLYLINETO16 Record ....................................................................167 EMR_POLYPOLYGON Record ....................................................................168 EMR_POLYPOLYGON16 Record.................................................................169 EMR_POLYPOLYLINE Record ....................................................................170 EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16 Record ................................................................171 EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA Record ...................................................................172 EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW Record ..................................................................174 EMR_RECTANGLE Record ........................................................................175 EMR_ROUNDRECT Record .......................................................................176 EMR_SETPIXELV Record .........................................................................176 EMR_SMALLTEXTOUT Record...................................................................177 EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH Record ..........................................................178 EMR_STROKEPATH Record ......................................................................179 2.3.6 Escape Record Types .....................................................................................179 EMR_DRAWESCAPE Record .......................................................................181 EMR_EXTESCAPE Record ..........................................................................182 EMR_NAMEDESCAPE Record .....................................................................182 2.3.7 Object Creation Record Types .........................................................................183

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PR EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT Record ........................................................185 EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE Record .............................................................186 EMR_CREATECOLORSPACEW Record ..........................................................186 EMR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT Record ................................................188 EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH Record .............................................................189 EMR_CREATEPALETTE Record ...................................................................191 EMR_CREATEPEN Record ..........................................................................191 EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW Record ..................................................192 EMR_EXTCREATEPEN Record .....................................................................194 2.3.8 Object Manipulation Record Types ...................................................................195 EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE Record .......................................................197 EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE Record .............................................................198 EMR_DELETEOBJECT Record .....................................................................198 EMR_RESIZEPALETTE Record ....................................................................199 EMR_SELECTOBJECT Record .....................................................................200 EMR_SELECTPALETTE Record ....................................................................200 EMR_SETCOLORSPACE Record ..................................................................201 EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES Record .............................................................201 2.3.9 OpenGL Record Types ....................................................................................202 EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD Record ...........................................................203 EMR_GLSRECORD Record .........................................................................204 2.3.10 Path Bracket Record Types ...........................................................................205 2.3.11 State Record Types ......................................................................................206 EMR_COLORMATCHTOTARGETW Record ...................................................210 EMR_FORCEUFIMAPPING Record..............................................................211 EMR_INVERTRGN Record ........................................................................212 EMR_MOVETOEX Record .........................................................................212 EMR_PIXELFORMAT Record .....................................................................213 EMR_RESTOREDC Record........................................................................214 EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX Record ........................................................214 EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX Record ..........................................................215 EMR_SETARCDIRECTION Record..............................................................216 EMR_SETBKCOLOR Record ....................................................................217 EMR_SETBKMODE Record .....................................................................217 EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX Record ..............................................................218 EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT Record .....................................................218 EMR_SETICMMODE Record ....................................................................219 EMR_SETICMPROFILEA Record ..............................................................220 EMR_SETICMPROFILEW Record ..............................................................221 EMR_SETLAYOUT Record.......................................................................221 EMR_SETLINKEDUFIS Record ................................................................222 EMR_SETMAPMODE Record ...................................................................223 EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS Record .............................................................224 EMR_SETMITERLIMIT Record .................................................................224 EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE Record ............................................................225 EMR_SETROP2 Record ..........................................................................225 EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE Record .......................................................226 EMR_SETTEXTALIGN Record ..................................................................226 EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR Record .................................................................227 EMR_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION Record .....................................................228 EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX Record..........................................................228 EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX Record .........................................................229 EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX Record............................................................229

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


7 / 305 EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX Record ...........................................................230 2.3.12 Transform Record Types ...............................................................................230 EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM Record .................................................231 EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM Record .......................................................232 3 Structure Examples .............................................................................................. 234 3.1 Metafile Design ...................................................................................................234 3.1.1 Managing Objects ..........................................................................................234 EMF Object Table .....................................................................................234 3.1.2 Byte Ordering ...............................................................................................235 3.2 EMF Metafile Example..........................................................................................236 3.2.1 EMR_HEADER Example ..................................................................................251 3.2.2 EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT Example ...........................................................254 3.2.3 EMR_SELECTOBJECT Example.........................................................................255 3.2.4 EMR_BITBLT Example ....................................................................................255 3.2.5 EMR_SELECTOBJECT Example.........................................................................257 3.2.6 EMR_BITBLT Example ....................................................................................258 3.2.7 EMR_SETBKMODE Example ............................................................................273 3.2.8 EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW Example .....................................................273 3.2.9 EMR_SELECTOBJECT Example.........................................................................276 3.2.10 EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW Example .......................................................................277 3.2.11 EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW Example ....................................................278 3.2.12 EMR_SELECTOBJECT Example .......................................................................281 3.2.13 EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW Example ....................................................282 3.2.14 EMR_SELECTOBJECT Example .......................................................................285 3.2.15 EMR_DELETEOBJECT Example .......................................................................285 3.2.16 EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW Example ....................................................286 3.2.17 EMR_SELECTOBJECT Example .......................................................................288 3.2.18 EMR_SELECTOBJECT Example .......................................................................289 3.2.19 EMR_DELETEOBJECT Example .......................................................................289 3.2.20 EMR_DELETEOBJECT Example .......................................................................290 3.2.21 EMR_SELECTOBJECT Example .......................................................................290 3.2.22 EMR_EOF Example .......................................................................................290 Security Considerations........................................................................................ 292 Appendix A: Product Behavior .............................................................................. 293 Change Tracking................................................................................................... 301 Index ................................................................................................................... 302

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This is a specification of the Enhanced Metafile Format (EMF) structure. The EMF structure specifies a metafile format that can store a picture in device-independent form. The stored picture can be rendered by parsing and processing the metafile. An EMF metafile is a series of variable-length records, called EMF records, which contain graphics drawing commands, object definitions, and properties. The metafile begins with a header record, which includes the metafile version, its size, the resolution of the device on which the picture was created, and the dimensions of the picture. An EMF metafile is "played back" when its records are converted to a format understood by a specific graphics device. The image defined in an EMF structure maintains its dimensions, shape, and proportions on any output device, including printers, plotters, and desktops, or in the client areas of applications.



The following terms are defined in [MS-GLOS]:


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) character set ASCII big-endian color profile enhanced metafile format (EMF) enhanced metafile format plus extensions (EMF+) enhanced metafile spool format (EMFSPOOL) Graphics Device Interface (GDI) Graphics Device Interface, Extended (GDI+) Image Color Management (ICM) little-endian original equipment manufacturer (OEM) character set PostScript print job print server printer driver spool file Unicode UTF-16LE (Unicode Transformation Format, 16 bits, little-endian) Windows metafile format (WMF)

The following terms are specific to this document: 28.4 bit FIX notation: A notation for representing the location of a point on a device surface to within one-sixteenth of a pixel. Each point coordinate is a 32-bit value, of which the 28 higherorder bits are the signed integral part and the 4 lower-order bits are the unsigned fractional part, in one-sixteenth units of distance. For example, the number 0x0000003C is a coordinate value of 3.75, because the fractional part is 12 sixteenths, or 0.75.



Sections 1.7 and 2 of this specification are normative and can contain the terms MAY, SHOULD, MUST, MUST NOT, and SHOULD NOT as defined in RFC 2119. All other sections and examples in this specification are informative.

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additive color model: A color model that involves light emitted directly from a source or illuminant of some sort. The additive reproduction process usually uses red, green, and blue light to produce the other colors. alpha transparency: An alpha value is a transparency value represented by a number between zero and one. Each pixel has an alpha value that represents its level of transparency, which is multiplied by the color values to get the final value. anti-aliasing: The smoothing of the jagged appearance of font characters and lines, which is an artifact of the limited resolution on an output device. The pixels that surround the edges of the character glyph or line are changed to varying shades of color in order to blend the sharp edge into the background.

ascent: The distance that characters of a font typeface extend above the top of a lowercase "x". aspect ratio: The ratio that is computed by dividing the width of a pixel on a given output device by its height. baseline: The imaginary line to which the bottom of the lowercase "x" character in a font typeface is aligned.

bitmap: A collection of structures that contains a device-independent representation of a graphical image, a logical palette, dimensions, and other information. brightness: The relative lightness or darkness of an image, or of a particular color in an image.

color channel: A component color from which all colors in an image are rendered. In an RGB color space, there are color channels for red, green, and blue. In a grayscale color space, the color channels are black and white. Color channel values typically range from 0 to 255.


color model: See color space.
[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

color correction: Altering the colors in an image in order to print or display it such that the colors correctly match reality. colorfulness: A concept referring to the perceived intensity of a specific color, the difference between a color against gray. color gamut: The entire range of colors that is available on a particular graphics output device such as a display or printer. color matching: The conversion of a color, sent from its original color space, to its visually closest color in the destination color space. See also Image Color Management (ICM).

color plane: In bitmap graphics, all pixel information for a single color. See color channel. color proofing: The process of previewing, or "proofing" colors, which were developed on one device, on a different device.
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cell height: A vertical measure of font size, which is the sum of the font height and internal leading. It might not be the same as the distance between two lines of text.


Bezier curve: A type of curve defined by a mathematical formula and a number of points greater than or equal to 2, used in computer graphics and in the mathematical field of numeric analysis. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by four points: two endpoints and two control points. The curve does not pass through the control points, but the control points act like magnets, pulling the curve in certain directions and influencing the way the curve bends. With multiple Bezier curves, the endpoint of one is the starting point of the next.


color space: A mapping of color components to a multidimensional coordinate system. The number of dimensions is generally two, three, or four. For example, grayscales, which are combinations of only black and white, can be mapped to a two-dimensional color space. If colors are expressed as a combination of the three components red, green, and blue, a threedimensional space is sufficient to describe all possible colors. If transparency is considered one of the components of an RGB color, four dimensions are appropriate. color table: An array of data that maps pixel values into a color space. compositing: The process that takes place during image rendering, which combines color data from multiple graphics region. contrast: The relative difference between lightness and darkness in an area of an image.

design vector: A set of specific values for the properties of a multiple master font.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

device space: The output space for graphics transforms. It usually refers to the client area of an application window; however, it can also include the entire desktop, a complete window, or a page of printer or plotter paper. Physical device space dimensions vary according to the dimensions set by the display, printer, or plotter technology.

diacritic: A small sign such as an accent mark that is added to a letter to alter pronunciation or to distinguish between similar usages. dithering: A digital representation of continuous-tone graphics using halftones. ducking: A ducking font is one that has been designed to be short enough to fit under diacritical marks or accent marks. em size: A measure of font size, which is the cell height minus the internal leading. An "em" is a term that has been used historically as a unit of typeset size.

encapsulated PostScript (EPS): A file of PostScript raw data that describes the appearance of a single page. EPS data can describe text, graphics, and images; but the primary purpose of an EPS file is to be encapsulated within another PostScript page definition.

device-independent bitmap (DIB): A container for bitmapped graphics, which specifies characteristics of the bitmap such that it can be created using one application and loaded and displayed in another application, while retaining an identical appearance ([MS-WMF] section


device context: A structure that defines a set of graphic objects and their associated attributes, and the graphic modes that affect output. The graphic objects include a pen for line drawing, a brush for painting and filling, a bitmap for copying or scrolling parts of the screen, a palette for defining the set of available colors, a region for clipping and other operations, and a path for painting and drawing operations. All of these device context properties and objects together define the environment for graphics output.


coordinate space: A space based on Cartesian coordinates, which provides a means of specifying the location of each point in the space. A two-dimensional coordinate space requires two axes that are perpendicular and equal in length. Three two-dimensional coordinate spaces are generally used to describe an output surface: world, page, and device. To scale deviceindependent output for a particular physical device, a rectangular area in the world or page coordinate space is mapped into the device coordinate space using a transform.

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font axis: A property of font design that can assume a linear range of values. In general, a font has multiple axes. For example, a font may define an axis for weight, along which are the possible values for the property. font hinting: The use of mathematical operations to manipulate the appearance of an outline font so that it lines up with a rasterized grid. At small resolutions, with or without antialiasing, hinting is critical for producing clear, legible text for human readers. font mapper: An operating system component that maps specified font attributes to available, installed fonts on the system. gamma: The way brightness is distributed across the intensity spectrum by a graphics device. Depending on the device, the gamma may have a significant effect on the way colors are perceived. Technically, gamma is an expression of the relationship between input voltage and resulting output intensity. A perfect linear device would have a gamma of 1.0; a monitor or printer typically has a gamma in the range of 1.8 to 2.6, which affects midrange tones.

gamma correction: An adjustment to the light intensity (brightness) of a graphics device in order to match the output more closely to the original image. halftone: A color representation consisting of a discrete gray or tone level.

If not inclusive-inclusive, the coordinates are not part of the rectangle, and instead are one logical unit outside the bounds of the rectangle along both coordinate axes. intensity: The magnitude of a component color in the color space.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG): A standard still-image format that is very popular due to its excellent compression capabilities. JPEG files are widely used for photographic images, but are not as well suited for compressing charts and diagrams, because text can become fuzzy. JPEG files use the JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) [JFIF], and their file extensions are .JPG or .JFF.

line cap: The shape to use at the end of a line drawn by a graphics pen. line join: The shape to use at the intersection of two lines drawn by a graphics pen. logical palette: A palette that defines colors as device-independent values. Unlike the system palette, which has predefined, device-specific color definitions, a logical palette contains color values that can be defined entirely by an application. A logical palette entry must be mapped to the system palette in order for the custom colors to appear. Thus, a logical palette allows an application to use as many colors as needed without interfering with colors displayed by other applications.

mapping mode: The unit of measure for transforming logical units into device units, and also for defining the orientation of the x-axis and y-axis of the device surface.

internal leading: The amount of space inside a character cell, within the bounds set by the font ascent. Accent marks and other diacritics can occur in this area.


inclusive-inclusive: When referring to the bounds of a rectangle that consists of two coordinatesone coordinate for one corner and the other coordinate for the opposite corner the coordinates are considered part of the rectangle.


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metafile: A collection of structures that can store an image in an application-independent format. The stored image can be recreated by processing the metafile structures. A metafile contains a sequence of drawing commands, object definitions, and configuration settings. The commands, objects, and settings recorded in a metafile can be used to render its contents on a display, as output by a printer or plotter, stored in memory, or saved to a file or stream. miter length: At the intersection of two lines, the distance from the intersection of the line walls on the inside of the line join to the intersection of the line walls on the outside of the line join. The miter length can be large when the angle between two lines is small. If the miter length of the join of an intersection exceeds a specified limit, the join can be beveled to keep it within the limit of the join of the intersection.

multiple master: A font technology that is a variation of the PostScript Type 1 font format. Multiple master fonts are outline fonts, so changing their size does not affect the quality of their output. Multiple master technology supports the creation of an unlimited number of custom variations of a font, called instances, as well as the emulation of typefaces that might not be present on the user's system. OpenGL: A software API for graphics hardware that supports the rendering of multidimensional graphical objects. The Windows implementation of OpenGL [OPENGL] is industry-standard graphics software with which implementers can create high-quality still and animated threedimensional color images. OpenType: A Unicode-based font technology that is an extension to TrueType and Type 1 font technologies. OpenType allows PostScript and TrueType glyph definitions to reside in a common container format. outline font: A font that is defined with mathematical equations, which makes it possible for a printer or other output device to generate the characters at any size. Besides being arbitrarily scalable, the appearance of an outline font improves in proportion to the resolution of an output device. TrueType and PostScript are examples of outline font technology.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

packed DIB: A device-independent bitmap (DIB) in which the bit array immediately follows the header ([MS-WMF] section

page space: The next logical space closer to the mapping of a physical device after world space. It determines the mapping mode. Page space is defined with device-independent units, such as millimeters or inches.

palette: An array of elements, each of which contains the definition of a color. The color elements in a palette are often indexed so that clients can refer to the colors, each of which can occupy 24 bits or more, by a number that requires less storage space. PANOSE: A classification system for font typefaces that is based on certain specific visual characteristics of the font, including weight (emphasis) and serif style.

path: A graphics object that is a container for a series of line and curve segments and regions in an image.



monoscopic: The property of an image that conveys a lack of the illusion of depth, as if the image were two-dimensional.

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path bracket: A series of paths that composes a larger figure. A path bracket specifies the current path that is defined in the playback device context. pitch: A property of a font that describes the horizontal density of characters in a font; that is, the number of characters that can fit in a given unit of space. When all the characters in a font have the same width, the font is called "fixed-pitch"; if characters can have various widths, the font is "variable-pitch". "Times New Roman" is a variable-pitch font; it is easy to see that the characters in the font may have different widths. For example, the width of a lowercase "i" is visibly less than the width of an uppercase "W".

PNG: Portable Network Graphics (PNG): A bitmapped graphics file format [RFC2083] that provides advanced graphics features such as 48-bit color, alpha channels, built-in gamma and color correction, tight compression, and the ability to display at one resolution and print at another. raster operation: The process of combining the bits in a source bitmap with the bits in a destination bitmap and the bits in a specified pattern, to achieve a desired graphical output. rasterized font: A font produced with matrixes of discrete pixel settings. Such fonts are not scalable, but must define glyph bitmaps at specific sizes. Because of this, the appearance of rasterized fonts does not improve in proportion to the resolution of an output device and, when magnified, appear significantly worse than vector fonts. rasterizer: A program that converts geometric shapes into matrixes of discrete pixel settings on a graphics object such as a font.

region: A graphics object that is nonrectilinear in shape and is defined by an array of scanlines.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

RGB: red-green-blue (RGB): An additive color model in which red, green and blue are combined in various ways to reproduce other colors.

RGBA: A color space in which each pixel is a group of four components in the following order: red, green, blue, alpha. The red, green, and blue values specify the intensity of each color; the values range from 0.0 (least intense) to 1.0 (most intense). The number of bits for each component varies depends on the pixel format. The color displayed is a result of the sum of the three color values. If all three values are 0.0, the result is black. If all three values are 1.0, the result is white. rotation transform: A transform that is used to rotate an object. When rotation occurs, the points that make up an object are rotated with respect to the coordinate space origin.

scaling transform: A transform that is used to stretch or compress an object horizontally or vertically. shear transform: A transform that is used to shear or cut an object. There are two components of a shear transform: The first alters the vertical lines in an object, and the second alters the horizontal lines.

reflection transform: A transform that is used to create a mirror image of an object with respect to either the horizontal or vertical axis.



playback device context: The device_context that defines the current graphics state during playback of the metafile. Although the data in an EMF metafile is device-independent, playback is always associated with an output device with specific properties, such as resolution, color support, etc.

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stereoscopic: The property of an image that gives the illusion of depth, as if the image were three-dimensional. The pixels that compose such an image can include a color plane that is designed to add that illusion. stock object: A predefined graphics object. Stock objects are standard, commonly-used objects, such as a black brush and pen. The set of predefined stock objects is specified in the StockObject enumeration (section 2.1.31). Stock objects are neither created nor deleted. system palette: The palette that is actually in use on an output device such as a display terminal. The structure of a system palette and the format of colors are device-dependent. Contrast with a logical palette.

transform: An algorithm that transforms the size, orientation, and shape of objects that are copied from one coordinate space into another. Although a transform affects an object as a whole, it is applied to each point, or to each line, in the object. transformation: See transform.

translation transform: A transform that is used to shift each point in an object vertically, horizontally, or both, by a specified amount.

TrueType: A scalable font technology that renders fonts for both the printer and the screen. Originally developed by Apple, it was enhanced jointly by Apple and Microsoft. Each TrueType font contains its own algorithms for converting printer outlines into screen bitmaps, which means both the outline and bitmap information is rasterized from the same font data. The lower-level language embedded within the TrueType font allows great flexibility in its design. Both TrueType and Type 1 font technologies are part of the OpenType format.

typeface: The primary design of a set of printed characters such as Courier, Helvetica, and Times Roman.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The terms typeface and font are sometimes used interchangeably. A font is the particular implementation and variation of the typeface such as normal, bold, or italics. The distinguishing characteristic of a typeface is often the presence or absence of serifs.

vector font: A font that is defined with geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and polygons, which are all based on mathematical equations instead of collections of discrete pixel settings. Vector fonts can be rendered in high quality at arbitrary sizes. Outline fonts are vector fonts. Contrast with rasterized fonts.

weight: A property of a font that specifies the degree of emphasis or boldness of the characters. Windows Color System (WCS): A superset of ICM APIs and functionality.<1> world space: The most abstract logical coordinate space for graphics transform. MAY, SHOULD, MUST, SHOULD NOT, MUST NOT: These terms (in all caps) are used as described in [RFC2119]. All statements of optional behavior use either MAY, SHOULD, or SHOULD NOT.

Type 1 font: A public, standard type format originally developed for use with PostScript printers. Type 1 fonts contain two componentsthe outline font, used for printing; and the bitmap font set, used for screen display.



tint: The amount of a neutral color, such as black or white, which is mixed with another color. Changing the tint increases or decreases the intensity and saturation, and leaves the coordinates of the color in the color space unchanged.

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References to Microsoft Open Specification documents do not include a publishing year because links are to the latest version of the documents, which are updated frequently. References to other documents include a publishing year when one is available.


Normative References

Note There is a charge to download the specification.

[JFIF] Hamilton, E., "JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02", September 1992, http://www.w3.org/Graphics/JPEG/jfif.txt

[RFC2083] Boutell, T., "PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Specification Version 1.0", RFC 2083, March 1997, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2083.txt [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997, http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt


Informative References

[MS-EMFPLUS] Microsoft Corporation, "Enhanced Metafile Format Plus Extensions".


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

[MS-EMFSPOOL] Microsoft Corporation, "Enhanced Metafile Spool Format". [MS-GLOS] Microsoft Corporation, "Windows Protocols Master Glossary". [MSDN-GDI+] Microsoft Corporation, "GDI+", http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/ms533798.aspx [MSDN-WRLDPGSPC] Microsoft Corporation, "World-Space to Page-Space Transformations", http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms532657.aspx [OPENGL] Segal, M. and Akeley, K., "The OpenGL Graphics System: A Specification, Version 2.1", December 2006, http://www.opengl.org/registry/doc/glspec21.20061201.pdf

[UNICODE] The Unicode Consortium, "Unicode Home Page", 2006, http://www.unicode.org/


[MS-WMF] Microsoft Corporation, "Windows Metafile Format".


[ISO/IEC-8859-1] International Organization for Standardization, "Information Technology -- 8-Bit Single-Byte Coded Graphic Character Sets -- Part 1: Latin Alphabet No. 1", ISO/IEC 8859-1, 1998, http://www.iso.org/iso/en/CatalogueDetailPage.CatalogueDetail?CSNUMBER=28245&ICS1=35&ICS 2=40&ICS3=

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We conduct frequent surveys of the normative references to assure their continued availability. If you have any issue with finding a normative reference, please contact [email protected]. We will assist you in finding the relevant information. Please check the archive site, http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/E4BD6494-06AD-4aed-9823-445E921C9624, as an additional source.


Overview Metafile Structure


The EMF specifies a collection of data records that contain graphics drawing commands and object definitions. EMF metafiles provide true device independence; the image defined in an EMF metafile maintains its dimensions, shape, and proportions on any output device, including printers, plotters, desktops, and in the client areas of many applications.

Original: This is the first version of EMF metafile, which supports device-independent drawing commands and objects. <2> Extension 1: The first extension to EMF adds a pixel format record and support for OpenGL commands, enhancing the device independence and flexibility of EMF metafiles. <3>

The following diagram qualitatively depicts the structures of the different versions of EMF metafiles.


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Extension 2: The second extension to EMF adds the capability to measure distances on device surfaces in micrometers, enhancing the resolution and scalability supported by EMF metafiles. <4>


The different versions of EMF metafiles are:

An EMF metafile consists of a sequence of EMF records. The first record in the metafile is always an EMF header record, and the last is always an EMF end-of-file record. Between these are records that specify drawing operations, the configuration of properties, and the creation of graphics objects, all of which together compose a device-independent picture.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Figure 1: EMF metafile structures

Thus, all EMF metafiles can be considered to have three sections: EMF Header: The metafile header with extensions that correspond to this type of EMF metafile. The header record contains information concerning the structure and contents of the metafile, including an optional description string and pixel format descriptor. See section for details concerning the EMF header.

EMF Records: An array of EMF records that contains drawing orders, graphics state information, and graphics object definitions. At least one record has to be presentnot counting the EMF header or EMF end-of-file recordsor the metafile is invalid. See sections 2.3.10 and 2.3.5 for specifications of all EMF record types. EMF End-of-File: The EMF end-of-file record signals the end of all EMF metafiles. It has to be the last record in the metafile. If the EMF metafile contains an optional palette, it is in the form of an array of LogPaletteEntry (section 2.2.18) objects located in the EMF end-of-file record. Offsets to the palette are present in both the EMF header and EMF end-of-file records.

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Within the portions of these files identified as EMF header records, the description and pixel format substructures are optional, and they can be placed in any order. Their presence, location, and relative order in a given EMF file are determined by offset values in the EMF header record. If present, they are part of the EMF header record, and cannot be located at some arbitrary location in the EMF metafile, such as between EMF records. EMF records are contiguous; this is required, because the information that is available for traversing the file from record to record depends on it. That is, from any given EMF record, including the header record, in order to move to the next sequential record in the file, the length of the record is used.


Graphics Objects

Throughout this specification, it is assumed that these previously defined, reusable graphics objects are available when needed for the processing of particular metafile records. This store of available objects is referred to in the text as the EMF Object Table, which is described in section The exact characteristics of an object store for EMF objects can be determined by the particular implementation that parses or writes EMF metafiles.

Brushes, specified in section 2.2.12

Color spaces, specified in [MS-WMF] sections and Fonts, specified in sections 2.2.13, 2.2.14, 2.2.15, and 2.2.16 Palettes, specified in section 2.2.17

Pens, specified in sections 2.2.19 and 2.2.20


1.3.3 Byte Ordering
[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

When one of these objects is created, it is assigned a 32-bit index in the EMF Object Table. An object can be "activated" by an EMR_SELECTOBJECT record that refers to the index it was assigned. There are also stock objects that can be selected for use in graphics operations. Stock objects are also assigned 32-bit indexes, but not at run timetheir indexes are predefined. They are distinguished from the indexes of dynamically created graphics objects by having the mostsignificant bit set to 1. The other 31 bits of the index define the particular stock object, according to the StockObject enumeration, specified in section 2.1.31.

Data in metafile records is stored in little-endian format.

Some computer architectures number bytes in a binary word from left to right, which is referred to as big-endian. The byte numbering used for bitfields in this specification is big-endian. Other architectures number the bytes in a binary word from right to left, which is referred to as littleendian. The byte numbering used for enumerations, objects, and records in this specification is little-endian.


The types of reusable objects that can be created and managed during EMF metafile playback include:


Graphics objects, which are used in the drawing and painting operations specified in the records of an EMF metafile, are created by Object Creation record types, specified in section 2.3.7, prior to the records that specify their use. These objects are designed to be reusable during the course of processing the EMF metafile.

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Using the big-endian and little-endian methods, the number 0x12345678 would be stored as shown in the following table.
Byte order Big-endian Little-endian Byte 0 0x12 0x78 Byte 1 0x34 0x56 Byte 2 0x56 0x34 Byte 3 0x78 0x12

EMF is related to the following file formats:

Enhanced metafile spool format (EMFSPOOL) [MS-EMFSPOOL] is an application of EMF for print job spooling. Enhanced metafile format plus extensions (EMF+) [MS-EMFPLUS] specifies object-oriented structures that can be embedded in EMF metafiles.<6>


Applicability Statement

Files that adhere to the EMF metafile format can be used as portable, device-independent containers for images. The graphics supported in EMF metafiles are applicable to document content representation, including printing and plotting.


Versioning and Localization

This specification covers versioning issues in the following areas:

Original: The first version of the EMF structure, supporting records that define drawing commands and graphics objects.


1.7 Vendor-Extensible Fields
[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Extension 1: Added support for OpenGL records and an optional internal pixel format descriptor.<7>

Extension 2: Added the capability of measuring display dimensions in micrometers.<8> Localization: This structure defines no locale-specific processes or data.

EMF metafiles define a mechanism for the encapsulation of arbitrary vendor-defined data. The record type EMR_COMMENT can contain arbitrary private data that is unknown to EMF. This data is meaningful only to applications that can decode the format of the data.

Versioning: The EMF structure has been revised twice. The different versions are:



Windows metafile format (WMF) [MS-WMF] uses similar graphics, commands, and objects, but WMF files are not device-independent.<5>

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Relationship to Protocols and Other Structures

The following sections specify various types of EMF metafile records and enumerations. Note All character strings specified in this section are encoded in Unicode UTF16-LE format, as specified in [UNICODE], unless stated otherwise.


EMF Enumerations

The RecordType enumeration defines values that uniquely identify EMF records. These values are provided in the Type field of each record.
typedef enum { EMR_HEADER = 0x00000001, EMR_POLYBEZIER = 0x00000002, EMR_POLYGON = 0x00000003, EMR_POLYLINE = 0x00000004, EMR_POLYBEZIERTO = 0x00000005, EMR_POLYLINETO = 0x00000006, EMR_POLYPOLYLINE = 0x00000007, EMR_POLYPOLYGON = 0x00000008, EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX = 0x00000009, EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX = 0x0000000A, EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX = 0x0000000B, EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX = 0x0000000C, EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX = 0x0000000D, EMR_EOF = 0x0000000E, EMR_SETPIXELV = 0x0000000F, EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS = 0x00000010, EMR_SETMAPMODE = 0x00000011, EMR_SETBKMODE = 0x00000012, EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE = 0x00000013, EMR_SETROP2 = 0x00000014, EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE = 0x00000015, EMR_SETTEXTALIGN = 0x00000016, EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT = 0x00000017, EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR = 0x00000018, EMR_SETBKCOLOR = 0x00000019, EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN = 0x0000001A, EMR_MOVETOEX = 0x0000001B, EMR_SETMETARGN = 0x0000001C, EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT = 0x0000001D, EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT = 0x0000001E, EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX = 0x0000001F, EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX = 0x00000020, EMR_SAVEDC = 0x00000021, EMR_RESTOREDC = 0x00000022, EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM = 0x00000023, EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM = 0x00000024, EMR_SELECTOBJECT = 0x00000025, EMR_CREATEPEN = 0x00000026, EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT = 0x00000027, EMR_DELETEOBJECT = 0x00000028, EMR_ANGLEARC = 0x00000029,


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RecordType Enumeration


EMR_ELLIPSE = 0x0000002A, EMR_RECTANGLE = 0x0000002B, EMR_ROUNDRECT = 0x0000002C, EMR_ARC = 0x0000002D, EMR_CHORD = 0x0000002E, EMR_PIE = 0x0000002F, EMR_SELECTPALETTE = 0x00000030, EMR_CREATEPALETTE = 0x00000031, EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES = 0x00000032, EMR_RESIZEPALETTE = 0x00000033, EMR_REALIZEPALETTE = 0x00000034, EMR_EXTFLOODFILL = 0x00000035, EMR_LINETO = 0x00000036, EMR_ARCTO = 0x00000037, EMR_POLYDRAW = 0x00000038, EMR_SETARCDIRECTION = 0x00000039, EMR_SETMITERLIMIT = 0x0000003A, EMR_BEGINPATH = 0x0000003B, EMR_ENDPATH = 0x0000003C, EMR_CLOSEFIGURE = 0x0000003D, EMR_FILLPATH = 0x0000003E, EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH = 0x0000003F, EMR_STROKEPATH = 0x00000040, EMR_FLATTENPATH = 0x00000041, EMR_WIDENPATH = 0x00000042, EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH = 0x00000043, EMR_ABORTPATH = 0x00000044, EMR_COMMENT = 0x00000046, EMR_FILLRGN = 0x00000047, EMR_FRAMERGN = 0x00000048, EMR_INVERTRGN = 0x00000049, EMR_PAINTRGN = 0x0000004A, EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN = 0x0000004B, EMR_BITBLT = 0x0000004C, EMR_STRETCHBLT = 0x0000004D, EMR_MASKBLT = 0x0000004E, EMR_PLGBLT = 0x0000004F, EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE = 0x00000050, EMR_STRETCHDIBITS = 0x00000051, EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW = 0x00000052, EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA = 0x00000053, EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW = 0x00000054, EMR_POLYBEZIER16 = 0x00000055, EMR_POLYGON16 = 0x00000056, EMR_POLYLINE16 = 0x00000057, EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16 = 0x00000058, EMR_POLYLINETO16 = 0x00000059, EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16 = 0x0000005A, EMR_POLYPOLYGON16 = 0x0000005B, EMR_POLYDRAW16 = 0x0000005C, EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH = 0x0000005D, EMR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT = 0x0000005E, EMR_EXTCREATEPEN = 0x0000005F, EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA = 0x00000060, EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW = 0x00000061, EMR_SETICMMODE = 0x00000062, EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE = 0x00000063, EMR_SETCOLORSPACE = 0x00000064, EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE = 0x00000065,

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EMR_POLYBEZIER: This record defines one or more Bezier curves. Cubic Bezier curves are defined using specified endpoints and control points, and are stroked with the current pen. EMR_POLYGON: This record defines a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines. The polygon is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush and polygon fill mode. The polygon is closed automatically by drawing a line from the last vertex to the first. EMR_POLYLINE: This record defines a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array. EMR_POLYBEZIERTO: This record defines one or more Bezier curves based upon the current position. EMR_POLYLINETO: This record defines one or more straight lines based upon the current position. A line is drawn from the current position to the first point specified by the points field by using the current pen. For each additional line, drawing is performed from the ending point of the previous line to the next point specified by points. EMR_POLYPOLYLINE: This record defines multiple series of connected line segments. The line segments are drawn by using the current pen. The figures formed by the segments are not filled. The current position is neither used nor updated by this record. EMR_POLYPOLYGON: This record defines a series of closed polygons. Each polygon is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush and polygon fill mode. The polygons defined by this record can overlap.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX: This record defines the window extent. EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX: This record defines the window origin.


EMR_HEADER: This record defines the start of the metafile and specifies its characteristics; its contents, including the dimensions of the embedded image; the number of records in the metafile; and the resolution of the device on which the embedded image was created. These values make it possible for the metafile to be device-independent.



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EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX: This record defines the viewport extent. EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX: This record defines the viewport origin. EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX: This record defines the origin of the current brush. EMR_EOF: This record indicates the end of the metafile. EMR_SETPIXELV: This record defines the color of the pixel at the specified logical coordinates.

EMR_SETBKMODE: This record defines the background mix mode of the playback device context. The background mix mode is used with text, hatched brushes, and pen styles that are not solid lines. EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE: This record defines polygon fill mode.

EMR_SETROP2: This record defines binary raster operation mode.

EMR_SETTEXTALIGN: This record defines text alignment.

EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT: This record defines the color adjustment values for the playback device context using the specified values. EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR: This record defines the current text color.

EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN: This record redefines the clipping region of the playback device context by the specified offsets. EMR_MOVETOEX: This record defines coordinates of the new current position, in logical units.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

EMR_SETMETARGN: This record intersects the current clipping region for the playback device context with the current metaregion and saves the combined region as the new metaregion. The clipping region is reset to a null region. EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT: This record defines a new clipping region that consists of the existing clipping region minus the specified rectangle.

EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT: This record defines a new clipping region from the intersection of the current clipping region and the specified rectangle.

EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX: This record redefines the viewport for the playback device context using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors. EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX: This record redefines the window for the playback device context using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.

EMR_SETBKCOLOR: This record defines the background color.


EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE: This record defines bitmap stretch mode.


EMR_SETMAPMODE: This record defines the mapping mode of the playback device context. The mapping mode defines the unit of measure used to transform page space units into device space units, and also defines the orientation of the device's x-axis and y-axis.

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EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS: This record specifies parameters of the process of matching logical fonts to physical fonts, which is performed by the font mapper.<9>

EMR_SAVEDC: This record saves the current state of the playback device context by copying data describing selected objects and graphic modesincluding the bitmap, brush, palette, font, pen, region, drawing mode, and mapping modeto a stack of saved device contexts. EMR_RESTOREDC: This record restores the playback device context to the specified saved state. The playback device context is restored by popping state information off a stack of saved device contexts created by earlier EMR_SAVEDC (section 2.3.11) records. EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM: This record defines a two-dimensional linear transformation between world space and page space (for more information, see [MSDN-WRLDPGSPC]) for the playback device context. This transformation can be used to scale, rotate, shear, or translate graphics output. EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM: This record redefines the world transformation for the playback device context using the specified mode.

EMR_SELECTOBJECT: This record adds an object to the playback device context, identifying it by its index in the EMF Object Table (section EMR_CREATEPEN: This record defines a logical pen that has the specified style, width, and color. The pen can subsequently be selected into the playback device context and used to draw lines and curves.

EMR_DELETEOBJECT: This record deletes a graphics object, clearing its index in the EMF Object Table. If the deleted object is selected in the playback device context, the default object for that context property MUST be restored. EMR_ANGLEARC: This record defines a line segment of an arc. The line segment is drawn from the current position to the beginning of the arc. The arc is drawn along the perimeter of a circle with the given radius and center. The length of the arc is defined by the given start and sweep angles. EMR_ELLIPSE: This record defines an ellipse. The center of the ellipse is the center of the specified bounding rectangle. The ellipse is outlined by using the current pen and is filled by using the current brush.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

EMR_RECTANGLE: This record defines a rectangle. The rectangle is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush. EMR_ROUNDRECT: This record defines a rectangle with rounded corners. The rectangle is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush. EMR_ARC: This record defines an elliptical arc. EMR_CHORD: This record defines a chord (a region bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and a line segment, called a secant). The chord is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush. EMR_PIE: This record defines a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and two radials. The pie is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush. EMR_SELECTPALETTE: This record adds a LogPalette (section 2.2.17) object to the playback device context, identifying it by its index in the EMF Object Table.


EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT: This record defines a logical brush for figure filling in graphics operations.


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EMR_CREATEPALETTE: This record defines a LogPalette object. EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES: This record defines RGB (red-green-blue) color values in a range of entries in a LogPalette object. EMR_RESIZEPALETTE: This record increases or decreases the size of a logical palette. EMR_REALIZEPALETTE: This record maps entries from the current logical palette to the system palette.

EMR_LINETO: This record defines a line from the current position up to, but not including, the specified point. It resets the current position to the specified point.

EMR_POLYDRAW: This record defines a set of line segments and Bezier curves.

EMR_SETARCDIRECTION: This record defines the drawing direction to be used for arc and rectangle operations. EMR_SETMITERLIMIT: This record defines the limit for the length of miter joins for the playback device context. EMR_BEGINPATH: This record opens a path bracket in the playback device context.

EMR_ENDPATH: This record closes a path bracket and selects the path defined by the bracket into the playback device context. EMR_CLOSEFIGURE: This record closes an open figure in a path.

EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH: This record closes any open figures in a path, strokes the outline of the path by using the current pen, and fills its interior by using the current brush. EMR_STROKEPATH: This record renders the specified path by using the current pen.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

EMR_FLATTENPATH: This record transforms any curve in the path that is selected into the playback device context, turning each curve into a sequence of lines. EMR_WIDENPATH: This record redefines the current path as the area that would be painted if the path were stroked using the pen currently selected into the playback device context. EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH: This record defines the current path as a clipping region for the playback device context, combining the new region with any existing clipping region using the specified mode. EMR_ABORTPATH: This record aborts a path bracket or discards the path from a closed path bracket. EMR_COMMENT: This record specifies arbitrary private data. EMR_FILLRGN: This record fills the specified region by using the specified brush.

EMR_FILLPATH: This record closes any open figures in the current path and fills the path's interior by using the current brush and polygon-filling mode.



EMR_ARCTO: This record defines an elliptical arc. It resets the current position to the end point of the arc.

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EMR_EXTFLOODFILL: This record fills an area of the display surface with the current brush.

EMR_FRAMERGN: This record draws a border around the specified region using the specified brush. EMR_INVERTRGN: This record inverts the colors in the specified region. EMR_PAINTRGN: This record paints the specified region by using the brush currently selected into the playback device context. EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN: This record combines the specified region with the current clip region using the specified mode. EMR_BITBLT: This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation.

EMR_MASKBLT: This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern and with the application of a color mask bitmap, according to specified foreground and background raster operations.

EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE: This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from specified scanlines of a source bitmap to a destination rectangle. EMR_STRETCHDIBITS: This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary. EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW: This record defines a logical font that has the specified characteristics. The font can subsequently be selected as the current font for the playback device context.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA: This record draws an ASCII text string using the current font and text colors. Note EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA SHOULD be emulated with an EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record (section <10> This requires the ASCII text string in the EmrText object to be converted to Unicode UTF16-LE encoding.

EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW: This record draws a Unicode text string using the current font and text colors. EMR_POLYBEZIER16: This record defines one or more Bezier curves. The curves are drawn using the current pen.

EMR_POLYGON16: This record defines a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines. The polygon is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush and polygon fill mode. The polygon is closed automatically by drawing a line from the last vertex to the first.


EMR_PLGBLT: This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination parallelogram, with the application of a color mask bitmap.


EMR_STRETCHBLT: This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary.

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EMR_POLYLINE16: This record defines a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array. EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16: This record defines one or more Bezier curves based on the current position. EMR_POLYLINETO16: This record defines one or more straight lines based upon the current position. A line is drawn from the current position to the first point specified by the Points field by using the current pen. For each additional line, drawing is performed from the ending point of the previous line to the next point specified by Points. EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16: This record defines multiple series of connected line segments.

EMR_POLYDRAW16: This record defines a set of line segments and Bezier curves.

EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH: This record defines a logical brush with the specified bitmap pattern. The bitmap can be a device-independent bitmap (DIB) section bitmap or it can be a device-dependent bitmap. EMR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT: This record defines a logical brush that has the pattern specified by the DIB. EMR_EXTCREATEPEN: This record defines a logical cosmetic or geometric pen that has the specified style, width, and brush attributes. EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA: This record draws one or more ASCII text strings using the current font and text colors. Note EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA SHOULD be emulated with a series of EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW records, one per string.<11> EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW: This record draws one or more Unicode text strings using the current font and text colors. Note EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW SHOULD be emulated with a series of EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW records, one per string.<12>


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

EMR_SETICMMODE: This record specifies the mode of Image Color Management (ICM) for graphics operations.<13> EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE: This record creates a logical color space object from a color profile with a name consisting of ASCII characters.<14> EMR_SETCOLORSPACE: This record defines the current logical color space object for graphics operations.<15> EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE: This record deletes a logical color space object.<16> Note An EMR_DELETEOBJECT record SHOULD be used instead of EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE to delete a logical color space object.<17>

EMR_GLSRECORD: This record specifies an OpenGL function.<18>



EMR_POLYPOLYGON16: This record defines a series of closed polygons. Each polygon is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush and polygon fill mode. The polygons specified by this record can overlap.

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EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD: This record specifies an OpenGL function with a bounding rectangle for output.<19> EMR_PIXELFORMAT: This record specifies the pixel format to use for graphics operations.<20> EMR_DRAWESCAPE: This record passes arbitrary information to the driver. The intent is that the information will result in drawing being done. EMR_EXTESCAPE: This record passes arbitrary information to the driver. The intent is that the information will not result in drawing being done. EMR_SMALLTEXTOUT: This record outputs a string.

EMR_NAMEDESCAPE: This record passes arbitrary information to the given named driver.

EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE: This record specifies how to correct the entries of a logical palette object using Windows Color System (WCS) 1.0 values.<21>

EMR_SETICMPROFILEA: This record specifies a color profile in a file with a name consisting of ASCII characters, for graphics output.<22>

EMR_ALPHABLEND: This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, including alpha transparency data, according to a specified blending operation.<24> EMR_SETLAYOUT: This record specifies the order in which text and graphics are drawn.<25> EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT: This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, treating a specified color as transparent, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary.<26> EMR_GRADIENTFILL: This record specifies filling rectangles or triangles with gradients of color.<27> EMR_SETLINKEDUFIS: This record sets the UniversalFontIds of linked fonts to use during character lookup. EMR_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION: This record specifies the amount of extra space to add to break characters for justification purposes.<28>


2.1.2 ArcDirection Enumeration
[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

EMR_COLORMATCHTOTARGETW: This record specifies whether to perform color matching with a color profile that is specified in a file with a name consisting of Unicode characters.<29> EMR_CREATECOLORSPACEW: This record creates a logical color space object from a color profile with a name consisting of Unicode characters.<30>

The ArcDirection enumeration is used in setting the drawing direction for arc and rectangle output.


EMR_SETICMPROFILEW: This record specifies a color profile in a file with a name consisting of Unicode characters, for graphics output.<23>


EMR_FORCEUFIMAPPING: This record forces the font mapper to match fonts based on their UniversalFontId in preference to their LogFont information.

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typedef enum { AD_COUNTERCLOCKWISE = 0x0001, AD_CLOCKWISE = 0x0002 } ArcDirection;

AD_COUNTERCLOCKWISE: Figures drawn counterclockwise. AD_CLOCKWISE: Figures drawn clockwise.


ArmStyle Enumeration

PAN_NO_FIT: No fit.

PAN_STRAIGHT_ARMS_HORZ: Straight arms/horizontal.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

PAN_STRAIGHT_ARMS_WEDGE: Straight arms/wedge. PAN_STRAIGHT_ARMS_VERT: Straight arms/vertical. PAN_STRAIGHT_ARMS_SINGLE_SERIF: Straight arms/single-serif. PAN_STRAIGHT_ARMS_DOUBLE_SERIF: Straight arms/double-serif. PAN_BENT_ARMS_HORZ: Nonstraight arms/horizontal. PAN_BENT_ARMS_WEDGE: Nonstraight arms/wedge. PAN_BENT_ARMS_VERT: Nonstraight arms/vertical. PAN_BENT_ARMS_SINGLE_SERIF: Nonstraight arms/single-serif. PAN_BENT_ARMS_DOUBLE_SERIF: Nonstraight arms/double-serif.


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The ArmStyle enumeration defines values for one of the characteristics in the PANOSE system for classifying typefaces.


BackgroundMode Enumeration

The BackgroundMode enumeration is used to specify the background mode to be used with text, hatched brushes, and pen styles that are not solid. The background mode determines how to combine the background with foreground text, hatched brushes, and pen styles that are not solid lines.
typedef enum { TRANSPARENT = 0x0001, OPAQUE = 0x0002 } BackgroundMode;

OPAQUE: Background is filled with the current background color before the text, hatched brush, or pen is drawn.


ColorAdjustment Enumeration

The ColorAdjustment enumeration is used to specify how the output image should be prepared when the stretch mode is HALFTONE.
typedef enum { CA_NEGATIVE = 0x0001, CA_LOG_FILTER = 0x0002 } ColorAdjustment;

CA_NEGATIVE: Specifies that the negative of the original image SHOULD be displayed. CA_LOG_FILTER: Specifies that a logarithmic process SHOULD be applied to the final density of the output colors. This will increase the color contrast when the luminance is low.


ColorMatchToTarget Enumeration


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The ColorMatchToTarget enumeration is used to determine whether a color profile has been embedded in the metafile.
typedef enum { COLORMATCHTOTARGET_NOTEMBEDDED = 0x00000000, COLORMATCHTOTARGET_EMBEDDED = 0x00000001 } ColorMatchToTarget;

COLORMATCHTOTARGET_NOTEMBEDDED: Indicates that a color profile has not been embedded in the metafile.

COLORMATCHTOTARGET_EMBEDDED: Indicates that a color profile has been embedded in the metafile.



TRANSPARENT: Background remains untouched.

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ColorSpace Enumeration

The ColorSpace enumeration is used to specify when to turn color proofing on and off, and when to delete transforms.
typedef enum { CS_ENABLE = 0x00000001, CS_DISABLE = 0x00000002, CS_DELETE_TRANSFORM = 0x00000003 } ColorSpace;

CS_DISABLE: Disables color proofing.

CS_DELETE_TRANSFORM: If color management is enabled for the target profile, disables it and deletes the concatenated transform.


Contrast Enumeration


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The Contrast enumeration defines values for one of the characteristics in the PANOSE system for classifying typefaces.


CS_ENABLE: Maps colors to the target device's color gamut. This enables color proofing. All subsequent draw commands to the playback device context will render colors as they would appear on the target device.



DIBColors Enumeration

The DIBColors enumeration defines how to interpret the values in the color table of a DIB.
typedef enum { DIB_RGB_COLORS = 0x00, DIB_PAL_COLORS = 0x01, DIB_PAL_INDICES = 0x02 } DIBColors;

DIB_RGB_COLORS: The color table contains literal RGB values.

DIB_PAL_COLORS: The color table consists of an array of 16-bit indexes into the LogPalette object (section 2.2.17) that is currently defined in the playback device context. DIB_PAL_INDICES: No color table exists. The pixels in the DIB are indices into the current logical palette in the playback device context.


EmrComment Enumeration

The EmrComment enumeration defines the types of data that a public comment record can contain, as specified in section
typedef enum { EMR_COMMENT_WINDOWS_METAFILE = 0x80000001, EMR_COMMENT_BEGINGROUP = 0x00000002, EMR_COMMENT_ENDGROUP = 0x00000003, EMR_COMMENT_MULTIFORMATS = 0x40000004, EMR_COMMENT_UNICODE_STRING = 0x00000040, EMR_COMMENT_UNICODE_END = 0x00000080 } EmrComment;


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

EMR_COMMENT_WINDOWS_METAFILE: This comment record contains a specification of an image in WMF. See [MS-WMF] for more information. EMR_COMMENT_BEGINGROUP: This comment record identifies the beginning of a group of drawing records. It identifies an object within an EMF metafile. EMR_COMMENT_ENDGROUP: This comment record identifies the end of a group of drawing records. For every EMR_COMMENT_BEGINGROUP record, an EMR_COMMENT_ENDGROUP record MUST be included in the metafile, and they MAY be nested. EMR_COMMENT_MULTIFORMATS: This comment record allows multiple definitions of an image to be included in the metafile. Using this comment, for example, an application can include encapsulated PostScript text as well as an EMF definition of an image.

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DIBs are specified by DeviceIndependentBitmap objects ([MS-WMF] section


EMR_COMMENT_UNICODE_STRING: This comment record is reserved and MUST NOT be used in an EMF metafile. EMR_COMMENT_UNICODE_END: This comment record is reserved and MUST NOT be used in an EMF metafile.


ExtTextOutOptions Enumeration

The ExtTextOutOptions enumeration specifies parameters that control various aspects of the output of text by EMR_SMALLTEXTOUT (section records and in EmrText objects.
typedef enum { ETO_OPAQUE = 0x00000002, ETO_CLIPPED = 0x00000004, ETO_GLYPH_INDEX = 0x00000010, ETO_RTLREADING = 0x00000080, ETO_NO_RECT = 0x00000100, ETO_SMALL_CHARS = 0x00000200, ETO_NUMERICSLOCAL = 0x00000400, ETO_NUMERICSLATIN = 0x00000800, ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE = 0x00001000, ETO_PDY = 0x00002000, ETO_REVERSE_INDEX_MAP = 0x00010000 } ExtTextOutOptions;

ETO_OPAQUE: This bit indicates that the current background color SHOULD be used to fill the rectangle. ETO_CLIPPED: This bit indicates that the text SHOULD be clipped to the rectangle. ETO_GLYPH_INDEX: This bit indicates that the codes for characters in an output text string are actually indexes of the character glyphs in a TrueType font. Glyph indexes are fontspecific, so to display the correct characters on playback, the font that is used MUST be identical to the font used to generate the indexes.<31> ETO_RTLREADING: This bit indicates that the text MUST be laid out in right-to-left reading order, instead of the default left-to-right order. This SHOULD be applied only when the font selected into the playback device context is either Hebrew or Arabic.<32> ETO_NO_RECT: This bit indicates that the record does not specify a bounding rectangle for the text output.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

ETO_SMALL_CHARS: This bit indicates that the codes for characters in an output text string are 8 bits, derived from the low bytes of 16-bit Unicode UTF16-LE character codes, in which the high byte is assumed to be 0. ETO_NUMERICSLOCAL: This bit indicates that to display numbers, digits appropriate to the locale SHOULD be used.<33> ETO_NUMERICSLATIN: This bit indicates that to display numbers, European digits SHOULD be used.<34> ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE: This bit indicates that no special operating system processing for glyph placement should be performed on right-to-left strings; that is, all glyph positioning SHOULD be taken care of by drawing and state records in the metafile.<35>


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ETO_PDY: This bit indicates that both horizontal and vertical character displacement values SHOULD be provided.<36> ETO_REVERSE_INDEX_MAP: This bit is reserved and SHOULD NOT be used.<37>


FamilyType Enumeration

The FamilyType enumeration defines values for one of the characteristics in the PANOSE system for classifying typefaces.
typedef enum { PAN_ANY = 0x00, PAN_NO_FIT = 0x01, PAN_FAMILY_TEXT_DISPLAY = 0x02, PAN_FAMILY_SCRIPT = 0x03, PAN_FAMILY_DECORATIVE = 0x04, PAN_FAMILY_PICTORIAL = 0x05 } FamilyType;



The FloodFill enumeration defines values that specify how to determine the area for a flood fill operation.
typedef enum { FLOODFILLBORDER = 0x00000000, FLOODFILLSURFACE = 0x00000001 } FloodFill;


2.1.14 FormatSignature Enumeration
typedef enum [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

FLOODFILLBORDER: The fill area is bounded by a specific color.

FLOODFILLSURFACE: The fill area is defined by a specific color. Filling continues outward in all directions as long as the color is encountered. This style is useful for filling areas with multicolored boundaries.

The FormatSignature enumeration defines values that are used to identify the format of embedded data in EMF records.


FloodFill Enumeration

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{ ENHMETA_SIGNATURE = 0x464D4520, EPS_SIGNATURE = 0x46535045 } FormatSignature;

ENHMETA_SIGNATURE: The value of this member is the sequence of ASCII characters "FME ", which happens to be the reverse of the string "EMF", and it denotes EMF record data. Note The space character in the string is significant and MUST be present. This signature is used in an EMR_HEADER record (section to identify the EMF metafile, and it is used in an EmrFormat object (section 2.2.4) to specify embedded EMF record data in an EMR_COMMENT_MULTIFORMATS record (section

This signature is used in an EmrFormat object to specify embedded PostScript data in an EpsData object (section 2.2.6) in an EMR_COMMENT_MULTIFORMATS record.


GradientFill Enumeration

typedef enum { GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H = 0x00000000, GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V = 0x00000001, GRADIENT_FILL_TRIANGLE = 0x00000002 } GradientFill;

GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H: A mode in which color interpolation is performed along a gradient from the left to the right edges of a rectangle. GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V: A mode in which color interpolation is performed along a gradient from the top to the bottom edges of a rectangle.


2.1.16 GraphicsMode Enumeration
typedef enum { GM_COMPATIBLE = 0x00000001, GM_ADVANCED = 0x00000002 } GraphicsMode; [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

GRADIENT_FILL_TRIANGLE: A mode in which color interpolation is performed between vertexes of a triangle.

The GraphicsMode enumeration is used to specify how to interpret shape data such as rectangle coordinates.

GM_COMPATIBLE: TrueType text MUST be written from left to right and right side up, even if the rest of the graphics are rotated about the x-axis or y-axis because of the current world-to36 / 305


The GradientFill enumeration defines the modes for gradient fill operations.


EPS_SIGNATURE: The value of this member is the sequence of ASCII characters "FSPE", which happens to be the reverse of the string "EPSF", and it denotes encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format data.

device transformation in the playback device context. Only the height of the text SHOULD be scaled. Arcs MUST be drawn using the current arc direction in the playback device context, but they MUST NOT respect the current world-to-device transformation, which might require a rotation along the x-axis or y-axis. The world-to-device transformation SHOULD only be modified by changing the window and viewport extents and origins, using the EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX (section and EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX (section records, and the EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX (section and EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX (section records, respectively. Changing the transformation directly by using the EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM (section or EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM (section records MAY NOT<38> be supported. In GM_COMPATIBLE graphics mode, bottom and rightmost edges MUST be excluded when rectangles are drawn. GM_ADVANCED: TrueType text output MUST fully conform to the current world-to-device transformation in the playback device context.

The world-to-device transform MAY<39> be modified directly by using the EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM or EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM records, or indirectly by changing the window and viewport extents and origins, using the EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX (section and EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX (section records, and the EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX (section and EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX (section records, respectively.


HatchStyle Enumeration


typedef enum { HS_SOLIDCLR = 0x0006, HS_DITHEREDCLR = 0x0007, HS_SOLIDTEXTCLR = 0x0008, HS_DITHEREDTEXTCLR = 0x0009, HS_SOLIDBKCLR = 0x000A, HS_DITHEREDBKCLR = 0x000B } HatchStyle; [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The HatchStyle enumeration is an extension to the WMF HatchStyle enumeration ([MS-WMF] section

HS_SOLIDCLR: The hatch is not a pattern, but is a solid color. HS_DITHEREDCLR: The hatch is not a pattern, but is a dithered color.

In GM_ADVANCED graphics mode, bottom and rightmost edges MUST be included when rectangles are drawn.


Arcs MUST be drawn in the counterclockwise direction in world space; however, both arc control points and the arcs themselves MUST fully respect the current world-to-device transformation in the playback device context.


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HS_SOLIDTEXTCLR: The hatch is not a pattern, but is a solid color, defined by the current text (foreground) color. HS_DITHEREDTEXTCLR: The hatch is not a pattern, but is a dithered color, defined by the current text (foreground) color. HS_SOLIDBKCLR: The hatch is not a pattern, but is a solid color, defined by the current background color. HS_DITHEREDBKCLR: The hatch is not a pattern, but is a dithered color, defined by the current background color.


ICMMode Enumeration

typedef enum { ICM_OFF = 0x01, ICM_ON = 0x02, ICM_QUERY = 0x03, ICM_DONE_OUTSIDEDC = 0x04 } ICMMode;

ICM_OFF: Turns off Image Color Management (ICM) in the playback device context. Turns on old-style color correction of halftones.<40> ICM_ON: Turns on ICM in the playback device context. Turns off old-style color correction of halftones.<41> ICM_QUERY: Queries the current state of color management in the playback device context.<42> ICM_DONE_OUTSIDEDC: Turns off ICM in the playback device context, and turns off old-style color correction of halftones.<43>


Illuminant Enumeration


typedef enum { ILLUMINANT_DEVICE_DEFAULT = 0x00, ILLUMINANT_TUNGSTEN = 0x01, ILLUMINANT_B = 0x02, ILLUMINANT_DAYLIGHT = 0x03, ILLUMINANT_D50 = 0x04, ILLUMINANT_D55 = 0x05, ILLUMINANT_D65 = 0x06, ILLUMINANT_D75 = 0x07, ILLUMINANT_FLUORESCENT = 0x08 } Illuminant; [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Illuminant enumeration defines values that specify the illuminant value of an image, which determines the standard light source under which the image is viewed so that the color can be adjusted appropriately.


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The ICMMode enumeration defines values that specify when to turn on and off ICM.

ILLUMINANT_DEVICE_DEFAULT: Device's default. Standard used by output devices. ILLUMINANT_TUNGSTEN: Tungsten lamp. ILLUMINANT_B: Noon sunlight. ILLUMINANT_DAYLIGHT: Daylight. ILLUMINANT_D50: Normal print.

ILLUMINANT_D65: Standard daylight. Standard for CRTs and pictures. ILLUMINANT_D75: Northern daylight. ILLUMINANT_FLUORESCENT: Cool white lamp.


Letterform Enumeration

The Letterform enumeration defines values for one of the characteristics in the PANOSE system for classifying typefaces.


PAN_ANY: Any. PAN_NO_FIT: No fit.
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ILLUMINANT_D55: Bond paper print.




MapMode Enumeration

The MapMode enumeration is used to define the unit of measure for transforming page space units into device space units and for defining the orientation of the drawing axes.
typedef enum { MM_TEXT = 0x01, MM_LOMETRIC = 0x02, MM_HIMETRIC = 0x03, MM_LOENGLISH = 0x04, MM_HIENGLISH = 0x05, MM_TWIPS = 0x06, MM_ISOTROPIC = 0x07, MM_ANISOTROPIC = 0x08 } MapMode;

MM_TEXT: Each logical unit is mapped to one device pixel. Positive x is to the right; positive y is down. MM_LOMETRIC: Each logical unit is mapped to 0.1 millimeter. Positive x is to the right; positive y is up.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

MM_HIMETRIC: Each logical unit is mapped to 0.01 millimeter. Positive x is to the right; positive y is up. MM_LOENGLISH: Each logical unit is mapped to 0.01 inch. Positive x is to the right; positive y is up. MM_HIENGLISH: Each logical unit is mapped to 0.001 inch. Positive x is to the right; positive y is up.

MM_TWIPS: Each logical unit is mapped to one-twentieth of a printer's point (1/1440 inch, also called a "twip"). Positive x is to the right; positive y is up. MM_ISOTROPIC: Logical units are mapped to arbitrary units with equally scaled axes; that is, one unit along the x-axis is equal to one unit along the y-axis. The EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX and EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX records SHOULD be used to specify the units and the orientation of the axes.

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Adjustments MUST be made as necessary to ensure that the x and y units remain the same size. For example, when the window extent is set, the viewport MUST be adjusted to keep the units isotropic. MM_ANISOTROPIC: Logical units are mapped to arbitrary units with arbitrarily scaled axes. The EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX and EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX records SHOULD be used to specify the units, orientation, and scaling.


MetafileVersion Enumeration

META_FORMAT_ENHANCED: Specifies EMF metafile interoperability.


MidLine Enumeration

The MidLine enumeration defines values for one of the characteristics in the PANOSE system for classifying typefaces.


PAN_ANY: Any. PAN_NO_FIT: No fit.
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typedef enum { META_FORMAT_ENHANCED = 0x00010000 } MetafileVersion;

The MetafileVersion enumeration defines the interoperability version for EMF metafile.




ModifyWorldTransformMode Enumeration

The ModifyWorldTransformMode enumeration defines modes for using specified transform data to modify the world-space to page-space transform that is currently defined in the playback device context.
typedef enum { MWT_IDENTITY = 0x01, MWT_LEFTMULTIPLY = 0x02, MWT_RIGHTMULTIPLY = 0x03, MWT_SET = 0x04 } ModifyWorldTransformMode;

MWT_IDENTITY: Reset the current transform using the identity matrix. In this mode, the specified transform data is ignored. MWT_LEFTMULTIPLY: Multiply the current transform. In this mode, the specified transform data is the left multiplicand, and the transform that is currently defined in the playback device context is the right multiplicand. MWT_RIGHTMULTIPLY: Multiply the current transform. In this mode, the specified transform data is the right multiplicand, and the transform that is currently defined in the playback device context is the left multiplicand.


2.1.25 PenStyle Enumeration
typedef enum { PS_COSMETIC = 0x00000000, PS_ENDCAP_ROUND = 0x00000000, PS_JOIN_ROUND = 0x00000000, [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

MWT_SET: Perform the function of an EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM record (section

A transform is specified in the form of an XForm object (section 2.2.28). The modes specified by this enumeration apply to EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM records (section For more information concerning transforms and coordinate spaces, see [MSDN-WRLDPGSPC].

The PenStyle enumeration defines the attributes of pens that can be used in graphics operations. A pen style is a combination of pen type, line style, line cap, and line join.



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PS_COSMETIC: A pen type that specifies a line with a width of one logical unit and a style that is a solid color. PS_ENDCAP_ROUND: A line cap that specifies round ends. PS_JOIN_ROUND: A line join that specifies round joins. PS_SOLID: A line style that is a solid color. PS_DASH: A line style that is dashed. PS_DOT: A line style that is dotted.

PS_DASHDOT: A line style that consists of alternating dashes and dots. PS_DASHDOTDOT: A line style that consists of dashes and double dots. PS_NULL: A line style that is invisible.

PS_INSIDEFRAME: A line style that is a solid color. When this style is specified in a drawing record that takes a bounding rectangle, the dimensions of the figure are shrunk so that it fits entirely in the bounding rectangle, taking into account the width of the pen.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

PS_USERSTYLE: A line style that is defined by a styling array, which specifies the lengths of dashes and gaps in the line. PS_ALTERNATE: A line style in which every other pixel is set. This style is applicable only to a pen type of PS_COSMETIC.

PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE: A line cap that specifies square ends. PS_ENDCAP_FLAT: A line cap that specifies flat ends. PS_JOIN_BEVEL: A line join that specifies beveled joins. PS_JOIN_MITER: A line join that specifies mitered joins when the lengths of the joins are within the current miter length limit that is set in the playback device context. If the lengths of the joins exceed the miter limit, beveled joins are specified. The miter length limit is a metafile state property that is set by the EMR_SETMITERLIMIT record.
43 / 305



PS_SOLID = 0x00000000, PS_DASH = 0x00000001, PS_DOT = 0x00000002, PS_DASHDOT = 0x00000003, PS_DASHDOTDOT = 0x00000004, PS_NULL = 0x00000005, PS_INSIDEFRAME = 0x00000006, PS_USERSTYLE = 0x00000007, PS_ALTERNATE = 0x00000008, PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE = 0x00000100, PS_ENDCAP_FLAT = 0x00000200, PS_JOIN_BEVEL = 0x00001000, PS_JOIN_MITER = 0x00002000, PS_GEOMETRIC = 0x00010000 } PenStyle;

PS_GEOMETRIC: A pen type that specifies a line with a width that is measured in logical units and a style that can contain any of the attributes of a brush.


Point Enumeration

The Point enumeration is used to specify how a point is to be used in a drawing call.
typedef enum { PT_CLOSEFIGURE = 0x01, PT_LINETO = 0x02, PT_BEZIERTO = 0x04, PT_MOVETO = 0x06 } Point;

PT_CLOSEFIGURE: A PT_LINETO or PT_BEZIERTO type can be combined with this value by using the bitwise operator OR to indicate that the corresponding point is the last point in a figure and the figure is closed. The current position is set to the ending point of the closing line.

PT_LINETO: Specifies that a line is to be drawn from the current position to this point, which then becomes the new current position. PT_BEZIERTO: Specifies that this point is a control point or ending point for a Bezier curve. PT_BEZIERTO types always occur in sets of three. The current position defines the starting point for the Bezier curve. The first two PT_BEZIERTO points are the control points, and the third PT_BEZIERTO point is the ending point. The ending point becomes the new current position. If there are not three consecutive PT_BEZIERTO points, an error results.


PolygonFillMode Enumeration


typedef enum { ALTERNATE = 0x01, WINDING = 0x02 } PolygonFillMode;

The PolygonFillMode enumeration defines values that specify how to calculate the region of a polygon that is to be filled.

ALTERNATE: Selects alternate mode (fills the area between odd-numbered and even-numbered polygon sides on each scan line).

WINDING: Selects winding mode (fills any region with a nonzero winding value).


Proportion Enumeration

The Proportion enumeration defines values for one of the characteristics in the PANOSE system for classifying typefaces.

PT_MOVETO: Specifies that this point starts a disjoint figure. This point becomes the new current position.


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RegionMode Enumeration


typedef enum { RGN_AND = 0x01, RGN_OR = 0x02, RGN_XOR = 0x03, RGN_DIFF = 0x04, RGN_COPY = 0x05 } RegionMode; [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The RegionMode enumeration defines values that are used with EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH and EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN, specifying the current path or a new region that is being combined with the current clip region.

RGN_AND: The new clipping region includes the intersection (overlapping areas) of the current clipping region and the current path (or new region). RGN_OR: The new clipping region includes the union (combined areas) of the current clipping region and the current path (or new region).

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RGN_XOR: The new clipping region includes the union of the current clipping region and the current path (or new region) but without the overlapping areas. RGN_DIFF: The new clipping region includes the areas of the current clipping region with those of the current path (or new region) excluded. RGN_COPY: The new clipping region is the current path (or the new region).


SerifType Enumeration


PAN_NO_FIT: No fit.



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The SerifType enumeration defines values for one of the characteristics in the PANOSE system for classifying typefaces.



StockObject Enumeration

The StockObject enumeration specifies the indexes of predefined logical graphics objects that can be used in graphics operations. The specific structures of stock objects are implementation-dependent; however, the properties of stock objects SHOULD be equivalent to the properties of explicitly created objects of the same type. These properties are specified where possible for the stock objects defined in this enumeration.
typedef enum { WHITE_BRUSH = 0x80000000, LTGRAY_BRUSH = 0x80000001, GRAY_BRUSH = 0x80000002, DKGRAY_BRUSH = 0x80000003, BLACK_BRUSH = 0x80000004, NULL_BRUSH = 0x80000005, WHITE_PEN = 0x80000006, BLACK_PEN = 0x80000007, NULL_PEN = 0x80000008, OEM_FIXED_FONT = 0x8000000A, ANSI_FIXED_FONT = 0x8000000B, ANSI_VAR_FONT = 0x8000000C, SYSTEM_FONT = 0x8000000D, DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT = 0x8000000E, DEFAULT_PALETTE = 0x8000000F, SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT = 0x80000010, DEFAULT_GUI_FONT = 0x80000011, DC_BRUSH = 0x80000012, DC_PEN = 0x80000013 } StockObject;


BrushStyle: BS_SOLID Color: 0x00C0C0C0 BrushStyle: BS_SOLID
[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

WHITE_BRUSH: A white, solid-color brush that is equivalent to a logical brush (LogBrushEx object, section 2.2.12) with the following properties: BrushStyle: BS_SOLID (WMF BrushStyle enumeration, [MS-WMF] section Color: 0x00FFFFFF (WMF ColorRef object, [MS-WMF] section

LTGRAY_BRUSH: A light gray, solid-color brush that is equivalent to a logical brush with the following properties:

GRAY_BRUSH: A gray, solid-color brush that is equivalent to a logical brush with the following properties:

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Color: 0x00808080 DKGRAY_BRUSH: A dark gray, solid color brush that is equivalent to a logical brush with the following properties: BrushStyle: BS_SOLID Color: 0x00404040 BLACK_BRUSH: A black, solid color brush that is equivalent to a logical brush with the following properties: BrushStyle: BS_SOLID Color: 0x00000000

NULL_BRUSH: A null brush that is equivalent to a logical brush with the following properties:<44> BrushStyle: BS_NULL

WHITE_PEN: A white, solid-color pen that is equivalent to a logical pen (LogPen object, section 2.2.19) with the following properties: PenStyle: PS_COSMETIC + PS_SOLID (PenStyle enumeration, section 2.1.25) ColorRef: 0x00FFFFFF (WMF ColorRef object).

BLACK_PEN: A black, solid-color pen that is equivalent to a logical pen with the following properties: PenStyle: PS_COSMETIC + PS_SOLID ColorRef: 0x00000000

NULL_PEN: A null pen that is equivalent to a logical pen with the following properties: PenStyle: PS_NULL


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

OEM_FIXED_FONT: A fixed-width, OEM character set font that is equivalent to a logical font (LogFont object, section 2.2.13) with the following properties: Charset: OEM_CHARSET (WMF CharacterSet enumeration, [MS-WMF] section PitchAndFamily: FF_DONTCARE (WMF FamilyFont enumeration, [MS-WMF] section + FIXED_PITCH (WMF PitchFont enumeration, [MS-WMF] section

ANSI_FIXED_FONT: A fixed-width font that is equivalent to a logical font with the following properties:<45>


ANSI_VAR_FONT: A variable-width font that is equivalent to a logical font with the following properties:<46>



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PitchAndFamily: FF_DONTCARE + VARIABLE_PITCH SYSTEM_FONT: A font that is guaranteed to be available in the operating system. The actual font that is specified by this value is implementation-dependent.<47> DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT: The default font that is provided by the graphics device driver for the current output device. The actual font that is specified by this value is implementationdependent.<48> DEFAULT_PALETTE: The default palette that is defined for the current output device. The actual palette that is specified by this value is implementation-dependent.<49>

SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT: A fixed-width font that is guaranteed to be available in the operating system. The actual font that is specified by this value is implementation-dependent.

DC_BRUSH: The solid-color brush that is currently selected in the playback device context.<51>

DC_PEN: The solid-color pen that is currently selected in the playback device context.<52>


StretchMode Enumeration


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

typedef enum { STRETCH_ANDSCANS = 0x01, STRETCH_ORSCANS = 0x02, STRETCH_DELETESCANS = 0x03, STRETCH_HALFTONE = 0x04 } StretchMode;

STRETCH_ANDSCANS: Performs a Boolean AND operation using the color values for the eliminated and existing pixels. If the bitmap is a monochrome bitmap, this mode preserves black pixels at the expense of white pixels. STRETCH_ORSCANS: Performs a Boolean OR operation using the color values for the eliminated and existing pixels. If the bitmap is a monochrome bitmap, this mode preserves white pixels at the expense of black pixels. STRETCH_DELETESCANS: Deletes the pixels. This mode deletes all eliminated lines of pixels without trying to preserve their information.

The StretchMode enumeration is used to specify how color data is added to or removed from bitmaps that are stretched or compressed.<53>


During metafile processing, stock object indexes can be used by object manipulation records (section 2.3.8) to select objects into the playback device context in the same way as indexes of graphics objects that are explicitly created by object creation records (section 2.3.7). The index of a stock object can be distinguished from the index of an explicit object by the value of the mostsignificant bit. If that bit is set, the object is a stock object; if the bit is clear, the object was created by a previous metafile record.


DEFAULT_GUI_FONT: The default font that is used for user interface objects such as menus and dialog boxes. The actual font that is specified by this value is implementationdependent.<50>

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STRETCH_HALFTONE: Maps pixels from the source rectangle into blocks of pixels in the destination rectangle. The average color over the destination block of pixels approximates the color of the source pixels. After setting the STRETCH_HALFTONE stretching mode, the brush origin SHOULD be defined by an EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX record. If it fails to do so, brush misalignment can occur.


StrokeVariation Enumeration

PAN_ANY: Any. PAN_NO_FIT: No fit.

PAN_STROKE_GRADUAL_DIAG: Gradual/diagonal.

PAN_STROKE_GRADUAL_VERT: Gradual/vertical. PAN_STROKE_GRADUAL_HORZ: Gradual/horizontal.


2.1.34 Weight Enumeration
typedef enum { PAN_ANY = 0x00, PAN_NO_FIT = 0x01, PAN_WEIGHT_VERY_LIGHT = 0x02, PAN_WEIGHT_LIGHT = 0x03, PAN_WEIGHT_THIN = 0x04, [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

PAN_STROKE_RAPID_VERT: Rapid/vertical.

PAN_STROKE_RAPID_HORZ: Rapid/horizontal. PAN_STROKE_INSTANT_VERT: Instant/vertical.

The Weight enumeration defines values for one of the characteristics in the PANOSE system for classifying typefaces.

PAN_STROKE_GRADUAL_TRAN: Gradual/transitional.

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= 0x02, = 0x03, = 0x04, = 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, = 0x08


The StrokeVariation enumeration defines values for one of the characteristics in the PANOSE system for classifying typefaces.



The XHeight enumeration defines values for one of the characteristics in the PANOSE system for classifying typefaces.


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XHeight Enumeration






EMF Objects

The BitFIX28_4 object defines a numeric value in 28.4 bit FIX notation.
1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 Values RedGamma BlueGamma ReferenceWhite Brightness RedGreenTint


IntValue (28 bits): The signed, integral part of the number.

FracValue (4 bits): The unsigned fractional part of the number, in units of one-sixteenth.

IntValue + (FracValue / 16)


ColorAdjustment Object

7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Size

The ColorAdjustment object defines values for adjusting the colors in source bitmaps in bit-block transfers.<54>


The floating-point number represented by this object is computed as follows:


IlluminantIndex GreenGamma ReferenceBlack Contrast Colorfulness [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Size (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of this object. This MUST be 0x0018.

1 FracValue 1 52 / 305


BitFIX28_4 Object

Values (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to prepare the output image. This field can be set to NULL or to any combination of values in the ColorAdjustment enumeration (section 2.1.5). IlluminantIndex (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the type of standard light source under which the image is viewed, from the Illuminant enumeration (section 2.1.19). RedGamma (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the nth power gamma correction value for the red primary of the source colors. This value SHOULD be in the range from 2,500 to 65,000.<55> A value of 10,000 means gamma correction MUST NOT be performed. GreenGamma (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the nth power gamma correction value for the green primary of the source colors. This value SHOULD be in the range from 2,500 to 65,000. A value of 10,000 means gamma correction MUST NOT be performed.

BlueGamma (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the nth power gamma correction value for the blue primary of the source colors. This value SHOULD be in the range from 2,500 to 65,000. A value of 10,000 means gamma correction MUST NOT be performed. ReferenceBlack (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the black reference for the source colors. Any colors that are darker than this are treated as black. This value SHOULD be in the range from zero to 4,000. ReferenceWhite (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the white reference for the source colors. Any colors that are lighter than this are treated as white. This value SHOULD be in the range from 6,000 to 10,000. Contrast (2 bytes): A 16-bit signed integer that specifies the amount of contrast to be applied to the source object. This value SHOULD be in the range from 100 to 100. A value of zero means contrast adjustment MUST NOT be performed.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Colorfulness (2 bytes): A 16-bit signed integer that specifies the amount of colorfulness to be applied to the source object. This value SHOULD be in the range from 100 to 100. A value of zero means colorfulness adjustment MUST NOT be performed. RedGreenTint (2 bytes): A 16-bit signed integer that specifies the amount of red or green tint adjustment to be applied to the source object. This value SHOULD be in the range from 100 to 100. Positive numbers adjust towards red and negative numbers adjust towards green. A value of zero means tint adjustment MUST NOT be performed.

The ColorAdjustment object is used in bit-block transfers performed by EMR_STRETCHBLT and EMR_STRETCHDIBITS records when the StretchMode enumeration (section 2.1.32) value is STRETCH_HALFTONE. The color adjustment values can apply a color filter or lighten or darken an image. An EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT record (section sets the current ColorAdjustment object in the playback device context. That ColorAdjustment object affects all subsequent EMR_STRETCHBLT and EMR_STRETCHDIBITS records until a different ColorAdjustment object is specified by another EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT record, or until the object is removed by a EMR_DELETEOBJECT record.

Brightness (2 bytes): A 16-bit signed integer that specifies the amount of brightness to be applied to the source object. This value SHOULD be in the range from 100 to 100. A value of zero means brightness adjustment MUST NOT be performed.



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DesignVector Object

The DesignVector (section 2.2.3) object defines the design vector, which specifies values for the font axes of a multiple master font.
1 0 2 0 3 0

Signature NumAxes Values (variable) ...

Signature (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that MUST be set to the value 0x08007664.

NumAxes (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of elements in the Values array. It MUST be in the range 0 to 16, inclusive.


EmrFormat Object

The EmrFormat object contains information that identifies the format of image data in an EMR_COMMENT_MULTIFORMATS record (section

7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 2 0 1 2 Signature Version SizeData offData

Values (variable): An optional array of 32-bit signed integers that specify the values of the font axes of a multiple master, OpenType font. The maximum number of values in the array is 16.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Signature (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the format of the image data. This value MUST be in the FormatSignature enumeration (section 2.1.14). Version (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the format version number. If the Signature field specifies encapsulated PostScript (EPS), this value MUST be 0x00000001; otherwise, this value MUST be ignored. SizeData (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of the data in bytes.

1 54 / 305

offData (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset to the data from the start of the identifier field in an EMR_COMMENT_PUBLIC record (section The offset MUST be 32-bit aligned.


EmrText Object

The EmrText object contains values for text output.

1 0 2 0 3 0

Reference ... Chars offString Options Rectangle ... ... ...

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Reference (8 bytes): A WMF PointL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the coordinates of the reference point used to position the string. The reference point is defined by the last EMR_SETTEXTALIGN record (section If no such record has been set, the default alignment is TA_LEFT,TA_TOP. Chars (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of characters in the string.

offString (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset to the output string, in bytes, from the start of the record in which this object is contained. This value MUST be 8- or 16-bit aligned, according to the character format.
55 / 305

offDx ... ...

StringBuffer (variable) DxBuffer (variable)


Options (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to use the rectangle specified in the Rectangle field. This field can be a combination of more than one ExtTextOutOptions enumeration (section 2.1.11) values. Rectangle (16 bytes): An optional WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that defines a clipping and/or opaquing rectangle in logical units. This rectangle is applied to the text output performed by the containing record.<56> offDx (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset to an intercharacter spacing array, in bytes, from the start of the record in which this object is contained. This value MUST be 32-bit aligned. StringBuffer (variable): The character string buffer.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

UndefinedSpace1 (variable) ...

OutputString (variable) ...

UndefinedSpace1 (variable): An optional number of unused bytes. The OutputString field is not required to follow immediately the preceding portion of this structure. OutputString (variable): An array of characters that specify the string to output. The location of this field is specified by the value of offString in bytes from the start of this record. The number of characters is specified by the value of Chars. DxBuffer (variable): The optional character spacing buffer.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 7 8 9 0 1

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

... ...


UndefinedSpace2 (variable): An optional number of unused bytes. The OutputDx field is not required to follow immediately the preceding portion of this structure.

OutputDx (variable): An array of 32-bit unsigned integers that specify the output spacing between the origins of adjacent character cells in logical units. The location of this field is specified by the value of offDx in bytes from the start of this record. If

UndefinedSpace2 (variable) OutputDx (variable)

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 56 / 305

3 7 8 9 0 1

spacing is defined, this field contains the same number of values as characters in the output string. If the Options field of the EmrText object contains the ETO_PDY flag, then this buffer contains twice as many values as there are characters in the output string, one horizontal and one vertical offset for each, in that order. If ETO_RTLREADING is specified, characters are laid right to left instead of left to right. No other options affect the interpretation of this field.

EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW and EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW records: 16-bit Unicode UTF16-LE characters.


EpsData Object

The EpsData object is a container for EPS data.

1 0

8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA (section and EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA (section records: 8-bit ASCII characters.

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


SizeData (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the total size of this object, in bytes.

Version (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the PostScript language level. This value MUST be 0x00000001.

... ... ... ... ... PostScriptData (variable) ... 57 / 305

SizeData Version Points


The size and encoding of the characters in the OutputString is determined by the type of record that contains the EmrText object, as follows:

Points (24 bytes): An array of three Point28_4 objects (section 2.2.23) that defines the coordinates of the output parallelogram using 28.4 bit FIX notation. The upper-left corner of the parallelogram is the first point in this array, the upper-right corner is the second point, and the lower-left corner is the third point. The lower-right corner of the parallelogram is computed from the first three points (A, B, and C) by treating them as vectors.
D = B + C A

PostScriptData (variable): An array of bytes of PostScript data. The length of this array can be computed from the SizeData field. This data MAY be used to render an image.<57>

An EMF metafile contains an EMR_COMMENT_MULTIFORMATS record (section

The EMR_COMMENT_MULTIFORMATS record specifies an aFormats field that contains an EmrFormat object (section 2.2.4).

The EmrFormat object specifies a Signature field that is set to EPS_SIGNATURE from the FormatSignature enumeration (section 2.1.14).

The EmrFormat object also specifies an offData field that indicates where the EpsData object is in the FormatData field in the EMR_COMMENT_MULTIFORMATS record.


GradientRectangle Object

7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

The GradientRectangle object defines a rectangle using TriVertex objects (section 2.2.26) in an EMR_GRADIENTFILL record (section
2 0 3 0

7 8 9 1 2 UpperLeft LowerRight

The EPS_SIGNATURE value specifies that the FormatData field in the EMR_COMMENT_MULTIFORMATS record contains an EpsData object.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 58 / 305

An EpsData object can be used to embed a PostScript image in an EMF metafile as follows:


2.2.8 GradientTriangle Object
[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

UpperLeft (4 bytes): An index into an array of TriVertex objects that specifies the upper-left vertex of a rectangle. The index MUST be smaller than the size of the array, as defined by the nVer field of the EMR_GRADIENTFILL record.

LowerRight (4 bytes): An index into an array of TriVertex objects that specifies the lower-right vertex of a rectangle. The index MUST be smaller than the size of the array, as defined by the nVer field of the EMR_GRADIENTFILL record.

The GradientTriangle object defines a triangle using TriVertex objects (section 2.2.26) in an EMR_GRADIENTFILL record (section

1 0

2 0

3 0

Vertex1 Vertex2 Vertex3

Vertex1 (4 bytes): An index into an array of TriVertex objects that specifies a vertex of a triangle. The index MUST be smaller than the size of the array, as defined by the nVer field of the EMR_GRADIENTFILL record. Vertex2 (4 bytes): An index into an array of TriVertex objects that specifies a vertex of a triangle. The index MUST be smaller than the size of the array, as defined by the nVer field of the EMR_GRADIENTFILL record.

Vertex3 (4 bytes): An index into an array of TriVertex objects that specifies a vertex of a triangle. The index MUST be smaller than the size of the array, as defined by the nVer field of the EMR_GRADIENTFILL record.

The Header object defines the EMF metafile header. It specifies properties of the device on which the image in the metafile was created.
1 0 2 0 3 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 Bounds ... ... ... Frame ... ... ... RecordSignature Version


Header Object

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 59 / 305

Bytes Records Handles nDescription offDescription nPalEntries Device ... Millimeters ... Reserved

Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the rectangular inclusive-inclusive bounds in device units of the smallest rectangle that can be drawn around the image stored in the metafile. Frame (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object that specifies the rectangular inclusive-inclusive dimensions, in .01 millimeter units, of a rectangle that surrounds the image stored in the metafile. RecordSignature (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the record signature. This MUST be ENHMETA_SIGNATURE, from the FormatSignature enumeration (section 2.1.14). Version (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies EMF metafile interoperability. This SHOULD be 0x00010000.<58> Bytes (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of the metafile, in bytes. Records (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of records in the metafile. Handles (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of graphics objects that will be used during the processing of the metafile. Reserved (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that MUST be 0x0000 and MUST be ignored. nDescription (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of characters in the array that contains the description of the metafile's contents. This is zero if there is no description string. offDescription (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset from the beginning of this record to the array that contains the description of the metafile's contents.


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nPalEntries (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of entries in the metafile palette. The palette is located in the EMR_EOF record. Device (8 bytes): A WMF SizeL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the size of the reference device, in pixels. Millimeters (8 bytes): A WMF SizeL object that specifies the size of the reference device, in millimeters.


HeaderExtension1 Object

The HeaderExtension1 object defines the first extension to the EMF metafile header. It adds support for a PixelFormatDescriptor object (section 2.2.22) and OpenGL [OPENGL] records (section 2.3.9).
1 0

8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0


offPixelFormat bOpenGL

cbPixelFormat (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of the PixelFormatDescriptor object. This MUST be 0x00000000 if no pixel format is set. offPixelFormat (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset to the PixelFormatDescriptor object. This MUST be 0x00000000 if no pixel format is set. bOpenGL (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that indicates whether OpenGL commands are present in the metafile.
Value 0x00000000 0x00000001

2.2.11 HeaderExtension2 Object
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The HeaderExtension2 object defines the second extension to the EMF metafile header. It adds the ability to measure device surfaces in micrometers, which enhances the resolution and scalability of EMF metafiles.

Meaning 4 5 6

OpenGL records are not present in the metafile. OpenGL records are present in the metafile.

7 MicrometersX MicrometersY


1 1 61 / 305

MicrometersX (4 bytes): The 32-bit horizontal size of the display device for which the metafile image was generated, in micrometers. MicrometersY (4 bytes): The 32-bit vertical size of the display device for which the metafile image was generated, in micrometers.


LogBrushEx Object

The LogBrushEx object defines the style, color, and pattern of a device-independent brush.
1 0 2 0

Color BrushHatch

Color (4 bytes): A 32-bit WMF ColorRef object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies a color. The interpretation of this field depends on the value of BrushStyle, as explained in the following table. BrushHatch (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned field that contains the brush hatch data. Its interpretation depends on the value of BrushStyle, as explained in the following table. The following table shows the relationship between the BrushStyle, Color, and BrushHatch fields in a LogBrushEx object. Only supported brush styles are listed.
BrushStyle BS_SOLID Color BrushHatch Not used, and SHOULD be ignored.

BS_NULL Not used, and SHOULD be ignored. BS_HATCHED SHOULD be a WMF ColorRef object, which specifies the foreground color of the hatch pattern.

SHOULD be a WMF ColorRef object, which specifies the color of the brush.



LogFont Object

The LogFont object specifies the basic attributes of a logical font.


BrushStyle (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the brush style. The value MUST be an enumeration from WMF BrushStyle enumeration ([MS-WMF] section The style values that are supported in this structure are listed later in this section. The BS_NULL style SHOULD be used to specify a brush that has no effect.<59>

Not used, and SHOULD be ignored. SHOULD be a value from the EMF HatchStyle (section 2.1.17) enumeration, which specifies the orientation of lines used to create the hatch.

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012



5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1 62 / 305

1 0

2 0

3 0

Height Width Escapement Orientation Weight Italic OutPrecision Underline ClipPrecision Facename ... ... ... ... ... ... ... StrikeOut Quality


Value Meaning 0x00000000 < value 0x00000000 value < [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Height (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the height, in logical units, of the font's character cell or character. The character height value, also known as the em size, is the character cell height value minus the internal leading value. The font mapper SHOULD interpret the value specified in the Height field in the following manner.

(Facename cont'd for 8 rows) The font mapper transforms this value into device units and matches it against the cell height of the available fonts. The font mapper uses a default height value when it searches for a match. The font mapper transforms this value into device units and matches its 63 / 305


CharSet PitchAndFamily

Value 0x00000000

Meaning absolute value against the character height of the available fonts.

For all height comparisons, the font mapper SHOULD look for the largest font that does not exceed the requested size. Width (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the average width, in logical units, of characters in the font. If the Width field value is zero, an appropriate value SHOULD be calculated from other LogFont values to find a font that has the typographer's intended aspect ratio.<60>

When the graphics mode is set to GM_ADVANCED, the escapement angle of the string can be specified independently of the orientation angle of the string's characters. Graphics modes are specified in section 2.1.16 Orientation (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the angle, in tenths of degrees, between each character's baseline and the x-axis of the device. Weight (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the weight of the font in the range zero through 1000. For example, 400 is normal and 700 is bold. If this value is zero, a default weight can be used.<61> Italic (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies an italic font if set to 0x01; otherwise, it MUST be set to 0x00. Underline (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies an underlined font if set to 0x01; otherwise, it MUST be set to 0x00. StrikeOut (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies a strikeout font if set to 0x01; otherwise, it MUST be set to 0x00. CharSet (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies the set of character glyphs. It MUST be a value in the WMF CharacterSet enumeration ([MS-WMF] section If the character set is unknown, metafile processing SHOULD NOT attempt to translate or interpret strings that are rendered with that font. If a typeface name is specified in the Facename field, the CharSet field value MUST match the character set of that typeface.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

OutPrecision (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies the output precision. The output precision defines how closely the font is required to match the requested height, width, character orientation, escapement, pitch, and font type. It MUST be a value from the WMF OutPrecision enumeration ([MS-WMF] section Applications can use the output precision to control how the font mapper chooses a font when the operating system contains more than one font with a specified name. For example, if an operating system contains a font named Symbol in rasterized and TrueType forms, an output precision value of OUT_TT_PRECIS forces the font mapper to choose the TrueType version. A value of OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS forces the font mapper to choose a TrueType font, even if it is necessary to substitute a TrueType font with another name.



Escapement (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the angle, in tenths of degrees, between the escapement vector and the x-axis of the device. The escapement vector is parallel to the baseline of a row of text.

64 / 305

ClipPrecision (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies the clipping precision. The clipping precision defines how to clip characters that are partially outside the clipping region. It can be one or more of the WMF ClipPrecision Flags ([MS-WMF] section Quality (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies the output quality. The output quality defines how closely to attempt to match the logical-font attributes to those of an actual physical font. It MUST be one of the values in the WMF FontQuality enumeration ([MS-WMF] section PitchAndFamily (1 byte): A WMF PitchAndFamily object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the pitch and family of the font. Font families describe the look of a font in a general way. They are intended for specifying a font when the specified typeface is not available.


LogFontEx Object

The LogFontEx object specifies the extended attributes of a logical font.

1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

Facename (64 bytes): A string of no more than 32 Unicode characters that specifies the typeface name of the font. If the length of this string is less than 32 characters, a terminating NULL MUST be present, after which the remainder of this field MUST be ignored.

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


... ... ... ... (LogFont cont'd for 15 rows) FullName ... ... ... 65 / 305

LogFont ... ... ...


... ... ... ... (FullName cont'd for 24 rows) Style ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


... ... ... ... ... ... ...

(Style cont'd for 8 rows) Script (Script cont'd for 8 rows) 66 / 305


LogFont (92 bytes): A LogFont (section 2.2.13) object that specifies the basic attributes of the logical font. FullName (128 bytes): A string of 64 Unicode characters that contains the font's full name. If the length of this string is less than 64 characters, a terminating NULL MUST be present, after which the remainder of this field MUST be ignored. Style (64 bytes): A string of 32 Unicode characters that defines the font's style. If the length of this string is less than 32 characters, a terminating NULL MUST be present, after which the remainder of this field MUST be ignored. Script (64 bytes): A string of 32 Unicode characters that defines the character set of the font. If the length of this string is less than 32 characters, a terminating NULL MUST be present, after which the remainder of this field MUST be ignored.


LogFontExDv Object

The LogFontExDv object specifies the design vector for an extended logical font.
1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

LogFontEx ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


LogFontEx (348 bytes): A LogFontEx object (section 2.2.14) that specifies the extended attributes of the logical font. DesignVector (variable): A DesignVector object (section 2.2.3). This field MUST NOT be longer than 72 bytes.

A design vector SHOULD be specified only for a multiple master OpenType font.

(LogFontEx cont'd for 79 rows) DesignVector (variable) ... 67 / 305




LogFontPanose Object

The LogFontPanose object specifies the PANOSE characteristics of a logical font.

1 0 2 0 3 0


... ... ... ... ... ...

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


... ... ... ... ... ... (FullName cont'd for 24 rows) Style ... 68 / 305

(LogFont cont'd for 15 rows) FullName ...



... ... ... ... ... ... (Style cont'd for 8 rows) Version StyleSize Match Reserved VendorId Culture Panose ...



[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

LogFont (92 bytes): A LogFont (section 2.2.13) object that specifies the basic attributes of the logical font. FullName (128 bytes): A string of 64 Unicode characters that defines the font's full name. If the length of this string is less than 64 characters, a terminating NULL MUST be present, after which the remainder of this field MUST be ignored. Style (64 bytes): A string of 32 Unicode characters that defines the font's style. If the length of this string is less than 32 characters, a terminating NULL MUST be present, after which the remainder of this field MUST be ignored. Version (4 bytes): This field MUST be ignored. StyleSize (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the point size at which font hinting is performed. If set to zero, font hinting is performed at the point size corresponding to the Height field in the LogFont object in the LogFont field.

Padding 69 / 305


Match (4 bytes): This field MUST be ignored. Reserved (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that MUST be set to zero and MUST be ignored. VendorId (4 bytes): This field MUST be ignored. Culture (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that MUST be set to zero and MUST be ignored. Panose (10 bytes): A Panose object (section 2.2.21) that specifies the PANOSE characteristics of the logical font. If all fields of this object are zero, it MUST be ignored. Padding (2 bytes): A field that exists only to ensure 32-bit alignment of this structure. It MUST be ignored.

The LogPalette object specifies a logical_palette that contains device-independent color definitions.
1 0 2 0 3 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NumberOfEntries 8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 Green Red


LogPalette Object


Version (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the version number of the system. This MUST be 0x0300.

PaletteEntries (variable): An array of LogPaletteEntry objects that defines the color and usage of each entry in the logical_palette.

2.2.18 LogPaletteEntry Object
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 Reserved Blue [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

EMF MUST define colors as device-independent values because the metafile itself is deviceindependent.

The LogPaletteEntry object defines the values that make up a single entry in a LogPalette object (section 2.2.17).

4 5 6

NumberOfEntries (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of LogPaletteEntry objects (section 2.2.18) in the PaletteEntries field.

... 7

PaletteEntries (variable)


Reserved (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that SHOULD NOT be used and SHOULD be ignored.

1 1 70 / 305

Blue (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that defines the blue intensity value for the entry in a LogPalette object. Green (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that defines the green intensity value for the LogPalette entry. Red (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that defines the red intensity value for the LogPalette entry. EMF MUST define colors as device-independent values because the metafile itself is deviceindependent.


LogPen Object

1 0

8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

The LogPen object defines the style, width, and color of a logical pen.

PenStyle Width ...

PenStyle (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the PenStyle. The value MUST be defined from the PenStyle enumeration table, specified in section 2.1.25.

If the pen type in the PenStyle field is PS_GEOMETRIC, this value is the width in logical units; otherwise, the width is specified in device units. If the pen type in the PenStyle field is PS_COSMETIC, this value MUST be 0x00000001.

2.2.20 LogPenEx Object
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

ColorRef (4 bytes): A WMF ColorRef object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the pen color value.

The LogPenEx object specifies the style, width, and color of an extended logical pen.

4 5 6

Width (8 bytes): A WMF PointL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the width of the pen by the value of its x field. The value of its y field MUST be ignored.

ColorRef 7 PenStyle Width BrushStyle


1 1 71 / 305

ColorRef BrushHatch NumStyleEntries StyleEntry (variable) ...

T A pen style is a combination of pen type, line style, line cap, and line join.

Width (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the width of the line drawn by the pen.

If the pen type in the PenStyle field is PS_GEOMETRIC, this value is the width in logical units; otherwise, the width is specified in device units. If the pen type in the PenStyle field is PS_COSMETIC, this value MUST be 0x00000001. BrushStyle (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies a brush style for the pen from the WMF BrushStyle enumeration ([MS-WMF] section If the pen type in the PenStyle field is PS_GEOMETRIC, this value MUST be either BS_SOLID or BS_HATCHED. The value of this field can be BS_NULL, but only if the line style specified in PenStyle is PS_NULL. The BS_NULL style SHOULD be used to specify a brush that has no effect.<62>

BrushHatch (4 bytes): The brush hatch pattern. The definition of this field depends on the BrushStyle value, as shown in the table later in this section.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

NumStyleEntries (4 bytes): The number of elements in the array specified in the StyleEntry field. This value SHOULD be zero if PenStyle does not specify PS_USERSTYLE. StyleEntry (variable): An optional array of 32-bit unsigned integers that defines the lengths of dashes and gaps in the line drawn by this pen, when the value of PenStyle is PS_USERSTYLE line style for the pen. The array contains a number of entries specified by NumStyleEntries, but it is used as if it repeated indefinitely. The first entry in the array specifies the length of the first dash. The second entry specifies the length of the first gap. Thereafter, lengths of dashes and gaps alternate. If the pen type in the PenStyle field is PS_GEOMETRIC, the lengths are specified in logical units; otherwise, the lengths are specified in device units.

The LogPenEx object includes the specification of brush attributes, so it can be used to draw lines that consist of custom or predefined patterns. The following table shows the relationship between the BrushStyle, ColorRef, and BrushHatch fields in a LogPenEx object. Only supported brush styles are listed.

ColorRef (4 bytes): A WMF ColorRef object ([MS-WMF] section The interpretation of this field depends on the BrushStyle value, as shown in the table later in this section.



PenStyle (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the pen style. This value MUST be defined from the PenStyle enumeration (section 2.1.25).

72 / 305

BrushStyle BS_SOLID

ColorRef SHOULD be a WMF ColorRef (section object ([MS-WMF]), which specifies the color of lines drawn by the pen. Not used, and SHOULD be ignored. SHOULD be a WMF ColorRef (section object, which specifies the foreground color of the hatch pattern. The low-order word SHOULD be a value from the WMF ColorUsage (section enumeration ([MS-WMF] section The low-order word SHOULD be a value from the WMF ColorUsage enumeration. The low-order word SHOULD be a value from the WMF ColorUsage (section enumeration.

BrushHatch Not used, and SHOULD be ignored.


Not used, and SHOULD be ignored. SHOULD be a value from the EMF HatchStyle (section 2.1.17) enumeration that specifies the orientation of lines used to create the hatch. If PS_GEOMETRIC is not set in the PenStyle field, this field MUST be either HS_SOLIDTEXTCLR (0x0008) or HS_SOLIDBKCLR (0x000A). Not used, and SHOULD be ignored. The brush pattern is specified by a packed DIB ([MS-WMF] section




Panose Object

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 FamilyType Contrast Midline SerifStyle StrokeVariation XHeight [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Panose object describes the PANOSE font-classification values for a TrueType font. These characteristics are used to associate the font with other fonts of similar appearance but different names.
2 0 3 0

4 5 6

7 8 9 1 2 Weight ArmStyle


Not used, and SHOULD be ignored. The brush pattern is specified by a packed DIB.

Not used, and SHOULD be ignored. The brush pattern is specified by a packed DIB.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Proportion Letterform 73 / 305


FamilyType (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies the family type. The value MUST be in the FamilyType (section 2.1.12) enumeration table. SerifStyle (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies the serif style. The value MUST be in the SerifType (section 2.1.30) enumeration table.

Weight (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies the weight of the font. The value MUST be in the Weight (section 2.1.34) enumeration table. Proportion (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies the proportion of the font. The value MUST be in the Proportion (section 2.1.28) enumeration table. Contrast (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies the contrast of the font. The value MUST be in the Contrast (section 2.1.8) enumeration table. StrokeVariation (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies the stroke variation for the font. The value MUST be in the StrokeVariation (section 2.1.33) enumeration table.

ArmStyle (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies the arm style of the font. The value MUST be in the ArmStyle (section 2.1.3) enumeration table.

Midline (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies the midline of the font. The value MUST be in the MidLine (section 2.1.23) enumeration table.

XHeight (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies the x height of the font. The value MUST be in the XHeight (section 2.1.35) enumeration table.

The PixelFormatDescriptor object specifies the pixel format of a drawing surface.

1 0 2 0 3 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 dwFlags cRedBits cBlueBits cAccumBits cAccumAlphaBits iLayerType dwLayerMask dwVisibleMask dwDamageMask


PixelFormatDescriptor Object

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nVersion cRedShift cBlueShift cAccumRedBits cDepthBits bReserved

Letterform (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies the letterform of the font. The value MUST be in the Letterform (section 2.1.20) enumeration table.


iPixelType cGreenBits cAlphaBits


cGreenShift cAlphaShift cAccumGreenBits cStencilBits cAccumBlueBits cAuxBuffers [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

nSize (2 bytes): A 16-bit integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of this data structure.
74 / 305



nVersion (2 bytes): A 16-bit integer that MUST be set to 0x0001. dwFlags (4 bytes): A set of bit flags that specify properties of the pixel buffer that is used for output to the drawing surface. These properties are not all mutually exclusive; combinations of flags are allowed, except where noted otherwise.
1 0 2 8 9 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0

0 1 P F

2 S O

6 7

4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0

8 S D

The following bit flag constants are defined.

D (PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER): The pixel buffer is double-buffered. This flag and PFD_SUPPORT_GDI MUST NOT both be set. S (PFD_STEREO): The pixel buffer MAY be stereoscopic; that is, it MAY specify a color plane that is used to create the illusion of depth in an image.<63> W (PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW): The pixel buffer can draw to a window or device surface. M (PFD_DRAW_TO_BITMAP): The pixel buffer can draw to a memory bitmap.

G (PFD_SUPPORT_GDI): This flag SHOULD be clear, but it MAY be set. <64> The PFD_SUPPORT_GDI flag and PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER MUST NOT both be set. SO (PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL): The pixel buffer supports OpenGL drawing. See [OPENGL] for more information. F (PFD_GENERIC_FORMAT): The pixel format is natively supported by the operating system; this is known as the "generic" implementation.<65> If clear, the pixel format is supported by a device driver or hardware. P (PFD_NEED_PALETTE): The buffer uses RGBA pixels on a palette-managed device. A LogPalette object (section 2.2.17) is required to achieve the best results for this pixel type. Colors in the palette SHOULD be specified according to the values of the cRedBits, cRedShift, cGreenBits, cGreenShift, cBlueBits, and cBlueShift fields. SP (PFD_NEED_SYSTEM_PALETTE): The output device supports one hardware palette in 256color mode only. For such systems to use hardware acceleration, the hardware palette MUST be in a fixed order (for example, 3-3-2) when in RGBA mode, or MUST match the LogPalette object when in color table mode. SE (PFD_SWAP_EXCHANGE): The contents of the back buffer have been exchanged with the contents of the front buffer in a double-buffered color plane. SC (PFD_SWAP_COPY): The contents of the back buffer have been copied to the front buffer in a double-buffered color plane. The contents of the back buffer have not been affected. SL (PFD_SWAP_LAYER_BUFFERS): A device can swap individual color planes with pixel formats that include double-buffered overlay or underlay color planes. Otherwise all color planes are swapped together as a group.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012



75 / 305





S 0 0 P

D D 0 D P

A (PFD_GENERIC_ACCELERATED): The pixel format is supported by a device driver that accelerates the generic implementation. If this flag is clear and the PFD_GENERIC_FORMAT flag is set, the pixel format is supported by the generic implementation only. DS (PFD_SUPPORT_DIRECTDRAW): The pixel buffer supports DirectDraw drawing, which allows applications to have low-level control of the output drawing surface. DA (PFD_DIRECT3D_ACCELERATED): The pixel buffer supports Direct3D drawing, which accellerated rendering in three dimensions.

DP (PFD_DEPTH_DONTCARE): The pixel buffer is not required to include a color plane for depth effects.

DD (PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER_DONTCARE): The pixel buffer can be either single or double buffered. SD (PFD_STEREO_DONTCARE): The pixel buffer MAY be either monoscopic or stereoscopic. iPixelType (1 byte): The type of pixel data.

cColorBits (1 byte): The number of bits per pixel for RGBA pixel types, excluding the alpha bitplanes. For color table pixels, it is the size of each color table index.

cRedShift (1 byte): Specifies the shift count in bits for red bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer. cGreenBits (1 byte): Specifies the number of green bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

cGreenShift (1 byte): Specifies the shift count for green bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer. cBlueBits (1 byte): Specifies the number of blue bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer.

cBlueShift (1 byte): Specifies the shift count for blue bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer. cAlphaBits (1 byte): Specifies the number of alpha bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer.<67> cAlphaShift (1 byte): Specifies the shift count for alpha bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer.<68> cAccumBits (1 byte): Specifies the total number of bitplanes in the accumulation buffer. cAccumRedBits (1 byte): Specifies the number of red bitplanes in the accumulation buffer. cAccumGreenBits (1 byte): Specifies the number of green bitplanes in the accumulation buffer. cAccumBlueBits (1 byte): Specifies the number of blue bitplanes in the accumulation buffer.

cRedBits (1 byte): Specifies the number of red bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer.


The pixel format is RGBA.

Each pixel is an index in a color table.


76 / 305

C (PFD_SUPPORT_COMPOSITION): The pixel buffer supports compositing, which indicates that source pixels MAY overwrite or be combined with background pixels.<66>

cAccumAlphaBits (1 byte): Specifies the number of alpha bitplanes in the accumulation buffer.<69> cDepthBits (1 byte): Specifies the depth of the depth (z-axis) buffer. cStencilBits (1 byte): Specifies the depth of the stencil buffer. cAuxBuffers (1 byte): Specifies the number of auxiliary buffers. Auxiliary buffers are not supported.

bReserved (1 byte): Specifies the number of overlay and underlay planes. Bits 0 through 3 specify up to 15 overlay planes and bits 4 through 7 specify up to 15 underlay planes. dwLayerMask (4 bytes): This field MAY be ignored.

dwVisibleMask (4 bytes): Specifies the transparent color or index of an underlay plane. When the pixel type is RGBA, dwVisibleMask is a transparent RGB color value. When the pixel type is color index, it is a transparent index value. dwDamageMask (4 bytes): This field MAY be ignored.

The PixelFormatDescriptor object can be used in EMR_HEADER records (section to specify the pixel format of the output surface for the playback device context.


Point28_4 Object

The Point28_4 object represents the location of a point on a device surface with coordinates in 28.4 bit FIX notation.
1 0 2 0 3 0

2.2.24 RegionData Object
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

x (4 bytes): A BitFIX28_4 object (section 2.2.1) that represents the horizontal coordinate of the point. y (4 bytes): A BitFIX28_4 object that represents the vertical coordinate of the point.

The RegionData object specifies data that defines a region, which is made of non-overlapping rectangles.
2 0 3 0


x y 4 5 6

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 7 8 9 1 2 RegionDataHeader

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 1 77 / 305

iLayerType (1 byte): This field MAY be ignored.

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Data (variable) ...

Data (variable): An array of WMF RectL objects ([MS-WMF] section; the objects are merged to create the region.


RegionDataHeader Object

The RegionDataHeader object describes the properties of a RegionData object.

7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Size Type RgnSize Bounds ... ... ...

7 8 9 2 0 1 2 CountRects

RegionDataHeader (32 bytes): A 256-bit RegionDataHeader object that describes the following data.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1 78 / 305


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this object in bytes. This MUST be 0x00000020. Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the region type. This SHOULD be RDH_RECTANGLES (0x00000001). CountRects (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of rectangles in this region. RgnSize (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of the buffer of rectangles in bytes.

Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounds of the region.


TriVertex Object

The TriVertex object specifies color and position information for the definition of a rectangle or triangle vertex.
1 0 2 0

5 x y

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 Green Alpha 8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

Red Blue

x (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the horizontal position, in logical units. y (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the vertical position, in logical units. Red (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the red color value for the point.


2.2.27 UniversalFontId Object
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Green (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the green color value for the point. Blue (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the blue color value for the point.

Alpha (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the alpha transparency value for the point.

The UniversalFontId object defines a mechanism for identifying fonts in EMF metafiles.

4 5 6

7 Checksum

1 1 79 / 305


Checksum (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that is the checksum of the font. The checksum value has the following meanings.
Value 0x00000000 0x00000001 Meaning The object is a device font. The object is a Type 1 font that has been installed on the client machine and is enumerated by the PostScript printer driver as a device font. The object is not a font but is a Type 1 rasterizer.

0x00000002 3 value

The object is a bitmap, vector, or TrueType font, or a Type 1 rasterized font that was created by a Type 1 rasterizer.

A checksum value SHOULD be computed for the font and compared to the value in this field. If it matches, it is considered to be the same as the font referenced by this metafile record. If it does not match, the system font mapper MAY use a default mechanism to select a back-up font.<70>

If a checksum value is computed, it SHOULD be computed using the following algorithm.

ULONG ComputeFileviewCheckSum(PVOID pvView, ULONG cjView) { ULONG sum; PULONG pulCur,pulEnd; pulCur = (PULONG) pvView; for (sum = 0, pulEnd pulCur < pulEnd; { sum += 256 * sum } return ( sum < 2 ) ?


2 : sum; }

pvView: A pointer to the start of the font.

cjView: The length of the font in bytes.

Index (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that is an index associated with the font object. The meaning of this field is determined by the type of font.


XForm Object

The XForm object defines a two-dimensional, linear transform matrix.

+ *pulCur;

= pulCur + cjView / sizeof(ULONG); pulCur += 1)


Note For the purpose of this computation, the font is considered simply to be a stream of bytes that is external to this EMF record. Any larger file structure in which the font might reside is system-dependent or implementation-dependent.

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

80 / 305

1 0

2 0

3 0

M11 M12 M21 M22 Dx Dy

M11 (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value of the transform matrix. M12 (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value of the transform matrix. M21 (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value of the transform matrix.

Dx (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value that contains a horizontal translation component, in logical units. Dy (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value that contains a vertical translation component, in logical units.

X' = M11 * X + M21 * Y + Dx Y' = M12 * X + M22 * Y + Dy


2.3 EMF Records
Name Section 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 Description Bitmap record types Clipping record types Comment record types [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

For more information concerning transforms and coordinate spaces, see [MSDN-WRLDPGSPC].

This section specifies the types of EMF metafile records, which have been grouped into the following categories.

The following equations specify how the matrix values are used to transform a point (X,Y) to a new point (X',Y'):

Manage and output bitmap images. Specify and manage clipping regions. Define formats for specifying arbitrary private data, embedding records in other metafile formats, and adding new or special-purpose commands.


M22 (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value of the transform matrix.

81 / 305

Name Control record types Drawing record types Escape record types Object creation record types Object manipulation record types OpenGL record types Path bracket record types State record types Transform record types

Section 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.3.8 2.3.9 2.3.10 2.3.11 2.3.12

Description Define the start and end of an EMF metafile and its properties. Perform graphics drawing. Execute printer driver functions. Create graphics objects. Manage and modify graphics objects. Specify metafile records generated by OpenGL.

Specify and manipulate paths in path brackets. Specify and manage graphics properties.

Specify and modify world-space to page-space transforms.


Bitmap Record Types

The bitmap record types perform block transfers of bitmap images.



EMR_BITBLT EMR_MASKBLT EMR_PLGBLT EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Section Description

The following are EMF bitmap record types.


Note All EMF records MUST have a length that is a multiple of 4 bytes. This is depicted in the generic structures of the preceding EMF record types by including AlignmentPadding fields where appropriate at the ends of these structures. The contents of AlignmentPadding fields MUST always be ignored. For brevity, these fields are not shown in every individual EMF record definition.

Specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, including alpha transparency data, according to a specified blending operation. Specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation. Specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern and with the application of a color mask bitmap, according to specified foreground and background raster operations. Specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination parallelogram, with the application of a color mask bitmap. Specifies a block transfer of pixels from specified scanlines of a source bitmap to a destination rectangle.


82 / 305



Description Specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary. Specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary. Specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, treating a specified color as transparent, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary.



The generic structure of bitmap records is specified as follows.

1 0

8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 Value 0x0000004C 0x0000004D 0x0000004E 0x0000004F 0x00000050 0x00000051 0x00000072 0x00000074

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the type of record. The bitmap record types are listed in the following table. See the preceding table for descriptions of these record types.




Type Size BitmapRecordBuffer (variable) ... 83 / 305


Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of this record in the metafile. This value MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes. BitmapRecordBuffer (variable): An array of bytes that contains the remainder of the bitmap record. The size of this field MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 7 8 9 0 1

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6

... AlignmentPadding (variable) ...

BitmapRecordParm (variable): An array of bytes that contains the parameters for the bitmap record. AlignmentPadding (variable): An optional array of up to 3 bytes that pads the record so that its total size is a multiple of 4 bytes. This field MUST be ignored. The following notes apply generally to EMF bitmap block transfers, unless specified otherwise: Source and mask bitmaps are in DIB format. DIBs are specified by DeviceIndependentBitmap objects ([MS-WMF] section The properties that describe the structure of the destination of the block transfer are defined in the playback device context. If the color format of the source or pattern bitmap does not match the color format of the destination, the source pr pattern bits MUST be converted to the destination format prior to performing the block transfer. If the source and destination rectangles are not the same size, the source bitmap MUST be expanded or compressed to match the destination rectangle. This stretching function is performed according to a property in the playback device context, which is from the StretchMode enumeration (section 2.1.32). If an XForm object (section 2.2.28) is specified, a world-space to page-space transform SHOULD be applied to the source bitmap. Scaling, translation, and reflection transforms SHOULD be supported, and rotation and shear transforms MAY be supported.<71> For more information concerning transforms and coordinate spaces, see [MSDN-WRLDPGSPC].


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

See section 2.3 for additional EMF record types.

The EMR_ALPHABLEND record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, including alpha transparency data, according to a specified blending operation.<72> Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.1.
84 / 305



BitmapRecordParm (variable)

1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size Bounds ... ... ... xDest yDest cxDest cyDest

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


ySrc ... ... ... ... ...

BLENDFUNCTION xSrc XformSrc BkColorSrc UsageSrc offBmiSrc 85 / 305


cbBmiSrc offBitsSrc cbBitsSrc cxSrc cySrc BitmapBuffer (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_ALPHABLEND. This MUST be 0x00000072.

Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that defines the destination bounding rectangle in device units.

yDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. cxDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical width of the destination rectangle. This value MUST be greater than zero.

BLENDFUNCTION (4 bytes): A structure that specifies the blending operations for source and destination bitmaps.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BlendOperation BlendFlags [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 9 0 1 2 3 4

cyDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical height of the destination rectangle. This value MUST be greater than zero.

2 5 6 7 8 9 0 SrcConstantAlpha

xDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle.

BlendOperation (1 byte): The blend operation code. The only source and destination blend operation that has been defined is 0x00, which specifies that the source bitmap MUST be combined with the destination bitmap based on the alpha transparency values of the source pixels. See the following equations for details.


BlendFlags (1 byte): This value MUST be 0x00 and MUST be ignored. SrcConstantAlpha (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies alpha transparency, which determines the blend of the source and destination bitmaps. This value MUST be used on the entire source bitmap. The minimum alpha transparency value, zero, corresponds to completely transparent; the maximum value, 0xFF, corresponds to completely opaque. In effect, a value of 0xFF specifies that the per-pixel alpha values
86 / 305

1 2 3 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 0 1 AlphaFormat

determine the blend of the source and destination bitmaps. See the equations later in this section for details. AlphaFormat (1 byte): A structure that specifies how source and destination pixels are interpreted with respect to alpha transparency.
Value 0x00 Meaning The pixels in the source bitmap do not specify alpha transparency. In this case, the SrcConstantAlpha value determines the blend of the source and destination bitmaps. Note that in the following equations SrcConstantAlpha is divided by 255, which produces a value in the range 0 to 1.

xSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. ySrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. XformSrc (24 bytes): An XForm object (section 2.2.28) that specifies a world-space to pagespace transform to apply to the source bitmap. BkColorSrc (4 bytes): A WMF ColorRef object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the background color of the source bitmap. UsageSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to interpret values in the color table in the source bitmap header. This value MUST be in the DIBColors enumeration (section 2.1.9). offBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset in bytes from the start of this record to the source bitmap header in the BitmapBuffer field. cbBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of the source bitmap header.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

offBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset in bytes from the start of this record to the source bitmap bits in the BitmapBuffer field. cbBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of the source bitmap bits. cxSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical width of the source rectangle. This value MUST be greater than zero.

cySrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical height of the source rectangle. This value MUST be greater than zero. BitmapBuffer (variable): A buffer containing the source bitmap, which is not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EMR_ALPHABLEND record. Accordingly, fields in this buffer that are labeled "UndefinedSpace" are optional and MUST be ignored.




Indicates that the source bitmap is 32 bits-per-pixel and specifies an alpha transparency value for each pixel.

87 / 305

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 9 0 1 2 3 4

2 5 6 7 8 9 0

1 2 3 4 5 6

3 7 8 9 0 1

UndefinedSpace1 (variable) ... BmiSrc (variable) ... UndefinedSpace2 (variable) ...

BitsSrc (variable) ...

BmiSrc (variable): The source bitmap header. BitsSrc (variable): The source bitmap bits.

The following equations show how destination pixels are computed from source pixels using BLENDFUNCTION. In the equations, "dst" refers to the destination bitmap, and "src" refers to the source bitmap. The color and transparency values of the source and destination pixels are denoted by "Red", "Green", "Blue", and "Alpha".

dst.Red = src.Red * (SrcConstantAlpha/255.0) + dst.Red * (1.0 - (SrcConstantAlpha/255.0))


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

dst.Green = src.Green * (SrcConstantAlpha/255.0) + dst.Green * (1.0 - (SrcConstantAlpha/255.0)) dst.Blue = src.Blue * (SrcConstantAlpha/255.0) + dst.Blue * (1.0 - (SrcConstantAlpha/255.0))

If the destination bitmap has an alpha channel, then it is blended as follows.

dst.Alpha = src.Alpha * (SrcConstantAlpha/255.0) + dst.Alpha * (1.0 - (SrcConstantAlpha/255.0))

Note that if SrcConstantAlpha is 0xFF, these equations reduce to a simple source copy to the destination.

Case I: The AlphaFormat value is 0, which means the SrcConstantAlpha value MUST be used to blend the source and destination bitmaps, as follows.


88 / 305

Case II: The AlphaFormat value is AC_SRC_ALPHA, which means the source pixels MUST be premultiplied by SrcConstantAlpha, and then the blend MUST be based on the per-pixel source alpha channel, as follows.
src.Red = src.Red * (SrcConstantAlpha/255.0) src.Green = src.Green * (SrcConstantAlpha/255.0) src.Blue = src.Blue * (SrcConstantAlpha/255.0)

dst.Green = src.Green + (1.0 - (src.Alpha/255.0)) * dst.Green dst.Blue = src.Blue + (1.0 - (src.Alpha/255.0)) * dst.Blue

If the destination bitmap has an alpha channel, it is blended as follows.

src.Alpha = src.Alpha * (SrcConstantAlpha)/255.0)

dst.Alpha = src.Alpha + (1.0 - (src.Alpha/255.0)) * dst.Alpha

Note If SrcConstantAlpha is 0xFF, there is in effect no premultiplication of the source values. See section 2.3.1 for additional bitmap record types.


Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.1.
1 0 2 0 3 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

4 5 6 Type Size ... ... ...

The EMR_BITBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation.

7 8 9 1 2 Bounds

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 89 / 305


dst.Red = src.Red

+ (1.0 - (src.Alpha/255.0)) * dst.Red

xDest yDest cxDest cyDest BitBltRasterOperation xSrc ySrc XformSrc ... ... ... ... ...

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_BITBLT. This MUST be 0x0000004C. Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that defines the destination bounding rectangle in device units.


BkColorSrc UsageSrc offBmiSrc cbBmiSrc offBitsSrc cbBitsSrc BitmapBuffer (variable) 90 / 305


xDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. yDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. cxDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical width of the source and destination rectangles. cyDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical height of the source and destination rectangles.

The value MUST be in the WMF Ternary Raster Operation enumeration ([MS-WMF] section xSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. ySrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. XformSrc (24 bytes): An XForm object (section 2.2.28) that specifies a world-space to pagespace transform to apply to the source bitmap. BkColorSrc (4 bytes): A WMF ColorRef object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the background color of the source bitmap. UsageSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to interpret values in the color table in the source bitmap header. This value MUST be in the DIBColors enumeration (section 2.1.9). offBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the source bitmap header in the BitmapBuffer field.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

cbBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the source bitmap header. offBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the source bitmap bits in the BitmapBuffer field. cbBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the source bitmap bits. BitmapBuffer (variable): A buffer containing the source bitmap, which is not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EMR_BITBLT record. Accordingly, fields in this buffer that are labeled "UndefinedSpace" are optional and MUST be ignored. Note If the raster operation specified by BitBltRasterOperation does not require a source bitmap, the source bitmap can be omitted.



BitBltRasterOperation (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the raster operation code. This code defines how the color data of the source rectangle is to be combined with the color data of the destination rectangle and optionally a brush pattern, to achieve the final color.

91 / 305

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 9 0 1 2 3 4

2 5 6 7 8 9 0

1 2 3 4 5 6

3 7 8 9 0 1

UndefinedSpace1 (variable) ... BmiSrc (variable) ... UndefinedSpace2 (variable) ...

BitsSrc (variable) ...

BmiSrc (variable): The source bitmap header. BitsSrc (variable): The source bitmap bits. See section 2.3.1 for additional bitmap record types.


Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.1.
1 0 2 0 3 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

4 5 6 Type Size ... ... ...

The EMR_MASKBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern and with the application of a color mask bitmap, according to specified foreground and background raster operations.

7 8 9 1 2 Bounds

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 92 / 305


xDest yDest cxDest cyDest ROP4 xSrc ySrc XformSrc ... ... ... ... ...

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


BkColorSrc UsageSrc offBmiSrc cbBmiSrc offBitsSrc cbBitsSrc xMask yMask UsageMask offBmiMask 93 / 305


cbBmiMask offBitsMask cbBitsMask BitmapBuffer (variable) ...

Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that defines the destination bounding rectangle in device units.

xDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. yDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. cxDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical width of the destination rectangle. cyDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical height of the destination rectangle. ROP4 (4 bytes): A quaternary raster operation, which specifies ternary raster operations for the foreground and background colors of a bitmap. These values define how the color data of the source rectangle is to be combined with the color data of the destination rectangle.

1 9 0 1 2 3 4 Reserved

2 5 6 7 8 9 0 BackgroundROP3

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Reserved (2 bytes): This field SHOULD be 0x0000 and MUST be ignored.<73> BackgroundROP3 (1 byte): The unsigned, most-significant 8 bits of a 24-bit ternary raster operation value from the WMF Ternary Raster Operation enumeration ([MSWMF] section This code defines how to combine the background color data of the source and destination bitmaps and brush pattern. ForegroundROP3 (1 byte): The unsigned, most-significant 8 bits of a 24-bit ternary raster operation value from the WMF Ternary Raster Operation enumeration. This code defines how to combine the foreground color data of the source and destination bitmaps and brush pattern.

xSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle.

1 2 3 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 0 1 ForegroundROP3

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_MASKBLT. This MUST be 0x0000004E.

94 / 305

ySrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. XformSrc (24 bytes): An XForm object (section 2.2.28) that specifies a world-space to pagespace transform to apply to the source bitmap. BkColorSrc (4 bytes): A WMF ColorRef object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the background color of the source bitmap. UsageSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to interpret values in the color table in the source bitmap header. This value MUST be in the DIBColors enumeration (section 2.1.9). offBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the source bitmap header in the BitmapBuffer field.

cbBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes of the source bitmap header. offBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the source bitmap bits in the BitmapBuffer field.

cbBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the source bitmap bits.

yMask (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upperleft corner of the mask bitmap. UsageMask (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to interpret values in the color table in the mask bitmap header. This value MUST be in the DIBColors enumeration. offBmiMask (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the mask bitmap header in the BitmapBuffer field. cbBmiMask (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the mask bitmap header.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

offBitsMask (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset in bytes, from the start of this record to the mask bitmap bits in the BitmapBuffer field. cbBitsMask (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the mask bitmap bits. BitmapBuffer (variable): A buffer containing the source and mask bitmaps, which are not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EMR_MASKBLT record or with each other. Accordingly, fields in this buffer that are labeled "UndefinedSpace" are optional and MUST be ignored. Note The source and mask bitmaps can be present in this buffer in any order.


xMask (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upperleft corner of the mask bitmap.


95 / 305

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 9 0 1 2 3 4

2 5 6 7 8 9 0

1 2 3 4 5 6

3 7 8 9 0 1

UndefinedSpace1 (variable) ... BmiSrc (variable) ... UndefinedSpace2 (variable) ...

BitsSrc (variable) ...

UndefinedSpace3 (variable) ...

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

BmiSrc (variable): The source bitmap header. BitsSrc (variable): The source bitmap bits. BmiMask (variable): The mask bitmap header.

BitsMask (variable): The mask bitmap bits.


The mask bitmap MUST be monochrome; that is, each pixel value MUST be zero or one. A pixel value of one in the mask indicates that the color of the corresponding pixel in the source bitmap SHOULD be copied to the destination. A value of zero in the mask indicates that the destination pixel color SHOULD NOT be changed. If the mask rectangle is smaller than the source and destination rectangles, the mask pattern MUST be replicated as necessary.

... ...

BmiMask (variable) ... UndefinedSpace4 (variable) BitsMask (variable) 96 / 305


See section 2.3.1 for additional bitmap record types.


The EMR_PLGBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination parallelogram, with the application of a color mask bitmap. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.1.
1 0 2 0 3 0

Type Size Bounds ... ... ...

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


... ... ... xSrc ySrc cxSrc cySrc XformSrc ... 97 / 305

aptlDest ... ...


5 6 7 8 9 1

... ... ... ... BkColorSrc UsageSrc offBmiSrc cbBmiSrc offBitsSrc cbBitsSrc xMask yMask

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_PLGBLT. This MUST be 0x0000004F.


Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that defines the bounding rectangle, in device units, for output to the destination. aptlDest (24 bytes): An array of three WMF PointL objects ([MS-WMF] section that specifies three corners a parallelogram destination area for the block transfer.


UsageMask offBmiMask cbBmiMask offBitsMask cbBitsMask BitmapBuffer (variable) 98 / 305


The upper-left corner of the source rectangle is mapped to the first point in this array, the upper-right corner to the second point, and the lower-left corner to the third point. The lowerright corner of the source rectangle is mapped to the implicit fourth point in the parallelogram, which is computed from the first three points (A, B, and C) by treating them as vectors.
D = B + C A

ySrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle.

cxSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical width of the source rectangle. cySrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical height of the source rectangle.

XformSrc (24 bytes): An XForm object (section 2.2.28) that specifies a world-space to pagespace transform to apply to the source bitmap. BkColorSrc (4 bytes): A WMF ColorRef object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the background color of the source bitmap. UsageSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to interpret values in the color table in the source bitmap header. This value MUST be in the DIBColors enumeration (section 2.1.9). offBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the source bitmap header in the BitmapBuffer field.

offBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the source bitmap bits in the BitmapBuffer field.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

cbBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the source bitmap. xMask (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upperleft corner of the mask bitmap.

yMask (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upperleft corner of the mask bitmap.

UsageMask (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to interpret values in the color table in the mask bitmap header. This value MUST be in the DIBColors enumeration. offBmiMask (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the header of the mask bitmap in the BitmapBuffer field. cbBmiMask (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the mask bitmap header.

cbBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the source bitmap header.



99 / 305

xSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle.

offBitsMask (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the mask bitmap bits in the BitmapBuffer field. cbBitsMask (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the mask bitmap bits. BitmapBuffer (variable): A buffer containing the source and mask bitmaps, which are not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EMR_PLGBLT record or with each other. Accordingly, fields in this buffer that are labeled "UndefinedSpace" are optional and MUST be ignored. Note The source and mask bitmaps can be present in this buffer in any order.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0

UndefinedSpace1 (variable) ...

BmiSrc (variable) ...

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


BmiSrc (variable): The source bitmap header.

... ... ... ... ...

UndefinedSpace2 (variable) ... BitsSrc (variable) UndefinedSpace3 (variable) BmiMask (variable) UndefinedSpace4 (variable) BitsMask (variable) 100 / 305


0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6

3 7 8 9 0 1

BitsSrc (variable): The source bitmap bits. BmiMask (variable): The mask bitmap header. BitsMask (variable): The mask bitmap bits. The mask bitmap MUST be monochrome; that is, each pixel value MUST be zero or one. A pixel value of one in the mask indicates that the color of the corresponding pixel in the source bitmap SHOULD be copied to the destination. A value of zero in the mask indicates that the destination pixel color SHOULD NOT be changed. If the mask rectangle is smaller than the source and destination rectangles, the mask pattern MUST be replicated as necessary. See section 2.3.1 for additional bitmap record types.

The EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE record specifies a block transfer of pixels from specified scanlines of a source bitmap to a destination rectangle. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.1.
1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


... ... xDest yDest xSrc ySrc cxSrc cySrc offBmiSrc 101 / 305

Type Size Bounds ...


cbBmiSrc offBitsSrc cbBitsSrc UsageSrc iStartScan cScans BitmapBuffer (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE. This MUST be 0x00000050.

xDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. yDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle.

ySrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the y-coordinate in pixels of the lower-left corner of the source rectangle.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

cxSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the width in pixels of the source rectangle.

cySrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the height in pixels of the source rectangle. offBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the source bitmap header in the BitmapBuffer field. cbBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the source bitmap header. offBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the source bitmap bits in the BitmapBuffer field. cbBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the source bitmap bits.

xSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the x-coordinate in pixels of the lower-left corner of the source rectangle.


Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that defines the destination bounding rectangle in device units.

102 / 305

UsageSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to interpret values in the color table in the source bitmap header. This value MUST be in the DIBColors enumeration (section 2.1.9). iStartScan (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the first scan line in the array. cScans (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of scan lines. BitmapBuffer (variable): A buffer containing the source bitmap, which is not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE record. Accordingly, fields in this buffer that are labeled "UndefinedSpace" are optional and MUST be ignored.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 7 8 9 0 1

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6

UndefinedSpace1 (variable) ...

BmiSrc (variable) ...

BmiSrc (variable): The source bitmap header. BitsSrc (variable): The source bitmap bits.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

This record supports source images in JPEG and PNG format. The Compression field in the source bitmap header specifies the image format. See section 2.3.1 for additional bitmap record types.

The EMR_STRETCHBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.1.

UndefinedSpace2 (variable) ... BitsSrc (variable) ... 103 / 305


1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size Bounds ... ... ... xDest yDest cxDest cyDest

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


ySrc ... ... ... ... ...

BitBltRasterOperation xSrc XformSrc BkColorSrc UsageSrc offBmiSrc 104 / 305


cbBmiSrc offBitsSrc cbBitsSrc cxSrc cySrc BitmapBuffer (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_STRETCHBLT. This MUST be 0x0000004D.

Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that defines the destination bounding rectangle in device units.

yDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. cxDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical width of the destination rectangle.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

BitBltRasterOperation (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the raster operation code. This code defines how the color data of the source rectangle is to be combined with the color data of the destination rectangle and optionally a brush pattern, to achieve the final color. This value MUST be in the WMF Ternary Raster Operation enumeration ([MS-WMF] section

xSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. ySrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. XformSrc (24 bytes): An XForm object (section 2.2.28) that specifies a world-space to pagespace transform to apply to the source bitmap.

BkColorSrc (4 bytes): A WMF ColorRef object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the background color of the source bitmap.

cyDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical height of the destination rectangle.


xDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle.


105 / 305

UsageSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to interpret values in the color table in the source bitmap header. This value MUST be in the DIBColors enumeration (section 2.1.9). offBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the source bitmap header. cbBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the source bitmap header.

cbBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the source bitmap bits.

cxSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical width of the source rectangle. cySrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical height of the source rectangle.

BitmapBuffer (variable): A buffer containing the source bitmap, which is not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EMR_STRETCHBLT record. Accordingly, fields in this buffer that are labeled "UndefinedSpace" are optional and MUST be ignored.

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 9 0 1 2 3 4

2 5 6 7 8 9 0 UndefinedSpace1 (variable) ... BmiSrc (variable) ... UndefinedSpace2 (variable) ... BitsSrc (variable) ...

Note If the raster operation specified by BitBltRasterOperation does not require a source bitmap, the source bitmap can be omitted.
3 7 8 9 0 1


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

BmiSrc (variable): The source bitmap header. BitsSrc (variable): The source bitmap bits.

See section 2.3.1 for additional bitmap record types.

1 2 3 4 5 6

106 / 305

offBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the source bitmap bits.


The EMR_STRETCHDIBITS record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.1.
1 0 2 0 3 0

Type Size Bounds ... ... ...

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


ySrc cxSrc cySrc offBmiSrc cbBmiSrc offBitsSrc cbBitsSrc UsageSrc BitBltRasterOperation 107 / 305

xDest yDest xSrc


5 6 7 8 9 1

cxDest cyDest BitmapBuffer (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_STRETCHDIBITS. This MUST be 0x00000051.

xDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. yDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. xSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the x-coordinate in pixels of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. ySrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the y-coordinate in pixels of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. cxSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the width in pixels of the source rectangle. cySrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the height in pixels of the source rectangle. offBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes from the start of this record to the source bitmap header. cbBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the source bitmap header. offBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the source bitmap bits.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

cbBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the source bitmap bits.

UsageSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to interpret values in the color table in the source bitmap header. This value MUST be in the DIBColors enumeration (section 2.1.9). BitBltRasterOperation (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies a raster operation code. These codes define how the color data of the source rectangle is to be combined with the color data of the destination rectangle and optionally a brush pattern, to achieve the final color. The value MUST be in the WMF Ternary Raster Operation enumeration ([MS-WMF] section
108 / 305



Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that defines the destination bounding rectangle in device units.

cxDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical width of the destination rectangle. cyDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical height of the destination rectangle. BitmapBuffer (variable): A buffer containing the source bitmap, which is not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EMR_STRETCHDIBITS record. Accordingly, fields in this buffer that are labeled "UndefinedSpace" are optional and MUST be ignored.

UndefinedSpace1 (variable) ...

BmiSrc (variable) ...

BmiSrc (variable): The source bitmap header.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

BitsSrc (variable): The source bitmap bits.

This record supports source images in JPEG and PNG formats. The Compression field in the source bitmap header specifies the image format. If the signs of the source and destination height and width fields differ, this record specifies a mirror-image copy of the source bitmap to the destination. That is, if cxSrc and cxDest have different signs, a mirror image of the source bitmap along the x-axis is specified. If cySrc and cyDest have different signs, a mirror image of the source bitmap along the y-axis is specified. See section 2.3.1 for additional bitmap record types.


The EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, treating a specified color as transparent, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary.<74> Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.1.
109 / 305


UndefinedSpace2 (variable) ... BitsSrc (variable)


0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 9 0 1 2 3 4

2 5 6 7 8 9 0

1 2 3 4 5 6

3 7 8 9 0 1

Note If the raster operation specified by BitBltRasterOperation does not require a source bitmap, the source bitmap can be omitted.

1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size Bounds ... ... ... xDest yDest cxDest cyDest

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


ySrc ... ... ... ... ...

TransparentColor xSrc XformSrc BkColorSrc UsageSrc offBmiSrc 110 / 305


cbBmiSrc offBitsSrc cbBitsSrc cxSrc cySrc BitmapBuffer (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT. This MUST be 0x00000074.

Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that defines the destination bounding rectangle in device units.

yDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. cxDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical width of the destination rectangle.

TransparentColor (4 bytes): A WMF ColorRef object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the color in the source bitmap to be treated as transparent.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

xSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. ySrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. XformSrc (24 bytes): An XForm object (section 2.2.28) that specifies a world-space to pagespace transform to apply to the source bitmap.

BkColorSrc (4 bytes): A WMF ColorRef object that specifies the background color of the source bitmap. UsageSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to interpret values in the color table in the source bitmap header. This value MUST be in the DIBColors enumeration (section 2.1.9). offBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the source bitmap header.

cyDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical height of the destination rectangle.


xDest (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle.


111 / 305

cbBmiSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the source bitmap header. offBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of this record to the source bitmap bits. cbBitsSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the source bitmap bits. cxSrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical width of the source rectangle. cySrc (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the logical height of the source rectangle.

Note If the source bitmap color format is 32 bits-per-pixel, only the alpha transparency value in each pixel SHOULD be copied to the destination.<75>
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 7 8 9 0 1

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

2.3.2 Clipping Record Types
The following are EMF clipping record types.
[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

BmiSrc (variable): The source bitmap header. BitsSrc (variable): The source bitmap bits.

See section 2.3.1 for additional bitmap record types.


The clipping record types specify and manage clipping regions. Note The EMR_SETMETARGN record does not specify parameters.

... ...

... BmiSrc (variable) ... UndefinedSpace2 (variable) BitsSrc (variable) 112 / 305

UndefinedSpace1 (variable)

1 2 3 4 5 6

BitmapBuffer (variable): A buffer containing the source bitmap, which is not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT record. Accordingly, fields in this buffer that are labeled "UndefinedSpace" are optional and MUST be ignored.



Description Specifies a new clipping region that consists of the existing clipping region minus the specified rectangle. Combines the specified region with the current clip region using the specified mode. Specifies a new clipping region from the intersection of the current clipping region and the specified rectangle. Specifies the clipping region with the specified offsets.



Intersets the current metaregion with the current clipping region to form a new metaregion for the playback device context. The current clipping region SHOULD be reset to null. This EMF record specifies no parameters.

The generic structure of clipping records is specified as follows.

1 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 Type Size ... Value

2 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1 0x0000001A 0x0000001C 0x0000001D 0x0000001E 0x00000043 0x0000004B 113 / 305

Specifies the current path as a clipping region for the playback device context, combining the new region with any existing clipping region using the specified mode.


Name EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN EMR_SETMETARGN EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the type of record. The clipping record types are listed in the following table. See the preceding table for descriptions of these record types.

ClippingRecordBuffer (variable)

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of this record in the metafile. This value MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes. ClippingRecordBuffer (variable): An optional array of bytes that contains the remainder of the clipping record. The size of this field MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes. Note The EMR_SETMETARGN record does not contain this field.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 7 8 9 0 1

ClippingRecordParm (variable) ...

AlignmentPadding (variable) ...

ClippingRecordParm (variable): An optional array of bytes that contains the parameters for the clipping record.

See section 2.3 for additional EMF record types.


Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.2.
1 0 2 0 3 0

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size Clip ... ... ...

The EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT record specifies a new clipping region that consists of the existing clipping region minus the specified rectangle.

7 8 9 1 2

AlignmentPadding (variable): An optional array of up to 3 bytes that pads the record so that its total size is a multiple of 4 bytes. This field MUST be ignored.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT. This MUST be 0x0000001D.
114 / 305


0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6

Clip (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the clipping rectangle in logical units. The lower and right edges of the specified rectangle are not excluded from the clipping region. See section 2.3.2 for additional clipping record types.


Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.2.
1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Type Size

RgnDataSize RegionMode

RgnDataSize (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of region data in bytes.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

RegionMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the way to use the region. The value MUST be in the RegionMode (section 2.1.29) enumeration. RgnData (variable): A RgnDataSize length array of bytes that specifies a RegionData object in logical units. If RegionMode is RGN_COPY, this data can be omitted and the clip region SHOULD be set to the default (NULL) clip region.

See section 2.3.2 for additional clipping record types.


The EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT record specifies a new clipping region from the intersection of the current clipping region and the specified rectangle. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.2.

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN. This MUST be 0x0000004B.

RgnData (variable) ...

3 0 1 115 / 305

The EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN record combines the specified region with the current clip region using the specified mode.

1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size Clip ... ... ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT. This MUST be 0x0000001E.

Clip (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the rectangle in logical units.

See section 2.3.2 for additional clipping record types.


The EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN record moves the current clipping region in the playback device context by the specified offsets. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.2.
1 0 2 0 3 0

7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size ...

7 8 9 1 2 Offset

The lower and right edges of the specified rectangle are excluded from the clipping region.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN. This MUST be 0x0000001A. Offset (8 bytes): A WMF PointL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the horizontal and vertical offsets in logical units.

See section 2.3.2 for additional clipping record types.

1 116 / 305


The EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH record specifies the current path as a clipping region for a playback device context, combining the new region with any existing clipping region using the specified mode. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.2.
1 0 2 0 3 0

Type Size RegionMode

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH. This MUST be 0x00000043.

RegionMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the way to use the path. The value MUST be in the RegionMode enumeration (section 2.1.29).


Comment Record Types

The comment record types define formats for specifying arbitrary private data, embedding records in other metafile formats, and adding new or special-purpose commands. The following are EMF comment record types.
Name EMR_COMMENT Section


EMR_COMMENT_EMFSPOOL EMR_COMMENT_PUBLIC 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The generic structure of comment records is specified as follows.

2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type Size

Description 7 8 9 1 2 DataSize

See section 2.3.2 for additional clipping record types.

Contains arbitrary private data. Contains embedded EMF+ records. Contains embedded EMFSPOOL records. Specifies extensions to EMF processing.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 117 / 305

CommentRecordBuffer (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer from the RecordType enumeration (section 2.1.1) that identifies this record as a comment record. This value MUST be 0x00000046. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of this record in the metafile. This value MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.

CommentRecordBuffer (variable): An array of bytes that contains the remainder of the comment record. The size of this field MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

CommentIdentifier (optional)

CommentIdentifier (4 bytes): An optional, 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies the type of comment record. See the preceding table for descriptions of these record types.

Name EMR_COMMENT_EMFSPOOL EMR_COMMENT_EMFPLUS EMR_COMMENT_PUBLIC [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Valid comment identifier values are listed in the following table. If this field contains any other value, the comment record MUST be an EMR_COMMENT record (section
Value 0x00000000 0x2B464D45 0x43494447


CommentRecordParm (variable): An array of bytes that contains the parameters for the comment record.

AlignmentPadding (variable): An optional array of up to 3 bytes that pads the record so that its total size is a multiple of 4 bytes. This field MUST be ignored.

See section 2.3 for additional EMF record types.

118 / 305


CommentRecordParm (variable) ... AlignmentPadding (variable)

1 2 3 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 0 1

DataSize (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the CommentIdentifier and CommentRecordParm fields in the RecordBuffer field that follows. It MUST NOT include the size of itself or the size of the AlignmentPadding field, if present.


The EMR_COMMENT record contains arbitrary private data. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.3.
1 0 2 0 3 0

Size DataSize

PrivateData (variable) ...

Private data is unknown to EMF; it is meaningful only to applications that know the format of the data and how to use it. EMR_COMMENT private data records MAY be ignored.<76> See section 2.3.3 for additional comment record types.


The EMR_COMMENT_EMFPLUS record contains embedded EMF+ records. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.3.
1 0 2 0 3 0

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size ...

7 8 9 1 2 DataSize CommentIdentifier EMFPlusRecords (variable)

PrivateData (variable): An optional array of bytes that specifies the private data. The first DWORD of this data MUST NOT be one of the predefined comment identifier values specified in section 2.3.3.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 119 / 305


CommentIdentifier (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this comment record as containing EMF+ records. The value 0x2B464D45, which is the ASCII string "+FME", identifies this as an EMR_COMMENT_EMFPLUS record. EMFPlusRecords (variable): An array of bytes that contains one or more EMF+ records ([MSEMFPLUS] section 2.3.1). See section 2.3.3 for additional comment record types.


The EMR_COMMENT_EMFSPOOL record contains embedded EMFSPOOL records.

Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.3.
1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

Type Size DataSize


Value Meaning EMFSpoolFontDefinition 0x544F4E46

CommentIdentifier (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this comment record as containing EMFSPOOL records. The value 0x00000000 identifies this as an EMR_COMMENT_EMFSPOOL record.

EMFSpoolRecordIdentifier (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies the type of EMR_COMMENT_EMFSPOOL record. The following value is defined.

EMFSpoolRecords (variable): A variable-length array of bytes that contains one or more EMFSPOOL font definition records ([MS-EMFSPOOL] section

See section 2.3.3 for additional comment record types.


The EMR_COMMENT_PUBLIC record types specify extensions to EMF processing.


The ASCII string "TONF", which identifies this as a record that contains embedded EMFSPOOL font definition data.

CommentIdentifier EMFSpoolRecordIdentifier EMFSpoolRecords (variable) 120 / 305 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Following are the EMF public comment record types that have been defined.
Name EMR_COMMENT_BEGINGROUP EMR_COMMENT_ENDGROUP EMR_COMMENT_MULTIFORMATS EMR_COMMENT_WINDOW_METAFILE Section Description Specifies the beginning of a group of drawing records. Specifies the end of a group of drawing records. Specifies an image in multiple graphics formats. Specifies an image in an embedded WMF metafile.

The generic structure of EMR_COMMENT_PUBLIC records is specified as follows. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.3.
1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 0 1

Type Size DataSize


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

CommentIdentifier (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this comment record as specifying public data. The value 0x43494447, which is the ASCII string "CIDG", identifies this as an EMR_COMMENT_PUBLIC record.

PublicCommentIdentifier (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies the type of public comment record. This SHOULD be one of the values listed in the preceding table, which are specified in the EmrComment enumeration (section 2.1.10), unless additional public comment record types have been implemented on the print server.

PublicCommentRecordBuffer (variable): An optional array of bytes that contains the remainder of the public comment record. The size of this field MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0


PublicCommentRecordBuffer (variable)

PublicCommentRecordParm (variable)

CommentIdentifier PublicCommentIdentifier 121 / 305


... AlignmentPadding (variable) ...

PublicCommentRecordParm (variable): An optional array of bytes that contains the parameters for the public comment record. AlignmentPadding (variable): An optional array of up to 3 bytes that pads the record so that its total size is a multiple of 4 bytes. This field MUST be ignored.


The EMR_COMMENT_BEGINGROUP record specifies the beginning of a group of drawing records. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.3 or
1 0 2 0

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


... ... ... ...

Type Size DataSize CommentIdentifier PublicCommentIdentifier Rectangle nDescription Description (variable)

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

See section 2.3.3 for additional comment record types.

1 122 / 305

PublicCommentIdentifier (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies the type of public comment record. This MUST be EMR_COMMENT_BEGINGROUP from the EmrComment enumeration (section 2.1.10), which is 0x00000002. Rectangle (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the output rectangle in logical coordinates. nDescription (4 bytes): The number of Unicode characters in the optional description string that follows.

Every EMR_COMMENT_BEGINGROUP record MUST be followed by an EMR_COMMENT_ENDGROUP (section record in the metafile. See section for additional public comment record types.


The EMR_COMMENT_ENDGROUP record specifies the end of a group of drawing records.

Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.3 or

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 Type Size DataSize CommentIdentifier PublicCommentIdentifier

1 0

2 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1 123 / 305


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

PublicCommentIdentifier (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies the type of public comment record. This MUST be EMR_COMMENT_ENDGROUP from the EmrComment enumeration (section 2.1.10), which is 0x00000003.

Every EMR_COMMENT_ENDGROUP record MUST be preceded by an EMR_COMMENT_BEGINGROUP (section record in the metafile. See section for additional public comment record types.


The EMR_COMMENT_MULTIFORMATS record specifies an image in multiple graphics formats. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.3 or

Description (variable): An optional, null-terminated Unicode string that describes this group of records.

1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size DataSize CommentIdentifier PublicCommentIdentifier OutputRect ... ... ...


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

PublicCommentIdentifier (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies the type of public comment record. This MUST be EMR_COMMENT_MULTIFORMATS from the EmrComment enumeration (section 2.1.10), which is 0x40000004. OutputRect (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the output rectangle, in logical coordinates. CountFormats (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of graphics formats contained in this record. aFormats (variable): A CountFormats length array of graphics formats, specified by EmrFormat objects (section 2.2.4), in order of preference.

FormatData (variable): A variable-length array of bytes of image data for all graphics formats contained in this record. The size of the data for each image is provided by the DataSize field in the corresponding EmrFormat object. Thus, the total size of this field is the sum of DataSize values in all EmrFormat objects.


CountFormats aFormats (variable) ... FormatData (variable) 124 / 305


The graphics format of the data for each image is specified by the Signature field in the corresponding EmrFormat object. For example, an application can use this record type to specify an image in EPS format using EpsData objects (section 2.2.6). Subsequently, the PostScript version of the image MAY<77> be rendered if that graphics format is supported by the printer driver on the playback system. See section for additional public comment record types.


The EMR_COMMENT_WINDOWS_METAFILE record specifies an image in an embedded WMF metafile. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.3 or
1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 Reserved

Type Size DataSize


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

PublicCommentIdentifier (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies the type of public comment record. This MUST be EMR_COMMENT_WINDOWS_METAFILE from the EmrComment enumeration (section 2.1.10), which is 0x80000001. Version (2 bytes): A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the WMF metafile version in terms of support for device-independent bitmaps (DIBs), from the WMF MetafileVersion enumeration ([MS-WMF] section Reserved (2 bytes): A 16-bit value that MUST be 0x0000 and MUST be ignored. Checksum (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the checksum for this record.


Flags ...

CommentIdentifier PublicCommentIdentifier Checksum WinMetafileSize WinMetafile (variable)

1 125 / 305

Flags (4 bytes): A 32-bit value that MUST be 0x00000000 and MUST be ignored. WinMetafileSize (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the WMF metafile in the WinMetafile field. WinMetafile (variable): A buffer that contains the WMF metafile. See section for additional public comment record types.


Control Record Types

The control record types define the start and end of an EMF metafile and properties of the metafile. The following are EMF control record types.
Name EMR_EOF EMR_HEADER Section Description

Indicates the end of the metafile and specifies a palette.

Indicates the start of the metafile and specifies properties of the device on which the metafile was created.

The generic structure of control records is specified as follows.

1 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 0 1 2 Type Size RecordBuffer (variable) ... Value 0x00000001 0x0000000E

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1 126 / 305


Name EMR_HEADER EMR_EOF [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the type of record. The control record types are listed in the following table. See the preceding table for descriptions of these record types.

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of this record in the metafile. This value MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.

RecordBuffer (variable): An array of bytes that contains the remainder of the control record. The size of this field MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 9 0 1 2 3 4

2 5 6 7 8 9 0

1 2 3 4 5 6

3 7 8 9 0 1

ControlRecordParm (variable) ... AlignmentPadding (variable) ...

AlignmentPadding (variable): An optional array of up to 3 bytes that pads the record so that its total size is a multiple of 4 bytes. This field MUST be ignored. See section 2.3 for additional EMF record types.

EMR_EOF Record

Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.4.
1 0 2 0 3 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 Type Size nPalEntries offPalEntries PaletteBuffer (variable) ... SizeLast

The EMR_EOF record indicates the end of the metafile and specifies a palette.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ControlRecordParm (variable): An array of bytes that contains the parameters for the control record.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_EOF. This MUST be 0x0000000E.

nPalEntries (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of palette entries.

offPalEntries (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset to the palette entries from the start of this record.

1 127 / 305

PaletteBuffer (variable): An optional buffer that contains palette data, which is not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EMR_EOF record. Accordingly, fields in this buffer that are labeled "UndefinedSpace" are optional and MUST be ignored. The size of this field MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 7 8 9 0 1

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6

UndefinedSpace1 (variable) ... PaletteEntries (variable) ...

UndefinedSpace2 (variable) ...

SizeLast (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that MUST be the same as Size and MUST be the last field of the record and hence the metafile. LogPaletteEntry objects, if they exist, MUST precede this field. See section 2.3.4 for additional control record types.

The EMR_HEADER record types define the starting points of EMF metafiles and specify properties of the device on which the image in the metafile was created. The information in the header record makes it possible for EMF metafiles to be independent of any specific output device.


Name Section EmfMetafileHeader EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1 EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The following are EMR_HEADER record types.

The generic structure of EMR_HEADER records is specified as follows. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.4.

EMR_HEADER Record Types


PaletteEntries (variable): An array of LogPaletteEntry objects (section 2.2.18) that specifies the palette data.

The header record present in the original version of EMF metafiles.<78> The header record used in the first extension to EMF metafiles.<79> The header record used in the second extension to EMF metafiles.<80>

128 / 305

1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size EmfHeader ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

(EmfHeader cont'd for 12 rows)

EmfHeaderRecordBuffer (variable)

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_HEADER. This MUST be 0x00000001.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

EmfHeader (80 bytes): A Header object (section 2.2.9), which contains information about the content and structure of the metafile. EmfHeaderRecordBuffer (variable): An optional array of bytes that contains the remainder of the EMF header record. The size of this field MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 7 8 9 0 1

... ... ...


1 2 3 4 5 6 EmfHeaderRecordParm (variable) AlignmentPadding (variable) 129 / 305


EmfHeaderRecordParm (variable): An optional array of bytes that contains additional parameters for the EMF header record. AlignmentPadding (variable): An optional array of up to 3 bytes that pads the record so that its total size is a multiple of 4 bytes. This field MUST be ignored. The value of the Size field can be used to distinguish between the different EMR_HEADER record types listed earlier in this section. There are three possible headers: The base header, which is the EmfMetafileHeader record. The fixed-size part of this header is 88 bytes, and it contains a Header object.

The second extension header, which is the EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 record. The fixed-size part of this header is 108 bytes, and it contains a Header object, a HeaderExtension1 object, and a HeaderExtension2 object (section 2.2.11). Note that there are one or two optional, variable-length fields that are possible in a given header: a description string and a pixel format field. In all three types of headers, the fixed-size part comes first, followed by the variable-length fields.


130 / 305 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


The algorithm shown in the following figure computes a non-negative integer variable called HeaderSize from the offsets and lengths of the variable-length data. The type of header is determined from that value.


The first extension header, which is the EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1 record. The fixed-size part of this header is 100 bytes, and it contains a Header object and a HeaderExtension1 object (section 2.2.10).


Figure 2: Header Type Determination Algorithm After applying the algorithm, consider the value of HeaderSize: If HeaderSize >= 108, the record type is EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2.
131 / 305 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012



If HeaderSize >= 100, the record type is EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1. Otherwise, the record type is EmfMetafileHeader. See section 2.3.4 for additional control record types.

EmfMetafileHeader Record

The EmfMetafileHeader record is the header record used in the original version of EMF metafiles.

1 0

2 0

Type Size EmfHeader ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


EmfDescriptionBuffer (variable): An optional array of bytes that contains the EMF description string, which is not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EmfMetafileHeader record. Accordingly, the field in this buffer that is labeled "UndefinedSpace" is optional and MUST be ignored.

(EmfHeader cont'd for 12 rows) EmfDescriptionBuffer (variable) ... 132 / 305



5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1

Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.4 or

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 9 0 1 2 3 4

2 5 6 7 8 9 0

1 2 3 4 5 6

3 7 8 9 0 1

UndefinedSpace (variable) ... EmfDescription (variable) ...

The value of the Size field can be used to distinguish between the different EMR_HEADER record types. See EMR_HEADER record types (section for details. See section for additional header record types.

The EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1 record is the header record used in the first extension to EMF metafiles.<81> Following the EmfHeaderExtension1 field, the remaining fields are optional and can be present in any order. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.4 or

7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 0

7 8 9 2 0 1 2 EmfHeader

EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1 Record

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

EmfDescription (variable): An optional, null-terminated Unicode UTF16-LE string of arbitrary length and content. Its location in the record and number of characters are specified by the offDescription and nDescription fields, respectively, in EmfHeader. If the value of either field is zero, no description string is present.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 133 / 305

... (EmfHeader cont'd for 12 rows) EmfHeaderExtension1 ... ... EmfDescriptionBuffer (variable) ...

EmfPixelFormatBuffer (variable) ...

EmfDescriptionBuffer (variable): An optional array of bytes that contains the EMF description string, which is not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1 record. Accordingly, the field in this buffer that is labeled "UndefinedSpace" is optional and MUST be ignored.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 7 8 9 0 1

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

EmfDescription (variable): An optional, null-terminated Unicode UTF16-LE string of arbitrary length and content. Its location in the record and number of characters are specified by the offDescription and nDescription fields, respectively, in EmfHeader. If the value of either field is zero, no description string is present.


EmfPixelFormatBuffer (variable): An optional array of bytes that contains the EMF pixel format descriptor, which is not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1 record or with the EMF description string. Accordingly, the field in this buffer that is labeled "UndefinedSpace" is optional and MUST be ignored.

... ...

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

UndefinedSpace1 (variable) EmfDescription (variable)

EmfHeaderExtension1 (12 bytes): A HeaderExtension1 object, which specifies additional information about the image in the metafile.

1 2 3 4 5 6 134 / 305

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 9 0 1 2 3 4

2 5 6 7 8 9 0

1 2 3 4 5 6

3 7 8 9 0 1

UndefinedSpace2 (variable) ... EmfPixelFormat (optional) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

(EmfPixelFormat (optional) cont'd for 2 rows)


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Note No single structure definition can accurately represent every possible combination of optional fields. Therefore, the implementer is responsible for writing software that determines which fields are actually present in a given metafile, and for unmarshaling the contents of each field appropriately. The value of the Size field can be used to distinguish between the different EMR_HEADER record types. See EMR_HEADER record types (section for details. See section for additional header record types.

EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 Record

The EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 record is the header record used in the second extension to EMF metafiles.<82> Following the EmfHeaderExtension2 field, the remaining fields are optional and can be present in any order. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.4 or

EmfPixelFormat (40 bytes): An optional PixelFormatDescriptor object (section 2.2.22) that specifies the last pixel format that was defined when the metafile was recorded. Its size and location in the record are specified by the cbPixelFormat and offPixelFormat fields, respectively, in EmfHeaderExtension1. If the value of either field is zero, no pixel format descriptor is present.


135 / 305

1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size EmfHeader ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

(EmfHeader cont'd for 12 rows) EmfHeaderExtension1 ... ...

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


EmfHeaderExtension1 (12 bytes): A HeaderExtension1 object, which specifies additional information about the image in the metafile.

... ... ...

EmfDescriptionBuffer (variable)

EmfPixelFormatBuffer (variable)

EmfHeaderExtension2 136 / 305


EmfHeaderExtension2 (8 bytes): A HeaderExtension2 object, which specifies additional information about the image in the metafile. EmfDescriptionBuffer (variable): An optional array of bytes that contains the EMF description string, which is not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 record. Accordingly, the field in this buffer that is labeled "UndefinedSpace" is optional and MUST be ignored.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 7 8 9 0 1

UndefinedSpace1 (variable) ...

EmfDescription (variable) ...

EmfPixelFormatBuffer (variable): An optional array of bytes that contains the EMF pixel format descriptor, which is not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 record or with the EMF description string. Accordingly, the field in this buffer that is labeled "UndefinedSpace" is optional and MUST be ignored.

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 9 0 1 2 3 4

2 5 6 7 8 9 0 UndefinedSpace2 (variable) EmfPixelFormat (optional)

EmfDescription (variable): An optional, null-terminated Unicode UTF16-LE string of arbitrary length and content. Its location in the record and number of characters are specified by the offDescription and nDescription fields, respectively, in EmfHeader. If the value of either field is zero, no description string is present.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 2 3 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 0 1

137 / 305

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6

... (EmfPixelFormat (optional) cont'd for 2 rows)

The value of the Size field can be used to distinguish between the different EMR_HEADER record types. See EMR_HEADER record types (section for details. See section for additional header record types.


Drawing Record Types

The following are EMF drawing record types.



EMR_EXTFLOODFILL EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW EMR_FILLPATH EMR_FILLRGN EMR_FRAMERGN [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Description Draws a line segment of an arc. Draws an elliptical arc. Draws an elliptical arc, resetting the current drawing position to the end point of the arc. Draws a chord, which is a region bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and a line segment, called a secant. Draws an ellipse. Draws a line segment of an arc. Draws an ASCII text string using the current font and text colors. Draws a Unicode text string using the current font and text colors. Closes any open figures in the current path and fills the path's interior with the current brush and polygon-filling mode. Fills the specified region with the specified brush. Draws a border around the specified region with the specified brush. 138 / 305

The drawing record types perform graphics drawing.


Note No single structure definition can accurately represent every possible combination of optional fields. Therefore, the implementer is responsible for writing software that determines which fields are actually present in a given metafile, and for unmarshaling the contents of each field appropriately.

EmfPixelFormat (40 bytes): An optional PixelFormatDescriptor object (section 2.2.22) that specifies the last pixel format that was defined when the metafile was recorded. Its size and location in the record are specified by the cbPixelFormat and offPixelFormat fields, respectively, in EmfHeaderExtension1. If the value of either field is zero, no pixel format descriptor is present.



Description Fills the specified rectangle and triangle structures. Draws a line from the current position up to, but not including, the specified point. This record resets the current position to that point. Paints the specified region with the current brush.



Draws one or more Bezier curves with the current pen.

Draws one or more Bezier curves based on the current position.

Draws one or more Bezier curves based on the current position. Draws a set of line segments and Bezier curves. Draws a set of line segments and Bezier curves.


EMR_POLYPOLYGON16 EMR_POLYPOLYLINE EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16 EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Draws a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines. Draws a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines. Draws a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array. Draws a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array. Draws one or more straight lines based upon the current position. Draws one or more straight lines based upon the current position. Paints a series of closed polygons. Each polygon is outlined with the current pen and filled with the current brush and polygon fill mode. Paints a series of closed polygons. Each polygon is outlined with the current pen and filled with the current brush and polygon fill mode. Draws multiple series of connected line segments. Draws multiple series of connected line segments. Draws one or more ASCII text strings using the current font and text colors.

139 / 305

Draws one or more Bezier curves. The cubic Bezier curves are defined with the endpoints and control points specified in this record.

Draws a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and two radials.



Description Draws one or more Unicode text strings using the current font and text colors. Draws a rectangle. The rectangle is outlined with the current pen and filled with the current brush. Draws a rectangle with rounded corners.

Outputs a string.

Draws the specified path with the current pen.

The generic structure of drawing records is specified as follows.

1 0

8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 Value 0x00000002 0x00000003 0x00000005 0x00000006 0x00000007 0x00000008 0x0000000F 0x00000029 0x0000002A

Closes any open figures in a path, draws the outline of the path with the current pen, and fills its interior with the current brush.

DrawingRecordBuffer (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the type of record. The drawing record types are listed in the following table. See the preceding table for descriptions of these records.




Size 140 / 305



Defines the color of the pixel at the specified logical coordinates.


Value 0x0000002B 0x0000002C 0x0000002D 0x0000002E

0x00000035 0x00000036 0x00000037 0x00000038





0x0000003E 0x0000003F 0x00000040 0x00000047 0x00000048 0x0000004A 0x00000053 0x00000054 0x00000055 0x00000056 0x00000057 0x00000058 0x00000059 0x0000005A 0x0000005B 0x0000005C 0x00000060 0x00000061 0x0000006C 0x00000076 141 / 305


Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of this record in the metafile. This value MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes. DrawingRecordBuffer (variable): An array of bytes that contains the remainder of the drawing record. The size of this field MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 7 8 9 0 1

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6

... AlignmentPadding (variable) ...

DrawingRecordParm (variable): An array of bytes that contains the parameters for the drawing record. AlignmentPadding (variable): An optional array of up to 3 bytes that pads the record so that its total size is a multiple of 4 bytes. This field MUST be ignored. See section 2.3 for additional EMF record types.


The EMR_ANGLEARC record specifies a line segment of an arc. The line segment is drawn from the current position to the beginning of the arc. The arc is drawn along the perimeter of a circle with the given radius and center. The length of the arc is defined by the given start and sweep angles.

7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size Center ... Radius

7 8 9 2 0 1 2 StartAngle SweepAngle

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_ANGLEARC. This MUST be 0x00000029.

1 142 / 305

DrawingRecordParm (variable)

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Center (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF PointL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the logical coordinates of the circle's center. Radius (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the circle's radius, in logical units. StartAngle (4 bytes): A 32-bit float that specifies the arc's start angle, in degrees. SweepAngle (4 bytes): A 32-bit float that specifies the arc's sweep angle, in degrees. The arc is drawn by recording an imaginary circle around the specified center point with the specified radius. The starting point of the arc is determined by measuring counterclockwise from the x-axis of the circle by the number of degrees in the start angle. The ending point is similarly located by measuring counterclockwise from the starting point by the number of degrees in the sweep angle. If the sweep angle is greater than 360 degrees, the arc is swept multiple times. This record specifies lines by using the current pen. The figure is not filled. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.

EMR_ARC Record

1 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 0 1 2 Type Size Box ... ... ... Start ... End ...

The EMR_ARC record specifies an elliptical arc.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_ARC. This MUST be 0x0000002D.

143 / 305


Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record in bytes. Box (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the inclusive-inclusive bounding rectangle. Start (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF PointL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the coordinates, in logical units, of the ending point of the radial line defining the starting point of the arc. End (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF PointL object that specifies the coordinates, in logical units, of the ending point of the radial line defining the ending point of the arc. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.

The EMR_ARCTO record specifies an elliptical arc. It resets the current position to the end point of the arc.
1 0 2 0 3 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Type Size Box ... ... ...

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_ARCTO. This MUST be 0x00000037.


Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Box (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle. Start (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF PointL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the coordinates of the first radial ending point, in logical units.
144 / 305

Start ... End ...



End (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF PointL object that specifies the coordinates of the second radial ending point, in logical units. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_CHORD record specifies a chord, which is a region bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and a line segment, called a secant. The chord is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush.
1 0 2 0

Type Size Box ... ... ...


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_CHORD. This MUST be 0x0000002E. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Box (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the inclusive-inclusive bounding rectangle. Start (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF PointL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the logical coordinates of the endpoint of the radial defining the beginning of the chord. End (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF PointL object that specifies the logical coordinates of the endpoint of the radial defining the end of the chord.

The curve of the chord is defined by an ellipse that fits the specified bounding rectangle. The curve begins at the point where the ellipse intersects the first radial and extends counterclockwise to the

End ... 145 / 305

Start ...


5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1

point where the ellipse intersects the second radial. The chord is closed by drawing a line from the intersection of the first radial and the curve to the intersection of the second radial and the curve. If the starting point and ending point of the curve are the same, a complete ellipse is drawn. The current position is neither used nor updated by processing this record. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_ELLIPSE record specifies an ellipse. The center of the ellipse is the center of the specified bounding rectangle. The ellipse is outlined by using the current pen and is filled by using the current brush.
1 0

8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

Type Size Box ... ... ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_ELLIPSE. This MUST be 0x0000002A. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Box (16 bytes): A 128-bit (WMF) RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the inclusive-inclusive bounding rectangle.

See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.

The EMR_EXTFLOODFILL record fills an area of the display surface with the current brush.

4 5 6 Type Size

7 1 146 / 305



Start ... Color FloodFillMode

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_EXTFLOODFILL. This MUST be 0x00000035.

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Start (8 bytes): A WMF PointL object ([MS-WMF] section, which specifies the coordinates, in logical units, where filling begins.

Color (4 bytes): A WMF ColorRef object ([MS-WMF] section, which is used with the FloodFillMode to determine the area to fill. FloodFillMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to use the Color value to determine the area for the flood fill operation. The value MUST be in the FloodFill enumeration (section 2.1.13). See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA record draws an ASCII text string using the current font and text colors. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.5.

7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size Bounds ... ... ... exScale

7 8 9 2 0 1 2 iGraphicsMode

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 147 / 305

eyScale aEmrText (variable) ...

Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section It is not used and MUST be ignored on receipt.

iGraphicsMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the graphics mode from the GraphicsMode enumeration (section 2.1.16). exScale (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value that specifies the scale factor to apply along the X axis to convert from page space units to .01mm units. This SHOULD be used only if the graphics mode specified by iGraphicsMode is GM_COMPATIBLE. eyScale (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value that specifies the scale factor to apply along the Y axis to convert from page space units to .01mm units. This SHOULD be used only if the graphics mode specified by iGraphicsMode is GM_COMPATIBLE. aEmrText (variable): An EmrText object (section 2.2.5) that specifies the output string in 8-bit ASCII characters, text attributes, and spacing values. The font and text colors used for output are specified by properties in the current state of the playback device context. A rectangle for clipping and/or opaquing can be defined in the EmrText object that is specified in the aEmrText field.

See section 2.3.5 for additional drawing record types.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record draws a Unicode text string using the current font and text colors. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.5.
2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type Size

EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA SHOULD be emulated with an EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record (section This requires the ASCII text string in the EmrText object to be converted to Unicode UTF16-LE encoding.<83>

7 8 9 1 2 Bounds

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 148 / 305

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies the record type as EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA from the RecordType enumeration (section 2.1.1). This MUST be 0x00000053.

... ... ... iGraphicsMode exScale eyScale wEmrText (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies the record type as EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW from the RecordType enumeration (section 2.1.1). This value MUST be 0x00000054.

iGraphicsMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the current graphics mode from the GraphicsMode enumeration (section 2.1.16). exScale (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value that specifies the scale factor to apply along the X axis to convert from page space units to .01mm units. This is used only if the graphics mode specified by iGraphicsMode is GM_COMPATIBLE. eyScale (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value that specifies the scale factor to apply along the Y axis to convert from page space units to .01mm units. This is used only if the graphics mode specified by iGraphicsMode is GM_COMPATIBLE.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

wEmrText (variable): An EmrText object (section 2.2.5) that specifies the output string in 16bit Unicode UTF16-LE characters, with text attributes and spacing values.

The font and text colors used for output are specified by properties in the current state of the playback device context. A rectangle for clipping and/or opaquing can be defined in the EmrText object that is specified in the aEmrText field. See section 2.3.5 for additional drawing record types.

The EMR_FILLPATH record closes any open figures in the current path and fills the path's interior by using the current brush and polygon-filling mode.


Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section It is not used and MUST be ignored on receipt.

149 / 305

1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size Bounds ... ... ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_FILLPATH. This MUST be 0x0000003E. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_FILLRGN record fills the specified region by using the specified brush.

7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size Bounds ... ... ... ihBrush

7 8 9 2 0 1 2 RgnDataSize

Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies bounding rectangle, in device units.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 150 / 305

RgnData (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_FILLRGN. This MUST be 0x00000047. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle.

ihBrush (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the brush EMF Object Table index to fill the region. RgnData (variable): A RgnDataSize length array of bytes that contains a RegionData (section 2.2.24) object. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.

The EMR_FRAMERGN record draws a border around the specified region using the specified brush.
1 0 2 0 3 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 Type Size Bounds ... ... ... RgnDataSize ihBrush Width Height


3 4 5 6 7 8 9

RgnDataSize (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of region data, in bytes.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 151 / 305

RgnData (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_FRAMERGN. This MUST be 0x00000048. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Bounds (16 bytes): 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle. RgnDataSize (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of region data, in bytes.

ihBrush (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the brush EMF Object Table index. Width (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the width of the vertical brush stroke, in logical units. Height (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the height of the horizontal brush stroke, in logical units.

See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_GRADIENTFILL record specifies filling rectangles or triangles with gradients of color.<84>

7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size Bounds ... ... ... nVer nTri

7 8 9 2 0 1 2

RgnData (variable): A RgnDataSize length array of bytes that specifies a RegionData object, in logical units.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 152 / 305

ulMode VertexData (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_GRADIENTFILL. This MUST be 0x00000076. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies a bounding rectangle, in inclusive-inclusive device units. nVer (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of vertexes.

nTri (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of rectangles or triangles to fill. ulMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the gradient fill mode. The value MUST be in the GradientFill enumeration (section 2.1.15).

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 9 0 1 2 3 4

2 5 6 7 8 9 0 VertexObjects (variable) ... VertexIndexes (variable) ...

VertexData (variable): Objects that specify the vertexes of either rectangles or triangles and the colors that correspond to them.
3 7 8 9 0 1


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

VertexObjects (variable): An array of nVer TriVertex objects (section 2.2.26). Each object specifies the position and color of a vertex of either a rectangle or a triangle, depending on the value of the ulMode field. VertexIndexes (variable): An array of nTri GradientRectangle objects (section 2.2.7) or GradientTriangle objects (section 2.2.8), depending on the value of the ulMode field. Each object specifies indexes into the array of TriVertex objects in the VertexObjects field.

An EMR_GRADIENTFILL record that specifies that the three vertexes of a triangle SHOULD fill the figure with smooth gradients of colors.<85> An EMR_GRADIENTFILL record that specifies that the upper-left and lower-right vertexes of a rectangle SHOULD fill the figure with smooth gradients of color. There are two gradient fill modes in the GradientFill enumeration that can be used when drawing a rectangle. In

1 2 3 4 5 6

153 / 305

GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H mode, the rectangle is filled from left to right. In GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V mode, the rectangle is filled from top to bottom. Note An EMR_GRADIENTFILL record MUST ignore the Alpha fields in the TriVertex objects. An EMR_ALPHABLEND record (section that immediately follows the EMR_GRADIENTFILL record can be used to apply an alpha transparency gradient to the filled area. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_LINETO record specifies a line from the current position up to, but not including, the specified point. It resets the current position to the specified point.
1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

Type Size Point ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_LINETO. This MUST be 0x00000036. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The EMR_PAINTRGN record paints the specified region by using the brush currently selected into the playback device context.

4 5 6 Type Size ...

Point (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF PointL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the coordinates of the line's ending point.

7 Bounds


1 1 154 / 305

... ... RgnDataSize RgnData (variable) ...

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle.

RgnDataSize (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of region data, in bytes.

See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.

EMR_PIE Record

7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size Box ... ... ... Start ...

The EMR_PIE record specifies a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and two radials. The pie is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush.
2 0 3 0

7 8 9 1 2

RgnData (variable): A RgnDataSize length array of bytes that specifies a RegionData (section 2.2.24) object, in logical units.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_PAINTRGN. This MUST be 0x0000004A.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 155 / 305

End ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_PIE. This MUST be 0x0000002F. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Box (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the inclusive-inclusive bounding rectangle.

End (8 bytes): A 64-bit PointL object that specifies the coordinates, in logical units, of the endpoint of the second radial.

The curve of the pie is defined by an ellipse that fits the specified bounding rectangle. The curve begins at the point where the ellipse intersects the first radial and extends counterclockwise to the point where the ellipse intersects the second radial. The current position is neither used nor updated by this record.

See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_POLYBEZIER record specifies one or more Bezier curves.

1 0 2 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Type Size Bounds ... ... ... Count aPoints (variable) ...

7 8 9 1

3 0

Start (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF PointL objects, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the coordinates, in logical units, of the endpoint of the first radial.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 156 / 305

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYBEZIER. This MUST be 0x00000002. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the bounding rectangle in device units. Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of points in the aPoints array. This value MUST be one more than three times the number of curves to be drawn, because each Bezier curve requires two control points and an endpoint, and the initial curve requires an additional starting point.
Line width 1 >1 >1 Device supports wideline n/a yes no Maximum points allowed 16K 16K

Any extra points MUST be ignored.

Cubic Bezier curves are defined using the endpoints and control points specified by the aPoints field. The first curve is drawn from the first point to the fourth point, using the second and third points as control points. Each subsequent curve in the sequence needs exactly three more points: the ending point of the previous curve is used as the starting point, the next two points in the sequence are control points, and the third is the ending point.

See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The EMR_POLYBEZIER16 record specifies one or more Bezier curves. The curves are drawn using the current pen.
2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type Size ... ...

The cubic Bezier curves SHOULD be drawn using the current pen.

7 8 9 1 2 Bounds

aPoints (variable): A Count length array of WMF PointL objects ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the endpoints and control points of the Bezier curves, in logical units.

1360 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 157 / 305

... Count aPoints (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYBEZIER16. This MUST be 0x00000055.

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle, in device units.

Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the total number of points. This value MUST be one more than three times the number of curves to be drawn, because each Bezier curve requires two control points and an endpoint, and the initial curve requires an additional starting point

See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_POLYBEZIERTO record specifies one or more Bezier curves based upon the current position.

7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size Bounds ... ... ... Count

7 8 9 2 0 1 2 aPoints (variable)

aPoints (variable): A Count length array of WMF PointS objects, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the array of points.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 158 / 305


Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYBEZIERTO. This MUST be 0x00000005. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the bounding rectangle, in device units. Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of points in the aPoints array. The first curve MUST be drawn from the current position to the third point by using the first two points as control points. For each subsequent curve, exactly three more points MUST be specified, and the ending point of the previous curve MUST be used as the starting point for the next.
Line width 1 >1 >1 Device supports wideline n/a yes no

Any extra points MUST be ignored.

aPoints (variable): A Count length array of WMF PointL objects ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the endpoints and control points of the Bezier curves in logical units. The Bezier curves SHOULD be drawn using the current pen.


The EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16 record specifies one or more Bezier curves based on the current position.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

4 5 6 Type Size ... ... ...

See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.

7 8 9 2 0 1 2 Bounds

Maximum points allowed 16K 16K 1360 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0


1 159 / 305

Count aPoints (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16. This MUST be 0x00000058. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the total number of points. The first curve is drawn from the current position to the third point by using the first two points as control points. For each subsequent curve, three more points MUST be specified, and the ending point of the previous curve MUST be used as the starting point for the next. aPoints (variable): A Count length array of WMF PointS objects, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the array of points.


The EMR_POLYDRAW record specifies a set of line segments and Bezier curves.
1 0 2 0 3 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 Type Size Bounds ... ... ... Count aPoints (variable) ...

See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle, in device units.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 160 / 305

abTypes (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYDRAW. This MUST be 0x00000038. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle, in device units. Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of points.

aPoints (variable): A Count length array of WMF PointL objects, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the array of points, in logical units.

abTypes (variable): A Count length array of byte values that specifies how each point in the aPoints array is used. This value MUST be in the Point (section 2.1.26) enumeration. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.

The EMR_POLYDRAW16 record specifies a set of line segments and Bezier curves.
1 0 2 0 3 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 Type Size Bounds ... ... ... Count aPoints (variable) ... abTypes (variable) ...


3 4 5 6 7 8 9


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 161 / 305

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYDRAW16. This MUST be 0x0000005C. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle, in device units. Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of points.

abTypes (variable): A Count length array of bytes that specifies the point types. This value MUST be in the Point (section 2.1.26) enumeration. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_POLYGON record specifies a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines.
1 0 2 0

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYGON. This MUST be 0x00000003. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the bounding rectangle in device units.

... ... ... Count aPoints (variable) ... 162 / 305

Type Size Bounds

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0


aPoints (variable): A Count length array of WMF PointS objects, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the array of points.

Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of points in the aPoints array.
Line width 1 >1 >1 Device supports wideline n/a yes no Maximum points allowed 16K 16K 1360

Any extra points MUST be ignored.

The polygon SHOULD be outlined using the current pen and filled using the current brush and polygon fill mode. The polygon SHOULD be closed automatically by drawing a line from the last vertex to the first. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


1 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 0 1 2 Type Size Bounds ... ... ... Count aPoints (variable) ...

The EMR_POLYGON16 record specifies a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines. The polygon is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush and polygon fill mode. The polygon is closed automatically by drawing a line from the last vertex to the first.
3 0

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

aPoints (variable): A Count length array of WMF PointL objects ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the vertexes of the polygon in logical units.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYGON16. This MUST be 0x00000056.
163 / 305


Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle, in device units. Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the total number of points. aPoints (variable): A Count length array of WMF PointS objects, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the array of points.


1 0

8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 Maximum points allowed 16K

The EMR_POLYLINE record specifies a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array.

Type Size Bounds ... ... ...

Line width 1 n/a [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYLINE. This MUST be 0x00000004. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the bounding rectangle, in device units. Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of points in the aPoints array.
Device supports wideline



Count aPoints (variable) 164 / 305


See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.

Line width >1 >1

Device supports wideline yes no

Maximum points allowed 16K 1360

Any extra points MUST be ignored. aPoints (variable): A Count length array of WMF PointL objects ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the point data, in logical units. The line segments SHOULD be drawn using the current pen. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_POLYLINE16 record specifies a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array.
1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYLINE16. This MUST be 0x00000057. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.


Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle, in device units. Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the total number of points.

... ... ...

Size Bounds ... Count aPoints (variable) 165 / 305



aPoints (variable): A Count length array of WMF PointS objects, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the array of points. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_POLYLINETO record specifies one or more straight lines based upon the current position.
1 0 2 0 3 0

Type Size Bounds ... ... ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYLINETO. This MUST be 0x00000006. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Line width 1 n/a >1 >1 yes no

Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the bounding rectangle, in device units. Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of points in the aPoints array.
Device supports wideline Maximum points allowed 16K 16K 1360


Any extra points MUST be ignored.

Count aPoints (variable) ... 166 / 305 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


5 6 7 8 9 1

aPoints (variable): A Count length array of WMF PointL objects ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the point data, in logical units. A line SHOULD be drawn from the current position to the first point specified by the aPoints field using the current pen. Each additional line SHOULD be drawn from the ending point of the previous line to the next point specified by aPoints. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


1 0

8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

The EMR_POLYLINETO16 record specifies one or more straight lines based upon the current position. A line is drawn from the current position to the first point specified by the aPoints field by using the current pen. For each additional line, drawing is performed from the ending point of the previous line to the next point specified by aPoints.

Type Size Bounds ... ... ...

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYLINETO16. This MUST be 0x00000059. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle, in device units. Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of points. aPoints (variable): A Count length array of WMF PointS objects, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the array of points.


See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


Count aPoints (variable) 167 / 305



The EMR_POLYPOLYGON record specifies a series of closed polygons. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.5.
1 0 2 0 3 0

Size Bounds ... ... ...


Line width 1 n/a yes >1 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYPOLYGON. This MUST be 0x00000008.

Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the bounding rectangle, in device units. NumberOfPolygons (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of polygons. Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the total number of points in all polygons.
Device supports wideline Maximum points allowed 16K 16K


Count PolygonPointCount (variable) ... aPoints (variable) 168 / 305




Line width >1

Device supports wideline no

Maximum points allowed 1360

Any extra points MUST be ignored. To draw a line with more points, the data SHOULD be divided into groups that have less than the maximum number of points, and an EMR_POLYPOLYGON operation SHOULD be performed for each group of points. PolygonPointCount (variable): An array of 32-bit unsigned integers that specifies the point count for each polygon. aPoints (variable): An array of WMF PointL objects ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the points for all polygons in logical units. The number of points is specified by the Count field value. Each polygon SHOULD be outlined using the current pen, and filled using the current brush and polygon fill mode that are defined in the playback device context. The polygons defined by this record can overlap. See section 2.3.5 for additional drawing record types.


1 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 0 1 2 Type Size Bounds ... ... ... NumberOfPolygons Count PolygonPointCount (variable) ...

The EMR_POLYPOLYGON16 record specifies a series of closed polygons. Each polygon is outlined using the current pen, and filled using the current brush and polygon fill mode. The polygons drawn by this record can overlap.
3 0

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 169 / 305

aPoints (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYPOLYGON16. This MUST be 0x0000005B. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle, in device units. NumberOfPolygons (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of polygons.

Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the total number of points in all polygons. PolygonPointCount (variable): A NumberOfPolygons length array of 32-bit unsigned integers that specifies the point counts for each polygon.

aPoints (variable): A Count length array of WMF PointS objects, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the array of points. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_POLYPOLYLINE record specifies multiple series of connected line segments.

1 0 2 0 3 0

7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size Bounds ... ... ... Count

7 8 9 1 2 NumberOfPolylines aPolylinePointCount (variable)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 170 / 305


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

... aPoints (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYPOLYLINE. This MUST be 0x00000007. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

NumberOfPolylines (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of polylines, which is the number of elements in the aPolylinePointCount array.

Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the total number of points in all polylines, which is the number of elements in the aPoints array.
Line width 1 >1 >1 Device supports wideline n/a yes no Maximum points allowed 16K 16K

Any extra points MUST be ignored.

Each point count refers to a number of consecutive elements in the aPoints array.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

aPoints (variable): A Count-length array of WMF PointL objects ([MS-WMF] section that specify the point data, in logical units.

The line segments SHOULD be drawn using the current pen. The figures formed by the segments SHOULD NOT filled. The current position SHOULD neither be used nor updated by this record. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16 record specifies multiple series of connected line segments.

2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type

aPolylinePointCount (variable): A NumberOfPolylines-length array of 32-bit unsigned integers that specify the point counts for all polylines. Each value MUST be greater than or equal to 0x00000002.

1360 7 8 9 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the bounding rectangle in device units.

1 171 / 305

Size Bounds ... ... ... NumberOfPolylines Count

PolylinePointCount (variable) ...

aPoints (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16. This MUST be 0x0000005A. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

NumberOfPolylines (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of polylines.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Count (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the total number of points in all polylines. PolylinePointCount (variable): A NumberOfPolylines length array of 32-bit unsigned integers that specifies the point counts for each polyline.

aPoints (variable): A Count length array of WMF PointS objects, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the array of points.

See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.

The EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA record draws one or more ASCII text strings using the current font and text colors. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.5.

Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle, in device units.


172 / 305

1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size Bounds ... ... ...

iGraphicsMode exScale eyScale cStrings

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA. This MUST be 0x00000060. Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle in device units.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

iGraphicsMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the current graphics mode, from the GraphicsMode enumeration (section 2.1.16). exScale (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value that specifies the X scale from page units to .01mm units if graphics mode is GM_COMPATIBLE.

eyScale (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value that specifies the Y scale from page units to .01mm units if graphics mode is GM_COMPATIBLE. cStrings (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of EmrText objects. aEmrText (variable): An array of EmrText objects (section 2.2.5) that specify the output strings in 8-bit ASCII characters, with text attributes, and spacing values. The number of EmrText objects is specified by cStrings.

The font and text colors used for output are specified by properties in the current state of the playback device context.

aEmrText (variable) ... 173 / 305


EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA SHOULD be emulated with a series of EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW records (section, one per string. This requires the ASCII text string in each EmrText object to be converted to Unicode UTF16-LE encoding. <86> See section 2.3.5 for additional drawing record types.


The EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW record draws one or more Unicode text strings using the current font and text colors. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.5.
1 0 2 0

Type Size Bounds ... ... ...

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW. This MUST be 0x00000061.


Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle in device units. iGraphicsMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the current graphics mode. Graphics modes are specified in section 2.1.16. exScale (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value that specifies the X scale from page units to .01mm units if graphics mode is GM_COMPATIBLE.
174 / 305


iGraphicsMode exScale eyScale cStrings wEmrText (variable)


5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1

eyScale (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value that specifies the X scale from page units to .01mm units if graphics mode is GM_COMPATIBLE. cStrings (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of EmrText objects. wEmrText (variable): An array of EmrText objects (section 2.2.5) that specify the output strings in 16-bit Unicode UTF16-LE characters, with text attributes and spacing values. The number of EmrText objects is specified by cStrings. The font and text colors used for output are specified by properties in the current state of the playback device context.

EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW SHOULD be emulated with a series of EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW records (section, one per string.<87>


The EMR_RECTANGLE record draws a rectangle. The rectangle is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush.
1 0 2 0 3 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

See section 2.3.5 for additional drawing record types.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_RECTANGLE. This MUST be 0x0000002B. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Box (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the inclusive-inclusive rectangle to draw.

The current position is neither used nor updated by Rectangle.

If a PS_NULL pen is used, the dimensions of the rectangle are 1 pixel less in height and 1 pixel less in width. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.

... ... ... 175 / 305

Type Size Box



The EMR_ROUNDRECT record specifies a rectangle with rounded corners. The rectangle is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush.
1 0 2 0 3 0

Type Size Box ... ... ... Corner ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_ROUNDRECT. This MUST be 0x0000002C. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Box (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the inclusive-inclusive bounding rectangle, in logical coordinates. Corner (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF SizeL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the width and height, in logical coordinates, of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.

The EMR_SETPIXELV record defines the color of the pixel at the specified logical coordinates.
2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type Size Pixel

7 8 9 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 176 / 305


... Color

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETPIXELV. This MUST be 0x0000000F. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Pixel (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF PointL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the logical coordinates for the pixel.

See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_SMALLTEXTOUT record outputs a string.

1 0

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


y ... ... ...

Type Size x cChars fuOptions iGraphicsMode exScale eyScale Bounds (optional)

8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

Color (4 bytes): A 32-bit WMF ColorRef object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the pixel color.

1 177 / 305

TextString (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SMALLTEXTOUT. This MUST be 0x0000006C. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. x (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer specifying the x-coordinate of where to place the string. y (4 bytes): a 32-bit signed integer specifying the y-coordinate of where to place the string.

fuOptions (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer specifying the text output options to use. These options are specified by one or a combination of values from the ExtTextOutOptions enumeration (section 2.1.11). iGraphicsMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer specifying the graphics mode, from the GraphicsMode enumeration (section 2.1.16).

eyScale (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value that specifies how much to scale the text in the y-direction. Bounds (16 bytes): An optional, 128-bit WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the bounding rectangle in device units. TextString (variable): A variable-length string that contains the text string to draw, in either 8-bit or 16-bit character codes, according to the value of the fuOptions field. If ETO_SMALL_CHARS is set in the fuOptions field, TextString contains 8-bit codes for characters, derived from the low bytes of 16-bit Unicode UTF16-LE character codes, in which the high byte is assumed to be 0. If ETO_NO_RECT is set in the fuOptions field, the Bounds field is not included in the record. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


The EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH record closes any open figures in a path, strokes the outline of the path by using the current pen, and fills its interior by using the current brush.
2 0 3 0


4 5 6 Type Size

7 8 9 1 2

exScale (4 bytes): A 32-bit floating-point value that specifies how much to scale the text in the x-direction.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

cChars (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer specifying the number of 16-bit characters in the string. The string is NOT null-terminated.

1 178 / 305

Bounds ... ... ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH. This MUST be 0x0000003F.

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the bounding rectangle, in device units. See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_STROKEPATH record renders the specified path by using the current pen.
1 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 0 1 2 Type Size Bounds ... ... ...

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1 179 / 305


2.3.6 Escape Record Types
[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_STROKEPATH. This MUST be 0x00000040.

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the bounding rectangle in device units.

See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.

The escape record types execute printer driver functions.

The following are EMF escape record types.

Name EMR_DRAWESCAPE EMR_EXTESCAPE EMR_NAMEDESCAPE Section Description Passes arbitrary information to the printer driver. The intent is that the information will result in drawing being done. Passes arbitrary information to the printer driver. The intent is that the information will not result in drawing being done.

The generic structure of escape records is specified as follows.

1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 Value 0x00000069 0x0000006A 0x0000006E

Type Size iEscape




EMR_NAMEDESCAPE [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of this record in the metafile. This value MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.

iEscape (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the printer driver escape to execute. This MUST be one of the values in the WMF MetafileEscapes enumeration ([MSWMF] section EscapeRecordBuffer (variable): An array of bytes that contains the remainder of the escape record. The size of this field MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the type of the record. The escape record types are listed in the following table. See the preceding table for descriptions of these records.

EscapeRecordBuffer (variable) ...

1 180 / 305

Passes arbitrary information to the given named printer driver.

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 9 0 1 2 3 4

2 5 6 7 8 9 0

1 2 3 4 5 6

3 7 8 9 0 1

EscapeRecordParm (variable) ... AlignmentPadding (variable) ...

AlignmentPadding (variable): An optional array of up to 3 bytes that pads the record so that its total size is a multiple of 4 bytes. This field MUST be ignored. See section 2.3 for additional EMF record types.


Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.6.
1 0 2 0 3 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 Type Size iEscape cjIn Data (variable) ...

The EMR_DRAWESCAPE record passes arbitrary information to a printer driver. The intent is that the information will result in drawing being done.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

EscapeRecordParm (variable): An array of bytes that contains the parameters for the escape record.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type from the EmrComment enumeration (section 2.1.10). It MUST be EMR_DRAWESCAPE, which is 0x00000069. cjIn (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer specifying the number of bytes to pass to the printer driver. Data (variable): The data to pass to the printer driver. There MUST be cjIn bytes available.

See section 2.3.6 for additional escape record types.

181 / 305



The EMR_EXTESCAPE record passes arbitrary information to a printer driver. The intent is that the information will not result in drawing being done. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.6.
1 0 2 0 3 0

Type Size iEscape cjIn

Data (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type from the EmrComment enumeration (section 2.1.10). It MUST be EMR_EXTESCAPE, which is 0x0000006A. cjIn (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer specifying the number of bytes to pass to the printer driver.

See section 2.3.6 for additional escape record types.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The MR_NAMEDESCAPE record passes arbitrary information to a specified printer driver. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.6.
2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type Size

Data (variable): The data to pass to the printer driver. There MUST be cjIn bytes available.

7 8 9 1 2 iEscape cjDriver

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 182 / 305


cjIn DriverName (variable) ... Data (variable) ...

cjDriver (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of bytes in the DriverName field. This value MUST be an even number.

cjIn (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer specifying the number of bytes to pass to the printer driver. DriverName (variable): A string of 16-bit Unicode characters that specifies the name of the printer driver that will receive data. This value MUST be cjDriver bytes long, and it MUST be terminated with a null character. Data (variable): The data to pass to the printer driver. There MUST be cjIn bytes available. See section 2.3.6 for additional escape record types.


Object Creation Record Types

The object creation record types create graphics objects. The following are EMF object creation record types.
Name Section




Defines a logical brush with a LogBrushEx object (section 2.2.12). Defines a logical color space with a WMF LogColorSpace object ([MS-WMF] section Defines a logical color space with a WMF LogColorSpaceW object ([MS-WMF] section Defines a pattern brush with a WMF DeviceIndependentBitmap object ([MS-WMF] section Defines a monochrome pattern brush with a monochrome WMF DeviceIndependentBitmap object. Defines a logical palette with a LogPalette object (section 2.2.17).


Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type from the EmrComment enumeration (section 2.1.10). It MUST be EMR_NAMEDESCAPE, which is 0x0000006E.

183 / 305



Description Defines a logical pen with a LogPen object (section 2.2.19). Defines a logical font with either a LogFont or LogFontExDv object (sections 2.2.13 and 2.2.15, respectively). Defines an extended logical pen with a LogPenEx object (section 2.2.20) and optional WMF DeviceIndependentBitmap object.


The generic structure of object creation records is specified as follows.

1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 Value 0x0000005D 0x0000005E 0x0000005F 0x0000007A 0x00000026 0x00000027 0x00000031 0x00000052 0x00000063

Type Size

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the type of record. The object creation record types are listed in the following table. See the preceding table for descriptions of these record types.





Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of this record in the metafile. This value MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.


ObjectRecordBuffer (variable)

1 184 / 305

ObjectRecordBuffer (variable): An array of bytes that contains the remainder of the object creation record. The size of this field MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 7 8 9 0 1

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6

ObjectRecordParm (variable) ... AlignmentPadding (variable) ...

ObjectRecordParm (variable): An array of bytes that contains the parameters for the object creation record. AlignmentPadding (variable): An optional array of up to 3 bytes that pads the record so that its total size is a multiple of 4 bytes. This field MUST be ignored. See section 2.3 for additional EMF record types.


The EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT record defines a logical brush for graphics operations.

1 0 2 0 3 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 Type Size ihBrush LogBrush ... ...

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT. This MUST be 0x00000027.

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of this record. This MUST be 0x00000018.

ihBrush (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of the logical brush object in the EMF Object Table (section This index MUST be saved so that this object can be reused or modified.

1 185 / 305

LogBrush (12 bytes): A LogBrushEx object (section 2.2.12) that specifies the style, color, and pattern of the logical brush. The BrushStyle field in this object MUST be BS_SOLID, BS_HATCHED, or BS_NULL. The logical brush object defined by this record can be selected into the playback device context by an EMR_SELECTOBJECT record (section, which specifies the logical brush to use in subsequent graphics operations. See section 2.3.7 for additional object creation record types.

The EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE record creates a logical color space object from a color profile with a name consisting of ASCII characters.<88> Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.7.
1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

Type Size ihCS

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE. This MUST be 0x00000063. ihCS (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of the logical color space object in the EMF object table (section This index MUST be saved so that this object can be reused or modified. lcs (variable): A WMF LogColorSpace object ([MS-WMF] section, which can specify the name of a color profile in ASCII characters.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The logical color space object defined by this record can be selected into the playback device context by an EMR_SETCOLORSPACE record (section, which defines the logical color space to use in subsequent graphics operations. See section 2.3.7 for additional object creation record types.


The EMR_CREATECOLORSPACEW record creates a logical color space object from a color profile with a name consisting of Unicode characters.<89> Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.7.

lcs (variable) ... 186 / 305



1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size ihCS lcs (variable) ... dwFlags cbData

Data (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_CREATECOLORSPACEW. This MUST be 0x0000007A. ihCS (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of the logical color space object in the EMF object table (section This index MUST be saved so that this object can be reused or modified.

dwFlags (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that provides information about the data in this record.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 9 0 1 2 3 4 0

lcs (variable): A WMF LogColorSpaceW object ([MS-WMF] section that can specify the name of a color profile in Unicode UTF16-LE characters.

2 5 6 7 8 9 0

C (1 bit): If set, the Data field contains color profile data.

cbData (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the Data field. Data (variable): An optional array of bytes that specifies color profile data.


The logical color space object defined by this record can be selected into the playback device context by an EMR_SETCOLORSPACE record (section, which defines the logical color spaceto use in subsequent graphics operations. See section 2.3.7 for additional object creation record types.

1 2 3 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 0 1 C 187 / 305


The EMR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT record defines a pattern brush for graphics operations. The pattern is specified by a DIB. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.7.
1 0 2 0 3 0

Type Size ihBrush Usage offBmi cbBmi offBits cbBits

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT. This MUST be 0x0000005E.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

ihBrush (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of the pattern brush object in the EMF Object Table (section This index MUST be saved so that this object can be reused or modified. Usage (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to interpret values in the color table in the DIB header. This value MUST be in the DIBColors enumeration (section 2.1.9). offBmi (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset from the start of this record to the DIB header. cbBmi (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of the DIB header. offBits (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset from the start of this record to the DIB bits.

cbBits (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of the DIB bits.

BitmapBuffer (variable) ... 188 / 305


BitmapBuffer (variable): A buffer containing a packed DIB in the form of a WMF DeviceIndependentBitmap object ([MS-WMF] section It is not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EMR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT record.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 7 8 9 0 1

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6

UndefinedSpace (variable)

BmiSrc (variable) ...

BitsSrc (variable) ...

UndefinedSpace (variable): An optional array of bytes that MUST be ignored.

BitsSrc (variable): The DIB bits, which is the aData field of a WMF DeviceIndependentBitmap object. The pattern brush object defined by this record can be selected into the playback device context by an EMR_SELECTOBJECT record (section, which specifies the pattern brush to use in subsequent graphics operations. See section 2.3.7 for additional object creation record types.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH record defines a monochrome pattern brush for graphics operations. The pattern is specified by a monochrome DIB. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.7.
2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type Size

7 8 9 1 2 ihBrush Usage

BmiSrc (variable): The DIB header, which is the DibHeaderInfo field of a WMF DeviceIndependentBitmap object.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 189 / 305



offBmi cbBmi offBits cbBits BitmapBuffer (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH. This MUST be 0x0000005D.

ihBrush (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of the monochrome pattern brush object in the EMF Object Table (section This index MUST be saved so that this object can be reused or modified. Usage (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to interpret values in the color table in the DIB header. This value MUST be in the DIBColors enumeration (section 2.1.9). offBmi (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset from the start of this record to the DIB header. cbBmi (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of the DIB header. offBits (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset from the start of this record to the DIB bits. cbBits (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of the DIB bits. BitmapBuffer (variable): A buffer containing a packed DIB in the form of a monochrome WMF DeviceIndependentBitmap object ([MS-WMF] section It is not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH record.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 9 0 1 2 3 4 ... ... ...

2 5 6 7 8 9 0 UndefinedSpace (variable) BmiSrc (variable) BitsSrc (variable)


1 2 3 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 0 1

190 / 305

UndefinedSpace (variable): An optional array of bytes that MUST be ignored. BmiSrc (variable): The DIB header, which is the DibHeaderInfo field of a WMF DeviceIndependentBitmap object. BitsSrc (variable): The DIB bits, which is the aData field of a WMF DeviceIndependentBitmap object. The monochrome pattern brush object defined by this record can be selected into the playback device context by an EMR_SELECTOBJECT record (section, which specifies the pattern brush to use in subsequent graphics operations. See section 2.3.7 for additional object creation record types.

The EMR_CREATEPALETTE record defines a logical palette for graphics operations. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.7.
1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0


Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_CREATEPALETTE. This MUST be 0x00000031.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

ihPal (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of the logical palette object in the EMF Object Table (section This index MUST be saved so that this object can be reused or modified.

LogPalette (variable): A LogPalette object (section 2.2.17). The Version field of this object MUST be set to 0x0300. If the NumberOfEntries value in this object is zero, processing of this record MUST fail.

The logical palette defined by this record can be selected into the playback device context by an EMR_SELECTPALETTE record (section, which specifies the logical palette to use in subsequent graphics operations. See section 2.3.7 for additional object creation record types.

The EMR_CREATEPEN record defines a logical pen for graphics operations.


Size ihPal LogPalette (variable) 191 / 305



1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size ihPen LogPen ... ... ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_CREATEPEN. This MUST be 0x00000026.

ihPen (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of the logical pen object in the EMF Object Table (section This index MUST be saved so that this object can be reused or modified. LogPen (16 bytes): A LogPen object (section 2.2.19) that specifies the style, width, and color of the logical pen. The logical pen object defined by this record can be selected into the playback device context by an EMR_SELECTOBJECT record (section, which specifies the logical pen to use in subsequent graphics operations. See section 2.3.7 for additional object creation record types.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


The EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW record defines a logical font for graphics operations. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.7.
2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type Size

7 8 9 1 2 ihFonts

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of this record. This MUST be 0x0000001C.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 192 / 305

elw (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW. This MUST be 0x00000052. ihFonts (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of the logical font object in the EMF Object Table (section This index MUST be saved so that this object can be reused or modified. elw (variable): A LogFontExDv object (section 2.2.15), which specifies the logical font. A LogFont object 2.2.13 MAY be present instead.<90>The process for determining the type of object in this field is described below.

The logical font object defined by this record can be selected into the playback device context by an EMR_SELECTOBJECT record (section, which specifies the logical font to use in subsequent graphics operations. The type of logical font object in the elw field of this record is determined by the following algorithm (all size and length values are in bytes):

Next, note that because the size in bytes of the entire record is present in its Size field, the size in bytes of the variable-length elw field can be computed as follows.
Size - 12

If the size of the elw field is greater than the size of a LogFontPanose object, then elw MUST be treated as a variable-length LogFontExDv object.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The size of a LogFontPanose object is 0x0140 (320 decimal). It is determined by adding up the sizes of its fields, as follows: LogFont: The size of a LogFont object is 0x005C (92 decimal). It is determined by adding up the sizes of its fields, as follows: Fields from Height through PitchAndFamily: 0x001C (28 decimal).

Facename: The length is 32 16-bit characters: 0x0040 (64 decimal).

Fullname: The length is 64 16-bit characters: 0x0080 (128 decimal). Style: The length is 32 16-bit characters: 0x0040 (64 decimal). Fields from Version through Culture: 0x0018 (24 decimal).

Panose: The exact length of this field is 0x000A, but it MUST be padded by two additional bytes for 32-bit alignment, so for the purposes of this computation the length is 0x000C (12 decimal).
193 / 305

If the size of the elw field is equal to or less than the size of a LogFontPanose object (section 2.2.16), elw MUST be treated as a fixed-length LogFont object. Bytes beyond the extent of the LogFont object, up to the end of the elw field, MUST be ignored.


First, note that the size in bytes of the static part of this recordthat is, the sum of the sizes of its Type, Size, and ihFonts fieldsis 12.


See section 2.3.7 for additional object creation record types.


The EMR_EXTCREATEPEN record defines an extended logical pen for graphics operations. An optional DIB can be specified to use as the line style. Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.7.
1 0 2 0 3 0

Type Size ihPen offBmi cbBmi offBits cbBits


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_EXTCREATEPEN. This MUST be 0x0000005F. ihPen (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of the extended logical pen object in the EMF Object Table (section This index MUST be saved so that this object can be reused or modified. offBmi (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset from the start of this record to the DIB header, if the record contains a DIB. cbBmi (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of the DIB header, if the record contains a DIB. offBits (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the offset from the start of this record to the DIB bits, if the record contains a DIB.


elp (variable) ... BitmapBuffer (variable) 194 / 305


5 6 7 8 9 1

cbBits (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of the DIB bits, if the record contains a DIB. elp (variable): A LogPenEx object (section 2.2.20) that specifies an extended logical pen with attributes including an optional line style array. BitmapBuffer (variable): An optional buffer containing a packed DIB in the form of a WMF DeviceIndependentBitmap object ([MS-WMF] section It is not required to be contiguous with the fixed portion of the EMR_EXTCREATEPEN record.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6

UndefinedSpace (variable) ...

BmiSrc (variable) ...

BitsSrc (variable) ...

UndefinedSpace (variable): An optional array of bytes that MUST be ignored. BmiSrc (variable): The DIB header, which is the DibHeaderInfo field of a WMF DeviceIndependentBitmap object. BitsSrc (variable): The DIB bits, which is the aData field of a WMF DeviceIndependentBitmap object. The extended logical pen object defined by this record can be selected into the playback device context by an EMR_SELECTOBJECT record (section, which specifies the logical pen to use in subsequent graphics operations. See section 2.3.7 for additional object creation record types.


Name Section EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Object Manipulation Record Types

The object manipulation record types manage and modify graphics objects. The following are EMF object manipulation record types.
Description Specifies how to correct the entries of a LogPalette (section 2.2.17) object, using the WCS 1.0 members in the playback device context. Specifies how to delete a logical color space from the EMF Object Table (section


195 / 305

3 7 8 9 0 1



Description Specifies the index of the object to be deleted from the EMF Object Table. Increases or decreases the size of an existing LogPalette object. Specifies an existing object based on its index in the EMF Object Table. Selects the specified LogPalette object into the playback device context.

Defines RGB color values in a range of entries for an existing LogPalette object.

The generic structure of object manipulation records is specified as follows.

1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 Value 0x00000025 0x00000028 0x00000030 0x00000032 0x00000033 0x00000064 0x00000065 0x0000006F

Specifies a logical color space, based on its index in the EMF Object Table.

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the type of record. The object manipulation record types are listed in the following table. See the preceding table for descriptions of these record types.



Type Size ObjectRecordBuffer (variable) ... 196 / 305


Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of this record in the metafile. This value MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes. ObjectRecordBuffer (variable): An array of bytes that contains the remainder of the object manipulation record. The size of this field MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 7 8 9 0 1

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6

... AlignmentPadding (variable) ...

ObjectRecordParm (variable): An array of bytes that contains the parameters for the object manipulation record. AlignmentPadding (variable): An optional array of up to 3 bytes that pads the record so that its total size is a multiple of 4 bytes. This field MUST be ignored. See section 2.3 for additional EMF record types.


The EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE record specifies how to correct the entries of a logical palette object using WCS 1.0 values.<91>

7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size ihPalette

7 8 9 2 0 1 2 nFirstEntry nPalEntries nReserved

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE. This MUST be 0x0000006F.

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record in bytes. This MUST be 0x00000018.

1 197 / 305

ObjectRecordParm (variable)

ihPalette (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies index of a logical palette object (section 2.2.17) in the EMF Object Table (section nFirstEntry (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of the first entry to correct. nPalEntries (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of palette entries to correct. nReserved (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that is undefined and unused. See section 2.3.8 for the specification of other Object Manipulation record types.


The EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE record deletes a logical color space object.<92>

1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

Type Size ihCS

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE. This MUST be 0x00000065. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. ihCS (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of a logical color space object in the EMF Object Table (section This object is either a WMF LogColorSpace or LogColorSpaceW object ([MS-WMF] sections and, respectively).


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

An EMR_DELETEOBJECT record SHOULD be used instead of EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE to delete a logical color space object.<93> See section 2.3.8 for additional object manipulation record types.

The EMR_DELETEOBJECT record deletes a graphics object, which is specified by its index in the EMF Object Table (section

4 5 6 Type Size


1 1 198 / 305


Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_DELETEOBJECT. This MUST be 0x00000028. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. ihObject (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of a graphics object in the EMF Object Table. This value MUST NOT be 0, which is a reserved index that refers to the EMF metafile itself; and it MUST NOT be the index of a stock object, which cannot be deleted. Stock object indexes are specified in the StockObject (section 2.1.31) enumeration.

The object specified by this record MUST be deleted from the EMF Object Table. If the deleted object is currently selected in the playback device context, the default object for that graphics property MUST be restored. See section 2.3.8 for the specification of other Object Manipulation record types.


1 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 0 1 2 Type Size ihPal NumberOfEntries

The EMR_RESIZEPALETTE record increases or decreases the size of an existing LogPalette object (section 2.2.17).
3 0

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_RESIZEPALETTE. This MUST be 0x00000033. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record in bytes.

ihPal (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of the palette object in the EMF Object Table (section NumberOfEntries (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of entries in the palette after resizing. The value MUST be less than or equal to 0x00000400 and greater than 0x00000000.<94>

The new size of the LogPalette object MUST be reflected in the NumberOfEntries field in that structure. See section 2.3.8 for the specification of other Object Manipulation record types.

1 199 / 305


The EMR_SELECTOBJECT record adds a graphics object to the current metafile playback device context. The object is specified either by its index in the EMF Object Table (section or by its value from the StockObject enumeration (section 2.1.31).
1 0 2 0 3 0

Size ihObject

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SELECTOBJECT. This MUST be 0x00000025.

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

This value MUST NOT be 0, which is a reserved index that refers to the EMF metafile itself. The object specified by this record MUST be used in drawing operations that require such an object until a different object of the same type is specified by another EMR_SELECTOBJECT record, or the object is removed by an EMR_DELETEOBJECT record.


The EMR_SELECTPALETTE record specifies a logical palette for the playback device context.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

4 5 6 Type Size ihPal

See section 2.3.8 for the specification of other Object Manipulation record types.

7 8 9 2 0 1 2

ihObject (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies either the index of a graphics object in the EMF Object Table or the index of a stock object from the StockObject enumeration.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1 200 / 305


Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SELECTPALETTE. This MUST be 0x00000030. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. This MUST be 0x0000000C.


ihPal (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies either the index of a LogPalette object (section 2.2.17) in the EMF Object Table or the value DEFAULT_PALETTE, which is the index of a stock object palette from the StockObject enumeration (section 2.1.31). This value MUST NOT be zero or the index of any other stock object. See section 2.3.8 for the specification of other Object Manipulation record types.


Type Size ihCS

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record in bytes. This MUST be 0x0000000C. ihCS (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of a logical color space object in the EMF Object Table (section This object is either a WMF LogColorSpace or LogColorSpaceW object ([MS-WMF] sections and, respectively). The logical color space object defined by this record MUST be used in drawing operations that are specified by subsequent EMF records, until either a different logical color space object is specified by another EMR_SETCOLORSPACE record, or the object is removed by a EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE record. See section 2.3.8 for additional object manipulation record types.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


The EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES record defines RGB color values in a range of entries for an existing LogPalette (section 2.2.17) object.
2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type Size

7 8 9 1 2

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETCOLORSPACE. This MUST be 0x00000064.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 0

2 0


5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1 1 201 / 305

The EMR_SETCOLORSPACE record defines the current logical color space object for graphics operations.<95>

ihPal Start NumberofEntries aPalEntries (variable) ...

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

ihPal (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the palette EMF Object Table index. Start (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of the first entry to set.

NumberofEntries (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of entries.

See section 2.3.8 for the specification of other Object Manipulation record types.


OpenGL Record Types

The OpenGL record types specify OpenGL functions. The following are EMF OpenGL record types.<96>
Name Section


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The generic structure of OpenGL records is specified as follows.

2 0 3 0

Description 4 5 6 Type Size

Specifies an OpenGL function. 7 8 9 1 2 OpenGLRecordBuffer (variable)

aPalEntries (variable): An array of LogPaletteEntry (section 2.2.18) objects, of NumberOfEntries length, which specifies the palette entry data. The Values members do not contain any values.

Specifies an OpenGL function with a bounding rectangle for output.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES. This MUST be 0x00000032.


1 202 / 305


Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the type of record. The OpenGL record types are listed in the following table. See the preceding table for descriptions of these record types.


OpenGLRecordBuffer (variable): An array of bytes that contains the remainder of the OpenGL record. The size of this field MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

OpenGLRecordParm (variable): An array of bytes that contains the parameters for the OpenGL record. AlignmentPadding (variable): An optional array of up to 3 bytes that pads the record so that its total size is a multiple of 4 bytes. This field MUST be ignored.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

See [OPENGL] for information about OpenGL functionality.

See section 2.3 for additional EMF record types.


The EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD record specifies an OpenGL function with a bounding rectangle for output.<97> Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.1.
2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type

... AlignmentPadding (variable) ... 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 203 / 305

OpenGLRecordParm (variable)

1 2 3 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 0 1

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of this record in the metafile. This value MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.


Size Bounds ... ... ... cbData Data (variable) ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD. This MUST be 0x00000067.

cbData (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the Data field. If this value is zero, no data is attached to this record. Data (variable): An optional array of bytes of cbData length that specifies data for the OpenGL function.


The EMR_GLSRECORD record specifies an OpenGL function.<98>

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Note Fields that are not described in this section are specified in section 2.3.1.
2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type Size ...

See section 2.3.9 for additional OpenGL record types.

7 8 9 1 2 cbData Data (variable)

Bounds (16 bytes): A WMF RectL object ([MS-WMF] section that defines a bounding rectangle, in device units, for output produced by executing the OpenGL function.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 204 / 305

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_GLSRECORD. This MUST be 0x00000066. cbData (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the Data field. If this value is zero, no data is attached to this record. Data (variable): An optional array of bytes of cbData length that specifies data for the OpenGL function. See section 2.3.9 for additional OpenGL record types.


Path Bracket Record Types

The path bracket record types specify and manipulate paths in path brackets. Note None of the path bracket records specify parameters. The following are EMF path bracket record types.

This record aborts a path bracket or discards the path from a closed path bracket. This record opens a path bracket in the current playback device context.

When an application processes the EMR_BEGINPATH record, all previous paths MUST be discarded from the playback device context. EMR_CLOSEFIGURE This record closes an open figure in a path.


EMR_ENDPATH EMR_FLATTENPATH EMR_WIDENPATH [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The EMR_CLOSEFIGURE record SHOULD only be used if there is an open path bracket in the playback device context. A figure in a path is open unless it is explicitly closed by processing this record. Note: A figure can be open even if the current point and the starting point of the figure are the same. After processing the EMR_CLOSEFIGURE record, adding a line or curve to the path MUST start a new figure. This record closes a path bracket and selects the path defined by the bracket into the playback device context. This record transforms any curves in the selected path into the playback device context; each curve MUST be turned into a sequence of lines. This record redefines the current path as the area that would be painted if the path were drawn using the pen currently selected into the playback device context.

The generic structure of path bracket records is specified as follows.

Processing the EMR_CLOSEFIGURE record MUST close the figure by drawing a line from the current position to the first point of the figure, and then it MUST connect the lines by using the line join style. If a figure is closed by processing the EMR_LINETO record instead of the EMR_CLOSEFIGURE record, end caps are used to create the corner instead of a join. EMR_LINETO is specified in section


After a path bracket is open, an application can begin processing records to define the points that lie in the path. An application MUST close an open path bracket by processing the EMR_ENDPATH record.

205 / 305

1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size


Value 0x0000003B

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of this record in the metafile. For path bracket records, this value MUST be 0x00000008 See section 2.3 for additional EMF record types.

The state record types specify and manage graphics properties that define the state of the playback device context. Note The EMR_REALIZEPALETTE and EMR_SAVEDC records do not specify parameters.


The following are EMF state record types.
Name Section EMR_COLORMATCHTOTARGETW EMR_FORCEUFIMAPPING EMR_INVERTRGN EMR_MOVETOEX EMR_PIXELFORMAT [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


State Record Types

0x00000044 Description Specifies the pixel format.

Specifies how to preview colors as they would appear on the target device. Forces the font mapper to match fonts based on their UniversalFontId in preference to their LogFont (section 2.2.13) information. Inverts the colors in the specified region. Specifies the coordinates of a new drawing position, in logical units.

0x0000003C 0x0000003D 0x00000041 0x00000042 206 / 305

Type (4 bytes): 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the type of the record. The types of records that specify no parameters are listed in the following table. See the preceding table for descriptions of these records.


Section 2.3.11

Description This record maps palette entries from the current LogPalette object (section 2.2.17) to the system_palette. This EMF record specifies no parameters.


Restores the playback device context to the specified state, which was saved by a preceding EMR_SAVEDC record. Saves the current state of playback device context on a stack of states saved by preceding EMR_SAVEDC records, if any. The state consists of graphics properties and objects, including the currently selected bitmap, brush, palette, font, pen, and region. An EMR_RESTOREDC record is used to restore the state. This EMF record specifies no parameters.


Respecifies the viewport for the playback device context by using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.


Respecifies the window for the playback device context by using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors. Specifies the drawing direction to be used for arc and rectangle output. Specifies the background color.





EMR_SETICMPROFILEA EMR_SETICMPROFILEW EMR_SETLAYOUT EMR_SETLINKEDUFIS EMR_SETMAPMODE EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012



Specifies the background mode, which determines how to combine the background with foreground text, hatched brushes, and pen styles that are not solid lines. Specifies the origin of the current brush. Specifies color adjustment values to use in bitmap stretching. Specifies ICM to be enabled, disabled, or queried on the playback device context. Specifies how to set a specified color profile as the output profile for the playback device context. Specifies how to set a specified color profile as the output profile for the playback device context. Respecifies the layout of the playback device context. Sets the UniversalFontIds (section 2.2.27) of the linked fonts to use during character lookup. Specifies the mapping mode for the playback device context. Respecifies the algorithm the font mapper uses when it maps logical fonts to physical fonts.


207 / 305





Description Specifies the limit for the length of miter joins for the playback device context. Defines polygon fill mode. Defines a binary raster operation mode. Specifies bitmap stretch mode. Specifies text alignment. Defines the current text color.

Defines the viewport extent. Defines the viewport origin. Defines the window extent. Defines the window origin.

The generic structure of state records is specified as follows.

1 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 0 1 2 Type Size StateRecordBuffer (variable) ...

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 Value 0x0000000A 0x0000000B 0x0000000C 0x0000000D 0x00000017

Sets the amount of extra space to add to break characters for justification purposes.


Name EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the type of record. The state record types are listed in the following table. See the preceding table for descriptions of these record types.

1 208 / 305


Value 0x0000001B 0x0000001F 0x00000009 0x00000010

0x00000012 0x00000013 0x00000014 0x00000015 0x00000016 0x00000018 0x00000019 0x00000020 0x00000021 0x00000022 0x00000034 0x00000039





0x0000003A 0x00000049 0x00000062 0x00000068 0x0000006D 0x00000070 0x00000071 0x00000073 0x00000077 0x00000078 0x00000079 209 / 305


Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of this record in the metafile. This value MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes. StateRecordBuffer (variable): An optional array of bytes that contains the remainder of the state record. The size of this field MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes. Note The EMR_REALIZEPALETTE and EMR_SAVEDC records do not contain this field.
1 9 0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 7 8 9 0 1

StateRecordParm (variable) ...

AlignmentPadding (variable) ...

StateRecordParm (variable): An optional array of bytes that contains the parameters for the state record.

See section 2.3 for additional EMF record types.


7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size ...

The EMR_COLORMATCHTOTARGETW record specifies whether to perform color matching with a color profile that is specified in a file with a name consisting of Unicode characters.<99>
2 0 3 0

7 8 9 1 2 dwAction dwFlags cbName cbData Data (variable)

AlignmentPadding (variable): An optional array of up to 3 bytes that pads the record so that its total size is a multiple of 4 bytes. This field MUST be ignored.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 210 / 305

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_COLORMATCHTOTARGETW. This MUST be 0x00000079. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. dwAction (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies a value from the ColorSpace enumeration (section 2.1.7). dwFlags (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies a value from the ColorMatchToTarget enumeration (section 2.1.6). cbName (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of bytes in the Unicode UTF16-LE name of the desired color profile.

Data (variable): An array of size (cbName + cbData) in bytes, which specifies the UTF16-LE name and raw data of the desired color profile. An EMR_COLORMATCHTOTARGETW record can be used to control whether to apply the current color transform in the playback device context. If the dwAction value is CS_ENABLE, color mapping is enabled, and the current color transform SHOULD be applied to subsequent graphics operations. If dwAction is set to CS_DISABLE, the color transform SHOULD NOT be applied.<100> While color mapping to the target is enabled by a dwAction value of CS_ENABLE, changes to the color space or color gamut mapping are not applied. However, those changes MUST take effect when color mapping to the target is disabled. The dwAction field SHOULD NOT be set to CS_DELETE_TRANSFORM unless color management has already been enabled with an EMR_SETICMMODE record (section


The EMR_FORCEUFIMAPPING record forces the font mapper to match fonts based on their UniversalFontId in preference to their LogFont (section 2.2.13) information.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

4 5 6 Type Size ufi ...

See section 2.3.11 for additional state record types.

7 8 9 2 0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

cbData (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of the raw data of the target color profile, if it is contained in the Data field.


Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_FORCEUFIMAPPING. This MUST be 0x0000006D.

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.
211 / 305


ufi (8 bytes): The font id to use, specified as a UniversalFontId (section 2.2.27). See section 2.3.5 for the specification of other Drawing record types.


The EMR_INVERTRGN record inverts the colors in the specified region.

1 0 2 0 3 0

Type Size Bounds ... ... ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_INVERTRGN. This MUST be 0x00000049. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bounds (16 bytes): A 128-bit WMF RectL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the bounding rectangle. RgnDataSize (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of region data, in bytes. RgnData (variable): A RgnDataSize length array of bytes that specifies a RegionData object, in logical units.

See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.

The EMR_MOVETOEX record specifies coordinates of the new current position, in logical units.

RgnDataSize RgnData (variable) ... 212 / 305


1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size Offset ...

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Offset (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF PointL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies coordinates of the new current position in logical units. See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.

The EMR_PIXELFORMAT record specifies the pixel format to use for graphics operations.<101>
1 0 2 0 3 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 Type Size pfd ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_MOVETOEX. This MUST be 0x0000001B.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

213 / 305


(pfd cont'd for 2 rows)

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_PIXELFORMAT. This MUST be 0x00000068. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. pfd (40 bytes): A PixelFormatDescriptor object (section 2.2.22) that specifies pixel format data. See section 2.3.11 for additional state record types.


The EMR_RESTOREDC record restores the playback device context to the specified state. The playback device context is restored by popping state information off a stack that was created by prior EMR_SAVEDC records (section 2.3.11).
1 0 2 0 3 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

Type Size

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies the record type as EMR_RESTOREDC. This value MUST be 0x00000022. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of the record, in bytes. This value MUST be 0x0000000C. SavedDC (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the saved state to restore relative to the current state. This value MUST be negative; 1 represents the state that was most recently saved on the stack, 2 the one before that, etc.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The stack can contain state information for multiple instances of the playback device context. When a state is restored, all state instances that were saved more recently MUST be discarded. See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.


The EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX record respecifies the viewport for a device context by using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.

4 5 6 Type

SavedDC 7

1 1 214 / 305

Size xNum xDenom yNum yDenom

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

xNum (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the horizontal multiplicand. Cannot be zero. xDenom (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the horizontal divisor. Cannot be zero.

yDenom (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the vertical divisor. Cannot be zero. The extent cannot be changed if the device context is using a fixed scale mapping mode. Only MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC are not fixed scale. The viewport extents are modified as follows.
xNewWE = (xOldWE * xNum) / xDenom yNewWE = (yOldWE * yNum) / yDenom

See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


The EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX record respecifies the window for a playback device context by using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.
2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type Size

7 8 9 1 2 xNum

yNum (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the vertical multiplicand. Cannot be zero.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX. This MUST be 0x0000001F.


1 215 / 305

xDenom yNum yDenom

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX. This MUST be 0x00000020. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

xDenom (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the horizontal divisor. MUST NOT be zero. yNum (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the vertical multiplicand. MUST NOT be zero. yDenom (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the vertical divisor. MUST NOT be zero.

The extent cannot be changed if the device context is using a fixed scale mapping mode. Only MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC are not fixed scale. The window extents are modified as follows.
xNewWE = (xOldWE * xNum) / xDenom yNewWE = (yOldWE * yNum) / yDenom

See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The EMR_SETARCDIRECTION record specifies the drawing direction to be used for arc and rectangle output.
2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type Size

7 8 9 1 2 ArcDirection

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

xNum (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the horizontal multiplicand. MUST NOT be zero.


Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETARCDIRECTION. This MUST be 0x00000039. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. This value MUST be 0x0000000C.
216 / 305


ArcDirection (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the arc direction. The value MUST be in the ArcDirection enumeration (section 2.1.2). The default direction is counterclockwise. The EMR_SETARCDIRECTION record affects the direction in which the following records draw: EMR_ARC (section EMR_ARCTO (section EMR_CHORD (section EMR_ELLIPSE (section EMR_PIE (section EMR_RECTANGLE (section EMR_ROUNDRECT (section

See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.


1 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 0 1 2 Type Size Color

The EMR_SETBKCOLOR record specifies the background color.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1 217 / 305


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETBKCOLOR. This MUST be 0x00000019. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Color (4 bytes): A 32-bit WMF ColorRef object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the background color value.

See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.

The EMR_SETBKMODE record specifies the background mix mode of the playback device context. The background mix mode is used with text, hatched brushes, and pen styles that are not solid lines.

1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size BackgroundMode

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETBKMODE. This MUST be 0x00000012.

BackgroundMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the background mode and MUST be in the BackgroundMode (section 2.1.4) enumeration. See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.


The EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX record specifies the origin of the current brush.

1 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 0 1 2 Type Size Origin ...

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1 218 / 305

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX. This MUST be 0x0000000D. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Origin (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF PointL object, specified in [MS-WMF] section, which specifies the brush's horizontal and vertical origin in device units.

See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.


The EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT record specifies color adjustment properties in the playback device context.

1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size ColorAdjustment ... ... ... ... ...

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. This MUST be 0x00000020. ColorAdjustment (24 bytes): A ColorAdjustment object (section 2.2.2) that specifies color adjustment values.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The ColorAdjustment object specified by this record MUST be used in graphics operations that require a ColorAdjustment object, until a different ColorAdjustment object is specified by another EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT record, or until the object is removed by a EMR_DELETEOBJECT record. See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other state record types.

The EMR_SETICMMODE record specifies the mode of Image Color Management (ICM) for graphics operations.<102>
2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type Size

Color adjustment values are used to adjust the input color of the source bitmap for graphics operations performed by EMR_STRETCHBLT and EMR_STRETCHDIBITS records when STRETCH_HALFTONE mode is set from the StretchMode enumeration (section 2.1.32).

7 8 9 1 2

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT. This MUST be 0x00000017.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 219 / 305



Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETICMMODE. This MUST be 0x00000062. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record in bytes. This MUST be 0x0000000C. ICMMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies whether to enable or disable ICM, from the ICMMode enumeration (section 2.1.18). This value is part of the state of the playback device context. When ICM mode is enabled, colors specified in EMF records SHOULD be color matched, whereas the default color profile in the playback device context SHOULD be used when a bit-block transfer is performed. If the default color profile is not desired, ICM mode SHOULD be turned off before performing the bit-block transfer. See section 2.3.11 for additional state record types.


The EMR_SETICMPROFILEA record specifies a color profile in a file with a name consisting of ASCII characters, for graphics output.<103>
1 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 0 1 2 Type Size dwFlags cbName cbData Data (variable) ...

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETICMPROFILEA. This MUST be 0x00000070.

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. dwFlags (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that contains color profile flags. cbName (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of bytes in the ASCII name of the desired color profile.

1 220 / 305

cbData (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of the color profile data, if it is contained in the Data field. Data (variable): An array of size (cbName + cbData) in bytes, which specifies the ASCII name and raw data of the desired color profile. See section 2.3.11 for additional state record types.


Type Size dwFlags cbName cbData

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETICMPROFILEW. This MUST be 0x00000071. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

dwFlags (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that contains color profile flags.

cbName (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of bytes in the Unicode UTF16-LE name of the desired color profile. cbData (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of color profile data, if attached. Data (variable): An array of size (cbName + cbData) in bytes, which specifies the UTF16-LE name and raw data of the desired color profile.

See section 2.3.11 for additional state record types.

The EMR_SETLAYOUT record specifies the order in which text and graphics are drawn.<105>

Data (variable) ... 221 / 305


1 0

2 0

5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1

The EMR_SETICMPROFILEW record specifies a color profile in a file with a name consisting of Unicode characters, for graphics output.<104>

1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size LayoutMode

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETLAYOUT. This MUST be 0x00000073.

LayoutMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the layout mode as follows:
Value LAYOUT_LTR 0x00000000 Meaning

Sets the default horizontal layout to be left-to-right. This is the default mode for English and European locales.

LAYOUT_RTL 0x00000001


See section 2.3.11 for additional state record types.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The EMR_SETLINKEDUFIS record sets the UniversalFontIds (section 2.2.27) of the linked fonts to use during character lookup.
2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type Size ...

7 8 9 1 2 uNumLinkedUFI ufis (variable)

Sets the default horizontal layout to be right-to-left. This mode is required for some languages, including Arabic and Hebrew. Disables mirroring of bitmaps that are drawn by Bitmap Record Types (section 2.3.1), when the layout mode is right-to-left.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 222 / 305

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record in bytes. This MUST be 0x0000000C.


Reserved ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETLINKEDUFIS. This MUST be 0x00000077. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. uNumLinkedUFI (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer specifying the number of UFIs to follow.

ufis (variable): An array of uNumLinkedUFI elements of type UniversalFontId, which specifies the identifiers of the linked fonts. Reserved (8 bytes): This field is reserved and MUST be ignored. See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.


1 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 0 1 2 Type Size MapMode

The EMR_SETMAPMODE record specifies the mapping mode of the playback device context. The mapping mode specifies the unit of measure used to transform page space units into device space units, and also specifies the orientation of the device's x-axis and y-axis.
3 0

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETMAPMODE. This MUST be 0x00000011.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. MapMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer whose definition MUST be in the MapMode enumeration (section 2.1.21).

MM_TEXT mode allows applications to work in device pixels, whose size varies from device to device.

The MM_HIENGLISH, MM_HIMETRIC, MM_LOENGLISH, MM_LOMETRIC, and MM_TWIPS modes are useful for applications drawing in physically meaningful units such as inches or millimeters. MM_ISOTROPIC mode ensures a 1:1 aspect ratio.

MM_ANISOTROPIC mode allows the x-coordinates and y-coordinates to be adjusted independently. See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other state record types.
223 / 305



The EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS record specifies parameters of the process of matching logical fonts to physical fonts, which is performed by the font mapper.<106>
1 0 2 0 3 0

Type Size Flags

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS. This MUST be 0x00000010.

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record in bytes. This MUST be 0x0000000C. Flags (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies parameters of the font matching process.
Value 0x00000001 Meaning

The font mapper SHOULD select only fonts that match the aspect ratio of the output device, as it is currently defined in the playback device context.

See section 2.3.11 for additionasl state record types.

The EMR_SETMITERLIMIT record specifies the limit for the length of miter joins for the playback device context.

7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size


7 8 9 2 0 1 2 MiterLimit

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1 224 / 305


Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETMITERLIMIT. This MUST be 0x0000003A. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. MiterLimit (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the new miter length limit.<107>

See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.


The EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE record defines polygon fill mode.

1 0 2 0 3 0

Size PolygonFillMode

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE. This MUST be 0x00000013.

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

PolygonFillMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the polygon fill mode and MUST be in the PolygonFillMode (section 2.1.27) enumeration. In general, the modes differ only in cases where a complex, overlapping polygon MUST be filled; for example, a five-sided polygon that forms a five-pointed star with a pentagon in the center. In such cases, ALTERNATE mode SHOULD fill every other enclosed region within the polygon (the points of the star), but WINDING mode SHOULD fill all regions (the points of the star and the pentagon). When the fill mode is ALTERNATE, the area between odd-numbered and even-numbered polygon sides on each scan line SHOULD be filled. That is, the area between the first and second side SHOULD be filled, and between the third and fourth side, and so on. When the fill mode is WINDING, any region that has a nonzero winding value SHOULD be filled. The winding value is the number of times a pen used to draw the polygon would go around the region. The direction of each edge of the polygon is significant.

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See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.

The EMR_SETROP2 record defines a binary raster operation mode.

2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type Size

7 8 9 1 2 ROP2Mode

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 225 / 305


Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETROP2. This MUST be 0x00000014. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. ROP2Mode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the raster operation mode and MUST be in the WMF Binary Raster Op enumeration ([MS-WMF] section Binary raster operation mix modes define how to combine source and destination colors when drawing with the current pen. The mix modes are binary raster operation codes, representing all possible Boolean functions of two variables, using the binary operations AND, OR, and XOR (exclusive OR), and the unary operation NOT. The mix mode is for raster devices only; it is not available for vector devices. See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.


The EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE record specifies bitmap stretch mode.

1 0 2 0

8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. StretchMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the stretch mode and MAY be in the StretchMode enumeration.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The stretching mode specifies how to combine rows or columns of a bitmap with existing pixels on the display device that the EMR_STRETCHBLT record is processed on. The STRETCH_ANDSCANS and STRETCH_ORSCANS modes are typically used to preserve foreground pixels in monochrome bitmaps. The STRETCH_DELETESCANS mode is typically used to preserve color in color bitmaps. The STRETCH_HALFTONE mode is slower and requires more processing of the source image than the other three modes, but produces higher quality images. Also note that an EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX SHOULD be encountered after setting the STRETCH_HALFTONE mode to avoid brush misalignment. See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.


The EMR_SETTEXTALIGN record specifies text alignment.

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE. This MUST be 0x00000015.

Size StretchMode


1 226 / 305

1 0

2 0

3 0

Type Size TextAlignmentMode

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETTEXTALIGN. This MUST be 0x00000016.

TextAlignmentMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies text alignment by using a mask of text alignment flags. These are either WMF TextAlignmentMode Flags ([MS-WMF] section for text with a horizontal baseline, or WMF VerticalTextAlignmentMode Flags ([MS-WMF] section for text with a vertical baseline. Only one value can be chosen from those that affect horizontal and vertical alignment.

The rectangle that bounds the text is formed by the character cells in the text string. See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.

The EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR record defines the current text color.

1 0 2 0 3 0

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size Color


7 8 9 1 2

The EMR_SMALLTEXTOUT, EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA, and EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW records use text alignment values to position a string of text on the output medium. The values specify the relationship between a reference point and a rectangle that bounds the text. The reference point is either the current position or a point passed to a text output record.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR. This MUST be 0x00000018. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Color (4 bytes): A WMF ColorRef object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the text color value.


See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other state record types.

1 227 / 305


The EMR_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION record specifies the amount of extra space to add to break characters for text justification.<108>
1 0 2 0 3 0

Type Size nBreakExtra nBreakCount

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION. This MUST be 0x00000078.

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

nBreakCount (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the number of break characters. Instead of using an EMR_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION record, an implementation SHOULD use an EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record (section to perform this function. <109> See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other state record types.


The EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX record defines the viewport extent.

1 0 2 0 3 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

4 5 6 Type Size ...

7 8 9 1 2 Extent

nBreakExtra (4 bytes): A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the total amount of extra space, in logical units, to add.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX. This MUST be 0x0000000B. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

1 228 / 305

Extent (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF SizeL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the horizontal and vertical extents in device units. See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.


The EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX record defines the viewport origin.

1 0 2 0 3 0

Type Size Origin ...

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Origin (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF PointL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the window horizontal and vertical origin in device units. See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.

The EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX record defines the window extent.

1 0 2 0 3 0

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size ...


7 8 9 1 2 Extent

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX. This MUST be 0x0000000C.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 229 / 305


Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX. This MUST be 0x00000009. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Extent (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF SizeL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the horizontal and vertical extents in logical units.

5 6 7 8 9 1

See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.


The EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX record defines the window origin.

1 0 2 0 3 0

Size Origin ...

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX. This MUST be 0x0000000A.

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

See section 2.3.11 for the specification of other State record types.


Transform Record Types

The transform record types specify and modify world-space to page-space transforms. The following are EMF transform record types.
Name Section


EL I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The generic structure of EMF transform records is specified as follows.

2 0 3 0

M 4 5 6 Type Size

Description 7 8 9 1 2 Xform

Origin (8 bytes): A 64-bit WMF PointL object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the window horizontal and vertical origin in logical units.

Modifies the current world-space to page-space transform. Specifies a two-dimensional linear transform between world space and page space.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 230 / 305


... ... ... ... ... TransformData (optional)

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the type of record. The transform record types are listed in the following table. See the preceding table for descriptions of these record types.

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of this record in the metafile. This value MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes. Xform (24 bytes): An XForm object (section 2.2.28), which defines a world-space to pagespace transform.

See section 2.3 for additional EMF record types.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM record modifies the current world-space to page-space transform in the playback device context.
2 0 3 0

4 5 6 Type Size ... ...

TransformData (4 bytes): An optional 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies an additional parameter for the record.

7 8 9 1 2 Xform

0x00000023 0x00000024 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 231 / 305

... ... ... ModifyWorldTransformMode

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM. This MUST be 0x00000024.

Xform (24 bytes): An XForm object (section 2.2.28) that defines a two-dimensional linear transform in logical units. This transform is used according to the ModifyWorldTransformMode to define a new value for the world-space to page-space transform in the playback device context.

ModifyWorldTransformMode (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how the transform specified in Xform is used. This value MUST be in the ModifyWorldTransformMode enumeration (section 2.1.24).

For more information concerning transforms and coordinate spaces, see [MSDN-WRLDPGSPC]. See section 2.3.12 for the specification of other transform record types.


The EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM record specifies a transform for the current world-space to pagespace transform in the playback device context.

7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type Size Xform ... ... ... ... ...

7 8 9 2 0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1 232 / 305

Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. This MUST be 0x00000024.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Type (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that identifies this record type as EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM. This MUST be 0x00000023. Size (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size of this record, in bytes. This MUST be 0x00000020. Xform (24 bytes): An XForm object (section 2.2.28) that specifies a two-dimensional linear transform in logical units. This transform defines a new value for the world-space to pagespace transform in the playback device context.


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For more information concerning transforms and coordinate spaces, see [MSDN-WRLDPGSPC]. See section 2.3.12 for the specification of other transform record types.


Structure Examples
Metafile Design Managing Objects EMF Object Table


Before a graphics object of a particular type is created and activated, a stock object (section 2.1.31) of that type is used in graphics operations.

The following types of graphics objects are managed in this model: Brushes Color spaces Fonts Palettes Pens


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The following process model can be used to manage graphics objects with an EMF object table: 1. At the start of metafile processing, an EMF object table is created. The maximum number of objects is specified in the EMF Header object (section 2.2.9) of the EmfMetafileHeader record (section 2. The EMF object table needs to be large enough to keep track of objects that are explicitly created as well as stock objects. Each element in the object table contains information that indicates whether an object with that index has been created, a way to access the object, and whether the object is currently active.

3. When a graphics object is created, the element in the EMF object table that corresponds to its index is updated so that it can be accessed later. 4. When a graphics object is activated, the element in the EMF object table that corresponds to its index is updated. In addition, the element that was activated before is now deactivated.


The EMF object table refers to an abstract model for managing graphics objects during the processing of an EMF metafile. It consists of a table in which graphics objects are associated with their indexes as they are created, activated, used, deactivated, and deleted.


An object manipulation record (section 2.3.8) can use the index of a graphics object to select it into the playback device context. This has the effect of activating the object so it can be used in graphics operations specified by subsequent metafile records. Until the object is activated, it is not used. Later, if a different object of the same type is activated, the former object is deactivated but not deleted. An object is not deleted until an object manipulation record is processed that deletes it.

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When a graphics object is created by an EMF object creation record (section 2.3.7), the record specifies a numerical index. The object can be referenced by its index during metafile processing until the object is deleted. Object indexes start at 1; zero is reserved for references to the metafile itself.

5. When a graphics object is deactivated, the element in the EMF object table that corresponds to its index is updated. In addition, the default stock object of that type is now activated. 6. When a record is encountered that deletes the graphics object, its memory is released and the EMF object table is updated accordingly. A graphics object can be deleted without first being deactivated. If that happens, the default stock object of that type is now activated. Note There are some index values that are reserved: The index zero is reserved; it refers to the EMF metafile itself. Indexes that have the most-significant bit set refer to stock objects.

The object state changes of creation, activation, deactivation, and deletion, require management during playback to achieve the expected results in rendering the image stored in the metafile.


Byte Ordering

The following code snippet illustrates how the use of the big-endian and little-endian methods can affect the compatibility of applications.
#include <unistd.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> int main() { int buf; int in; int nread; in = open("file.in", O_RDONLY); nread = read(in, (int *) &buf, sizeof(buf)); printf("First Integer in file.in = %x\n", buf); exit(0); }

In the preceding code, if the first integer word stored in the file.in file on a big-endian computer was the hexadecimal number 0x12345678, the resulting output on that computer would be as follows.


% ./test First Integer in file.in = 12345678 % % ./test First Integer in file.in = 78563412 % [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

If the file.in file were read by the same program running on a little-endian computer, the resulting output would be as follows.

Because of the difference in output, one would need to implement metafile record processing so that it could read integers from a file based on the endian method that the output computer uses.

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Because metafiles were developed and written with little-endian computers, machines that are bigendian based will have to perform this necessary compensation.


EMF Metafile Example

This section describes an example of a metafile, which when processed, renders the following image.

The contents of this metafile example are shown in this section in hexadecimal bytes. The far-left column is the byte count; the far-right characters are the interpretation of the bytes in the Latin-1 ANSI Character Set, as specified in [ISO/IEC-8859-1]. The sections that follow describe the packets that convey this series of bytes.
00000000:01 00000010:59 00000020:42 00000030:FC 00000040:6C 00000050:A5 00000060:00 00000070:6D 00000080:20 00000090:73 000000A0:68 000000B0:62 000000C0:61 000000D0:00 000000E0:02 000000F0:0C 00000100:00 00000110:00 00000120:21 00000130:00 00000140:00 00000150:00 00000160:0C 00000170:00 00000180:00 00000190:20 000001A0:00 000001B0:00 000001C0:28 000001D0:59 000001E0:1C 000001F0:00 00000200:3F 00000210:5F 00000220:0E 00000230:41 00 00 0C 37 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2F 00 5F 0E 41 5E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 70 74 20 20 69 6E 00 00 00 00 00 F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 CC 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E 41 5E 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 5E 0E 41 D4 59 41 16 00 A7 D5 6C 68 61 66 74 64 27 52 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2D 2D 00 00 FF 8C 2D 00 3F 5F 0E 41 5E 00 00 0C 00 00 01 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 47 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 5F 0E 41 5E 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 65 61 20 69 6D 20 00 2A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 0E 3F 5E 0E 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 5F 0E 41 5E 00 00 20 05 80 00 A5 20 74 62 6C 61 74 18 03 4C 59 5A 00 00 00 00 4C 59 5A 00 00 00 1C 01 00 5F 0E 41 5E 0E 00 00 45 00 07 00 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2F 00 00 0E 3E 5E 0E 41 00 00 4D 00 00 00 06 45 20 72 6C 70 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 18 00 3F 5E 0E 41 5E 00 00 46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 00 5F 0D 41 5E 0E 00 00 00 34 B0 00 53 4D 68 75 2C 2C 78 01 25 64 59 5A 00 00 00 25 A8 59 2D 00 00 64 28 00 00 0E 3F 5E 0E 40 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 5F 0E 41 5D 00 00 01 00 00 00 61 46 61 73 20 20 74 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 5F 0E 41 5E 0D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 00 00 0E 3F 5E 0E 3D ............... Y...Y........... B...A... EMF.... 7..........4... l............. .............. ....U..u..S.a. m.p.l.e. .E.M.F. .t.h.a.t. .h.a. s. .a. .b.r.u.s. h. .f.i.l.l.,. . b.i.t.m.a.p.,. . a.n.d. .t.e.x.t. ....'........... ....RG*.....%... ........L...D... ........Y...Y... ........Z...Z... !............? ..........?.... ................ ............%... .......L.../.. ....-...Y...Y... ....-...Z...-... ............? ..........?.... .........D... (......./..(... Y...-........... ./.............. ....?_.?_.?_.?_. ?_.?_.?_.>^.?_.? _.A^.A^.A^.A^.A^ .A^.A^.A^.A^.A^. A^.A^.A^.A^.@].=


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012



Figure 3: EMF Metafile Example

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00000240:59 00000250:C1 00000260:A6 00000270:7D 00000280:76 00000290:34 000002A0:5D 000002B0:0C 000002C0:43 000002D0:5C 000002E0:0C 000002F0:45 00000300:3F 00000310:5F 00000320:0E 00000330:41 00000340:5E 00000350:6B 00000360:A3 00000370:9F 00000380:81 00000390:BC 000003A0:4B 000003B0:0D 000003C0:42 000003D0:5C 000003E0:0C 000003F0:43 00000400:5B 00000410:5F 00000420:0E 00000430:41 00000440:5E 00000450:0E 00000460:C3 00000470:B4 00000480:84 00000490:CD 000004A0:86 000004B0:0B 000004C0:43 000004D0:5C 000004E0:0C 000004F0:43 00000500:5C 00000510:0A 00000520:0E 00000530:3F 00000540:5E 00000550:0E 00000560:40 00000570:BB 00000580:BF 00000590:C0 000005A0:DC 000005B0:15 000005C0:40 000005D0:5C 000005E0:0C

0C B1 A6 7D 9E 49 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0E 41 5E 0E AD A5 9C 89 BC 0B 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 3E 5E 0E 41 C3 A0 83 C0 80 3C 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5D B8 DA AB CF 3C 5B 0C 43

5A B2 A4 66 9E 0A 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 3F 5E 0E 41 AD A6 B3 84 BC 38 5D 0B 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5E 0E 41 5E C3 DB 80 B3 36 55 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 0D BB C7 95 CD 54 0D 43 5C

60 B1 AF 66 9E 36 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5E AD A6 B1 7F 6D 4F 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 41 5E 0E C5 C8 7E AB 4B 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 3D AC B5 C6 C3 0C 42 5C 0C

4E A1 AE 65 B5 4C 0D 42 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0E 41 5E 0E A8 A5 AF 81 70 0B 44 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 40 C6 B4 98 A3 0B 40 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 50 9C DE B2 B5 38 5D 0C 43

AE A1 AD 5A B5 0B 44 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 3E 5E 0E 41 A8 A3 B6 7E 65 3D 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5D C6 E4 8F 9B 39 5A 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 1C C4 CB 9D 8A 50 0D 43 5C

AE A1 AC 5A B5 3A 5D 0B 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5E 0E 41 5E A8 AE B4 7A 33 56 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 0D B9 D1 85 80 50 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 41 5E 0E 94 AD B8 CA 85 0B 42 5C 0C

AE A9 AC 59 3C 52 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 41 5E 0E 99 A5 B3 79 47 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 38 BB BE BE 7E 0B 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5E 0E 41 94 94 9A B8 74 38 5D 0C 43

BF AA AC 4F 43 0B 44 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 40 99 9D A9 78 0A 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 51 BC C2 AC 76 38 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5E 94 D2 93 A4 72 4E 0D 42 5C

BF AA A6 4F 2D 3F 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5D 98 C9 A9 76 37 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 0E B3 B5 9A 78 4E 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0E 41 5E 0E A1 BB 8B D1 72 0B 42 5B 0C

BF AE A6 4F 32 59 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 0D A6 BB A9 80 4D 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 41 5E 0E 90 B0 A9 C9 76 0B 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 41 A1 A4 7C C0 61 39 5D 0B 43

C5 AF A6 58 46 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 39 A6 AD 97 7F 0B 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5E 0E 41 91 AD 82 B6 70 37 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5E A0 E0 76 AD 83 50 0D 43 5C

C5 B0 99 58 0A 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 52 A6 A1 93 7E 35 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5E 8E BA 7E A3 91 4D 0D 42 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0E 41 5E 0E C9 CF 70 E0 82 0B 43 5C 0C

C5 A2 99 58 34 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 0C A6 9B 90 98 4B 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0E 41 5E 0E AC AD 7A CC 8F 0B 42 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3E 5E 0E 41 CA BD A2 D2 7E 3D 5C 0C 43

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[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


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000005F0:43 00000600:5C 00000610:0C 00000620:45 00000630:3F 00000640:5F 00000650:0E 00000660:41 00000670:56 00000680:97 00000690:D7 000006A0:AF 000006B0:C7 000006C0:38 000006D0:5D 000006E0:0C 000006F0:43 00000700:5C 00000710:0C 00000720:45 00000730:3F 00000740:5F 00000750:0F 00000760:40 00000770:5D 00000780:D0 00000790:E8 000007A0:CC 000007B0:9F 000007C0:E2 000007D0:53 000007E0:0D 000007F0:43 00000800:5C 00000810:0C 00000820:43 00000830:5C 00000840:5F 00000850:0E 00000860:41 00000870:5D 00000880:0D 00000890:EF 000008A0:DB 000008B0:B1 000008C0:D6 000008D0:B9 000008E0:0D 000008F0:43 00000900:5C 00000910:0C 00000920:43 00000930:5C 00000940:0A 00000950:0E 00000960:3F 00000970:5D 00000980:0E 00000990:40

5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 33 D6 C3 9B D5 50 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5D 0D B0 D9 BA CC D4 0C 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5E 0D 41 E6 CD B8 C8 A2 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 59

0C 43 5C 0A 0E 41 5E 0E B8 C3 AD C8 C5 0B 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0D 40 B0 CA C7 BA C4 3E 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0E 41 5E DD E1 A3 B8 53 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0F

43 5C 0A 00 3F 5E 0E 41 B8 AE CE B5 B4 38 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0F 40 5D B0 E5 B3 A8 A7 57 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 40 5E 0E E7 D1 8C CE 63 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5D 0D 75

5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5E B8 E5 BF A2 B1 50 0D 42 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5D 0D C8 D6 9E DB AA 0C 44 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5D 0E 3F D8 C1 BC BF 2C 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 84

0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 0E B7 D6 AF CE A9 0B 42 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5E 0D 41 C3 C7 B6 CD 8E 40 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 5B CA D6 A7 AE 37 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 5B 5F 0E 40 5D 54

43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 41 B7 C6 AD BD 95 3A 5D 0B 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0F 41 5E BE E4 9F BF 52 5A 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D EE C3 91 D9 4C 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 41 5D 0D A6

5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5E B7 E4 9A AA 91 52 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 41 5E 0E DB D6 89 DD 62 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5D 0D 6A E0 B0 C0 CB 0B 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 00 3F 5E 0D 40 B1

0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 0E A1 D4 85 DC 97 0C 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 41 C8 C8 BC D0 2B 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 79 D3 D7 AC BD 3C 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 40 5D 8E

43 5C 0A 0E 3E 5E 0E 41 A1 C4 BB CE 7B 3E 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 40 5E B3 D9 A7 C2 37 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 5B 5F 0E 40 5D 47 ED C4 97 E1 55 0D 45 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5D 0D DC

5C 0C 45 3F 5E 0E 41 5E A2 E1 A5 C0 4A 58 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5D 0E DC C8 92 DF 4D 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 41 5D 0D D1 DF B1 C5 D4 0C 42 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0D 40 D9

0C 43 5C 5F 0D 41 5E 0E BC D2 8D E2 57 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0D 61 CA B5 C1 D3 0B 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 00 3F 5E 0D 40 D2 D2 DA B1 C7 3E 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 40 5D CE

43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 40 AC C2 BD D5 2D 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 40 6C B8 D2 AD C6 39 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 40 5D CE EA C9 9D E3 58 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D F5

5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5D 9B D9 A9 C9 39 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 44 EB BF 98 E0 51 0D 45 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5D 0D C5 DC B8 CB D4 0C 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5D 0D 41 EE

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[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


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000009A0:DA 000009B0:B5 000009C0:BA 000009D0:B7 000009E0:33 000009F0:42 00000A00:5C 00000A10:0C 00000A20:43 00000A30:5C 00000A40:0C 00000A50:45 00000A60:3F 00000A70:5F 00000A80:0D 00000A90:40 00000AA0:97 00000AB0:C1 00000AC0:D3 00000AD0:AD 00000AE0:B2 00000AF0:42 00000B00:5D 00000B10:0C 00000B20:43 00000B30:5C 00000B40:0C 00000B50:45 00000B60:3F 00000B70:5F 00000B80:0E 00000B90:40 00000BA0:5D 00000BB0:73 00000BC0:D0 00000BD0:86 00000BE0:97 00000BF0:E0 00000C00:5D 00000C10:0C 00000C20:43 00000C30:5C 00000C40:0C 00000C50:43 00000C60:5C 00000C70:5F 00000C80:0E 00000C90:40 00000CA0:5D 00000CB0:0D 00000CC0:DC 00000CD0:71 00000CE0:90 00000CF0:DD 00000D00:CD 00000D10:0D 00000D20:43 00000D30:5C 00000D40:0C

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[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


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00002E80:5E 00002E90:0B 00002EA0:41 00002EB0:5F 00002EC0:0A 00002ED0:43 00002EE0:5E 00002EF0:09 00002F00:0B 00002F10:3F 00002F20:62 00002F30:0C 00002F40:3F 00002F50:62 00002F60:0A 00002F70:40 00002F80:61 00002F90:0B 00002FA0:40 00002FB0:61 00002FC0:0B 00002FD0:42 00002FE0:61 00002FF0:09 00003000:42 00003010:3D 00003020:60 00003030:0F 00003040:3D 00003050:61 00003060:0E 00003070:3C 00003080:5F 00003090:0D 000030A0:3E 000030B0:5F 000030C0:0D 000030D0:3E 000030E0:60 000030F0:0B 00003100:3F 00003110:12 00003120:70 00003130:4E 00003140:04 00003150:00 00003160:BC 00003170:4C 00003180:00 00003190:0E 000031A0:1C 000031B0:00 000031C0:00 000031D0:00 000031E0:1C 000031F0:58 00003200:00 00003210:00 00003220:D0

0B 41 5F 0B 43 5F 09 42 3F 64 0C 3F 62 0C 3F 61 0B 40 61 0B 40 61 09 42 61 60 0F 3D 61 0E 3D 60 0D 3E 5F 0D 3F 60 0B 3F 60 00 01 0C 00 00 16 00 00 20 2F 00 00 00 2F 00 00 00 C5

41 5F 0B 41 5E 0B 42 5E 64 0C 40 62 0B 41 62 0B 40 61 0B 40 62 09 42 61 09 0F 3D 60 0E 3D 61 0D 3E 5F 0D 3E 5F 0B 3F 60 0B 00 00 00 00 00 E8 00 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 35

5E 0A 41 5F 0A 43 5E 09 0B 3F 62 0C 3F 63 0C 40 61 0B 40 61 09 42 61 09 00 3D 60 0F 3D 61 0E 3E 5F 0D 3E 5F 0D 3D 60 0B 3F 00 00 00 02 00 FE 00 00 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 00 00

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41 5F 0B 41 5F 0A 42 5E 64 0C 40 63 0B 40 62 0B 41 61 0B 40 62 09 42 61 60 0F 3D 61 0E 3D 61 0D 3E 5F 0D 3E 5F 0A 3F 60 0B 00 00 0C 00 00 07 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

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41 5F 0B 41 5F 0A 42 3F 64 0C 40 63 0C 40 62 0B 40 61 0B 40 62 09 40 61 60 0F 3D 61 0E 3D 61 0D 3E 5F 0D 3F 5F 0A 3F 60 0D 01 F3 C8 69 00 20 DA F0 28 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 00 28

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0B 41 5F 0B 43 5F 09 0B 3F 62 0C 40 62 0A 3F 61 0B 40 61 0B 42 61 09 42 3D 60 0F 3C 61 0E 3D 5F 0D 3E 5F 0D 3E 5F 0B 3E 5F 00 FF 00 61 00 CC 01 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

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[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


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00003230:2D 00003240:00 00003250:10 00003260:D3 00003270:10 00003280:2D 00003290:0C 000032A0:00 000032B0:01 000032C0:05 000032D0:00 000032E0:68 000032F0:20 00003300:09 00003310:03 00003320:07 00003330:07 00003340:03 00003350:4E 00003360:4D 00003370:74 00003380:65 00003390:00 000033A0:00 000033B0:01 000033C0:00 000033D0:00 000033E0:FE 000033F0:00 00003400:64 00003410:0D 00003420:00 00003430:00 00003440:00 00003450:00 00003460:00 00003470:FE 00003480:FE 00003490:00 000034A0:64 000034B0:03 000034C0:F2 000034D0:C8 000034E0:63 000034F0:53 00003500:69 00003510:00 00003520:C8 00003530:20 00003540:06 00003550:01 00003560:03 00003570:A0 00003580:90 00003590:6F 000035A0:20 000035B0:00 000035C0:40 000035D0:FF

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[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


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00000000:01 00000010:59 00000020:42 00000030:FC 00000040:6C 00000050:A5 00000060:00 00000070:6D 00000080:20 00000090:73 000000A0:68 000000B0:62 000000C0:61 000000D0:00 00 00 0C 37 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 70 74 20 20 69 6E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D4 59 41 16 00 A7 D5 6C 68 61 66 74 64 00 00 0C 00 00 01 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 65 61 20 69 6D 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 05 80 00 A5 20 74 62 6C 61 74 00 00 45 00 07 00 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4D 00 00 00 06 45 20 72 6C 70 65 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

This section provides an example of the EMR_HEADER record (section

00 00 46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 34 B0 00 53 4D 68 75 2C 2C 78 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 61 46 61 73 20 20 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


000035E0:20 000035F0:10 00003600:00 00003610:00 00003620:00 00003630:28 00003640:70 00003650:4E 00003660:04 00003670:6F 00003680:20 00003690:00 000036A0:00 000036B0:69 000036C0:FF 000036D0:9D 000036E0:01 000036F0:00 00003700:F3 00003710:94 00003720:65 00003730:00 00003740:55 00003750:00 00003760:40 00003770:08 00003780:07 00003790:04 000037A0:01 000037B0:0C 000037C0:02 000037D0:28 000037E0:0C 000037F0:00

AC AC 00 00 00 00 01 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 04 00 00 14 8A 58 F5 00 00 02 F5 CB 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

CF CF 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 66 53 00 00 66 5A 00 00 07 00 E8 53 13 00 00 5A 13 54 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

02 02 02 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 FE 00 00 02 00 FE FE 00 00 00 FE 00 FE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 25 0C 03 4E 4D 74 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FE 00 00 00 FE 00 00 FE 00 64 03 28 0C 0D 10

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 07 00 00 07 00 76 00 00 00 00 00

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00 26 01 20 0C 03 13 C8 63 53 69 00 20 00 40 FF 20 40 F3 04 00 03 00 79 26 00 79 24 00 25 0C 03 0E 14

00 36 00 AC 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 FF AC 02 14 00 00 01 00 0D 06 F5 0D 07 00 00 00 00 00 00

07 E3 00 CF 00 00 00 00 72 61 66 00 53 00 5A FF CF 5A 0A 00 00 56 00 21 5A 13 21 5A 00 00 00 00 00 00

02 76 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FE FF 02 FE 1E 00 00 E5 00 11 FE 00 11 FE 00 00 00 00 00 00


00 00 00 64 04 52 00 00 6F 6E 00 00 65 00 FE FF 00 FE 00 00 00 89 04 00 FE 00 00 FE 25 0C 04 25 14

00 00 27 76 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 FF 00 07 00 00 00 1A 00 00 07 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 73 73 00 00 72 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

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251 / 305

Figure 4: EMR_HEADER record example, part 1

Type: 0x00000001 identifies the record type as EMR_HEADER. Size: 0x000000D4 is the record size, in bytes.

Bounds: 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000059, 0x00000059 specify the rectangular inclusiveinclusive bounds, in device units, of the smallest rectangle that can be drawn around the image stored in the metafile. Frame: 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000C42, 0x00000C31 specify the rectangular inclusiveinclusive dimensions, in .01 millimeter units, of a rectangle that surrounds the image stored in the metafile.


Figure 5: EMR_HEADER record example, part 2 Signature: 0x464D4520 is the record signature, which consists of the ASCII string "EMF". Version: 0x00010000 specifies EMF metafile interoperability.
252 / 305 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012



Bytes: 0x000037FC specifies the size of the metafile, in bytes. Records: 0x00000016 specifies the number of records in the metafile. Handles: 0x0005 specifies the number of graphics objects that will be created during the processing of the metafile. These objects are referenced by their indexes in metafile records. Index values for created objects start at 1. This value can be used to compute the size needed for the EMF Object Table (section Reserved: 0x0000 is ignored. Description: 0x00000034 specifies the number of characters in the array that contains the description of the metafile's contents.

PalEntries: 0x00000000 specifies the number of entries in the metafile palette. The location of the palette is specified in the EMR_EOF record.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Figure 6: EMR_HEADER record example, part 3 Device: 0x00000780, 0x00000780 specify the size of the reference device, in pixels. Millimeters: 0x000002A5, 0x000001A7 specify the size of the reference device, in millimeters.

cbPixelFormat: 0x00000000 specifies the size of the PixelFormatDescriptor (section 2.2.22) structure. This value indicates that no pixel format is defined.

offPixelFormat: 0x00000000 specifies the offset to the PixelFormatDescriptor in the metafile. In this case, no pixel format structure is present. bOpenGL: 0x00000000 specifies that no OpenGL commands are present in the metafile. Micrometers: 0x000A55D5, 0x000675A5 specify the horizontal and vertical size of the reference device, in micrometers.

253 / 305



offDescription: 0x0000006C specifies the offset from the beginning of this record to the array that contains the description of the metafile's contents.

EmfDescription: "Sample EMF that has a brush fill, bitmap, and text".



This section provides an example of the EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT record (section

000000D0: 27 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 000000E0:02 00 00 00 52 47 2A 00 03 00 00 00

Figure 7: EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT record example, part 1

Type: 0x00000027 identifies this record type as EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT. Size: 0x00000018 specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

ihBrush: 0x00000001 specifies the index of this brush object in the EMF Object Table (section LogBrush: A LogBrushEx object (section 2.2.12) that contains brush data.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Figure 8: EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT record example, part 2 BrushStyle: 0x00000002 specifies a hatch brush style, from the WMF BrushStyle enumeration ([MS-WMF] section

Color: 0x0052472A is a WMF ColorRef object ([MS-WMF] section that specifies the brush color value. BrushHatch: 0x00000003 specifies the brush hatch. Its interpretation depends on the value of BrushStyle. In this case, it specifies a 45-degree upward, left-to-right hatch pattern.


254 / 305



This section provides an example of the EMR_SELECTOBJECT record (section

000000E0: 000000F0:0C 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 25 00 00 00

Figure 9: EMR_SELECTOBJECT record example

Type: 0x00000025 identifies this record type as EMR_SELECTOBJECT. Size: 0x0000000C specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

ihObject: 0x00000001 specifies the index of an object in the EMF Object Table.



This section provides an example of the EMR_BITBLT record (section

000000F0: 00000100:00 00000110:00 00000120:21 00000130:00 00000140:00 00000150:00 4C 59 5A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 00 00 64 59 5A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 3F 00 00


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00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 F0 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00



Figure 10: EMR_BITBLT record example, part 1

Type: 0x0000004C identifies this record type as EMR_BITBLT. Size: 0x00000064 specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

Bounds: 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000059, 0x00000059 specify the bounding rectangle in device units. xDest: 0x00000000 specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle.

cxDest: 0x0000005A specifies the logical width of the destination rectangle. cyDest: 0x0000005A specifies the logical height of the destination rectangle.


256 / 305 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

yDest: 0x00000000 specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle.



Figure 11: EMR_BITBLT record example, part 2 BitBlitRasterOperation: 0x00F00021 specifies the raster operation code from the WMF Ternary Raster Operation enumeration ([MS-WMF] section This code defines how the color data of the source rectangle is to be combined with the color data of the destination rectangle to achieve the final color. xSrc: 0x00000000 specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. ySrc: 0x00000000 specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. xformSrc: 0x3F800000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x3F800000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 specify the world-space to page-space transform. For more information on coordinate spaces, see [MSDN-WRLDPGSPC].

Figure 12: EMR_BITBLT Record Example, Part 3

BkColorSrc: 0x00000000 specifies the background RGB color.

offBmiSrc: 0x00000000 specifies the offset to the source DeviceIndependentBitmap object.

00000150: 00000160:0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

cbBmiSrc: 0x00000000 specifies the size of the source DeviceIndependentBitmap object. offBitsSrc: 0x00000000 specifies the offset to the source bitmap bits. cbBitsSrc: 0x00000000 specifies the size of the source bitmap bits.

This section provides an example of the EMR_SELECTOBJECT record (section

25 00 00 00


UsageSrc: 0x00000000 specifies the value of the Colors field of the WMF DeviceIndependentBitmap object ([MS-WMF] section from the DIBColors enumeration (section 2.1.9).


257 / 305

Figure 13: EMR_SELECTOBJECT record example Type: 0x00000025 identifies this record type as EMR_SELECTOBJECT. Size: 0x0000000C specifies the size of this record, in bytes.



This section provides an example of the EMR_BITBLT record (section

00000160: 00000170:00 00000180:00 00000190:20 000001A0:00 000001B0:00 000001C0:28 000001D0:59 000001E0:1C 000001F0:00 00000200:3F 00000210:5F 00000220:0E 00000230:41 00000240:59 00000250:C1 00000260:A6 00000270:7D 00000280:76 00000290:34 000002A0:5D 000002B0:0C 000002C0:43 000002D0:5C 000002E0:0C 000002F0:45 00000300:3F 00000310:5F 00000320:0E 00000330:41 00000340:5E 00000350:6B 00000360:A3 00000370:9F 00000380:81 00000390:BC 000003A0:4B 4C 59 5A 00 00 00 1C 01 00 5F 0E 41 5E 0E BF AA AC 4F 43 0B 44 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 40 99 9D A9 78 0A 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 2F 00 00 0E 3E 5E 0E 41 BF AA A6 4F 2D 3F 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5D 98 C9 A9 76 37 5B 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 18 00 3F 5E 0E 41 5E BF AE A6 4F 32 59 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 0D A6 BB A9 80 4D 0D 00 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 00 5F 0D 41 5E 0E C5 AF A6 58 46 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 39 A6 AD 97 7F 0B 42 A8 59 2D 00 00 64 28 00 00 0E 3F 5E 0E 40 C5 B0 99 58 0A 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 52 A6 A1 93 7E 35 5D 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 5F 0E 41 5D C5 A2 99 58 34 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 0C A6 9B 90 98 4B 0D 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 5F 0E 41 5E 0D C0 A2 99 76 4A 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 41 5E 0E 70 A7 95 8E 98 0A 42 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 00 00 0E 3F 5E 0E 3D C0 A2 7D 76 0A 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5E 0E 41 73 A7 A2 87 98 35 5D


00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2F 00 5F 0E 41 5E 0C B1 A6 7D 9E 49 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0E 41 5E 0E AD A5 9C 89 BC 0B

00 00 CC 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E 41 5E 0E 5A B2 A4 66 9E 0A 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 3F 5E 0E 41 AD A6 B3 84 BC 38

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 5E 0E 41 60 B1 AF 66 9E 36 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5E AD A6 B1 7F 6D 4F

2D 2D 00 00 FF 8C 2D 00 3F 5F 0E 41 5E 4E A1 AE 65 B5 4C 0D 42 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0E 41 5E 0E A8 A5 AF 81 70 0B

00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 5F 0E 41 5E 0E AE A1 AD 5A B5 0B 44 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 3E 5E 0E 41 A8 A3 B6 7E 65 3D

00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 0E 3F 5E 0E 41 AE A1 AC 5A B5 3A 5D 0B 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5E 0E 41 5E A8 AE B4 7A 33 56

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 5F 0E 41 5E AE A9 AC 59 3C 52 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 41 5E 0E 99 A5 B3 79 47 0C

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ihObject: 0x80000000 specifies the index of an object in the EMF Object Table.


000003B0:0D 000003C0:42 000003D0:5C 000003E0:0C 000003F0:43 00000400:5B 00000410:5F 00000420:0E 00000430:41 00000440:5E 00000450:0E 00000460:C3 00000470:B4 00000480:84 00000490:CD 000004A0:86 000004B0:0B 000004C0:43 000004D0:5C 000004E0:0C 000004F0:43 00000500:5C 00000510:0A 00000520:0E 00000530:3F 00000540:5E 00000550:0E 00000560:40 00000570:BB 00000580:BF 00000590:C0 000005A0:DC 000005B0:15 000005C0:40 000005D0:5C 000005E0:0C 000005F0:43 00000600:5C 00000610:0C 00000620:45 00000630:3F 00000640:5F 00000650:0E 00000660:41 00000670:56 00000680:97 00000690:D7 000006A0:AF 000006B0:C7 000006C0:38 000006D0:5D 000006E0:0C 000006F0:43 00000700:5C 00000710:0C 00000720:45 00000730:3F 00000740:5F 00000750:0F

43 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 3E 5E 0E 41 C3 A0 83 C0 80 3C 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5D B8 DA AB CF 3C 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 33 D6 C3 9B D5 50 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41

5D 0B 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5E 0E 41 5E C3 DB 80 B3 36 55 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 0D BB C7 95 CD 54 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 41 5E 0E B8 C3 AD C8 C5 0B 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E

0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 41 5E 0E C5 C8 7E AB 4B 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 3D AC B5 C6 C3 0C 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 00 3F 5E 0E 41 B8 AE CE B5 B4 38 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0F

44 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 40 C6 B4 98 A3 0B 40 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 50 9C DE B2 B5 38 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5E B8 E5 BF A2 B1 50 0D 42 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41

5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5D C6 E4 8F 9B 39 5A 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 1C C4 CB 9D 8A 50 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 0E B7 D6 AF CE A9 0B 42 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5E

0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 0D B9 D1 85 80 50 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 41 5E 0E 94 AD B8 CA 85 0B 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 41 B7 C6 AD BD 95 3A 5D 0B 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0F

43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 38 BB BE BE 7E 0B 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5E 0E 41 94 94 9A B8 74 38 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5E B7 E4 9A AA 91 52 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 41

5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 51 BC C2 AC 76 38 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5E 94 D2 93 A4 72 4E 0D 42 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 0E A1 D4 85 DC 97 0C 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E

0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 0E B3 B5 9A 78 4E 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0E 41 5E 0E A1 BB 8B D1 72 0B 42 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3E 5E 0E 41 A1 C4 BB CE 7B 3E 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E

43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 41 5E 0E 90 B0 A9 C9 76 0B 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 41 A1 A4 7C C0 61 39 5D 0B 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5E 0E 41 5E A2 E1 A5 C0 4A 58 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41

5C 0C 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5E 0E 41 91 AD 82 B6 70 37 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5E A0 E0 76 AD 83 50 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 41 5E 0E BC D2 8D E2 57 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E

0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5E 8E BA 7E A3 91 4D 0D 42 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0E 41 5E 0E C9 CF 70 E0 82 0B 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 40 AC C2 BD D5 2D 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E

43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0E 41 5E 0E AC AD 7A CC 8F 0B 42 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3E 5E 0E 41 CA BD A2 D2 7E 3D 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5D 9B D9 A9 C9 39 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40

5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 3F 5E 0E 41 AC 9E 8C BB 8D 38 5D 0B 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5E 0E 41 5E CA E0 93 C4 34 55 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5E 0D CC C6 93 E1 51 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5D 0A 0E 41 5D

0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 41 5E AC C8 88 A9 84 4F 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 41 5E 0E BC D0 83 E8 43 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0E 4B B2 B4 C3 D4 0B 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 00 3F 5E 0D

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00000760:40 00000770:5D 00000780:D0 00000790:E8 000007A0:CC 000007B0:9F 000007C0:E2 000007D0:53 000007E0:0D 000007F0:43 00000800:5C 00000810:0C 00000820:43 00000830:5C 00000840:5F 00000850:0E 00000860:41 00000870:5D 00000880:0D 00000890:EF 000008A0:DB 000008B0:B1 000008C0:D6 000008D0:B9 000008E0:0D 000008F0:43 00000900:5C 00000910:0C 00000920:43 00000930:5C 00000940:0A 00000950:0E 00000960:3F 00000970:5D 00000980:0E 00000990:40 000009A0:DA 000009B0:B5 000009C0:BA 000009D0:B7 000009E0:33 000009F0:42 00000A00:5C 00000A10:0C 00000A20:43 00000A30:5C 00000A40:0C 00000A50:45 00000A60:3F 00000A70:5F 00000A80:0D 00000A90:40 00000AA0:97 00000AB0:C1 00000AC0:D3 00000AD0:AD 00000AE0:B2 00000AF0:42 00000B00:5D

5D 0D B0 D9 BA CC D4 0C 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5E 0D 41 E6 CD B8 C8 A2 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 59 CE D9 A5 A6 3C 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 5B 5F 0E 40 5D 6A DF A5 98 E0 5D 0D

0D 40 B0 CA C7 BA C4 3E 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0E 41 5E DD E1 A3 B8 53 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0F E5 CA 90 D1 52 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 41 5D 0D 93 D2 86 C1 D3 0D 41

40 5D B0 E5 B3 A8 A7 57 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 40 5E 0E E7 D1 8C CE 63 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5D 0D 75 D7 B8 BF C2 0D 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 00 3F 5E 0D 40 A2 C4 D7 AE C6 42 5C

5D 0D C8 D6 9E DB AA 0C 44 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5D 0E 3F D8 C1 BC BF 2C 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 84 C8 D9 AA B3 40 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 40 5D 76 E1 C4 99 E4 5D 0C

0D 41 C3 C7 B6 CD 8E 40 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 5B CA D6 A7 AE 37 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 5B 5F 0E 40 5D 54 EB CB 95 DC 5A 0D 45 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5D 0D C8 BB B0 C5 D8 0D 41

41 5E BE E4 9F BF 52 5A 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D EE C3 91 D9 4C 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 41 5D 0D A6 DD BA C3 CF 0D 41 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0D 40 CA A1 D7 B0 CA 42 5C

5E 0E DB D6 89 DD 62 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5D 0D 6A E0 B0 C0 CB 0B 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 00 3F 5E 0D 40 B1 D0 D9 AF C0 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 40 5D B5 D4 C5 9B E2 5D 0C

0E 41 C8 C8 BC D0 2B 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 79 D3 D7 AC BD 3C 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 40 5D 8E EC C8 9B E0 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D F5 AC B1 C7 D5 0D 43

40 5E B3 D9 A7 C2 37 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 5B 5F 0E 40 5D 47 ED C4 97 E1 55 0D 45 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5D 0D DC DF B6 C9 D2 0D 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5D 0D 41 EE 8E CF B5 C6 42 5C

5D 0E DC C8 92 DF 4D 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 41 5D 0D D1 DF B1 C5 D4 0C 42 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0D 40 D9 D2 D9 B6 C3 42 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 41 5E E9 D5 BB A2 71 5D 0C

0D 61 CA B5 C1 D3 0B 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 00 3F 5E 0D 40 D2 D2 DA B1 C7 3E 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 40 5D CE E4 C8 A3 CE 5D 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 40 5E 0E E8 B2 A6 C8 7B 0D 43

40 6C B8 D2 AD C6 39 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0E 40 5D CE EA C9 9D E3 58 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D F5 D5 B6 C9 C4 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5D 0E 44 DC 97 C2 B8 4B 42 5C

5D 44 EB BF 98 E0 51 0D 45 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 41 5D 0D C5 DC B8 CB D4 0C 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5D 0D 41 EE C4 C4 B9 B3 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 5C CF D3 AE A7 42 5D 0C

0D D0 DD AA C6 D3 0B 42 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5E 0D 40 C2 CE D5 B9 C6 40 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 41 5E E8 D8 B0 A7 5B 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 12 E0 A4 99 D1 58 0D 43

40 D0 CF DD B3 C5 3B 5D 0D 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0F 40 5D BF E9 C3 A5 BC 5B 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 40 5E 0E E7 C8 9C C7 69 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5D 0D 8B D0 84 C1 C2 10 42 5C

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00000B10:0C 00000B20:43 00000B30:5C 00000B40:0C 00000B50:45 00000B60:3F 00000B70:5F 00000B80:0E 00000B90:40 00000BA0:5D 00000BB0:73 00000BC0:D0 00000BD0:86 00000BE0:97 00000BF0:E0 00000C00:5D 00000C10:0C 00000C20:43 00000C30:5C 00000C40:0C 00000C50:43 00000C60:5C 00000C70:5F 00000C80:0E 00000C90:40 00000CA0:5D 00000CB0:0D 00000CC0:DC 00000CD0:71 00000CE0:90 00000CF0:DD 00000D00:CD 00000D10:0D 00000D20:43 00000D30:5C 00000D40:0C 00000D50:43 00000D60:5C 00000D70:0A 00000D80:0E 00000D90:3E 00000DA0:5D 00000DB0:0D 00000DC0:58 00000DD0:A4 00000DE0:2C 00000DF0:D5 00000E00:D8 00000E10:47 00000E20:42 00000E30:5B 00000E40:0C 00000E50:43 00000E60:5C 00000E70:0C 00000E80:45 00000E90:3F 00000EA0:5D 00000EB0:0D

45 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D AC 86 5D C8 D3 0D 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5D 0D 41 AB 3C E2 CD BC 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 67 7F C6 C3 CA 52 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 44 5B 5F 0D 40

5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5D 0D 40 B6 58 D5 B1 C5 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 41 5E 87 C9 D7 BD 91 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 40 5D 26 DD 60 AF D1 63 0B 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0B 0E 40 5D

0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 5D 94 CA C5 9A E3 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 40 5E 0E D7 69 CA DD 9A 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3E 5D 0D A4 CF 27 E1 C2 1F 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 00 3F 5D 0D

43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D F4 71 B2 D9 D5 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3E 5D 0E 52 A3 32 D3 D0 6E 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 B1 BF C6 D2 B2 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 44 3F 5F 0D 40

5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5D 0D 41 ED 3D D2 C8 C6 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5E 0D 40 64 7D C7 BE C2 4E 5E 0C 43 5C 0C 45 5B 5F 0D 40 5D 8B D2 5B C2 E0 5B 0C 43 5B 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D

0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 41 5E E7 C9 BC B6 A3 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 40 5D 1F DB 62 A9 D0 62 0B 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0D B8 90 21 DF D4 0D 41 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5D 0D

43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 40 5E 0E E2 69 A6 D3 A4 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3E 5D 0D A4 CD 2A CA C1 18 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 00 3F 5D 0D 40 B1 66 C3 D0 C7 41 5C 0B 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40

5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5D 0E 4B CF 32 C9 C4 81 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5E 0D 40 AF BD C5 B6 B1 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 5D 8A CD 56 C1 E7 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0E 40 5D

0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 60 BE C6 B3 B4 48 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 5B 5F 0D 40 5D 8A D2 5B A0 DA 5D 0C 45 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D D6 77 1B D9 DA 0C 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5D 0D

43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 17 DA 5D 9D D1 5E 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0D 95 A1 20 D0 CD 0D 41 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5D 0D 40 9F 43 CB C8 CD 41 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40

5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5D 0D A0 CA 24 C2 C3 13 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 00 3F 5D 0D 40 A3 7F C3 BD BE 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 5D 74 CA 71 B7 AD 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5D

0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 AB BA C4 AD B3 42 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 5D 75 CD 54 AA DE 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D D5 6E 40 E1 AA 0C 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5D 0D

43 5C 0C 45 5B 5F 0E 40 5D 83 D7 54 96 DE 5D 0D 45 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D B3 76 19 D1 D1 0D 41 5C 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5D 0D 40 98 38 DD D3 90 42 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 41

5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 41 5D 0D 92 C4 17 C1 D1 0D 41 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 3F 5D 0D 40 AC 42 D8 BD C3 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 5D 6B C8 C8 C4 6F 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5E

0C 43 5C 0A 00 3F 5E 0D 40 A2 B2 CC AC C4 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 5D 84 CB AD A9 DB 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 40 5D 0E D7 65 B6 E4 7F 0D 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5D 0E

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00000EC0:40 00000ED0:B6 00000EE0:CA 00000EF0:CC 00000F00:D0 00000F10:B3 00000F20:42 00000F30:5C 00000F40:0C 00000F50:43 00000F60:5C 00000F70:0C 00000F80:43 00000F90:3F 00000FA0:5F 00000FB0:0D 00000FC0:40 00000FD0:5D 00000FE0:84 00000FF0:DA 00001000:56 00001010:C2 00001020:E2 00001030:5C 00001040:0C 00001050:43 00001060:5C 00001070:0C 00001080:43 00001090:5B 000010A0:5F 000010B0:0E 000010C0:40 000010D0:5D 000010E0:0D 000010F0:E4 00001100:CF 00001110:45 00001120:CE 00001130:CE 00001140:0C 00001150:42 00001160:5C 00001170:0C 00001180:43 00001190:5C 000011A0:0C 000011B0:0E 000011C0:40 000011D0:5D 000011E0:0D 000011F0:9C 00001200:CB 00001210:29 00001220:E6 00001230:B8 00001240:9A 00001250:43 00001260:5B

5D 91 DE 76 C0 DC 5B 0C 42 5B 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D D6 AA 1B D1 D6 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0D 47 DA BE D9 BE BF 42 5A 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 41 A5 BB C5 D8 A5 78 5C 0D

0D CD BC 46 DF CF 0E 43 5B 0D 43 5C 0C 0E 3F 5D 0D 40 A3 89 C2 C0 C8 41 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 5E CF CB CA AD CE 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5E 7A E9 5C CA CF 86 0C 43

40 B0 A2 CD CF C1 41 5C 0B 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 5D 7A E7 51 AD EA 5C 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5D 13 DB 73 B9 D1 C6 0C 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0E D1 DA 22 E8 BE 4D 43 5C

5D 8B CC 7D BF F1 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0E 40 5D 0D D6 D9 15 D1 DE 0C 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0D 8E CC 40 E6 C3 B3 43 5B 0D 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 BF CC C5 DA AC 4A 5C 0C

0D D7 78 4F DD E6 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0D 43 A2 CC D1 C2 D2 41 5A 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 41 97 BC C6 D8 B3 6A 5C 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 40 5D 9E E8 59 CC D5 5E 0C 42

40 A2 44 CC CE DA 41 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 5C 7C DB A2 B1 95 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5E 67 E9 5F CA CC 78 0C 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5D 0D D6 D9 1F CD C4 14 43 5B

5D 78 D0 76 BE C8 5C 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5D 10 DE AE 83 E2 9A 0C 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0E C4 DA 26 E3 BD 3A 43 5C 0D 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 40 A5 CB C5 BB B2 43 5C 0B

0D D6 85 47 E4 C0 0C 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0D 78 BE 91 E1 D6 76 43 5B 0D 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 BF CC C6 D5 AD 47 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 3F 5F 0D 40 5D 7D EA 5B A9 BD 5C 0C 43

42 99 57 CF D7 AE 42 5A 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 41 82 A5 C7 D4 C9 5B 5C 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 40 5D 9F E8 5C C6 D2 5C 0C 42 5B 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D E2 DF 21 C6 B4 0C 43 5C

5C 6D D2 9C C9 72 5D 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5E 4C E7 63 C5 D3 6B 0C 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5D 0D CE DA 22 D1 C4 11 43 5B 0D 43 5C 0C 0E 3F 5D 0D 40 BD D3 DD B3 9D 43 5B 0C

0E D9 8B 7A EB 80 0D 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0E B9 DA 2B E1 C5 2A 43 5C 0D 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 40 A9 CC C3 BF B5 41 5C 0B 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 5D 9F DC BC 9F AB 5C 0D 43

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33 E2 74 B7 D1 66 0C 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5D 0D D8 DA 24 E1 C6 0F 43 5B 0D 43 5C 0C 0E 3F 5D 0D 40 B7 CE CA AF BD 41 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 61 BE C7 D2 AB B6 5C 0C 43

A9 D7 42 DF C3 24 43 5C 0D 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 40 AB CB C4 D1 B7 41 5C 0B 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 5D 99 E5 75 9A DD 5C 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5D 17 DB 63 C4 CA BA 0C 43 5B

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0C 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 40 A7 CB D4 D2 B2 43 5C 0B 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5F 0D 40 5D 8D E4 C7 AB 8B 5C 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5D 33 DE AB B2 D4 88 0C 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 0C 40 5D 0D

43 5C 0C 43 3F 5F 0D 40 5D 7F E4 9A C3 B5 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0E 40 5D 0E DE D5 BA D2 97 0C 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0C 40 5D 0D B3 D0 8D D1 C8 54 43 5B 0D 43 5C 0C 43 3F 5D 0D 40

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43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 64 BB E2 D0 B0 75 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5E 8C DE E5 C4 C6 85 0C 43 5A 0C 43 5C 0A 0C 40 5D 0D D6 9D C6 D6 6C 27 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 41 5D 0D 45

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A4 E8 A4 BD EA 76 0C 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0C 40 5D 0D E8 81 C7 D3 EE 3B 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0E 41 5D 0D 4E A0 47 D0 BF CC 43 5B 0D 42 5C 0C 43 3F 5D 0D 40 A5 74 DE C3 C3 D3 5C 0C 43

B9 D2 8E DB E2 45 43 5C 0D 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 40 E0 50 DB C1 E4 4A 5C 0B 44 5C 0C 43 3F 5E 0D 40 60 76 CA BF AD DC 5C 0D 43 5B 0C 43 5C 60 0D 40 5D 7C D8 D0 B2 DF C5 0C 43 5C

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8A D1 C6 C0 C3 6C 0C 42 5B 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D DF 7A BB C5 F0 12 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0D 9B 9C 38 D0 D5 C0 43 5A 0D 42 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 BE 7E DC C3 C6 90 5C 0D 44

BA 85 B8 D3 BE 2D 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 41 5D 0D 47 B4 48 D8 B2 E7 43 5B 0C 42 5C 0C 43 3F 5D 0D 40 9C 72 D7 BE C7 D1 5C 0C 43 5B 0C 43 5B 60 0D 40 5D 9B D2 CE B1 DD 8D 0C 43 5A

B2 55 E7 C6 A9 47 5C 0B 45 5C 0C 43 3F 5E 0D 40 5E 93 CB C7 9E E3 5C 0D 43 5B 0C 43 5C 60 0D 40 5D 6F D8 A7 AC E6 C0 0C 43 5C 0B 43 5C 0C 0C 40 5D 0D D4 8C C0 CF D0 58 43 5C 0B

93 CC D8 B7 8B 5D 0C 43 5B 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 12 D4 71 B7 DB D8 0C 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0C 40 5D 0D BB A1 88 D1 DC AF 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 D1 5E D4 BE C3 60 5C 0C 44

D1 75 C9 BE 89 0F 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0D 91 96 3C D7 CD CA 43 5A 0C 42 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 C2 7A DB C0 D0 CC 5C 0D 45 5C 0C 43 5C 60 0D 40 5D BF D0 C2 AB DC 6D 0C 42 5A

C9 41 E5 AF 64 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 43 3F 5D 0D 40 93 68 C8 C6 BE BB 5C 0C 43 5B 0C 43 5B 60 0D 40 5D 9E D4 BF AE EA BD 0C 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0C 40 5D 0D E2 83 B1 D1 CF 27 43 5B 0B

B6 CA D6 A0 61 5C 0D 43 5C 0C 43 5C 60 0D 40 5D 61 DE 63 B5 E9 B0 0C 43 5C 0B 43 5C 0C 0C 40 5D 0D D7 95 AA CF DF AA 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 40 C5 53 CF BF C1 56 5C 0B 44

DB 6C C7 D0 66 0C 42 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 0C 40 5D 0D BC B2 2A D8 DE 9A 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0C 43 3F 5D 0D 40 D5 6A D9 BD D4 73 5C 0C 44 5C 0C 43 3F 5F 0D 40 5D AD CC BD AD DF 64 0C 43 5A

AC 36 E0 C3 34 43 5A 0C 42 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 C2 93 D3 C7 D3 A1 5C 0D 45 5C 0C 43 5C 60 0D 40 5D C2 D0 C9 AA E9 79 0C 42 5A 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D D8 74 AB DC D3 1E 43 5B 0B

89 C6 D1 B5 65 5C 0C 43 5B 0C 43 5B 60 0D 40 5D A1 E0 9A B6 EF 9D 0C 43 5B 0C 43 5C 0A 0C 40 5D 0D E0 82 B8 C6 DE 3E 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0E 41 5D 0D 57 A2 40 D1 CC C5 43 5B 0D 42

E6 6E C2 E9 6D 0C 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0C 40 5D 0D C3 BB 75 D8 E5 83 43 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 40 C0 51 D3 B3 D3 50 5C 0B 44 5C 0C 43 3F 5E 0D 40 64 78 D1 BF BC DA 5C 0D 43 5B

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0B 43 5C 0C 0C 40 5D 0D E3 87 B2 D7 CB 48 43 5C 0B 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 41 E7 94 E3 CF D1 60 5C 0B 44 5C 0C 43 41 5E 0E 40 79 DE E5 D2 B5 E4 5D 0C 42 5B 0A 43 5C 5F 0D 40 5D C9

43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 DD 57 D9 C6 BD 5B 5C 0C 44 5C 0C 43 3F 5F 0D 40 5D DF D9 D5 C0 E4 6A 0C 42 5A 0C 43 5C 5E 0E 40 5D 3C DE D6 C2 E0 D8 0E 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0D EF

5C 0C 43 5C 60 0D 40 5D D0 CE C9 B5 E5 6A 0C 42 5A 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D E1 C4 C6 DA D8 24 43 5A 0B 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0D CC CC C7 DF D3 CB 41 5C 0B 42 5D 0C 42 3F 5D 0D 40 E6

0C 43 5C 0A 0C 40 5D 0D E8 7C B8 DF DA 1F 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0E 41 5D 0D 6D C0 B1 DE CA CC 44 5B 0C 42 5C 0C 43 3F 5D 0D 40 CA BB F1 CF C6 A7 5C 0C 42 5B 0A 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5D DD

43 5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 40 D7 4A DD D0 CD 5C 5C 0B 44 5C 0C 43 3F 5E 0D 40 73 A5 D4 CF B9 E5 5C 0D 42 5B 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 40 5D B4 DD E4 C0 E6 A3 0C 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0B 0E 40 5D 0D EE

5C 0C 43 3F 5F 0D 40 5D C8 D0 CD C0 E4 67 0C 43 5A 0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 32 D7 C5 BF D6 D9 0C 42 5A 0B 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0D EB CD D8 DF DB 88 43 5B 0B 44 5D 0C 44 3F 5D 0D 40 E5

0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 0D D8 88 BD D7 D9 21 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0D B9 AB B4 DC C7 CC 43 5A 0C 42 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 E2 BC F0 CF CF 77 5C 0D 42 5A 0A 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5D DD

43 5C 0C 0E 41 5D 0D 62 A2 5C DC C7 CC 43 5B 0D 42 5C 0C 43 3F 5D 0D 40 BA 88 DB CD B8 B2 5C 0C 42 5B 0C 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5D D9 E8 E3 C0 EB 82 0C 43 5B 0B 43 5C 09 0E 40 5D 0D F0

5C 0C 43 3F 5E 0D 40 6B 7A D7 CC B6 E0 5C 0D 42 5B 0C 43 5C 60 0D 40 5D 9B D7 CB BC D5 AD 0C 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0D ED DB D6 DD E0 4F 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 47 E8

0C 43 5C 5F 0E 40 5D 26 D7 C2 BC D7 D3 0C 42 5A 0B 43 5C 0C 0C 40 5D 0D D6 A3 BB DF C7 93 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 E4 CD EA CD D5 77 5C 0D 44 5C 0C 43 40 5F 0D 40 5F E0

43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0D B0 A4 AF DA C8 C6 43 5A 0C 42 5C 0C 45 3F 5D 0D 40 D1 7E E9 CF B9 7D 5C 0D 44 5C 0C 43 5C 5F 0D 40 5D DB E9 DC BD E1 86 0C 43 5A 0C 43 5C 5D 0E 41 5D 13 F1

5C 0C 43 3F 5D 0D 40 B1 7D D4 C9 B9 D7 5C 0C 42 5B 0C 43 5B 60 0D 40 5D BF DA DB C0 E8 89 0C 43 5A 0C 43 5C 0A 0E 40 5D 0D EF DC CE D9 D5 4B 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0D 41 5E 0D 80 E8

0C 43 5C 60 0D 40 5D 8C D5 C5 B9 D5 CD 0C 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0C 40 5D 0D EC A7 CD E1 DC 53 43 5C 0B 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 41 E7 CF E5 C8 C8 6B 5C 0D 44 5C 0C 43 41 5E 0E 40 7F E0

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DE D7 C2 E1 C9 0C 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0B 0E 40 5D 0D F0 D0 C8 D7 CD 9C 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 50 EA C6 F0 DA BD 7A 5C 0B 42 5C 0C 43 40 5D 0E 40 AF E1 D5 E4 98 D4 67 0B 42 5A

CD C9 DA D5 B9 43 5B 0B 44 5D 0C 44 3F 5D 0D 40 E7 C0 E8 C6 BF 77 5C 0B 42 5C 0C 43 40 5F 0D 40 63 E2 DD E3 CC E0 82 0C 42 5B 0C 43 5C 5D 0D 40 5D 88 E9 C4 D8 CA C6 20 42 5B 0B

BD E7 CA C9 7F 5C 0C 42 5A 0A 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5D DF E0 DB B5 E1 85 0C 42 5B 0C 43 5C 5D 0E 41 5D 1A F2 CD D6 E3 D3 45 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0D 40 5D 0D D8 DA B3 F0 B9 B7 41 5B 0B 44

E3 DA B9 E7 85 0C 42 5B 0B 43 5C 09 0E 40 5D 0D F1 D0 CD CE D5 4D 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0D 40 5E 0D A3 E9 BD F1 D4 C7 55 5B 0B 44 5D 0C 43 3F 5D 0D 40 D4 CB DB E4 A8 D8 5C 0B 42 5A

D3 CB D3 DB 5B 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 4B E9 C2 EB BB C9 76 5C 0B 42 5C 0C 43 40 5D 0E 40 9F E0 D7 E5 C5 DF 64 0B 42 5A 0A 43 5A 5F 0D 40 5D C5 E6 CB D7 E8 CB 0C 42 5B 0B

C3 E9 C2 CF 75 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 40 5F 0D 40 61 E1 E4 DD A9 E3 7D 0C 42 5B 0C 43 5C 5D 0D 40 5D 71 E7 C6 D8 E3 D3 1B 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0B 0E 40 5D 0D F0 D6 BA ED DC BC 43 5B 0B 44

E3 DA B1 DF 83 0C 43 5A 0C 43 5C 5D 0E 41 5D 15 F1 D5 D0 C9 D7 3E 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0D 40 5D 0D CA D8 B6 F0 D7 C6 41 5B 0B 44 5D 0C 44 3F 5D 0D 40 E7 C7 E5 DF D1 AE 5C 0B 42 5A

D4 CC CF D3 4A 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0D 41 5E 0D 8E E8 C6 EB B5 CB 4F 5C 0B 43 5D 0C 42 3F 5D 0D 40 C9 C8 DE E3 CA E7 5C 0B 42 5A 0A 43 5A 5F 0D 40 5D DE E4 D7 D2 EC AC 0C 42 5B 0B

C5 E5 BD C6 74 5C 0C 43 5C 0C 43 41 5E 0E 40 8B E0 E3 DD A2 DD 61 0C 42 5A 0A 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5D B1 E4 CF D6 E4 DC 0C 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0B 0E 40 5D 0D F1 D4 C9 EE E1 8B 43 5B 0B 43

E2 D6 AA E0 78 0C 42 5A 0C 43 5C 5E 0E 40 5D 57 E4 D4 CF D3 D1 17 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0B 0E 40 5D 0D E0 D4 BF ED D8 D0 43 5B 0B 44 5D 0C 44 3F 5D 0D 40 E9 C4 EB E1 D7 79 5C 0B 42 5C

D3 C8 CC D3 3A 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 0E 40 5D 0D CF D5 C5 E8 C4 C4 41 5B 0B 43 5D 0C 43 3F 5D 0D 40 D9 C4 E5 DF CC E1 5C 0B 42 5A 0A 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5D E1 E6 DD D4 E7 87 0C 42 5B 0C

C5 E2 B9 C7 4A 5C 0B 42 5D 0C 43 3F 5D 0D 40 CE C5 E3 DA B5 EA 5C 0B 42 5A 0A 43 5A 5F 0D 40 5D CB E1 D6 D3 D9 D8 0C 42 5B 0B 43 5C 09 0E 40 5D 0D F3 D8 D0 E6 DC 4D 43 5B 0B 43

E6 D3 A6 DE 5F 0C 42 5B 0A 43 5C 5F 0D 40 5D B6 E1 D4 CC D3 DF 0C 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0B 0E 40 5D 0D F1 D0 C8 E9 CB C8 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 58 EC C9 EF D8 D0 7B 5C 0B 42 5C

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43 5C 0B 0D 40 5D 0D F4 DC B8 F2 C2 D1 41 5B 0B 44 5D 0C 44 3F 5D 0D 3F E9 CE D9 F3 E0 A5 5C 0B 42 5A 0A 43 5B 5D 0D 40 5E E1 D9 C1 8B DC 87 0B 42 5B 0B 43 59 5D 0D 40 5D 4F E6

5D 0C 44 3F 5D 0D 40 EC CD D3 E5 B3 D0 5C 0B 42 5A 0A 43 5A 5E 0D 40 5C E0 E3 C8 E7 E7 A6 0C 42 5B 0B 43 5B 09 0D 40 5D 0F F0 CA B5 A6 CF 4D 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0A 0D 40 5D 0D EA E3

0A 43 5A 5F 0D 40 5D E3 E8 C1 D9 EB C5 0C 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0B 0D 40 5D 0C F6 D3 B7 E0 DD 81 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0C 00 40 5D 0D 80 E8 BB C8 95 C1 73 5B 0B 42 5B 0C 43 40 5D 0D 40 E1 DF

43 5C 0B 0E 40 5D 0D F2 D9 AF F4 E0 B4 43 5B 0B 44 5D 0C 44 3F 5D 0D 40 EE C3 ED CF D0 7C 5B 0B 42 5B 0C 42 40 5D 0D 40 7E DF D9 BD 84 E5 82 0B 42 5B 0B 43 59 5D 0D 40 5D D5 EA

5D 0C 44 3F 5D 0D 40 E9 CA DC E7 D6 8A 5C 0B 42 5A 0A 43 5B 5E 0D 40 5C E6 D8 DE BD E7 8A 0B 42 5B 0B 43 5A 5D 0D 40 5D 41 E5 CA B2 BB D7 45 42 5B 0B 43 5D 0A 0D 40 5D 0D E8 E8

0A 43 5A 5F 0D 40 5D E0 E5 CC DB E6 8F 0C 42 5B 0B 43 5C 09 0D 40 5D 0D F5 C7 D0 CA DC 50 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0A 0D 40 5D 0D D3 D9 BB C3 AD C9 79 5B 0B 44 5C 0A 44 40 5D 0D 40 DF E5

43 5C 0B 0E 40 5D 0D F3 D5 BC EA DA 63 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 72 EE B4 F4 B6 D0 76 5B 0B 42 5B 0C 43 40 5D 0D 40 CD CD DA B9 9E EB 79 0B 42 5A 0C 43 5A 5D 0D 40 5D D7 F0

5D 0C 44 3F 5D 0D 40 EA C6 EB DC CF 7C 5C 0B 42 5C 0C 42 40 5E 0D 40 74 E6 DB E6 A1 E8 83 0B 42 5B 0B 43 59 5D 0D 40 5D BA DD CC AF D7 DF 39 42 5B 0B 43 5D 0B 0D 40 5D 0D E7 EE

0A 43 5B 5F 0D 40 5D E2 E4 DD CE EA 8B 0C 42 5B 0C 43 5B 5D 0D 40 5D 35 F2 CB D9 C7 DD 47 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0A 0D 40 5D 0D F2 CE BD C0 CE D2 49 5B 0B 44 5C 0A 44 40 5D 0D 3F DF ED

43 5C 09 0E 40 5D 0D F5 D4 D0 C7 E0 51 43 5B 0B 43 5C 0B 0D 40 5D 0D CC E9 BA F9 B3 D2 6F 5B 0B 44 5C 0B 44 40 5D 0D 40 E9 BE D2 B6 C5 E6 5E 0B 42 5A 0C 43 5A 5D 0D 40 5C D6 F2

5C 0C 00 3F 5D 0D 64 EE C5 EF B3 D5 79 5C 0B 42 5C 0C 44 40 5D 0D 40 C5 DE DF ED 9D EF 71 0B 42 5A 0A 43 5A 5D 0D 40 5D E0 E4 C4 AB D5 DC 11 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0B 0D 40 5D 0C E7 F2

0C 43 40 5F 0D 40 6C E6 E3 E2 A0 EF 85 0C 42 5B 0C 43 5A 5D 0D 40 5D AC ED D0 E0 F3 E5 31 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0B 0D 40 5D 0D F4 D5 B6 BA CA CF 43 5B 0B 42 5C 0C 42 40 5D 0D 45 E1 F1

43 5C 5D 0E 41 5D 29 F3 D3 D6 B7 E4 4A 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0B 0D 40 5D 0D F4 DE BF FD E7 DB 43 5B 0B 44 5C 0B 44 40 5D 0D 3F EB C7 CC AE BF 8D 5C 0B 42 5B 0C 44 5C 5D 0D 40 5F DA F1

5C 0C 0D 40 5E 0D C3 EA C3 F2 A2 DB 64 5B 0B 44 5D 0C 44 3F 5D 0D 40 EC CF D9 F0 DC F0 5C 0B 42 5A 0A 43 5A 5D 0D 40 5C E2 DC BF A2 D3 92 0C 42 5B 0B 43 5A 09 0D 40 5D 11 E5 F1

0C 42 40 5D 0E 40 BD E1 D9 E5 8B E8 69 0B 42 5A 0A 43 5A 5E 0D 40 5D E4 EB C8 E4 F4 E7 0E 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0B 0D 40 5D 0C F4 CD B2 AA C6 67 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0B 00 40 5D 0D 90 E0 F1

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F0 AA 3B 72 4F 42 5B 0B 43 5D 0A 0D 40 5D 0D D2 F7 ED B7 7E 73 55 5B 0B 44 5C 0A 44 40 5D 0D 3F E9 E0 E9 D4 D2 C3 5C 0B 42 5B 0C 44 5C 5D 0D 40 91 DA E4 E1 CD D1 99 0B 42 5B 0B

F0 8B 3B 6C 7B 5B 0B 44 5C 0A 44 40 5D 0D 40 D2 F6 ED B5 7F 83 64 0B 42 5A 0C 43 5A 5D 0D 40 5C E8 E9 E5 CC D9 BF 0C 42 5B 0B 43 5A 09 0D 40 5D 7B FC E0 DD D1 CD 61 42 5B 0B 42

EB 8B 3B 9C 7D 0B 42 5A 0C 43 5A 5D 0D 40 5D D2 F6 EC B2 72 86 1C 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0B 0D 40 5D 0C F2 E3 E1 E2 D2 B7 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0B 00 40 5D 0D AD FC DB DE CA C7 B2 5B 0B 42 5B

EB 8C 3C 94 3D 42 5B 0B 43 5D 0B 0D 40 5D 0D E1 F6 EA AB 72 89 43 5B 0B 42 5C 0C 42 40 5D 0D 75 F1 DD E4 DC CB D0 5B 0B 42 5B 0C 44 40 5D 0D 40 AC FC B8 D9 C2 C5 A9 0B 42 5B 0B

EB 6C 3B 8B 4B 5B 0B 44 5C 0A 44 40 5D 0D 3F E2 F6 E7 A9 71 A2 5C 0B 42 5B 0C 44 5C 5D 0D 40 82 F0 E6 DF D5 DC D0 0B 42 5B 0B 43 5A 5D 0D 40 5D AC F8 AA D3 BE B8 8B 42 5B 0B 43

E3 6C 3A B4 5F 0B 42 5A 0C 43 5A 5D 0D 40 5C E3 F5 E5 A6 6B A3 0C 42 5B 0B 43 5A 09 0D 40 5D 5E F5 E1 DA D4 D7 D0 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0B 0D 40 5D 0D AD F6 7D D6 B4 99 CB 5B 0B 44 5C

E4 6D 41 AB 13 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0B 0D 40 5D 0C EB F4 E3 A0 6A A5 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0B 00 40 5D 0D 9E F3 DA DC CC D1 D0 5B 0B 42 5B 0C 43 40 5D 0D 40 A4 F4 B7 CF A8 9A CB 0B 42 5A 0C

E4 53 40 A2 43 5B 0B 42 5C 0C 42 40 5D 0D 52 EC F3 DF 9D 6A BB 5B 0B 42 5B 0C 44 40 5D 0D 40 A0 F0 E0 D7 C3 DB D1 0B 42 5B 0B 43 59 5D 0D 40 5D 84 EE AD C8 BA 8F CC 42 5B 0B 43

D7 54 3F A2 5C 0B 42 5B 0C 44 5C 5D 0D 40 64 ED F4 DE 9B 69 BA 0B 42 5B 0B 43 5A 5D 0D 40 5D A2 F5 DB D0 CF D8 D2 42 5B 0B 43 5D 0A 0D 40 5D 0D A2 E9 7C DB AF 4D 9D 5B 0B 44 5C

D7 55 4A 9F 0C 42 5B 0B 43 5A 09 0D 40 5D 1D F2 F3 DC 93 69 BA 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0B 0D 40 5D 0D C6 F3 D6 D2 C7 D4 CF 5B 0B 44 5C 0A 43 40 5D 0D 40 97 E4 FF D6 A3 91 A4 0B 42 5A 0C

D8 45 48 86 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0B 00 40 5D 0D A1 F2 F1 D2 90 6A C4 5B 0B 42 5B 0C 43 40 5D 0D 40 C7 F0 E9 CA BC C9 D1 0B 42 5A 0C 43 59 5D 0D 40 5D 5E E5 FF D0 C6 88 90 42 5B 0B 43

C2 45 46 95 5B 0B 42 5B 0C 43 40 5D 0D 40 92 F3 F1 D1 8D 69 C7 0B 42 5B 0B 43 59 5D 0D 40 5D C8 F1 E5 C1 F3 C4 D3 42 5B 0B 43 5D 0A 0D 40 5D 0D A7 DE FF DB BD 43 43 5B 0B 42 5C

C3 46 5B 9C 0B 42 5B 0B 43 59 5D 0D 40 5D 80 F5 EF D0 89 6A BF 42 5B 0B 43 5D 0A 0D 40 5D 0D DE ED DD D4 EF B8 86 5B 0B 44 5C 0A 44 40 5D 0D 3F 9B D7 F2 D6 B3 9A 5C 0B 42 5B 0C

C4 3E 57 6F 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0A 0D 40 5D 0D C5 F5 EE C4 88 6B AE 5B 0B 44 5C 0A 43 40 5D 0D 40 DE E9 F6 CC EB B8 8F 0B 42 5A 0C 44 5A 5D 0D 40 5C 5F E6 F2 D0 CE 90 0C 42 5B 0B 43

A8 3F 54 7A 5B 0B 42 5B 0C 43 40 5D 0D 40 C5 F5 F1 C2 87 6F A4 0B 42 5A 0C 43 59 5D 0D 40 5D DE EB F4 C4 DF AF 6D 42 5B 0B 43 5A 0B 0D 40 5D 0C EE E1 F2 D9 C6 4E 42 5B 0B 42 5C

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43 59 5D 0D 40 5D 7C FB 84 E1 E1 8A 91 42 5B 0B 43 5D 0A 0B 40 5D 0D 9F D6 77 DE E1 5E 4C 5B 0B 44 5C 09 43 41 5D 0C 40 85 B8 A9 B1 6F 6F 5B 0B 42 5B 0A 44 5A 5E 0C 3F 5C 0D 5D

5C 0A 0D 40 5D 0D 73 F9 3E E0 DC 54 B2 5B 0B 44 5C 0A 44 40 5D 0D 40 A1 CD 9A D9 DE 6E 63 0B 42 5A 0C 44 59 5E 0D 3F 5D 53 BB AB AD 71 7E 0B 42 5B 0B 43 5A 0B 0E 40 5C 0C 40 72

0C 43 40 5D 0D 40 70 F7 99 DA D7 8C B2 0B 42 5A 0C 42 5A 5E 0B 40 5D A3 CE 8F D3 CB 71 18 42 5B 0B 43 5A 0A 0E 40 5C 0D 84 BD AD DE 72 4D 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0B 00 40 5D 0B 3F 5D 34

43 59 5D 0D 40 5D 69 E7 8F D4 D5 80 B3 42 5B 0B 43 5C 0B 0C 40 5D 0D 9E C8 66 DE C8 74 42 5B 0B 42 5C 09 43 41 5D 0C 3F 92 BE 9D D8 71 57 5B 0B 42 5B 0A 44 3E 5D 0C 40 5C 0D 61

5D 0A 0D 40 5D 0D 83 E1 4C E6 CE 47 92 5B 0B 44 5C 09 44 40 5D 0D 3F A1 C2 9A D8 C6 86 5B 0B 42 5B 0C 44 5A 5E 0D 3F 5C 6B BA 9E D1 7A 6B 0B 42 5B 0B 43 5A 5E 0D 40 5D 0C 41 75

0A 43 40 5D 0D 40 7D DA C8 E2 C6 90 9B 0B 42 5A 0C 44 5A 5E 0D 40 5C A5 B6 91 D1 7E 88 0B 42 5B 0B 43 5A 0A 0E 40 5C 0C 8F BD 9F BB 7C 2A 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0B 0D 40 5D 0D 40 5C 3A

43 59 5D 0D 40 5D 64 E1 BB DE D6 84 80 42 5B 0B 43 5A 0B 0C 40 5D 0C A3 B0 6B D0 7A 8B 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0B 00 41 5D 0C 3F 99 BF 8F B5 76 46 5B 0B 42 5B 0A 43 3F 5D 0C 40 5D 0C 64

5D 0A 0D 40 5D 0D 93 D9 90 DD CF 56 43 5B 0B 42 5C 0B 42 40 5D 0D 49 A4 A3 A2 C9 71 A0 5B 0B 42 5B 0C 43 40 5E 0D 3F 5C 7C B8 8F AF 7D 5E 0B 42 5B 0B 44 59 5D 0D 3F 5D 0D 48 77

0A 44 40 5D 0D 3F 88 D1 E6 D7 C7 8E 5C 0B 42 5B 0C 44 5C 5E 0D 40 63 A6 A8 9B C1 57 A1 0B 42 5B 0B 43 59 5D 0E 40 5C 0C A6 BB 90 6C 83 11 42 5B 0B 42 5B 0A 0D 3F 5C 0D 40 62 3F

44 5A 5D 0D 40 5C 5F D9 E0 D2 CC 83 0C 42 5B 0B 43 5A 09 0C 40 5D 1A B9 9F 84 D0 52 A3 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0A 0D 40 5D 0C 44 AC BD 86 6C 73 43 5B 0B 42 5B 09 43 3F 5C 0B 40 5D 16 67

5A 0B 0D 40 5D 0C A6 D0 CA CE C3 5D 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0B 00 40 5D 0D 85 B8 81 B5 CA 49 A6 5B 0B 42 5B 0C 43 40 5D 0D 40 60 9A B5 86 6C 7C 5C 0B 42 5A 0B 44 59 5D 0C 3F 5D 0D 52 79

0B 42 40 5D 0D 90 9C BF F3 C7 B4 89 5B 0B 42 5B 0C 43 40 5E 0D 40 94 B7 A7 B4 C4 56 AB 0B 42 5B 0B 43 59 5E 0D 40 5D 13 B7 B8 86 79 86 0C 42 5B 0B 43 5A 0A 0D 40 5C 0D 40 69 42

44 5C 5D 0D 40 99 78 AB F0 BF BC 82 0B 42 5B 0B 43 59 5D 0C 40 5D 6B EA 9F AB DF 53 A0 42 5B 0B 43 5B 0A 0E 40 5D 0D 58 B8 BB 87 79 68 43 5B 0B 42 5C 0A 43 40 5D 0B 3F 5D 23 68

5A 09 0D 40 5D 7F EA 9F EB DF B1 6C 42 5B 0B 42 5C 0A 0B 40 5D 0D A3 E7 81 D4 DD 50 82 5B 0B 44 5C 09 43 41 5D 0D 40 70 AE B0 86 79 7B 5D 0B 42 5A 0C 44 59 5E 0C 3F 5C 0D 58 7A

0B 00 40 5D 0D 7D E8 68 E9 DA 99 9A 5B 0B 42 5B 0C 43 40 5E 0D 40 A7 E5 A2 D1 DC 5B 8F 0B 42 5A 0C 43 59 5E 0D 3F 5D 2E B9 B3 86 6F 86 0A 42 5B 0B 43 5A 0A 0E 40 5C 0C 40 6E 44

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69 BE 15 40 5B 0A 42 5A 0B 44 3F 5E 0C 40 5D 0C 41 5C 0C 41 5C 0A 42 5D 0A 43 5B 62 0C 3F 5F 0C 41 60 0B 41 5E 0A 41 5F 0A 43 5E 09 0B 3F 62 0C 3F 63 0C 40 61 0B 40 61 09 42 61

7A B0 41 5B 0A 42 5B 0A 44 5A 5F 0D 3F 5D 0C 41 5D 0B 41 5C 0B 42 5C 0A 44 5B 0A 0D 3F 60 0C 3F 5E 0C 42 5E 0B 41 5F 0B 43 5F 09 42 3F 64 0C 40 62 0D 3F 61 0B 40 61 0B 40 61 09

46 51 5B 0B 42 5A 0B 44 5A 0B 0D 40 5E 0C 40 5C 0C 40 5C 0B 41 5D 0B 43 5C 0A 43 3F 61 0C 3F 5F 0B 3F 5F 0B 41 5F 0B 41 5F 0A 42 5E 64 0C 40 63 0B 40 62 0B 41 61 0B 40 62 09 42

68 62 0B 40 5B 0C 42 5A 09 43 3F 5E 0B 40 5D 0B 41 5C 0C 41 5D 0A 42 5D 0A 43 5B 61 0C 40 5F 0B 42 5F 0C 41 5E 0B 41 5F 0B 43 5E 09 0B 3F 62 0C 3F 62 0C 40 62 0B 40 61 09 42 61

78 2B 41 5B 0A 42 5B 0A 44 59 5F 0D 3F 5D 0C 41 5D 0C 41 5C 0B 42 5C 0A 44 5B 0A 0C 3F 60 0C 3F 5F 0B 42 5E 0B 41 5F 0B 43 5F 09 00 3F 64 0C 40 62 0C 3F 61 0C 40 61 0B 40 61 09

44 57 5B 0B 42 5A 0A 44 5A 0A 0D 40 5E 0C 40 5C 0C 41 5C 0B 42 5D 0B 44 5C 0A 43 3F 61 0C 3F 5F 0C 3F 5F 0B 41 5F 0B 41 5F 0A 42 3F 64 0C 40 63 0C 40 62 0B 40 61 0B 40 62 09 40

66 6B 0B 40 5B 0C 42 5A 09 43 3F 5F 0B 40 5D 0B 40 5C 0C 41 5D 0A 42 5C 0A 43 5D 61 0C 40 5F 0B 42 5F 0C 41 5E 0B 41 5F 0B 43 5E 64 0B 3F 62 0D 40 63 0C 40 61 0B 40 61 09 42 62

77 2D 41 5C 0A 42 5B 0A 44 59 5F 0C 40 5D 0C 41 5C 0C 41 5C 0A 42 5C 0B 44 5B 09 0C 3F 60 0C 3F 5F 0B 41 5F 0B 41 5F 0B 43 5F 09 0B 3F 62 0C 40 62 0A 3F 61 0B 40 61 0B 42 61 09

42 58 5B 09 42 5A 0A 45 5A 0A 0D 40 5E 0C 40 5C 0B 41 5C 0B 42 5D 0B 44 5C 0A 00 3F 61 0C 40 5F 0C 3F 5E 0C 41 5F 0B 43 5F 0A 42 3F 64 0C 40 62 0C 40 62 0B 40 61 0B 40 61 09 42

64 6D 0B 42 5B 0C 44 5B 0B 43 40 5F 0B 40 5D 0B 40 5C 0C 41 5D 0A 42 5C 0A 43 3F 61 0C 40 60 0C 40 5F 0B 41 5F 0B 42 5F 0B 42 5E 64 0B 40 62 0C 40 63 0C 40 61 0B 40 61 09 42 61

75 2C 41 5B 0A 42 5A 0B 44 5B 5E 0C 40 5D 0C 41 5C 0C 41 5C 0A 42 5C 0B 44 5B 61 0C 3F 60 0C 41 60 0B 41 5E 0B 41 5F 0B 43 5E 09 0B 3F 62 0C 40 62 0A 3F 61 0B 40 61 0B 42 61 09

40 51 5B 0A 42 5B 0B 45 5A 09 0D 40 5E 0C 40 5C 0B 5A 5C 0B 42 5D 0B 44 5C 0A 0C 3F 61 0C 40 5F 0C 3F 5E 0B 41 5F 0B 43 5F 09 42 3F 64 0C 3F 62 0C 40 62 0B 40 61 0B 40 61 09 42

8C 67 0B 42 5B 0B 44 5B 0B 00 40 5F 0B 40 5D 0B 40 70 0C 41 5D 0A 43 5C 0A 43 40 61 0C 40 60 0C 40 5F 0B 41 5F 0B 42 5E 0B 42 5E 64 0B 40 62 0C 41 63 0C 40 61 0B 40 61 09 42 61

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[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Figure 14: EMR_BITBLT record example, part 1 Type: 0x0000004C identifies this record type as EMR_BITBLT. Size: 0x00002FA8 specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Bounds: 0x00000000, 0x00000002D, 0x00000059, 0x00000059 specifies the bounding rectangle, in device units. xDest: 0x00000000 specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. yDest: 0x0000002D specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. cxDest: 0x0000005A specifies the logical width of the destination rectangle.

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00002FF0:09 00003000:42 00003010:3D 00003020:60 00003030:0F 00003040:3D 00003050:61 00003060:0E 00003070:3C 00003080:5F 00003090:0D 000030A0:3E 000030B0:5F 000030C0:0D 000030D0:3E 000030E0:60 000030F0:0B 00003100:3F

42 61 60 0F 3D 61 0E 3D 60 0D 3E 5F 0D 3F 60 0B 3F 60

61 09 0F 3D 60 0E 3D 61 0D 3E 5F 0D 3E 5F 0B 3F 60 0B

09 00 3D 60 0F 3D 61 0E 3E 5F 0D 3E 5F 0D 3D 60 0B 3F

42 3D 60 0F 3D 61 0E 3D 5F 0D 3E 5F 0D 3E 5F 0B 3E 60

61 60 0F 3D 61 0E 3D 61 0D 3E 5F 0D 3E 5F 0A 3F 60 0B

09 0F 3D 60 0E 3D 61 0E 3E 5F 0D 3E 5F 0D 3E 60 0B 3F

42 3D 60 0F 3D 61 0E 3D 5F 0D 3E 5F 0D 3E 5F 0B 3E 5F

61 60 0F 3D 61 0E 3D 61 0D 3E 5F 0D 3F 5F 0A 3F 60 0D

09 0F 3D 60 0E 3D 61 0E 3E 5F 0D 3E 5F 0D 3E 60 0B 3F

42 3D 60 0F 3C 61 0E 3D 5F 0D 3E 5F 0D 3E 5F 0B 3E 5F

61 60 0F 3D 60 0E 3D 61 0D 3E 5F 0D 3F 5F 0A 3F 60 0D

09 0F 3D 60 0D 3D 61 0E 3E 5F 0D 3E 5F 0D 3F 60 0B 3D

42 3D 60 0F 3C 61 0E 3D 5F 0D 3E 5F 0D 3E 60 0B 3F 5F

61 60 0F 3D 60 0E 3D 61 0D 3E 5F 0D 3F 5F 0B 3F 60 0A

09 0F 3D 60 0D 3D 61 0E 3E 5F 0D 3E 5F 0D 3F 60 0B 00

cyDest: 0x0000002D specifies the logical height of the destination rectangle.

Figure 15: EMR_BITBLT record example, part 2

xSrc: 0x00000000 specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. ySrc: 0x00000000 specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. xformSrc: 0x3F800000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x3F800000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 specify the world-space to page-space transform. For more information about coordinate spaces, see [MSDN-WRLDPGSPC].


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Figure 16: EMR_BITBLT record example, part 3 BkColorSrc: 0x00FFFFFF specifies the background RGB color.

UsageSrc: 0x00000000 specifies the value of the Colors field of the WMF DeviceIndependentBitmap object ([MS-WMF] section from the DIBColors enumeration (section 2.1.9).


BitBlitRasterOperation: 0x00CC0020 specifies the raster operation code from the WMF Ternary Raster Operation enumeration ([MS-WMF] section This code defines how the color data of the source rectangle is to be combined with the color data of the destination rectangle to achieve the final color.


272 / 305

offBmiSrc: 0x00000064 specifies the offset to the source DeviceIndependentBitmap object. cbBmiSrc: 0x00000000 specifies the size of the source DeviceIndependentBitmap object. offBitsSrc: 0x0000008C specifies the offset to the source bitmap bits. cbBitsSrc: 0x00002F1C specifies the size of the source bitmap bits.



00003110:12 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 01 00 00 00

Type: 0x00000012 identifies this record type as EMR_SETBKMODE. Size: 0x0000000C specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Mode: 0x00000001 specifies the background color value.

This section provides an example of the EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW record (section

00003110: 00003120:70 00003130:4E 00003140:04 00003150:00 00003160:BC 00003170:4C 00003180:00 00003190:0E 000031A0:1C 000031B0:00 000031C0:00 000031D0:00 000031E0:1C 000031F0:58 00003200:00 00003210:00 00003220:D0 00003230:2D 00003240:00 00003250:10 52 00 00 6C 0C 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 59 1C 00 00 00 00 00 00 45 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 00 00


01 0C 00 00 16 00 00 20 2F 00 00 00 2F 00 00 00 C5 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 E8 00 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 35 00 00 90

00 00 02 00 FE 00 00 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 00 01

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

02 4E 41 00 FE FE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0C 00 00 07 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 72 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F3 C8 69 00 20 DA F0 28 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 00 28 00 00 25 FF 00 00 00 00 16 F6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 61 00 CC 01 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 B8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00



273 / 305

Figure 17: EMR_SETBKMODE record example


This section provides an example of the EMR_SETBKMODE record (section

00003260:D3 3F EC FE FE 07 00 00 79 0D 21 11 00 00 00 00 00003270:10 00 90 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 59 00 00 00 00003280:2D 00 00 00 64 76 00 08 00 00 00 00

Figure 18: EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW record example

Type: 0x00000052 identifies this record type as EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW. Size: 0x00000170 specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

ihFonts: 0x00000002 specifies the object index that is assigned to the font. elw: To determine the type of logical font object in this field, an algorithm (section is applied, which indicates this is a variable-length LogFontExDv object (section 2.2.15).


Figure 19: LogFontExDv object, part 1 Height: 0xFFFFFFF3 has an absolute value of 13, which specifies the character height for this font, in logical units.
274 / 305 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012



Width: 0x00000000 specifies a computed font width. The aspect ratio of the device is matched against the digitization aspect ratio of the font to find the closest match, determined by the absolute value of the difference. Escapement: 0x00000C4E specifies an angle of 315 degrees between the baseline of a row of text and the x-axis of the device. Orientation: 0x00000C4E specifies an angle of 315 degrees between each character's baseline and the x-axis of the device.

Italic: 0x00 specifies that the font is not italic. Underline: 0x00 specifies that the font is not underlined.

Strikeout: 0x00 specifies that the font characters do not have a strike-out graphic.

CharSet: 0x01 specifies the default character set, from the WMF CharacterSet enumeration ([MSWMF] section OutPrecision: 0x04 specifies the output precision, which is how closely the output is expected to match the requested font properties, from the WMF OutPrecision enumeration ([MS-WMF] section The value 0x04 specifies a TrueType font, if there is a choice between multiple fonts with the same name. ClipPrecision: 0x00 specifies the clipping precision, which is how to clip characters that are partially outside the clipping region, from the WMF ClipPrecision flags ([MS-WMF] section The value 0x00 specifies default clipping behavior. Quality: 0x00 specifies default output quality, from the WMF FontQuality enumeration ([MS-WMF] section PitchAndFamily: 0x02 specifies a variable-pitch font, and no preference for font family, from the WMF PitchAndFamily object ([MS-WMF] section Facename: "Arial" specifies the typeface name of the font in Unicode characters.


275 / 305 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012



Weight: 0x000000C8 specifies that the weight of the font is 200, in the range 0 through 1000, from lightest to darkest, with 400 (0x00000190) considered normal.

Figure 20: LogFontExDv object, part 2

Style: An empty string describes the font's style.

Script: An empty string describes the font's character set.

Signature: 0x08007664 specifies the signature of a DesignVector object (section 2.2.3). NumAxes: 0x00000000 specifies the number of font axes described in the DesignVector object.



This section provides an example of the EMR_SELECTOBJECT record (section


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

00003280: 00003290:0C 00 00 00 02 00 00 00

Figure 21: EMR_SELECTOBJECT record example Type: 0x00000025 identifies this record type as EMR_SELECTOBJECT. Size: 0x0000000C specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

25 00 00 00

FullName: An empty string specifies the font's full name.

276 / 305

ihObject: 0x00000002 specifies the index of an object in the EMF Object Table.



This section provides an example of the EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record (section

00003290: 000032A0:00 000032B0:01 000032C0:05 000032D0:00 000032E0:68 000032F0:20 00003300:09 00003310:03 00003320:07 00003330:07 54 FF 00 4C FF 6D 70 0B 04 07 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 0D 00 FF 70 6C 00 00 00 00 FF 42 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 A0 FF 12 00 FF 6C 65 07 09 03 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 65 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Figure 22: EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record example Type: 0x00000054 identifies this record type as EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW. Size: 0x000000A0 specifies the size of this record, in bytes. Bounds: 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF values are not used. iGraphicsMode: 0x00000001 specifies the current graphics mode. exScale: 35.260418 specifies the X scale from page units to .01mm units if graphics mode is GM_COMPATIBLE. eyScale: 35.250000 specifies the Y scale from page units to .01mm units if graphics mode is GM_COMPATIBLE.

277 / 305



00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 53 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 AB 0E 00 53 61 03 07 0B 09

00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 0D 00 00 69 6D 00 00 00 00

00 42 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

aemrtext: An array of EmrText objects (section 2.2.5) that specifies the properties of the strings to be output, and where to find the output strings and spacing values.

Figure 23: EmrText object example

Reference: 0x00000012, 0x00000005 specify the coordinates of the reference point used to position the string. Chars: 0x0000000E specifies the number of characters in the string.

Options: 0x00000000 specifies that the Rectangle field is not used. Rectangle: 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF values are not used.

text: "Simple Sample".

offDx: 0x00000068 specifies the offset to an intercharacter spacing array, in bytes, from the start of the EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record.



This section provides an example of the EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW record (section

00003330: 00003340:03 00003350:4E 00003360:4D 00003370:74 00003380:65 00003390:00 000033A0:00 000033B0:01 52 00 00 6F 6E 00 00 59 1C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2F 00 00 00 73 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 70 4E 04 6F 20 00 00 2D 00 01 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 66 53 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00


00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 69 20 72 00 00 18

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

F3 C8 63 53 69 00 28 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 72 61 66 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

offString: 0x0000004C specifies the offset to the string, in bytes, from the start of the EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

278 / 305

Figure 24: EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW record example

Type: 0x00000052 identifies this record type as EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW. Size: 0x00000170 specifies the size of this record, in bytes. ihFonts: 0x00000003 specifies the object index that is assigned to the font.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

elw: To determine the type of logical font object in this field, an algorithm (section is applied, which indicates this is a variable-length LogFontExDv object (section 2.2.15).

279 / 305


000033C0:00 000033D0:00 000033E0:FE 000033F0:00 00003400:64 00003410:0D 00003420:00 00003430:00 00003440:00 00003450:00 00003460:00 00003470:FE 00003480:FE 00003490:00 000034A0:64

00 00 07 00 76 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 07 00 76

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08

00 25 79 00 00 00 00 00 92 00 00 BE C4 01 00

00 00 0D 00 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 06 04 00 00

00 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 CD 00 00 5A 5A 00 00

00 00 11 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 FE FE 00 00

00 00 00 59 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FE FE 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 07 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

10 D3 10 2D 00 00 00 00 CA FF 95 87 79 F0

00 3F 00 00 08 00 00 00 BE FF F1 F2 0D 02

90 EC 90 00 0D 00 00 00 CD 5A 53 53 21 5A

01 FE 01 00 00 00 00 00 02 FE FE FE 11 FE

Figure 25: LogFontExDv object, part 1

Height: 0xFFFFFFF3 has an absolute value of 13, which specifies the character height for this font in logical units. Width: 0x00000000 specifies a computed font width. The aspect ratio of the device is matched against the digitization aspect ratio of the font to find the closest match, determined by the absolute value of the difference. Escapement: 0x00000C4E specifies an angle of 315 degrees between the baseline of a row of text and the x-axis of the device.

Weight: 0x000000C8 specifies that the weight of the font is 200, in the range 0 through 1000, from lightest to darkest, with 400 (0x00000190) considered normal.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Italic: 0x00 specifies that the font is not italic.

Underline: 0x00 specifies that the font is not underlined. Strikeout: 0x00 specifies that the font characters do not have a strike-out graphic.

CharSet: 0x00 specifies the ANSI_CHARSET, as defined in the WMF CharacterSet enumeration ([MS-WMF] section

OutPrecision: 0x04 specifies the output precision, which is how closely the output is expected to match the requested font properties, from the WMF OutPrecision enumeration ([MS-WMF] section The value 0x04 specifies a TrueType font, if there is a choice between multiple fonts with the same name. ClipPrecision: 0x00 specifies the clipping precision, which is how to clip characters that are partially outside the clipping region, from the WMF ClipPrecision flags ([MS-WMF] section The value 0x00 specifies default clipping behavior.

Orientation: 0x00000C4E specifies an angle of 315 degrees between each character's baseline and the x-axis of the device.



280 / 305

Quality: 0x00 specifies default output quality, from the WMF FontQuality enumeration ([MS-WMF] section PitchAndFamily: 0x02 specifies a variable-pitch font, and no preference for font family, from the WMF PitchAndFamily object ([MS-WMF] section Facename: "Microsoft Sans Serif" specifies the typeface name of the font in Unicode characters.

Figure 26: LogFontExDv object, part 2

Style: An empty string describes the font's style.

Script: An empty string describes the font's character set. Signature: 0x08007664 specifies the signature of a DesignVector object (section 2.2.3).


000034A0: 000034B0:03 00 00 00 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

NumAxes: 0x00000000 specifies the number of font axes described in the DesignVector object.

This section provides an example of the EMR_SELECTOBJECT record (section

25 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00

FullName: An empty string specifies the font's full name.

281 / 305


Figure 27: EMR_SELECTOBJECT Record Example Type: Identifies this record type as EMR_SELECTOBJECT. Size: Specifies the size of this record, in bytes. ihObject: Specifies the index of an object in the EMF Object Table.



This section provides an example of the EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW record (section

000034B0: 000034C0:F2 000034D0:C8 000034E0:63 000034F0:53 00003500:69 00003510:00 00003520:C8 00003530:20 00003540:06 00003550:01 00003560:03 00003570:A0 00003580:90 00003590:6F 000035A0:20 000035B0:00 000035C0:40 000035D0:FF 000035E0:20 000035F0:10 00003600:00 00003610:00 00003620:00 52 00 00 6F 6E 00 00 00 00 04 01 00 00 4D 74 65 00 FE FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 07 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 73 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 69 20 72 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 70 4E 04 6F 20 00 00 10 10 01 0D 3B 03 63 53 69 FF 9D 01 00 26 01 20 01 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 FF 04 00 00 36 00 AC 00 00 00 66 53 00 00 90 00 00 00 00 00 72 61 66 5A 00 00 07 E3 00 CF 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FE 00 00 02 76 00 02 04 4E 4D 74 65 00 00 00 06 01 00 00 FE 6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 27 76 00 00 69 20 72 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 73 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

FF 00 00 00 00 00 F1 AC 00 00 00 E8 01 00 00 00 02 FF AC AC 00 00 00

FF 00 72 61 66 00 13 CF 00 00 00 07 00 66 53 00 5A FF CF CF 07 00 00

FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 FE FF 02 02 02 00 00

282 / 305


Figure 28: EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW record example

Type: 0x00000052 identifies this record type as EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW. Size: 0x00000170 specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

ihFonts: 0x00000004 specifies the object index that is assigned to the font.

elw: To determine the type of logical font object in this field, an algorithm (section is applied, which indicates this is a variable-length LogFontExDv object (section 2.2.15).


Figure 29: LogFontExDv object, part 1
[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Height: 0xFFFFFFF2 has an absolute value of 14, which specifies the character height for this font in logical units. Width: 0x00000000 specifies a computed font width. The aspect ratio of the device is matched against the digitization aspect ratio of the font to find the closest match, determined by the absolute value of the difference. Escapement: 0x00000C4E specifies an angle of 315 degrees between the baseline of a row of text and the x-axis of the device.

283 / 305



Orientation: 0x00000C4E specifies an angle of 315 degrees between each character's baseline and the x-axis of the device. Weight: 0x000000C8 specifies that the weight of the font is 200, in the range 0 through 1000, from lightest to darkest, with 400 (0x00000190) considered normal. Italic: 0x00 specifies that the font is not italic. Underline: 0x00 specifies that the font is not underlined.

CharSet: 0x00 specifies the ANSI_CHARSET, as defined in the WMF CharacterSet enumeration ([MS-WMF] section

ClipPrecision: 0x00 specifies the clipping precision, which is how to clip characters that are partially outside the clipping region, from the WMF ClipPrecision flags ([MS-WMF] section The value 0x00 specifies default clipping behavior.

PitchAndFamily: 0x02 specifies a variable-pitch font, and no preference for font family, from the WMF PitchAndFamily object ([MS-WMF] section Facename: "Microsoft Sans Serif" specifies the typeface name of the font in Unicode characters.


Figure 30: LogFontExDv object, part 2 FullName: An empty string specifies the font's full name.
284 / 305 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Quality: 0x00 specifies default output quality, from the WMF FontQuality enumeration ([MS-WMF] section


OutPrecision: 0x04 specifies the output precision, which is how closely the output is expected to match the requested font properties, from the WMF OutPrecision enumeration ([MS-WMF] section The value 0x04 specifies a TrueType font, if there is a choice between multiple fonts with the same name.

Strikeout: 0x00 specifies that the font characters do not have a strike-out graphic.

Style: An empty string describes the font's style. Script: An empty string describes the font's character set. Signature: 0x08007664 specifies the signature of a DesignVector object (section 2.2.3). NumAxes: 0x00000000 specifies the number of font axes described in the DesignVector object.




25 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 04 00 00 00

Type: Identifies this record type as EMR_SELECTOBJECT. Size: Specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

ihObject: Specifies the index of an object in the EMF Object Table.

This section provides an example of the EMR_DELETEOBJECT record (section

00003630:28 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 03 00 00 00


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Figure 32: EMR_DELETEOBJECT record example Type: Identifies this record type as EMR_DELETEOBJECT. Size: Specifies the size of this record, in bytes. ihObject: Specifies the index of the object to be deleted.



285 / 305

Figure 31: EMR_SELECTOBJECT record example


This section provides an example of the EMR_SELECTOBJECT record (section



This section provides an example of the EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW record (section

00003630: 00003640:70 00003650:4E 00003660:04 00003670:6F 00003680:20 00003690:00 000036A0:00 000036B0:69 000036C0:FF 000036D0:9D 000036E0:01 000036F0:00 00003700:F3 00003710:94 00003720:65 00003730:00 00003740:55 00003750:00 00003760:40 00003770:08 00003780:07 00003790:04 000037A0:01 52 00 00 6F 6E 00 00 65 00 FE FF 00 FE 00 00 00 89 04 00 FE 00 00 FE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 FF 00 07 00 00 00 1A 00 00 07 00 00 07 00 00 00 73 73 00 00 72 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Figure 33: EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW record example Type: 0x00000052 identifies this record type as EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW. Size: 0x00000170 specifies the size of this record, in bytes. ihFonts: 0x00000003 specifies the object index that is assigned to the font.

elw: To determine the type of logical font object in this field, an algorithm (section is applied, which indicates this is a variable-length LogFontExDv object (section 2.2.15).

286 / 305


01 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 04 00 00 14 8A 58 F5 00 00 02 F5 CB 00 00

00 00 00 66 53 00 00 66 5A 00 00 07 00 E8 53 13 00 00 5A 13 54 00 00

00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 FE 00 00 02 00 FE FE 00 00 00 FE 00 FE 00 00

03 4E 4D 74 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FE 00 00 00 FE 00 00 FE 00 64

00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 07 00 00 07 00 76

00 00 69 20 72 00 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08

13 C8 63 53 69 00 20 00 40 FF 20 40 F3 04 00 03 00 79 26 00 79 24 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 FF AC 02 14 00 00 01 00 0D 06 F5 0D 07 00

00 00 72 61 66 00 53 00 5A FF CF 5A 0A 00 00 56 00 21 5A 13 21 5A 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FE FF 02 FE 1E 00 00 E5 00 11 FE 00 11 FE 00


Figure 34: LogFontExDv object, part 1

Height: 0x00000013 specifies the cell height for this font, in logical units.

Escapement: 0x00000C4E specifies an angle of 315 degrees between the baseline of a row of text and the x-axis of the device. Orientation: 0x00000C4E specifies an angle of 315 degrees between each character's baseline and the x-axis of the device. Weight: 0x000000C8 specifies that the weight of the font is 200, in the range 0 through 1000, from lightest to darkest, with 400 (0x00000190) considered normal. Italic: 0x00 specifies that the font is not italic.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Underline: 0x00 specifies that the font is not underlined. Strikeout: 0x00 specifies that the font characters do not have a strike-out graphic.

CharSet: 0x00 specifies the ANSI_CHARSET, as defined in the WMF CharacterSet enumeration ([MS-WMF] section

OutPrecision: 0x04 specifies the output precision, which is how closely the output is expected to match the requested font properties, from the WMF OutPrecision enumeration ([MS-WMF] section The value 0x04 specifies a TrueType font, if there is a choice between multiple fonts with the same name. ClipPrecision: 0x00 specifies the clipping precision, which is how to clip characters that are partially outside the clipping region, from the WMF ClipPrecision flags ([MS-WMF] section The value 0x00 specifies default clipping behavior. Quality: 0x00 specifies default output quality, from the WMF FontQuality enumeration ([MS-WMF] section


Width: 0x00000000 specifies a computed font width. The aspect ratio of the device is matched against the digitization aspect ratio of the font to find the closest match, determined by the absolute value of the difference.


287 / 305

PitchAndFamily: 0x02 specifies a variable-pitch font, and no preference for font family, from the WMF PitchAndFamily object ([MS-WMF] section Facename: "Microsoft Sans Serif" specifies the typeface name of the font in Unicode characters.

Figure 35: LogFontExDv object, part 2

FullName: An empty string specifies the font's full name. Style: An empty string describes the font's style.

Signature: 0x08007664 specifies the signature of a DesignVector object (section 2.2.3). NumAxes: 0x00000000 specifies the number of font axes described in the DesignVector object.

000037A0: 000037B0:0c 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012



This section provides an example of the EMR_SELECTOBJECT record (section

25 00 00 00


Script: An empty string describes the font's character set.

288 / 305


Figure 36: EMR_SELECTOBJECT record example Type: 0x00000025 identifies this record type as EMR_SELECTOBJECT. Size: 0x0000000C specifies the size of this record, in bytes. ihObject: 0x00000003 specifies the index of an object in the EMF Object Table.



000037B0: 000037C0:02 00 00 00

25 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00

Figure 37: EMR_SELECTOBJECT record example

Type: 0x00000025 identifies this record type as EMR_SELECTOBJECT. Size: 0x0000000C specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

ihObject: 0x00000002 specifies the index of an object in the EMF Object Table.



This section provides an example of the EMR_DELETEOBJECT record (section

000037C0: 28 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 04 00 00 00


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Figure 38: EMR_DELETEOBJECT record example Type: 0x00000028 identifies this record type as EMR_DELETEOBJECT. Size: 0x0000000C specifies the size of this record, in bytes. ihObject: 0x00000004 specifies the index of the object to be deleted.


289 / 305

This section provides an example of the EMR_SELECTOBJECT record (section



This section provides an example of the EMR_DELETEOBJECT record (section

000037D0:28 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 03 00 00 00

Figure 39: EMR_DELETEOBJECT record example

Type: 0x00000028 identifies this record type as EMR_DELETEOBJECT. Size: 0x0000000C specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

ihObject: 0x00000003 specifies the index of the object to be deleted.

This section provides an example of the EMR_SELECTOBJECT record (section

000037D0: 000037E0:0c 00 00 00 0D 00 00 80 25 00 00 00


3.2.22 EMR_EOF Example
[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Figure 40: EMR_SELECTOBJECT record example Type: 0x00000025 identifies this record type as EMR_SELECTOBJECT. Size: 0x0000000C specifies the size of this record, in bytes. ihObject: 0x8000000D specifies the index of an object in the EMF Object Table.

This section provides an example of the EMR_EOF record (section

000037E0: 0E 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 000037F0:00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 14 00 00 00

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Figure 41: EMR_EOF record example Type: 0x0000000E identifies this record type as EMR_EOF.

Size: 0x00000014 specifies the size of this record, in bytes.

nPalEntries: 0x00000000 specifies the number of palette entries.

offPalEntries: 0x00000010 specifies the offset to the palette entries.

SizeLast: 0x00000014 is the same as the Size value. It is the last field in the metafile.


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Security Considerations
This file format enables third parties to send payloads (such as PostScript) to pass through as executable code.


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Appendix A: Product Behavior

The information in this specification is applicable to the following Microsoft products or supplemental software. References to product versions include released service packs: Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 operating system Microsoft Windows NT 3.5 operating system Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 operating system Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 operating system Microsoft Windows 98 operating system Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition operating system Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system Windows XP operating system Windows Server 2003 operating system Windows Vista operating system Windows Server 2008 operating system Windows 7 operating system

Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system

Windows 8 Consumer Preview operating system Windows Server 8 Beta operating system

Exceptions, if any, are noted below. If a service pack or Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) number appears with the product version, behavior changed in that service pack or QFE. The new behavior also applies to subsequent service packs of the product unless otherwise specified. If a product edition appears with the product version, behavior is different in that product edition.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Unless otherwise specified, any statement of optional behavior in this specification that is prescribed using the terms SHOULD or SHOULD NOT implies product behavior in accordance with the SHOULD or SHOULD NOT prescription. Unless otherwise specified, the term MAY implies that the product does not follow the prescription. <1> Section 1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition do not support WCS color management. <2> Section 1.3.1: EMF metafiles have changed over the years with the evolution of Windows operating systems. They were introduced with 32-bit Windows and replaced the 16-bit WMF metafile [MS-WMF] as the Windows standard. <3> Section 1.3.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition: This form of EMF metafile is not supported. <4> Section 1.3.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000: This form of EMF metafile is not supported.

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<5> Section 1.4: The EMF format supersedes WMF format, which was used in 16-bit Windows versions. <6> Section 1.4: Windows applications that use the Graphics Device Interface, Extended (GDI)+ API can create EMF metafiles that contain EMF+ records. See [MSDN-GDI+] for more information. <7> Section 1.6: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition: EMF extension 1 is not supported.

<9> Section 2.1.1: Only Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 support EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS. <10> Section 2.1.1: Windows GDI emulates EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA with an EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record.

<11> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1 is the only Windows version in which GDI uses EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA records for text output. All other versions emulate EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA with EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW records. <12> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1 is the only Windows version in which GDI uses EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW records for text output. All other versions emulate EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW with EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW records. <13> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, and Windows NT 3.51 do not support EMR_SETICMMODE. <14> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, and Windows NT 3.51 do not support EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE.

<16> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, and Windows NT 3.51 do not support EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

<17> Section 2.1.1: Windows uses an EMR_DELETEOBJECT record to delete a logical color space object. <18> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, and Windows NT 3.51 do not support EMR_GLSRECORD. <19> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, and Windows NT 3.51 do not support EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD. <20> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, and Windows NT 3.51 do not support EMR_PIXELFORMAT. <21> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE. <22> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_SETICMPROFILEA.

<15> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, and Windows NT 3.51 do not support EMR_SETCOLORSPACE.



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<8> Section 1.6: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000: EMF extension 2 is not supported.

<23> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_SETICMPROFILEW. <24> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_ALPHABLEND. <25> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_SETLAYOUT. <26> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT.

<27> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_GRADIENTFILL.

<29> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_COLORMATCHTOTARGETW. <30> Section 2.1.1: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_CREATECOLORSPACEW.

<32> Section 2.1.11: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition: Do not support the ETO_RTLREADING flag used to indicate right-toleft reading order.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

<34> Section 2.1.11: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition: Do not support the ETO_NUMERICSLATIN flag used to indicate the display of numeric digits appropriate to Europe. <35> Section 2.1.11: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition: Do not support the ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE flag used to indicate that international scripting support is not used, which may cause no text to be output.

<36> Section 2.1.11: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000: Do not support the ETO_PDY flag used to indicate that that both horizontal and vertical character displacement values SHOULD be provided. <37> Section 2.1.11: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000: Do not support the ETO_REVERSE_INDEX_MAP flag. <38> Section 2.1.16: GM_COMPATIBLE graphics mode is used for compatibility between both 16bit and 32-bit systems.

<33> Section 2.1.11: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition: Do not support the ETO_NUMERICSLOCAL flag used to indicate the display of numeric digits appropriate to the locale.


<31> Section 2.1.11: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition: Do not support the ETO_GLYPH_INDEX flag used for bitmap and vector fontsin addition to TrueType fontsto indicate that no further language processing is necessary and that GDI should process the string directly. See [MSDN-GDI+] for more information.


<28> Section 2.1.1: Windows GDI uses an EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record (section to perform this function.

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<39> Section 2.1.16: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000: GM_ADVANCED is not supported. <40> Section 2.1.18: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition: Do not support ICM_OFF. <41> Section 2.1.18: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition: Do not support ICM_ON. <42> Section 2.1.18: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition: Do not support ICM_QUERY. <43> Section 2.1.18: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition: Do not support ICM_DONE_OUTSIDEDC. <44> Section 2.1.31: In Windows implementations, BS_HOLLOW was added as a duplicate symbolic name for BS_NULL because BS_NULL was too easily mistaken for a null pointer.

BS_HOLLOW is used by an application when GDI requires a non-null brush parameter, but the application requires that no brush be used. See [MSDN-GDI+] for more information. <45> Section 2.1.31: On Windows, this is the "Courier" font.

<46> Section 2.1.31: On Windows, this is the "MS Sans Serif" font.

Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition: The system font is "MS Sans Serif". Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8 Consumer Preview, and Windows Server 8 Beta: The system font is "Tahoma". <48> Section 2.1.31: Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition: This value is not supported. Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8 Consumer Preview, and Windows Server 8 Beta: This value is considered equivalent to SYSTEM_FONT for the purposes of screen display of metafiles. <49> Section 2.1.31: On Windows, this palette consists of the static colors in the system palette. <50> Section 2.1.31: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition: The default user interface font is "MS Sans Serif". Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8 Consumer Preview, and Windows Server 8 Beta: The default user-interface font is "Tahoma".


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

<51> Section 2.1.31: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8 Consumer Preview, and Windows Server 8 Beta: The default brush is WHITE_BRUSH. <52> Section 2.1.31: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8 Consumer Preview, and Windows Server 8 Beta: The default pen is BLACK_PEN.


<47> Section 2.1.31: On Windows, this is the font used to draw menu text and dialog box controls.


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<53> Section 2.1.32: Windows also uses the following symbolic names for the StretchMode enumeration; their meanings are exactly the same as the members with the same values.

<56> Section 2.2.5: In Windows implementations, this is the clipping and/or opaquing rectangle that is passed to GDI methods ExtTextOutA and ExtTextOutW.

<57> Section 2.2.6: Windows does not parse the PostScript data in an EpsData object; the data is handed off to the graphics printer driver if the driver supports PostScript printing. <58> Section 2.2.9: Windows does not check this value.

BS_HOLLOW is used by an application when GDI requires a non-null brush parameter, but the application requires that no brush be used. See [MSDN-GDI+] for more information. <60> Section 2.2.13: In Windows implementations, the aspect ratio of the device is matched against the digitization aspect ratios of the available fonts to find the closest match, determined by the absolute value of the difference. <61> Section 2.2.13: Windows uses a weight value of 400 by default.
Value Thin Weight 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900


Extra Light (Ultra Light) Light Normal (Regular) Medium Semi-Bold (Demi-Bold) Bold Extra Bold (Ultra Bold) Heavy (Black) [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

<62> Section 2.2.20: In Windows implementations, BS_HOLLOW was added as a duplicate symbolic name for BS_NULL because BS_NULL was too easily mistaken for a null pointer.


<59> Section 2.2.12: In Windows implementations, BS_HOLLOW was added as a duplicate symbolic name for BS_NULL because BS_NULL was too easily mistaken for a null pointer.


<55> Section 2.2.2: Windows can generate ColorAdjustment objects with values outside their valid ranges. Such objects are ignored.

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<54> Section 2.2.2: Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition do not support the ColorAdjustment object.

BS_HOLLOW is used by an application when GDI requires a non-null brush parameter, but the application requires that no brush be used. See [MSDN-GDI+] for more information. <63> Section 2.2.22: Windows implementations do not support this flag. <64> Section 2.2.22: Windows can use this flag to indicate that the pixel format specified by this structure is supported by GDI. See [MSDN-GDI+] for more information. Windows can also use this flag to specify single-buffering for the pixel buffer.

<66> Section 2.2.22: Windows uses this with OpenGL drawing only.

<67> Section 2.2.22: Windows does not support alpha bitplanes. <68> Section 2.2.22: Windows does not support alpha bitplanes.

<69> Section 2.2.22: Windows does not support alpha bitplanes.

<71> Section 2.3.1: Windows does not support rotation or shear transforms. <72> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_ALPHABLEND. <73> Section Windows might set this to a non-zero value.

<75> Section Windows uses the EMR_ALPHABLEND record (section to specify a block transfer of a 32 bits-per-pixel bitmap with alpha transparency.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

<76> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 ignore EMR_COMMENT records. <77> Section On playback, the first graphics format recognized by Windows is used to render the image. <78> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition create EMF metafiles with an EmfMetafileHeader header record (section <79> Section Windows NT 4.0 creates EMF metafiles with an EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1 header record (section

<80> Section Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8 Consumer Preview, and Windows Server 8 Beta create EMF metafiles with an EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 header record (section

<74> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT.


<70> Section 2.2.27: In this case, Windows uses the logical font that is currently selected in the playback device context.

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Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 do not support this flag.

<65> Section 2.2.22: Windows uses this flag to indicate that the pixel pixel format is supported by GDI.

<81> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition do not support this type of EMF metafile header. <82> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition do not support this type of EMF metafile header. <83> Section Windows GDI emulates EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA with an EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record. <84> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_GRADIENTFILL. <85> Section Windows uses true colors in 24-bits-per-pixel (bpp) and 32-bpp formats, and dithering in 4-bpp, 8-bpp, and 16-bpp formats.

<87> Section Windows NT 3.1 is the only Windows version in which GDI uses EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW records for text output. All other versions emulate EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW with EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW records. <88> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, and Windows NT 3.51 do not support EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE. <89> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, and Windows NT 3.51 do not support EMR_CREATECOLORSPACEW. <90> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 metafiles contain a LogFont object in this field. <91> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE. <92> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, and Windows NT 3.51 do not support EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE. <93> Section Windows uses an EMR_DELETEOBJECT record to delete a logical color space object. <94> Section Windows GDI does not perform parameter validation on this value, which can lead to the generation of EMF metafiles that contain invalid EMR_RESIZEPALETTE records. Windows ignores such invalid records when processing metafiles. <95> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, and Windows NT 3.51 do not support EMR_SETCOLORSPACE. <96> Section 2.3.9: Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition: OpenGL records are not supported. <97> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, and Windows NT 3.51 do not support EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD. <98> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, and Windows NT 3.51 do not support EMR_GLSRECORD.


[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012



<86> Section Windows NT 3.1 is the only Windows version in which GDI uses EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA records for text output. All other versions emulate EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA with EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW records.

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<99> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_COLORMATCHTOTARGETW. <100> Section On Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8 Consumer Preview, and Windows Server 8 Beta, before applying the current color transform, WCS is enabled in the playback device context. <101> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, and Windows NT 3.51 do not support EMR_PIXELFORMAT.

<103> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_SETICMPROFILEA. <104> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_SETICMPROFILEW. <105> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 do not support EMR_SETLAYOUT.

<106> Section Only Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 support EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS.

<108> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition do not support EMR_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION. <109> Section Windows GDI uses an EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record (section to perform this function.


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<107> Section Windows GDI accepts a floating-point value for the corresponding miter length limit value,


<102> Section Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5, and Windows NT 3.51 do not support EMR_SETICMMODE.

Change Tracking
No table of changes is available. The document is either new or has had no changes since its last release.


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BackgroundMode enumeration 31 BitFIX28_4 Object 52 BitFIX28_4 packet 52 BitmapRecordTypes packet 82 Byte ordering 19 Byte ordering example 235

Change tracking 301 ClippingRecordTypes packet 112 ColorAdjustment enumeration 31 ColorAdjustment Object 52 ColorAdjustment packet 52 ColorMatchToTarget enumeration 31 ColorSpace enumeration 32 CommentRecordTypes packet 117 Contrast enumeration 32 ControlRecordTypes packet 126

DesignVector Object 54 DesignVector packet 54 DIBColors enumeration 33 Drawing Record Types 138 DrawingRecordTypes packet 138


EMF metafile example 236 EmfMetafileHeader packet 132 EmfMetafileHeader Record 132 EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1 packet 133 EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1 Record 133 EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 packet 135 EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 Record 135 EMR_ALPHABLEND packet 84 EMR_ALPHABLEND record 84 EMR_ANGLEARC packet 142 EMR_ANGLEARC Record 142 EMR_ARC packet 143 EMR_ARC Record 143 EMR_ARCTO packet 144 EMR_ARCTO Record 144 EMR_BITBLT example (section 3.2.4 255, section 3.2.6 258) EMR_BITBLT packet 89 EMR_BITBLT Record 89 EMR_CHORD packet 145 EMR_CHORD Record 145

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EMR_POLYDRAW16 Record 161 EMR_POLYGON packet 162 EMR_POLYGON Record 162 EMR_POLYGON16 packet 163 EMR_POLYGON16 Record 163 EMR_POLYLINE packet 164 EMR_POLYLINE Record 164 EMR_POLYLINE16 packet 165 EMR_POLYLINE16 Record 165 EMR_POLYLINETO packet 166 EMR_POLYLINETO Record 166 EMR_POLYLINETO16 packet 167 EMR_POLYLINETO16 Record 167 EMR_POLYPOLYGON packet 168 EMR_POLYPOLYGON Record 168 EMR_POLYPOLYGON16 packet 169 EMR_POLYPOLYGON16 Record 169 EMR_POLYPOLYLINE packet 170 EMR_POLYPOLYLINE Record 170 EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16 packet 171 EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16 Record 171 EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA packet 172 EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA record 172 EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW packet 174 EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW record 174 EMR_RECTANGLE packet 175 EMR_RECTANGLE Record 175 EMR_RESIZEPALETTE packet 199 EMR_RESIZEPALETTE Record 199 EMR_RESTOREDC packet 214 EMR_RESTOREDC Record 214 EMR_ROUNDRECT packet 176 EMR_ROUNDRECT Record 176 EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX packet 214 EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX Record 214 EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX packet 215 EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX Record 215 EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH packet 117 EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH Record 117 EMR_SELECTOBJECT example (section 3.2.3 255, section 3.2.5 257, section 3.2.9 276, section 3.2.12 281, section 3.2.14 285, section 3.2.17 288, section 3.2.18 289, section 3.2.21 290) EMR_SELECTOBJECT packet 200 EMR_SELECTOBJECT Record 200 EMR_SELECTPALETTE packet 200 EMR_SELECTPALETTE Record 200 EMR_SETARCDIRECTION packet 216 EMR_SETARCDIRECTION Record 216 EMR_SETBKCOLOR packet 217 EMR_SETBKCOLOR Record 217 EMR_SETBKMODE example 273 EMR_SETBKMODE packet 217 EMR_SETBKMODE Record 217 EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX packet 218 EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX Record 218 EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT packet 218 EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT Record 218 EMR_SETCOLORSPACE packet 201 EMR_SETCOLORSPACE record 201 EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE packet 101

[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012



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[MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


FamilyType enumeration 35 Fields - vendor-extensible 20 FloodFill enumeration 35 FormatSignature enumeration 35

Glossary 9 GradientFill enumeration 36 GradientRectangle Object 58 GradientRectangle packet 58 GradientTriangle Object 58 GradientTriangle packet 58 GraphicsMode enumeration 36

HatchStyle enumeration 37 Header Object 59 Header packet 59 HeaderExtension1 Object 61 HeaderExtension1 packet 61 HeaderExtension2 Object 61 HeaderExtension2 packet 61

ICMMode enumeration 38 Illuminant enumeration 38 Informative references 16 Introduction 9

Letterform enumeration 39 Localization 20 LogBrushEx Object 62 304 / 305


EscapeRecordTypes packet 179 Examples byte ordering example 235 EMF metafile example 236 EMR_BITBLT example (section 3.2.4 255, section 3.2.6 258) EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT example 254 EMR_DELETEOBJECT example (section 3.2.15 285, section 3.2.19 289, section 3.2.20 290) EMR_EOF example 290 EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW example (section 3.2.8 273, section 3.2.11 278, section 3.2.13 282, section 3.2.16 286) EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW example 277 EMR_HEADER example 251 EMR_SELECTOBJECT example (section 3.2.3 255, section 3.2.5 257, section 3.2.9 276, section 3.2.12 281, section 3.2.14 285, section 3.2.17 288, section 3.2.18 289, section 3.2.21 290) EMR_SETBKMODE example 273 metafile design examples 234 ExtTextOutOptions enumeration 34

MapMode enumeration 40 Metafile design examples 234 Metafile structure 17 MetafileVersion enumeration 41 MidLine enumeration 41 ModifyWorldTransformMode enumeration 42 MR_SETTEXTCOLOR packet 227

Normative references 16

ObjectCreationRecordTypes packet 183 ObjectManipulationRecordTypes packet 195 Objects 52 OpenGLRecordTypes packet 202 Overview (synopsis) 17


Panose Object 73 Panose packet 73 Path Bracket Record Types 205 PathBracketRecordTypes packet 205 PenStyle enumeration 42 PixelFormatDescriptor Object 74 PixelFormatDescriptor packet 74 Point enumeration 44 Point28_4 Object 77 Point28_4 packet 77 PolygonFillMode enumeration 44 Product behavior 293 Proportion enumeration 44

RecordType enumeration 21 References informative 16 normative 16 [MS-EMF] v20120328 Enhanced Metafile Format Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Tracking changes 301 TransformRecordTypes packet 230 TriVertex Object 79 TriVertex packet 79

UniversalFontId Object 79 UniversalFontId packet 79

Vendor-extensible fields 20 Versioning 20

Weight enumeration 50

XForm Object 80 XForm packet 80 XHeight enumeration 51

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LogBrushEx packet 62 LogFont Object 62 LogFont packet 62 LogFontEx Object 65 LogFontEx packet 65 LogFontExDv Object 67 LogFontExDv packet 67 LogFontPanose Object 68 LogFontPanose packet 68 LogPalette Object 70 LogPalette packet 70 LogPaletteEntry Object 70 LogPaletteEntry packet 70 LogPen Object 71 LogPen packet 71 LogPenEx Object 71 LogPenEx packet 71

RegionData Object 77 RegionData packet 77 RegionDataHeader Object 78 RegionDataHeader packet 78 RegionMode enumeration 45 Relationship to other protocols 20

Security 292 SerifType enumeration 46 StateRecordTypes packet 206 StockObject enumeration 47 StretchMode enumeration 49 StrokeVariation enumeration 50 Structures Drawing Record Types 138 enumerations 21 objects 52 overview 21 Path Bracket Record Types 205

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